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Its  History  and  Its  People 




Vol.   II 




>  1 

Trihl  NEW  )u..\i 

R  1919  L 



1  I  D':  N  FOUN'»ATIONS| 

R.    T.    VAN    HORN. 



Robert  Thompson  Van  Plorn,  journalist,  soldier  and  statesman,  was 
born  in  what  is  now  East  Mahoning,  Indiana  county,  Pennsylvania,  May 
19,  1824,  a  son  of  Henry  and  Elizabeth  (Thompson)  Van  Horn.  His 
paternal  grandparents  were  Isaiah  and  Dorcas  (Logan)  Van  Horn,  of  Bucks 
county  and  later  of  Indiana  county,  Pennsylvania,  while  his  maternal  grand- 
parents were  Robert  and  Mary  (Cannon)  Thompson,  of  Ireland.  On  the 
paternal  side  he  is  of  Dutch  descent,  the  first  representative  of  the  family 
in  America,  Jan  Cornelissen  (John,  the  son  of  Cornelius),  having  emigrated 
from  Hoorn,  Holland,  and  settled  at  New  Amsterdam  (New  York)  in  1645. 
One  of  his  descendants,  Christian  Barentsin  Van  Horn,  settled  at  Communi- 
paw.  New  Jersey,  in  1711,  from  which  branch  of  the  family  Colonel  Van 
Horn  is  directlv  descended. 

On  his  mother's  side  he  is  of  Scotch-Irish  ancestry,  his  maternal  grand- 
parents having  come  from  County  Londonderry,  Ireland,  to  America,  land- 
ing at  Philadelphia  in  1789  and  afterward  removing  to  what  is  noAV  Rayne 
township,  Indiana  county,  Pennsylvania. 

His  great-grandfather,  Henry  Van  Horn,  was  captain  of  a  company 
of  Pennsylvania  troops  in  the  Revolutionary  army  and  died  in  the  service, 
while  his  grandfather,  Isaiah  Van  Horn,  served  in  the  same  company  until 
the  end  of  the  war. 

His  father,  who  was  born  in  Bucks  county,  Pennsylvania,  in  1788, 
was  a  farmer  by  occupation  and  passed  away  in  1877.  His  mother,  whose 
life  span  covered  the  years  between  1788  and  1858,  was  a  native  of  Ireland 
and  did  much  by  her  influence  in  shaping  the  active  virtues  of  her  son's 
life.  They  were  married  in  Indiana  county,  Pennsylvania,  in  1814,  and 
Robert  Thompson  wa.s  the  fifth  child  and  second  son  of  the  family  of  seven 
children,  of  whom  four  were  sons. 

Reared  on  the  paternal  farm,  the  educational  opportunities  of  R.  T. 
Van  Horn  were  limited  to  a  few  months'  attendance  during  the  winter  at  a 


subscription  school,  where  he  learned  reading,  writing,  arithmetic  and  a  lit- 
tle geography  but  grannnar  was  not  then  taught  in  schools  of  that  section 
of  Pennsylvania.  At  the  age  of  fifteen  he  Ijecanie  an  apprentice  in  the  office 
of  the  Indiana  (Pa.)  Register,  where  he  remained  for  four  years,  master- 
ing the  i)rinter's  trade  and  at  the  same  time  acquiring,  through  industrious 
reading,  a  generous  store  of  information.  From  1843  to  1855  he  worked  a^ 
a  journeyman  printer  on  newspapers  in  Pennsylvania,  New^  York,  Ohio  and 
Indiana  and  at  intervals  edited  and  published  a  country  journal.  Meanwhile 
he  varied  his  occupation  by  boating  for  a  time  on  the  Erie  canal,  steam- 
boating  during  two  seasons,  as  he  found  employment,  on  the  Ohio,  Wabash 
and  Missi.ssippi  rivers,  and  acting  at  one  time  as  a  clerk  on  a  river  steamer, 
deriving  from  the  latter  position  the  title  of  captain,  which  clung  to  him 
until  his  Civil  war  sen'ice.  During  that  period  he  also  studied  law  in  the 
office  of  William  Ranks,  of  Indiana,  Pennsjdvania,  and  of  Hon.  T.  A. 
Plants,  of  Meigs  county,  Ohio,  with  whom  he  was  engaged  in  legal  practice 
for  a  short  time  and  who,  twenty  years  later,  was  his  fellow  congressman. 

On  July  31,  1855,  he  located  in  City,  Missouri,  where  he  has 
since  resided,  devoting  a  lifetime  of  strenuous  and  successful  effort  to  the 
interests  of  this  city.  The  following  October  he  purchased  the  Enterprise, 
a  small  weekly  ];)a])er  which  had  been  launched  but  a  few  months  before 
and  wa.»  then  on  the  point  of  suspension,  paying  for  the  journal  his  entire 
cash  capital  of  two  hundred  and  fifty  dollars  and  incurring  a  debt  of  like 
amount,  of  which,  however,  he  was  afterward  freely  discharged  by  the 
fctockholders  in  recognition  of  his  ability,  valuable  service  and  fidelity  to 
local  interests.  On  its  fir.<t  anniversary  thereafter  the  paper  was  changed  to 
the  Kansas  City  lournal  and  in  June,  1858,  developed  into  a  daily  paper. 
and  for  three  years  after  purchasing  the  Journal  ]Mr.  Van  Horn  himself 
performed  much  of  the  labor  of  type-setting  and  press  work,  as  well  as  of 
editing.  In  hi>  lunids  the  .Journal  became  the  promoter  of  all  local  enter- 
prises, advocatinti,  tlu-onuh  its  columns  not  only  the  bading  industries  of 
Kansas  City  but  cvci-y  trunk  line  of  railway  now  reaching  the  city  before  a 
locomotive  (-uiic  into  .-iuht.  l^'i^om  the  l^eginniug  it  was  the  moldcr  of  local 
enterprise  and  gave  ins})iration  to  its  activities,  and  it  was  a  recognized 
power  in  attracting  poj)ulation  not  only  to  the  city  but  to  all  the  outlying 
region.  During  the  whole  of  its  existence  it  ha-  b.'cn  the  leading  commercial 
and  political  organ  west  of  St.  Louis.  Elevat(>(l  in  tone  and  sagacious  in  direct- 
ing j>ublic  sentiment  and  jtarty  jiolicy.  it  ha>  Keen  an  ini])ort:uit  factor  in  de- 
veloping; the  wonderful  resource-  of  tlie  new  we-t.  'IMu'ougli  its  columns 
ihc  mind  of  the  editor  was  everywhei'e  manifest  in  editorials  for  the  im- 
provement of  City,  urging  the  citizens  to  build  up  the  center  of 
mountain  ;uiil  pi'nirie  eomiiK  rcc.  mid  every  editorial  was  o]")timistic,  encour- 
aging ;ui<l  .-tiniulatinu  and  entirely  IVce  fi'om  sarcasm  and  ])itterness.  Dur- 
ing the  ]»olitical  cani|iai^n  of  iSdO  and  ))i'ior  thereto  the  Joui-nal  had  been 
a  conservative  democratic  pa]iei-.  oppo.-ed  Id  ilie  extreme  sensational  views 
of  both  the  north  and  th.-  .-outli.  -u|i|>oiiiiio  Mi-.  Douglas  for  the  presidency. 
Upon  tlie  outbreak  of  the  Civil  wai\  however,  it  d':'clared  unqualified  attach- 
ment   to   tlie  T'nion   and    in    JSCl    contended    for   the   reelection    of   Lincoln, 


since  which  time  it  has  been  a  steadfastly  republican  journal.  In  1897 
Colonel  Yan  Horn  retired  after  forty-one  years'  control  of  the  paper,  hav- 
ing directed  its  conduct  even  during  his  long  period  of  congressional  service, 
and  at  the  same  time  wrote  much  of  its  editorial  matter. 

In  1856  an  organization  wa.s  formed,  under  the  name  of  the  Kansas 
City  ^\ssociation  for  Public  Improvement,  of  which  Mr.  Xau  Horn  was  an 
originator  and  which  later  became  the  Chamber  of  Commerce.  Shortly 
afterward  he  was  elected  alderman  and  in  1857  appointed  postmaster  of 
this  city,  serving  as  such  until  the  beginning  of  the  Civil  war. 

In  April,  1861,  when  the  first  blow  was  delivered  against  the  Union, 
Mr.  Yan  Horn,  a  Douglas  democrat,  denounced  the  assault  and  appealed 
to  all  good  citizens  to  aid  in  supporting  the  government.  He  was  selected 
as  the  Union  candidate  for  the  mayoralty  and  elected  by  a  decided  majority 
over  Dr.  G.  M.  B.  Mauglis,  a  secessionist,  which  election  is  significant  in 
that  it  saved  Kansas  City  to  the  Union,  being  the  only  city  in  the  state 
where  a  municipal  election  turned  on  the  great  issue  of  loyalty  to  the  gen- 
eral government.  To  defeat  the  purposes  of  the  Union  municipal  author- 
ities in  Kansas  City  and  elsewhere,  the  Missouri  legislature  dominated  by 
secessionists,  passed  a  bill  divesting  the  mayor  of  power  to  control  the  local 
police  and  vesting  that  power  in  a  board  of  police  commissioners  to  be  ap- 
pointed by  the  governor,  then  Claiborne  F.  Jackson,  at  which  critical 
juncture  Mayor  Van  Horn  displayed  practical  patriotism,  energy  and  cour- 
age. Eepairing  to  St.  Louis,  he  there  met  General  Nathaniel  Lyon  and 
Hon.  Frank  P.  Blair,  to  whom  he  communicated  his  fears  for  the  safety  of 
Kansas  City  and  his  desire  that  its  loss  should  be  averted,  and  in  return  he 
was  assured  that  assistance  would  be  afforded  at  the  earliest  possible  moment. 

A  few  days  later  Kansas  City  was  occupied  by  a  small  force  of  United 
States  troops  from  Fort  Leavenworth,  the  officer  in  command  being  under 
orders  to  recognize  only  Mayor  Van  Horn  in  the  disposition  and  use  of  his 
command.  The  latter,  under  authority  of  the  Avar  department,  then  re- 
cruited what  was  known  as  ''Van  Horn's  Battalion  of  United  States  Reserve 
Corps,"  the  first  organized  Union  force  in  ^lissouri  outside  of  St.  Louis, 
which  was  mustered  into  the  service  of  the  United  States  under  his  com- 
mand. He  then  assumed  charge  of  the  post,  Captain  Prince  and  his  troops 
retiring,  and  from  that  time  until  peace  was  restored  Kansas  City  remained 
in  possession  of  the  Union  forces.  Mayor  Van  Horn  established  a  fortified 
camp,  known  as  Fort  Union,  at  the  southwest  corner  of  Tenth  and  Central 
streets,  and  instituted  a  rigid  guard  system  and  school  for  military  instruc- 
tion. Meanwhile  the  resident  secessionists  sought  to  embarrass  him  but  his 
fertility  of  resource  effected  their  complete  discomfiture.  He  ignored  Gov- 
ernor Jackson's  police  commissioners  and  on  one  occasion,  in  the  exercise 
of  his  own  authority  as  mayor,  quelled  opposition  by  threat  of  using  his  own 
troops  as  a  United  States  officer. 

The  seizure  by  the  Union  troops  of  Kansas  City  on  June  10,  1861, 
only  a  few  hours  before  a  superior  force  of  Secessionists  had  fixed  to  occupy 
it,  has  never  been  realized  as  its  importance  warrants.  This  city  has  ever 
been    a   strategic    point    in   both    commercial    and    military    operations.      Its 


topography  dominates  the  whole  southwest.  It  was  the  objective  of  both 
campaigns  of  General  Sterling  Price  and  had  it  been  occupied  by  his  army 
in  this  incipient  movement,  the  whole  country  south  of  the  Missouri  river, 
if  not  all  of  the  state,  would  have  been  dominated  by  the  Confederate  arms, 
and  Kansas  and  Iowa  the  theater  of  hostile  operations — and  rendering  Fort 
Leavenworth  untenable,  or  in  a  state  of  siege — involving  the  task  of  recon- 
quering Missouri.  Military  men  have  ever  so  recognized  the  absolute  neces- 
sity of  holding  Kansas  City.  And  history  records  the  evidence  that  the 
initiation  and  accomplishment  of  this  vital  action  was  due  to  Colonel  Van 
Horn  as  a  civil  magistrate  and  a  military  commandant.  The  entire  event 
was  unique  as  it  was  important  and  far-reaching  in  its  effect  and  in  its  re- 

On  July  17,  1861,  with  two  companies  of  his  battalion  he  made  an  ex- 
pedition southward  and,  near  Harrisonville,  skirmished  with  the  enemy 
under  Colonel  Duncan,  whom  he  defeated,  losing  one  man  killed,  and  kill- 
ing three  of  the  enemy.  In  command  of  two  companies  of  his  own  bat- 
talion and  two  companies  of  Peabody's  St.  Joseph  Battalion,  he  confronted 
the  army  of  General  Price  in  its  approach  upon  Lexington,  Missouri  (be- 
ing attached  to  Colonel  Mulligan's  command),  September  12,  and  in  that 
aftair.  known  as  "the  fight  in  the  lane,"  and  the  bloodiest  encounter  of  the 
campaign,  the  enemy  was  driven  back  more  than  two  miles,  suffering  con- 
sideraVjle  loss.  AVith  hi^  command  he  was  engaged  during  the  entire  siege 
and  on  tlio  last  day  Avas  severely  wounded.  After  being  exchanged  his 
battalion  was  made  a  part  of  the  Twenty-fifth  Missouri  Infantry  Regiment 
and  he  was  promoted  to  the  lieutenant  colonelcy.  The  regiment  was  then 
a.«signed  to  the  Army  of  the  Tennessee  and,  with  General  B.  M.  Prentiss' 
Division,  took  a  conspicuous  part  in  the  d&sperate  battle  of  Shiloh.  The 
brigade  commander,  Colonel  Peabody,  being  killed,  throughout  the  en- 
gagement Colonel  Van  Horn  commanded  the  regiment,  which  was  part  of 
the  brigade  to  receive  the  first  Confederate  onslaught,  and  had  his  horse 
killed  under  him.  In  the  operations  against  Corintli  he  acted  for  a  time  as 
brigade  coiiiiii;iii(ler  and  when  the  city  was  occupied,  his  regiment,  which 
had  become  proficient  in  engineering,  was  assigned  to  the  duty  of  construct- 
ing Batteries  A  to  F,  carrying  on  the  Avork  under  the  direction  of  the  reg- 
ular engineer  officers.  These  works  were  the  principal  point  of  attack  by 
the  Confederates  the  following  October  and  their  sneees~fnl  defense  gave  the 
vieti'vy  (f»  General  Roseerans. 

ICarly  in  1863  Colonel  \*an  llorn'^  r^oiinent.  greatly  depleted  through 
the  casualties  of  active  service,  was  retnrned  to  Missouri  for  recruiting  pur- 
po.«es  and  later  ordered  to  New  Madrid,  Missouri,  to  open  a  military  road 
throngli  the  New  River  Swamp,  but  the  project  Avas  abandoned  by  order  of 
General  Sdiofield  after  a  personal  reconnoi.ssance  and  adverse  report  by  Colonel 
Van  Horn.  In  July  the  latter  was  assigned  to  duty  as  provost  marshal  on 
the  .staff  of  General  Thomas  Ewing,  commanding  the  District  of  the 
Border,  tlie  assignment  being  made  by  General  Schofield  at  the  urgent  solic- 
itation of  many  citizens  of  Jackson  county,  whose  sympathies  Avere  aroused 
by    needless   suffering   imposed    upon    many   through    the    execution    of   the 


famous  "Order  No..  II."  Intent  upon  the  suppression  of  disloyalty  and 
with  that  faithful  submission  to  superiors  characteristic  of  the  true  soldier, 
he  executed  his  orders  with  firmness,  his  conduct  during  that  distressing 
period  and  in  a  position  of  peculiar  responsibility  being  that  of  which  only 
the  noblest  of  men  could  be  capable.  At  the  same  time  he  mitigated  the 
severity  of  his  orders  to  the  extent  of  his  pow-er,  tempering  his  acts  with  for- 
bearance, consideration  and  sympathy  and  in  many  cases  aiding  with  sub- 
sistence and  assisting  to  new  homes  those  w^ho  had  been  dispossessed. 

Early  in  1864  Colonel  Van  Horn's  regiment  was  consolidated  with 
Colonel  Bissell's  engineer  regiment,  which  necessitated  the  discharge  of  su- 
pernumerary officers,  among  whom  was  Colonel  Van  Horn,  who  was  hon- 
orably mustered  out,  Colonel  Flad,  the  ranking  colonel  as  well  as  a  profes- 
sional engineer,  being  retained  in  service. 

Doiring  the  Price  raid  in  October,  1864,  Colonel  Van  Horn,  then  mayor 
of  Kansas  City,  was  charged  by  General  Curtis  with  the  organization  of  the 
militia  and  the  construction  of  city  fortifications  and  devoted  himself  ardu- 
ously to  his  duties.  As  volunteer  aide  to  General  Curtis  he  witnessed  the 
battle  of  Westport  and  the  defeat  of  the  Confederate  forces. 

In  political  life  Colonel  Van  Horn  devoted  all  his  energies  to  advanc- 
ing the  interests  of  Kansas  City  and  the  region  tributary  thereto.  In  1862, 
while  with  his  regiment  in  the  field,  he  was  elected  to  the  state  senate  and 
in  the  session  of  the  following  January  was  one  of  the  seven  members  who 
effected  the  election  of  John  B.  Henderson  to  the  United  States  senate, 
which  event  was  a  potent  factor  in  the  conduct  of  Missouri  politics  for  years 
afterward.  In  the  session  of  1864-5  he  had  charge  of  the  bill  providing  for 
the  completion  of  the  IMissouri  Pacific  Railway  to  Kansas  City,  the  first 
railway  to  reach  this  city,  and  with  the  aid  of  M.  J.  Payne  and  E.  M. 
McGee,  who  urged  the  measure  in  the  house,  success  was  attained.  In  1864 
he  was  elected  to  congress  from  the  eighth  Missouri  district,  serving  in  the 
thirty-ninth,  fortieth  and  forty-first  congresses  (1865-71)  and  in  the  forty- 
seventh  and  fifty-fourth  congresses  (1881-3  and  1895-7).  He  officiated  in 
congress  as  chairman  of  the  house  committee  of  the  joint  committee  on 
printing,  on  the  committees  of  Indian  affairs  and  on  Pacific  railroads,  as 
well  as  various  other  important  committees,  and  was  always  known  as  an 
active  and  vigilant  member.  He  was  untiring  in  his  efforts  to  secure  the 
passage  of  measures  of  importance  to  the  growing  west  as  well  as  those  of 
national  interest:  introduced  bills  for  the  improvement  of  western  rivers, 
the  consolidation  of  Indian  tribes,  the  first  railroad  bridge  across  the  Mis- 
souri river  at  Kansas  Citv  and  the  first  bill  for  the  organization  of  Okla- 
homa  Territory;  and  was  also  personally  influential  in  effecting  a  treaty 
with  the  tribes  in  the  Indian  Territory  by  which  the  first  railroad  was 
granted  the  right  of  way  through  that  section.  He  aided  in  securing  the 
legislation  providing  for  the  building  of  the  Kansas  City,  Fort  Scott  &  Gulf 
Railway  and  enabled  the  company  to  secure  the  neutral  lands,  now  the 
counties  of  Crawford  and  Cherokee,  Kansas,  in  aid  of  construction:  and  also 
secured  the  passage  in  the  house  of  representatives  of  the  bridge  charter  of 
the  Chicago,  Milwaukee  &  St.  Paul  Railroad. 


Colonel  Van  Horn  supplemented  his  sei-vice  as  a  public  official  with 
per.?istent  and  vigorous  effort  through  his  newspaper  and  in  attending  con- 
ventions and  legislative  gatherings  where  the  interests  of  Kansas  City  could 
be  at  all  furthered.  His  knowledge  of  western  affairs  was  such  that  his 
party  in  Missouri,  and  by  unanimous  endorsement  of  the  legislature  of  Kan- 
sas, combined  in  vigorously  urging  his  appointment  as  secretary  of  the  in- 
terior under  President  Hayes.  From  1875  to  1881  he  was  collector  uf 
internal  revenue  of  the  sixth  district  of  Missouri.  Always  accorded  great 
skill  and  sagacity  as  a  politician,  Colonel  Van  Horn  has  been  a  valued  mem- 
ber of  many  national  and  state  committees  and  conventions  and  served  as 
a  delegate  to  the  republican  national  convention  of  1864,  18G8,  1872,  1876, 
1880  and  1884.  being  one  of  the  ''308"  voting  for  General  Grant  in  the  con- 
vention of  1880.  He  also  served  twice  as  a  member  of  the  national  republican 
committee  and  as  chairman  of  the  republican  state  committee  of  Missouri. 

He  was  one  of  the  organizers  of  the  Kansas  City  Academy  of  Science 
in  1877  and  its  president  for  many  years.  His  interest  in  scientific  subjects 
led  him  to  warmly  advocate,  through  his  paper  the  establishment  of  a  man- 
ual training  school  and  the  present  excellent  institution  of  Kansas  City 
probably  owes  its  existence  more  to  the  sentiment  created  by  his  utterances 
than  to  any  other  agency. 

As  a  writer  Colonel  Van  Horn  was  always  lucid  and  vigorous.  Affect- 
ing none  of  the  arts  of  the  polished  writer,  his  sentences  are  models  of  clear, 
easily  understood  and  grammatical  English,  characterized  by  an  expression 
peculiar  to  the  deep  and  logical  thinker,  absolutely  sincere  and  fearless. 
For  many  years  preceding  his  retirement  from  journalism  he  wrote  a  Sun- 
day article  embodying  philosophical  reflections  upon  topics  of  current  in- 
terest, which  frequently  verged,  upon  the  metaphysical  and  were  at  times 
daring  in  their  adroit  indictment  of  mental  faults  and  moral  offenses.  Al- 
ways (loliglitfully  readable,  they  attracted  such  wide  attention  that  com- 
petent critic.-,  including  some  who  could  not  approve  all  the  conclusions  of 
the  writer,  urged  their  publication  in  book  form.  For  some  years  past  he 
has  written  but  little  except  in  the  way  of  occasional  encomium  upon  some 
well  regarded  pioneer  who  has  passed  awaj^,  such  writings  including  a  tribute 
to  the  memory  of  Colonel  M.  J.  Payne,  read  before  the  Kansas  City  His- 
torical Society.  Perhaps  his  latest  work  of  peculiar  local  interest  is  his 
article  on  "  Border  Troubles"  written  for  the  Encyclopedia 
of  the  Hi.-tory  of  Missouri. 

Colonel  Van  Horn  is  recognized  as  a  man  of  distinguished  literary 
attainments  and  superior  mind  and  stands  foremost  among  the  many  able 
and  energetic  ni.'n  engaged  in  the  making  of  City.  Every  stc])  taken 
for  the  aihanccnicnt  of  the  citN'  wa-  in  the  face  of  almost  insuperable  ob- 
stacles and  all  that  was  accomplished  for  it  was  ])nrcly  through  undismayed 
hopefulness  and  unconquerable  determination,  and  among  those  who  di.s- 
played  these  attributes  in  their  perfection  was  Colonel  ^'an  Horn.  During 
his  forty-one  years'  service  as  editor,  in  the  legislature  and  in  congress,  and 
unceasingly  in  his  personal  effort  as  a  jirivate  citizen,  hi-  life  work  has  been 
for  the  upbuilding  of  Kansas  City. 


A  type  of  manhood  that  ha,s  made  it  possible  for  the  people  of  this 
country  to  enjoy  in  the  fullest  measure  the  richness  of  this  life  which  is 
their  inheritance,  for  more  than  forty  years  he  has  stood  as  the  embodiment 
of  that  kind  of  energy  which  has  made  the  name  of  Kansas  City  a  synonym 
for  enterprise,  intelligently  and  honestly  directed,  in  all  sections  of  the 
United  States.  He  is  distingxiished  as  having  been  the  moving  spirit  among 
a  coterie  of  men  of  rcmarkaljle  practical  sagacity,  in  knowing  how  to  seize 
upon  opportunities  that  would  command  and  hold  the  avenues  of  commerce 
from  the  Lakes  to  Galveston  and  to  determine  in  advance  what  should  be 
the  gateway  between  the  Mississippi  valley  and  the  Pacific. 

The  preparation  he  received  educationally  to  play  the  part  in  life  in 
which  he  was  destined  to  become  a  most  conspicuous  actor  was  most  meager. 
Complimented  on  his  wide  and  scholarly  reading  and  the  firm  grasp  he 
had  on  scientific  and  philosophic  subjects  and  his  comprehensive  knowledge 
of  public  men  and  national  affairs,  he  took  from  a  library  shelf  three  small 
books — a  "United  States  Spelling  Book,"  ''Introduction  to  the  English 
Reader,"  and  old  arithmetic,  "The  Western  Calculator."  "These,"  he  said, 
"were  the  sources  of  my  information.  I  studied  them  in  the  winter  when 
the  weather  was  too  bad  to  work  out  of  doors."  His  ethical  training  con- 
sisted chiefly  of  the  shorter  catechism  of  the  Presbyterian  church,  of  which 
his  grandfathers,  father  and  brother  were  elders.  How  well  his  contact  with 
different  types  of  men  with  whom  he  mingled  had  prepared  him  as  a  torch- 
bearer  for  the  forefront  of  this  western  procession,  is  not  now  a  question  of 
speculation  but  one  of  deeds  accomplished. 

In  his  personal  character  Colonel  Van  Horn  is  modest  in  the  extreme, 
readily  yielding  to  others  more  credit  for  accomplished  results  than  he 
cares  to  have  ascribed  to  himself.  A  deep  student  of  books,  a  close  observer 
of  events  and  a  rare  judge  of  men,  through  a  long  and  eventful  life  in  which 
he  has  met  in  familiar  contact  the  greatest  actors  in  a  wondrous  era,  he  is 
a  rarely  entertaining  conversationalist,  uniting  in  his  discourse  the  knowl- 
edge of  the  historian,  the  wise  discrimination  of  the  critic  and  the  well- 
tempered  judgment  of  the  philosopher.  Owing  to  his  true  friendship  in 
which  confidence  is  never  lost  or  debased,  his  name  is  deeply  engraved  on 
the  hearts  of  thousands  of  men  and  women  who  knew  him  in  the  early 
struggles,  trials  and  triumphs  of  Kansas  City  and  he  is  esteemed  by  all  who 
know  him  as  an  honest,  sympathetic  and  public-spirited  citizen.  His  every- 
day life  is  simple,  unpretending  and  democratic,  bringing  him  in  close  touch 
with  all  classes,  whose  thoughts,  feelings  and  aspirations  he  understands 
far  better  than  those  who  stand  aloof. 

A  statesman,  philosopher,  scholar  and  thinker,  his  mind  which  was 
trained  by  a  long  and  powerful  system  of  analysis,  so  that  it  worked  with 
the  precision  of  a  splendid  piece  of  machinery,  moves  in  an  ever-widening 
circle  of  knowledge.  Indissolubly  connected  with  Kansas  City,  its  rise, 
progress  and  destiny,  is  the  name  of  Colonel  Van  Horn,  whose  public 
services  and  private  virtues  belong  to  this  nation  as  one  of  its  great  historic 
characters.  And  by  universal  sanction  Kansas  City  has  conferred  on  him 
the  title  of  "First  Citizen." 


At  Pomeroy,  Ohio,  on  December  2,  1848,  he  married  Adela  H., 
daughter  of  Caleb  and  Matilda  (Buckingham)  Cooley,  of  Meigs  county, 
Ohio.  They  had  four  children:  Caleb  Henry,  who  died  at  the  age  of  eight; 
Charles  C,  who  died  in  his  twentieth  year;  Robert  C,  also  deceased,  who 
served  as  assistant  under  Postniaster.  Theodore  S.  Case  and  at  the  time  of 
his  death,  which  occurred  when  he  was  thirty-five  years  of  age,  was  a  stock- 
holder in  the  Kansas  City  Journal  and  actively  engaged  on  that  paper;  and 
Dick  Y'dn  Horn,  born  November  15,  1851,  who  for  thirteen  years  was  a 
member  of  the  staff  of  the  Kansas  City  Journal. 


Charles  S.  Keith,  who  since  1907  ha^  been  president  and  general  man- 
ager of  the  Central  Coal  &  Coke  Company,  the  largest  concern  of  the  kind 
in  the  southwest,  was  born  in  Kansas  City,  January  28,  1873.  The  family  is 
of  Scotch  lineage  and  the  progenitor  of  the  American  branch  came  from 
Scotland  in  1642.  His  father,  Richard  H.  Keith,  a  native  of  Lexington, 
Missouri,  became  a  resident  of  Kansas  City  in  1871  and  established  business, 
which  is  now  conducted  under  the  name  of  the  Central  Coal  &  Coke  Com- 
pany and  in  which  connection  he  became  one  of  the  most  prominent  business 
men  of  this  section  of  the  country,  controlling  mammoth  interests  in  both 
lumber  and  coal.  As  stated,  he  was  a  native  of  Lexington,  born  in  1842. 
The  early  American  ancestors  lived  in  Virginia,  while  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Smith 
Keith,  j)arents  of  Richard  H.  Keith,  removed  from  the  Old  Dominion  to 
Missouri  in  1889.  Reared  in  this  state,  Richard  H.  Keith  attended  the  old 
Masonic  College  at  Lexington  until  his  seventeenth  year,  when  he  made  his 
entrance  into  the  business  world  as  deputy  clerk  in  the  circuit  and  probate 
courts  and  recorder  of  deeds  in  Lafayette  county.  He  was  eighteen  years 
of  age  when  he  enlisted  as  a  private  under  Colonel  John  Bowman  of  the 
State  rJuai-ds.  He  saw  active  service  in  behalf  of  the  Confederacy  in  various 
engagements,  including  those  at  Lexington,  Oak  Hill  and  Pea  Ridge.  Later 
he  went  to  Memphis,  Tennessee,  where  he  joined  the  Landis  battery  of  ar- 
tillery, wilh  which  he  j)arlicipated  in  the  first  and  second  battles  at  Cor- 
inth and  also  the  battles  of  luka,  Hatchie  River,  Grand  Gulf,  Fort  Gibson, 
Champion  Hills,  Black  River  and  the  siege  of  Vicksburg.  Refusing  a  parole 
at  \'ick.-l)ing,  he  was  sent  as  a  prisoner  of  war  to  Camp  Morton.  Indianapolis, 
from   which   ])lace  he  later  made  his  escape. 

Mr.  Keith  then  went  to  California  and  afterward  was  connected  with 
trading  interests  in  Leavenworth,  Kansas,  and  New  Mexico  for  two  years 
and  also  conducted  a  dry  goods  store  in  the  former  place  for  a  year.  As 
stated,  he  became  a  resident  of  Kansas  City  in  1871  and  invested  his  entire 
capital  of  forty  dollars  in  the  establishment  of  a  little  coalyard  on  Bluff  street. 
Kansas  City  then  had  but  little  industrial  or  commercial  importance  and  han- 
dled not  more  than  thirty  or  forty  carloads  of  coal  per  day.  Mr.  Keith  lived  to 
witness  the  growth  of  the  city  and  its  business  development  \mtil  between 

R.    H.    KEITH. 




three  hundred  and  fifty  or  four  hundred  car  loads  of  coal  are  handled  daily 
liere.  He  conducted  his  retail  business  for  several  yeans  and  eventually  be- 
came one  of  the  most  prominent  and  successful  retail  coal  dealers  of  the 
country  as  the  president  of  the  Central  Coal  &  Coke  Company.  Constantly 
watchful  of  opportunities  for  expanding  his  business,  in  1878,  he  opened  his 
iirst  mine  at  Godfrey,  Bourbon  county,  Kansas,  and  in  the  succeeding  two 
years  opened  other  mines  at  Rich  Hill,  while  eventually  he  became  the 
owner  of  extensive  and  valuable  coal  lands  in  the  Bonanza  district  of  Ar- 
kansas. The  increase  of  his  Inisiness  led  to  the  organization  of  the  Central 
Coal  iSc  Coke  Company,  which  now  owns  coal  bearing  lands  that  produce  four 
million  tons  of  coal  annually.  Something  of  the  growth  of  the  business 
is  indicated  in  the  fact  that  when  Colonel  Keith  oi)cned  his  little  coalyard 
on  liluff  street  he  employed  but  two  or  three  men  and  ere  his  death  the 
employes  of  the  Central  Coal  &  Coke  Company  numbered  about  ten  thou- 
sand, while  its  output  amounted  to  one  hundred  and  twenty  thousand  cars 
and  its  business  reached  the  sum  of  seven  million  dollars  yearly,  mining 
coal  in  Kansas,  Missouri,  Indian  Territory,  Arkansas  and  Wyoming.  The 
interests  of  the  company  were  constantly  expanded  and  in  connection  with 
the  operation  of  the  coal  fields  and  the  marketing  of  the  products  the  com- 
pany also  established  and  controlled  ere  the  death  of  Colonel  Keith  twenty- 
five  stores,  handling  goods  to  the  value  of  three  million  dollars.  Retail 
coalyards  and  offices  were  also  established  at  Wichita,  Kansas,  St.  Joseph, 
Missouri,  Omaha,  Nebraska,  and  Salt  Lake  City,  while  the  products  are 
widely  shipped  throughout  the  entire  west  and  south,  the  business  of  the 
company  exceeding  that  of  any  other  firm  in  the  western  states. 

The  Keith  &  Perry  Coal  Company  was  reorganized  as  the  Central  Coal 
A:  Coke  Company,  May  1,  1893.  Previous  to  this  time  the  company  had 
dealt  in  lumber  on  a  small  scale  in  connection  with  the  coal  business  but 
THuler  new  management  the  lumber  enterprise  developed  rapidly,  so  that 
the  company  in  this  connection  soon  gained  recognition  among  the  most 
prominent  lumber  manufacturers  and  dealers  west  of  the  Mississippi.  The 
property  of  the  Bowie  Lumber  Company  of  Texarkana,  Texas,  was  pur- 
chased, including  twenty-five  acres  within  the  corporation  limits  of  that  city, 
and  the  plant  was  reconstructed  along  most  modern  lines  and  equipped  Avith 
the  latest  improved  machinery.  The  Central  Coal  &  Coke  Company  began 
its  actual  operations  in  lumber  mannfacture  in  January,  1894,  and  the  plant 
at  Texarkana  was  in  operation  until  the  summer  of  1902,  when  it  was 
torn  down  and  removed  to  Carson,  Louisiana,  owing  to  the  exhaustion  of 
the  timber  supply  of  the  company  at  the  former  place.  At  Carson  the  com- 
pany's mills  cut  about  five  million  feet  of  lumber  per  month  and  shipments 
to  and  from  the  mills  were  made  over  the  Missouri  &  Louisiana  Railroad, 
fifty-one  miles  in  length — a  road  practically  owned  by  the  Central  Coal  & 
Coke  Company.  With  the  continued  growth  of  the  business  a  second  saw- 
mill ]ilant  was  erected  at  Keith,  Louisiana,  on  the  Kansas  City  Southern 
Railway,  and  daily  converts  one  hundred  and  forty  thousand  feet  of  logs 
into  lumber.     Mr.  Keith  was  also  interested  in  one  hundred  and  sixty-five 


thousand  acres  of  jiiiic  lands  in  Houston  county,  Texas,  lying  between  the 
Cotton  Beh  and  the  International  A:  Gvea.t  Northern  Railway.  The  business 
at  that  })uint  was  organized  under  separate  incorporation  as  the  Louisiana 
cV:  Texa>  huinber  Company.  A  mill  plant  was  erected  at  Kennard,  Texas, 
witli  a  cajiacity  of  three  hundred  thousand  feet  per  day,  this  being  the  larg- 
e.-;t  mill  in  the  south.  Mr.  Keith  became  [n'osident  of  the  company,  with 
Charles  Campbell  as  treasurer  and  secretary.  The  product  of  the  Louisiana 
&  Texas  Lumber  Company's  plant,  however,  was  handled  by  the  Central 
Coal  &  Coke  Company.  ]\lr.  Keith  stood  pre-eminent  as  a  central  figure  in 
lumber  and  coal  circles,  possessing  superior  ability  that  enabled  him  to  for- 
nndalc  large  ])lans  and  carry  them  forward  to  successful  completion,  con- 
trolling not  only  the  salient  features  of  the  business  but  also  giving  super- 
\i.<ion  to  the  slightest  detail.  His  l)usiness  methods  were  always  in  strict 
conformity  to  a  hiuh  standard  of  commercial  ethics  and  thus  won  for  him 
the  admiration  and  respect  of  his  business  colleagues  and  associates.  He 
was  a  Catholic  in  religious  faith,  a  republican  in  his  political  views  and  a 
i\Iason  in  his  social  relations.  He  was  also  a  brigadier  general  of  the  Con- 
federate Veterans'  Association  of  Kansas  City. 

Mr.  Keith  was  first  married  in  1871  to  ]Mi.-s  Anna  Boorman  and  their 
children  were:  Charles  S.,  of  this  review:  Dr.  Robert  L.  Keith;  and  Mrs. 
C.  W.  Hastings.  l'^)r  his  second  wife  Mr.  Keitli  chose  Miss  Mary  B.  Boor- 
man,  liv  whom  he  had  the  following  children:  INIrs.  A.  K.  Taylor,  R.  H. 
Keith.  .Ir.,  Mrs.  Freeman  Field,  Anna  Keith  and  Mary  Taylor  Keith. 

Charles  S.  Keith  supplemented  his  early  educational  privileges  by  study 
in  St.  .Tohn's  College  at  Fordham,  New  York  city,  and  was  graduated  in 
1891  with  the  degree  of  Bachelor  of  Science.  In  .Tuly  of  the  same  year  he 
entered  the  offk'e  of  the  Central  Coal  &  Coke  Company  as  bookkeeper  and 
has  throughout  liis  entire  business  career  been  connected  with  this  enterprise. 
He  acquainted  himself  in  principle  and  detail,  closely  studied  the  trade  and 
in  .July.  1007,  b3came  the  president  and  general  manager  of  what  is  now 
the  largest  coal  and  lumber  enterprise  of  the  southwest.  He  occupies  a  posi- 
tion in  linsiness  circles  not  alone  by  reason  of  the  success  he  has  achieved  but 
al.-o  on  acconnt  of  the  straightforward  business  methods  he  has  ever  followed. 
It  is  trne  that  lie  entered  upon  a  business  already  established  and  upon  a 
paying  basis  but  as  general  manager  he  has  enlarged  and  extended  its  scope, 
liis  record  proving  conclusively  that  success  is  not  a  matter  of  genius,  as 
lu'ld  ])y  some,  but  results  from  clear  judgment,  experience  and  unwearied 
industry.  He  is  also  popular  in  the  city  where  his  entire  life  has  been 
passed,  having  won  an  extensive  circle  of  warm  friends. 


In  that  period  of  Kansas  City's  history  when  lu^r  mercantile  establish- 
ments were  but  entering  uf)on  a  pioneer  existence,  Januv  P.  Kenmuir  became 
a  factor  in  commercial  circles.  Ho  arrived  in  the  city  in  1S78,  and  through- 
out hi-  remaining  days  was  closely  a.ssociated  with  the  jewelry  trade.     In  an 


analyzation  of  his  life  work  there  can  be  placed  but  one  interpretation  upon 
his  success,  and  that  is  that  it  resulted  from  merit  and  ability.  He  had  no 
special  advantages  at  the  outset  of  his  career  other  than  the  American  youth 
usually  enjoys,  but  he  possessed  a  determined  spirit,  combined  with  high 
ideals  in  business  that  won  for  him  an  honored  name  as  well  as  a  comfortable 

Mr.  Kenmuir  was  a  native  of  Balany  Hindi,  Ireland,  where  his  birth 
occurred  in  March,  1838.  His  parents  were  also  natives  of  the  Emerald  Isle, 
where  they  passed  their  entire  lives.  The  father  was  also  a  watchmaker  by 
trade,  and  continued  in  that  line  of  activity  throughout  his  entire  business 
career.  One  of  the  sons  of  the  family,  John  Kenmuir,  came  to  America  in 
early  life  and  settled  in  Leavenworth,  Kansas,  where  he  engaged  in  the 
jewelry  and  watchmaking  business  for  several  years.  He  then  removed  to 
St.  Joseph,  Missouri,  and  became  a  leading  jeweler  of  that  city,  conducting 
an  extensive  business,  which  brought  him  gratifying  prosperity. 

The  common  schools  of  Ireland  afforded  James  P.  Kenmuir  the  educa- 
tional advantages  which  qualified  him  for  life's  practical  and  responsible 
duties,  and  his  business  training  was  received  under  the  direction  of  his 
father,  in  whose  establishment  he  learned  the  jewelry  and  watchmaking 
trades.  After  continuing  with  his  father  in  Ireland  for  several  years,  the  fact 
of  his  brother's  success  in  America  induced  him  to  seek  a  home  beyond  the 
water,  and  when  he  had  reached  the  eastern  coast  he  tarried  not  until  he  had 
reached  Leavenworth,  Kansas,  where  he  entered  into  partnership  with  his 
brother.  He  was  connected  with  the  business  interests  of  that  city  until  1873, 
when  he  removed  to  Kansas  City.  Here  he  began  work  at  his  trade  with 
the  we.ll  known  jewelry  firm  of  Cady  &  Olmstead,  but  after  a  brief  period 
engaged  in  business  on  his  own  account,  opening  a  store  on  Main  street, 
between  Seventh  and  Eighth  streets.  His  business  soon  increased  and  necessi- 
tated his  securing  larger  quarters,  so  that  he  removed  to  Ninth  street,  between 
Main  and  Walnut  streets.  The  gradual  growth  of  his  business  continued 
and  he  finally  opened  his  store  in  larger  rooms  on  Tenth  street,  between 
Main  and  Walnut  streets,  where  he  continued  in  the  jewelry  and  watchmak- 
ing business  for  many  years.  He  prospered  in  his  undertakings,  for  in  his 
business  methods  he  displayed  marked  energy,  careful  systemization,  strong 
purpose  and  unswerving  commercial  integrity.  At  length  he  sold  out  and 
lived  retired  in  Kansas  City  throughout  his  remaining  days,  enjoying  well 
merited  rest. 

Mr.  Kenmuir  was  married  in  1876,  in  this  city,  to  Miss  Celia  H.  Rowlett, 
a  native  of  Bath,  Steuben  county.  New  York,'  and  a  daughter  of  James  and 
Mary  A.  (Mitchell)  Rowlett.  Her  father  was  a  native  of  Ireland  and  came 
to  America  in  an  early  day.  He  joined  the  Presbyterian  ministry,  and  in 
that  capacity  was  called  to  various  Presbyterian  churches  in  the  east,  devoting 
his  remaining  days  to  the  work  of  proclaiming  the  gospel.  Both  he  and  his 
w^ife  were  residents  of  Steuben  county,  New  York, when  called  to  their  final 
rest.  Unto  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kenmuir  were  born  two  daughters  and  a  son. 
Mabel,  the  eldest,  is  the  wife  of  Professor  Walter  H.  Fickland,  who  was  a 
teacher  in  the  Central  high  school  of  Kansas  City  for  several  years,  and  they 


now  reside  in  Littleton,  Colorado,  where  he  is  business  manager  for  Miss 
AVolcott's  schools.  Charles  E.  Kenmnir,  one  of  the  leading  young  business 
men  of  Kansas  City,  is  now  teller  of  the  Fidelity  Trust  Company  Bank.  He 
has  recently  married  ]\Ii.>s  ]\Iira  Green  and  they  reside  at  No.  20  Clinton 
place.  Nellie,  who  completes  the  family,  is  at  home  with  her  mother,  and 
they  occupy  a  handsome  and  attractive  residence  at  No.  132  Spruce  avenue, 
which  was  erected  by  Mrs.  Kenmuir  in  September,  1905. 

In  the  early  days  of  their  residence  here  Mr.  Kenmuir  erected  a  home  at 
No.  917  Troost  avenue,  where  he  and  his  family  lived  for  a  quarter  of  a  cen- 
tury. The  death  of  the  husband  and  father  occurred  September  9,  1902,  and 
the  news  of  his  demise  carried  grief  and  regret  to  many  friends.  His  political 
allegiance  was  given  to  the  republican  party,  for  he  firmly  believed  that  its 
principles  were  most  conducive  to  good  government  and  the  welfare  of  the 
people.  He  was  never  an  office  seeker,  but  in  the  early  days  made  official 
observations  and  reports  upon  the  weather  and  river,  continuing  in  that  service 
until  the  work  was  put  in  control  of  the  army.  In  Ireland  he  was  a  member 
of  the  Masonic  fraternity  but  united  with  no  societies  or  secret  organizations 
in  this  country.  His  attention  was  largely  given  to  the  development  of  his 
business,  which,  successfully  controlled,  made  him  one  of  the  prosperous 
residents  here.  It  was  not  his  success,  however,  but  his  honorable  busine,ss 
principles  that  gained  him  the  entire  respect  and  confidence  of  his  colleagues 
and  his  contemporaries,  while  the  many  commendal)le  traits  of  his  character, 
as  manifest  in  his  kindliness,  his  consideration  and  his  deference  for  the 
o])inions  of  others,  won  for  him  the  warmest  esteem  of  all  with  whom  he  was 
associated.  It  is  not  from  the  few  conspicuous  deeds  of  life  that  the  blessings 
chiefly  come  which  make  the  world  better,  sweeter,  happier,  but  from  the 
countless  lowly  ministrations  of  the  everydays,  the  little  faithfulnesses  that 
fill  long  years,  and  in  this  way  Mr.  Kenmuir  contributed  much  to  the  happi- 
ness of  those  around  him. 



ill  \';iii  Clicf  Karnes  was  Ixirn  on  a  farm  in  Boone  county,  Mis- 
souri, February  11.  1841.  His  parents,  Thomas  and  Elizabeth  (Payne) 
Karnes,  came  to  this  state  from  Virginia  in  1835.  The  former  was  of  Ger- 
man lineage  and  the  latter  of  English  and  Dutch  descent. 

Joseph  Van  Clicf  Karnes,  the  youngest  of  a  family  of  four  brothers, 
attended  the  coniiti-y  .<cliool.<  continuously  between  his  fifth  and  twelfth 
years  and  then  devoted  four  years  to  farm  life.  He  entered  the  then  pri'- 
paratory  cDur-c  in  the  Missouri  State  University  in  1857  and,  completing 
the  academic  course  was  graduated  in  1862,  with  the  degree  of  Bachelor  of 
Arts,  liis  ])ciiig  the  higlic.-t  standing  among  all  the  students  of  the  university 
during  the  entire  five  years.  Immediately  after  graduation  Mr.  Karnes  en- 
tered the  law  .school  of  Harvard  Univer.^ity,  but  left  during  his  first  year  to 
acce])t  a  Greek  and  Latin  tutorship  in  the  Missouri  State  University.     His 

J.    V.    C.    KARNES. 





fondness  for  languages  has  kept  his  Greek  and  Latin  fresh  to  the  present 
time.  He  left  the  State  University  in  1865  with  the  degree  of  Master  of 
Arts.  During  his  tutorship  he  was  a  student  in  the  law  office  of  Hon. 
Boyle  Gordon,  of  Columbia,  with  Henry  N.  Ess,  then  a  tutor  of  mathematics 
in  the  university.  In  August,  1865,  they  came  to  Kansas  City  and  opened 
an  office  under  the  name  of  Karnes  &  Ess.  The  partnership  continued  for 
twenty-one  years.  Mr.  Karnes  is  now  the  senior  partner  of  the  law  firm  of 
Karnes,  New  &  Krauthoff.  When  he  arrived  in  Kansas  City  it  contained  a 
population  of  only  six  thousand. 

In  addressing  young  men  upoil  the  subject  of  how  to  succeed  in  law, 
Mr.  Karnes  has  said,  "Be  a  gentleman;  it  pays  nowhere  better  than  in  the 
law.  .  .  .  Take  advantage  of  no  man's  situation  to  extort  from  him  un- 
duly large  fees.  ...  Be  honest,  both  with  the  court  and  with  the  jury." 
The  advice  which  he  has  thus  given  to  others  he  has  always  followed  in  his 
own  practice,  and  therein,  in  large  measure,  lies  the  secret  of  his  success.  It 
is  his  theory  of  the  law  that  the  counsel  who  practice  are  to  aid  the  court 
in  the  administration  of  justice  and  there  has  been  no  member  of  the  pro- 
fession who  has  been  more  careful  to  conform  his  practice  to  a  high  standard 
of  professional  ethics  than  he  has.  He  has  never  sought  to  lead  the  court 
astray  in  a  matter  of  fact  or  law;  has  ever  treated  the  court  with  the  studied 
courtesy  which  is  its  due  and  indulged  in  no  harsh  criticisms  because  it 
arrived  at  a  conclusion  in  the  decision  of  a  case  different  from  what  he  hoped 
to  hear.  Calm,  dignified,  self-controlled,  free  from  passion  or  prejudice  and 
with  the  most  kindly  spirit,  he  gives  to  his  client  the  service  of  great  talent, 
unwearied  industry  and  rare  learning,  but  he  never  forgets  that  there  are 
certain  things  due  to  the  court,  to  his  own  self-respect,  and  above  all  to 
justice  and  the  righteous  administration  of  the  law  that  neither  the  zeal 
of  an  advocate  nor  the  pleasure  of  success  permits  him  to  disregard.  He  is 
an  able,  faithful  and  conscientious  minister  in  the  temple  of  justice.  He 
has  been  connected  with  much  important  litigation  and  has  won  many  hon- 
orable victories. 

In  his  bovhood  days  Mr.  Karnes  became  an  anti-slaverv  advocate, 
although  living  in  a  slave-holding  community  and  his  father  to  a  limited 
extent  a  slave-owner.  He  became  a  stanch  supporter  of  the  republican 
party  and  was  nominated  for  the  supreme  bench  in  1880,  but  was  defeated 
with  the  remainder  of  the  ticket  owing  to  the  strong  democratic  majority  in 
Missouri.  His  devotion  to  the  general  good  has  been  manifest  in  manj'- 
tangible  ways.  He  served  for  twenty  years  on  the  school  board  of  Kansas 
City  without  pay  and  aided  in  securing  much  needed  legislation  and  in 
placing  the  schools  upon  an  excellent  foundation.  No  one  was  more  active 
or  instrumental  in  founding  the  public  library  and  he  served  for  many 
years  on  the  library  committee  of  the  board.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Com- 
mercial Club  and  has  been  chairman  of  the  committee  on  municipal  legis- 
lation, and  was  one  of  the  freeholders  who  framed  the  present  city  charter. 
He  assisted  in  organizing  the  Kansas  City  Bar  Association  and  was  its  presi- 
dent for  three  consecutive  terms.  He  was  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Kansas 
City  Law  Library  Association   and  for  several  years  was  its  president.     He 


•was  one  of  the  organizers  of  the  Provident  Association,  drafted  its  charter, 
and  gave  much  thought  to  the  furtherance  of  the  cause.  He  has  been  a 
prominent  and  effective  advocate  of  the  park  and  boulevard  sj^stem  and  has 
served  as  a  member  of  the  park  board,  and  he  is  now  chairman  of  the  tene- 
ment commission.  His  services  are  freelj'  given  to  the  city  wherever  he  feels 
that  he  can  aid  in  advancing  its  material,  intellectual,  social  and  moral  prog- 
ress, but  always  without  compensation. 

In  Octol)er,  1903 ,  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Laws  wa.s  conferred  upon 
Mr.  Karnes  by  the  Missouri  University.  On  the  27th  of  January  of  that 
year  he  had  been  made  an  honorary  member  of  the  Commercial  Club.  His 
fellow  citizc]is  recognize  in  him  a  man  of  scholarly  attainments,  of  superior 
ability  in  hi-  profession,  of  marked  public  spirit  and  untiring  devotion  to 
the  general  good.  His  success  has  been  great  but  his  liberality  has  made  his 
fortune  only  moderate.  There  are  few  men  who  have  the  strict  sense  of 
honor  in  regard  to  professional  service  that  has  always  characterized  Mr. 
Karnes  in  his  practice  and  has  made  him  one  of  the  most  respected,  as  well 
as  one  of  the  most  capable  practitioners  of  the  Kansas  City  bar. 

avillta:\i  xjaet. 

William  \'li('t,  wi'll  known  as  a  bridgebuilder  and  contractor  in  general 
civil  engineering  work  u\)  to  the  time  of  his  death,  which  occurred  in  Kansas 
City  in  March.  1893,  was  born  in  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  and  at  the  age  of  nine 
years  became  a  resident  of  ^Milwaukee,  Wisconsin.  After  acquiring  a  good 
public-school  education  he  studied  civil  engineering,  and  thus  qualified  for 
the  profession  which  he  made  his  life  work.  In  1876  he  removed  to  Kansas 
City,  ]\Iissouri,  and  followed  civil  engineering  in  connection  with  the  King 
Bridge  Company,  building  iron  bridges  all  over  the  country  and  especially  for 
the  Union  Pacific  Railroad.  He  was  also  the  builder  of  the  reservoir  here. 
He  thoroughly  understood  the  great  scientific  jirinciples  which  underlie  civil 
engineering  as  well  as  all  of  the  practical  work  connectL'd  with  the  business, 
and  his  skill  ;iiid  efficiency  gained  him  i»r(niiincn(e  as  a  representative  of  that 
departiiiiMit  of  IhImh'. 

At  tlie  Slierniini  House  in  Cliicago.  in  18r)3,  Mr.  Vliet  was  married  to 
Miss  Sarali  T.  Tloageland.  a  daughter  of  Edwin  Iloageland,  who  Avas  a  native 
of  the  state  of  New  York  and  was  ca|»tain  of  a  ve.^^sel  that  ])lied  between  Fish- 
kill  Landing  niid  New  York  city.  Tie  died,  howevei'.  when  his  children  were 
very  yonng.  His  widow,  who  liore  the  maiden  name  of  Diana  IIasl)rook, 
and  was  al.«o  a  native  of  the  iMiipire  ,-tate,  married  again  after  the  death  of 
her  first  hu.«band.  l)ecomiiiu  the  wife  of  .John  .Tohn-on.  mid  removed  to  Mil- 
waukee will)  the  rmiiily.  In  LS.")!  Mr.  .lohn.-on  came  to  Kansas  City,  Mis- 
souri, and  two  years  later  moved  the  family  here.  He  eoniint'iieed  work  in 
contracting  line.-  and  foi-  ,-oiiie  year.<  was  thus  engaged.  At  first  the  family 
lived  in  a  lou  hon.-e,  hut  as  in-  financial  resources  increa-ed  Mr.  Johnson 
embraced   liis  o|i|M)i'tunitie.-   {'t)V   judicions   inve-tment    and    pnrchased   a  large 


amount  of  property,  owning  what  was  later  known  as  the  Johnson  addition 
and  also  the  land  where  the  junction  now  stands.  He  became  one  of  the  most 
prominent  and  influential  residents  of  the  city  in  early  days,  and  was  elected 
the  first  mayor  of  Kansas  City,  Missouri,  but  declined  to  serve,  for  his  ambi- 
tions were  in  other  directions  than  official  preferment. 

He  continued  in  business  here  until  after  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  war, 
and  was  the  first  man  to  float  the  stars  and  stripes  in  Kansas  City.  However, 
on  account  of  the  trouble  brought  about  through  the  bitter  feeling  engendered 
during  the  Civil  War  he  removed  to  Leavenworth,  Kansas,  where  he  took  up 
the  occupation  of  farming,  and  there  made  his  home  until  his  death,  which  oc- 
curred in  1904  when  he  had  reached  the  venerable  age  of  eighty-four  years. 
He  was  an  active  republican  and  a  man  always  loyal  to  his  principles,  never 
swerving  in  his  support  of  his  honest  convictions.  Mrs.  Vliet  had  two  broth- 
ers, Walter  and  George  Hoagelund,  who  came  here  with  their  stepfather. 
Mrs.  Vliet,  however,  remained  in  Milwaukee,  Wisconsin,  until  187'6,  when  she 
accompanied  her  husband  on  his  removal  to  Kansas  City,  where  she  has  since 
made  her  home.  Their  daughter  Emma  became  the  wife  of  Frank  S.  Ford, 
and  they  now  reside  with  ^Irs.  Vliet.  Mr.  Ford  was  born  in  Ohio  and  came 
to  Kansas  City,  Missouri,  when  twenty-seven  years  of  age.  He  has  since  been 
engaged  in  conducting  a  planing  mill  for  Mr.  Lovejoy.  He  is  a  member  of 
Ivanhoe  Lodge,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.,  also  belongs  to  the  Royal  Arch  Chapter  and 
to  the  Modern  Woodmen  Camp.  Unto  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ford  has  been  born  a 
daughter,  Frances  Bernice.  Mr.  Ford  was  a  son  of  Henry  N.  Ford,  who  hiis 
been  in  the  planing  mill  business  in  Ohio  for  years,  and  of  Mary  (Leclercq) 
Ford,  a  native  of  France. 

^Ir.  Vliet  was  a  worthy  exemplar  of  the  ^Masonic  fraternity,  and  attained 
the  Knight  Templar  degree.  His  life  was  in  harmony  with  his  principles-, 
and  he  enjoyed  to  the  fvillest  extent  the  confidence  and  good  will  of  his  fellow- 
men.  He  was  ever  accurate,  thorough,  progressive  and  reliable  in  business, 
while  those  with  whom  he  was  associated  in  friendly  relations  knew  him  as 
a  man  of  many  excellent  traits  of  character,  of  kindly  purpose  and  genial 
disposition.  He  died  in  March,  1893,  at  the  age  of  sixty-two  years,  and  his 
memorv  is  vet  cherished  bv  manv  who  knew  him. 


Con  Murphy,  who  is  engaged  in  the  livery  business  at  No.  1309  Walnut 
street  in  Kansas  City,  was  born  in  County  Cork,  Ireland,  in  1848,  and  the 
following  year  was  brought  by  his  parents  to  the  new  world,  the  family  home 
being  established  in  Virginia.  His  father,  Charles  Murphy,  was  also  a  native 
of  County  Cork,  and  during  his  residence  in  ^^irginia  was  identified  with 
railroad  interests.  In  1857,  however,  he  left  the  Old  Dominion  and  came  to 
Kansas  City,  traveling  by  boat  a  part  of  the  way.  This  city  was  then  a  small 
town  of  little  industrial  or  commercial  prominence,  and  giving  but  little 
promise  of  rapid  future  development.     Mr.  Murphy  settled  near  what  is  now 


the  intersection  of  Fifteenth  and  Locust  streets,  where  he  built  a  log  cabin, 
cutting  the  timber  on  the  west  bottoms  w^here  the  Union  depot  now  stands 
in  order  to  l)uild  his  house.  The  district  all  around  him  was  farm  land,  and 
he  at  once  turned  his  attention  to  general  agricultural  pursuits,  continuing 
in  active  connection  with  the  farming  interests  of  Jackson  county  until  his 
death,  which  occurred  in  1880  when  he  was  eighty  years  of  age.  His  study  of 
the  political  issues  and  questions  in  this  country  led  him  to  ally  his  interests 
with  the  democratic  party,  and  he  always  remained  one-  of  its  supporters, 
but  never  sought  nor  desired  office  as  a  reward  for  party  fealty.  His  religious 
faith  was  indicated  by  his  membership  in  the  Catholic  church.  He  married 
Bridget  Horrigan,  also  a  native  of  County  Cork,  Ireland,  who  died  about 
1891.  They  were  the  parents  of  twelve  children,  of  whom  four  are  now  living: 
Mrs.  Mary  Ryan ;  Mrs.  Catherine  Hurley ;  John,  a  resident  of  Leavenworth, 
Kansas,  who  served  in  Van  Horn's  regiment  in  the  Civil  war;  and  Con,  of 
this  review.  Jeremiah  and  Daniel,  who  formerly  served  as  county  collector 
here,  are  now  deceased. 

Brought  to  America  when  but  a  year  old,  Con  Murphy  remained  in  Vir- 
ginia until  nine  years  of  age,  and  then  became  a  resident  of  Kansas  City, 
where  for  more  than  a  half  century  he  has  now  made  his  home.  He  started 
in  business  life  as  a  clerk  in  a  clothing  store,  and  he  devoted  three  years  to 
learning  the  saddlery  trade,  but  never  followed  that  pursuit.  On  giving  up 
his  position  as  clerk  in  the  store  he  became  deputy  county  collector  under  his 
brother  Daniel,  and  served  in  that  capacity  for  four  years.  His  capability 
and  fidelity  in  office  led  to  his  selection  for  further  official  honors,  and  he 
was  chosen  by  a  popular  vote  to  the  position  of  county  marshal,  in  which 
he  also  served  for  four  years.  He  next  resumed  clerking  in  a  store,  but  after- 
ward under  President  Cleveland's  administration  was  superintendent  of  car- 
riers in  the  Kansas  City  postoffice.  On  retiring  from  that  position  he  engaged 
in  the  dry-goods  business  with  Schelley  on  Delaware  street  for  several  years, 
and  sub.-iequently  became  inspector  of  detectives.  On  again  leaving  the  pub- 
lic service  he  engaged  in  the  livery  business  at  No.  555  Grand  street,  while 
later  he  bought  out  the  livery  stable  of  Baker  Brothers  at  No.  1309  Walnut 
street,  where  he  is  now  located.  Here  he  has  a  well  equipped  establishment, 
having  a  large  line  of  fine  carriages  and  receives  a  liberal  patronage.  He  alsQ 
erected  a  residence  at  the  corner  of  Eleventh  and  Cherry  streets,  but  now 
resides  at  No.  3102  East  Twenty-third  street. 

Mr.  Murphy  was  married  in  Indiana,  in  1882,  to  Miss  Mary  A.  Sheibley, 
a  native  of  Jackson  county,  Missouri.  Her  father,  Henry  Sheibley,  was  a 
school  teacher  here  at  an  early  day,  but  afterward  returned  to  Indiana, 
although  he  later  again  became  a  resident  of  Kansas  City.  He  married  Susan 
Keashler,  and  their  family  included  Mi's.  Murphy,  who  by  her  marriage  has 
become  the  mother  of  ten  children:  Con,  Jr.,  Ellen,  Charles  H.,  Mary  A., 
John,  Daniel,  Cornelia,  Annie  C,  Leonilla  and  Jo.^eph.  The  family  circle  yet 
ri'iiiain.-  iiiihrdkcii,  and  all  are  yet  imder  the  parental  roof. 

Mr.  Murplix-  has  alway.-  given  his  ])olitical  support  to  the  democratic 
party,  and  is  active  in  its  ranks.  He  belongs  to  the  Woodmen  of  the  World, 
and  lias  served  as  councilor  of  Camp  Xo.  -42-1.  and  in  all  the  other  offices.     He 


is  likewise  connected  with  the  Knights  of  Cohimbus  and  the  Catholic 
Knights  of  Amercia,  and  is  a  member  of  the  Catholic  church,  to  the  support 
of  which  he  has  contributed  generously,  aiding  in  the  erection  of  a  large 
majority  of  the  Catholic  churches  of  Kansas  City.  Whatever  success  he  has 
achieved  in  business  is  attributable  to  his  own  efforts,  for  from  an  early  age 
he  has  been  dependent  upon  his  own  resources.  He  now  owns  a  good  livery 
establishment,  and  is  conducting  a  prosperous  business  in  this  line. 


Lauren  W.  McCollum,  who  at  the  time  of  his  death  was  a  stockholder 
and  secretary  of  the  W.  S.  Dickey  Clay  Company,  became  a  resident  of  Kan- 
sas City  in  1888  and  although  his  business  interests  afterward  took  him  to 
various  sections  of  the  country  he  still  regarded  this  as  his  place  of  residence. 
His  birth  occurred  in  Buffalo,  New^  York,  July  22,  1853.  His  father,  Otis 
McCollum,  was  also  a  native  of  the  Empire  state  and  engaged  in  the  news- 
paper business  in  Buffalo.  In  the  schools  of  that  city  the  son  pursued  his 
education  and  was  also  identified  with  journalistic  interests  until  his  removal 
to  the  west. 

About  the  year  1880  he  became  a  resident  of  Des  Moines,  Iowa,  and 
assisted  C.  C.  Gilbert  in  erecting  his  large  storage  factory  there.  He  remained 
in  Des  Moines  until  1888,  when  he  removed  to  Kansas  City  and  became 
connected  with  the  old  sewer  pipe  company.  When  it  was  afterward  merged 
into  the  W.  S.  Dickey  Clay  Company,  he  became  one  of  its  stockholders 
and  secretary  of  the  latter  and  was  associated  therewith  until  his  demise.  In 
that  capacity  he  assisted  materially  in  the  upbuilding  of  the  plant  and  the 
enterprise  and  traveled  all  over  the  country  looking  after  the  interests  of 
the  business.  He  also  visited  the  Orient  in  connection  w^ith  this  business  just 
prior  to  his  demise.  He  was  taken  ill  while  looking  after  the  branch  factory 
at  Macomb,  Illinois,  where  he  died  May  19,  1906.  He  had  a  very  large  busi- 
ness acquaintance  and  wherever  he  went  impressed  people  with  his  capacity 
for  business  control  and  his  aptitude  in  successful  management.  He  was 
very  thorough  in  all  that  he  undertook  and  when  he  became  connected  with 
the  pottery  interests  he  made  it  his  object  to  thoroughly  acquaint  himself 
with  the  business  in  principle  and  detail.  He  was  thus  enabled  to  converse 
intelligently  upon  the  subject  and  to  present  the  interests  of  the  company  in 
the  best  possible  light.  His  persistency  of  purpose  was  one  of  his  strong 
characteristics  and  at  all  times  he  worked  with  a  recognition  of  the  fact  that 
"there  is  no  excellence  without  labor." 

Mr.  McCollum  was  married  in  Des  Moines,  Iowa,  November  8,  1882,  to 
Miss  Nellie  M.  Leach,  of  Chicago,  and  unto  them  was  born  a  daughter,  Kate, 
who  is  now  the  wife  of  William  E.  Merrill.  Mrs.  McCollum's  father  is  E.  C. 
Leach,  one  of  the  oldest  business  men  of  Chicago,  to  which  city  he  removed 
when  eighteen  years  of  age  and  there  engaged  in  the  distilling  business.  He 
still  makes  his  home  in  that  city  and  has  a  wide  acquaintance  there  among 


its  leading  business  men.     He  is  a  native  of  Vermont,  while  his  wife,  who 
bore  the  maiden  name  of  Kate  H.  Carter,  is  a  native  of  Canada. 

Mr.  McCollum's  po^iition  on  political  questions  was  never  an  equivocal 
one.  He  gave  stalwart  support  to  the  republican  party,  not  because  of  any 
desire  on  his  part  for  political  preferment  but  because  he  had  firm  faith  in 
its  principles  in  connection  with  the  jDromotion  of  the  country's  welfare.  He 
greatly  desired  the  success  of  the  j)arty  and  as  a  delegate  attended  its  last 
national  convention  held  in  Chicago.  He  was  accorded  a  prominent  place 
in  business  circles  in  Kansas  City  and  for  many  years  was  an  active  member 
of  the  Commercial  Club.  He  also  belonged  to  the  Manufacturers  Club,  the 
Knife  and  Fork  Club,  the  Missouri  Republican  Club,  the  Ivanhoe  Lodge  of 
Masons  and  the  Episcopal  church — associations  which  indicated  much  of  the 
character  of  his  interests  and  ideals.  In  his  attitude  everywhere  he  mani- 
fested the  true  spirit  of  altruism  and  although  aggressive  in  every  sense  of 
the  word  he  always  avoided  even  the  semblance  of  that  popular  tendency,  so 
detrimental  to  the  common  welfare  of  humanity,  namely  the  sacrifice  of 
friendship  or  i)riiicipl('  for  the  promulgation  of  .selfish  interests. 


Nathan  Scarritt,  minister  and  benefactor,  was  born  at  Edwardsville, 
Illinois,  April  14,  1821,  son  of  Nathan  and  Latty  (Allds)  Scarritt.  He  was 
of  Scotch  and  Irish  descent.  His  father  (b.  1788,  d.  1847),  a  native  of 
Connecticut,  was  a  farmer  by  occupation;  hi.s  mother  (b.  1793,  d.  1875)  was 
a  native  of  New  Hampshire.  His  parents  were  married  at  Lyman,  New 
Hampshire,  in  1812,  and  Nathan  was  the  seventh  child  and  sixth  son  of  a 
family  of  twelve  children,  of  whom  ten  were  sons.  In  1820  his  parents 
emigrated  liy  wagon  from  New  Hampshire  to  Illinois,  locating  at  Ed- 
ward-^ville,  and  then  on  a  farm  near  Alton — their  latter  location  becoming 
known  as  Scarritt's  Prairie,  now  the  seat  of  the  Monticello  Female  Seminary. 
Natlian  worked  on  the  home  farm  until  he  was  sixteen  years  of  age,  when  he 
entered  McKendree  College,  at  Lebanon,  Illinois,  beginning  in  the  prepar- 
atory department.  His  father  was  able  to  aid  him  but  little  and  he  obtained 
his  education  almost  entirely  through  his  own  effort,  paying  part  of  liis  first 
yearV  tuition  l»y  clearing  the  brush  and  timber  from  the  college  campus, 
which  work  he  did  after  study  hours  and  by  moonlight.  With  two  com- 
panions he  lived  in  a  log  hut,  near  which  he  fenced  and  cultivated  a  garden. 
hi.~  meal-  often  consisting  of  potatoes  of  hi.s  own  raising,  with  occasionally 
bread  and  mejil  :  ;nid  dnring  that  time  hi.s  cxpeii.^e-  were  frecpiently  les.s  than 
fifty  cents  a  week. 

His  -Indies  wei-e  iiileriiipled  l)y  tlie  illne.<s  of  his  fallier  and  he  returned 
home  to  manauv  the  farm,  Imt   when  his  father  liad  sutliciently  recovered  he 
returned  to  college  at  the  urgent  solicitation  of  the  faenlty.  who  offered  him 
Itoard   and   tuition   on    credit.      In    1842   he   was   graduate(l    from    ^h-Kendree 


'  "ORK 



College  as  valedictorian,  by  appointment  of  the  faculty,  receiving  the  degree 
of  B.  A.  He  soon  afterwards  engaged  in  teaching  at  Waterloo,  Illinois,  and 
out  of  the  savings  of  two  years  paid  his  indebtedness  to  his  college.  In  April, 
1845,  he  removed  to  Fayette,  Missouri,  where  he  joined  his  brother-in-law, 
William  T.  Lucky,  in  the  establishment  of  a  high  school.  The  opening  of 
that  institution,  however,  was  inauspicious,  for  out  of  six  pupils  at  the  begin- 
ning, one  was  taken  ill  and  four  ran  away,  leaving  only  two  pupils  at  the 
close  of  the  first  week.  But  success  of  the  undertaking  was  subsequently 
attained  and  out  of  Howard  High  School,  as  it  was  known,  grew  Central 
College  for  males  and  Howard  Female  College.  Later,  upon  urgent  solicita- 
tion, Dr.  Scarritt  acted  as  provisional  president  of  Central  College  for  one 
year,  during  which  he  established  the  institution  upon  a  firm  basis.  From 
1848  until  1851  he  taught  the  Indian  Manual  Labor  School  in  the  Shawnee 
country,  Indian  Territory ;  during  the  ensuing  year  served  as  principal  of  the 
high  school  at  Westport,  having  been  the  leading  spirit  in  the  building  of 
that  institution ;  and  from  1864  to  1885  taught  school  in  Kansas  City,  Mis- 

From  boyhood  Dr.  Scarritt  had  been  impressed  with  the  conviction  that 
he  was  destined  for  the  ministry,  and,  upon  reaching  a  suitable  age,  was 
called  to  the  duties  of  a  class  leader,  his  deep  sincerity  and  fervency  in  prayer 
and  exhortation  winning  the  admiration  of  ministers  whom  he  met.  In 
1846  he  was  licensed  to  preach  and  later  in  that  year  was  received  on  trial 
into  the  Missouri  conference,  and  appointed  to  the  Howard  High  School 
where  he  was  then  teaching,  meanwhile  also  ministering  to  neighborhoods  in 
the  vicinity.  Upon  the  division  of  the  Methodist  church  he  affiliated  wnth 
the  Methodist  Episcopal  church,  south.  .While  teaching  among  the  Indians 
(1848-51)  he  frequently  assisted  the  missionaries,  and,  being  appointed  mis- 
sionary to  the  Shawnees,  Delawares  and  Wyandottes  in  1851,  he  preached  to 
each  of  these  tribes  through  interpreters,  his  labors  proving  eminently  useful. 
Meanwhile  he  also  performed  ministerial  duty  at  Lexington,  filling  a  vacancy. 
In  the  latter  part  of  1852  he  was  appointed  to  Westport  and  Kansas  City,  and 
the  following  year  located  in  the  latter  place,  becoming  pastor  of  the  Fifth 
Street  church.  In  January,  1855,  he  was  appointed  presiding  elder  of  the 
Kickapoo  district  of  the  Kansas  Mission  conference,  which  body  he  repre- 
sented in  the  general  conference  of  1858;  in  1858-9  served  in  the  Shawnee 
Eeserve,  and  during  the  ensuing  two  years  was  presiding  elder  of  the  Lecomp- 
ton  district. 

In  1861  Dr.  Scarritt's  ministerial  labors  were  suspended  on  account  of 
the  unsettled  conditions  incident  to  the  Civil  war.  After  peace  was  restored, 
however,  he  engaged  in  itinerant  sei-vice  for  one  year  and  was  superannuated 
on  account  of  physical  disability  but  declined  the  aid  due  him  from  the 
Conference  fund.  In  1876  he  was  located  in  Kansas  City,  where  his  labors 
were  conspicuously  useful  in  the  pastorate,  in  turn,  of  the  old  Fifth  Street, 
the  Walnut  Street,  the  Lydia  Avenue,  the  Campbell  Street  and  the  Melrose 
churches.  He  was  a  delegate  in  several  sessions  of  the  general  conference, 
during  two  of  which  he  served  on  the  committee  of  revisals,  and  was  as- 
signed to  a  similar  position  at  the  session  of  1890. 


Dr.  Scarritt/s  residence'  in  Kansas  City  led  to  his  accumulation  of  a 
large  fortune  and  afforded  liim  opportunity  to  aid  materially  in  the  devel- 
opment of  that  city  and  to  formulate  and  execute  various  philanthropic  de- 
signs. In  1862  he  bought  forty  acres  of  land  near  the  city  and  subsequent 
purchases  increased  his  holdings  to  two  hundred  and  twenty  acres  situated  on 
Scarritt's  Point,  his  first  home  there  being  a  log  cabin  of  his  own  building.  Hfe 
was  early  associated  with  Governor  Ross  of  Delaware  in  the  ownership  of  a  tract 
of  land  in  the  heart  of  Kansas  City,  a  block  of  which  was  intended  to  be  con- 
veyed in  fee  to  the  city  upon  condition  that  a  courthouse  or  school  be  built 
thereon,  but  the  city  failed  to  make  use  of  the  opportunity.  He  was  also  a 
pioneer  builder  on  ]\Iain  and  Walnut  Streets,  where  he  erected  many  of  the 
most  substantial  and  useful  structures.  Among  his  benefactions  were  five 
thousand  dollars  to  the  Scarritt  Collegiate  Institute  at  Neosho;  five  thousand 
dollars  to  the  Central  Female  College  at  Lexington ;  and  thirty  thousand  dol- 
lare  to  ]\Ielrose  church,  Kansas  City,  which  latter  edifice  was  erected  on  a  lot 
where  for  two  years  he  previously  maintained  a  tent  for  religious  meetings. 
His  benefactions  were  not  restricted  to  the  objects  favored  by  his  own  de- 
nomination, for  scarcely  a  church  in  Kansas  City  was  unaided  by  him.  His 
desire  to  establish  a  Bible  and  Training  School  was  on  the  eve  of  accomplish- 
ment, when  his  death  occurred,  but  his  children  faithfully  carried  out  his 
wishes  regarding  the  project,  by  a  gift  of  the  site  and  twenty-five  thoasand 

In  llicology  Dt.  Scarritt  proclaimed  himself  an  Arminian  of  the  Wes- 
leyan  Methodist  type.  In  politics  he  was  originally  a  whig  and  afterwards 
a  conservative  democrat.  He  was  opj)Osed  to  slavery,  and  while  he  sympa- 
thized with  the  southern  people  regarded  secession  as  a  grave  error.  "\ATiile 
in  Kansas  City  he  took  no  part  in  the  border  troubles,  never  attending  a 
l»olitical  meeting  or  casting  a  partisan  vote.  He  was  a  member  of  a  company 
of  Kansas  City  Home  Guards  during  the  Rebellion  and  stood  guard  over 
property  Imt  engaged  in  no  forays  or  other  movements. 

His  services  as  a  clergyman  and  educator  were  of  great  value.  As  a  teacher 
he  won  upon  his  pupils  as  much  through  his  kindly  personal  interest  and 
sympathy  as  through  his  power  of  imparting  knowledge.  By  deep  study  and 
close  observation  lie  -(orcd  his  mind  with  ample  matci'ial  for  every  emergency, 
and  his  sermons  were  models  of  instruction  and  logical  exposition.  Sincere 
earnestness  aided  his  effort  with  an  unaffected  vigor  of  oratory  which  com- 
pelled attention,  and  enabled  him  to  impress  the  individual  hearer  with  the 
conviction  lliat  he  Avas  listening  to  a  personal  message  and  appeal.  His  be- 
nevolence- wci'c  free  and  liberal  and  directed  in  a  sympathetic  and  orderly 
way.  in.-ui'ing  pcrpetuaiion  of  the  gift  and  increasing  advantages  from  it  in 
after  years. 

He  received  llie  degree  of  M.A.  from  the  University  of  Missouri  in 
1<S.)7  and  thai   of  D.D.  from  his  alma  inatcr  in  1870. 

He  married  at  Kansas  City,  Missouri,  April  29,  1850,  Martha  M..  daugh- 
ter of  William  Chick,  one  of  the  founders  of  Kansas  City.  Mrs.  Scarritt  died 
July  29,  1878,  leaving  nine  children,  of  whom  six  are  living;  Annie  E.,  wife 
of  Bishop  E.  R.  Hendrix  (q.  v.)  of  Kansas  City;  Edward  L.  Nathan,  Jr.,  and 


William  C,  all  rasideiits  of  Kansas  City,  Missouri;  Charles  W.,  of  Kansas 
City.  Missouri,  a  clergyman  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  church,  south;  and 
Martha  M.,  the  wife  of  Elliott  H.  Jones,  of  Kansas  City. 

Dr.  Scarritt  married  a  second  time,  October  6,  1875,  Mrs.  Ruth  E.  Scar- 
ritt,  daughter  of  Rev.  CyriLs  Barker,  a  missionary  in  India,  where  she  was  born. 

He  died  in  Kansas  City,  Missouri,  May  22,  1890. 


Peyton  C.  Smith,  of  Kansas  City,  was  born  in  Clermont  county,  Ohio, 
March  11,  1832.  The  days  of  his  boyhood  and  youth  passed  without  event 
of  special  importance.  His  father  was  John  P.  Smith,  a  descendant  of  John 
Pie  Smith,  and  was  born  in  New  Jersey,  whence  he  removed  to  Ohio  when 
about  twenty-five  years  of  age.  There  he  followed  farming  for  many  years, 
being  closely  and  actively  associated  with  agricultural  interests  in  Clermont 
county  until  a  few  years  prior  to  his  death.  He  came  to  Jackson  county  to 
visit  his  son  Peyton  C.  and  here  passed  aw^ay  in  1875  at  the  age  of  eighty- 
four  years.  His  wife  bore  the  maiden  name  of  Naomi  Higbee  and  they  be- 
came the  parents  of  nine  children,  of  whom  Peyton  C.  and  two  sisters  are 
now"  living. 

Peyton  C.  Smith  was  about  twenty-eight  years  of  age  when  he  offered 
his  services  to  the  government  as  one  of  the  defenders  of  the  Union  cause  in 
the  Civil  war.  He  enli-^ted  as  a  member  of  Company  G,  One  Hundred  and 
Nineteenth  Illinois  Regiment,  and  was  elected  captain.  His  meritorious  serv- 
ice on  the  field  of  battle  later  won  him  promotion  and  he  served  as  major 
when  discharged.  At  Rutherford,  Tennessee,  he  was  taken  prisoner  but  was 
afterward  paroled  and  later  served  for  nine  months  as  court  marshal  at  St. 
Louis  under  General  Schofield  in  1863.  He  w^as  present  at  the  time  Price  made 
his  raid  in  Missouri  and  assisted  in  burying  the  dead  there.  Serving  until 
the  close  of  the  war,  his  military  record  w^as  characterized  by  all  that  dis- 
tinguishes the  brave  and  loyal  soldier  who  never  falters  in  the  performance 
of  any  duty  that  devolves  upon  him  as  he  labors  to  protect  his  country's  in- 
terests. He  was  mustered  out  at  Springfield,  Illinois,  having  enlisted  from 
Adams  county,  Illinois,  where  he  had  previously  spent  eleven  years. 

Mr.  Smith  became  a  resident  of  Jackson  county,  Missouri,  in  1866,  in 
which  year  he  purchased  one  hundred  and  forty  acres  of  land  in  Washington 
township,  while  his  wife  owned  an  adjoining  tract  of  forty  acres.  His  farm 
had  been  brought  under  the  plow  but  there  were  no  improvements  upon  it 
and  with  characteristic  energy  he  began  to  make  it  a  model  farm  property, 
erecting  there  a  fine  residence  from  lumber  which  he  hauled  from  the  west 
bottoms.  His  fields  were  brought  under  a  high  state  of  cultivation  and  he 
carried  on  agricultural  pursuits  in  accord  with  the  most  progressive,  modern 
methods,  adding  to  his  place  all  the  equipments  and  accessories  found  upon 
a  model  farm  of  the  present  day.  He  there  kept  high  grades  of  stock  and 
made  a  specialty  of  raising  fine  hogs.     Previous  to  his  removal  to  Jackson 


county  he  had  engaged  in  merchandising  but  the  adaptabiUty  and  spirit  of 
business  enterprise  which  he  has  ahvays  displayed  enabled  him  tcr  readily  adapt 
himself  to  the  interests  and  labors  of  the  farm  and  to  acquire  thereby  a  hand- 
some competence.  During  the  years  of  his  residence  in  western  Missouri  he 
has  seen  Kansas  City  develop  from  a  small  village  to  a  beautiful  city,  thor- 
oughly American  in  its  interests  and  plans  of  upbuilding.  At  one  time  in 
his  early  days  here  he  hauled  a  load  of  potatoes  to  the  city  and  something  of 
the  size  of  the  town  may  be  indicated  by  the  fact  that  there  were  too  many 
for  the  population  at  one  time  and  the  market  was  glutted,  so  that  he  had 
hard  work  to  dispose  of  the  load.  He  continued  to  reside  upon  his  farm  until 
about  nine  years  ago,  when  he  took  up  his  abode  in  Kansas  City,  where  he 
has  since  made  his  home,  while  his  sons  give  supervision  to  the  farm  of  two 
hundred  and  twenty-five  acres,  which  the  father  still  owns. 

In  1858  occurred  the  marriage  of  Peyton  C.  Smith  and  Miss  Naomi  J. 
Killam,  of  Adams  county,  Illinois.  They  became  the  parents  of  six  chil- 
dren: Ernest  E.,  at  home;  Mrs.  Almina  Campbell,  of  Hickman  Mills,  Mis- 
souri; Elbert  E.,  at  home;  Mrs.  Frances  Bryant  who  is  living  with  her  par- 
ents; Harold  A.,  of  Kansas  City;  and  Clifford  B.,  who  was  graduated  from 
Columbia  University  in  the  class  of  1908. 

Always  a  stalwart  republican  from  the  organization  of  the  party  and 
ever  inflexible  in  support  of  its  principles,  Mr.  Smith  in  the  early  days  of 
Ills  residence  here  Avas  one  of  only  three  republicans  in  his  district.  The 
cause  of  education  has  ever  found  in  him  a  stalwart  champion  and  an  effective 
friend  who  has  labored  untiringly  for  the  interests  of  public  instruction  here, 
believing  in  maintaining  a  high  standard  in  connection  with  the  public 
schools.  The  trend  of  his  life  has  ever  been  forward  and  though  he  has 
passed  the  age  when  many  cease  to  care  particularly  about  the  things  that 
are  going  on  around  them,  in  spirit  and  interests  he  seems  yet  in  his  prime 
and  gives  out  of  the  rich  stores  of  his  wisdom  and  experience  for  the  benefit 
of  those  with  whom  he  comes  in  contact.  Such  a  life  is  an  inspiration  to  both 
the  young  and  the  aged. 


Carlyle  has  said  that  "biography  i.s  the  most  interesting  as  well  <i.s  the 
most  profitable  of  all  reading."  Its  purpose  ivS  not  to  give  exprassion  to  man's 
modest  estimate  of  himself  nor  to  any  fulsome  j^raise  of  partial  friends  but 
to  arrive  at  his  true  position  in  the  comnumity  through  the  consensus  of 
public  opinion.  An  analyzation  of  the  life  record  of  David  Thomas  Beals 
brings  forth  various  reasons  why  the  president  of  the  Union  National  Bank 
of  Kansas  City  is  accounted  one  of  its  most  prominent  and  honored  resi- 
dents. He  belongs  to  that  of  American  men  whose  paths  are  not  strewn 
with  the  wreck  of  other  men's  fortunes  ])ut  who  through  keen  sagacity  have 
recognized  opportunities  and  by  their  improvement  and  the  close  and  unre- 

DAVID    T.    BEADS. 





mitting  attention  so  necessary  in  business  life  haA^e  attained  success  through 
methods  that  neither  seek  nor  require  disguise. 

Mr.  Beals  was  born  in  North  Abington,  Massachusetts,  March  8,  1832. 
His  father,  Thomas  Beals,  also  a  native  of  the  Bay  state,  was  a  manu- 
facturer of  boots  and  shoes  until  his  retirement  from  active  business  life  a 
few  years  prior  to  his  demise,  which  occurred  in  1861.  The  mother,  Mrs. 
Ruth  Faxon  Beals,  also  a  native  of  Massachusetts,  died  in  May,  1875,  at 
the  age  of  seventy-five  years.  David  T.  Beals  was  the  youngest  of  their  fam- 
ily of  three  children,  two  sons  and  a  daughter,  the  others  being  Ephraim 
and  Tryphosa.  The  sister  became  the  wife  of  Ellridge  Gurney,  who  was 
at  one  time  a  partner  of  Mr.  Beals.  The  home  atmosphere  was  one  of  strict 
observance  of  the.  Sabbath  and  of  close  adherence  to  rigid  church  rules  and 
yet  the  lessons  of  integrity  and  industry  there  learned  left  an  indelible  im- 
press upon  the  life  of  David  T.  BeaLs.  He  acquired  his  education  in  the 
public  schools  of  North  Abington  and  in  the  New  Hampshire  Academy, 
where  he  remained  as  a  student  for  one  year.  He  made  his  entrance  into 
business  life  in  his  fifteenth  year,  being  employed  by  a  Boston  dry  goods 
merchant  at  a  salary  of  fifty  dollars  a  year,  but  his  efficient  and  faithful 
service  won  recognition  in  an  increase  of  salary  to  three  hundred  and  fifty 
dollars  for  the  year.  At  the  end  of  the  eighteen  months,  however,  he  began 
learning  the  shoe  trade  at  Abington,  serving  a  two  years'  apprenticeship  in 
the  shoe  manufacturing  business.  The  offer  of  assistance  from  a  capitalist 
enabled  Mr.  Beals  to  engage  in  business  on  his  own  account  and  he  success- 
full}^  conducted  the  enterprise  until  the  widespread  financial  panic  of  1857. 
Disaster  then  threatened  but  his  ready  employment  of  certain  opportunities 
enabled  him  to  tide  over  the  situation  and  when  he  had  settled  up  his  aft'airs 
he  found  that  he  had  a  capital  of  sixteen  hundred  dollars  remaining. 

Believing  that  the  west  offered  better  opportunities,  in  the  fall  of  1859 
Mr.  Beals  went  to  St.  .Joseph,  Missouri,  where  irjf  connection  with  his  brother- 
in-law,  Ellridge  Gurney,  he  established  a  boot  and  shoe  business.  From 
that  point,  however,  Mr.  Beals  constantly  branched  out.  broadening  the 
scope  of  his  interests  from  time  to  time  until  he  became  a  prominent  factor 
in  the  commercial  life  of  the  west.  In  April,  1860.  he  established  a  shoe 
store  at  Central  City,  Colorado,  and  in  1832  opened  another  at  Bannock, 
Montana.  In  1863,  however,  he  removed  from  Bannock  to  Virginia  City, 
Montana,  and  in  the  summer  of  that  year  also  opened  a  shoe  store  at  Idaho, 
City,  Idaho.  In  the  succeeding  fall  he  began  operations  at  Salt  Lake  City, 
as  a  dealer  in  shoes  and  leather  and  conducted  all  of  these  establishments 
until  the  fall  of  1873,  when  he  disposed  of  his  m.ercantile  interests.  He  had 
met  the  hard  conditions  occasioned  bv  the  wild  and  unimproved  condition 
of  the  west,  the  lack  of  railroad  facilities  and  occasional  trouble  with  the  In- 
dians, but  his  perseverance  enabled  him  to  overcome  obstacles  and  hi?  mer- 
cantile interests  and  judicious  investment  in  other  lines  brought  him  grati- 
fying profit.  He  sold  the  Colorado  store  to  John  S.  McCowl,  the  Virginia 
City  store  to  Daniel  We.ston  and  the  Salt  Lake  store  to  William  Sloan  and 
John  AV.  Kerr.  At  the  time  of  his  first  arrival  in  St.  Joseph  there  were  no 
railroads  west  of  that  point  and  for  many  years  afterward  all  shipping  to 


the  west  was  done  by  inule  and  ox  trains,  Avhich  took  from  thirty-five  to 
seventy-five  days  from  St.  Josei^li  to  his  different  stores.  His  travels  through 
the  west  had  brought  liini  a  Ivnowledge  of  tlie  cattle  industry  and,  return- 
ing to  Colorado  in  1873,  he  engaged  in  business  in  that  line  on  the  Arkansas 
river  and  Sand  creek.  In  1877  he  established  a  ranch  on  the  Canadian 
river  in  the  Pan  Handle  of  Texas  and  his  operations  in  cattle,  as  in  mer- 
cantile lines,  were  guided  by  a  sound  judgment  and  supplemented  by  an 
unfaltering  industry  that  constituted  the  basis  of  his  prosperity.  As  he  de- 
veloped his  cattle  interests  he  established  headquarters  at  Chicago  and  in 
1877  he  organized  the  Beals  Cattle  Company,  under  which  name  he  carried 
on  operations  in  Texas.  About  the  time  of  the  removal  to  Texas  he  was  as- 
vsociated  in  business  with  Mr.  Clement  and  Mr.  Rosencrans.  Cattle  ship- 
ments were  made  from  Dodge  City,  while  his  residence  and  business  head- 
quarter were  maintained  in  Chicago.  In  1884,  however,  Mr.  Beals  sold 
out  his  cattle  interest  and  moved  to  Kansas  City  and  purchased  his  present 
residence  site  at  No.  250!5  Independence  avenue — a  tract  of  five  acres  on 
which  he  soon  afterward  erected  his  present  home.  His  immediate  associa- 
tion with  the  liusiness  life  of  the  city  began  in  1886,  and  he  organized  the 
Union  National  Bank  in  the  spring  of  1887,  of  which  he  has  continuously 
served  as  the  president.  It  was  capitalized  for  six  hundred  thousand  dollars 
and  today  there  is  a  surplus  of  six  hundred  thousand  dollars  and  undivided 
earnings  of  two  lumdred  thousand  dollars.  Despite  the  stringent  times 
tb rough  which  the  country  has  passed  since  its  organization  the  Union  Na- 
lioiial  has  never  failed  to  make  a  semi-annual  dividend.  It  has  always  paid 
(111  its  investment  from  -ix  to  twelve  per  cent  and  is  regarded  throughout 
\]\v  west  as  one  of  the  most  substantial  and  reliable  moneyed  institutions 
ill  tbis  section  of  the  countrv. 

Mr.  Beals  is  widely  recognized  as  a  man  of  ready  resource  and  of  keen 
insigbt  into  a  business  situation  and  its  ])o-sibilities.  justly  rating  its  diffi- 
cuUies  and  its  opportunities,  and  thus  with  no  false  standard  lie  lias  utilized 
the  means  at  hand  in  the  acquirement  of  success  which  is  as  honorable  as 
it  is  gratifying.  Aside  from  the  bank  he  is  interested  in  various  other  finan- 
cial aiul  commercial  (enterprises  of  Kansas  City  and  also  to  a  large  extent 
in  Kansas  City  real  estate.  His  realty  holdings  include  many  valuable  busi- 
ness and  residence  properties,  including  the  Beals  building,  the  L  X  build- 
ing at  the  corner  of  Eighth  and  Grand,  the  T.  A.  building  at  Twelfth  and 
McOee  and  the  business  block  at  Twelfth  and  Troost.  Tlie  fir4  and  last  of 
these  business  buildings  were  erected  by  Mr.  Beals.  who  has  also  erected 
many  residences,  some  of  which  he  still  owns.  He  has  recently  built  fine  res- 
idences for  his  two  daughters,  Mrs.  Brown  and  Mi's.  Conover. 

Mr.  Beals  has  been  married  twice.  In  Abingfon,  Massachxisetts,  April 
20,  1851,  he  wedded  Miss  Ruth  Cobb,  of  Maine,  and  to  them  were  born 
two  children:  David  T.,  who  died  at  the  age  of  two  years;  and  Tryphosa, 
the  wife  of  Adolphus  H.  Brown,  now  of  Kansas  City.  The  mother  died  in 
1881  and  on  the  14th  of  October,  1884,  Mr.  Beals  was  married  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Bowers  to  Arista  Thurston,  of  Mount  Vernon,  Ohio,  the  wedding  being 
celebraied  at  Clinton.  "Massachusetts.     There  are  two  children  of  this  second 


marriage:  Dora,  now  the  wife  of  John  A.  Conover,  of  the  Richards  &  Con- 
o\ex  Hardware  ConijDauy  of  Kansaw  City;  and  David  T.,  who  is  now  a  senior 
in  the  Central  high  scliool  at  the  age  of  eighteen  years  and  expects  to  enter 
Cornell  University  in  the  fall  of  1908.  On  Thanksgiving  evening  of  1891, 
when  he  was  but  two  years  old,  he  was  kidnaped.  This  event  created  the 
greatest  excitement  that  Kansas  City  has  ever  experienced  and  the  outcome 
was  awaited  with  interest  throughout  the  entire  country.  The  father,  how- 
ever, secured  the  return  of  the  boy  on  the  payment  of  five  thousand  dollars 
and  no  questions  asked.  Mrs.  Arista  Beals  passed  away  January  12,  1908. 
Mr.  Beals  was  for  many  years  a  member  of  the  Unitarian  church  and 
active  in  its  work.  His  father  built  the  first  Congregational  church  in  North 
Abington  in  1832.  Mr.  Beals  has  ^Iso  held  membership  in  many  of  the 
leading  clubs  of  this  and  other  cities  and  is  still  identified  with  a  number  of 
these.  Although  he  has  passed  the  seventy-sixth  milestone  on  life's  journey 
he  is  a  remarkaljly  well  preserved  man  mentally  and  physically  and  is  con- 
sidered one  of  the  most  able  business  men  in  the  banking  circles  of  the  city. 
In  manner  he  is  genial  and  unreserved,  courteous  and  friendly  and  with  a 
most  kindly  nature.  Aside  from  his  busine^ss  interests  his  time  is  largely 
given  to  his  family.  He  is  devoted  to  the  welfare  of  his  children  and  holds 
homes  ties  sacred  and  friendship  inviolable.  His  career  should  serve 
as  a  les.-^on  to  the  young,  for  starting  in  life  under  adverse  circumstances,  his 
record  illustrates  most  forcibly  the  power  of  patient  and  persistent  effort  and 
self-reliance.  He  has  conducted  all  affairs  so  as  to  merit  the  esteem  of  all 
classes  of  citizens  and  no  word  of  reproach  is  ever  uttered  against  him. 


Robert  C.  Pearson,  deceased,  was  well  known  throughout  Missouri  as  a 
court  reporter,  in  which  position  he  gained  distinction  by  hLs  skill,  ability 
and  thoroughness.  He  was  born  in  Harrisonville,  Missouri,  in  1873,  and 
w^as  a  representative  of  an  old  family  of  this  state.  His  father  was  William 
D.  Pearson,  also  a  native  of  Missouri,  who  for  many  years  conducted  a  suc- 
cessful business  in  loans  and  later  in  farming  lands. 

Robert  C.  Pearson  was  reared  under  the  parental  roof  in  the  city  of  his 
nativity,  and,  passing  through  consecutive  grades  in  the  public  schools,  early 
became  a  high  school  graduate.  In  preparation  for  a  professional  career  he 
took  up  the  study  of  law  in  the  office  and  under  the  direction  of  R.  T.  Railey, 
assistant  attorney  of  the  Missouri,  Pacific  Railroad  Company.  Later  he- 
served  four  years  as  reporter  under  Judge  Jarrett  and  also  served  under  Judge 
Slover.  He  became  known  throughout  jNIissouri  in  law  business  and  his  pro- 
ficiency gained  him  a  place  with  the  leading  representatives  of  court  report- 
ing in  this  part  of  the  country.  In  1904  he  came  to  Kansas  City,  believing 
it  a  good  place  to  locate,  becoming  a  member  of  the  firm  of  Brown,  Knight, 
Adams  &  Pearson,  court  reporters.  Purchasing  property  here  he  continued 
to  reside  in  the  citv  until  called  to  his  final  rest  in  November,  1906. 


Mr.  Pearson  was  married  in  May,  1898,  to  Miss  Anita  Drane,  and  unto 
them  have  been  born  three  children,  Dorothy,  iSIildred  and  Laura  Louise. 
Mrs.  Pearson  is  a  daughter  of  John  R.  Drane,  a  native  of  Kentucky,  who 
came  to  Missouri  in  early  life  and  was  married  to  Miss  Mary  Cook,  also  of 
Harrisonville,  Kentucky. 

Mr.  Pearson  belonged  to  the  Modern  Woodmen  Camp,  the  A.  O.  U.  W., 
and  also  affiliated  with  the  Knights  of  Pythias.  His  political  allegiance  was 
given  to  the  democracy,  Ijut  the  demands  of  his  profession  left  him  no  time 
for  activity  in  political  circles.  His  work  was  at  all  times  characterized  by 
system,  thoroughness  and  accuracy,  and  he  gained  reputation  as  one  of  the 
best  court  reporters  in  jNIissouri.  He  was,  moreover,  known  as  a  social,  genial 
gentleman,  whose  good  qualities  won  him  warm  personal  friendship  and  high 
regard.  He  was  a  young  man  of  but  thirty-three  years  at  the  time  of  his 
death  and  his  demise  was  greatly  regretted  by  all  who  knew  him. 


William  H.  Ross,  who  died  in  1893,  was  ^^ell  known  in  real-estate  circles 
in  Kansas  City.  A  native  of  Pennsylvania,  he  was  born  in  1838  and  in 
1850  came  to  the  middle  west  with  his  parents,  who  settled  at  Bloomington, 
Illinois.  His  father  was  Mark  Ross,  while  his  mother,  prior  to  her  marriage, 
bore  the  name  of  Hester  Schmider.  In  the  family  of  this  worthy  couple  were 
ten  children. 

AVilliam  II.  Ross  was  a  youth  of  twelve  years  at  the  time  of  the  removal 
of  the  family  from  the  Keystone  state  to  Illinois.  There  he  resided  until  after 
the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  war,  Avhen,  espousing  the  cause  of  the.  Union,  he 
enlisted  for  one  hundred  days'  service  as  a  member  of  the  One  Hundred  and 
Forty-fifth  Illinois  Volunteer  Infantry.  Following  the  close  of  hostilities  he 
continued  his  residence  in  Illinois  until  1875,  when  he  removed  to  Missouri, 
settling  at  Sedalia.  There  he  engaged  in  the  and  loan  business 
and  in  both  brancbes  secured  a  good  clientage,  negotiating  many  important 
property  transfers  and  placing  many  loans.  Becoming  deeply  interested  in 
the  state  and  its  welfare,  he  studied  the  question  of  Kansas  City's  opportuni- 
ties, and  in  1887.  witli  firm  faith  in  its  future,  came  here  to  live.  Here  he 
again  opi-rated  in  I'cal  e.-tati'  for  >ix  years,  or  until  his  death. 

In  1864,  at  I>loomington,  IlHnois,  Mr.  Ross  was  united  in  marriage  to 
Miss  May  Toms,  wbo  was  born  in  Princeton,  New"  Jersey,  and  in  1854  went 
with  her  parents  to  Illinois,  the  family  home  being  established  in  McLean 
county.  I'nto  this  marriage  were  l)orn  five  children:  George  C,  now  of 
Kansas  City;  Charles  T.,  who  is  agent  for  the  Vnilcd  States  Express  Com- 
pany: Kdmund  M.  and  (filbert  V.,  both  of  this  city;  and  Nellie  C,  the  wife 
of  William  K.  Ludlow,  of  Indiana])olis,  Indiana. 

Mr.  Ross  was  always  a  very  active  and  successful  ])usine,ss  man,  and  his 
sons  are  following  in  liis  footsteps  and  are  meeting  with  ])rospprity  in  their 
undertaking.-.      Mr.   gave   his  ]»olitical   .-^np])oi1    to  liie   repul)lican   ]iarty 


and  always  kept  well  informed  on  the  questions  and  issues  of  the  day.  He  was 
much  interested  in  temperance  work  and  did  all  in  his  power  to  further  that 
cause.  His  life  was  actuated  by  noble  principles  and  high  ideals  and  was 
always  in  harmony  with  his  profession  as  a  member  of  the  Christian  church, 
in  which  he  took  a  most  helpful  part.  Loyal  to  his  church,  progressive  in 
citizenship,  faithful  in  friendship  and  devoted  to  his  family,  there  were  in 
his  life  record  those  splendid  traits  of  character  which  endear  a  man  to  his 
fellowmen  and  cause  his  memory  to  be  sacredly  cherished  when  he  has  passed 


Francis  M.  Hayward  was  born  at  Walpole,  New  Hampshire,  February 
28,  1S56,  his  parents  being  .John  W.  and  Esther  C.  (Morse)  Hayward,  natives 
of  Massachusetts  and  New  Hampshire,  respectively.  His  father  prepared  for 
Harvard  at  the  Boston  Latin  School,  but  owing  to  a  severe  illness  was  obliged 
to  abandon  his  college  course  and  become  a  New  Hampshire  farmer.  He 
held  many  town  offices  and  in  the  sixties  was  a  member  of  the  New  Hamp- 
shire legislature,  and  now,  at  the  ripe  age  of  eighty,  is  town  clerk  of  Walpole. 
The  grandfather,  .John  W.  Hayward,  and  great-grandfather,  Lemuel  Hay- 
ward, were  both  graduates  of  Harvard  College,  the  former  a  lawyer,  the 
latter  a  surgeon  in  the  Revolution,  and  attaining  eminence  in  his  profession 
as  a  physician  in  Boston. 

Francis  M.  Hayward  graduated  at  Dartmouth  in  the  class  of  1880,  and 
afterward  studied  law  for  two  years  at  the  Harvard  Law  School.  In  the  fall 
of  1882  he  came  west,  settling  at  Topeka,  where  he  was  admitted  to  the  bar 
the  same  year.  He  formed  a  partnership  with  F.  H.  Foster,  of  Topeka,  under 
the  name  of  Foster  &  Hayward,  and  continued  in  such  firm  till  the  spring 
of  1887,  when  he  came  to  Kansas  City  to  become  the  attorney  of  a  mortgage 
company.  In  1888  he  formed  a  law  partnership  with  Frederick  W.  Griffin, 
under  the  name  of  Hayward  &  Griffin,  and  was  associated  with  Mr.  Griffin 
till  1893.  In  1898  he  formed  another  partnership  with  John  Muckle,  under 
the  name  of  Muckle  &  Hayward;  later  the  firm  became  Muckle,  Hayward 
&  McLane.  Afterward  Mr.  Muckle  withdrew  from  the  firm,  leaving  it  as  it 
now  is,  Hayward  &  McLane.  In  1905  Mr.  Hayward  became  associate  city 
counselor,  which  position  he  still  occupies.  Mr.  Hayward  has  represented 
many  large  interests,  serving  his  clients  with  diligence  and  fidelity. 

In  1903  he  wrote  a  little  book  on  ''Local  Assessments  in  Missouri" — a 
work  of  value  to  attorneys.  His  standing  at  the  bar  is  a  merited  tribute  to 
his  ability.  In  no  profession  is  there  a  career  more  open  to  talent  or  one  in 
which  success  depends  so  largely  upon  individual  effort  or  capability.  In  the 
discussion  of  intricate  questions  before  the  court  he  displays  a  knowledge 
that  could  only  be  based  upon  thorough  preparation.  He  is  quick  to  perceive 
and  guard  the  dangerous  phases  of  his  cases,  and  never  fails  to  assault  his 
adversary  at  the  point  where  his  armor  is  weakest. 


On  the  loth  of  June,  1884,  Mr.  Ilayward  was  married  to  ^liss  Kate  S. 
Davis,  of  Gale.sburg,  Illinois,  and  they  are  now  the  parent^;  of  two  sons  and 
a  daughter:  Charles  D.,  Margaret  and  George  M.  The  eldest,  although  but 
twenty-tAVO  years  of  age,  holds  the  position  of  receiving  teller  in  the  First 
National  Bank  of  Kansas  City.  The  family  attend  St.  George's  (Episcopal) 
church,  in  which  Mr.  Ilayward  is  vestryman  and  warden,  while  he  has  just 
comj^lcted  his  second  term  as  president  of  the  church  club  of  the  diocese  of 
Kansas  City. 

Mr.  Ilayward  has  never  before  sought  an  elective  office,  but  is  now  the 
republican  candidate  for  judge  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  Jackson  County, 
Missouri,  Division  Six. 

DAVID    0.    SMART. 

David  0.  Smart,  w^hose  recent  death  deprived  Kansas  City  of  one  of  its 
most  prominent  and  successful  residents,  was  for  many  years  engaged  in 
the  banking,  real-estate  and  stock  brokerage  business.  His  labors  contrib- 
uted to  the  city's  commercial  prosperity  and  to  its  material  development. 
He  laid  out  the  D.  0.  Smart  addition  to  Kansas  City  and  from  pioneer  times 
until  hi*  death  was  an  active  factor  in  much  that  contributed  to  the  city's 
upbuilding.  He  was  born  near  Independence,  Missouri,  February  15,  1843, 
a  son  of  James  and  Elizabeth  Smart,  both  of  whom  were  natives  of  Ken- 
tucky, whence  they  removed  to  Independence  during  the  early  period  of 
the  existence  of  that  place,  which  is  now  a  suburb  of  Kansas  City.  The  dis- 
trict bore  little  resemblance  to  the  now  populous  region.  The  father  pur- 
chased a  large  farm  there  and  carried  on  general  agricultural  pursuits 
throughout  the  remainder  of  his  life.  Both  he  and  his  wife  spent  their  re- 
maining days  there  and  were  prominent  not  only  in  promoting  the  farming 
interests  of  the  community  but  also  in  advancing  the  moral  development 
through  their  earnest  and  active  cooperation  in  the  work  of  the  Christian 
church,  Mr.  Smart  assisting  in  organizing  the  first  society  of  that  denomi- 
nation in  Jackson  county. 

David  0.  Smart,  entering  school  at  the  usual  age,  remained  a  student 
in  Independence  until  1860,  when  his  parents  sent  him  to  Bethany  College, 
a  school  at  Bethany,  West  Virginia,  inniiilnincd  by  (he  Christian  church  and 
established  by  Alexander  Campbell.  It  was  one  of  the  well  known  secular 
schools  of  the  early  days  and  many  young  men  in  Jackson  county  attended 
it.  Mr.  Smart  was  pursuing  his  studies  there  at  the  time  of  the  outbreak  of 
the  Civil  war  in  1801.  Putting  aside  hi<  text-books  soon  after  the  surrender 
of  Fort  Sumter  in  April  of  that  year,  he  went  to  Bath  county,  Kentucky, 
where  he  spent  seven  months,  and  then  returned  to  Missouri  in  December, 
1801.  On  the  12th  of  August.  1862,  he  enlisted  in  the  Confederate  army 
and  participated  in  the  battles  of  Lone  Jack,  Newtonia,  Cain  Hill,  Prairie 
Grove,  Springfield  and  Hartville.    He  eventually  became  sergeant  major  in 

D.    0.    SMART. 

PUBuc  Library 

ITILDEN   FOUI--?     Tl^iW'"- 


Shelby's  fighting  brigade  and  continued  with  the  Confederate  forces  until 
muiStered  out  of  the,  service  at  the  close  of  the  war. 

Following  the  cessation  of  hostilities  Mr.  Smart  returned  home  and  ac- 
cepted a  position  as  bookkeej^er  in  a  bank  in  Independence.  A  little  later 
he  came,  to  Kansas  City,  where  he  embarked  in  the  banking  business  with 
€harles  Gudgell  under  the  firm  name  of  David  0.  Smart  &  Company,  the 
business  being  carried  on  for  about  six  years  in  the  Junction  building.  Then 
David  0.  Smart  &  Company  consolidated  with  the  Maslin  Bank,  with  which  he 
was  connected  until  1878.  Later  Mr.  Smart  became  heavily  interested  in  the 
cattle  business  in  jpartnership  with  AVilliam  A.  and  John  R.  Towers,  under  the 
firm  name  of  Towers  &  Gudgell,  having  an  office  in  the  Commercial  block. 
Mr.  Smart  attended  to  the  work  of  the  office  while  Mr.  Towers  had  charge 
of  the  buying  of  the  stock  throughout  the  country.  At  this  time  they  owned 
one  of  the  largest  cattle  ranches  in  wTstern  Oklahoma,  known  as  the  0.  X. 
Ranch.  At  the  same  time  Mr.  Smart  held  large  interests  in  real  estate,  hav- 
ing invested  in  property  all  over  Kansas  City.  He  owned  considerable  busi- 
ness property  including  the  buildings  now  occupied  by  the  Corn  Belt  Bank, 
the  Parisian  Cloak  Company,  the  Household  Fair,  and  several  others.  He 
also  laid  out  the  D.  0.  Smart  addition  in  the  northeastern  part  of  the  city 
and  there  as  a  speculative  builder  he  erected  and  sold  many  of  the  fine  res- 
idences that  now  adorn  that  section.  In  business  affairs  he  was  notably 
prompt,  energetic  and  reliable,  placing  his  investments  judiciously,  while 
seldom,  if  ever,  was  his  judgment  at  error  in  determining  the  value  of  any 
business  proposition  or  opportunity.  He  continued  in  the  real-estate  busi- 
ness throughout  his  remaining  days  and  left  to  his  family  valuable  property 
Iioldings.  He  built  and  owned  a  number  of  flat  or  apartment  buildings  in 
various  districts  and  his  improvement  of  property  led  to  rise  in  values  in 
"various  sections  where  he  operated. 

On  the  11th  of  October,  1866,  Mr.  Smart  was  married  to  Miss  Alice  M. 
TV'alrond,  a  native  of  Kansas  City  and  a  daughter  of  Madison  and  Caroline 
Walrond,  both  of  whom  were  natives  of  Kentucky  and  became  pioneer  res- 
idents here.  Mr.  Walrond  engaged  in  building  contracting  during  the 
greater  part  of  his  life  and  was  also  a  large  property  owner,  at  one  time  hav- 
ing the  eighty-acre  tract,  which  is  now  Smart's  addition  to  Kansas  City.  Mr. 
Walrond  resided  here  until  his  death  and  his  widow  afterward  became  the 
wife  of  G.  W.  McLeod,  who  was  engaged  in  the  transfer  and  bus  business 
in  Kansas  City  and  died  here.  Mrs.  McLeod  afterward  became  the  wife  of 
Edward  P.  Graves,  with  whom  she  is  now  residing  at  No.  3000  East  Sixth 
street  at  the  age  of  seventy-eight  years.  Mr.  Grave*  is  not  engaged  in  any 
active  business  at  present.  Unto  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Smart  Avere  born  a  daughter 
and  two  sons:  Emma,  the  wife  of  James  S.  Donaldson,  who  is  a  member  of 
the  real-estate  and  fire  insurance  firm  of  Donaldson  &  Smart  with  offices  in 
the  R.  A.  Long  building;  Thomas  A.,  who  married  Jimmie  Laudeman  and 
resides  on  a  farm  near  Lee's  Summit,  Missouri;  and  David  0.,  who  wedded 
Ann  Lewis  and  is  the  junior  partner  of  the  firm  of  Donaldson  &  Smart.  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Donaldson  reside  with  Mrs.  D.  0.  Smart.  Sr.  The  family  of  D.  0. 
Smart.  Jr.,  reside  at  357  Gladstone  boulevard. 


While  David  0.  Smart  achieved  a  measure  of  success  that  would  entitle 
him  to  distinction,  it  wns  other  traits  of  his  character  that  won  for  him  the 
unqualified  love,  confidence  and  trust  of  those  with  whom  he  was  associated. 
He  was  one  of  the  most  prominent  church  Avorkers  of  the  city,  both  he  and 
his  wife  holding  membership  in  the  Independence  Boulevard  Christian 
church.  The  years  of  his  life  were  devoted  to  church  and  public  work, 
in  which  coiuiection  his  influence  was  far-reaching  and  beneficial.  He  was 
one  of  the  founders  of  the  Prospect  Avenue  Christian  church — the  home  of 
the  present  church  before  the  stone  edifice  on  the  boulevard  was  erected. 
He  was  president  of  the  National  Board  of  Church  Extension  of  the  Chris- 
tian church  from  its  organization  in  1S88  and  just  prior  to  his  death  was 
again  elected  for  the  nineteenth  year.  During  his  incumbency  and,  as  the 
result  of  his  ;il)le  management  and  financial  ability,  the  funds  of  tiie  board 
were  increased  from  ten  thousand  to  about  six  hundred  thousand  dollars. 
Because  of  his  having  charge  of  this  work  the  headquarters  of  the  national 
extension  connnittee  were  alwavs  maintained  in  Kansas  Citv.  For  over 
forty  years  Mr.  Smart  vras  either  elder  or  deacon  of  his  church,  was  a  teacher 
in  the  Sunday  school  at  the  time  of  his  death  and  each  Sunday  for  many 
years  taught  a  class  in  school.  He  -was  thus  engaged  when  the  angel  of 
death  called  him.  November  9,  1898.  It  was  about  nine  o'clock  in  the 
evening  and  the  young  people's  revival  service  w^as  about  to  close  in  the  Inde- 
pendence Boulevard  Christian  church.  About  fiftee.n  hundred  persons  were 
present  and  on  the  occasion  Mr.  Smart  taught  a  class  of  fifteen  young  ladies. 
Following  the  singing  of  two  hymns,  the  Rev.  Mr.  Small  delivered  a  sermon 
upon  the  subject,  "What  shall  I  do  to  be  saved,"  and  before  pronouncing 
the  benediction  he  called  upon  Mr.  Smart  for  a  few  remarks,  whereupon  the 
latter  requested  the  audience  to  stand  and  read  with  him  the  beautiful  hymn, 
"All  my  class  for  Jesus."  Before  they  had  finished  those  aroimd  Mr.  Smart 
noticed  that  he  had  become  very  pale  and  the  minister  asked  if  there  was  a 
physician  in  the  audience.  Four  responded  and  after  laying  him  down  on 
a  seat  they  arranged  to  carry  him  across  the  street  to  his  residence,  but  he 
died  before  reaching  the  house.  At  the  time  of  his  demise  Mrs.  Smart  w^as 
visiting  her  son  at  Lee's  Summit.  For  several  years  Mr.  Smart  had  been 
in  ill  health  bnl  his  interest  in  the  affairs  of  life  never  diminished,  espec- 
ially in  relation  to  those  things  which  pertained  to  the  moral  development 
of  the  race. 

In  politics  Mr.  Smart  was  a  democrat  but  voted  for  the  man  whom  he 
believed  In'st  (lualified  for  office  rather  than  for  party.  He  was  elected  upon 
the  democratic  ticket  a  member  of  the  state  legislature.  This  was  the  only 
political  office  that  he  ever  held  excepting  that  he  was  judge  of  elections  at 
different  times.  He  owned  and  had  in  his  po.ssession  the  first  park  certificate 
that  was  issued  in  Kansas  City,  and  in  accordance  witli  his  request  Mrs. 
Smart  has  recently  had  it  mounted  and  framed  and  placed  in  the  public 

No  man  in  Kansas  City  had  more  friends  than  David  0.  Smart,  Hifl 
entire  life  was  passed  within  it*  borders  or  adjacent  thereto  in  the  town  of 
Independence  and  hi,=  history  was  always  an  open  hook  which  all  might  read. 


While  he  possessed  excellent  business  ability  that  enabled  him  to  acquire 
wealth  there  was  not  one  single  esoteric  phase  in  his  career.  On  the  contrary, 
his  business  methods  were  such  as  would  ever  bear  the  closest  scrutiny  and 
investigation.  In  all  the  relations  of  his  life  he  was  actuated  by  high  and 
lofty  principles  which  had  their  foundation  in  his  Christian  belief. 
Religion  was  to  him  a  matter  of  every  day  living  and  not  of  Sunday  worship. 
As  few  men  have  done,  he  realized  individual  obligation  and  recognized  the 
truth  of  universal  brotherhood.  He  held  friendship  inviolable,  his  family 
ties  as  a  sacred  trust  and  citizenship  as  a  duty.  Quickly  touched  by  a  tale  of 
sorrow  or  distress  his  sympathy  responded  without  hesitation  for  the  relief 
of  those  in  need  of  assistance.  He  never  gave  from  any  sense  of  duty  but 
because  of  his  genuine  interest  in  his  fellowmen  and  his  desire  to  aid  those 
less  fortunate  than  himself.  He  was,  moreover,  a  strong  man,  strong  in  his 
honor  and  his  good  name,  strong  in  his  fidelity  to  social  and  home  ties  and 
in  his  supi)ort  of  everything  that  he  believed  to  be  right.  Of  him  it  may 
well  be  said, 

"His  life  was  gentle  and  the  elements 
so  mixed  in  him  that  nature  might  stand  up 
and  say  to  all  the  world,   'this  was  a  man'." 


Dr.  Carl  AndrcAv  .Jackson,  jihy-ician  and  surgeon,  practicing  in  Kan- 
sas City,  was  here  born  on  the  ISth  of  March,  1877,  a  son  of  Algot  R.  and 
Hannah  (Pearson)  Jackson,  both  of  whom  came  from  Sweden  in  the  early 
'60s  and  settled  in  Kansas  City,  where  they  were  married.  Here  the  father 
still  resides  and  is  proprietor  of  the  Kansas  City  Show  Case  AVorks,  but  the 
mother  died  September  18,  1904.  In  their  family  were  four  children :  Henry 
W.,  secretary  of  the  Kansas  City  Show  Ca.>^e  Works;  Algot  M.,  vice  president 
of  the  company;  and  Amie  Virginia,  at  home. 

The  other  member  of  the  family  is  Carl  A.  Jackson,  of  this  review, 
who  pursued  a  public-school  education  in  Kansas  City  and  after  completing 
the  school  course  entered  the  Kansas  City  College  of  Pharmacy  in  1893  and 
was  graduated  therefrom  in  1895  with  the  Ph.  G.  degree.  He  next  entered 
the  University  Medical  College  of  Kansas  City  and  won  his  M.  D.  degree 
by  graduation  in  1897.  For  a  year  he  engaged  in  the  drug  business  on  his 
own  account  here,  after  which  he  enlisted  in  the  Forty-fourth  Volunteer 
Infantry  and  spent  two  years  in  medical  service  in  the  United  States  Army 
in  the  Philippines. 

Returning  to  his  native  land  in  1901,  Dr.  .Jackson  began  general  prac- 
tice in  Kansas  City  and  has  been  very  successful  here.  In  1905  he  was  ap- 
pointed city  health  officer  and  reappointed  in  1907,  so  that  he  is  now  serving 
for  the  second  term.     He  has  constantly  promoted  his  ability  through  reading. 


research  and  experience  and  also  promotes  his  knowledge  through  the  inter- 
change of  thought  and  experience  as  a  member  of  the  American  Medical 
Association,  the  Missouri  INIedical  Society  and  the  Jackson  County  INIedical 

On  the  5th  of  October,  1904,  Dr.  Jackson  was  married  to  Kathryn  Rob- 
erts, of  jMontreal,  Canada,  and  they  have  one  daughter,  Virginia,  two  years 
of  age.  Dr.  Jackson  is  a  thirty-second  degree  Mason  and  is  a  member  of  and 
medical  examiner  for  the  Maccabees,  the  Yeomen,  the  Knights  of  Pythias, 
the  Foresters,  the  Good  Templars,  the  Protected  Home  Circle,  Svithiod  and 
the  N.  N.  E.  Swedish  orders,  also  medical  examiner  for  the  Prudential  Life 
Insurance  Company.  His  membership  relations  also  connect  him  with  the 
Spanish-American  War  V^eterans,  the  National  Society  of  the  Army  of  the 
Philippines,  the  Monitor  Club  and  the  Missouri  Republican  Club.  The  last 
named  indicates  his  political  preference,  his  stalwart  support  having  been 
given  to  the  republican  party  since  age  conferred  upon  him  the  right  of  fran- 
chise. His  uniform  courtesy  and  geniality  combine  with  his  broad  knowl- 
edge and  capability  to  render  him  a  successful  and  popular  physician. 


Hon.  William  Thomson  first  saw  the  light  on  the  24th  day  of  February, 
1845,  at  Linlithgow,  Scotland,  around  which  the  romantic  memory  of  ^lary, 
the  beautiful  but  unfortunate  queen,  still  lingers.  His  parents  were  both 
Scotch,  his  father,  Thomas  Thomson,  and  his  mother,  Marion  Somerville, 
having  descended  from  old  and  respected  families  of  that  people.  When  the 
subject  of  this  sketch  was  but  five  years  old,  he  removed  with  his  parents 
from  Glasgow  to  Chicago,  Illinois,  where  his  father  for  years  was  engaged 
in  tb;^  husiup-ss  of  manufacturing,  and  until  his  death  in  1863.  William 
obtained  his  early  education  at  the  Dearborn  school  in  Chicago  until  the  age 
of  fourteen,  when  he  graduated  from  that  institution  to  the  Chicago  high 
school,  which  was  the  first  of  its  kind  in  that  city,  afterwards  attending  the 
preparatory  department  of  the  old  Chicago  University  in  1832,  entering  that 
college  as  a  freshman  the  following  year,  and  graduating  with  his  degree 
of  Bachelor  of  Arts  in  June,  1867,  with  the  honor  of  salutatorian  of  his  class. 
During  his  college  days,  the  nation,  struggling  for  its  life,  required  the  as- 
sistance of  both  old  and  3^oung,  and  he  responded  to  the  call  to  arms,  and 
his  studies  w^re  thus  temporarily  interrupted  by  his  enlistment  with  others 
from  the  University  in  the  One  hundred  and  Thirty-fourth  Regiment  of 
Illinois  Volunteers,  in  May,  1864,  but  Avere  resumed  on  his  discharge  from 
the  army  in  November  of  that  year.  On  his  graduation  from  college,  he 
\v;i-  calLed  to  the  ))()-iti(iii  of  ]»i-iii('ipal  of  tlic  schools  of  Toulon,  Illinois,  and 
the  following  year  he  occupied  a  similar  position  in  Astoria,  in  the  same 
state.  He  always  had  an  overweening  desire  to  become  a  lawyer,  and  during 
the  years  of  his  school  teaching,  Blackstone  and  Kent  were  his  companions, 
with  whoso  toxt-books  he  hoonmo  fnnn'liar.     T"^pnn  his  return  to  Chicago  in 


PUBlIC  ^.^.  ARY 


TILDEN   FCiJr.)».-;710N^ 


May,  1S69,  he  entered  the  hu\  office  of  Judge  S.  M.  Moore  and  Barney 
Caufield.  who  afterwards  represented  his  district  in  congress.  He  also  became 
a  student  in  the  law  school  of  the  Chicago  Univereity.  He  was  admitted  to 
the  bar  in  October,  1869,  and  began  practicing  his  profession  at  Chicago  with 
Robert  W.  Moore  but  soon  the  advice  of  Horace  Greeley  and  the  attractions 
of  the  growing  west  influenced  him  to  leave  Chicago  in  April,  1870,  and  go 
to  Burlingame,  Kansas.  Before  the  autumn  of  that  year  he  was  appointed  by 
Governor  Harvey  to  be  the  probate  judge  of  Osage  county.  After  serving  to  the 
end  of  his  term  he  was  elected  to  the  office  of  county  attorney,  which  he  filled 
with  vigor  and  energy.  His  law  practice  had  so  increased  while  fiilling  that  posi- 
tion that  he  declined  to  be  a  candidate  for  reelection  but  his  friends  presented 
his  name  to  the  republican  convention  for  nomination  as  a  candidate  to  the 
office  of  state  senator,  but  he  was  defeated  by  one  vote.  In  1878  he  was  elected 
secretary  of  the  republican  state  committee  of  Kansas,  and  served  in  that 
caj^acity  for  two  years.  He  Avas  secretary  of  the  state  delegation  to  the  repub- 
lican national  convention  of  1880,  which  became  memorable  as  the  battle- 
ground l)i'tween  the  old  guard,  the  306  of  Grant,  and  the  enthusiastic  forces 
of  Blaine,  and  resulted  in  the  nomination  and  subsequent  election  of  the 
revered  l)ut  unfortunate  Garfield.  During  the  same  year  he  was  given  a 
handsome  vote  at  the  Kansas  republican  state  convention  for  the  nomination 
for  attorney  general  of  that  state.  During  the  presidential  campaigns  of 
1884  and  1888,  he  was  an  active  republican  and  campaigned  the  state  for  the 
nominees  of  his  party.  In  1889  the  legislature  created  the  thirty-fifth  judicial 
district,  composed  of  Osage,  Waljaunsee  and  Pottawatomie  counties,  and  Gov- 
ernor Humphrey  appointed  "William  Thomson  to  be  its  .first  judge,  and  in 
the  fall  of  that  year  he  was  unanimously  elected  to  the  office,  even  the  demo- 
crats in  their  convention  endorsing  the  nomination  he  had  received  from  the 
republican  party.  At  the  next  judicial  election  in  1893,  so  great  was  his 
popularity  that  although  the  populist  majority  in  the  district  was  overwhelm- 
ing, and  every  other  republican  candidate  went  down  in  defeat.  Judge 
Thomson  was  reelected  by  a  large  majority.  In  1897  he  again  received  the 
nomination  and  was  reelected  without  serious  opposition  and  served  to  the 
end  of  his  term  in  1902,  when  he  retired  from  the  bench  to  renew  the  prac- 
tice of  his  profession.  He  was  admitted  to  practice  in  the  United  States  su- 
preme court  in  January,  1898.  Judge  Thomson  stood  in  the  front  rank  of 
the  judges  of  his  state,  and  his  opinions  were  so  well  considered  that  they 
rarely  met  reversal.  He  is  active  in  mind  and  was  industrious  and  pains- 
taking in  the  preparation  of  his  decrees.  He  is  a  student  by  habit,  a  scholar 
in  address,  and  possesses  great  broadness  in  his  processes  of  reasoning. 

He  was  president  of  the  Kansas  State  Bai  Association,  which  embraces 
the  best  of  the  legal  light-  of  the  stat?.  during  the  years  1897  and  1898,  and 
chose  civil  service  as  the  topic  of  his  annual  address.  This  address  entitled 
"Not  to  the  ^'ictor''  was  largely  quoted  by  the  press  throughout  the  nation, 
and  the  Chicago  Times-Herald  editoriallv  declared  that  it  was  bv  far  the 
strongest  and  ablest  presentation  of  the  cause  of  civil  service  reform  that 
any  of  its  friends  had  thus  far  made.  He  is  a  pleasing  and  eloquent  speaker 
of  graceful  delivery,  and  his  prepared  addresse-  are  models  of  English  com- 


jjosition.  In  1898,  he  was  strongly  urged  by  the  bar  of  the  state  of  Kansas 
upon  the  attention  of  President  McKinley,  for  appointment  as  federal  judge, 
but  the  United  States  senator  of  Kansas,  whose  will  by  custom  was  supreme, 
secured  the  appointment  for  a  former  law  partner.  His  entire  life  has  been 
devoted  to  his  profession,  and  he  has  accepted  only  such  public  positions  as 
have  been  in  line  ■Avith  it,  and  has  never  been  defeated  at  the  polls  for  any 
office  to  which  he  aspired ;  and  although  repeatedly  requested  by  many  of  his 
party  to  become  a  candidate  for  congressional  honors,  he  has  as  often  refused 
so  to  do,  because  such  a  course  would  havo  interfered  Avith  his  professional 

In  1904  he  was  one  of  the  forty  republicans  of  Kansas,  who  met  at 
Topeka  and  inaugurated  the  ''Boss  Buster"  movement,  Avhich  culminated  in 
the  overthrow  of  the  old  regime  in  republican  politics,  and  led  to  the  subse- 
quent success  of  the  Hon.  Walter  Roscoe  Stubbs  and  Governor  E.  "W.  Hoch. 
It  is  said  that  at  that  meeting  of  the  immortals,  when  it  seemed  as  if  success 
could  not  be  had,  and  the  members  of  the  body  were  becoming  discouraged, 
Judge  Thomson,  filled  with  enthusiasm  and  determination,  in  an  impassioned 
speech  of  twenty  minutes,  so  aroused  the  body,  that  they  determined  to  pro- 
ceed on  the  lines  contemplated,  which  led  to  ultimate  victory. 

In  1904,  desiring  a  wider  field  of  activity  and  to  specialize  his  work, 
he  removed  his  residence  to  Kansas  City,  where  he  had  had  some  interests 
for  some  time  previously.  There  he  established  the  law  firm  of  Thomson, 
Stanley  &  Price,  and  has  assiduously  devoted  his  time  and  energy  to  the  prac- 
tice of  corporation  law  and  obtained  in  that  field  an  enviable  success.  He 
is  a  member  of  the  Grand  Army  of  the  Republic  and  Masonic  fraternities 
and  of  the  college  association  of  Phi  Delta  Theta.  He  affiliates  with  the  Pres- 
byterian church,  as  might  be  expected  in  one  so  direct  from  Scotch  ancestry. 

Judge  Thomson  was  married  at  Burlingame,  Kansas,  March  26,  1874, 
to  Sarah  E.  Hudnall,  of  Astoria,  Illinois,  who  had  been  one  of  his  pupils 
Avhen  he  was  teaching  at  that  place.  To  this  union  was  born  one  daughter, 
Maud  Somerville,  who  was  graduated  from  St.  Cecelia  Seminary  at  Holden, 
Missouri,  in  1898,  and  in  June,  1908,  was  married  at  Kansas  City  to  AVilliam 
LeRoy  Holtz,  a  Latin  professor  of  the  Kansas  State  Normal  at  Emporia, 
where  she  now  resides.  In  his  social  character.  Judge  Thomson  is  winsome 
and  companionable,  and  at  his  home,  geniality  and  hospitality  abound.  He 
is  vigorous,  active  and  energetic,  and  he  lightly  carries  his  years. 


So  inseparably  is  the  life  record  of  Lysander  R.  Moore  interwoven  with 
the  commercial  development  and  civic  interests  of  Kansas  City  that  no  his- 
tory would  be  complete  without  extended  mention  of  his  career.  The  latter 
years  of  his  life  were  spent  as  a  retired  capitalist  and  formerly  he  figured  as 
a  most  prominent  and  active  l)usiness  man,  who,  coming  to  Kansas  City  in 
1871,  became  idciitiTicd  with  wliat  is  now  the  largest  retail  dry-goods  store. 


conducted  at  the  present  time  under  the  name  of  the  Emery,  Bird,  Thayer 
Dry  Goods  Comi3any  on  Eleventh,  Wahiut  and  Grand  streets.  Such  was 
the  integrity  of  his  business  record  and  the  enterprise  of  his  methods  that  he 
enjoyed  in  the  fullest  degree  the  respect  and  confidence  of  his  contemporaries 
and  the  admiration  of  the  general  public. 

He  was  a  native  of  Mecklenburg  county,  Virginia,  born  January  3,  1831. 
His  father,  Thomas  Moore,  was  a  native  of  the  Old  Dominion  and  the  fam- 
ily is  one  of  the  oldest  mentioned  in  the  early  records  of  the  country.  The 
first  direct  ancestor  of  this  branch  of  the  family  of  whom  we  have  authentic 
knowledge  was  Thomas  Moore,  for  whom  various  members  of  the  family  in 
succeeding  generations  were  named.  He  came  to  this  country  when  it  was 
still  numbered  among  the  colonial  possessions  of  Great  Britain,  accompanied 
by  two  brothers,  who,  however,  settled  in  other  sections  of  America.  Thomas 
Moore  established  his  home  in  Virginia,  locating  in  Mecklenburg  county, 
which  continued  to  be  the  family  seat  until  recent  years.  Thomas  Moore, 
father  of  our  subject,  was  married  in  early  manhood  to  Julia  A.  Royster, 
also  descended  from  an  ancestry  honorable  and  distinguished.  Members  of 
her  family  were  likewise  prominent  in  connection  with  public  afi'airs  during 
the  formative  period  of  the  history  of  the  new  world. 

Lysander  R.  Moore  acquired  a  common-school  education  in  Virginia  and 
at  the  age  of  nineteen  years  left  home,  going  to  Montgomery,  Ala'bama,  where 
he  was  associated  with  his  uncles,  A.  and  W.  R.  Royster,  in  the  dry-goods 
business.  He  remained  with  them  for  six  years  when,  thinking  he  would  find 
an  occupation  that  was  less  confining  to  be  more  congenial  and  beneficial  and 
having  faith  in  the  agricultural  possibilities  of  Alabama,  he  there  purchased 
a  cotton  plantation  and  turned  his  attention  to  raising  the  chief  product  of 
the  South.  In  1866  he  sold  his  Alabama  plantation  and  purchased  the  well 
known  Junius  Ward  farm  situated  near  Georgetown,  Kentucky.  It  was  one 
of  the  finest  and  best  improved  farms  in  the  state,  splendidly  equipped  with 
all  of  the  modern  conveniences  and  accessories  that  indicate  progressive  hus- 
bandry. For  four  years  Mr.  ]\Ioore  found  his  time  profitably  occupied  with 
the  interests  of  his  Kentucky  farm  and  thoroughly  enjoyed  the  supervision 
of  his  agricultural  interests. 

In  the  meantime  his  brother,  L.  T.  Moore,  had  become  interested  in 
mercantile  afi'airs  in  Kansas  'City,  Missouri,  and  desired  Lysander  R.  Moore 
to  join  him  here.  Accordingly  in  1871  the  latter  disposed  of  his  property 
in  Kentucky  and  removed  to  w^estern  Missouri,  becoming  a  member  of  the 
mercantile  firm  of  Bullene,  Moore  &  Emery  of  Kansas  City.  Soon  after  pur- 
chasing an  interest  in  this  rapidly  growing  business  he  became  its  financial 
manager  and  in  that  capacity  gave  supervision  to  the  numerous  and  im- 
portant details  which  accompany  so  great  and  responsible  a  task.  He  pos- 
sessed excellent  powers  of  management,  combined  with  keen  sagacity  and  a 
recognition  of  the  possibilities  as  well  as  the  exigencies  of  the  future.  Com- 
plex business  problems  he  readily  solved  and  the  solution  was  in  almost  every 
case  found  to  be  the  correct  one.  His  able  control  of  his  department  was  an 
important  factor  in  the  success  of  the  house  until  1894,  when  he  sold  his  stock 
in  the  company,  which  had  in  the  meantime  been  incorporated,  as  Bullene, 


Moore  &  Emery.  His  intense  and  well  directed  activity  in  former  years  made 
the  rest  of  his  later  life  well  merited.  As  prosperity  had  attended  him  he 
had  made  extensive  and  judicious  investments,  which  included  large  purchases 
of  Kansas  City  property,  together  with  varied  personal  holdings  and  real  estate 
in  oth€r  parts  of  the  country.  In  1887  he  invested  in  a  cattle  ranch  in  Texas 
and  for  years  was  owner  of  one  of  the  finest  herds  of  high-grade  cattle  in  the 
southwest.  About  1900,  however,  he  disposed  of  most  of  his  property,  sell- 
ing his  live  stock  and  land  at  a  time  when  prices  were  high  and  his  profit 
was  therefore  gratifying.  He  has  been  financially  connected  with  various 
other  interests  and  wherever  his  judgment  has  been  a  factor  in  mapping  out 
the  policy  or  shaping  the  course  of  an  enterprise  it  has  profited  thereby. 
Moreover  he  belonged  to  that  class  of  American  rejDresentative  men,  who  in 
advancing-  individual  interests  also  promote  the  general  welfare. 

On  the  19th  of  December,  1854,  Mr.  Moore  was  united  in  marriage  to 
Miss  Mary  A.  Thomas,  of  Lowndesboro,  Lowndes  county,  Alabama.  They 
became  the  parents  of  eight  children  and  the  four  who  yet  survive  are  all 
residents  of  Kansas  City,  namely:  George  T.,  who  is  vice  president  of  the 
Weber  Gas  Engine  Company;  Rev.  Charles  W.  Moore,  pastor  of  the  Institu- 
tional Methodist  Episcopal  church,  South;  Alice,  the  Avife  of  William  M. 
Reid,  a  capitalist  with  offices  at  No.  412  Postal  Telegraph  building;  and 
Lysander  R.,  who  is  engaged  in  the  real-estate  business  and  is  a  member  of 
the  Thayer,  Moore  Brokerage  Company. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Moore  evidenced  their  Christian  faith  by  their  member- 
ship in  the  Methodist  Episcopal  church,  South,  in  the  work  of  which  Mr. 
Moore  took  a  most  deep  and  helpful  interest,  doing  all  in  his  power  to  ad- 
vance the  various  church  activities.  No  good  work  done  in  the  name  of 
charity  or  religion  sought  his  aid  in  vain  and  he  was  a  most  generous  con- 
tributor to  the  support  of  interests  for  the  moral  development  of  the  race. 
In  1887  he  furnislied  the  funds  for  the  erection  of  a  church  and  parsonage  in 
Shanghai,  China.  It  was  built  for  the  Methodist  Episcopal  church,  South, 
and  was  one  of  the  finest  missionary  churches  in  China,  becoming  head- 
quarters of  \Methodism  in  that  country.  In  his  political  views  Mr.  Moore  was 
a  stalwart  democrat  but  while  never  actively  interested  in  politics  in  his  own 
behalf  he  stood  as  a  champion  of  all  that  pertaint'd  to  municipal  progress  or 
was  a  matter  of  civic  virtue  or  civic  pride.  There  are  few  men  who  have 
realized  so  fully  tlic  rcsjionsibilities  and  obligations  of  wealth.  His  private 
charities  were  many,  yet  were  so  unostentatiously  made  that  often  a  generous 
gift  was  knoAvn  only  to  himself  and  the  recipient.  He  lived  to  enjoy  in  his 
latter  years  tlie  fViiits  of  a  well  s])ont  life  and  of  Avisely  directed  business 

In  the  latter  ])art  of  1!)(I1  his  licnltli  bcc;iiiio  impaired  and.  lioping  for 
benefit,  he  .spent  several  months  in  ihe  -milh.  Returning  home,  his  liealth 
gradually  failed  until  on  the  lOtli  of  A|iiil,  1902,  he  passed  away.  No  family 
has  held  a  more  ]»n»ininent  oi-  envinhle  position  in  Kansas  City.  Such  were 
his  virtues  and  his  characteristics  tlinl  Mr.  ]Moore  was  spoken  of  in  terms  only 
of  the  highest  esteem.  His  entire  life  was  actuated  by  honorable  purposes 
toward  his  fellowmen  and  his  eonntiy.     While  he  never  courted  popularity, 


he  held  friendship  inviolable  and,  a.6  true  worth  could  always  win  his  regard, 
he  had  a  very  extensive  circle  of  friends  from  every  walk  in  life.  The  pub- 
lic work  that  he  performed  as  a  private  citizen  made  extensive  demands  upon 
his  time,  his  thought  and  his  energies.  In  his  life  were  the  elements  of 
greatness  because  of  the  use  he  made  of  his  talents  and  of  his  opportunities, 
his  thoughts  being  given  to  the  mastery  of  great  problems  and  the  fulfillment 
of  his  duty  as  a  man  in  his  relations  to  his  fellowmen  and  as  a  citizen  in  his 
relations  to  his  state  and  country. 


AVhile  a  native  of  the  east,  T.  H.  Beekman  has  spent  the  greater  j)art 
of  his  life  west  of  the  Mississippi  river  and  in  all  of  his  interests  and  associa- 
tions has  been  characterized  b}'  that  enterprising,  progressive  spirit  which  has 
been  the  dominant  factor  in  the  upbuilding  of  this  great  section  of  the 
country.  He  was  born  in  Schoharie  county,  New  York,  in  1842.  His  father, 
II.  Beekman,  removing  to  the  west,  settled  at  Des  Moines,  Iowa,  where  he 
engaged  in  merchandising  for  years.  lie  married  Lucinda  Eldridge,  of  New 
York  state,  and  they  became  the  parents  of  six  children,  four  of  whom  sur- 
vive. Of  this  number  T.  H.  Beekman  was  about  fifteen  years  of  age  when 
he  accompanied  his  parents  on  their  removal  to  Des  Moines.  He  became  con- 
nected with  his  father  in  merchandising  and  so  continued  in  control  of  a 
eon.'^tantly  growing  business  until  the  spring  of  1881,  when  he  removed  to  St. 
Joseph,  Missouri.  There  he  conducted  a  wholesale  hardware  business  for  a 
time  and  afterward  was  connected  with  the  banking  interests  of  St.  Joseph 
as  one  of  its  leading  financiei-s  until  1894,  in  which  year  he  came  to  Kansas 
City.  For  five  years  he  was  cashier  of  the  American  National  Bank  here  and 
then  turned  his  attention  to  the  brokerage  business.  He  also  organized  the 
Boston  &  Kansas  City  Cattle  Loan  Company. 

His  resourceful  business  ability  and  ready  recognition  of  opportunities 
have  led  him  into  large  and  important  undertakings  and  he  has  been  the 
l)romoter  of  a  number  of  interests  which  have  had  direct  bearing  upon  the 
welfare  of  the  city  during  the  fourteen  years  of  his  residence  here.  Not  only 
has  he  figured  prominently  in  the  brokerage  business  and  in  connection  with 
the  Boston  &  Kansas  City  Cattle  Loan  Company,  but  likewise  organized  the 
Beekman  Lumber  Company  for  the  manufacture  of  lumber  and  its  sale  to 
the  wholesale  trade.  Of  this  company  he  is  president,  with  G.  H.  Lowry  as 
secretary.  The  business  has  already  assumed  extensive  proportions,  the  com- 
pany owning  pine  mills  in  Louisiana  and  hardwood  mills  in  Arkansas, 
while  the  output  is  shipped  to  all  sections  of  the  country  and  sold  to  the 
wholesale  trade.  Mr.  Beekman  is  now  engaged  in  organizing  and  promoting 
the  Beekman  Sawmill  Company  for  the  manufacture  of  lumber.  He  readily 
sees  the  relation  of  interests  and  the  possibility  for  the  coordination  and 
combination  of  forces,  so  that  his  business  interests  are  constantly  expanding. 
From  early  age  he  has  displayed  an  aptitude  for  successful  management  and 


Las  continually  broadened  hLs  capabilities  through  varied  experience.  He 
has  learned  to  disregard  what  is  unimportant,  to  utilize  what  can  prove  of 
value,  and  his  fellow  citizens  know  him  as  one  of  the  foremost  business  men 
of  weste.rn  Missouri. 

In  1867  Mr.  Beekman  was  married,  in  Savannah,  Missouri,  to  Miss  Car- 
rie A.  Hatton  and  they  had  three  sons,  Charles  H.,  H.  H.  and  George  H. 
Mr.  Beekman  belongs  to  the  National  Lumbermen's  Association  and  to  the 
Manufacturers'  Association  of  Kansas  City.  For  this  city  he  has  the  most 
contagious  enthusiasm.  He  regards  it  as  the  foremost  American  city  of  the 
west,  with  larger  possibilities  and  greater  opportunities  and  his  own  enter- 
prise is  proving  a  most  valuable  factor  in  its  promotion  and  development. 


It  is  imperative  in  this  connection  that  prominent  mention  be  made  of 
Charles  D.  Parker,  who  like  the  majority  of  great  men  of  the  west  has  fought 
his  way  to  the  position  he  now  occupies,  as  one  of  Missouri's  prominent  and 
influential  citizens.  He  is  a  representative  of  an  old  colonial  family,  early 
established  in  England.  His  father,  David  Howe  Parker,  by  occupation  a 
farmer,  came  from  Rutland  county,  Vermont,  in  August,  1836,  and  settled 
in  Garden  Plain,  Whiteside  county,  Illinois,  being  one  of  the  first  settlers 
in  tliat  part  of  the  state.  He  aided  materially  in  the  reclamation  of  a 
hitherto  Avild  and  unsettled  district  for  the  purpose  of  civilization.  He  built 
the  first  frame  house  in  Garden  Plain,  Whiteside  county,  and  for  years  kept 
^n  old-fashioned  tavern.  He  was  a  man  of  marked  personality,  was  well 
known  throughout  the  state  among  the  early  pioneer  settlers  and  was  reputed 
the  Avealthiest  man  of  the  county.  He  was  one  of  the  first  to  answer  his 
country's  appeal  for  assistance  during  the  late  Rebellion.  He  was  born  in 
1812  and  died  in  1876. 

In  the  maternal  line  Charles  I);i\i(l  Pnrkcr  is  a  descendant  of  the  Shurt- 
lefFs  who  came  fi-oni  l^igland  prior  to  KioO  and  settled  in  Plymoutli,  Mass- 
achusetts, where  the  f.n nily  was  represented  for  three  generations,  one  of  the 
direct  ancestors  being  Captain  William  Shurtleff,  who  won  his  title  in  the 
luilitia  service  and  who  sei*ved  as  a  delegate  to  the  provincial  assembly.  He 
-was  l.oi'n  in  1657  and  died  at  Plymouth  in  1720  and  was  interred  in  P)urial 
Hill,  where  a  marble  tombstone  still  gives  tlic  records  of  liis  life.  Tlie 
Shurtleff  family  has  fignred  with  distinction  in  connection  Avith  the  history 
of  this  country.  To  William  Shurtleff  wo  are  indebted  for  the  early  records 
of  the  town  of  PlvnKtnth.  Massachusetts,  wheic  he  served  as  town  treasurer 
from  1707  to  1708.  while  latei*  he  served  as  town  clerl<.  He  was  also  a  well 
known  snrxcyoi-  of  his  time  nnd  bnilt  the  first  wharf  and  warehonse  at 
Plymouth.  His  possession.^  entitled  him  to  classification  with  the  wealthy 
men  of  his  day.  .Vnolhei-  meinliei'  of  tlie  family  SiM'ved  with  distinction  a* 
inavoi-  of  Bo-ton. 

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^r '*                                                                                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 



C.    D.    PARKER. 

T,    .   . 

;     /K 

PUB.  . 

;B    .RY 


TILDTN    ; 

»          ..  I  ■ 



Charles  D.  Parker  was  born  at  Garden  Plain,  Illinois,  July  12,  1853, 
and  received  his  early  education  in  the  public  schools  of  Whiteside  county, 
where  he  was  reared  to  agricultural  life,  early  becoming  familiar  with  the 
duties  and  labors  of  the  farm.  He  afterward  engaged  in  the  raising  of  fine 
stock  and  in  buying  and  selling  live  stock,  grain  and  other  farm  com- 
modities until  December,  1887,  when,  believing  he  might  secure  better  ad- 
vantages in  the  business  world  of  the  west,  he  removed  to  Kansas  City. 
Time  has  proven  the  wisdom  of  his  judgment  and  his  operations  in  this 
section  have  been  crowned  with  success — an  indication  of  his  ability,  fore- 
sight and  capable  management.  He  immediately  engaged  in  the  real-estate 
and  loan  busine,ss,  locating  his  offices  in  the  new  Nelson  building,  remaining 
there  about  one  year,  when  he  removed  to  the  American  Bank  building,  be- 
ing its  first  tenant.  He  removed  from  this  location  in  1893  to  the  Massa- 
chusetts building,  remaining  there  until  the  completion  of  the  new  building 
for  the  fir-t  National  Bank  in  February,  1903,  where  he  is  now  conducting 
an  extensive  real-estate,  loan  and  fire  insurance  business,  having  added  the 
last  department  in  1893.  He  is  associated  with  his  brother,  Herbert  Parker, 
under  the  firm  style  of  C.  D.  Parker  &  Company,  and  they  rank  with  the 
most  prominent  representatives  in  this  field  of  business  in  Kansas  City.  A 
man  of  resourceful  ability,  C.  D.  Parker  has  not  confined  his  efforts  alone 
to  one  line,  as  his  counsel  and  unabating  energy  are  considered  valuable 
assets  in  Kansas  City's  business  circles.  He  is  now  the  president  and  a  large 
stockholder  of  the  United  States  Water  &  Steam  Supply  Company,  a  steam 
fitting  and  plumbing  supply  house. 

On  the  6th  of  January.  1876.  Charles  D.  Parker  was  united  in  marriage 
to  Miss  Amanda  Sutherland,  of  Fulton,  Illinois.  Of  this  union  there  was 
born  one  son.  Carl  Sutherland  Parker,  who  married  Susan  Amsden,  of  Abi- 
lene, Kansas,  and  they  have  one  son  and  two  daughters:  Charles  David 
Parker,  Elizabeth  and  Marv. 

Mr.  Parker  is  preeminently  a  man  of  affairs  and  one  who  has  wielded 
a  wide  influence.  He  has  had  no  desire  or  aspiration  for  political  honors, 
although  his  opinions  are  of  weight  in  political  circles.  The  only  position 
of  that  character  which  he  has  ever  held  was  while  serving  as  a  member  of 
the  board  of  supervisors  of  Whiteside  county,  Illinois,  having  the  distinction 
of  being  the  youngest  member  ever  chosen  for  that  position,  his  age  being 
twenty-three.  He  was  also  a  member  of  the  board  of  education  and  presi- 
dent of  the  Agricultural  Society  of  that  county.  His  public-spirited  interest 
in  Kansas  City  has  found  tangible  proofs  in  his  efforts  for  many  movements 
for  the  general  good;  he  has  contributed  his  time,  money  and  influence  to 
the  public  progress  and  the  city's  growth  and  substantial  development.  He 
has  served  as  president  of  the  Real  Estate  Exchange  and  inaugurated  many 
important  movements  which  were  of  benefit  to  that  association.  He  has 
also  been  president  of  the  Implement,  Vehicle  &  Hardware  Club,  also 
president  of  the  Commercial  Club — organizations  which  have  for  their  ob- 
ject the  betterment  of  trade  condition?  and  business  life  in  Kansas  City.  He 
is  also  a  member  of  the  Kansas  City  Athletic  Club,  the  Evanston  Golf  Club, 
Middav  Club  and  has  served  on  the  board  of  director-  of  the  Provident  As- 


sociation  for  over  twelve  years.  His  fraternal  relations  include  various 
branches  of  jMasonry,  having  attained  the  thirty-second  degree  of  the  Scot- 
tish Rite,  while  he  is  also  connected  with  the  Oriental  conimandery,  K.  P., 
and  with  the  great  Ararat  Temple  of  the  ]\Iystic  Shrine.  He  belongs  to  the 
Sons  of  the  American  Revolution  and  the  .Vrchaeological  Society. 

His  broad  humanitarianism  has  been  indicted  by  his  active  coopera- 
tion in  various  benevolent  interests.  He  has  been  one  of  the  trustees  of  the 
Gillis  Orphans  Home,  known  as  the  Children's  Home  and  the  old  Couples 
Home  at  Twenty-second  and  Tracy  streets,  and  is  now  treasurer  of  their 
endownment  fund.  He  was  one  of  the  building  committee  that  took  charge 
of  the  construction  of  the  edifice  for  INIrs.  S.  B.  Armour,  who  contributed 
forty-two  thousand  dollars,  the  whole  cost  of  the  building  as  it  now  stands. 
These  are  charitable  institutions  and  Mr.  Parker  has  devoted  much  of  his 
time  to  the  work  and  care  of  the  unfortunate  in  both  institutions.  Recog- 
nizing indiA'idual  responsibility  in  man's  relation  to  his  fellowman,  *he-=  has 
performed  every  duty  with  a  sense  of  conscientious  obligation"  aiid  his  well 
spent  and  honorable  life  commands  the  respect  of  all  who  know  him. 


Dr.  William  Davis  Foster,  dean  of  the  Homeopathic  Medical  College  and 
one  of  the  most  distinguished  homeopathic  practitioners  west  of  the  Mis- 
sissippi, was  born  in  Van  Buren  county,  Iowa,  September  7,  1841. 

His  father,  Joseph  Foster,  was  a  native  of  Vermont  and  a  member  of 
Captain  Thomas  Waterman's  Company  and  Colonel  Dixon's  Regiment  of  Ver- 
mont Volunteers  in  the  AVar  of  1812.  He  is  moreover,  a  descendant  of  some 
of  the  best  pioneer  families  of  Essex  and  Middlesex  counties  in  Massachu- 
setts. In  nearly  every  generation  of  the  line  there  have  been  physicians 
and  the  family  has  ever. been  noted  for  the  patriotism  and  progressive  spirit 
of  its  members  and  for  their  success  as  business  men.  In  1830  Joseph  Foster 
married  Elizabeth  Kummler,  a  descendant  of  a  Swiss  family  etablished  in 
Pennsylvania  during  colonial  days.  In  1837  they  canic  westward  to  Iowa, 
settling  in  Van  l^urcii  county,  which  at  that  time  contained  l^ut  three  white 
families.  The  father  was  a  college  graduate  and  a  profound  scholar,  who  had 
mastered  several  languages.  Pie  was  a  classmate  of  '"Pliaddeus  Stevens,  a  noted 
statesman  in  the  middle  of  the  nineteenth  century.  'IMiivmghout  his  entire 
life  Joseph  Foster  was  looked  upon  as  the  leader  in  all  important  enterprises 
and  for  many  years  served  as  county  judge.  He  died  November  11,  1855, 
and  was  long  survived  by  his  widow,  who  passed  awa^'  in  Marion  county, 
Missouri,  at  the  very  remarkable  age  of  ninety-four  years. 

In  the  family  of  six  sons  Dr.  Foster,  the  youngest,  i.'^  now  the  only  sur- 
vivoi'.  He  was  educated  in  tlie  public  schools  of  his  native  town  and  when 
sixteen  years  of  age  took  up  the  study  of  medicine  in  Jacksonville,  Illinois, 
with  Di".  David  Prince,  a  dLstinguished  surgeon,  as  liis  ])receptor.  His 
father's  earlv  death  r)1)lio(^(l  him  (o  make  bi.~  own   wav  in   (he  world  and  his 


studies  were  often  interrupted  by  the  necessity  of  procuring  further  means 
but  with  undaunted  energy  and  perseverance  he  made  the  best  possible  use 
of  his  opportunities  and  in  1860  matriculated  in  the  medical  department  of 
the  University  of  Pennsylvania,  to  supplement  his  earlier  reading  by  collegiate 
training.  He  left  the  school  the  following  year,  however,  to  enlist  in  the 
Seventh  Regiment  of  Missouri  Volunteer  Cavalry,  and  in  that  command 
served  under  Surgeon  Ellery  P.  Smith.  Following  the  battle  of  Lone  Jack, 
in  August,  1862,  he  assisted  in  establishing  the  hospital  at  Lexington,  and 
after  the  battle  of  Prairie  Grove  was  similarly  engaged  at  Fayetteville, 
Arkansas.  In  1863  he  was  commissioned  surgeon  of  his  regiment  and  held 
that  rank  until  the  close  of  the  war.  He  was  present  at  the  capture  of  Little 
Rock  and  was  actively  engaged  in  hospital  service  there,  and  at  various  times 
was  a  member  of  the  boards  of  operating  surgeons  and  also  examined  those 
claiming  exemjDtion  from  military  service  on  account  of  disability. 

AVhen  the  war  was  over  Dr.  Foster,  who  had  acquired  through  medical 
experience,  knowledge  far  in  excess  of  that  obtained  through  college  training, 
located"  for  practice  at  Hannibal,  Missouri,  and  entered  into  partnership  with 
Dr.  George  R.  Birch.  Not  long  afterward  he  began  to  investigate  the  sub- 
ject of  homeopathy,  and,  becoming  convinced  of  its  superiority,  he  adopted 
that  method  of  practice  and  in  1869  was  graduated  from  the  Homeopathic 
Medical  College  at  St.  Louis,  ^]\lissouri.  He  then  resumed  practice  at  Han- 
nibal and  was  very  successful  as  a  representative  of  this  school  of  medicine. 
He  has  made  steady  progress  in  his  professional  work,  gaining  a  wide  reputa- 
tion that  is  by  no  means  local.  In  1873  he  assisted  in  organizing  the  Mis- 
souri ^''alley  ^Medical  Association  at  Quincy,  Illinois,  the  first  homeopathic 
body  in  the  state  outside  of  St.  Louis.  The  following  year  at  the  special  re- 
quest of  the  faculty  he  delivered  a  short  course  of  lectures  on  Diseases  of  the 
Thorax  before  the  Homeopathic  Medical  College  at  St.  Louis. 

In  1881  Dr.  Foster  became  a  resident  of  Kansas  City.  He  has  long  been 
recognized  as  one  of  the  best  surgeons  in  the  state  and  one  of  the  strongest 
exponents  of  homeopathy  in  the  United  States.  Investigation  and  research  have 
continually  broadened  his  knowledge  and  promoted  his  efficiency,  and  he 
has  been  a  leader  in  those  lines  of  thought  and  experience  which  have  made 
the  practice  of  homeopathy  of  such  great  benefit  to  the  race.  For  the  first 
five  years  of  its  existence  he  was  associate  editor  of  the  ^ledical  Arena,  the 
only  homeopathic  journal  in  the  Missouri  valley.  In  1889  he  was  called  to 
fill  the  chair  as  professor  of  surgery  in  the  Homeopathic  INIedical  College, 
and  in  1894  was  elected  dean  of  the  faculty.  The  growth  of  this  school  was 
largely  due  to  his  influence,  and  his  zeal  and  devotion  to  the  profession  have 
inspired  his  students  to  put  forth  their  best  efforts  in  a  preparation  for  this 
practice.  He  is  now  senior  member  of  the  American  Institute  of  Homeop- 
athy, with  which  he  became  associated  in  1867.  He  also  belongs  to  the  Mis- 
souri Institute  of  Homeopathy,  the  Kansas  State  Medical  Society  and  the 
International  Association  of  Railway  Surgeons,  being  entitled  to  membership 
in  the  last  mentioned  by  reason  of  the  fact  that  he  was  chief  surgeon  of  the 
Kansas  City,  Osceola  &  Southern  Railway.  In  1886  he  was  sent  as  a  dele- 
gate to  the  International  Homeopathic  Medical  Congress  at  Basel,  Switzer- 


land.  He  is  often  called  to  various  parts  of  the  middle  west  to  perfonii  diffi- 
cult operations  and  has  thus  come  to  be  known  in  the  country  as  one  of  the 
eminent  surgeons  of  his  day.  The  medical  profession  has  reason  to  treasure 
his  record  with  gratitude  and  respect. 

In  1878  Dr.  Foster  was  married  to  ]\Irs.  Christie  K.  Farwell,  of  Yonkers, 
New  York.  He  is  a  member  of  various  charitable  and  fraternal  organizations, 
including  the  Loyal  Legion  and  the  Masonic  fraternity.  He  is  sympathetic, 
kindly  and  companionable  and  in  his  life  has  embraced  many  opportunities 
to  assist  his  fellowmen.  He  is  justly  entitled  to  prominence  as  a  practitioner 
and  an  educator,  yet  wears  his  honors  with  becoming  modesty. 


In  pioneer  times  George  W.  Sedgewick.  now  deceased,  became  a  resident 
of  Kansa-  City  and  was  a  representative  of  a  proioiiirnt  family  here,  while 
ill  l)usiiie-s  life  he  made  a  record  that  was  coiiiniendiiWlc.  aripiiring  success 
liv  honorable  methods  that  neither  sought  nor  dfiiianded  disguise.  Lie  ar- 
rived here  in  1867  and  from  that  time  forward  was  t  )nnec-led  with  several 
lines  of  business. 

The  family  from  which  he  was  descended'  was  of  Scotch-English  origin, 
well  known  and  prominent  in  the  east  at  an  early  day,  the  ancestry  being 
traced  back  to  General  Sedgewick.  The  father,  Captain  Theock)re  Sedgewick, 
was  reared  in  Caanan.  Connecticut,  whence  he  removed  to  Lee,  Massachussetts. 
He  was  there  residing  and  during  the  early  part  of  the  nineteenth  century 
and  after  the  nullirtak  of  the  second  war  with  England  in  1812.  he  enlisted 
as  a  captain  of  artillery,  serving  throughout  the  period  of  hostilities.  His 
discharge  papers  arc  now  in  possession  of  Mrs.  George  AV.  Sedgewick.  After 
the  war  he  returned  to  Canaan,  Connecticut,  where  he  and  his  wife  spent 
their  remaining  days. 

(leorge  \\\  Scdgcwidx.  of  this  review,  wa-  rniite  young  at  the  time  of  his 
parents'  death,  lie  w;i-  lioi-n  in  Lee,  Mas.-adni-sctts.  August  15,  1823,  and 
after  being  left  an  (»r|»lian  went  to  live  with  an  uncle  in  Ilarrisburg,  Penn- 
sylvania, where  he  attended  the  public  schools  and  acquired  a  good  English 
education.  After  he  had  put  aside  his  text-books  he  accepted  a  position  as 
train  dispatcher  in  Harrisburg  for  the  old  Pennsylvania  Central  Railroad 
Company,  occupying  that  position  for  a  few  years,  after  which  he  went  to 
Pittsburg,  Pennsylvania,  being  promoted  to  the  position  of  station  agent 
for  the  same  company.  He  continued  in  Pittsburg  for  several  years  and 
was  then  made  agent  on  the  same  road  at  Indiana,  Pennsylvania,  where  he 
continued  until  his  removal  westward  to  Kansas  City  in  1867. 

Here  Mi-.  Sedgewick  liecanie  agent  for  the  Kansas  Pacific  Railroad  Con. 
jiany,    now   the   T'nion    I'acilie.    and    a-    the   .-uperintendeiit    was    not    rr,<idiiig 
here  at  tliat    time   he  al~(»   attended  to   the   latter   position   and  aete(l   as   agent 
and   .superintendent    until    1883.     In    that    year,    forming   a    j)artner-hip    with 
Edward   Philli])s.   under  the   linn   name  of   Sedgewick   t^    Phillips,    he   began 



dealing  in  tie.-^.  with  offices  at  the  corner  of  Ninth  .^treet  and  Broadway. 
Tliey  took  contracts  from  the  railroad  companies  to  furnish  ties,  which  they 
purchased  throughout  the  country.  Mr.  Sedgewick  continued  in  that  bus- 
iness for  many  years  and  was  very  successful,  securing  large  contracts  and 
making  extensive  sales.  He  was  also .  engaged  in  the  real-estate  busi- 
ness. When  he  arrived  in  Kansas  City  he  purchased  twenty  acres 
of  land  then  at  the  outskirts  of  the  town  but  now  in  the  best  residence 
portion  of  the  city.  Later  he  subdivided  this  and  sold  off  most  of  it 
in  town  lots,  and  his  Avidow  yet  owns  a  considerable  part  of  it  and  thus  has 
valuable  property.  Mr.  Sedgewick  was  regarded  as  a  man  of  resourceful 
business  ability  and  his  enterprise  and  industry  were  manifest  also  in  banking 
circles,  he  becoming  a  stockholder  in  the  Security  Savings  Bank  of  this  city. 
In  all  his  undertakings  he  was  persistent,  persevering  and  diligent  and  his 
labors  brought  him  a  gratifying  measure  of  prosperity. 

Mr.  Sedgewick  was  twice  married  ere  his  removal  to  the  west.  He  first 
wedded  ]\Iiss  Margaret  Bell,  who  died  in  Indiana,  Pennsylvania.  There  were 
several  children  born  to  that  union  but  only  two  are  now  living:  Frank  F., 
who  resides  in  Olatlie,  Kansas;  and  Lee  M.,  of  Kansas  City,  a  prominent 
business  man,  now  president  of  the  Sedgewick  Tie  Company.  Having  lost 
his  first  wife  Mr.  Sedgewick  was  married  in  Indiana,  Pennsylvania,  in  1871, 
to  Nannie  J.  Fiock,  a  native  of  that  place,  her  parents  having  eben 
pioneers  there.  Her  father  purchased  land  from  the  government  near  Indi- 
ana in  a  very  early  day  and  eventually  became  a  large  landowner,  also  en- 
gaging in  the  stock  business  in  that  locality  for  many  years.  The  capable 
management  of  his  business  interests  brought  him  a  gratifying  prosperity 
and  both  he  and  his  wife  spent  their  remaining  days  in  that  locality.  By  the 
second  marriage  of  Mr.  Sedgewick  there  were  no  children  but  Mrs.  Sedgewick. 
reared  seven  children,  all  of  whom  are  now  married  and  living  in  different 
parts  of  the  country. 

Mr.  Sedgewick  was  a  very  stanch  republican,  believing  the  principles 
of  the  party  most  conducive  to  good  government,  yet  he  never  sought  nor  de- 
sired official  preferment  as  a  reward  for  party  fealty.  He  held  membership 
with  the  ^lasonic  fraternity  and  with  the  Second  Presbyterian  church,  to 
which  his  widow  yet  belongs.  He  was  a  wealthy  and  w^ell  known  business 
man,  respected  as  much  for  the  integrity  and  straightforwardness  of  his  busi- 
ness methods  as  well  as  for  the  gratifying  success  he  achieved. 

Mrs.  Sedgewick  owns  a  commodious  and  fine  residence  at  the  southeast 
corner  of  Virginia  street  and  Armour  boulevard,  which  has  been  the  family 
home  for  the  past  twenty  years.  She  also  has  two  blocks  on  Armour  boulevard 
and  building  lots  on  Virginia  street  and  the  Paseo.  Her  realty  also  embraces 
several  fine  residences  elsewhere  in  the  city,  from  Avhich  she  derives  a  good 
rental.  In  her  home  she  has  a  very  fine  library  and  beautiful  paintings  and 
other  works  of  art,  which  indicate  a  refined  and  cultured  taste.  She  also  has 
many  interesting  relics  of  pioneer  days  in  Kansas  City.  On  another  page  of 
this  work  will  be  found  a  view  of  the  old  Gillis  House,  one  of  the  first  hotels 
in  the  city,  and  in  her  home  Mrs.  Sedgewick  has  one  of  the  old  dining  room 
tables,  also  a  hat  table,  a  dining  room  bell  and  several  of  the  old  dining 


room  chairs  from  that  hotel.  Forty  years  have  come  and  gone  since  she 
became  a  resident  of  Kansas  City  and  throughout  this  period  she  has  been 
prominent  in  social  circles,  numbering  among  hor  friends  the  best  residents 
of  Jackson   county. 


By  virtue  of  his  position  as  secretary  of  the  Manufacturers  and  Merchants 
Association,  and  by  reason  of  a  deep,  personal  interest  in  the  city  and  its 
welfare,  Justin  A.  Runyan  has  become  a  prominent  and  forceful  factor  in 
the  development  and  upbuilding  of  the  city  along  various  lines.  While  hold- 
ing to  high  ideals,  his  labors  are  intensely  practical  and  with  keen  intuition 
he  recognizes  the  possibilities  of  the  means  at  hand  and  the  opportunities  for 
successful  cooperation  of  forces  in  the  attainment  of  desired  results. 

The  life  record  of  Mr.  Runyan  began  in  Independence,  Missouri,  on  the 
10th  of  May,  1863.  On  the  3d  of  September,  following,  his  father,  with  the 
family  left  for  Columbia,  Boone  county,  Missouri,  having  been  banished  from 
Jackson  county  under  Ewing's  order,  No.  11.  Justin  A.  Runyan  is  one  of 
twelve  children,  being  the  tenth  child  born  to  Aaron  Ogden  and  Mary 
(Clifford)  Runyan.  Early  in  life  he  displayed  a  taste  for  literature  and  an 
aptitude  for  newspaper  work,  and  to  satisfy  his  desires  in  that  direction  he 
entered  the  publishing  office  of  the  Missouri  Statesman,  at  Columbia,  Mis- 
souri, where  he  became  a  practical  printer  and  pressman  and  at  the  same  time 
studied  journalism  under  Colonel  William  F.  Switzler,  then  editor  of  the 

Realizing  the  value  of  education  and  intellectual  training,  he  afterward 
attended  the  Missouri  University  at  Columbia  for  three  years  and  was  thus 
better  equipped  for  the  duties  of  the  position  of  associate  editor  and  business 
manager  of  the  Missouri  Statesman  upon  his  appointment  by  Colonel  Switzler, 
who  had  received  appointment  from  President  Cleveland  to  the  position  of 
chief  of  the  bureau  of  statistics  in  the  treasury  department  at  Washington, 
D.  C.  Mr.  Runyan  thus  served  until  December,  1887,  when  he  resigned  to 
accept  an  appointment  at  Washington  in  connection  with  the  federal  con- 
gress. While  thus  engaged  he  also  represented  the  syndicate  of  newspapers 
as  a  special  correspondent,  and  like  other  young  men  who  came  to  the  capital 
he  took  advantage  of  the  opportunity  to  attend  the  law  department  of  the 
Georgetown  University  and  in  course  of  time  was  graduated  therefrom.  In 
1891  he  was  transferred  to  the  war  department,  where  he  superintended  the 
publishing  of  the  "Records  of  the  Rebellion  of  1861-65. "• 

On  the  1st  of  September,  1897,  Mr.  Runyan  resigned  nis  position  in 
the  war  department  and  returned  to  Missouri,  and  in  doing  so  broke  the 
axiom  ''few  die  and  none  resign."  His  next  step  was  the  purchase  of  the 
Sentinel  at  Clarksville,  Pike  county,  Missouri,  which  paper  he  published  suc- 
cessfullv  for  some  vcars.     In  July,  1899,  ho  went  to  St.  I.ouis,  where  he  re- 


sumed  his  labors  in  the  newspaper  field  but  in  February,  1901,  came  to  Kan- 
sas City  as  solicitor  for  the  R.  G.  Dun  mercantile  agency.  Mr.  Runyan  thus 
continued  until  July,  1905,  when  he  resigned  to  accept  the  secretaryship  of 
the  Manufacturers  and  Merchants  Association.  Since  that  time  he  has  been 
closely  allied  with  the  development  of  the  manufacturing  and  commercial  in- 
terests of  Kansas  City  and  has  also  actively  participated  in  every  movement 
toward  the  civic,  educational  and  religious  improvement  of  the  entire  people. 
Always  deeply  interested  in  education,  he  is  the  champion  of  every  practical 
and  commendable  movement  for  the  advancement  and  education  of  voung 
people  and  as  secretary  of  the  Jackson  County  Chapter  of  the  Alumni  and 
Ex-Students  Association  he  still  keeps  in  touch  with  the  work  of  the  Missouri 
State  University  at  Columbia.  Another  matter  of  deep  interest  to  Mr.  Run- 
yan is  the  development  of  the  waterways  and  his  study  of  the  question  has 
led  to  the  comprehensive  and  accurate  understanding  of  the  nation's  pos- 
sibilities in  this  direction  and  the  value  to  the  country  of  a  developed  waterway 
system.  He  was  one  of  the  organizers  of  the  Missouri  River  Valley  Improve- 
ment Association  and  has  been  a  delegate  to  and  an  active  participant  in  every 
deep  waterway  convention  held  in  the  United  States  since  the  organization 
was  affected. 

On  the  23d  of  October,  1889,  at  Clarksville,  Pike  county,  Mi.-s<ouri,  was 
celebrated  the  marriage  ceremony  of  Mr.  Runyan  and  Miss  Nellie  Stuart 
Kissinger.  They  now  have  one  daughter,  Lillie  Stuart  Runyan,  who  is  a 
student  in  the  Central  high  school.  Mr.  Runyan  is  well  known  in  Masonic 
circles,  being  past  master  of  Acacia  Lodge,  No.  18,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.,  also  a 
member  of  Columbia  Chapter,  No.  1,  R.  A.  M.,  and  Washington  Commandery, 
No.  1,  K.  T.,  all  of  Washington,  D.  C.  He  likewise  affiliates  with  the  Mithras 
Lodge  of  Perfection,  No.  1,  A.  A.  S.  R.  His  ancestral  history  makes  possible 
his  membership  with  the  Sons  of  the  Revolution  and  he  is  now  serving  on 
the  board  of  managers  of  the  Jackson  county  chapter. 

For  many  years  he  has  been  an  active  and  effective  worker  in  the  church 
and  in  its  various  activities.  He  joined  the  Garfield  Memorial  church  at 
Washington,  D.  C,  November  23,  1890,  and  was  baptized  the  same  night 
by  the  Rev.  F.  D.  Powder,  who  was  known  as  Garfield's  pastor.  In  April, 
1891,  he  and  his  wife,  in  association  with  sixty-five  others  as  charter  mem- 
bers, organized  the  Ninth  Street  Christian  church  of  Washington,  Mr.  Runyan 
being  elected  one  of  the  elders.  He  and  his  wife  purchased,  catalogued  and 
conducted  the  library  at  the  Sunday  school  of  the  Ninth  Street  Christian 
church  until  the  1st  of  October  of  the  same  year,  on  which  day  he  was  elected 
superintendent  of  the  Sunday  school,  serving  continuously  and  acceptably 
in  that  position  until  he  resigned  in  1897,  to  return  to  Missouri.  When  he 
assumed  the  duties  of  superintendent  there  w^ere  eighty-seven  scholars  in  the 
Sunday  school  and  at  the  time  he  resigned  there  was  an  average  attendance 
of  six  hundred  and  ninety-five,  with  an  enrollment  of  eight  hundred  and 
forty-seven.  This  Sunday  school,  for  the  years  1893,  1894,  1895,  1896  and 
up  to  the  time  he  resigned  the  superintendency,  was  the  banner  Sunday  school 
of  the  Christian  church  brotherhood  for  the  District  of  Columbia,  Maryland 
and  Delaware. 


Mr.  Runyan  gives  the  greater  credit  for  the  success  of  the  Sunday  school 
to  the  secretary,  Mr.  George  W.  Pratt,  and  the  strong  corps  of  teachers,  of 
which  Mrs.  Runyan  was  one.  On  locating  in  Clarksville,  Missouri,  he  was 
at  once  elected  superintendent  of  the  Sunday  school  of  the  Christian  church 
there,  and  was  also  elected  superintendent  of  the  First  Christian  church  Sunday 
school  of  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  while  living  in  that  city.  He  has  been  an  active 
worker  in  the  Young  People's  Society  of  Christian  Endeavor  from  its  organ- 
ization and  when  he  came  to  Kansas  City  he  and  his  wife  joined  the  Inde- 
pendence Boulevard  Christian  church  and  for  one  year  he  was  president  of 
the  local  Young  People's  Society  of  Christian  Endeavor  of  that  church.  He 
has  never  been  active  in  club  life,  preferring  to  devote  his  time  aside  from 
his  business  duties  to  his  home,  to  his  church  and  to  the  enjoyment  of  the 
cordial  relation  that  exists  between  him  and  many  friends.  He  is  possessed 
of  untiring  energy  and  is  an  optimist,  who  believes  that  the  world  is  growing 
better  and  is  always  helping  on  the  work  toward  this  end.  It  is  said  of  Mr. 
Runyan  that  he  is  always  ready  to  do  something  for  some  one  else.  As  sec- 
retary of  the  Manufacturers  and  Merchants  Association  he  takes  special  pride 
in  his  work  and  is  never  so  happy  as  when  exploiting  the  good  points  of  Kan- 
sas City  to  the  visitor  within  her  gates. 


In  the  year  1881  Michael  Hofmann  became  a  resident  of  Kansa.s  City 
and  throughout  his  remaining  days  was  engaged  in  the  wholesale  liquor 
business  here.  A  native  of  Germany,  he  was  born  September  29,  1828,  and 
his  parents,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Adam  Hofmann,  were  likewise  natives  of  that 
country,  where  they  always  resided.  The  father  died,  however,  Avhen  his  son 
]\Iichael  was  but  six  years  of  age.  The  boy  acquired  his  education  in  the 
public  schools  and  remained  in  the  fatherland  until  he  had  attained  his 
majority,  when  he  resolved  to  try  his  fortune  in  America,  having  a  brother 
who  was  living  in  Frankfort,  Maine,  and  who  made  favorable  reports  con- 
cerning business  opportunities  in  this  country  and  the  advantages  that 
might  be  enjoyed  here.  Accordingly  he  bade  adieu  to  friends  and  native 
coiHUry  to  take  ])assage  on  a  westward  bound  vessel  and  reached  New  York 
liai'bor  in  due  course  of  time.  Ere  leaving  his  native  land  he  had  learned 
the  tailor'.s  trade  and  for  a  brief  ])eriod  he  worked  at  the  trade  in  the  eastern 
metropolis.  He  also  visited  his  brother  in  Maine  and  in  1852  he  went  to 
r>i>-!oii.  where  he  embarked  in  bu.siness  on  his  own  account,  opening  a  tailor 
sbdp  wliich  he  conducted  for  five  years.  In  1857  he  came  to  the  west  and 
settled  ill  Leavenworth.  Kansas.  There  he  b(\<i,an  in  tlie  wliolesale  liquor 
business,  whicii  he  conchieted  for  a  nutnber  of  years,  thus  gaining  l)roa(l 
experience  in  a  branch  of  li'ide  which  claimed  his  attention  after  his  re- 
moval   to    Kansas    City. 

It  was  while  living  in  Leavenworth  that  Mr.  Hofmann  was  married  in 
1859  to  Miss  .Tohanna  L.  P)aueli.  of  that  city.  Slie.  too.  wa~  l)orn  in  Gennanv, 


and  wa»  a  daughter  of  Frederick  Baiich,  who  was  a  prominent  man  of  that 
country  and  carefully  conducted  business  interests  of  considerable  magnitude 
and  became  quite  wealthy.  In  1854  he  removed  with  his  family  to  America 
and  after  landing  at  New  York  made  his  way  westward  to  St.  Louis,  where 
he  lived  retired  for  a  few  years.  He  then  went  to  Herman,  Missouri,  and 
subsequently  to  Nebraska  City,  Nebraska,  but  did  not  again  engage  in  busi- 
ness, for  the  competence  acquired  in  former  years  was  sufficient  to  supply 
him  with  all  of  the  comforts  and  some  of  the  luxuries  of  life.  In  his  old  age 
he  went  to  Leavenworth,  Kansas,  and  made  his  home  with  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Hofmann  until  called  to  his  final  rest.  Three  of  his  children  are  yet  living, 
one  daughter  being  in  Michigan  and  another  in  Nebraska  City. 

Following  their  marriage  Mr.  Hofmann  engaged  in  the  wholesale 
liquor  business  in  Leavenworth,  Kansas,  being  connected  with  the  trade 
there  for  about  twenty-four  years.  In  1881,  however,  he  sold  out  and  re- 
moved to  Kansas  City,  where  he  established  a  wholesale  liquor  store,  his 
business  being  located  at  No.  319  West  Fifth  street.  He  continued  in  that 
line  throughout  his  remaining  days  and  built  up  an  excellent  patronage,  so 
that  the  volume  of  his  trade  brought  him  a  good  financial  return  annually. 

Unto  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hofmann  were  born  eleven  children,  eight  of  whom 
are  now  living,  namely:  William  L.,  who  resides  in  Utah;  Louise  L.,  the  wife 
of  Gus  Meyer,  a  resident  of  Kansas  City;  Emma,  the  wife  of  Dr.  William 
Brechtline,  who  resides  in  Higginsville,  Missouri,  where,  in  addition  to  his 
practice  he  is  engaged  in  the  drug  business;  Josephine,  the  wife  of  Charles 
C.  Peters,  who  is  superintendent  of  and  a  partner  in  the  firm  of  Emery,  Bird, 
Thayer  Dry  Goods  Company,  of  Kansas  City,  and  whose  sketch  is  found 
elsewhere  in  this  work;  Michael,  who  after  his  father's  death,  took  charge  of 
the  business,  which  he  continued  until  January,  1907,  and  who  resides  with 
his  mother;  Anna,  the  wife  of  Lyman  Seaman,  a  resident  of  Springfield, 
Missouri;  Edward,  who  wedded  Bertha  Boetcher,  and  resides  in  Chicago, 
where  he  is  acting  as  cashier  for  the  Armour  Packing  Company;  and  Flor- 
ence, who  is  with  her  mother.  Those  deceased  are  Gustave,  Marie  and  Ger- 
trude. The  death  of  the  father  occurred  June  2,  1890.  He  had  many  warm 
friends  among  the  German-Americans  and  other  citizens  here,  his  social 
qualities  and  kindly  nature  winning  him  sincere  regard.  While  in  Leaven- 
worth he  was  a  member  of  the  school  board  for  several  years  and  the  cause 
of  education  found  in  him  a  warm  friend.  He  was  thoroughly  in  sympathy 
with  fraternal  organizations  and  belonged  to  the  Masons,  the  Knights  of 
Pythias  and  the  Independent  Order  of  Odd  Fellows.  After  coming  to 
America  and  studying  the  political  issues  and  questions  of  the  day  he  allied 
his  interests  with  those  of  the  republican  party,  which  he  supported  for 
some  time,  but  in  later  years  he  voted  for  the  candidate  whom  he  regarded 
as  best  qualified  for  office  without  regard  to  party  affiliation.  He  was  a 
member  of  the  Catholic  church,  while  his  widow  holds  membership  with 
the  Presbyterian  church.  In  community  affairs  he  was  deeply  interested  and 
his  assistance  could  always  be  counted  upon  to  further  progressive  move- 
ments for  the  public  benefit.  He  wa-  also  devoted  to  the  welfare  of  his 
family  and  was  ever  loyal  in  his  friendships.  He  died  at  his  old  home  at  No. 


918  Pcii]i  street,  a  palatial  residence,  which  is  one  of  the  finest  homes  of 
the  city.  It  contains  twenty-six  rooms  and  its  architectural  beauty  renders 
it  one  of  the  attractive  residences  of  the  district  in  which  it  is  located.  It  is 
still  owned  by  Mrs.  Hofmann  l)ut  she  and  hor  son  ;nul  daughter  now  reside 
at  No.  2221  Troost  avenue. 


Judge  Azariah  Budd,  whose  memory  will  be  ever  perpetuated  in  Budd 
park,  of  Kansas  City,  which  was  named  in  his  honor,  was  also  well  known  for 
a  number  of  years  as  a  practitioner  of  law  in  the  higher  courts  of  Missouri, 
although  after  his  removal  to  Kansas  City  he  did  not  follow  his  profession  be- 
cause of  the  state  of  his  health.  He  w-as  born  upon  a  farm  in  Westmoreland 
county,  Pennsylvania,  September  (5,  1824.  His  ancestors,  coming  from  Eng- 
land to  the  new  world,  settled  in  New  Jersey  and  thence  representatives  of  the 
name  made  their  way  to  various  sections  of  the  country. 

The  grandfather,  William  Joshua  Budd,  a  resident  of  Westmoreland 
county,  Pennsylvania,  was  at  one  time  the  richest  man  in  that  section  of  the 
state.  He  was  the  builder  of  the  town  of  Port  Royal  and  was  associated  in 
many  ways  with  the  material  development  and  progress  of  the  locality,  being  a 
canal-boat  owner,  merchant  and  landowner.  He  also  owned  Budd's  ferry,  at 
which  place  the  town  of  Port  Royal  was  built.  It  was  then  a  part  of  West- 
moreland county  but  is  now  a  part  of  Juniata  county.  William  J,  Budd  was 
married  in  early  manhood  to  Miss  Fitch  and  continued  his  residence  in  Penn- 
vania  up  to  the  time  of  his  death.  He  reared  a  large  family,  including  An- 
drew Budd.  vvho  also  became  the  father  of  a  large  family,  numbering  Judge 
Budd  of  this  review.  The  father  carried  on  general  agricultural  pursuits  in 
the  Keystone  state  until  after  his  marriage  to  Miss  Nancy  Hasson  and  the  birth 
of  some  of  their  children.  He  then  removed  with  his  family  to  Ohio,  settling 
in  Lima,  where  he  continued  to  engage  in  farming,  entering  a  section  of  rich 
and  productive  land.  It  was  situated  in  the  midst  of  the  oil  fields  of  that  state, 
but  he  never  discovered  that  it  was  so  valuable  because  of  its  oil  bearing  prop- 
erties. Having  lost  his  first  wife,  he  afterward  married  Mary  Moorecraft  and 
he  had  by  both  wives  twenty  children. 

Judge  Budd  pursued  his  education  in  the  common  schools  of  Ohio  to  the 
age  of  fifteen  years  and  as  age  and  strength  permitted  worked  upon  the  home 
farm.  When  he  was  eighteen  years  of  age  his  father  gave  him  his  time.  His 
early  educational  advantages  were  supplemented  by  study  in  the  select  school 
and  throughout  his  life  he  remained  a  student,  embracing  every  opportunity 
for  intellectual  progress  and  finding  therein  a  genuine  delight.  He  studied 
hard  while  attending  the  select  school  in  Lima  and  became  imbued  with  the 
desire  of  obtaining  a  college  education.  To  this  end  he  engaged  in  teaching 
and  carefully  saved  his  money.  He  then  went  to  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  and 
matriculated  in  the  Miami  L)niversit3\  In  order  to  save  expenses  he  rented  a 
room  and  propared  his  own  moals,  but  although  ho  was  most  careful  of  his 


■  i^KKr' 





f,xpenditures  he  found  that  he  could  not  complete  the  course  owing  to  lack 
of  funds  and  after  two  years'  study  in  the  university  he  resumed  teaching  in 
order  to  provide  for  his  support.  In  Lebanon,  Ohio,  he  was  employed  to  teach 
the  higher  branches  and  while  thus  engaged  he  began  preparation  for  the  bar, 
reading  law  for  two  years  in  the  othce  and  under  the  direction  of  Lauren 
Smith.  He  then  engaged  in  teaching  school  for  two  years  at  Ridgeville,  War- 
ren county,  Ohio,  where  resided  the  lady  who  afterward  became  his  wife,  and 
who  was  one  of  his  pupils.  After  two  years  there  passed,  he  was  married  in 
1849  to  Miss  Sarah  Ann  Cornell,  of  Ridgeville,  and  for  many  years  they 
traveled  life's  journey  happily  together,  their  mutual  love  and  confidence  in- 
creasing as  time  passed  by. 

Mrs.  Budd  was  born  May  17,  1827,  belonging  to  a  family  of  well  to  do 
farming  people  of  Warren  county,  Ohio.  She  was  reared  on  a  beautiful  farm 
of  one  hundred  and  twenty  acres  overlooking  the  town  of  Ridgeville  and  sup- 
plemented her  early  education,  acquired  in  the  common  schools,  by  study  in 
the  college  at  Lebanon,  Ohio.  She  was  a  daughter  of  George  N.  Cornell  and 
a  granddaughter  of  Daniel  Cornell,  who  died  in  Canada  while  on  a  visit  to 
his  children  in  that  country.  His  wife  survived  him  and  died  at  Ridgeville, 
Ohio.  The  father,  George  N.  Cornell,  was  a  relative  of  the  founder  of  Cornell 
College.  He  was  born  in  Canada,  to  which  country  his  people  had  removed 
from  the  state  of  New  York,  the  father  settling  on  land  which  he  secured 
from  the  English  government.  Later,  however,  he  exchanged  this  property 
for  land  in  the  state  of  New  York,  but  found  that  his  title  to  the  latter  was 
bad  and  he  lost  nearly  all  that  he  had.  On  learning  of  this,  he  said  to  his 
wife,  "Now  for  the  west,"  and  firmly  believing  that  the  west  held  his  oppor- 
tunity he  turned  his  face  toward  the  setting  sun.  The  trip  was  made  down 
the  Ohio  river  on  rafts,  Indian  guides  being  hired.  These  rafts  w^ere  lashed 
together,  and  thus  in  primitive  manner  the  family  made  their  way  into  the 
western  wilderness.  That  Mr.  Cornell  was  not  mistaken  in  his  judgment  is 
indicated  by  the  fact  that  he  prospered  after  his  removal  to  Ohio  and  accum- 
ulated much  land  in  Warren  county.  He  married  Miss  Chloe  Hand,  who 
came  of  a  family  of  English  lineage. 

Soon  after  the  marriage  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Budd  he  was  admitted  to  the 
bar  and  opened  an  office  in  Lima,  Ohio,  where  he  practiced  for  one  year. 
On  the  expiration  of  that  period  he  removed  to  Kalida,  Putnam  county, 
Ohio,  which  was  then  the  county  seat,  but  when  Ottawa  was  chosen  as  the 
county  seat  he  took  up  his  abode  in  the  latter  place  and  was  elected  prose- 
cuting attorney  there.  He  secured  a  good  clientage  in  Ohio,  but  attracted  by 
the  west — that  great  section  of  country  lying  beyond  the  Mississippi  river, — 
he  made  his  way  to  Missouri  in  the  fall  of  1865,  at  which  time  Thomas 
Fletcher  was  governor.  In  this  state  he  practiced  in  the  higher  courts,  re- 
siding first  in  Jefferson  City,  Missouri.  At  that  time,  however,  prejudice 
against  northern  men  had  not  been  eradicated.  They  were  termed  carpet- 
baggers and  there  was  opposition  felt  to  those  who  had  been  Union  supporters, 

After  some  time  spent  at  Jefferson  City  Judge  Budd  removed  to  Clinton, 
Henry  county,  Missouri,  where  he  practiced  for  eight  years.  While  there 
he  was  appointed  judge  to  try  those  who  evaded  the  United  States  revenue 


law  and  thus  won  the  title  by  which  he  was  uniformly  known.  In  1879  he 
came  to  Kansas  City.  Here,  owing  to  heart  trouble,  he  gave  up  the  active 
practice  of  law  and  turned  his  attention  to  other  interests.  He  had  entered 
a  tract  of  forty  acres,  now  in  the  eastern  part  of  the  city.  There  Budd  park 
was  laid  out  and  named  in  his  honor.  Judge  Budd  cleared  and  cultivated 
the  land  and  raised  stock  and  in  his  well  d' reeled  business  affairs  met  with 
gratifying  success.  In  the  winter  of  1889-90  he  traveled  for  his  health  in 
Texas  but  did  not  derive  the  benefit  that  he  had  anticipated  and  passed  away 
on  his  farm  in  Kansas  City  in  December,  1890.  In  his  earlier  days  he  was 
a  member  of  the  Presbyterian  church  and  was  also  identified  with  the  Masonic 
fraternity.  His  political  allegiance  was  given  to  the  democracy  up  to  and 
through  the  Douglas  campaign,  after  which  he  experienced  a  change  in  his 
political  views  and  became  a  republican.  He  was  ever  a  man  fearless  in  what 
he  believed  to  be  right  and  nothing  could  swerve  him  from  a  course  which 
his  conscience  and  judgment  approved.  This  fidelity  to  principle  won  him 
the  highest  esteem  and  made  him  a  man  who  enjoyed  in  the  fullest  degree 
the  confidence  and  trust  of  his  fellow  citizens.  He  stood  for  high  ideals  in 
citizenship,  in  his  profes.sion  and  in  private  life  and  thus  it  was  that  he  gained 
the  unqualified  esteem  of  the  people  among  whom  he  cast  his  lot. 

Since  her  husband's  death  Mrs.  Budd  has  resided  in  Kansas  City  and 
five  acres  of  valuable  land  which  she  inherited  she  has  deeded  to  the  city  as 
an  addition  to  Budd  park.  For  three  years  she  has  made  her  home  at  No. 
3632  Wyandotte  street.  Her  acquaintance  is  a  wide  and  favorable  one  here, 
for  she  shared  in  the  high  esteem  which  w^as  uinformly  accorded  Judge  Budd. 


Dr.  Robert  A.  Livingston,  whose  professional  skill  and  ability  made  his 
life  one  of  great  usefulness,  was  a  native  of  Lisbon,  New  York,  born  August 
9,  1850,  and  was  a  representative  of  a  prominent  old  family  of  the  Empire 
state.  He  was  a  st)ii  of  John  and  Margaret  (Ingersoll)  Livingston,  and  an 
own  cousin  of  Robert  Ingersoll,  whose  words  of  eloquence  thrilled  the  hearts 
of  all  who  heard  him.  The  parents  were  both  natives  of  the  state  of  Ne\\ 
York,  as  was  the  paternal  grandfather  of  our  subject.  Judge  Robert  Livings- 
ton, who  in  early  life  engaged  in  farming  there  but  in  his  later  years  lived 
retired,  enjoying  the  fruits  of  his  former  toil.  He  held  many  public  offices 
in  Lisbon  and  was  a  prominent  man  there. 

John  Livingston  owned  and  cultivated  a  farm  near  Lisbon,  New  York, 
carrying  on  general  agricultural  pursuits  there  until  1849,  when,  attracted 
l)y  the  discovery  of  gold  in  California,  he  started  for  the  far  west.  He  was 
taken  ill.  however,  when  crossing  the  isthmus  and  died  ere  reaching  his 
destination.  His  widow  still  survives  and  is  now  residing  with  a  son  at  Lis- 
bon, New  York,  at  the  advanced  age  of  eighty-five  years. 

Dr.  Robert  A.  Livingston  acquired  his  early  education  in  the  public 
schools  of  Lisbon  and  afterward  attended  college  at  Ogdensburg,  New  York 


When  his  more  specifically  literary  course  was  completed  he  took  up  the 
study  of  medicine  and  became  a  student  in  Belleville  Medical  College,  at 
New  York  city.  He  afterward  went  to  Chicago  and  completed  his  medical 
course  in  Rush  Medical  College,  becoming  thus  well  equipped  for  a  respons- 
ible professional  career.  Removing  to  Stillwater,  Minnesota,  he  located  for 
practice  there  and  for  many  years  was  closely  identified  with  its  professional 
interests.  He  was  an  earnest  and  discriminating  student  who  always  kept 
in  touch  with  the  advancement  made  in  the  profession,  was  ever  careful  and 
accurate  in  the  diagnosis  of  a  case  and  displayed  marked  ability  in  foretelling 
the  outcome  of  diseases.  He  was  most  conscientious  in  the  discharge  of  his 
professional  duties  and  his  labors  were  attended  with  a  gratifying  measure, 
of  success. 

Dr.  Livingston  was  married  in  Lisbon,  New  York,  to  Miss  Virginia 
S.  Wallace,  a  native  of  Lisbon,  and  a  daughter  of  Dr.  Reuben  and  Caroline 
(Ainsworth)  Wallace.  The  latter  died  during  the  infancy  of  her  daughter, 
and  Mr.  AVallace  afterward  married  again.  He,  too,  was  a  physician,  who 
practiced  in  Lisbon,  New  York,  and  later  he  removed  to  the  west,  settling 
at  Little  Sioux,  Iowa,  where  he  continued  in  the  active  practice  of  medi- 
cine and  surgery  during  the  last  thirty  years  of  his  life.  He  died  there  at 
the  venerable  age  of  eighty-eight  years,  and  his  second  wife  also  passed  away 

Unto  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Livingston  were  born  two  children,  but  Zina  Bruce 
died  at  the  age  of  fourteen  months  and  John  Merrill  died  when  but  two 
months  old.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Livingston  continued  to  make  their  home  in 
Stillwater,  where  he  continued  in  the  active  practice  of  his  profession  until 
his  death,  which  occurred  September  8,  1875.  He  held  a  number  of  local 
offices  there,  including  that  of  city  physician,  and  was  always  most  loyal  to 
the  trust  reposed  in  him.  His  political  allegiance  was  given  to  the  repub- 
lican party,  and  he  took  an  active  interest  in  the  work  that  was  being  done 
to  secure  the  adoption  of  republican  principles,  which  he  believed  were  most 
conducive  to  o-ood  g;overnment.  Fraternallv  he  was  connected  with  the 
Masons  and  with  the  Odd  Fellows  of  Stillwater,  and  his  funeral  services 
were  conducted  by  the  latter  organization.  He  was  also  a  member  of  the 
Episcopal  church  at  Stillwater,  and  his  life  was  upright  and  honorable,  win- 
ning for  him  the  regard  and  trust  of  those  with  whom  he  was  associated. 

Following  her  husband's  demise,  Mrs.  Livingston  resided  in  Stillwater 
for  twelve  years,  and  then  sold  her  property  there,  removing  to  Little  Sioux, 
Iowa,  where  she  resided  with  her  father  until  his  demise.  She  and  her 
half  brother,  Arthur  AYallace,  then  came  to  Kansas  City  in  1901  and  both 
invested  in  property  there.  Mr.  Wallace  is  now  doing  business  as  a  nur- 
seryman and  landscape  gardener,  owning  five  acres  of  land  at  MarlboT-ough, 
a  suburban  division  of  Kansas  City.  He  is  an  extensive  operator  in  this 
department,  and  is  well  qualified  to  care  for  the  trade.  He  is  also  engaged 
in  the  real-estate  business,  and  his  intense  and  well  directed  enterprise  con- 
stitute important  factors  in  a  prosperous  career.  He  now  makes  his  home 
with  his  sister,  Mrs.  Livingston.  The  latter  has  also  invested  in  property 
on  East  Thirtieth  street,  also  on  Campbell  street  and  other  public  highways 


of  this  district,  and  in  the  purchase  and  sale  of  property  she  receives  a  good 
return  upon  her  investments.  In  September,  1907,  she  built  a  nice  resi- 
dence at  No.  3822  Virginia  street,  where  she  and  her  brother  re.side.  She 
belongs  to  the  Methodist  Episcopal  church,  and  is  a  lady  of  many  good  traits 
of  heart  and  mind,  to  whom  cordial  hospitality  is  extended  in  many  homes. 


George  Edward  Muehlebach,  well  known  as  a  representative  of  the 
brewing  interests  of  Kansas  City  as  the  president  of  the  Muehlebach  Com- 
pany, was  born  August  10,  1881,  a  representative  of  one  of  the  pioneer 
families  of  this  county.  His  father,  George  Muehlebach,  now  deceased,  was 
one  of  a  family  of  four  sons  and  a  daughter,  who  came  to  America. 

The  sons  all  established  homes  in  Kansas  City  but  the  daughter  remained 
at  Lafayette,  Indiana.  All  are  now  deceased.  One  of  the  brothers,  Peter  Muehle- 
bach, conducted  a  wine  garden  at  Forty-first  street  and  State  Line  and  also 
was  proprietor  of  one  of  the  first  hotels  here  and  Western  Star  House.  The 
other  brother,  John,  was  interested  in  the  brewery  until  1890,  when  he  sold 
out  to  George  Muehlebach.  The  last  named  was  born  in  Argau,  Switzerland, 
April  24,  1833,  and  is  a  representative  of  an  old  Swiss  family.  He  acquired 
his  education  there  and  on  coming  to  America  in  18o7,  settled  in  Lafayette, 
Indiana.  Two  years  Avere  there  passed  and  on  the  expiration  of  that  period 
he  became  a  resident  of  Kansas  City.  He  worked  at  the  harness  trade  in 
what  was  then  the  town  of  Westport  and  later  removed  to  Quindaro,  where  he 
engaged  in  business  for  himself.  Not  long  afterward  he  and  his  brother 
John,  who  had  accompanied  him  to  America,  began  freighting  between  Kan- 
sas City,  Denver,  Salt  Lake  City,  Pueblo,  Silver  Bow,  Helena  and  Butte  with 
ox-teams,  and  were  thus  engaged  for  several  years  prior  to  tlie  period  of 
railroad  transi)ortation. 

George  Muehlebach  next  turned  his  attention  to  milling  interests  in 
Colorado  and  thus  operated  until  about  1870.  when  he  again  came  to  Kansas 
City  and  wdth  his  brother  John  bought  the  Heliiireich  brewery,  with  which 
he  was  connected  until  his  death  December  22,  1905.  Fii  1880  they  demol- 
ished the  old  plant  and  erected  the  present  plant,  to  whidi  repeated  additions 
have  been  made  as  the  increasing  trade  demanded  until  it  is  now  an  extensiye 
and  well  housed  enterprise.  At  the  beginning  the  manufactured  product 
was  only  two  buiidred  V)arrcl<  per  year  and  today  it  is  about  sixty-five  thou- 
sand, while  sixty  men  arc  employed  in  the  manufacture  of  their  celebrated 
Pilsner.  Mr.  Mixlilcbach  dcvotc'd  hi.<  (Mitirc  attention  to  that  luisiness  and 
this  enterprise  proved  very  successful. 

George  Muehlebach  was  a  member  of  the  Swiss  American  Society  and  was 
interested  in  all  that  pertained  to  the  wiliare  of  hi.-  native  land.  He  wa$ 
also  most  loyal  to  his  adopted  country  and  was  in  full  sympathy  with  its 
free  in.stitutions.  Tie  belonged  to  the  Catholic  church  and  was  independent 
in   politics.    In    18.S0  he   married    Margaret    M.   Be.-senl)acher.   a  daughter   of 



John  Bessenbacher,  of  Kansas  City,  who  was  of  American  birth  but  of  Bavar- 
ian lineage.  They  became  parents  of  three  children :  George  E. ;  Sophronia 
C,  the  wife  of  William  Buchholz,  first  assistant  prosecuting  attorney  of  Kan- 
sas City  and  a  member  of  the  firm  of  Kelly,  Brewster  &  Buchholz;  and  Carl 
A.,  who  at  the  age  of  twenty  years  is  superintendent  of  the  brewery.  The 
father  left  to  his  family  an  excellent  estate  which  he  had  built  up  after  com- 
ing to  America. 

George  Edward  Muehlebach  pursued  his  education  in  the  public  schools 
and  in  a  German  Catholic  school  of  Kansas  City,  also  attending  Spalding's 
Business  College,  from  which  he  was  graduated  at  the  age  of  eighteen  years. 
He  then  became  connected  with  his  father's  business  as  solicitor  and  collector 
and  when  he  had  served  in  that  capacity  for  two  years  he  acted  as  superin- 
tendent of  the  brewery  and  later  was  associated  with  the  office  work.  He 
thus  gained  a  practical  knowledge  of  the  business  in  all  of  its  departments 
and  in  1904  became  a  member  of  the  firm  and  was  chosen  secretary  and  treas- 
urer. Upon  his  father's  death  he  succeeded  to  the  presidency,  having  taken 
over  the  management  of  the  business  the  year  before.  He  is  now  conducting 
a  well  established  enterprise  which  is  bringing  to  the  company  a  gratifying 

Mr.  Muehlebach  is  a  member  of  various  fraternal  and  social  organiza- 
tions. He  belongs  to  the  Elks  and  the  Eagle  lodges,  to  the  Swiss-American 
Society,  to  the  Elmridge  Club,  the  Manufacturers  &  Merchants  Association 
and  the  Rochester  Hunt  &  Fish  Clubs.  He  takes  his  annual  vacation  in 
a  trip  each  fall  to  the  Indian  Territory  for  hunting  and  fishing.  His  relig- 
ious faith  is  that  of  the  Catholic  church.  He  is  interested  to  a  large  extent 
in  Kansas  City  real  estate,  his  property  including  his  own  home  at  No.  3672 
Madison,  in  the  suburb  of  Roanoke. 


Wilbur  H.  Dunn,  superintendent  of  the  parks  of  Kansas  City,  was  born 
in  Baldwin,  Kansas,  September  8,  1864,  a  son  of  Brazilla  C.  and  Elizabeth 
(Gill)  Dunn,  the  former  a  native  of  Ohio,  and  the  latter  of  England.  In 
the  schools  of  Baldwin  Wilbur  H.  Dunn  acquired  his  preliminary  education, 
which  was  supplemented  by  study  in  the  University  of  Oregon,  at  Eugene, 
that  state,  where  he  completed  his  education.  He  studied  engineering  in 
the  university  but  before  completing  the  course  engaged  with  the  Northern 
Pacific  Rairoad  Company,  with  which  he  was  connected  for  two  years,  fol- 
lowing its  construction  through  Montana  and  Idaho  till  the  main  line  was 
completed  in  1881.  Three  years  later,  in  1884,  he  came  to  Kansas  City, 
Missouri,  and  engaged  in  his  profession  of  civil  engineering  in  connection 
with  the  Santa  Fe  and  other  railroads,  radiating  from  Kansas  City.  He  has 
also  been  connected  in  a  professional  capacity  with  the  Kansas  City  Cable 
Street  Railway  construction.  On  leaving  here  he  went  to  Atlanta,  Georgia, 
as  engineer  in  charge  of  the  construction  of  the  Augusta  Electric  Railway 


and  subsequently  was  engaged  on  the  construction  of  the  electric  railways 
of  Chicago.  He  gained  wide  reputation  in  this  connection  for  ability  and  skill 
and  the  contracts  awarded  him  were  of  an  important  character. 

In  1896  Mr.  Dunn  became  associated  with  the  park  board  of  Kansas 
City  as  engineer  to  take  the  topography  of  Swope  Park,  and  on  the  20th 
of  May,  1904,  was  made  superintendent  of  the  city  parks  which  position  he 
has  since  filled  to  the  entire  satisfaction  of  the  board  and  the  public.  He 
has  been  connected  with  the  park  system  since  the  actual  park  improvement 
began  and  has  been  largely  instrumental  in  bringing  the  parks  to  their 
preseftt  state  of  development  and  beauty.  He  was  the  fir.-t  in  charge  of  all 
the  engineering  for  the  improvements  and  later  had  general  supervision  of  all 
the  parks,  including  the  constructive  work  and  the  direction  of  the  men.  ]\Ir. 
Dunn  has  high  ideals  which  he  works  out  along  practical  lines  that  have 
produced  tangible  and  effective  results,  making  the  park  system  of  Kansas 
City  one  of  which  its  residents  have  every  reason  to  be  proud. 

On  the  31st  of  May,  188(3,  was  celebrated  the  marriage  of  Mr.  Dunn  and 
Miss  Nellie  Stone,  of  Basehor,  Kansas.  They  have  two  daughters,  Elta  M. 
and  Norma  I.  Mr.  Dunn  is  a  Master  Mason  and  is  also  identified  with  other 
fraternal  organizations,  including  the  Woodmen  and  the  Royal  Arcanum. 
In  the  latter  he  is  a  past  regent.  He  is  also  a  member  of  the  American  Asso- 
ciation of  Park  Superintendents.  He  and  his  wife  hold  membership  in  the 
Westport  Avenue  Presbyterian  church  and  are  interested  in  all  that  pertains 
to  the  material,   intellectual  and  moral   progress  of   the  city. 


Charles  0.  Proctor,  who  has  been  a  resident  of  Kansas  City  from  his 
boyhood  days  and  for  a  mimber  of  years  a  representative  of  extensive  farm- 
ing interests  of  the  west,  is  now^  giving  his  attention  largely  to  the  develop- 
ment of  property  interests.  He  was  born  in  Athens,  Tennessee,  July  25,  1861. 
His  father,  Charles  Alfred  Proctor,  who  became  a  resident  of  Kansas  City  in 
1869,  was  born  in  Charlestown,  Massachussetts,  March  15,  1822.  His  parents 
were  Jacob  and  Lucrctia  (Tufts)  Proctor,  the  former  a  tanner,  and  later  a 
farmer,  while  his  well  directed  business  affairs  eventually  made  him  a  capi- 
talist. He  was  descended  from  old  New  England  ancestry,  his  forefathers 
having  come  to  this  covnitry  in  1638  and  settled  at  Littleton.  ^Massachusetts, 
where  the  old  homestead  is  still  in  possession  of  the  family.  They  were  of 
English  lineage  and  a  coat  of  arms  was  granted  tlu'iii  in  1460.  Charles  A. 
I*i-(i<'t(ir  hud  fdur  great-grand  uncles  in  the  revolutionary  war  and  extended 
mention  is  made  (if  the  family  in  historical  docnnu'iits  of  Littleton,  Massa- 
chusetts and  New  England. 

Charles  A.  Pi'octor  com])lct('d  his  education  as  a  student  in  the  medical 
department  of  Harvard  College  at  Caml)ridg(\  Massachussetts,  with  the  class 
of  1846.  He  was  by  nature  and  tcm])eranient  (]uiet  and  of  litei'ary  tastes  and 
tendencies.    It  was  natural  therefore  that  he  .-hould  enter  ujion  a  jirofessional 


career,  and  after  his  graduation  from  Harvard  he  engaged  in  the  practice 
of  medicine  at  Stowe,  Massachussetis.  In  that  calling  he  met  with  success 
and  proved  himself  ably  qualified  to  cope  with  the  intricate  problems  that 
continually  confront  the  physician,  but  for  some  reason  he  became  averse 
to  the  use  of  medicine,  giving  up  the  practice  to  take  up  the  study  of  assaying. 
In  1852  he  went  to  Ducktown,  Tennessee,  in  the  interests  of  Messrs.  Condit 
&  Thurber,  of  New^  York  city.  He  made  many  trips  to  the  south  for  that 
firm  and  also  for  Mr.  Wetmore,  of  Newport,  Rhode  Island,  and  was  in  the 
south  at  the  time  of  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  war.  As  a  refugee  he  made 
his  way  through  Hood's  army  and  proceeded  to  the  north.  Following  the 
close  of  hostilities,  however,  he  returned  to  the  south  in  1866  as  superinten- 
dent of  the  Tennci^see  Coal  &  Railroad  Company.  In  18'o7  he  went  to 
Marion,  Indiana,  where  he  built  a  large  factory  for  the  manufacture  of  hubs, 
spokes  and  fellies.  After  conducting  it  for  a  time,  however,  he  sold  out  and 
on  the  1st  of  May,  1869,  arrived  in  Kansas  City,  Missouri. 

Mr.  Proctor  located  in  that  section  of  the  city  now  known  as  Westport. 
He  did  not  engage  actively  in  business  afi'airs  but  having  brought  with  him 
to  the  west  considerable  capital,  he  loaned  his  money  on  farm  lands  mostly 
in  Kansas.  Purchasing  twenty  acres  of  land  at  Westport  he  there  erected  a 
home  and  because  of  an  interest  .in  the  work  and  because  of  the  fact  that 
indolence  and  idleness  were  utterly  foreign  to  his  nature  he  engaged  there  in 
horticultural  pursuits,  raising  fruit  largely  as  pastime. 

While  living  in  this  locality  Mr.  Proctor  served  as  a  member  of  the 
Westport  school  board  from  1872  until  1876.  He  was  a  republican  in  his 
political  faith,  but  his  various  trips  to  the  south  gave  him  a  wider  view  and 
a  more  liberal  judgment  of  that  section  of  the  country  than  was  held  by 
most  men  of  his  time.  In  1884  he  returned  east  to  New  Hampshire  and  lived 
amid  the  beautiful  mountains  of  that  district  at  Jaffrey  until  his  death,  which 
occurred  on  the  29th  of  July,  1892.  On  the  19th  of  December,  1854,  Mr. 
Proctor  had  been  married  at  Athens,  Tennessee,  to  Miss  Sarah  Ann  Mastin, 
a  native  of  that  state.  They  were  the  parents  of  eight  children :  Alia  Anna, 
the  wife  of  Ivan  M.  Marty,  a  resident  of  Petaluma,  California;  Martha  Wil- 
liams, the  wife  of  Louis  K.  Scotford,  of  Chicago,  Illinois;  Charles  Ormand, 
who  is  the  immediate  subject  of  this  review;  Julia  Mastin,  the  wife  of  Peter 
Cook,  who  makes  her  home  in  Rio  Vista,  California ;  John  Jacob,  who  wedded 
Eva  Rowl  and  lives  in  Kansas  City;  Lucretia  Tufts,  the  wife  of  Erskin  B. 
McNear,  of  San  Francisco,  California;  George  Lawrence,  who  Ls  located  in 
Rio  Vista,  that  state;  and  Grace  Darling,  the  wife  of  Robert  M.  Hall,  a  resi- 
dent of  Chicago,  Illinois.  The  wife  and  mother  departed  this  life  in  1882, 
while  Mr.  Proctor  survived  her  for  ten  years.  He  is  yet  remembered  by  man^ 
of  the  early  residents  of  Kansas  City  and  Jackson  county,  where  he  was  well 
known  as  a  capitalist  and  business  man,  who  possessed  many  admirable  social 
qualities  and  his  spirit  of  progressive  citizenship  was  manifest  in  many  ways. 

Charles  0.  Proctor  in  the  days  of  his  infancy  was  carried  in  his  father';<> 
arms  a  distance  of  three  hundred  miles  to  get  him  out  of  his  native  state 
and  away  from  the  scene  of  conflict  incident  to  the  Civil  war.  He  came  to 
Kansas  City  in   his  boyhood  days   and   was  educated   in   its   public  schools. 



When  sixteen  years  of  age  he  went  ont  njion  the  phiins  where  he  herded  cat- 
tle. In  1890  he  purchased  six  hundred  and  forty  acres  of  land  in  Johnson 
county,  Kansas,  where  he  made  his  home  until  a  few  years  ago,  his  time  and 
energies  being  given  to  the  supervision  of  his  agricultural  interests.  He  has 
now  sold  live  hundred  and  sixty  acres  of  his  land  to  the  Strang  Rairoad  line 
for  two  hundred  dollars  |)er  acre  and  they  have  made  an  addition  of  this  to 
be  known  as  Overland  Park,  a  suburb  of  the  city.  ^Ir.  Proctor  is  now  inter- 
ested in  laying  out  a  snl)url:)  and  in  in)j)roving  it  and  i-  thus  associated  in  the 
material  development  of  the  west.  In  1900  he  erected  hi^  present  home  at 
No.  4343  Jefferson  street  on  land  formerly  owned  by  his  father  and  it  has 
since  been  his  place  of  residence.  He  has  also  built  many  dwellings  in  this 
vicinity  and  also  sold  a  tract  of  land  to  the  Corbin  Realty  Company,  which 
has  now  been  improved  under  the  name  of  Corbin  Park. 

^Ir.  Proctor  was  married  at  Westport,  October  1,  1888,  to  Miss  Florence 
Grul)er,  of  Marion,  Kansas.  They  have  one  child,  Martha.  Mr.  Proctor  has 
long  been  known  here,  his  connection  with  the  city  covering  a  period  of  about 
forty  years,  for  although  he  has  not  resided  here  continuously  the  family 
have  always  been  interested  in  property  here  and  Mr.  Proctor  has  made  fre- 
quent trips  to  Kansas  City  while  residing  elsewhere.  Pie  has  many  friends 
here  who  have  known  him  from  his  bovhood  davs  and  the  fact  that  he  eniovs 
their  warm  regard  is  indicative  of  an  upright,  honorable  life. 


John  F.  Eaton  is  a  leading  representative  of  insurance  interests  in  Kan- 
sas Citv,  but  while  he  has  attained  distinction  in  business  circulars  bv  reason 
of  his  success,  he  is  equally  well  known  in  Missouri  as  a  prominent  Mason 
and  as  a  leader  in  coimnunity  affairs,  having  been  associated  with  many 
movements  for  the  exploitation  of  Kansas  City's  advantages  and  the  jyroino- 
tiou  of  its  welfare.  One  of  Missouri's  native  sons,  he  was  born  in  St.  Louis 
in  1850.  His  father,  .lolui  Eaton,  was  a  native  of  England  and  when  a 
young  man  came  to  America,  being  engaged  in  a  general  contracting  busi- 
ness in  St.  Louis  for  some  time  and  afterward  in  (^uincy,  Illinois,  where  he 
died  in  1867.  His  wife,  Mary  Frances  Eaton,  died  in  Kansas  City,  April 
20,  1906,  at  the  advanced  age  of  seventy-seven  years. 

John  F.  Eaton  is  the  second  in  a  family  of  five  children  but  only  two  are 
living,  his  l)rother,  Walter  Y.  Eaton,  being  also  r.  resident  of  Kansas  City. 
In  rai'ly  ])oyhood  John  V.  Eaton  accompanied  his  parents  on  their  removal 
to  Qnincy.  Illinois,  and  pni-.<ned  his  edneation  in  the  j)u])lic  schools  of  that 
city.  He  enteri'd  hn^ine--  life  as  a  traveling  salesman  I'oi'  a  crockery  and 
glassware  house,  with  which  he  conliinied  for  a  ye.u".  P\ivorable  reports 
of  Kan-a<  T'ity  and  its  iios.-^ihi lilies  led  him  to  de.>ire  lo  beeome  a  I'csident 
lii're  ;nid  acting  npim  this  course  which  liis  judgnuMit  sanctioned,  in  July, 
1881.  he  became  identified  with  its  bn-iness  interests  thi-ongh  tlie  establish- 
ment of  a  wholesale  ar(l  retail  crockery  and  gla--ware  Im-ine-.-  as  jnnior  ))art- 


ner  of  the  firm  of  Erwin  &  Eaton  at  No.  612  Delaware  street.  The  enterprise 
proved  a  profitable  undertaking.  After  fifteen  years  in  mercantile  lines  Mr. 
Eaton  sold  his  interest  in  the  business  and  turned  his  attention  to  insurance, 
purchasing  a  half  interest  in  the  firm  of  Baird  &  Company.  The  firm  name 
was  later  changed  to  Baird,  Eaton  &  Fulton,  with  offices  in  the  Junction 
building.  They  represent  five  of  the  important  insurance  companies  and  the 
business  of  the  firm  is  now  very  extensive.  The  senior  partner  died  July  14, 
1903,  and  Mr.  Eaton  then  had  entire  charge,  displaying  excellent  executive 
ability  in  systematizing  and  controlling  the  varied  interests  of  the  company, 
until  October,  1903,  when  he  sold  out  to  Edwin  Fulton. 

Mr.  Eaton,  moreover,  occupies  a  position  of  distinction  in  connection 
with  many  of  the  popular  fraternal  and  social  interests  of  Kansas  City.  He 
became  a  charter  member  of  the  Commercial  Club,  has  been  one  of  its  active 
workers  and  in  1896-97  served  as  a  director.  He  is  now  a  member  of  its 
state  and  national  legislative  comittee.  He  also  belongs  to  the  Country  Club 
and  to  the  Modern  Woodmen  of  America,  while  in  his  Masonic  connections 
he  has  become  known  as  one  of  the  honored  and  prominent  representatives 
of  Mansonry  in  the  state,  having  served  as  grand  commander  of  the  Grand 
Commandery  of  Knight  Templars  of  Mis.souri.  He  is  also  past  eminent  com- 
mander of  Oriental  Commandery,  No.  35,  K.  T.,  is  a  Scottish  Rite  Mason 
and  has  been  honored  with  the  thirty-third  degree.  He  was  president  of  the 
Kansas  City  Karnival  Krewe  for  the  three  years — 1898,  1899  and  1900,  and 
instituted  and  carried  through  various  successful  celebrations.  He  is  a  mem- 
ber of  the  upper  house  of  the  city  council  at  the  present  time,  having  been 
one  of  only  two  democrats  elected  to  that  office  two  years  ago.  He  is  also  in- 
terested in  the  moral  development  of  the  community,  having  served  as  ves- 
tryman and  treasurer  of  Grace  Episcopal  churcli,  of  which  he  is  a  commu- 

In  1883  Mr.  Eaton  was  married  to  Miss  Flora  MacMillan,  of  Blooming- 
ton,  Illinois,  and  theirs  is  an  attractive  home  at  No.  3123  Woodland  avenue, 
erected  by  Mr.  Eaton  about  ten  years  ago.  His  interest  in  Kansas  City  is 
one  of  contagious  enthusiasm  which  finds  tangible  evidence  in  his  practical 
and  untiring  efforts  for  the  city's  welfare  and  upbuilding. 

W.  E.  RYDER. 

AV.  E.  Ryder,  vice  president  and  general  manager  of  the  Midland  As- 
bestos Manufacturing  Company,  was  born  in  Ohio  in  1867  and  acquired 
his  education  W'hile  spending  his  boyhood  days  in  his  native  city.  Going  to 
Chicago  in  early  manhood,  he  became  connected  with  the  asbestos  manu- 
facturing business  about  fifteen  years  ago,  being  associated  with  different 
firms  in  that  city  and  gaining  a  broad  general  knowledge  of  the  business  in 
its  various  departments  as  he  worked  his  way  upward  from  one  position  to 
another.  As  his  promotions  brought  him  a  broader  outlook  and  more 
thorough    understanding    of   the    trade    he   became    ambitious   to    engage   in 


business  on  his  own  account  and  saw  the  realization  of  this  hope  when  in 
1900  he  came  to  Kansas  City  and  organized  the  Midhmd  Asbestos  Manu- 
facturing Company,  of  which  he  has  since  been  vice  president  and  mana- 
ger. His  fellow  officers  in  this  concern  are  F.  W.  Fratt,  president;  John  C. 
Miller,  secretary;  and  C.  W.  Long,  treasurer.  The  company  leased  a  build- 
ing at  the  corner  of  Third  and  Highland  streets,  where  they  have  a  floor 
space  of  fifty-two  thousand  five  hundred  feet  and  employ  about  one  hun- 
dred people.  They  manufacture  asbestos  materials  for  all  building  pur- 
poses, insulating  materials,  pipe  coverings,  boiler  coverings,  etc.  Their  out- 
put is  placed  upon  the  market  through  agencies  and  they  also  employ  travel- 
ing salesmen,  sending  their  product  from  one  end  of  the  land  to  the  other. 

This  enterprise  is  now  one  of  the  important  productive  industries  of 
the  city  and  Mr.  Ryder  has  devoted  his  entire  time  and  attention  thereto, 
his  previous  practical  experience  being  of  essential  value  to  him  in  the  con- 
duct of  the  enterprise,  while  his  executive  force  and  administrative  ability 
are  also  strong  elements  in  its  success.  The  plant  is  equipped  with  steam 
power  and  all  the  latest  improved  machinery  and  they  have  installed  their 
own  lighting  plant.  They  also  buy  lumber  and  manufacture  their 
own  shipping  cases  and  the  factory  is  entirely  modern  in  every  particular. 
The  business  has  been  carefully  systematized,  so  that  there  is  no  waste  of 
time,  labor  or  materials  and  yet  it  has  ever  been  the  object  of  the  house  to 
reach  an  ideal  standard  in  business,  in  the  personnel  of  the  factory  and 
offices,  in  the  character  of  the  service  rendered  and  in  the  quality  of  the 
materials  sent  out. 

Mr.  Ryder  was  married  in  Defiance,  Ohio,  in  1894,  to  Miss  Alice  D. 
D'oitrick.  a  native  of  the  Buckeye  state.  They  now  have  three  children: 
Willard,  George  and  Richard.  While  a  comparitively  recent  addition  to 
the  business  circles  of  Kansas  City,  Mr.  Ryder  is  a  man  who  at  once  makes 
his  presence  felt,  not  because  of  any  ostentation  on  his  part  but  because  he 
possesses  the  strength  of  character  and  the  energy  that  enables  him  to  do 
things  and  do  them  well.  He  has  preferred  to  confine  his  attention  to  his 
business  affairs  rather  than  to  any  active  connection  with  public  interests 
and  yet  his  influence  is  always  given  on  the  side  of  progress  in  municipal  or 
civic  life. 


There  are  in  every  community  a  few  people  who  note  the  trend  of 
events  and  the  signs  of  the  times  indicating  what  the  future  has  in  store 
for  the  locality  and  who  labor  to  meet  the  conditions  thai  will  arise;  they 
profit  by  their  foresight  and  the  city  is  bciunted  by  their  enterprise.  Such 
a.  man  had  Kan-^jas  City  in  Xchemiah  Holnics.  He  was  born  in  New  York 
in  January.  1826,  a  son  of  Nehcmiah  and  Clara  (D-an)  Holmes,  whose  fam- 
ily of  eight  children  numbered  three  sons  and  five  daughters.  He  was  the 
seventh   in   order  of  l)irth.      His  father  was  for  manv  vears  a  merchant  of 




^1^  '^Br'ARY 


New  York  city  but  afterward  retired  to  a  large  farm  in  Westchester  county, 
New   York. 

Nehemiah  Holmes  acquired  a  good  business  education  and  also  took  up 
engineering  work.  Leaving  school  at  the  age  of  eighteen  years,  he  afterward 
went  to  Aberdeen,  Mississippi,  where  his  brother  and  a  partner,  Mr.  Kendall, 
were  conducting  a  large  general  mercantile  establishment.  Mr.  Holmes  be- 
came associated  with  them  and  was  soon  made  sole  manager,  for  he  dis- 
played marked  business  capacity  and  enterprise.  At  the  age  of  twenty  years 
he  was  admitted  to  a  partnership  in  the  business  and  continued  in  active 
connection  therewith  until  1856,  when  after  a  most  successful  career  he 
closed  out  the  business  and  came  to  Kansas  City,  where  he  remained  until 
his  death  on  the  26th  of  April.  1873. 

Coming  to  Kansas  City  with  considerable  capital,  Mr.  Holmes  invested 
largely  in  real-estate  and  identified  himself  with  the  interests  and  policy 
of  the  new  city,  working  for  its  upbuilding  along  the  substantial  lines  that 
are  employed  in  building  modern  cities,  utilizing  every  opportunity  for  pro- 
moting the  substantial  growth  which  finds  manifestation  in  extensive  busi- 
ness concerns  and  in  those  interests  which  are  a  matter  of  civic  virtue  and 
civic  pride.  He  was  one  of  the  best  known  and  most  highly  respected  of 
the  early  settlers  here  and  the  growth,  upbuilding  and  prosperity  of  Kansas 
City  was  largely  due  to  his  energy  and  efforts.  In  1868  he  projected 
the  Kansas  City  &  Westport  horse  railroad  and  also  the  Jackson  county  road 
to  the  state  line.  At  the  time  of  his  death  he  was  the  chief  stockholder  and 
manager  of  this  system  of  street  car  lines  and  has  been  called  the  father  of 
the  street  railroads  of  Kansas  City.  He  was  at  the  time  of  his  death  and 
had  been  for  many  years  president  of  the  Mechanics'' Bank  and  was  also  en- 
gaged in  the  insurance  business.  Mr.  Holmes'  death  was  recognized  as  a 
public  calamity,  for  none  who  knew  aught  of  the  history  of  the  city  failed 
to  feel  what  an  important  part  he  had  taken  in  formulating  its  policy  and 
advancing  its  growth.  He  was  perhaps  a  man  of  too  decided  views  to  be 
popular  and  yet  he  enjoyed  to  the  fullest  extent  the  respect,  confidence  and 
good  will  of  those  with  whom  he  was  associated. 

In  1858  occurred  the  marriage  of  Nehemiah  Holmes  and  Miss  Mary 
Rector  Flowerree,  a  daughter  of  Colonel  Daniel  and  Nancy  (Rector)  Flow- 
erree.  Four  children  were  born  of  this  union :  Clarence,  Walton  H.,  Fred- 
ericka  and  Conway  F.  He  belonged  to  the  Odd  Fellows  society  and  in  1858, 
two  years  after  his  removal  from  Aberdeen,  Mississippi,  he  was  presented  by 
that  lodge  with  a  solid  gold  jewel  of  large  size,  together  with  regalia.  He 
had  been  grand  worthy  master  of  the  lodge  and  had  done  much  for  its  up- 
building and  development.  In  politics  he  was  an  old-line  whig  until  the  dis- 
solution of  the  party  and  afterward  became  a  democrat.  He  never  forgot  a 
kindness  or  a  friend  and  at  all  times  held  friendship  inviolable,  while  as  a 
business  man  he  enjoyed  the  fullest  confidence  of  the  public  at  large  and 
was  recognized  as  an  important  factor  in  financial  circles.  While  his  busi- 
ness interests  were  of  extensive  proportions  and  made  heavy  demands  upon 
his  time  and  energies,  he  was  nevertheless  the  promoter  of  many  public  enter- 
prises for  the  upbuilding  of  the  city,  his  interest  in  its  welfar?  being  shown 


in  many  tangible  ways.  His  philanthropy,  too,  was  one  of  his  strongly 
marked  characteristics,  and  as  few  do,  he  lived  up  to  his  ideas  concerning  the 
responsibility  of  riches. 


Robert  J.  Mason  was  one  of  those  men  whose  forceful  character,  clear 
vision  and  keen  discernment  resulted  in  a  thorough  understanding  of  a 
business  situation,  while  his  energy  enabled  him  to  carry  forward  to  success- 
ful completion  whatever  he  undertook.  ISIoreover,  he  was  deeply  interested 
in  the  welfare  of  the  city  and  manifested  his  interest  by  tangible  aid  in  many 
movements  for  the  public  good.  At  the  time  of  his  death  he  was  well 
known  in  business  circles  as  a  member  of  the  Christie  Grain  &  Stock  Com- 
pany, having  been  a  resident  of  Kansas  City  from  1887. 

Mr.  Mason  was  born  in  Mercer,  Pennsylvania,  Aug-ust  11,  1856,  his 
parents  being  Samuel  R.  and  Jane  (Smith)  Mason,  the  latter  a  sister  of  the 
Rev.  Joseph  T.  Smith,  who  was  one  of  the  most  prominent  ministers  of  Bal- 
timore, Maryland,  in  which  city  his  death  occurred.  Both  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Samuel  R.  Mason  are  yet  living  and  each  has  attained  the  age  of  eighty 
years.  They  reside  in  Mercer,  Pennsylvania,  where  the  father  has  been  a 
very  prominent  attorney  for  many  years  and  is  still  engaged  in  active  prac- 
tice. He  is  the  Nestor  of  the  Mercer  bar  and  the  valued  and  honored  president 
of  the  Bar  Association  there.  His  history  recording  a  life  of  activity  con- 
tinued to  the  present  time  should  serve  as  a  source  of  inspiration  and  encour- 
agement to  all  with  whom  he  comes  in  contact.  He  has  held  some  very 
prominent  offices  in  the  city  and  county  and  is  honored  as  one  whose  life 
has  at  all  times  been  worthy  the  highest  respect  and  confidence  of  his  fellow- 

Robert  J.  Mason  acquired  his  early  education  in  the  public  schools  of 
Mercer,  Pennsylvania,  after  which  he  took  up  the  study  of  law  in  his  father's 
office,  and  later  at  Yale  University  and  Lafayette  College,  completing  his 
law  studies  through  his  collegiate  work.  He  then  went  to  the  west  and  settled 
in  Arizona,  where  for  several  years  he  engaged  in  mining  silver,  after  which 
he  returned  to  his  old  home  in  Mercer,  Pennsylvania,  where  he  was  admitted 
to  the  bar  and  entered  upon  the  practice  of  law  in  association  with  his  father. 
He  was  so  engaged  until  1887,  when  he  removed  to  Kansas  City  and  here 
entered  upon  the  practice  of  law  in  connection  with  Hayden  Young,  a  very 
prominent  attorney  of  this  city.  After  a  short  time,  however,  Mr.  Mason 
withdrew  from  active  connection  with  the  bar  and"  entered  upon  a  partner- 
ship with  C.  C.  Christie,  his  brother-in-law,  and  with  others  formed  the  Christie 
Grain  &  Stock  Company,  with  offices  at  No.  707-714  Postal  Telegraph  build- 
ing, this  being  one  of  the  largest  grain  and  stock  firms  of  Kansas  City  and  Mr. 
Christie  still  remains  as  its  president.  Mr.  Mason  continued  in  business 
throughout  hi.-  roiiiiuning  days  nnd  contributed   to  the  rapid  growth,   devel- 

HISTORY    OF   KANSAS    CITY  .     87 

opment  and  financial  success  which  attended  the  enterprise.  He  was  also 
engaged   in   the   real-estate   business. 

In  1885  Mr.  Mason  was  married  in  Mercer,  Pennsylvania,  to  Miss 
Josephine  L.  Hoge,  a  native  of  New  York,  and  a  daughter  of  David  and 
Lucy  (Griffin)  Hoge.  The  paternal  grandfather,  who  also  bore  the  name 
of  David  Hoge,  was  one  of  the  pioneers  and  leading  landowners  and  a  rep- 
resentative of  a  prominent  old  family  of  Ohio.  Her  father  resided  in  Ohio 
for  many  years  and  during  an  early  epoch  in  the  history  of  Iowa  settled 
in  Davenport.  He  controlled  a  line  of  steamboats,  operating  on  the  Missis- 
sippi river,  throughout  his  remaining  chn's  and  both  he  and  his  wife  spent 
the  residue  of  their  lives  in  Davenport.  Two  of  his  brothers  were  prominent 
and  well  known  men :  Judge  Joseph  P.  Hoge,  who  died  while  serving  on  the 
supreme  bench  of  California;  and  William  Hoge,  who  was  president  of  the 
Wabash  Railroad  Company  at  the  time  of  his  death.  The  Hoge  family  is 
well  known  throughout  the  United  States  and  has  been  especially  prominent 
in   the  east. 

Unto  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Mason  was  born  one  son,  Robert  Hoge  Mason,  who 
is  r&siding  in  Kansas  City  with  his  mother.  In  the  early  part  of  1901  ]\Ir. 
Mason  became  ill  and  returned  to  Arizona  for  his  health.  He  died  tliere  sud- 
denly on  the  16th  of  May,  1901.  He  was  always  much  interested  in  the 
upbuilding  and  im^jrovement  of  Kansas  City,  but  was  never  an  ofhce  seeker 
although  a  stanch  republican  in  politics.  He  was  a  good  story  teller  and 
possessing  a  kindly,  affable  manner,  he  made  many  friends.  Both  he  and 
his  wife  were  members  of  the  Second  Presbyterian  church  and  loyal  to 
its  teachings  and  its  principles.  His  sterling  characteristics  were  ever  such 
as  to  win  for  Mr.  Mason  the  confidence  and  good  will  of  those  with  whom 
he  came  in  contact,  while  his  business  methods  placed  him  among  the  sub- 
stantial residents  of  Kansas  City.  Mrs.  Mason  and  her  son  now  reside  with 
her  brother,  Mr.  Christie,  in  a  beautiful  residence  at  the  northeast  corner 
of  Forty-seventh  street  and  Rock  Hill  road,  and  in  leading  social  circles  she 
is   well  known. 


George  E.  Wollaston,  who  was  a  w^ell  known  contractor  and  builder  of 
Kansas  City,  where  many  evidences  of  his  skill  and  handiwork  are  seen  in 
substantial  structures  here,  became  a  resident  of  the  city  in  1883.  He  w^as  a 
native  of  Stanton,  Delaware,  born  November  10,  1842.  The  Wollaston  family 
was  originally  of  Welsh  lineage  and  the  first  representatives  of  the  family  in 
America  came  on  the  Mayflower,  settling  in  Delaware,  where  they  owned  a 
large  farm  near  Wilmington.  The  eldest  brother  of  our  subject  still  resides 
at  the  ancestral  home  and  one  of  the  principal  streets  of  Wilmington  has  been 
named  in  honor  of  the  family.  The  grandfather  was  a  prominent  merchant 
and  large  slave  owner  in  Delaware  in  early  days  and  in  later  life  retired,-  his 
capital  enabling  him  to  enjoy  the  comforts  and  luxuries  of  life.     Joseph  and 


Mary  Wollaston,  parents  of  George  E.  Wollaston,  were  both  natives  of  Dela- 
ware where  the  father  engaged  in  farming  and  afterward  lived  retired  until 
his  death,  both  he  and  his  wife  passing  away  in  the  state  of  their  nativity. 

George  E.  Wollaston  attended  the  public  schools  of  Stanton  and  of  Wil- 
mington, Delaware,  acquiring  a  good  education,  while  in  his  youth  he  also 
assisted  his  father  in  the  operation  of  the  home  farm.  Starting  out  in  business 
life  on  his  own  account  he  purchased  a  farm  between  Stanton  and  Wilmington, 
Delaware,  and  there  engaged  in  general  agricultural  pursuits  until  he  came 
to  the  west.  In  the  meantime,  however,  he  had  responded  to  the  country's 
call  for  troops,  following  the  outbreak  of  hositilties  between  the  north  and  the 
south,  enlisting  as  a  member  of  Company  E,  Fifth  Delaware  Infantry.  He 
served  throughout  the  war  and  participated  in  many  battles  of  importance 
but  was  never  injured.  Much  of  the  time  at  the  front  he  suffered  from  ear 
and  throat  troubles  and  in  1865  he  was  honorably  discharged,  after  which  he 
returned  to  his  home  in  Delaware  with  a  most  creditable  military  record. 

Mr.  Wollaston  continued  his  agricultural  pursuits  in  his  native  state  until 
his  removal  to  Iowa,  where  he  purchased  a  tract  of  land  near  Sioux  City. 
There  he  again  engaged  in  farming  and  raising  cattle  and  was  a  great  lover  of 
fine  cattle,  always  keeping  very  high  grade  stock.  He  continued  upon  his 
Iowa  farm  until  1883,  when  he  came  to  Kansas  City,  where  his  remaining 
days  were  passed.  He  had  already  become  acquainted  to  some  extent  with  the 
contract  business  in  his  younger  years  and  upon  his  arrival  in  Kansas  City, 
where  much  building  was  going  on,  he  at  once  turned  his  attention  to  con- 
tracting and  building  and  soon  secured  an  extensive  patronage,  necessitating 
the  employment  of  a  large  number  of  men.  He  was  also  interested  in  partner- 
ship with  Mr.  Stark  in  what  is  known  as  the  old  Stark  farm  near  Kansas  City 
but  the  greater  part  of  his  time  and  attention  was  given  to  his  building  opera- 
tions until  he  suffered  a  stroke  of  paralysis  and  was  unable  to  engage  in  busi- 
ness longer.  He  was  thoroughly  reliable  and  trustworthy,  faithfully  executing 
his  part  of  a  contract  to  the  very  letter  and  he  had  many  friends  here,  es- 
pecially among  the  real-estate  men. 

After  coming  to  Kansas  City  Mr.  Wollaston  was  married  to  Mrs.  Ellen 
A.  Drennon,  a  native  of  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  and  a  daughter  of  James  W.  and 
Mary  (Kahaler)  Sheridan,  the  latter  a  native  of  Ireland,  while  Mr.  Sheridan 
was  born  in  Springfield,  MavSsachusetts,  and  was  an  own  cousin  of  General 
Phil  Sheridan.  He  followed  merchandising  and  also  carried  on  farming  near 
Cincinnati,  Ohio,  in  early  life,  while  during  his  later  years  he  lived  retired  in 
the  city,  both  he  and  his  wife  spending  their  last  days  in  Cincinnati.  Mrs. 
Wollaston  was  the  widow  of  Jamas  W.  Drennon,  a  native  of  Decatur,  Illinois, 
who  engaged  in  general  merchandising  in  Memphis,  Tennessee,  and  afterward 
in  Des  Moines,  Iowa,  for  many  years.  He  died  in  Corydon,  Iowa,  November 
4,  1895.  There  were  three  children  by  that  marriage  but  Darwin  E.  and  Eva 
both  died  in  infancy.  The  eldest,  Alice,  became  the  wife  of  L.  Hart  Robinson, 
who  is  engaged  in  the  theater  business  in  Chicago  and  Mrs.  Robinson  spends 
much  of  her  time  in  Kansas  City  with  her  mother  Mrs.  Wollaston. 

The  death  of  Mr.  Wollaston  occurred  February  24,  1907.  It  was  the 
occasion  of  doop  regret  to  many  who  know  him  and  had  loarnod  to  respect  him 


because  of  his  activity  and  reliability  in  business,  his  progressiveness  in  citizen- 
shi})  and  his  faithfulness  in  friendship.  He  was  a  stanch  republican  in  pol- 
itics, taking  an  active  interest  in  the  growth  and  success  of  the  party,  yet  never 
seeking  nor  desiring  office.  For  many  years  he  was  an  interested,  active  and 
valued  member  of  the  Grand  Army  post  and  also  held  membership  relations 
with  the  Modern  Woodmen  of  Kansas  City.  His  life  was  at  all  times  in  har- 
mony with  that  of  an  honorable  and  honored  ancestry  and  his  memory  is  yet 
cherished  by  many  who  knew  him.  Mrs.  Wollaston  owns  a  residence  at  No. 
4405  Main  street,  where  she  is  now  living. 


One  after  another  men  rise  from  obscurity  to  prominence  in  the  busi- 
ness world,  thus  giving  demonstration  of  their  power  for  executive  man- 
agement or  for  industrial  skill.  While  all  this  is  laudable  and  worth  while^ 
it  is  not,  however,  the  thing  which  wins  for  the  indivdual  a  lasting  place  in 
the  memory  of  his  associates.  Mr.  Dayton  possessed  in  large  measure  those 
traits  of  character  which  endeared  him  to  his  fellowmen,  and  caused  his 
memory  to  be  sacredly  cherished  by  those  with  whom  he  was  associated.  He 
was  born  in  Hampshire  county,  Virginia,  in  1836.  His  father,  Roland  S. 
Dayton,  was  also  a  native  of  the  Old  Dominion,  and  there  owned  an  exten- 
sive plantation  and  many  slaves.  His  landed  possessions  embraced  several 
hundred  acres  along  the  Potomac  river,  and  his  place  was  one  of  the  most 
highly  improved  properties  bordering  that  classic  stream.  His  wife  was 
Nancy  Dawson  and  to  them  were  born  nine  children,  of  whom  James  H. 
Dayton  was  the  eldest. 

Reared  in  the  county  of  his  nativity,  James  II.  Dayton  acquired  his 
education  in  Virginia  and  was  identified  with  his  father's  plantation  until 
after  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  war,  when  he  enlisted  as  a  member  of  the 
Fourth  Virginia  Infantry  and  served  throughout  the  period  of  hostilities. 
He  raised  a  company  for  active  duty  and  was  later  promoted  to  the  rank 
of  colonel.  He  was  one  of  the  company  that  stormed  Vicksburg  on  the 
31st  of  May,  and  was  wounded  before  the  city.  He  was  also  with  Sherman 
on  the  celebrated  march  to  the  sea,  and  participated  in  the  military  move- 
ments in  the  Shenandoah  valley.  Although  reared  in  the  south  and  loving 
that  section  of  the  country  with  the  strength  of  an  ardent  nature  in  its 
attachment  to  the  place  of  nativity,  he  nevertheless  felt  that  the  south  was 
wrong  in  its  attempt  to  destroy  the  powers  of  the  Federal  government,  and 
in  this,  as  in  every  relation  of  life,  he  stood  manfully  by  his  principles. 

When  the  war  was  over  Mr.  Dayton  made  his  way  to  the  west,  pro- 
ceeding up  the  river  by  boat  to  St.  Joseph,  Missouri,  where  he  remained 
until  1878.  He  was  recognized  as  a  prominent  and  influential  citizen  there, 
and  left  the  impress  of  his  individuality  upon  municipal  affairs  by  his  serv- 
ice as  a  member  of  the  city  council  through  a  long  period.  The  year  1878 
witnessed  his  arrival  in  Kansas  City,  where  he  engaged  in  business  with  the 


firm  of  Haiiiia  &  Company.  Subsequently  he  Ijecame  a  member  of  the  firm 
of  Grimes,  Woods,  Le  Force  &  Company,  in  which  business  he  was  active 
as  buyer  for  the  house  until  his  demise  in  1888.  He  was  recognized  as  a 
man  of  business  ability,  and  occupied  a  position  of  responsibility,  enjoying 
to  the  full  extent  the  confidence  of  those  whom  he  represented. 

Mr.  Dayton  was  married  in  Virginia,  in  1859,  to  Miss  ]\Iary  E.  Dunn, 
a  daughter  of  ]\Iichael  Dunn,  of  the  Old  Dominion,  who  was  engaged  in 
merchandising  in  West  Virginia  for  many  years.  He  married  Lucinda 
Cecil,  a  descendant  of  Lord  Cecil,  of  Baltimore,  and  his  death  occurred  in 
March,  1907,  at  the  venerable  age  of  ninety-three  years.  Unto  ]\lr.  and  Mrs. 
Dayton  were  born  two  children.  Mary  Virginia  became  Mrs.  T.  F.  Moore 
and  (lied  fourteen  years  ago,  leaving  a  daughter,  Helen  M.,  who  is  the  wife 
of  Thomas  Bright.  They  have  one  son,  Thomas  Moore  Bright,  and 
it  is  with  this  family  that  Mrs.  Dayton  now  makes  her  home.  One  other 
daughter,  Mrs.  Addie  Foster  McGuire,  has  also  passed  away. 

Mr.  Dayton  gave  his  political  allegiance  to  the  republican  party,  and 
was  a  stalwart  advocate  of  its  principles.  In  his  fraternal  relations  he  was 
a  Mason,  and  in  his  life  exemplified  the  beneficent  spirit  of  the  craft.  He 
was  deeply  interested  in  all  that  pertained  to  the  welfare  of  his  city  or  pro- 
moted the  welfare  of  his  fellowmen,  yet  his  interests  centered  in  his  fam- 
ily, and  he  found  his  greatest  happiness  with  his  wife  and  daughters  at  his 
own  fireside.  His  friends  ever  found  him  faithful  and  loyal,  yet  his  best 
traits  of  character  were  reserved  for  the  home,  where  he  was  known  as  a 
devoted,  considerate  and  loving  husband  and  father,  always  watchful  for  the 
interests  of  those  near  and  dear  to  him  and  counting  no  personal  effort  or 
sacrifice  on  his  part  too  great  if  it  would  advance  their  joy  or  comfort. 

JOHN    PUNTON,    M.  D. 

Dr.  John  I'uiitoii.  a  distinguishtd  neurologist  of  Kansas  City,  was  born 
ill  LfMidoii.  England,  July  12.  IS")"),  a  son  of  William  and  I'mily  ((iuni- 
brall)  i'untnn.  Tli.<  ])aternal  grandfather,  William  Tunton,  was  a  barrister 
of  London,  who  died  in  the  prime  of  life,  while  his  widow  afterward  came 
to  the  United  States  in  company  with  her  eldest  son,  John,  for  whom  Dr. 
Punton  was  named.  This  son  engaged  in  the  ship  business  and  cai'ed  for 
his  mother  until  her  demise.  Another  .-on  of  the  family.  William  Pnnton. 
fallier  of  Dr.  Punton,  was  an  \ipholsterer  and  died  at  tlu'  age  of  si.\t.\-three 
years.  He  married  Emily  (lumbrall,  a  daughter  of  Tliomas  Grund:)all,  a 
farmer  of  south  England,  wliere  he  and  ]\\<  wife  passed  away  at  an  ad- 
vanced age.  T^nto  William  and  I'^mily  Punton  wei'e  born  eight  children, 
of  wliom  Mliza  and  honi.-a  came  to  America,  were  married  hei'e,  the  former 
dying  at  the  age  of  thirty  years;  and  the  latter  still  living  in  Nebraska. 
William,  the  eldest  son.  ha-  been  ]ii'ineipal  of  the  schools  of  Heigate  near 
London    for   thiiiv    vears. 


THE   !-^   •'   "'JRK 

TILDCN   1'     -i    f    TlONfS 


Marianne  and  Minnie  are  married  and  living  in  London.  Julia  is  the 
wife  of  Professor  Smith,  principal  of  a  large  school  at  Tunbridge  Wells, 
England.  Alfred,  the  youngest  son,  came  to  America  when  twelve  years 
of  age  and  is  now  a  practicing  dentist  at  Mount  Pleasant,  Iowa. 

Dr.  Punton  is  indebted  to  the  common  schools  of  England  for  the  early 
educational  privileges  he  enjoyed  and  at  the  age  of  sixteen  years  he  became 
companion  to  a  wealthy  gentleman,  with  whom  he  traveled  through  Eu- 
rope for  three  years,  gaining  that  knowledge,  experience  and  culture  which 
only  travel  can  bring.  Becoming  imbued  with  the  desire  to  make  his  home 
in  America,  he  crossed  the  Atlantic  to  the  new  world  in  1874  and  soon  after- 
ward made  his  way  to  Jacksonville,  Illinois,  where  he  secured  a  position 
a.s  nurse  at  the  Central  Hospital  for  Insane.  While  thus  engaged  he  took 
up  the  study  of  pharmacy  and  was  advanced  to  the  position  of  druggist.  In 
1878-9  he  pursued  a  course  of  medical  lectures  in  the  medical  department 
of  the  University  of  Michigan  at  Ann  Arbor  and  on  the  expiration  of  nine 
months  in  that  school  returned  to  his  old  position  as  druggist  in  connection 
with  the  Central  Hospital  for  Insane  at  Jacksonville,  Illinois.  There  he  re- 
mained for  three  years,  continuing  his  medical  studies  under  the  direction 
of  the  hospital  faculty  and  through  his  labors  accumulating  means  sufficient 
to  enable  him  to  follow  a  special  course  of  study  which  he  had  mapped 
out  for  himself.  In  1882  he  entered  the  Miami  Medical  College  at  Cin- 
cinnati,  Ohio,   and  was  graduated  the  following  year. 

Thus  qualified  for  practice,  Dr.  Punton  located  at  Lawrence,  Kansas, 
and  was  soon  afterward  appointed  to  the  position  of  city  physician.  After 
eighteen  months  the  president  of  the  state  board  of  charities  of  Kansas  of- 
fered him  the  superintendency  of  one  of  the  new  insane  asylum  buildings 
then  being  erected  at  Topeka,  involving  the  care  of  three  hundred  patients. 
With  laudable  ambition  for  advancement,  he  embraced  the  broader  oppor- 
tunity thus  offered,  there  continuing  until  1888,  when  he  pursued  a  special 
course  of  study  under  Professor  Hay  in  the  Northwestern  Medical  College 
of  Chicago.  He  then  located  for  practice  in  Kansas  City,  where  he  still 
resides,  and  in  the  interim  he  has  attained  high  rank  as  a  neurologist.  In 
1892  he  spent  a  year  in  Europe,  attending  prominent  hospitals  to  observe 
the  treatment  of  nervous  diseases  by  eminent  authorities  on  that  subject  in 
the  old  world.  He  has  also  pursued  special  courses  of  study  in  the  New  York 
Post  Graduate  School  and  the  Polyclinic  School  of  Medicine,  graduating  in 
both  of  these.  In  1895  he  again  visited  Europe  for  further  investigation, 
study  and  research.  He  has  continually  advanced  in  his  chosen  profession 
until  he  has  gained  a  position  of  distinction  accorded  by  the  medical  fra- 
ternity as  well  as  the  public  at  large.  He  was  one  of  the  founders  and  has 
been  president  of  the  Kansas  City  Academy  of  Medicine  and  the  vice  presi- 
dent of  the  Missouri  State  Medical  Association.  He  holds  membership  with 
the  American  Neurological  Association,  the  American  Psychological  Asso- 
ciation, the  American  Medical  Association,  the  Jackson  County  and  many 
other  medical  associations.  He  is  a  trustee  and  also  the  secretary  and  pro- 
fessor of  nervous  and  mental  diseases  in  the  University  Medical  College, 
clinical  neurologist  to  the   City  Hospital  and  to  various  other  hospitals  of 


the  city,  besides  the  Fri.-^en  Raih-oad  System  and  the  Southerii  Kansas.  He 
is  a  member  of  the  board  of  directors  of  the  P'edcrated  Charities  and  editor 
of  the  Kansas  City  Medical  Index  Lancet.  In  1890  he  established  a  private 
sanitarium  for  the  treatment  of  nervous  and  mental  diseases,  which  is  now 
located  at  Thirtieth  street  and  Lydia  avenue.  With  broad  knowledge  of 
the  general  principles  of  medicine  and  surgery,  he  ha^  in  recent  years  con- 
centrated his  energies  upon  the  treatment  of  nervous  and  mental  disorders, 
continual!}'  advancing  in  skill  and  proficiency  until  he  is  recogized  as  one 
of  the  foremost  neurologists  of  the  day. 

On  the  ITtli  of  July.  1884,  at  Jacksonville.  Illinois,  Dr.  Punton  was 
married  to  Miss  Frances  Evelyn  Spruill.  a  daughter  of  the  Rev.  W.  F.  T. 
Spniill,  then  pastor  of  the  Methodist  church  of  that  city.  Mrs.  Punton  was 
born  in  Paris,  Kentucky,  and  is  a  graduate  of  the  literary  and  fine  art  de- 
partments of  the  Illinois  Female  College  at  Jacksonville.  Of  the  five  chil- 
dren born  to  the  Doctor  and  his  wife  four  are  living:  Frank  Gibson,  John 
Morse,    William   Bruce    and   Charles   Wesley. 

Dr.  and  Mrs.  Punton  are  connected  with  the  Grand  Avenue  Methodist 
Episcopal  church,  of  which  he  is  an  official  member  and  trustee.  He  was 
reared  in  the  faith  of  the  Church  of  England  but  on  coming  to  the  new 
world  became  identified  with  the  Methodist  denomination.  In  Masonry  he 
has  attained  the  thirty-second  degree  of  the  Scottish  Rite  and  is  a  Noble 
of  the  Mystic  Shrine.  He  is  a  self-made  man  and  in  a  review  of  his  history 
it  is  a  noticeable  fact  that  he  began  life  with  a  definite  purpose  in  view, 
worked  honestly,  faithfully  and  with  a.  will  for  its  accomplishment,  and 
now  enjoys  a  reputation  that  is  by  no  means  limited  to  the  boundaries  of 
Missouri.  A  man  of  progressive  ideas,  fine  attainments,  high  minded,  who 
has  made  the  most  of  his  opportunities  in  life.  Dr.  Punton  has  risen  to  a 
foremost  place  among  the  representatives  of  the  medical  fraternity  of  the 


George  Pence  Snyder,  vice  president  and  secretary  of  the  Urie-Snyder 
Iron  Works  Company,  wa.-  born  at  Columbus,  Indiana,  July  22,  1861.  His 
father,  John  Snyder,  was  a  native  of  Virginia  but  spent  the  greater  part  of 
his  life  in  Louisville,  Kentucky,  where  he  was  engaged  in  the  wholesale 
grocery  business  until  his  death  in  1875.  Llis  wife,  who  in  her  maidenhood 
was  Sarah  Pence,  was  a  native  of  Columbus,  Indiana,  and  is  living  in  Inde- 
pendence, Mi.^souri,  at  the  age  of  eighty  years. 

The  schools  of  Louisville  })rovided  Mr.  Snyder  with  the  educational 
privileges  that  cjualified  him  foi-  life's  practical  and  responsible  duties.  He 
pursued  his  studies  to  the  age  of  eighteen  years  and  then  came  to  Kansas 
City,  where  he  entered  upon  his  business  career  in  tli(^  em))loy  of  Perrin  & 
Snyder,  wholesale  dealers  in  fancy  groceries,  as  a  traveling  salesman.  After 
representing  that  house  ujion  the  road  for  three  years  he  traveled  for  Eby 
Dowden    &    Company,    wliolesale    groceries    for    four    years,    after    which    he 


joined  his  older  brother,  the  late  R.  M.  Snyder,  in  the  mortgage  and  loan 
business,  which  they  conducted  for  about  seven  years.  In  the  meantime 
they  organized  the  Mechanics  Bank,  of  Kansas  City,  of  which  they  were 
proprietors,  George  P.  Snyder  acting  as  cashier  of  the  institution,  which 
they  conducted  successfully  for  ten  years,  when  they  organized  the  City 
National  Bank  and  transferred  the  deposits  of  the  Mechanics  Bank  to  the 
City  National,  discontinuing  the  former.  Of  the  new  bank  R.  M.  Snyder 
was  president;  G.  P.  Snyder,  cashier;  and  J.  G.  Strain,  vice  president. 

Three  years  later,  in  1882,  Mr.  Snyder  and  his  brother  sold  their  inter- 
est in  the  bank.  A  year  previous  the  Urie  Boiler  &  Machine  Company  had 
been  organized,  Mr.  Snyder  being  one  of  the  members  of  it.  Upon  severing 
his  connection  with  the  bank  he  became  an  active  member  of  the  new  con- 
cern, assuming  the  management  of  the  office  and  the  finances  of  the  business, 
to  which  he  has  since  given  his  entire  attention.  In  1905  he  increased 
his  stock  to  a  half  interest  and  the  name  was  changed  to  the  Urie-Snyder 
Iron  Works  Company.  At  the  time  he  assumed  the  financial  management 
of  the  business  in  1902  the  enterprise  consisted  of  a  small  boiler  and 
machine  shop  on  West  Fifth  street,  worth  about  twenty  thousand  dollars. 
In  five  years  the  business  has  grown  to  such  an  extent  that  they  now  occupy 
a  large  j)lant  covering  an  entire  block  on  the  Kansas  City  belt  line  tracks 
at  Sheffield.  The  new  plant  was  built  by  them  and  opened  in  August,  1905. 
Here  they  employ  about  sixty  men.  They  make  a  specialty  of  the  manu- 
facture of  a  patent  vertical  boiler  which  is  built  without  flues,  but  in  addi- 
tion they  also  do  all  kinds  of  plate  and  sheet  iron  work,  make  tanks  of  every 
description,  boilers  to  an}'  specifications,  smokestacks,  breechings,  dredges 
for  placer  mining,  and  a  general  line  of  contractors'  tools  and  supplies.  The 
growth  of  their  business  has  been  steady  and  has  come  without  any  special 
solicitation,  being  a  tribute  to  the  merit  of  their  output.  Mr.  Snyder  is  also 
interested  in  oil  and  gas  properties  in  Oklahoma  and  the  Indian  Territory 
and  has  invested  to  some  extent  in  Kansas  City  real  estate. 

On  the  11th  of  March,  1889,  Mr.  Snyder  was  married  to  Miss  Nellie 
Bassett,  a  daughter  of  Captain  Leslie  Bassett,  of  Fairfield,  Iowa,  the  wed- 
ding being  celebrated  in  Olathe,  Kansas,  where  Mrs.  Snyder  was  a  teacher 
of  articulation  in  the  deaf  and  dumb  school.  She  is  well  known  in  musical 
circles  in  Kansas  City,  for  she  possesses  an  unusually  fine  lyric  soprano 
voice  and  for  many  years  sung  in  the  leading  churches  of  this  city  and  of 
Independence,  Missouri,  but  with  the  death  of  their  son  she  practically  re- 
tired from  society.  Their  son  was  Lawrence  Bryant  Snyder,  who  w^as  killed 
in  a  street  car  accident  February  28,  1905,  at  the  age  of  fifteen  years,  while 
a  student  in  the  Central  high  school.  R.  M.  Snyder,  the  brother  of  George 
P.  Snyder,  and  for  many  years  his  business  associate,  was  killed  in  an  auto- 
mobile accident  two  years  ago.  He  was  considered  one  of  the  greatest 
financiers  of  this  part  of  the  country  and  one  of  the  best  known  and  most 
highly  esteemed  business  men  and  citizens  of  Kansas  City.  The  family 
residence  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Snyder  is  No.  3516  Michigan  avenue. 

Mr.  Snyder  usually  advocates  the  principles  of  democracy  but  is  not  a 
supporter  of  Bryan,  and  his  last  presidential  votes  were  cast  for  McKinley 


and  Roosevelt.  He  is  a  member  of  the  First  Christian  church  and  has  been 
a  generous  supporter  of  church  and  charitable  interests,  his  benevolence, 
however,  being  entirely  without  ostentation.  He  is  a  great  lover  of  fishing 
and  twice  each  year  makes  a  trip  to  northern  Wisconsin  for  a  few  weeks' 
rest  and  recreation,  spending  the  first  two  weeks  in  June  and  the  month  of 
August  in  this  way,  his  wife  always  accompanying  him  on  the  latter  trip. 
On  one  of  these  trips  two  years  ago  he  caught  a  great  muskel lunge  weigh- 
ing twenty-four  pounds,  which  he  had  mounted  in  Chicago  and  which  is 
now  on  display  at  the  Schmeltzer  Arms  Company  of  this  city.  He  is  a 
man  of  frank,  genial  nature,  without  ostentation  or  display,  devoted  to  his 
business,  his  home  and  his  friends. 


Andrew  J.  Baker,  a  Kansas  City  capitalist,  was  born  in  Saratoga,  New 
York,  October  1,  1836,  and  his  life  record  is  an  exemplification  of  the  state- 
ment of  a  well  known  financier,  who  said:  ''Success  is  a  combination  of  the 
opportunity  and  the  man — but  first  the  man."  Throughout  his  entire  busi- 
ness life,  Andrew  J.  Baker,  actuated  by  a  spirit  of  determination  and  ambi- 
tion has  not  only  utilized  the  opportunities  that  have  presented  but  has 
sought  out  others  and  as  the  years  have  passed  has  advanced  far  on  the  road 
to  prosperity — a  road  which  is  open  to  all. 

]\Ir.  Baker  was  a  son  of  Titus  and  Jerusha  (Flagler)  Baker,  both  of 
whom  were  natives  of  the  state  of  New  York.  The  father  was  one  of  a 
large  family  who  settled  in  the  Empire  state  at  an  early  day.  Born  and 
reared  in  the  east,  he  afterward  removed  to  Indiana,  where  he  followed 
the  occupation  of  farming  and  spent  his  last  years. 

In  1854  Andrew  J.  Baker  began  railroading  on  the  Ohio  &  Missis- 
sippi Railroad,  now  the  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad,  running  from  Seymour, 
Indiana,  to  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  for  fifteen  years.  In  1869  he  became  a  resi- 
dent of  Kansas  City,  at  thnt  time  accepting  a  position  as  conductor  on  the 
Missouri  Pacific  Railroad,  his  run  being  from  this  point  to  St.  Louis.  He 
continued  in  that  position  for  seven  years  and  afterward  went  upon  the 
farm  now  owned  by  the  Armour  estate,  seven  miles  south  of  the  city.  He 
purchased  the  place,  comprising  two  hundred  and  seven  acres,  south  of  the 
city  on  the  Wornall  road,  made  it  his  place  of  residence  for  four  years  and 
during  that  time  erected  buildings  and  fences  and  otherwise  improved  the 
property  prior  to  selling  it  to  Samuel  Wornall.  He  afterward  purchased  a 
place  near  the  Major  Warner  home  and  built  a  fine  residence  there,  which 
he  occupied  for  two  years.  On  the  expiration  of  (hat  period  he  again  sold 
out  and  purchased  thirty-six  acres  at  the  end  of  the  Roanoka  car  line, 
known  as  the  Mellier  place.  Upon  that  tract  he  built  a  residence,  occupied  it 
for  some  time,  and  then  sold  out.  It  has  since  been  platted  and  sold  for 
building   purposes   and    now   the   cut  ire   tract   is   covered   witli    residences. 


Mr.  Baker  next  purchased  property  in  Hyde  Park,  built  a  home  there 
at  a  cost  of  twenty  thousand  dollars  and  occupied  it  until  after  the  death  of 
his  wife  on  the  2d  of  January,  1890,  selling  it  the  following  year.  He^  went 
to  New  York  with  the  purpose  of  educating  his  children,  putting  his 
daughter  in  a  convent  there  and  his  sons  in  St.  John'.s  College.  He  con- 
tiiuied  in  the  east  for  six  years,  after  which  he  went  to  Paris,  where  he 
spent  two  years,  that  his  daughter  might  enjoy  the  educational  advantages 
offered  in  that  cit}',  and  during  the  periods  of  vacation  they  traveled 
through  Switzerland  and  to  other  places  on  the  continent.  Mr.  Baker  has 
crossed  the  water  altogether  eighteen  times  and  is  almost  as  much  at  home 
on  European  soil  as  in  his  native  land. 

In  1901  he  returned  to  Kansas  City  and  erected  the  Netherlands,  a 
modern  apartment  building,  three  stories  in  height  and  containing  apart- 
ments of  six  rooms  each.  The  lot  is  two  hundred  and  forty-six  by  one  hun- 
dred and  forty-two  feet.  In  1905  he  met  a  demand  of  the  modern  city, 
erecting  the  Engadine  apartments,  which  he  named  after  a  favorite  resort 
in  Switzerland,  and  which  consists  of  eleven  suites  of  two  rooms  each  with 
bath.  He  also  has  other  property  interests  here  and  from  his  realty  inter- 
ests derives  a  gratifying  annual  income. 

In  1860  Mr.  Baker  was  married,  in  Seymour,  Indiana,  to  Miss  Eliza 
Durham,  of  that  state,  and  they  had  five  children,  but  Jessie,  the  eldest,  and 
Jack,  the  youngest,  are  now  deceased.  The  two  living  sons  are  Edwin  and 
Arthur,  the  former  of  St.  Louis,  managing  a  hotel,  and  the  latter  of  New 
York  city.  The  daughter.  Bertha,  is  the  wife  of  Prank  A.  Barr,  connected 
with  Illinois  Central  Railroad,   living  in  Chicago. 

INIr.  Baker's  career  is  notably  that  of  a  self-made  man  who  owes  his  ad- 
vancement not  to  any  fortunate  combination  of  circumstances  but  to  the 
fact  that  he  has  recognized  and  known  how  to  improve  opportunities,  and 
thus  he  has  made  steady  advancement  in  the  business  world  until,  long 
since  leaving  the  ranks  of  the  many,  he  stands  today  among  the  successful 


Edward  F.  Tobener  is  now  practically  living  retired  after  years  of  active 
connection  with  the  real-estate  and  building  interests  in  Kansas  City.  He 
was  born  in  the  old  Tobener  block,  at  the  corner  of  Fifteenth  street  and 
Grand  avenue,  on  the  2d  of  March,  1869,  and  is  a  son  of  Henry  Tobener, 
who  was  a  leading  and  influential  citizen  at  an  early  day  and  who  is  men- 
tioned on  another  page  of  this  volume.  When  he  had  reached  the  usual  age 
the  boy  was  sent  to  school,  pursuing  his  studies  in  the  Humboldt  and 
Morse  schools,  while  later  he  attended  Spalding's  Business  College.  Early 
in  his  career  he  engaged  with  his  father  in  the  conduct  of  a  livery  stable 
and  also  collected  rents  and  looked  after  the  real-estate  interests  of  his 
father  for  a  number  of  years.  As  Henry  Tobener  prospered  in  his  under- 
takings he  invested  more  and  more  largely  in  property  and  thus  his  realty 


interests  made  heavier  demands  npon  the  time  and  attention  of  Edward  F. 
Tobener  as  the  years  passed  by.  In  connection  with  his  fathor  he  did  con- 
siderable building  and  thus  figured  in  the  business  circles  of  the  city  as  a 
prominent,  enterprising  factor.  He  is,  however,  now  living  retired,  save  that 
he  devotes  some  time  to  the  raising  of  fine  pigeons.  He  has  imported  a 
great  many  from  Germany  of  the  most  improved  varieties  and  finds  this 
work  most  congenial  and  interesting. 

Mr.  Tobener  was  married  in  Kansas  Citv  in  1896  to  Miss  ]\Iarv  Mueller, 
who  was  born  in  Belleville,  Illinois,  a  daughter  of  John  Mueller,  of  that 
city,  and  they  now  have  one  son,  Henry.  Mr.  Tobener  erected  a  fine  resi- 
dence at  No.  1412  Bales  street  and  it  has  been  his  home  since  its  completion 
in  1904.  He  has  always  been  a  leader  in  the  ranks  of  the  democratic  ]iarty 
and  believes  that  in  its  principles  lies  the  solution  of  popular  government. 
His  entire  life  having  here  been  passed,  the  city  and  its  welfare  are  dear  to  his 
heart  and  he  gives  substantial  assistance  to  many  movements  which  are  of 
value  in  the  work  of  public  improvement.  His  life  is  exemplary  in  many 
respects  and  his  activity  and  keen  discernment  in  business  have  constituted 
the  salient  features  in  a  prosperous  career  that  now^  enables  him  to  live  re- 
tired, deriving  a  substantial   income  from  his  invested   interests. 


Colonel  George  Peery  Gross,  a  Confederate  veteran  of  the  Civil  war,  a 
Spanish  war  veteran,  a  member  of  the  National  Guard  and  connected  through 
ancestry  with  the  War  for  Independence,  being  now  president  of  the  Sons 
of  the  American  Revolution,  is  a  citizen  in  whom'  patriotism  has  always  been 
a  salient  characteristic.  He  was  born  at  Van  Buren,  Arkansas,  November  21, 
1847.  His  father,  George  Gross,  was  a  native  of  Pittsburg,  Pennsylvania,  and 
a  manufacturer  of  leather.  He  served  in  the  Confederate  army  in  the  com- 
missary department,  holding  a  staff"  position.  The  paternal  grandfather,  Jacob 
S.  Gro.-;s,  was  a  lieutenant  in  a  Pciiii.-ylvania  regiment  during  the  war  of 
1812,  while  tlic  great-grandfather,  John  Gross,  was  a  captain  of  the  Third 
Pennsylvania  Regiment  in  the  Revolutidiiary  war.  Michael  Gro.«>.  an  uncle 
of  our  .-ubjcct,  was  also  a  .soldier,  serving  with  General  AValker  at  Nicai-agua 
in  the  filibustering  expedition.  All  of  the  above  \vere  officers  and  the  military 
record  of  the  family  is  one  of  which  its  members  have  reason  to  be  proud. 
The  mother  of  Colonel  Gros.s,  of  this  review,  was  Lockcy  Pet-ry.  a  native  of 
Tazewell,  Virginia,  who  was  married,  however,  in  Washington  county,  Mis- 
souri, to  George  Gross.  His  death  occurred  in  Kansas  City.  The  mother  also 
passed  away  there  and  both  Avere  laid  to  rest  in  a  cemetery  at  Van  Buren. 

Colonel  Gross,  of  this  review,  accpiircd  a  limited  educatiini  in  the  public 
schools  of  Van  Buren.  He  was  but  fourteen  and  a  half  years  of  age  when 
he  joined  the  Confederate  army,  serving  for  three  and  a  half  years  in  defense 
of  the  .southern  cause.     He  was  with  Major  Buck  Brown's  Battalion  of  Tnde- 

COL.    GEORGE    P.    GEOSS. 


pendent  Rangers  and  later  was  transferred  to  ]\Iajor  General  James  F.  Fagan's 
escort  company.  Subsequently  he  served  with  the  Missouri  troops  in  a  cam- 
paign against  General  Banks'  expedition  up  the  Red  river,  and  he  also  saw 
service  against  General  Steele's  advance  out  of  Little  Rock  to  Shreveport, 
Louisiana.  He  participated  in  the  battles  at  Mansfield,  Pleasant  Hill, 
Louisiana,  and  Jenkins  Ferry,  Arkansas,  and  in  several  engagements  in  the 
Indian  Territory.  At  the  close  of  the  war  he  surrendered  at  Little  Rock  and 
took  the  oath  of  allegiance  to  support  the  constitution  of  the  United  States, 
being  at  that  time  eighteen  years  of  age.  When  the  war  was  over  Colonel 
Gross  engaged  in  merchandising  at  Van  Buren,  Arkansas,  becoming  connected 
with  a  store  there  in  1866.  He  continued  to  reside  at  Van  Buren  until  1874, 
which  year  witnessed  his  arrival  in  Kansas  City.  Here  he  entered  the  em- 
ploy of  the  Duncan-Wyeth  Hardware  Company,  which  was  later  succeeded 
by  the  Hall  &  Willis  Hardware  Company.  He  traveled  all  over  the  west  sell- 
ing goods  for  tho.'^e  houses  until  1887,  when  he  accepted  a  similar  position 
with  the  Kansas  City  Hardware  Company,  continuing  with  that  concern  for 
a  year.  He  then  resigned  to  engage  in  business  on  his  own  account,  becom- 
ing manufacturers'  agent  for  several  eastern  manufacturing  companies,  which 
he  represented  in  that  capacity  until  1898. 

In  the  meantime  Colonel  Gross  had  gained  some  military  experience, 
for  on  the  26th  of  May,  1891,  he  was  appointed  by  Governor  W.  J.  Stone 
as  quartermaster  of  the  Third  Regiment  of  the  Missouri  National  Guard.  On 
the  22d  of  December,  1893,  he  resigned  and  Avas  elected  first  lieutenant  of 
Battery  B,  Missouri  National  Guard,  being  commissioned  as  such  by  Governor 
Stone.  On  the  31st  of  March,  1894,  he  was  again  appointed  and  commis- 
sioned by  Governor  Stone  quartermaster  of  the  Third  Regiment,  and  on  the 
10th  of  April,  1895,  he  was  elected  lieutenant  colonel  of  the  Third  Regiment 
followed  by  election  to  the  colonelcy  on  the  24th  of  October  of  the  same  year. 
At  the  breaking  out  of  the  Spanish-American  war  he  was  appointed  and 
commissioned  colonel  of  the  Third  Missouri  Regiment  of  the  United  States 
Volunteer  Infantry,  the  commission  bearing  date  April  27,  1898.  His  com- 
mand was  attached  to  the  Second  Army  Corps  at  Camp  Alger  and  he  marched 
with  his  regiment  and  Second  Division  of  the  Second  Army  Corps  to  Thor- 
oughfare Gap,  Virginia,  and  thence  was  sent  to  Camp  Mead,  Pennsylvania, 
to  join  the  army  corps.  He  saw  seven  months'  service  and  when  the  country 
no  longer  needed  the  militant  aid  of  her  loyal  citizens  he  returned  to  his 

Colonel  Gross  then  engaged  in  the  business  of  selling  mines  and  mineral 
and  timber  lands.  He  is  interested  in  a  number  of  mining  properties  and  at 
the  present  time  (1908)  he  is  president  of  the  Manhattan  Gold  Crest  Mining 
Company  of  Manhattan,  Nevada.  He  is  also  secretary  and  treasurer  of  the 
Logan  Copper  Company  of  Arizona,  which  properties  are  in  the  course  of 
development,  and  in  their  ownership  he  is  associated  with  several  prominent 
Kansas  City  capitalists.  His  oflRce  is  at  No.  1008  Commerce  building.  He 
has  made  a  close  study  of  the  mining  conditions,  interests  and  possibilities  of 
the  west  and  has  good  reason  to  believe  that  his  investments  have  been  placed 
in    valuable    mining    properties.     He  owns    valuable  zinc    mining    land    in 


northern  Arkansas  and  he  is  al<o  sole  owner  and  manufacturer  of  a  l)uruer 
for  fuel  oil. 

Colonel  Gross  was  married  to  Miss  Martha  Vincil  at  St.  Louis,  Missouri, 
a  daughter  of  Rev.  John  D.  Vincil,  a  minister  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
church,  South,  who  is  well  known  in  his  denomination  and  was  for  twenty- 
one  years  secretary  of  the  Masonic  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  which  position 
he  held  at  the  time  of  his  death.  Colonel  and  Mrs.  Gross  have  never  had  any 
children  of  their  own  but  have  reared  a  nephew,  Harry  ^Miller,  who  is  a 
young  man  well  and  favorably  known  in  Kansas  City.  During  the  Spanish- 
American  war  he  served  as  a  lieutenant  of  one  of  the  companies  in  his  uncle's 
regiment.  Colonel  Gross  and  his  wife  are  well  known  socially  in  the  city. 
Mrs.  Gross  is  the  president  of  the  Southwest  Missouri  board  of  home  missions 
and  president  of  the  board  of  city  missions ;  and  is  also  president  of  the  United 
Daughters  of  the  Confederacy.  In  his  political  views  Colonel  Gross  has  always 
been  a  stalwart  democrat  and  upon  the  party  ticket  he  was  placed  in  nomina- 
tion for  the  office  of  county  collector  in  1900.  Although  defeated,  his  op- 
ponent won  the  election  by  a  very  small  majority,  Colonel  Gross  polling  a 
large  vote.  He  is  now  president  of  the  local  camp  of  the  Sons  of  the  Amer- 
ican Revolution  and  was  the  first  commander  of  General  John  C.  Bates  Camp, 
No.  7,  of  the  United  Spanish  War  Veterans,  also  brigadier  general  command- 
ing the  Western  Brigade  of  the  Missouri  Division  of  the  United  (Confederate 
Veterans.  He  is  a  man  of  fine  presence  and  soldierly  bearing,  his  appearance 
giving  evidence  of  his  military  experience.  Throughout  the  greater  part  of 
his  life  he  has  been  connected  with  some  military  organization  and  he  greatly 
enjoys  the  association  with  his  comrades  of  the  Civil  and  Spanish-American 
wars  and  of  the  National  Guard,  meeting  them  as  he  does  at  various  camp- 
fires.  Fraternally  Colonel  Gross  is  a  Mason  and  an  Elk  and  he  belongs  to 
the  Methodist  Episcopal  church.  South. 

In  1898  he  made  [ipplication  to  the  United  States  government  for  the 
position  of  colonel  in  a  United  States  Volunteer  Regiment  for  the  purpose  of 
service  in  the  Philippines.  These  positions,  however,  are  given  to  regular 
officers,  an  established  rule  of  the  war  department,  and  Mr.  Gross  was  offered 
the  appointment  as  major,  Avhich  he  declined.  The  application  was  accom- 
panied by  the  following  endor.^ements,  which  show  in  what  high  esteem  ho 

is  held: 

„     ,,      ,,      .,     ,  Gallatin,   Missouri,   March   22,   1899. 

To  the  President : — 

Geo.  P.  Gross,  Esq..  late  Colonel  of  the  Third  Mo.  Vols,  in  the  recent 
war  with  Spain,  desires  an  a{)[)ointment  as  Colonel  under  the  army  reorganiza- 
tion act.  Col.  Gross  i.-^  an  accomplished  gentleman,  a  splendid  soldier  and  I 
am  sure  will  acquit  himself  with  credit  in  the  [)osition  he  seeks.  He  saw 
four  years  of  active  service  in  the  war  of  'Gl-TrS  and  is  therefore  peculiarly 
well  fitted  for  the  comniand  of  a  regiment.  His  ap))ointment  I  am  sure  would 
be  very  agreeable  to  the  citizens  of  Missouri,  and  f  sincerely  hope  you  may 
see  your  way  clcai'  to  ninkc  if.     With  best  wishes. 

Very   tiuily   y(»urs, 

Alex.   ^r.  Doekery, 
(Member  of  Congress  0th  Di.strict.) 

HISTORY    OF    KANSAS    CITY  •  103 


Manshal  of  Jackson  County. 
Kansas  City,   Mo.,  March,   1899. 

Hon.   Secretary  of  War, 

Washington.  D.  C. 


Dear  Sir: — 

I  take  pleasure  in  recommending  Col.  Geo.  P.  Gross,  late  commander  of 
the  3rd  Mo.  Infantry  for  the  appointment  of  Colonel  of  the  Mo.  U.  S.  Vol. 
Infantry  to  be  raised  in  the  Missouri  field. 

Col.  Gross  is  a  gentleman  of  military  culture,  courageous  and  expe- 
rienced in  the  art  of  war,  having  done  service  in  the  Civil  War  on  the  side 
of  the  Lost  Cause,  during  which  his  service  was  commendable  as  evinced  by 
those  who  served  with  him  in  that  struggle.  His  appointment  to  that  posi- 
tion would  meet  the  hearty  approval  of  the  whole  state  of  Missouri  and  more 
especially  of  his  comrades  of  Camp  80,  U.  C.  V.  of  Kansas  City,  Mo. 

S.  C.  Ragan,  Capt.  Comm'd'g  Camp  80,  U.  C.  V.,  K.  C,  Mo. 

(United   Confederate   Veterans.) 


Kansas  City,  Mo.,  March  28,  1899. 
The  Hon.  Sec'y.  of  War, 

I  am  informed  that  Col.  Geo.  P.  Gross  contemplates  the  organization 
of  a  regiment  of  Infantry,  under  the  late  act  of  Congress  for  the  increase 
of  the  Army. 

The  Colonel  has  had  extended  experience  in  that  of  the  Civil  War, 
Colonel  of  the  3rd  Mo.  National  Guards,  which  he  reorganized  at  the  call  of 
the  President  for  troops,  and  commanded  the  same,  until  the  close  of  the 
Cuban  War.  He  is  in  full  vigor  of  manhood,  and  seems  to  be  born  for  ]\Iili- 
tary  service.  His  recognition  by  you,  would  gratify  not  only  Kansas  City, 
but  his  extended  acquaintance  of  friends.  Your  department  would  be  sure 
of  an  efficient  officer  as  well.  Hoping  we  may  be  recognized  in  him  by 
you,  I  am, 

Verv  respectfully  your  obedient  servant, 

^  H.  F.  Devol, 

Late  Col.  36th  Ohio  Vol. 
(Brevet  Brig.  General). Gen.  Russell  A.  Alger,  Sec'y  of  War, 

Washington,  D.  C. 


Otfice  of  the  Postmaster. 
Kansas  City,  Jackson   Co.,  Mo.,  3,  16,   '99. 

To   the   Honorable  Secretary  of  War, 

Washington,  D.  C. 
My  Dear  Sir:— 

Colonel  Gross,  of  this  city  is  an  applicant  for  the  appointment 
to  the  Colonelcy  under  the  new  Army  Bill  and  I  desire  to  express  to  you 


my  sincere  and  unqualified  endorsement  for  Colonel  Gross  and  beg  to  acquaint 
you  with  a  few  facts  pertaining  to  this  matter. 

He  is  a  man  of  fine  intelligence  and  splendid  physique  and  of  good 
character  and  a  host  of  friends  in  the  state  of  ^Missouri,  and  particularly  in 
this  city.  He  was  a  private  in  the  Confederate  army,  he  afterwards  became 
the  Colonel  of  the  3rd  Regiment  of  Missouri  National  Guards  and  took  his 
regiment  as  Colonel  into  the  Spanish  American  service  and  all  Army  Ofhcers, 
I  think,  will  agree  that  he  presented  one  of  the  best  regiments  that  was 
called  into  the  service  and  they  made  a  splendid  showing  under  all  circum- 
stances, although  they  never  got  into  attual  fighting. 

After  the  war  was  over  his  regiment  w^as  mustered  out  at  Kansas  City  and 
thereafter  Colonel  Gross  resigned  his  commission  as  Colonel  to  the  Governor 
of  the  state  under  the  National  Guard  service. 

He  is  strongly  supported  by  not  only  Democrats  but  also  by  Republi- 
cans, all  of  whom  have,  and  do  yet,  thoroughly  appreciate  his  military  quali- 
fications. He  is  a  man  capable  of  commanding,  and  possessing  that  judgment 
which  would  justify  the  assertion  that  he  could  be  relied  upon  to  make  no 
mistakes  for  his  government. 

I  take  great  pleasure  in  commending  him  to  your  favorable  considera- 
tion and  trust  that  when  Missouri's  interests  are  taken  up  in  reference  to 
these  appointments  that  Kansas  City  may  be  represented  by  Colonel  Gross, 
in  the  position  above  indicated. 

I  have  the  honor  to  subscribe  myself. 

Yours  very  truly, 

S.  S.   Scott. 

I  join  the  other  friends  of  Colonel  Gross  in  recommending  his  appoint- 

William  Warner. 


Department  of  Missouri,  G.  A.  R. 

Kansas  City,  Mo.,  April  4,  1899. 

Col.  Geo.  P.  Gross, 

3rd  Regt.  U.  S.  Vol.  Inf., 

Kansas  City,   Mo. 
Dear  Sir: — 

We,  ex-Union  Soldiers  of  '61  to  '65,  entertaining  a  profound  respect  for 
the  fighting  ciualitics  of  the  American  Soldier,  North  and  South,  and  having 
a  firm  reliance  on  the  Volunteer  Army  as  the  Safeguard  of  our  Republic,  do 
believe  that  the  Volunteer  Soldier  should  be  recognized  and  encouraged. 

AVith  that  view,  and  from  our  knowledge  of  your  character  as  a  man 
and  citizen,  and  your  experience  and  actual  service  as  a  soldier  through  two 
Avars,  and  your  many  years'  connection  with  the  Militia  of  this  State  as  Colonel 
of  a  regiment,  Ave  regard  you  as  especially  fitted  for  military  service,  and  com- 
mand of  men,  and  suggest  that  you  apply,  and  we  most  cordially  recommend 
that  you  be  appointed  and  commissioned  as  Colonel  of  the  first  regiment  of 


United  States  A^olunteers  that  may  be  called  into  service  from  this  State  to 
increase  the  Army. 

You  are  at  liberty  to  call  upon  us,  if  you  please,  for  further  endorse- 
ments, or  to  use  this  letter  as  you  deem  proper. 

Yours  truly, 

W.   H.   WoRMSTRAD,   Post  Commander. 
Jere  T.  Dew,  (P.  P.  P.)  and  Adjt. 

D.  H.  Porter. 

Ross  GuFFiN  (P.  p.  C.) 
A.  B.  GuNN. 

E.  B.  PIoward   (P.  P.  C.) 
Wm.  Henry  (P.  P.  C.) 

Washington,  D.   C,  March   18,   1899. 
This  is  to  say  that  Colonel  Geo.  P.  Gross,  3rd  Missouri  Volunteers,  served 
under  my  command  in  the  2nd  Division,  2nd  Corps,  from  May  31,  1898, 
until  the  regiment  was  mustered  out  of  service  in  September,  1898. 

The  regiment  was  one  of  the  most  efficient  that  I  have  had  the  honor 
to  command,  and  its  Colonel  was  always  able,  efficient,  prompt  in  all  duties, 
and  thoroughly  reliable.  His  very  extensive  military  experience  and  train- 
ing in  two  wars,  combined  with  his  high  character  as  a  man,  give  him  special 
qualifications  for  further  service  in  commanding  a  regiment  of  Volunteers 
should  their  services  be  required. 

George  W.  Davis, 
Brigadier  General,  U.  S.  Vols. 

(Regular  Army  Officer.) 


97th  Street  and  Marine  Avenue,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

March  31,   1899. 
The  Honorable  Secretary  of  War, 

Washington,  D.  C. 

Understanding  that  Colonel  Geo.  P.  Gross,  late  of  the  3rd  Mo. 
Volunteer  Infantry  is  an  applicant  for  the  Colonelcy  of  a  Provisional  Regi- 
ment Volunteer  Infantry  Regiment  should  a  call  be  made. 

I  have  the  honor  to  recommend  this  otHcer  as  an  intelligent,  faithful  and 
worthy  soldier. 

He  is  well  qualified  for  the  command  of  a  Volunteer  regiment  and  if 
appointed  will  in  my  judgment  do  credit  to  the  public  service  and  himself. 

I  am  sir,  very  respectfully. 
Your  obedient  servant, 
(Signed)  Wm.  Montrose  Graham, 
Brigadier  General  U.  S.  A.,  Retired.  (Regular  Army  Officer.) 



Attorneys  and  Counselors  at  Law. 

^818-19-20-21  N.  Y.  Life  Bldg, 
Kansas  City,  Mo.,  :\laiTli  25.  1899. 
Hon.  Russell  A.  Alger, 

Secretary  of  War, 

Washington,  I).  C. 
Dear  Sir: — 

It  is  my  special  pleasure  to  endorse  and  recommend  Colonel 
George  P.  Gross,  late  Colonel  of  the  3rd  Missouri  Regiment,  U.  S.  Infantry 
Volunteers,  for  the  command  of  the  first  regiment  of  Volunteers  the  State  of 
Missouri  may  be  called  upon  to  furnish,  to  increase  the  U.  S.  Volunteer  Army. 
Honest,  honorable  and  honored  citizen,  endowed  with  a  strong  physique 
the  martial  spirit,  and  a  desire  to  serve  his  Country ;  with  experience  as  a 
soldier  through  two  wars,  he  is  eminently  qualified  by  nature,  education  and 
training  to  command  men,  and  for  the  position  to  which  he  aspires. 

Very  respectfully, 

Jere  T.  Dew. 

Jas.  M.  Jones,  ^layor, 

E.  Mont.  Reily,  Private  Sec'v 


Kansa.s  City,  Mo.,  March  29th,  1899. 

Hon.  Secretary  of  War, 

Washington,  D.  C. 
Dear  Sir: — 

I  take  special  pleasure  in  reconnnending  Col.  George  P.  Gross, 
of  our  city,  for  the  appointment  to  the  Colonelcy  of  the  United  States 
Vol.  Infantry  Regiment,  supposed  to  be  called  in  the  near  future.  The  Col- 
onel is  an  honest  and  honorable  citizen  and  responded  to  the  call  for  troops 
during  the  late  war ;  commanding  until  mustered  out  in  November. 

His  appointment  would  greatly  gratify  his  many  friends,  not  only  in 
Kansas  City,  but  throughout  the  entire  state. 

He  is  a  strong,  vigorous  man,  of  military  l)earing,  and  has  had  experience 
in  two  wars,  thereby  making  him  competent  to  fill  such  a  position  with  honor 
to  the  government  and  to  the  state.  Yours  truly, 

Jas.  M.  Jones,  Mayor. 
Die.  J.  M.  J. 


Washington.  D.  C. 
Kansas  City,  Mo.,   April   lOtli.   1899. 

To  The  President   of  The  United  States, 

Washington.    D.    C. 

Coloncl  George  P.  Gross,  of  Kan.'^as  City,  T\fo.,  will  ])e  an  appli- 
cant   for  aupoinliiiciit   a.-  Colonel   for  one  of  the   A'ohniti'er  Regiincnts  to   bo 


raised  under  the  army  reorganization  act,  provided  you  decide  to  appoint 
the  same  or  any  of  them  from  Civil  life.  Colonel  Gross  has  had  many  years' 
experience  in  military  affairs,  having  served  about  three  years  in  the  Confed- 
erate army  during  the  Civil  War.  He  was  for  several  j^ears  Colonel  of  the 
Third  Regiment  of  the  National  Guard  of  Missouri,  and  was  Colonel  of  the 
Third  Regiment  of  Missouri  A^olunteers  during  the  late  war  with  Spain.  He 
has  received  high  commendations  from  all  of  his  superior  officer?,  and  I  feel 
sure  his  record  w411  be  found  to  be  one  of  exceptional  merit.  He  stands  high 
as  a  citizen  in  this  comnuniity,  and  his  appointment  would  please  his  many 
friends  of  both  parties. 

I  most  earnestly  recommend  him  to  your  kind  consideration,  and  trust 
you  may  find  opportunity  to  give  him  the  place  he  seeks. 

Yours  respectfully, 

W.  S.  Cowheul, 
M.  C.  oth  District  Missouri. 


Western  District,  Mo. 
John  F.  Philips,  Judge. 
Kansas  City,  Mo.,  March  17th,  189^. 
Hon.  Russell  A.   Alger, 
Secretary   of  War, 

Washington,  D.  C. 
Dear  Sir: — 

In  the  event  of  a  call  for  volunteer  troops  and  the  organiza- 
tion of  new  regiments  therefor,  should  ^Missouri  be  entitled  to  one  regiment, 
I  beg  to  lay  before  you  for  consideration  the  name  of  Col.  George  P.  Gross 
for  colonel.  Mr.  Gross  is  a  man  of  decidedly  military  spirit  and  taste.  He 
was  colonel  of  one  of  the  "crack"  regiments  of  the  National  Guards  of  Mis- 
souri at  the  outbreak  with  Spain.  He  organized  the  Third  Regiment  of 
Missouri  Volunteers  for  that  service  and  went  South,  and  then  was  stationed 
at  Camp  Alger;  but  failed  of  his  ambition  to  reach  the  front  anywhere.  This 
was  a  great  disappointment  to  his  ambition.  His  regiment,  in  my  humble 
judgment,  was  one  of  the  best  equipped  and  drilled  in  the  State,  and  would 
have  given  a  good  account  of  itself  had  the  opportunity  been  afforded  it. 
Col.  Gross  is  a  fighter,  and  a  man  of  admirable  courage,  but  of  excellent 
judgment  and  self  control.  I  know  of  no  man  in  the  State  better  suited  to  a 
regimental  command  than  he  is.    With  great  respect. 

Your  obedient  servant, 

John  F.  Philips. 

St.  Louis,  Mo.,  March  26,  '99. 

To  the  Honorable  Secretary  of  War, 

W^ashington,  D.  C. 

Col.    George    P.    Crross,    3rd    Mo.    Vol.    Infantrj^,    reported    to    me    in 
June,  1898,  immediately  after  I  took  command  of  the  3rd  Brigade,  2nd  Divis- 


ion,  2nd  Army  Corjvs  at  Camp  R.  A.  Alger  and  remained  under  my  command 
until  mustered  out  in  the  fall  of  the  same  year. 

As  a  regimental  commander  I  consider  him  one  of  the  in  the 
Brigade.  He  is  thoroughly  etticient  and  reliable.  His  practical  experience 
and  training  during  the  Civil  War;  his  long  and  honorable  service  in  the 
National  Guard  of  iMissouri  and  now  added  to  these  his  service  and  experience 
in  the  Spanish  War  give  him  special  fitness  for  the  command  of  a  regiment. 
His  character  as  an  officer  and  a  gentleman  are  above  reproach  and  if  any  of 
the  new  Regiments  of  Volunteers  authorized  are  called  into  service  no  better 
selection  for  a  commander  could  be  made.  I  endorse  his  application  and  rec- 
ommend  him   for  appointment. 

Very  respectfully, 

Nelson   Cole, 
Brig.   Gen'l.   U.   S.   V. 


The  subject  of  this  sketch  knows  of  no  adequate  reason  why  his  biog- 
raphy should  appear  among  those  representing  the  important  factors  of  Kan- 
sas City,  unless  it  be  that  there  are  so  few  native-born  Kansas  Cityans  left 
who  are  al)le  to  contribute  the  amount  required  by  the  publishers  for  the 

Recognizing,  however,  that  biographies  are  often  an  inspiration,  and  be- 
lieving that  there  are  characters  among  the  citizens,  past  and  present,  who 
have  made  Kansas  City  famous,  whose  histories  should  be  perpetuated,  I  am 
willing  to  aid  in  the  good  work. 

My  own  career,  however,  has  been  so  far  short  of  famous,  that  there 
is  no  one  qualified  to  chronicle  the  events  thereof,  truthfully;  and  for  that 
reason,  this  is  an  autobiography  with  a  recitation  of  some  of  the  influences 
which  shaped  my  life. 

My  father.  Dr.  I.  M.  Ridge,  came  to  Kansas  City,  then  Westport  Land- 
ing in  1848,  after  having  taken  a  medical  course  at  Transylvania  College; 
his  acquirements  at  that  time  consi.>^ted  of  a  saddle  horse  which  his  father 
had  furnished  him,  a  pair  of  saddle  bags,  a  limited  quantity  of  staple  drugs 
and  a  technical  medical  education.  In  1850  he  married  Eliza  Ann  Smart, 
my  mother  (than  whom  a.  better  mother  never  lived),  second  daughter  of 
Judge  Thomas  Smart,  a  ])ioneer  farmer,  merchant  and  jurist.  During  the 
winter  of  that  same  year,  with  the  linaneial  assistance  of  Judge  Smart,  he 
attended  the  .Tofferson  Medical  College  in  St.  Louis,  while  his  young  wife 
remained  ,it  liei-  fatlicr's  lionie.  at  the  southwest  coi'uei'  of  Eleventli  and  Wal- 
nut streets.  Upon  his  return.  Judge  Smart  told  liini  to  go  out  in  the  pasture 
and  select  a  site  for  a  house,  horse-lot,  garden  and  orchard.  Tie  did  so, 
selecting  in  the  northwest  coi-ner  of  the  farm,  about  four  acres,  through 
which  the  S;nila  Fc  trail  led  from  the  I'iver  to  Westport.  This  was  dee.ded 
to  my  fatliei'  and  mother  jointlw  at   ni\-   mothers  recniest. 


THE  r.u 

\'I    ^ORK 






T*  --TION^ 


As  was  the  custom  in  those  days,  the  neighbors  raised  a  log  house  of 
two  rooms,  in  which  my  father  and  mother  Hved,  and  my  father  opened 
his  othce  and  apothecary  shop.  My  mother  acted  as  clerk,  and  filled  all 
])re.scriptioiis.  In  this  house  were  Worn  my  eldest  sister,  Sophia,  who  died 
when  a  child,  and  my  brother,  William  E.  Ridge.  The  house  set  at  the 
southeast  corner  of  Ninth  and  jNIain  streets,  and  was  afterward  used  as  a 
blacksmith  shop  by  a  ^Ir.  ]\Iiller. 

Prosperity  came  to  Kansas  City  with  many  settlers  during  the  '50s,  and 
in  1859  my  father  traded  to  Solomon  and  William  Smith,  the  lots  at  the 
southwest  corner  of  Ninth  and  ^lain  streets,  for  the  materials  and  labor  neces- 
sary to  build  a  story  and  a  half  brick  cottage  at  910  Walnut  street.  This 
at  the  time  was  one  of  the  most  pretentious  residences  in  Kansas  City.  It 
was  hardly  completed  at  the  time  of  my  advent,  November  26,  1859. 

My  earliest  recollections  are  incidents  of  the  Civil  war.  In  1864,  I  re- 
call the  great  excitement  occasioned  by  the  rumor  that  Price  was  on  the  way 
from  Jefferson  City  to  Kansas  City.  In  company  with  a  small  girl,  Agnes 
Newell,  whose  father  was  serving  in  the  army,  I  sought  the  gunsmith's  shop 
of  ]\Ir.  Me.'^sick,  located  then  on  Main  street  between  Fifth  street  and  Missouri 
avenue,  to  obtain  a  gun  with  which  to  shoot  old  Price.  In  recognition  of 
this  marked  patriotism,  my  uncle,  George  W.  Ridge,  who  had  been  a  theolog- 
ical student  at  Bethany  College,  West  Virginia,  until  hostilities  had  closed 
the  school,  after  which  he  made  his  home  with  us,  presented  me  with  a 
soldiers  uniform,  drum  and  tin  gun.  I  was  thus  equipped  ^vhen  a  detail 
of  German  Infantry  from  Fort  Leavenworth  wa.s  sent  to  arrest  nly  father, 
Nvho  had  been  reported  as  aiding  the  rebels.  My  patriotism  was  thus  banished 
for  paternalism,  and  observing  four  of  the  Hessians  reclining  on  the  grass 
in  the  shade  of  a  large  wild  rose  bush  that  grew  near  the  south  window  of 
the  sitting  room,  I  recklessly  sallied  forth  and  shot  the  stick  from  my  tin 
gun  at  the  head  of  one  of  the  soldiers.  The  attack  was  repulsed,  but  the 
animosity  for  hirelings  serving  in  the  robe  of  patriotism  was  fixed  forever  in 
my   nature. 

At  the  close  of  the  war,  in  company  with  my  cousin,  now  Mrs.  Langston 
Bacon,  I  attended  my  first  school,  a  private  one  taught  by  Miss  Mollie 
Cravens,  now  Mrs.  Leach,  who  is  now  teaching  in  the  public  schools  of  Kan- 
sas City,  and  whose  memory  is  worthy  of  perpetuation.  At  this  school  I 
learned  my  A  B  C's  and  those  renowned  gems  of  poetic  inspiration — 
"Twinkle,  Twinkle  Little  Star,"  ''Mary  had  a  Little  Lamb,"  etc. 

In  1868  our  family  moved  to  what  was  known  as  the  farm,  a  tract  of 
eighty-four  acres  between  Nineteenth  and  Twenty-second  streets,  Woodland 
and  Prospect  avenue,  which  my  father  had  as  trustee  acquired  for  my  mother 
and  her  children,  with  means  provided  by  my  mother  from  the  earnings  of 
her  household  darkies  and  loans  from  my  grandfather.  From  this  home  I  at- 
tended first  a  private  school  and  afterward  the  public  schools  in  Kansas  City, 
until  1873,  w'hen,  on  account  of  the  health  of  my  mother,  and  the  marriage 
of  my  brother,  we  again  moved  to  the  old  home  at  No.  910  Walnut  street. 
In  1874,  having  reached  the  age  when  boys  begin  to  keep  company  with 
the  girls,  I  requested  of  my  father,  a  new  suit  of  clothes  and  received  from 


him  the  reply  that  if  I  should  undertake  to  earn  my  own  clothing,  or  the 
means  to  buy  my  clothing,  that  I  would  not  be  quite  so  extravagant.  This 
suggestion  was  all  that  wa.s  necessary  and  within  one  week  from  that  time 
I  had  secured  a  position,  distributing  papers  before  school  hours  in  the 
morning,  with  the  result  that  in  1876  I  had  not  only  clothed  myself  for  two 
years,  but  had  accumulated  in  the  .savings  bank  about  three  hundred  and 
sixty  dollars,  which  I  loaned  to  my  father,  to  redeem  the  property  which 
I  understood  had  been  sold  for  city  taxes. 

In  1878,  my  mother  died,  and  in  1879  my  sister  and  myself  went  to 
Columbia  to  the  Christian  College  and  State  University,  respectively,  to  com- 
plete our  education,  I  having  graduated  at  Kansas  City  high  school,  in  June 

In  September,  1879,  my  grandfather,  Judge  Thomas  A.  Smart,  died, 
and  from  his  estate  my  mother's  children  received  several  vacant  lots  in 
Kansas  City  and  two  thousand  five  hundred  dollars  each  in  money.  My 
father  collected  the  money  coming  to  my  sister  and  myself  and  began  the 
im])rovement  of  four  of  the  vacant  lois  which  we  had  inherite.d. 

In  1881,  having  reached  my  majority  during  the  fall  of  the  preceding 
year,  my  father  prevailed  upon  my  sister,  brother  and  myself,  to  make  a 
deed  to  him,  for  the  eighty-four  acres  comprising  the  farm.  As  children 
we  did  not  know  l)ut  what  this  property  belonged  to  him  absolutely.  Upon  his 
promise  that  he  would  finish  the  buildings  which  he  had  begun,  for  us,  and 
deed  to  us  absolutely  one-half  of  the  farm,  we  were  prevailed  upon  to  make 
the   transfer. 

I  completed  the  academic  course  in  the  State  University  in  June,  1884, 
and  in  the  fall  of  the  same  year  was  married  to  Miss  Effie  Searcy,  the  eldest 
daughter  of  Francis  M.  Searcy,  of  Columbia,  Missouri.  For  four  of  the 
five  years  during  which  I  attended  the  university  I  had  been  in  the  same 
classes  Avith  Miss  Searcy  and  was  thereby  enabled  to  intelligently  judge  of 
her  merits  and  qualifications  to  make  me  a  suitable  life  mate. 

After  marrying,  I  embarked  in  the  hardware  and  sheet  metal  business 
ill  Kansas  City  with  Henry  AVeis  under  the  firm  name  of  AVeLs  &  Ridge.  I 
built  the  Ijuilding  at  No.  1116  Main  street,  in  which  we  conducted  our  busi- 
ness until  1890.  During  the  same  time  I  enlarged  the  building  occupied 
by  the  John  Taylor  Dry  (loods  Company  and  built  a  large  live  story  build- 
ing at  the  corner  of  Twelfth  street  and  Baltimore  avenue,  besides  the  resi- 
dence at  No.  1006  Holmes  street,  in  which  I  lived  for  seventeen  years. 

In  1890,  at  the  solicitation  of  the  stockholders  of  the  Central  Bank,  I 
a.ssumed  the  presidency  of  that  institution,  and  in  the  fall  of  1891,  upon 
my  recommendation,  its  affairs  were  liquidated.  In  1889,  I  had  also  re- 
tired from  the  active  management  of  the  business  of  Weis  &  Ridge,  and 
had  begun  to  buy  and  sell  real  estate  for  customers  on  my  own  account. 

In  1902,  in  connection  with  Mr.  John  A.  Bryant,  I  bought  an  interest 
in  the  insurance  business  of  Mr.  Joseph  Mariner,  and  for  a  time  united  it 
with  my  real  estate  business,  conducting  the  same  under  the  firm  nanic  of 
Ridge.  Mariner  &  Bryant.  In  1903  we  l)ought  Mr.  Mariner's  interest  and 
united   Avith   Mr.   D.   P.    Huiifer.   who   had   been    foi-   nianv   vears   established 


in  the  insurance  business.  The  firm  name  then  became  Hunter,  Ridge  & 
Bryant,  and  so  continued  until  the  spring  of  1907.  During  this  connection 
I  took  the  active  management  of  the  surety  and  casualty  lines,  and  in  1907, 
when  I  separated  from  the  firm,  I  individually  continued  these  lines.  What 
success  I  have  attained  in  the  commercial  world  is  due  to  perseverance, 
energy  and  frugality. 

I  have  three  boys,  the  eldest,  Francis  I  Ridge,  is  attending  the  College 
of  Physicians  and  Surgeons  in  New  York  city;  the  other  two,  Thomas  S., 
Jr.,  and  William  Searcy,  being  in  the  ward  schools  of  Kansas  City. 

My  political  allegiance  has  always  been  with  the  democratic  party. 
Twice  I  have  been  nominated  for  the  office  of  city  treasurer.  My  religious 
inclinations  have  been  with  the  Christian  church,  or  the  Disciples  of  Christ. 
I  have  always  taken  great  pleasure  in  this  affiliation,  and  have  been  active 
in  the  work,  both  in  the  Bible  school  and  the  church.  In  1889,  in  connec- 
tion with  my  other  work,  at  the  solicitation  of  my  church,  I  organized  a 
mission  work  in  Armourdale,  Kansas,  now  a  portion  of  Kansas  City,  Kansas, 
with  the  result  that  a  congregation  was  established,  and  a  church  built  in 

I  am  also  a  member  of  secret  and  benevolent  organizations,  among 
which  are  the  Masonic  bodies  and  the  Pythian  order.  The  Commercial  Club, 
Manufacturers  Association  and  all  other  organizations  whose  motives  are 
the  advancement  of  our  city's  interests  meet  with  my  hearty  support  and  co- 
operation. I  have  always  found  a  niche  in  this  young  and  growing  com- 
munity which  I  could  occupy  with  credit  and  profit  to  myself  and  without 
injury  to  others.  I  attribute  my  position  in  the  esteem  of  my  fellow  citi- 
zens to  my  feeble  attempts  to  do  what  I  believe  Jesus  Christ  taught  by  word 
and  precept. 

JAMES    D.    COLE. 

James  D.  Cole,  conducting  a  wholesale  business  in  coal  and  hay,  was 
born  in  Prairie  du  Chien,  Wisconsin,  August  25,  1862,  being  one  of  the 
five  children  of  Jedediah  and  Katherine  (Dickens)  Cole.  The  mother  was 
a  daughter  of  .James  Dickens,  a  cousin  of  Charles  Dickens,  the  famous  Eng- 
lish novelist.  Jedediah  Cole  was  a  civil  engineer  by  profession  and  at  the 
time  of  the  Civil  war  put  aside  all  business  and  personal  considerations 
to  serve  his  country,  joining  the  Thirty-first  Wisconsin  Regiment,  under 
George  R.  Peck.  He  served  for  three  years  and  rose  to  the  command  of  his 
company,  being  mustered  out  with  the  rank  of  captain.  He  returned  to 
the  north  with  a  most  creditable  military  record  and  after  the  close  of  the 
war  removed  to  northern  Ohio,  where  he  is  still  living.  The  honor  and 
esteem  in  which  he  is  uniformly  held  there  and  the  confidence  reposed  in 
him  is  indicated  by  the  fact  that  he  has  continuously  served  as  county  sur- 
veyor of  Portage  county  for  thirty-six  years.  He  is  a  republican  in  pol- 
itics, inflexible  in  his  support  of  the  principles  of  the  party,  and  as  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Masonic  fraternity  is  equally  loyal  to  the  teachings  of  the  craft. 


James  D.  Cole  was  reared  at  home  to  the  age  of  seventeen  year.-  and 
acquired  a  pubUc-school  education.  In  1880  he  removed  westward  to  Chi- 
cago, arriving  in  that  city  with  a  capital  of  but  four  dollars.  There  he 
took  passage  on  a  boat  the  next  'day  for  Thunder  Bay  and  thence  made  his 
way  through  to  Winnipeg,  Manitoba,  and  into  the  wheat  fields  of  that  coun- 
try, where  he  engaged  at  shocking  wheat  for  two  dollars  per  day.  Later  he 
worked  in  a  sawmill  and  subsequently  made  his  way  to  Kansas,  settling  at 
Atchison,  where  he  engaged  in  the  wholesale  and  retail  coal  business,  ^^'ith 
this  he  was  identified  until  1895,  when  he  came  to  Kansas  City  and  con- 
tinued the  business  here.  In  1897  he  organized  the  Arkansas  Fuel  Company 
and  since  his  removal  to  Kansas  City  has  confined  his  attention  to  the  whole- 
sale business.  For  the  past  ten  years  he  also  engaged  in  the  wholesale  hay 
trade  and  is  sole  proprietor  of  the  two  interests.  He  is  now  one  of  the  well 
known  business  men  of  the  city,  alert  and  energetic,  improving  every  oppor- 
tunity with  the  result  that  he  is  today  numbered  among  the  men  of  afflu- 
ence in  this  part  of  the  state. 

Mr.  Cole  was  married  to  Miss  Katherine  Garside,  of  Atchison,  a 
daughter  of  Joshua  Garside,  who  was  prominently  identified  with  overland 
transportation  in  the  early  days.  The  marriage  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cole  was 
celebrated  November  1,  1888,  and  has  been  blessed  with  two  children: 
Francis  G.  and  Katherine  D.  Mrs.  Cole  is  a  member  of  the  INIethodist 
Episcopal  church  and,  like  her  husband,  is  widely  and  favorably  known  in 
social  circles.  His  political  views  accord  with  the  principles  of  the  repub- 
lican party  and  he  is  a  member  of  the  Masonic  lodge,  loyal  and  faithfid 
to  the  teachings  of  the  craft.  As  the  architect  of  his  own  fortunes,  he  has 
budded  wisely  and  well  and  his  life  record  illustrated  the  possibilities  for 
successful  accomplishment  to  those  who  have  the  will  to  dare  and  to  do. 


Edward  T.  Groves,  serving  as  alderman  of  Kansas  City  from  the  second 
ward,  has  in  office  and  out  of  it  done  effective  work  for  the  promotion  of  im- 
portant interests  bearing  upon  the  progress,  development  and  improvement  of 
Kansas  City.  Here  he  has  made  his  home  for  twenty-eight  years,  coming 
from  Davenport,  Iowa,  in  1880.  He  is,  however,  of  English  nativity,  his  birth 
having  occurred  in  London  in  1849.  The  first  six  years  of  his  life  were  passed 
in  that  country  and  in  LSoo  he  came  to  the  new  world  with  his  parents,  Mr. 
and  Mi's.  Walter  William  Groves,  who  settled  in  Diivenport,  Iowa.  The  father 
was  a  hatter  in  London,  engaged  in  the  manufacture  of  silk  hats  at  Strand 
and  Regent  streets.  Ho  liad  been  a  resident  of  Davenport  for  only  a  year 
when  he  was  called  to  his  final  rest. 

Edward  T.  Groves  ])ursued  his  education  in  the  j)ublie  schools  of  Daven- 
port, where  he  lived  until  nbout  twenty-five  years  of  age.  He  then  came  to 
Kansas  City,  where  he  engaged  in  the  general  contracting  business  until  1900. 
He  met  with  excellent  success  in  his  undertakings  and  added  year  by  year  to 
his  capital  until  his  accumulations  were  sufficient  to  enable  him  to  put  aside 


further  business  cares  and  live  retired.  He  then  turned  his  business  over  to 
his  son,  Waker  B.,  who  had  been  associated  with  him  in  its  conduct  since 
1901.  He  erected  the  Jones  building,  also  several  store  buildings,  remodeled 
many  others  and  likewise  erected  several  houses  in  Kansas  City. 

Mr.  Groves  was  married  in  Davenport  in  1874  to  Miss  Mary  B.  Noonen, 
of  the  state  of  New  York,  and  unto  them  were  born  six  children :  E.  W.,  who 
is  now  in  St.  Joseph,  Missouri;  Eugene  J.,  who  is  with  the  Western  Trafifio 
Association,  of  Kansas  City;  John  A.,  traveling  auditor  for  the  Western  Traffic 
Association;  Maggie,  the  wife  of  Charles  L.  Hogan;  Walter  B.,  who  is  his 
father's  successor  in  the  general  contracting  business;  and  Marie,  now  a  student 
in  the  Sister  Loretta  school. 

In  fraternal  circles  Mr.  Groves  is  well  known  and  popular.  In  Masonry 
he  has  attained  the  Knight  Templar  degree  and  he  also  belongs  to  the  Benevo- 
lent and  Protective  Order  of  Elks  and  the  Knights  of  Pythias.  In  politics  he 
ha.s  ever  been  an  earnest  republican.  He  was  one  of  the  juveniles  who  wore 
a  uniform  in  1860  when  Abraham  Lincoln  was  presidential  candidate  and 
took  a  most  lively  interest  in  that  campaign.  He  has  since  been  unfaltering 
in  his  allegiance  to  the  party,  for  he  believes  its  principles  are  most  conducive 
to  good  government.  In  1906  he  was  chosen  to  represent  the  second  ward  in 
the  city  council  and  is  one  of  its  prominent  members.  He  is  now  chairman 
of  the  joint  committee  on  the  proposed  new  Union  station,  is  serving  on  the 
gas  committee,  on  the  judiciary  and  rules  committee,  and  is  chairman  of  the 
streets,  alleys  and  grades  committee.  He  is  likewise  a  member  of  the  fire 
patrol  committee  and  thus  is  actively  associated  with  various  interests  having 
direct  l)earing  upon  municipal  welfare.  He  is  today  numbered  among  the 
leading,  influential  and  honored  residents  here  and  is  regarded  as  a  most 
acceptable  incumbent  in  the  office  in  which  he  is  now  serving. 


Jules  Edgar  Guinotte.  judge  of  the  probate  court  in  Kansas  City,  was 
born  August  20,  1855,  in  the  old  Guinotte  homestead  at  Fourth  and  Troost 
streets,  one  of  the  most  historic  spots  in  the  city.  He  is  a  son  of  Joseph  and 
Aimee  (Bri chant)  Guinotte,  the  latter  a  native  of  Belgium.  In  the  paternal 
line  he  is  a  representative  of  one  of  the  old  Belgium  families,  closely  con- 
nected with  what  is  one  of  the  most  picturesque  and  interesting  periods  in  the 
history  of  the  city.  His  father,  a  civil  engineer,  was  sent  to  Mexico  by  the 
Belgium  government  to  supervise  the  construction  of  a  railroad,  but  the  war 
between  Mexico  and  the  United  States  caused  the  enterprise  to  be  abandoned 
and,  proceeding  northward,  he  made  his  way  up  the  Missouri  river  to  West- 
port  Landing.  His  prescience  enabled  him  to  realize  that  this  was  an  excel- 
lent location  for  a  large  city  and  he  purchased  twelve  thousand  acres  on  the 
bluffs  in  the  east  bottoms,  after  which  he  brought  over  Belgium  colonists  and 
settled  land. 


On  one  of  the  highest  bhiffs  was  a  large  log  house,  which  he  purchased 
from  Mrs.  Frances  Chouteau  in  1850.  It  had  been  the  Chouteau  home  for 
several  years  and  became  his  homestead,  remaining  his  place  of  residence 
until  his  death  in  1867,  when  it  was  sold  by  Mrs.  Guinotte,  who  intended  to 
return  to  Brussels,  but  on  the  death  of  her  parents  she  again  purchased  the 
old  Chouteau  homestead  and  there  resided  until  1889.  In  1852  she  came  from 
Brussels  to  the  United  States  to  become  the  wife  of  Joseph  Guinotte,  who  met 
her  in  New  York  city,  where  they  were  married,  after  which  j\Ir.  Guinotte 
brought  his  bride  to  the  Kansas  City  homestead.  Their  home  soon  gained  a 
reputation  for  bounteous  and  generous  hospitality.  There  were  entertained 
many  notable  visitors,  including  Father  De  Smet,  Bishop  L'Ami  of  Mexico, 
Bishop  Miege  and  Bishop  Salpointe  of  Arizona  and  Mexico,  while  among  the 
traders  were  Captain  Bridger,  Vasquez,  the  Papins,   Chouteaus,   and  others. 

Reared  amid  the  refining  influences  of  a  cultured  home  and  educated  in 
the  private  schools  of  Kansas  City  and  in  the  St.  Louis  University,  Judge 
Guinotte  afterward  spent  several  years  in  clerical  work  in  various  offices  of 
Kansas  City,  his  last  position  of  that  character  being  deputy  clerk  in  the  office 
of  Hon.  Wallace  Laws,  for  many  years  circuit  clerk  of  Jackson  county. 
Determining  to  devote  his  life  to  the  practice  of  law,  he  then  became  a  student 
in  the  office  of  Tichenor  &  Warner,  well  known  attorneys,  with  whom  he  con- 
tinued his  reading  until  his  admission  to  the  bar.  He  is  recognized  as  a  lawj^er 
of  w^ide  knowledge  and  one  who  in  the  practice  of  the  profession  manifested 
unfaltering  fidelity  to  the  interests  of  his  clients.  No  higher  testimonial  of 
his  service  on  the  bench  could  be  given  than  the  fact  that  he  has  continu- 
ously held  the  office  of  probate  judge  of  Jackson  county  since  1886,  when  he 
was  elected  on  the  democratic  ticket  by  a  large  majority,  receiving  the  sup- 
port <if  iiiaiiy  of  the  best  known  republican.-;  of  his  di-strict.  At  each  election 
since  he  has  been  again  chosen  for  the  office  and  thus  the  stamp  of  public 
approval  is  placed  upon  a  service  characterized  by  thorough  understanding  of 
probate  law  and  by  the  utmost  accuracy  and  fidelity  in  the  discharge  of  his 

On  the  24th  of  May,  1883,  Mr.  Guinotte  was  married  to  Miss  Maud 
Stark,  a  daughter  of  Dr.  John  K.  Stark,  a  pioneer  dentist  of  Jackson  county. 
The  family  are  communicants  of  the  Catholic  church.  The  Guinotte  home  of 
the  present  day  enjoys  the  same  reputation  for  hospitality  borne  by  the  old 
parental  homestead  and  in  social  circles  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Guinotte  have  many 
warm  friends. 


Alfred  Toll  at  the  age  of  seventy-six  years.  i<  a.-  active  in  business  circles 
as  many  a  man  of  half  his  age  and  the  splendid  success  which  he  has  attained 
is  the  direct  outcome  of  his  intense  activity,  intelligently  applied.  He  has 
noted  and  utilized  opporlunities  that  others  have  passed  by  heedlessly  and 
while  the  life  record  of  others  may  have  been  more  spectacular,  his  has 
been  none  the  less  essential  or  iiiij)nrtant.  for  he  belongs  to  that  class  of  rep- 


PUB^L^-  l^iBKARY 



isl    FO'-'N»'' 


resentative  American  men  who  in  promoting  individual  success  contribute 
also  to  the  public  good. 

He  was  born  in  Schenectady,  New  York,  January  6,  1832.  His  father, 
Phillip  R.  Toll,  w^as  also  a  native  of  New  York  and  a  direct  descendant  of 
Charles  Hansen  Toll,  who  sailed  from  Sw^eden,  was  arrested  by  Algerian 
pirates  and  held  for  bounty,  and  escaping,  swam  six  miles  to  a  British  mer- 
chantman which  carried  him  to  South  America.  Thence  he  made  his  way 
to  New  York,  where  he  arrived  in  1748.  He  secured  large  grants  of  land 
around  the  present  site  of  the  city  of  Schenectady  and  became  a  very  promi- 
nent figure  in  the  early  history  of  that  section  of  the  state,  his  name  figuring 
conspicuously  in  its  annals.  Phillip  R.  Toll,  the  father,  was  married  in 
early  manhood  to  Miss  Nancy  DeGraaf,  also  a  native  of  the  Empire  state  and 
a  representative  of  one  of  the  oldest  and  wealthiest  Holland  Dutch  families 
of  New  York.  Her  brother,  John  S.  DeGraaf,  furnished  the  United  States 
government  with  all  of  the  funds  for  the  equipment  of  the  naval  fleet  on  the 
Great  Lakes  in  the  war  of  1812,  which  enormous  loan  was  never  repaid  until 
long  after  his  death.  He  was  also  one  of  the  organizers  and  a  director  of 
the  first  railroad  built  in  America.  In  the  year  1841  Phillip  R.  Toll,  with  his 
wife  and  family,  left  New  York  to  become  pioneer  settlers  of  St.  Joseph 
county,  Michigan,  where  he  spent  his  remaining  days.  His  wiie,  who  was 
born  September  17,  1797,  died  March  27,  1898,  at  the  remarkable  old  age 
of  one  hundred  years,  six  months  and  ten  days.  Two  sons  of  the  family  are 
still  living,  the  younger  being  General  I.  D.  Toll,  of  Petoskey,  Michigan. 

The  elder,  Alfred  Toll,  of  Kansas  City,  acquired  his  education  in  St.  Jo- 
seph county,  Michigan,  and  in  Fort  Wayne,  Indiana,  returning  from  the 
latter  place  to  the  former  and  there  engaging  in  business  as  a  general  mer- 
chant. He  also  conducted  a  sawmill  and  flourmill  there  and  was  a  prominent 
and  active  factor  in  business  life  in  that  locality  until  May,  1866,  when  he 
removed  to  Hannibal,  Missouri,  where  for  twenty  years  he  successfully  con- 
ducted a  lumber  business.  In  1873  he  assisted  in  organizing  the  Badger  State 
Lumber  Company  at  Hannibal  with  mills  in  Wisconsin,  and  in  1886  organ- 
ized the  Badger  Lumber  Company  to  conduct  the  retail  yards  of  the  former 
and  handle  the  products  of  its  manufacture  in  the  North,  removing  to  Kansas 
City  to  make  this  the  headquarters  of  the  business.  Through  his  untiring 
energies  and  skillful  manipulation  of  business  interests  the  enterprise  has 
in  the  twenty-two  years  of  its  existence  become  one  of  the  largest  and  best 
known  lumber  industries  of  this  part  of  the  country.  Mr.  Toll  also  organized 
the  Fort  Smith  Lumber  Company  of  Fort  Smith,  Arkansas,  which  operates 
four  mills  and  owns  ninety-four  thousand  acres  of  timber  land.  He  likewise 
built  the  Central  Railroad  of  Arkansas  and  at  the  present  time  is  president 
of  the  Badger  Lumber  Company,  the  Fort  Smith  Lumber  Company,  the  Cen- 
tral Railroad  of  Arkansa,s  and  the  Choctaw  Investment  Company,  beside 
being  an  officer  and  director  in  various  other  financial  and  commercial  in- 
stitutions. He  is  now  in  his  seventy-seventh  year  but  robust  and  strong  and 
no  man  in  his  employ  leads  a  more  active  or  strenuous  life. 

On  the  6th  of  Januarv,  1863,  Mr.  Toll  was  married  to  ^liss  Marv  Lee,  a 
daughter  of  Warren  and  Eliza  Lee,  of  Maryland.   They  have  one  son,  Phillip 


R.,  Avho  was  born  November  22,  1863,  and  is  now  connected  with  the  father 
in  the  lumber  business. 

Those  who  have  personal  acquaintance  with  Mr.  Toll  know  him  as  a 
man  of  genial  nature,  warm  hearted  and  sympathetic,  holding  friendship 
inviolable  and  manifesting  unfaltering  loyalty  to  every  trust.  Charitable  and 
benevolent  interests  have  received  his  generous  support  and  in  matters  of 
citizenship  his  position  is  never  an  equivocal  one.  He  stands  always  in  sup- 
port of  progress  and  imi^rovement  and  in  municipal  affairs,  as  in  business 
life,  looks  beyond  the  exigencies  of  the  moment  to  the  possibilities  of  the 
future.  He  has  never  sought  to  figure  in  public  life,  however,  but  has  given, 
his  time  and  attention  to  his  home  and  his  business.  In  the  latter  he  has 
made  a  record  which  any  man  might  be  proud  to  possess.  He  has  gradually 
worked  his  w^ay  upward  and  the  attainment  of  success  has  been  accompanied 
by  the  acquirement -of  an  unsullied  reputation  built  upon  his  fulfillment  of 
every  obligation  and  his  straightforward  dealings  in  every  relation.  It  is 
seldom  that  a  man  of  his  years  shows  such  activity  and  enterprise  in  business 
or  keeps  pace  with  the  modern  spirit  as  he  has  done  and  it  is  more  seldom  that 
a  man  controlling  such  extensive  and  important  interests  is  spoken  of  in 
terms  of  such  unqualified  confidence  and  respect. 


Edmund  E.  Morris,  who  stands  high  in  the  profession  of  law  as  one 
of  the  younger  members  of  the  Kansas  City  bar  and  who  is  popular  with  a 
large  circle  of  friends,  was  born  at  Salina,  Kansas,  January  13,  1872.  His 
father,  William  E.  Morris,  was  a  mechanic  and  a  native  of  Missouri,  whence 
he  removed  to  Salina,  Kansas,  as  a  pioneer.  He  took  up  his  abode  upon 
a  farm  in  Rice  county  in  1873  and  in  1884  went  to  Lamed,  Kansas,  while 
three  years  later  he  became  a  resident  of  Topeka,  Kansas,  and  since  1892  has 
made  his  home  in  California.  He  married  Anna  E.  Bonham,  a  native  of 
Wisconsin,  who  is  with  him  on  the  Pacific  coast. 

Ivliiiund  E.  Morris,  accompanying  his  parents  on  their  various  remov- 
als, ])nrsncd  his  education  in  the  connnon  and  liigh  schools  of  Larned  and 
Topeka,  Kansas,  and  when  his  father  went  to  the  coast  in  1892  Mr.  ]\Iorris 
came  to  Kansas  City,  where  he  has  since  made  his  home.  For  three  years 
he  was  bookkeeper  and  cashier  for  the  Interstate  Rolling  Mills  and  left  that 
position  to  enter  the  Missouri  National  Bank,  where  he  remained  until  the 
institution  was  closed  in  1896.  He  next  entered  the  office  of  the  Hodge 
Electrical  &  Manufacturing  Company  as  ca.shier  and  a.ssi.^tant  manager 
and  there  remained  until  1903.  For  several  years  he  had  been  studying  law 
in  the  evenings  and  his  leisure  hours  and  afterward  pursued  a  course  in  the 
Kansas  School  of  Law,  from  which  he  was  graduated.  In  1903  he  was  ad- 
mitted to  the  bar  and  the  following  year  he  began  practice.  For  one  year 
ho  was  associated  with  Henry  P.  Lowenstein  and  since  that  time  has  been 
alone.     He  conducts  a  general  law  practice  but  ^necializes  in  real  estate  and 


corporation  law.  He  has  been  unusually  successful  and  at  all  times  has  man- 
ifested the  strong  purpose  and  diligence  which  are  as  necessary  to  success 
in  the  difficult  and  arduous  profession  of  the  law  as  in  mechanical  or  com- 
mercial pursuits.  He  never  neglects  to  give  a  thorough  preparation  and  in 
the  presentation  of  his  cause  before  the  court  is  concise  and  clear  and  cogent 
in  his  reasoning. 

On  the  1st  of  March,  1899,  Mr.  Morris  was  married  to  Miss  Mattie  J. 
Jones,  a  daughter  of  E.  C.  Jones,  president  of  the  State  Savings  Bank  of 
Springfield,  Missouri.  He  is  prominent  in  Masonry,  being  past  worshipful 
master  of  Temple  lodge,  F.  &  A.  M. ;  past  high  priest  of  Orient  Chapter,  R. 
A.  M. ;  past  thrice  illustrious  master  of  Shekinali  Council,  R.  &  S.  M. ; 
present  senior  warden  of  Oriental  Commandery,  K.  T. ;  and  a  member  of 
Ararat  Temple  of  the  Mystic  Shrine.  He  was  formerly  president  of  the 
Knife  and  Fork  Club  and  has  been  presiding  officer  in  numerous  other  or- 
ganizations of  Kansas  City.  In  politics  he  is  an  earnest  and  zealous  Repub- 
lican, having  been  active  in  the  ranks  of  the  party  from  the  age  of  eighteen 
years,  when  he  made  campaign  speeches  in  support  of  Governor  Humphrey, 
of  Kansas.  He  has  since  delivered  many  campaign  addresses  and  never 
fails  to  impress  his  auditors  through  the  clearness  of  his  statements  and  the 
logic  of  his  deductions.  He  was  elected  to  the  lower  house  of  the  city  coun- 
cil April  3,  1906,  and  has  been  an  ardent  champion  of  temperance,  being 
considered  Mayor  Beardsley's  right  hand  man  in  the  lower  house.  He  is 
a  warm  admirer  of  the  mayor  and  also  an  enthusiastic  supporter  of  Presi- 
dent Roosevelt.  He  belongs  to  the  Independence  Boulevard  Christian 
church,  in  which  he  takes  an  active  interest.  Of  strong  intellectual  and 
studious  disposition,  with  high  ideals,  conscientious  and  honorable,  he  is  a 
credit  to  the  profession  and  in  social  circles  is  a  favorite  by  reason  of  a  genial, 
frank  and  social  nature.  He  possesses  in  large  degree  that  quality  which 
for  want  of  a  better  term  has  been  termed  personal  magnetism  and  has  the 
happy  faculty  not  only  of  winning  but  of  retaining  friendships. 


The  name  of  Professor  Joseph  C.  Mason  is  associated  with  the  educa- 
tional development  of  Kansas  City.  He  became  principal  of  the  Central 
school  of  Wyandotte  in  1888  and  so  continued  until  his  death.  He  was  born 
in  Marlboro,  New  Hampshire,  March  13,  1837,  a  son  of  Clark  and  Almira 
(Towne)  Mason,  both  of  Avhom  were  natives  of  the  Old  Granite  state.  Ther^ 
the  father  engaged  in  farming  throughout  his  entire  life  and  both  he  and 
his  wife  died  at  the  old  homestead.  Their  son.  Professor  Mason,  was  reared 
upon  the  farm  and  his  early  education  was  acquired  in  the  public  schools. 
In  his  youth  he  became  imbued  with  the  desire  to  become  an  attorney  and 
took  up  the  study  of  law  at  home,  pursuing  his  reading  privately  for  a  time, 
while  later  he  attended  the  university  at  Albany,  Ncav  York,  and  afterward 
became  a  student  in  the  law  school  at  Petersboro,  New  Hampshire,  where  m 


due  course  of  time  he  acquainted  himself  with  the  branches  that  constituted 
the  curriculum  there  and  was  admitted  to  the  bar  at  Concord,  New  Hamp- 

Locating  for  practice  at  Greenville,  New  Hampshire,  Mr.  Mason  contin- 
ued as  an  active  representative  of  the  bar  for  a  few  years,  after  which  he 
came  to  the  we,st  and  settled  in  Boonville,  Missouri.  There  he  organized 
the  public-school  system  and  was  superintendent  of  schools  for  five  years. 
From  that  time  forward  his  life  was  given  to  educational  work.  He  was  asso- 
ciated with  the  schools  of  different  towns  and  also  engaged  in  law  practice 
throughout  the  remainder  of  his  days,  although  his  educational  work  claimed 
most  of  his  time.  From  Boonville,  Missouri,  he  removed  to  St.  Louis  and 
was  there  principal  of  the  Washington  school  for  three  years.  He  next  went 
to  Vicksburg,  Mississippi,  where  for  two  years  he  occupied  the  superinten- 
dency  of  the  city  schools,  followed  by  a  removal  to  Columbus,  Mississippi, 
where  he  had  charge  of  the  Franklin  Academy  for  two  years.  Subsequently, 
in  Carthage,  Missouri,  he  acted  as  city  superintendent  of  schools  for  five  years, 
after  which  he  removed  to  Joplin,  Missouri,  where  he  remained  for  ten  years. 
During  that  time  he  was  city  superintendent  of  the  schools  and  also  engaged 
in  the  practice  of  law.  He  came  from  Joplin  to  Kansas  City  in  1888  to  ac- 
cept the  principalship  of  the  Central  school  of  Wyandotte  and  continued 
there  in  charge  until  his  demise. 

Professor  Mason  was  married  at  Greenville,  New  Hampshire,  to  Miss 
Mattie  J.  Kingsbury,  a  native  of  Boston  and  a  daughter  of  Lucius  W.  Kings- 
bury, who  spent  the  greater  part  of  his  life  at  Waltham,  JNIassachussetts,  and 
was  engaged  in  railroad  work.  For  many  years  he  was  a  conductor  on  the 
Boston  &  Maine  Railroad,  and  he  was  also  conductor  on  the  first  car  that 
passed  through  the  Hoosac  tunnel.  Both  he  and  his  wife  died  in  Waltham. 
Unto  Professor  and  Mrs.  Mason  were  born  three  children :  Hortense,  who 
resides  with  her  mother  and  is  now  a  teacher  in  the  Hyde  Park  school  of 
Kansas  City;  and  Ernest  C.  and  Paul  J.,  who  constitute  the  firm  of  ^Mason 
Brothers,  proprietors  of  a  leading  drug  store  which  is  situated  at  the  southwest 
corner  of  Thirty-first  and  Holmes  streets.  The  former  married  Delia  Knight, 
iiiid  r:'-i(l('s  at  No.  'M^lo  Holmes  street,  while  the  latter  married  .lean  Aleshire, 
and  resides  at  No.  3030  Oak  street.  For  about  a  year  prior  to  his  demise, 
Professor  Mason  was  in  ill  health  and  passed  away  April  25,  1892,  at  his  home 
in  Kansas  City,  Kansas,  his  remains  being  interred  there.  After  coming  here 
he  had  invested  in  property  both  in  Kansas  City,  Kansa.-.  and  Kansas  City, 
Missouri,  his  realty  holdings  being  quite  extensive,  so  that  he  was  enabled  to 
leave  his  family  in  very  comfortable  circumstances. 

Ill  politics  Mr.  ^lasoii  wa-  a  stanch  republican,  was  active  in  the  win'k 
of  the  ])arty  of  Jo])lin,  Missouri,  and  there  served  as  alderman  for  several 
year-.  .In~t  het'ore  hi-  reiiioxal  to  the  west  he,  was  state  (•(»niiiiis,-ionci'  at  (Jreen- 
ville,  New  Hampshire,  for  two  years.  Throughout  his  entire  life  he  was  con- 
nected with  the  Knights  of  Honor,  a  tt'nii  tyi)ical  of  hi-  career,  for  in  every 
relation  of  life  he  was  honorable,  ui)i'ight  and  sincere,  always  loyal  to  his 
professions  as  a  rnemlior  of  tlie  Presbyterian  church,  to  which  his  wife  also 
belongs.     Since  h(_'r  husband".-  death  Mrs.  IShison  has  ^ol(l  nnich  of  the  proj)- 

HISTORY    OF    KANSAS    CITY  •  123 

erty,  together  with  the  home  in  Kansas  City,  Kansas,  and  has  taken  up  her 
abode  in  Kansas  City,  Missouri,  where  she  and  her  daughter  now  reside  at 
No.  3030  Oak  street. 


Gustaf  Pearson,  city  comptroller,  was  born  near  Gottenburg,  Sweden, 
March  17,  1859.  His  father,  Hans  Pearson,  was  a  farmer  and  wedded  Ellen 
Gabrielson.  Upon  the  home  farm  Gustaf  Pearson  was  reared  and  when  he 
had  obtained  his  more  specifically  literary  education  in  the  common  and  high 
schools  he  took  up  the  study  of  civil  engineering  in  a  military  school  at  Gotten- 
burg. The  reports  which  reached  him  concerning  business  opportunities  in 
America  led  him  to  seek  a  home  in  the  new  world,  where  he  arrived  on  the 
5th  of  April,  1879,  settling  in  Clearfield,  Pennsylvania.  He  secured  employ- 
ment in  the  coal  mines  of  Hotsdale  wdth  a  view  to  becoming  a  mining  engineer, 
and  worked  there  for  one  year  in  various  capacities,  his  last  service  being  as 
weighmaster.  Continuing  his  westward  journey,  he  went  to  Leadville,  Col- 
orado, but  as  mining  conditions  were  bad  there  he  remained  for  only  a  short 
time  and  afterward  sought  employment  in  various  mining  camps  of  Colorado, 
New  Mexico,  Wyoming  and  Idaho,  working  for  a  short  time  at  each  place. 

On  the  12th  of  October,  1880.  Mr.  Pearson  arrived  at  Osage  City,  Kansas, 
where  he  located,  and  for  ten  years  was  employed  at  coal  mining  by  various 
companies,  becoming  superintendent  of  a  mine.  When  the  Chicago,  Mil- 
Avaukee  &  St.  Paul  Railway  was  opened  up  through  the  coal  districts  of  south- 
ern Iowa  he  went  to  Appanoose  county,  where  he  constructed,  superintended 
and  managed  several  mines,  in  which  he  is  still  interested.  When  he  pro- 
ceeded to  that  territory  with  a  force  of  surveyors  there  was  only  one  farm  house 
on  the  site  of  the  present  city  of  Mystic  with  its  population  of  five  thousand. 
During  later  years,  at  Osage  City  and  also  at  Mystic,  he  was  dealing  largely 
with  Kansas  City  and  vicinity  and  spent  much  of  his  time  here,  having  con- 
ducted a  coalyard  and  office  here  for  a  number  of  years.  In  1897  he  took 
up  his  abode  here  and  has  since  made  it  his  home.  For  some  time  his  interests 
have  been  gradually  drifting  from  the  coal  business  to  real  estate  as  he  made 
investments  in  Kansas  City  and  in  lands  in  both  the  states  of  Kansas  and  Mis- 
souri. During  ^Nhiyor  Reed's  second  administration  he  was  a  candidate  for 
alderman  of  the  uj^per  house  but  with  the  entire  republican  ticket  was  de- 
feated. In  November,  1904,  he  was  appointed  city  comptroller,  which  posi- 
tion he  has  since  continued  to  fill,  and  in  the  discharge  of  his  duties  he  has 
been  faithful,  reliable  and  efiicient. 

On  the  29th  of  June,  1885,  Mr.  Pearson  was  married  to  Miss  Mary  Eliza- 
beth Anderson,  a  daughter  of  H.  0.  iVnderson,  of  Osage  City,  Kansas,  who 
was  born  in  Bureau  county,  Illinois.  They  have  two  children,  both  natives 
of  Osage  City :  Ellen  Josephine,  now  the  wife  of  Carl  Kellner,  who  is  engaged 
in  the  bond,  insurance  and  real-estate  business  in  Kansas  City;  and  Adeline 
Christine,  at  home. 


Mr.  Pearson  is  a  Mason  and  an  Odd  Fellow.  He  also  belongs  to  the 
Ancient  Order  of  United  Workmen,  to  the  Red  Men,  the  Maccabees  and  the 
N.  N.  &  E.,  a  local  Swedish  organization  for  the  instruction  of  Swedes  in  the 
English  language  and  American  citizenship.  He  is  likewise  a  popular  mem- 
ber of  many  clubs  and  an  interested  and  helpful  member  of  the  Methodist 
Episcopal  church.  His  sterling  qualities  render  him  a  congenial  companion 
and  in  manner  he  is  social  yet  modest  and  unassuming.*  Since  crossing  the 
Atlantic  he  has  been  dependent  upon  his  own  resources  for  his  advancement 
and  through  the  utilization  of  his  opportunities  he  has  made  a  creditable  name 
in  business,  political  and  social  circles. 


Dr.  George  Halley,  who  in  his  practice  ha.s  .specialized  in  surgery,  is 
well  known  to  the  medical  profession  of  the  country  through  his  writings 
and  as  an  educator,  while  in  Kansas  City  he  has  gained  an  extensive  and  im- 
portant practice  as  a  recognition  on  the  part  of  the  public  of  his  superior 
skill  and  efficiency.  He  was  born  in  Aurora,  York  county,  Ontario,  Canada, 
September  10,  1839,  his  parents  being  George  and  Jane  Halley.  He  is  a  de- 
scendant of  Sir  Edmund  Halley,  a  famous  English  astronomer,  and  in  the 
maternal  line  of  James  Baird,  a  civil  engineer  of  Scotland.  From  York 
county  his  father  removed  to  Wellington  county,  Ontario,  where  in  the  midst 
of  the  forest  he  developed  a  farm  and  because  of  the  situation  of  the  family 
home  upon  the  frontier  in  a  most  sparsely  settled  district.  Dr.  Halley  had 
no  school  advantages  until  he  attained  the  age  of  fifteen  years.  His  parents 
gave  him  instruction  to  some  extent  and  he  had  access  to  a  small  but  good 
library  and  thus  he  laid  the  foundation  for  the  breadth  of  knowledge  which 
characterizes  him  at  the  present  day.  Between  1854  and  1858  he  spent  three 
winters  as  a  pupil  in  the  common  schools,  which  had  then  been  established, 
and  later  he  entered  the  county  grammar  school,  where  he  prepared  for  col- 
lege. His  studies  were  interrupted  by  the  death  of  two  of  his  brothers  but 
he  continued  his  school  work  alone  in  the  evenings  at  home  and  thus  quali- 
fied for  entrance  to  the  Victoria  University  at  Toronto,  wherein  he  matricu- 
lated in  1865  as  a  medical  student.  In  1867  he  was  appointed  prosector  to  the 
chair  in  anatomy  and  in  the  following  March  went  to  New  York  city,  where 
he  pursued  a  spring  course  at  Long  Island  College  Hospital.  The  succeeding 
summer  was  passed  in  attending  clinical  instruction  in  various  hospitals  and 
dispensaries,  and  in  the  autumn  he  reentered  the  Victoria  University,  from 
which  he  was  graduated  in  March,  1869,  with  the  M.D.  degree. 

On  account  of  his  father's  death,  however,  he  had  to  return  home  and 
manage  the  farming  interests  until  1870,  when  he  made  his  way  to  the  west 
in  search  of  a  location.  He  decided  upon  Kansas  Cit'y,  and  for  thirty-eight 
years  has  been  a  representative  of  the  medical  fraternity  here,  making,  how- 
ever, a  specialty  of  surgery  in  his  practice.  In  this  conection  he  has  won  more 
than  local  fame.    In  ]\Iay.  1874,  he  performed  the  first  operation  in  Kansas 


"  K 




City  for  ovariotomy,  in  which  he  was  successful.  In  1870  he  was  appointed 
assistant  demonstrator  of-  anatomy  in  the  College  of  Physicians  &  Surgeons 
and  has  almost  continuously  since  that  time  been  connected  with  educational 
work  along  the  line  of  the  profession.  In  1871  he  was  elected  professor  of 
anatomy  to  succeed  Dr.  A.  D.  Taylor,  who  had  been  called  to  the  chair 
of  surgery  and  on  the  death  of  Dr.  Taylor  in  1882  he  again  became  his  suc- 
cessor, occupying  the  chair  of  surgery  in  the  College  of  Physicians  &  Surgeons 
until  1891.  In  1892  he  was  made  professor  of  surgery  in  the  University 
Medical  College  and  so  continues  to  the  present  time.  From  1888  until  1895 
he  conducted  a  private  hospital,  which  brought  him  special  advantages 
through  its  thorough  equipment  in  the  performance  of  surgical  operation. 
In  1884,  in  connection  with  Dr.  A.  L.  Fulton,  he  established  the  Kansas 
City  Medical  Record,  the  oldest  local  medical  journal  now  in  existence,  and 
was  associated  therewith  for  several  years.  He  has  been  a  constant  contributor 
to  medical  journals  and  has  frequently  prepared  and  delivered  papers  be- 
fore medical  societies  upon  the  discussion  of  various  points  of  interest  to 
the  profession.  He  has  continuously  been  a  student  and  his  wide  research  and 
investigation  have  constantly  broadened  his  knowledge,  while  his  experience 
has  continually  promoted  his  efficiency. 

In  1871  Dr.  Halley  was  married  to  Miss  Florence  Chiles,  who  was  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Methodist  church,  and  died  in  that  faith  in  1887,  leaving  one 
daughter,  Georgia  E.,  now  the  wife  of  Donald  Lotshaw,  associate  editor  of 
the  Kansas  City  Star.  In  November,  1889,  Dr.  Halley  was  again  married, 
his  second  union  being  with  Miss  Jessie,  daughter  of  Dr.  .1.  Q.  Egelston,  of 
Olathe,  Kansas.    Their  two  children  are  George  E.  and  Eleanor  J. 


The  salient  features  in  the  life  record  of  James  W.  L.  Slavens,  de- 
ceased, were  those  which  connected  him  with  the  bar  of  Kansas  City  as  a 
prominent  attorney  and  identified  him  with  the  pioneer  development  of  the 
city.  He  stood  for  progress  and  advancement  in  municipal  lines  and  for 
one  term  was  honored  with  the  mayoralty.  His  life  record  began  in  Putnam 
county,  Indiana,  August  3,  1838.  His  great-grandfather,  John  Slavens, 
was  a  Scotch-Irish  Protestant,  who  settled  in  Virginia  in  early  life  and 
there  reared  a  large  family,  his  youngest  son  being  Isaiah  Slavens,  who 
served  for  five  years  in  the  Revolutionary  war,  valiantly  defending  the  in- 
terests of  the  colonists.  After  the  war  he  married  a  Miss  Stewart  of  ]Mary- 
land  and  removed  to  Kentucky,  where  he  engaged  in  farming  for  some 
time.  Three  of  his  sons  enlisted  for  service  in  the  war  of  1812  and  Isaiah 
Slavens  afterward  joined  them,  immediately  volunteering  and  serving  out 
the  term  of  his  enlistment.  His  last  days  were  spent  in  Putnam  county, 
Indiana,  where  he  died  at  the  venerable  age  of  eighty-six  years. 

His  son,  Hiram  B.  Slavens,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was  born  in  ]\Iont- 
gomery   county,    Kentucky,    in    1802,    and    acquired    a   good   education    for 


those  days.  For  several  years  in  early  manhood  he  taught  school  in  his 
native  county  and  in  1827  he  removed  to  Putnam  county,  Indiana,  wliere 
he  entered  land  from  the  government  and  engaged  in  farming,  making  his 
home  upon  his  place  which  he  there  developed  throughout  his  remaining 
days.  He  was  widely  known  as  a  loyal  and  enterprising  citizen  a. id  u 
earnest,  effective  friend  of  the  cause  of  education.  He  gave  active  aid  in 
founding  Asbury  University  of  Indiana  and  in  many  other  ways  showed 
his  deep  interest  in  the  intellectual  progress  of  the  state.  In  1830  he  mar- 
ried Sarah  Holland,  a  daughter  of  William  and  Susanna  (Grant)  Holland, 
of  Bath  county,  Kentucky.  Her  ancestors  came  from  England  and  Scot- 
land in  colonial  days  and  settled  in  Virginia. 

James  W.  L.  Slavens  was  reared  uj^on  his  father's  farm  and  assisted 
in  its  development  until  he  was  old  enough  to  attend  school,  when  he 
entered  the  Asbury  University  of  Indiana,  pursuing  a  classical  course, 
which  he  completed  with  high  honors  in  1859.  Following  his  graduation 
he  removed  to  Douglas  county,  Illinois,  where  he  was  married  to  Miss  Mat- 
tie  McNutt,  a  daughter  of  Collin  and  Mary  McNutt,  both  natives  of  Doug- 
las county,  Illinois,  where  Mr.  McNutt  was  engaged  in  general  farming  until 
about  1870.  He  then  removed  westward,  settling  in  Kansas  City,  where  he 
lived  retired  until  his  death,  while  his  wife  also  passed  away  here. 

Prior  to  his  marriage  Mr.  Slavens  had  purchased  a  tract  of  land  in 
Douglas  county,  Illinois,  and  after  that  important  event  in  his  life  he 
settled  upon  his  farm  to  improve  and  develop  it.  He  fenced  the  land  and 
there  carried  on  general  agricultural  pursuits  for  a  year,  after  wliich  he 
placed  a  tenant  upon  the  property.  In  the  meantime  he  gave  considerable 
attention  to  the  study  of  law,  which  he  prosecuted  exclusively  the  ensuing 
year  and  in  the  spring  of  1861  he  entered  upon  the  practice  of  the  profes- 
sion in  Tuscola,  Illinois,  with  William  McKenzie.  Soon  after  the  outbreak 
of  the  Civil  war  he  enlisted  for  service  in  the  Seventy-third  Illinois  Volun- 
teer Regiment  and  was  commissioned  quartermaster.  Soon  after  going  to 
the  front,  however,  he  was  detailed  for  duty  in  the  subsistence  department, 
W'here  he  continued  until  the  close  of  the  war,  serving  the  last  year  on  the 
staff  of  Major  General  George  H.  Thomas.  He  was  mustered  out  in  July, 

In  the  fall  of  that  year  Mr.  Slavens  came  to  Jackson  county  and  after 
living  for  a  short  time  in  Independence,  took  up  his  abode  in  Kansas  City 
in  the  spring  of  1866.  He  began  the  ])ractice  of  law  with  his  ])rother, 
Luther  C.  Slavens,  who  is  a  prominent  attorney  here  and  an  ex-circuit  judge. 
For  seven  years  he  continued  in  active  practice  of  his  profession  and  then 
turned  his  attention  to  the  packing  business,  becoming  one  of  the  first  l)eef 
and  pork  packers  of  Kansas  City,  thus  being  a  pioneer  in  the  enterprise 
which  is  today  an  important  source  of  income  of  Kansas  City  and  this  por- 
tion of  the  west.  In  1867  he  was  elected  city  treasurer  and  served  for  one 
year,  while  in  the  spring  of  1868  he  formed  a  partnership  with  E.  W.  Pat- 
tison  and  William  Epperson  for  the  purpose  of  engaging  in  the  beef  and 
pork  packing  Ijusine.'^s.  They  built  a  large  stone  house  which  is  still  standing 
in  AV("<t  Kansas  City  and  in  the  fall  of  that  year  thoy  ]-)ackod  forty-five  Inm- 


dred  head  of  cattle,  which  was  the  beginning  of  the  hxrge  beef  packing  busi- 
ness for  which  Kansas  City  has  become  celebrated.  The  following  year  Mr. 
Slavens  became  associated  in  the  packing  business  in  Kansas  City,  Missouri, 
With  J.  C.  Ferguson  and  other  well  known  men  of  Indianapolis  and  built 
a.  large  brick  packing-house,  carrying  on  the  business  for  ten  years,  during 
which  time  they  annually  packed  thirteen  thousand  beef  cattle  and  forty 
thousand  hogs,  sending  their  output  to  all  parts  of  the  world.  He  devoted 
his  attention  to  the  business  until  his  retirement,  the  industry  constantly 
growing  in  volume  and  importance  and  yielding  a  large  annual  revenue  to 
the  proprietors.  For  a  few  years  prior  to  his  death- he  lived  retired,  having 
suffered  a  stroke  of  paralysis.  He  was  also  interested  in  real  estate  and 
owned  considerable  city  property. 

Unto  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Slavens  were  born  eight  children,  of  whom  seven 
are  yet  living,  namely:  James  M.,  who  is  a  traveling  salesman  for  the  Moore 
Chemical  &  Manufacturing  Company  of  Kansas'  City,  making  his  home 
at  No.  3737  Genesee  street;  Hiram  C,  who  resides  in  New  York  city; 
Luther  C,  who  makes  his  home  in  Los  Angeles,  California;  Leander  P.,  of 
Boston,  Massachusetts;  and  a  daughter  who  makes  her  home  in  Kansas  City; 
Carl  C.  who  at  one  time  was  engaged  in  the  drug  business  in  Kansas  City 
but  now  makes  his  home  in  South  Dakota;  and  Mrs.  Clifford  Jenkins, 
whose  husband  is  one  of  the  most  prominent  merchants  of  Kansas  City. 

The  death  of  the  husband  and  father  occurred  February  10,  1905. 
Kansas  City  had  come  to  know  and  honor  him  because  of  his  activity  and 
enterprise  in  business,  his  unquestioned  loyalty  to  the  public  good  and  the 
sterling  traits  which  he  manifested  in  his  social  relations.  In  politics  he 
was  an  earnest  republican,  taking  an  active,  interest  in  the  party  and  its 
work.  He  was  not  only  called  to  the  office  of  city  treasurer  during  the  early 
years  of  his  residence  here,  but  in  1877  was  elected  mayor  of  Kansas  City 
and  for  one  year  served  as  mayor  of  Westport,  which  is  now  a  part  of  the 
city.  He  was  opposed  to  anything  like  misrule  in  municipal  affairs  and 
stood  for  progress  and  improvement,  regarding  a  public  office  as  a  public 
trust.  Fraternally  he  was  connected  with  the  Masons  and  with  the  Good 
Templars,  the  latter  association  indicating  his  attitude  on  the  temperanc? 
question.  Both  he  and  his  wife  were  pioneer  members  of  the  Grand  Avenue 
IVIethodist  Episcopal  church,  in  the  work  of  which  they  took  an  active  part. 

Mr.  Slavens  was  a  lay  delegate  to  the  general  conference  of  the  church 
held  in  Baltimore  in  1876.  His  position  was  never  an  equivocal  one  and  his 
influence  was  always  found  on  the  side  of  right,  justice,  truth  and  advancement. 
In  his  public  service  he  looked  beyond  the  needs  and  interests  of  the  mo- 
ment to  the  exigencies  and  possibilities  of  the  future  and  labored  not  for 
the  clav  alone  but  for  the  succeeding  vears  as  well.  His  earlv  training  as  a 
lawyer  proved  an  element  in  his  later  success  in  other  ways,  for  the  analytical, 
intuitive  trend  of  mind  which  he  had  cultivated  enabled  him  to  readily 
understand  a  situation  and  place  a  correct  value  upon  his  opportunities. 
His  business  career  was  marked  by  steady  progress  and  by  the  achievement 
of  most  honorable  success.  He  had  a  very  wide  and  extensive  acquaintance 
among  the   prominent   pioneer   families   and   his   memory   is   yet   enshrined 


in  the  hearts  of  all  -who  knew  him.  i\Irs.  Slavens  has  until  a  recent  date 
resided  at  the  old  home  at  No.  3016  Oak  street,  which  she  still  owns,  to- 
gether with  other  property  which  she  rents.  She  is  now  residing  at  No. 
4423  Jefferson  street.  She  came  to  Kansas  City  wdth  her  husband  in  tlie 
early  years  of  their  married  life  and  has  since  made  her  home  here,  having 
a  large  circle  of  friends  in  the  city. 


I.emuel  Crosby,  engaged  in  the  contracting  business  in  Kansas  City  lor 
the  past  quarter  of  a  century  or  more,  was  born  in  Nova  Scotia,  May  10, 
1846.  He  resided  in  Canada  for  ten  years  and  then  accompanied  his  par- 
ents on  their  removal  to  Minneaj)olis,  where  the  succeeding  seven  years  oi 
his  life  were  passed.  In  1862,  when  a  youth  of  but  sixteen  years,  he 
offered  his  services  to  his  country  in  defense  of  the  Union  and  was  assigned 
to  duty  Avith  Company  G,  Tenth  Minnesota  Infantry,  with  which  he  served 
for  three  years,  being  mustered  out  in  August,  1865.  He  had  all  of  the 
experiences  of  camp  life,  participating  in  some  hotly  contested  battles,  tak- 
ing part  in  long,  hard  marches  and  again  doing  duty  on  the  lonely  picket 
line.  He  was  in  the  campaigns  against  General  Price  and  also  in  the  en- 
gagements against  Hood  at  Nashville.  He  likewise  assisted  in  the  capture 
of  Spanish  Fort  at  Mobile  Llarbor,  and  in  his  military  service  traveled  thou- 
sands of  miles  throughout  the  South. 

When  the  war  was  over  Mr.  Crosby  returned  to  the  North  and  after- 
ward engaged  in  railroad  contracting  until  1876,  when  he  turned  his  atten- 
tion to  general  cai-pentering.  In  1879  he  went  to  Kansas  where,  secur- 
ing land,  he  began  farming,  following  that  pursuit  for  several  years.  He 
settled  on  a  claim,  for  Kansas  was  at  that  time  a  frontier  district  and  much 
of  the  land  was  unclaimed  and  uncultivated.  With  characteristic  energy 
he  begiui  the  development  of  a  farm  Ijut  was  compelled  to  leave  the  state 
on  account  of  the  drouth  which  caused  a  faihu'e  of  crops. 

Removing  from  Phillips  county,  Kansas,  to  Kansas  City  in  August, 
1880,  Mr.  Crosby  here  followed  carpentering  for  a  time  and  then  began 
contracting,  Avith  which  line  of  business  he  has  been  connected  foi-  more 
than  twenty-five  years.  To  his  credit  stand  several  of  tlie  prominent  business 
blocks  and  residences  of  the  city,  including  the  Arlington  block,  a  large 
warehouse  for  the  Townley  Metal  Company,  the  Townley  residence  on 
Gladstone  boulevard,  the  home  of  Major  Beahim  on  Thirtieth  and  Troost, 
the  home  of  David  Benjamin  on  Thirty-sixth  and  McGee,  and  many  others 
equally  fine.  His  son,  J.  E.  Crosby,  is  associated  with  him  in  business,  the 
partnership  having  existed  for  the  past  ten  years.  The  firm  have  a  large 
business  outside  of  Kansas  City,  many  of  their  patrons  being  in  Kansas  and 

On  the  28th  of  October,  1871,  Mr.  Crosby  was  married  to  Miss  May  T. 
Goll,   of  Keokuk.   Towa,   who  was  there  born    in    1855.     She  was   educated 


in  the  public  schools  of  Marion,  Iowa,  and  her  father  was  Malcolm  Goll,  a 
pilot  on  the  Mississippi  river  in  early  days.  Both  he  and  his  wife,  however, 
are  now  deceased.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Crosby  reside  at  No.  4241  Harrison  street, 
Avhere  he  owns  a  beautiful  residence,  w^hich  he  erected.  Their  children  are 
James  Edgar  and  Jessie  May.  The  son  was  born  at  Marion,  Iowa,  March 
14,  1873,  and  was  educated  in  the  public  schools  of  Kansas  City,  being 
graduated  with  the  class  of  1892.  He  afterward  pursued  a  post  graduate 
course,  in  the  high  school  of  Kansas  City,  in  1893,  and  during  the  two 
succeeding  years  attended  the  Kansas  State  University  at  Lawrence. 
For  ten  years  he  has  been  associated  with  his  father  in  business  and 
the  firm  of  Crosby  &  Son  is  a  prominent  one  in  building  circles.  On 
the  12th  of  September,  1898,  he  married  Alice  M.  Boswell,  at  Sweet  Springs, 
Missouri,  who  was  born  there,  October  16,  1875.  Her  father,  F.  M.  Boswell, 
is  a  carpenter  now  living  in  Kansas  City.  Unto  this  marriage  have  been 
born  two  sons:  James  Edgar,  whose  birth  occurred  at  Sweet  Springs,  Sep- 
tember 25,  1899;  and  Harry  Lemuel,  born  in  Kansas  City,  October  5,  1901. 
The  family  home  is  a  beautiful  dwelling  at  4616  Virginia  avenue,  which 
was  built  by  J.  E.  Crosby.  The  daughter,  Jessie  May  Crosby,  born  in  Kan- 
sas City,  August  2,  1891,  was  a  pupil  in  the  public  schools  here  and  after- 
ward attended  Central  College  at  Lexington,  Missouri.  She  is  now  at  home 
with  her  parents. 

Mr.  Crosby  has  made  a  creditable  record  as  a  business  man  who,  though 
he  has  faced  obstacles  and  difficulties  has  overcome  these  by  determined  pur- 
X)ose  and  unfaltering  industry  and  is  today  one  of  the  substantial  residents 
of  the  community.  In  citizenship  he  is  public-spirited,  manifesting  the 
same  loyalty  to  his  country  which  he  displayed  on  southern  battlefields. 


In  a  record  of  the  business  development  of  Kansas  City  the  name  of 
Sebastian  Gardner  figures  prominently,  as  he  was  the  first  hardware  merchant 
here.  Dating  his  arrival  from  1866,  he  was  throughout  the  remainder  of  his 
life  a  factor  in  the  commercial  progress  of  the  city,  contributing  through  his 
enterprise  and  progressiveness  to  the  general  development  as  w^ell  as  to  indi- 
vidual success.  His  birth  occurred  in  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  June  17,  1841.  His 
parents  there  resided  during  the  greater  part  of  their  lives,  the  father  being 
connected  with  the  iron  industry,  and  both  he  and  his  wife  passed  away  in 

Sebastian  Gardner  in  his  boyhood  days  was  a  pupil  in  the  public  schools 
and  also  attended  private  Catholic  schools  of  Cincinnati.  When  a  youth  of 
fifteen  he  started  out  in  life  on  his  own  account  as  a  clerk  in  a  hardware  store 
owned  by  Tyler  Davidson,  one  of  the  pioneer  merchants  in  that  line  in  Cin- 
cinnati. That  he  proved  himself  willing,  capable  and  energetic  is  indicated 
by  the  fact  that  he  remained  in  that  employ  for  seven  or  eight  years.  About 
the    of  the    Civil  war    he  left  Ohio  and  went  to  the  south,  settling  in 


Natchez,  Mississippi,  where  he  established  a  hardware  business  on  his  own 
account,  conducting  the  store  for  two  years. 

In  May,  18G6,  Mr.  Gardner  came  to  Kansa.s  City  and  opened  the  first  re- 
tail hardware  establishment  here,  constantly  increasing  his  stock  in  order  to 
meet  the  demands  of  a  growing  population.  From  the  beginning  the  new  enter- 
prise prospered.  For  several  years  he  was  associated  in  business  with  Mr. 
Mullett,  who  finally  sold  out  to  John  Calvin  Boyd,  who  is  still  a  resident  of 
the  city,  making  his  home  on  Armour  boulevard,  and  is  engaged  in  the  real 
estate  business.  The  partnership  continued  for  five  years,  after  which  Mr. 
Gardner  purchased  Mr.  Boyd's  interest  and  successfully  conducted  business 
here  for  over  forty  years,  his  store  being  located  at  No.  542  Main  street.  He 
always  carried  a  large  and  well  selected  line  of  goods,  anticipating  the  wants 
of  the  public  and  gaining  a  liberal  patronage  by  straightforward  methods  and 
mdefatigable  energy. 

Mr.  Gardner  was  married  in  Kansas  Citv  to  Miss  Louise  M.  Alms,  also  a 
native  of  Cincinnati  and  a  representative  of  one  of  the  pioneer  families  here, 
her  parents  being  Herman  F.  and  Margaret  (Dahme)  Alms,  who  were  born  in 
Germany  but  came  to  the  United  States  in  early  life,  settling  in  Cincinnati, 
where  Mr.  Alms  engaged  in  the  hotel  business  until  1866.  He  then  removed 
to  Kansas  City,  where  he  established  a  general  mercantile  enterprise  at  the 
corner  of  Fourteenth  street  and  Grand  avenue,  continuing  in  business  there 
until  his  death  in  1871.  Mrs.  Alms  afterward  made  her  homo  with  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Gardner  until  her  demise  in  1896. 

The  death  of  Mr.  Gardner  occurred  February  11,  1901,  after  he  had 
suffered  from  ill  health  for  several  years.  In  politics  he  was  independent, 
always  supporting  the  men  whom  he  regarded  as  best  qualified  for  office.  He 
had  no  desire  for  political  i:)referment,  as  his  time  and  energies  were  concen- 
trated upon  the  development  of  his  business  affairs,  which  reached  extensive 
proportions  as  the  years  passed  by.  The  house  ever  sustained  an  unassailable 
reputation  for  commercial  integrity  and  year  l)y  year  ]\Ir.  Gardner  added  to 
his  financial  resources  until  he  became  a  man  of  afiluence.  For  five  years  fol- 
lowing his  death  Mrs.  Gardner  carried  on  the  business  as  sole  owner  and  then 
in  1906  sold  out.  She  is  Avell  known  here,  having  many  friends,  and  is  the 
owner  of  a  large  and  beautiful  home  at  No.  702  East  Fourteenth  street,  at  the 
corner  of  Holmes  street,  which  was  purchased  by  Mr.  Gardner  more  than 
twenty  years  ago. 


John  A.  Robinson,  wlm  l)ecamc  a  resident  of  Kansas  City  in  1883, 
was  engaged  in  the  grain  trade  hero  fi'om  188."  until  bis  death  in  1902,  and 
the  qualities  which  ho  manifo.^tod  as  a  representative  of  connnorcial  inter- 
ests entitle  him  to  mention  witli  tlio  representative  men  of  tliis  city.  He 
was  born  in  Now  Yoi-k  city.  .Tiil\-  20.  1847.  Hi-  fatluM-  was  a  ]^apor-box 
manufacturer  there  and  l)eeaiiie  a   verv   well-to-do   man.  but  died   when   his 


h'Ui.. ... .  ,   . ..  L' :  ARY 


TI LD  E  r-J   FC^ . ;  fv'  IV  ■  T  ION?; 


son  was  a  young  man,  while  the  mother  passed  away  when  he  was  six  years 
of  age. 

John  A.  Robinson  attended  some  of  the  best  schools  of  New  York  city 
and  at  the  age  of  sixteen  was  qualified  for  entrance  to  Columbia  College  but 
decided  not  to  pursue  his  studies  further  but  instead  to  enter  business  life 
with  his  father.  He  becamo  his  father's  assistant  in  the  office,  where  he 
.remained  for  a  few  years  and  after  his  father's  death  made  his  way  to  the 
west  and  south,  living  at  different  times  in  various  cities,  where  he  was 
engaged  in  business.  He  finally  took  up  his  abode  in  Chicago,  where  he 
conducted  business  interests  for  a  few  years,  after  which  he  returned  to  New 
York  city,  where  he  resided  until  1883.  On  account  of  his  health  he  again 
came  to  the  middle  west,  making  his  Avay  direct  to  Kansas  City. 

Wishing  to  thoroughly  acquaint  himself  with  the  grain  trade  that  he 
might  profitably  engage  in  that  line  of  business,  he  here  accepted  a  posi- 
tion as  bookkeeper  for  a  Mr.  Merritt,  a  grain  merchant.  After  being  with 
him  for  a  short  time  Mr.  Robinson  later  served  as  bookkeeper  for  other 
houses  until  1885,  when  he  felt  his  knowledge  of  the  business  justified  his 
active  connection  with  the  trade  as  a  grain  merchant.  He  then  formed  a 
partnership  with  H.  F.  Hall  and  others,  under  the  firm  style  of  A.  J.. Poor 
&  Company,  and  they  engaged  in  the  grain  business  until  July,  1886,  w^hen 
Mr.  Robinson  and  Mr.  Hall  purchased  the  interest  of  the  other  members 
of  the  firm  and  continued  the  business  alone  until  the  death  of  Mr.  Robin- 
son. From  the  beginning  the  enterprise  proved  successful  and  they  annu- 
ally handled  large  quantities  of  grain,  making  extensive  shipments  and 
profitable  sales.  They  had  offices  in  the  board  of  trade  building  and  the 
business  has  since  the  death  of  Mr.  Robinson  been  continued,  the  firm  being 
now  known  as  the  Hall-Baker  Grain  Company. 

i\Ir.  Robinson  was  married  in  the  east,  in  1885,  to  Miss  Hannah  E. 
Hogan,  a  native  of  New  York  city,  and  a  daughter  of  Roderick  Hogan,  a 
manufacturer  of  New  York  city  during  the  greater  part  of  his  life.  He  was 
ver\'  successful  and  following  his  retirement  he  spent  his  remaining  days  at 
his  home  in  Mount  Vernon,  New  York.  Unto  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robinson  were 
born  four  children;  Graham,  now  twenty-one  years- of  age,  and  a  graduate 
of  the  Yale  University,  makes  his  home  with  his  mother  but  at  the  present 
writing,  in  1908,  is  in  Texas,  learning  the  lumber  business  with  the  pur- 
pose of  devoting  his  time  and  energies  to  that  department  of  trade.  Ara- 
bella is  a  student  in  Wellesley  College.  John  H.  and  Elizabeth  are  attend- 
ing school  in  Kansas  City.  The  mother  is  giving  to  her  children  excellent 
educational  advantages,  realizing  the  value  of  this  as  a  preparation  for  life. 

The  death  of  the  husband  and  father  occurred  November  23,  1902.  In 
the  previous  year  his  health  failed  and  he  traveled  quite  extensively,  hoping  to 
be  benefited  thereby,  but  without  avail.  He  gave  his  political  .support  to  the  re- 
publican party  at  the  polls  but  was  not  an  active  worker  in  its  ranks  and  never 
an  office  seeker.  In  the  east  he  belonged  to  a  number  of  leading  clubs  and  soci- 
eties in  New  York  city  and  in  Kansas  City  held  membership  in  the  Country 
Club.  Both  he  and  his  wife  are  consistent  members  and  generous  support- 
ers  of  the   First   Presbyterian    church   here.      In    1899    Mr.   Robinson   pur- 


chased  a  handsome  residence  at  No.  600  East  Thirty-sixth  street,  where  his 
widow  now  resides.  He  Avas  recognized  as  one  of  the  prominent  and  pros- 
perous business  men  here  and  gained  many  friends  who  recognize  and 
appreciate  his  many  sterhng  traits  of  character.  Successful  in  business,  his 
path  was  never  strewn  with  the  wreck  of  other  men's  fortunes  but  was 
carved  out  in  harmony  with  the  honorable  principles. 


Clarence  James  Fletcher,  late  vice  president  and  secretary  of  the  C.  J. 
Fletcher  Grocery  Company  of  Kansas  City,  w^as  born  in  Toronto,  Canada, 
April  9,  1863.  His  father,  Thomas  A.  Fletcher,  was  a  descendant  of  the 
famous  English  poet  of  that  name.  He  came  from  England  to  America  before 
the  day  of  steamboat  navigation  and  located  in  Toronto.  In  1870  he  became 
a  resident  of  St.  Joseph,  Missouri,  where  he  Avas  engaged  in  the  coal  business 
until  his  death.  His  wife,  who  bore  the  maiden  name  of  Caroline  Brown  and 
was  a  native  of  Ohio,  is  also  now  deceased. 

Accompanying  his  parents  on  their  removal  to  St.  Joseph  when  but  seven 
years  of  age,  Clarence  James  Fletcher  was  educated  in  the  public  schools  of 
that  city  and  w^hen  only  thirteen  years  of  age  put  aside  his  text-books  to  enter 
business  life,  becoming  an  employe  of  the  Townsend-Wyatt  Dry  Goods  Com- 
pany of  St.  Joseph.  Mr.  Townsend  w-as  also  interested  in  the  Sommer- 
Richardson  Cracker  Company  of  St.  Joseph,  now  a  branch  of  the  National 
Biscuit  Company.  After  seven  years'  service  with  the  dry-goods  company 
Mr.  Fletcher  was  transferred  to  the  other  company  to  look  after  Mr.  Town- 
send's  interests  there  and  so  continued  until  1886.  He  was  thus  for  ten  years 
in  the  employ  of  one  man,  his  capability  and  trustworthiness  winning  him 
recognition  in  successive  promotions  until  in  1886,  when  he  resigned  with  the 
intention  of  establishing  an  independent  business.  In  that  year  he  went  to 
Wichita,  Kansas,  whore  he  established  a  grocery  business,  conducting  two 
stores  until  1898.  On  the  31st  of  August  of  the  latter  year  he  arrived  in  Kan- 
sas City  and  established  the  Fletcher  Candy  Company,  now  the  Fletcher  Con- 
fectionery Company.  He  was  active  in  its  successful  management  until  Janu- 
ary, 1905,  when  he  disposed  of  his  holdings  in  that  company  and  jDurchased 
an  interest  in  the  R.  II.  Williams  Grocery  Company,  of  which  he  became  vice 
president  and  secretary.  The  niiiiio  was  then  changed  to  the  C.  J.  Fletcher 
Grocery  Company  and  from  that  time  until  his  death  Mr.  Fletcher  gave  un- 
divided attention  to  the  management  of  this  business,  which  is  today  one  of 
the  largest  retail  grocery  enterprises  of  the  city,  doing  business  at  Nos.  1114-16 
Grand  avenue.  He  also  established  six  branch  stores  and  thus  conducted  a 
very  extensive  business  but  disposed  of  two  of  these  shortly  prior  to  his  demise. 
Mr.  Fletcher  was  very  prominent  in  business  circles  and  was  highly  esteemed 
as  a  man  (tf  unsullied  reputation  based  upon  his  integrity  and  marked  ability. 
He  attained  a  success  unusual  for  a  man  of  his  years,  for  he  was  yet  in  the 


prime  of  life  when  he  passed  away  on  the  loth  of  September,  1907,  at  the  age 
of  forty-four,  his  death  resulting  after  a  week's  illness  of  peritonitis. 

Mr.  Fletcher  had  been  married  on  the  8th  of  October,  1884,  to  Miss  Carrie 
Hastings,  who  was  then  a  student  in  the  University  of  Kansas  at  Lawrence, 
in  which  city  the  wedding  ceremony  w^as  performed.  Mrs.  Fletcher  is  a  daugh- 
ter of  Samuel  Hastings,  a  prominent  grain  merchant  of  Fairfield,  Iowa,  and 
an  early  settler  of  that  place,  having  removed  there  from  Ohio  when  a  young 
man.  Mr.  Fletcher  was  a  member  of  the  First  Church  of  Christ,  to  which 
Mrs.  Fletcher  still  belongs.  He  was  survived  by  his  widow  and  also  two 
brothers,  Fred  and  Arthur  Fletcher,  wdio  are  residents  of  Chicago. 

Such  in  brief  was  the  life  record  of  Clarence  James  Fletcher  but  those 
who  knew  him  recognized  him  as  more  than  a  sucessful  business  man — a  man 
who  thoroughly  enjoyed  home  life  and  took  great  pleasure  in  the  society  of 
his  family  and  friends.  He  was  always  courteous,  kindly  and  affable  and 
those  who  knew  him  personally  had  for  him  warm  regard.  Possessed  of  much 
natural  ability,  his  success  in  business  from  the  beginning  of  his  residence  in 
Kansas  City  was  uniform  and  rapid.  Starting  out  for  himself  at  an  early 
age,  he  quickly  developed  self-reliance  and  an  independence  of  character  which 
were  strong  factors  in  his  later  prosperity.  His  death  therefore  was  the  oc- 
casion of  deep  and  widespread  regret:  among  his  contemporaries  in  business 
life  because  of  the  respect  which  they  entertained  for  his  ability  and  integrity ; 
in  the  city  because  he  was  loyal  to  the  interests  promoted  for  public  welfare; 
and  in  social  life  because  he  possessed  those  traits  of  character  which  awaken 
strong  friendship  and  kindly  esteem. 


Among  those  who  by  reason  of  the  i:)Ossession  of  some  particular  traits 
of  character,  or  the  accomplishment  of  certain  tasks,  have  advanced  beyond 
their  fellowmen  into  that  class  who  are  termed  the  prominent  citizens  of  a 
community,  was  numbered  Smith  D.  AVoods,  who  figured  in  Kansas  City  as  a 
capitalist  and  successful  merchant.  He  w^as  also  mayor  of  the  city  and  his 
influence  upon  the  public  life  was  always  along  lines  of  improvement  and 
advancement.  Born  upon  a  farm  in  Indiana  not  far  from  the  Ohio  state  line, 
December  2,  1830,  he  was  a  son  of  Samuel  and  Mary  (Carroll)  Woods,  the 
latter  a  representative  of  a  prominent  old  Carroll  family  of  Maryland.  The 
father  was  a  farmer  throughout  his  entire  life,  carrying  on  agricultual  pur- 
suits in  Indiana  to  the  time  of  his  death,  which  occurred  when  his  son,  Smith, 
was  but  ten  years  of  age. 

The  boy  was  then  reared  in  the  state  of  his  nativity  by  his  elder  brother, 
who  also  bore  the  name  of  Samuel  Woods,  and  who  was  a  West  Point  graduate, 
serving  in  the  Mexican  war  as  aide-de-camp  to  General  Winfield  Scott.  He 
acquired  a  good,  practical  English  education  in  the  public  schools  and  remained 
with  his  brother  until  1858,  when  he  came  to  the  west,  becoming  one  of  the 
early  residents  of  Leavenworth,   Kansas,   where   as  a  pioneer  merchant   he 


formed  a  partnership  with  William  Abernathy  and  opened  a  furniture  store, 
where  they  successfully  conducted  business  until  1870,  when  Mr.  Woods  dis- 
posed of  his  interest  there  and  removed  to  Kansas  City.  Here  he  formed  a 
partnership  in  the  furniture  business  with  Colonel  J.  L.  Abernathy  and  carried 
on  commercial  pursuits  in  that  line  for  eight  years.  He  then  sold  his  interest 
to  his  partner  and  the  Abernathy  Furniture  Company,  which  w^as  then  organ- 
ized, is  today  in  control  of  one  of  the  best  furniture  stores  of  the  city.  Mr. 
Woods  retired  from  that  field  of  activity  with  the  intention  of  putting  aside 
business  cares  altogether,  but  indolence  and  idleness  w^ere  utterly  foreign  to 
his  nature  and  he  found  pleasure  in  the  supervision  of  his  investments.  He 
w^as  interested  in  mining  stock  in  Kansas  and  was  also  the  owner  of  much 
valuable  real  estate  in  Kansas  City.  He  was,  however,  no  longer  bound  down 
by  the  ties  of  commercial  life,  but  found  leisure  for  those  pursuits  which  con- 
tributed to  his  welfare  and  happiness. 

In  1857  Mr.  Woods  was  married  in  Richmond,  Indiana,  to  ]\Iiss  Frances 
Landon,  wdio  was  born  near  Burlington,  Vermont,  was  of  English  lineage  and 
a  daughter  of  L.  E.  Landon,  a  member  of  a  very  prominent  family  of  the 
New  England  states.  Her  father  always  made  his  home  in  Vermont  and 
Massachusetts  and  through  the  careful  conduct  of  his  business  interests  be- 
came very  wealthy,  so  that  he  lived  retired  in  his  later  years.  He  died  in  ^lassa- 
chusetts  when  Mrs.  Woods  was  but  fourteen  years  of  age.  The  year  follow- 
ing their  marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Woods  removed  to  Leavenworth,  Kansas,  and 
her  sister,  Miss  Louise  Landon,  went  there  to  live  w'ith  them,  but  soon  after- 
ward she  made  the  acquaintance  of  David  J.  Brewer,  then  a  young  attorney 
but  now  a  justice  of  the  supreme  court  of  the  United  States,  and  to  him  she 
gave  her  hand  in  marriage.  The  w^armest  attachment  always  existed  between 
the  Brewer  and  the  Woods  families  and  in  their  frequent  visits  to  Washing- 
ton Mr.  and  Mrs.  Woods  formed  the  acquaintance  of  many  of  the  distinguished 
statesmen  of  the  country,  including  President  Benjamin  Harrison,  wlio  was 
a  classmate  of  Mr.  Woods.  He  was  also  a  personal  friend  of  George  W.  Julian 
and  Ex-Governor  L.  P.  Morton. 

Unto  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Woods  were  born  two  children,  but  Ella  died  in 
Leavenworth,  Kansas,  in  1865.  The  other  daughter,  Mary  L.,  is  now  the  only 
surviving  member  of  the  family.  The  father's  death  occurred  December  28, 
1888,  while  Mrs.  Woods  made  her  home  in  Kansas  City  until  her  own  demise 
on  the  2d  of  December,  1907.  She  was  a  woman  of  charming  personality  and 
many  social  characteristics,  who  was  widely  and  favoral)ly  known  in  Kansas 
City.  She  became  a  pioneer  member  of  Grace  Episcopal  church  and  was  very 
devoted  to  the  church  throughout  her  remaining  days. 

Mr.  AVoods  figured  prominently  and  actively  in  political  circles  in  Kansas 
City  as  a  leader  of  tlic  democratic  party  and  in  1874  was  elected  mayor,  which 
position  he  filled  for  two  years.  He  was  a  nieniljcr  of  the  Masonic  fraternity 
and  attained  the  Knights  Templar  degree.  He  was  the  friend  of  every  pioneer 
and  |))ominent  business  man  of  Kansas  City  and  was  well  known  throughout 
the  state.  His  business  affairs  were  so  capably  tnanag('(l  that  he  attained 
wealth  and  his  methods  were  .so  honorable  tliat  the  most  envious  could  not 
grudge  him  his  success.    He  left  tlie  impress  of  liis  individuality  upon  pu1)lic 


life,  upon  the  welfare  of  the  city,  upon  its  commercial  development  and  also 
upon  those  with  whom  he  came  in  contact.  He  was  a  man  of  strong  and 
forceful  character,  who  placed  a  correct  valuation  upon  life  and  its  opportuni- 
ties and  his  personal  worth  was  indicated  by  the  fact  that  many  distinguished 
men  were  glad  to  call  him  friend.  ^liss  Mary  L.  AVoods  occupies  the  old  family 
residence,  which  is  a  beautiful  home  at  No.  1720  Penn  street.  When  her 
parents  came  to  Kansas  City  this  district  was  known  as  Cook's  pasture,  but  it 
is  now  in  the  center  of  a  residence  portion  adorned  with  many  palatial  homes. 


Judge  Willard  Preble  Hall,  widely  recognized  as  one  of  the  most  dis- 
tinguished lawyers  of  Missouri  and  one  of  the  active  forces  in  democratic 
politics,  has  exerted  an  influence  that  has  been  as  beneficial  as  it  is  far- 
reaching.  He  is  accounted  the  peer  of  the  best  thinking  men  of  the  age  and 
may  well  be  classed  with  Kansas  City's  most  distinguished  citizens. 

He  was  born  September  19,  1851,  at  St.  Joseph,  Missouri,  his  father 
being  Governor  Willard  P.  Hall,  of  Missouri.  The  ancestral  history  can  be 
traced  back  to  the  year  1634,  when  a  widow  and  several  sons  settled  at  Med- 
ford,  Massachusetts.  From  one  son,  who  married  Majorie  Davis,  a  niece  of 
Simon  Willard,  Judge  Hall  is  descended.  The  name  Willard  has  been 
given  to  many  other  descendants  in  different  generations.  The  great-grand- 
father, Stephen  Hall,  who  was  a  tutor  at  Harvard,  wedded  Mary  Holt,  a 
widow  and  a  daughter  of  Deacon  Cotton,  of  Portland,  Maine,  where  they 
lived  subsequent  to  their  marriage.  His  son,  John  Hall,  was  a  mechanic 
and  inventor  and  for  many  years  was  superintendent  of  the  government 
armory  at  Harper's  Ferry.  Being  a  government  employe,  the  government 
would  issue  him  no  patents,  although  he  brought  forth  a  number  of  valu- 
able inventions,  one  of  which.  Hall's  carbine,  was  the  first  breech-loading 
gun  placed  upon  the  market.  John  Hall  was  united  in  marriage  to  Statira 
Preble,  of  Portland,  Maine,  a  daughter  of  Isaiah  Preble  and  a  sister  of  Wil- 
liam Pitt  Preble. 

Willard  Preble  Hall,  son  of  John  Hall  and  father  of  Judge  Hall,  was 
a  graduate  of  Yale  University  of  the  class  of  1839  and  in  1840  became  a 
resident  of  Missouri,  settling  in  Randolph  county.  He  became  one  of  the 
most  distinguished  and  prominent  men  of  the  state  and  became  war  gover- 
nor of  the  state  in  1864  upon  the  death  of  Governor  Gamball.  He  wedded 
Anne  Richardson,  a  daughter  of  Major  W.  P.  Richardson,  w^ho  came  from 
Kentucky  late  in  the  thirties  and  was  a  noted  whig  politician,  at  one  time 
serving  as  Indian  agent  at  a  post  in  Kansas.  Unto  Governor  and  Mr.s.  Hall 
were  born  four  children,  three  sons  and  one  daughter. 

Entering  the  public  schools  of  his  native  city,  Willard  P.  Hall,  Jr., 
passed  through  successive  grades  until  he  had  completed  the  high  school 
course  and  later  he  spent  three  years  in  Yale  University.  His  law  studies 
were  i)ursued  in   the  office  and  under  the    direetion     of    his    di-tinguished 


father  and  in  1872  lie  was  admitted  to  the  bar.  His  first  partnership  was 
with  Judge  O.  M.  Spencer  and  later  the  adnhssion  of  H.  K.  White  to  the 
firm  led  to  the  adoption  of  the  firm  style  of  White,  Spencer  &  Hall.  Having 
located  for  practice  in  St.  Joseph,  he  Avas  elected  city  attorney  there  in  1876 
and  in  1878  was  chosen  by  popular  suffrage  to  the  ofhce  of  prosecuting  attorney 
of  Buchanan  county.  From  1885  until  1889  he  was  judge  of  the  Kansas  City 
court  of  appeals,  and  in  the  latter  year  the  Master  of  Arts  degree  was  conferred 
upon  him  by  Yale  University  in  recognition  of  the  excellent  work  which  he 
had  done  in  the  field  of  his  chosen  profession.  Judge  Hall  has  argued  many 
cases  and  lost  but  few.  No  one  better  knows  the  necessity  for  thorough  prep- 
aration and  no  one  more  industriously  prepares  his  cases  than  he.  His  course 
in  the  courtroom  is  characterized  by  a  calmness  and  dignity  that  indicate  re- 
serve strength.  His  handling  of  his  case  is  always  full,  comprehensive  and 
accurate;  his  analysis  of  the  facts  is  clear  and  exhaustive;  he  sees  without 
effort  the  relation  and  dependence  of  the  facts,  and  so  groups  them  as  to 
enable  him  to  throw  their  combined  force  upon  the  point  they  tend  to  prove. 
His  opinions  while  on  the  bench  showed  great  research,  industry  and  care  and 
challenged  the  approval  of,  and  commended  themselves  to  the  bench  and 
the  bar. 

On  the  22d  of  June,  1876,  Judge  Hall  was  married  in  Philadelphia  to 
Miss  Isabel  Fry  Alrich,  a  daughter  of  William  T.  Alrich,  of  DelaAvare,  whose 
family  came  from  Holland  to  America  while  this  country  was  still  one  of  the 
colonial  possessions  of  Great  Britain.  They  had  three  children,  of  wdiom  two 
are  living,  Anne  Richardson  and  Preble  Hall. 


George  H.  Kahmann,  senior  member  of  the  firm  of  Kallmann  &  Mc- 
Murry,  prominent  contractors  of  Kansas  City,  Avas  l)orn  in  St.  Louis.  Mis- 
souri, September  18,  1854.  His  father,  Christo|)her  H.  Kahmann,  removed 
soon  afterward  to  Franklin  county,  Missouri,  with  his  family,  and  there 
engaged  in  llio  pork-packing  business  for  tweiily-fivc  years.  His  memory  is 
yet  cherished  as  that  of  one  of  Washington's  leading  citizens,  Avhose  business 
enterprise  and  devotion  In  llic  ])ublic  good  were  the  chief  elements. in  the  city's 
growth  and  progrCvSs.  He  wedded  Mary  Mense  Uhlenbrock,  Avho  was  born 
on  a  sailing  vessel  en  route  to  .\merica  from  Hanover.  Germany,  in  1835. 
Her  father,  whose  family  name  was  Mense.  married  the  heir  to  the  estate  of 
T'hlenbrock,  an  old  German  domain,  and  according  to  the  law  of  that  coun- 
try, assumed  the  name  nf  the  estate  as  his  surname. 

George  H.  Kahinaini  was  ibe  cldcsl  in  a  family  of  eight  children,  six  of 
whom  reached  adult  years,  wliilc  five  of  llic  numlicr  are  still  li\ing.  Guy  F. 
Kahmann.  llic  oldest,  is  seciclary  and  Irensnrer  of  the  PI.  Tibbe  &  Son  Manu- 
facturing Company,  manufacturers  of  the  Mi.'^sonri  meerschaum  corn  cob 
pi])es  at  Washington.  Missom'i.  Joseph  V.  Kahmann  is  special  agem  and 
adjuster  for   Ihe   Home   Insni'ance   Company    at    Kansa-    City.      ^Tr^.   Charles 


•riLD):N   K(  ■•!    S.-TTONS 


I.  Wynne,  formerly  of  St.  Louis,  and  Mrs.  John  B.  Busch,  are  both  residing 
at  the  old  home  in  AVashington,  Missouri. 

George  H.  Kallmann  was  educated  in  the  parish  schools  of  Wa^shington, 
Missouri,  and  spent  two  years  at  Notre  Dame  University,  after  which  he 
entered  the  Washington  Savings  Bank  as  assistant  cashier,  which  position  he 
held  for  three  years.  He  then  went  to  St.  Louis  and  accepted  a  clerical  posi- 
tion in  a  wholesale  mercantile  house,  but  upon  the  death  of  his  mother,  in 
1874,  he  returned  to  Washington  to  look  after  his  father's  interests,  while  his 
father  made  a  trip  to  Europe.  In  1879  Mr.  Kallmann  purchased  a  controlling 
interest  in  the  business  of  the  firm  of  H.  Tibbe  &  Son,  who  had  just  taken 
out  a  patent  for  the  manufacure  of  corn  cob  pipes,  after  which  he  devoted  his 
attention  entirely  to  the  establishment  of  the  business.  He  thus  laid  the 
foundation  of  an  enterprise  that  has  since  grown  to  vast  proportions  and  has 
in  the  past  thirty  years  paid  its  stockholders  a  quarter  of  a  million  dollars 
in  dividends. 

On  the  12th  of  May,  1881,  Mr.  Kahmann  was  married  to  Miss  Mary  S. 
Hopkins,  a  daughter  of  H.  S.  Hopkins,  president  of  the  H.  S.  Hopkins  Bridge 
Company,  a  well  known  bridge  contracting  firm  of  St.  Louis.  A  year  later 
Mr.  Kahmann  became  a  member  of  that  firm,  thus  extending  the  scope  of  his 

In  1885  he  placed  his  brother,  Guy  F.  Kallmann,  in  charge  of  the  corn 
cob  pipe  business  at  Washington,  and  became  actively  engaged  in  bridge 
work,  taking  charge  of  the  construction  of  the  substmcture  of  a  bridge  on 
the  Louisville  Southern  Railroad  at  Tyrone,  Kentucky,  near  Lawrenceburg. 
The  Hopkins  Bridge  Company  having  secured  the  contract  for  the  Winner 
bridge  over  the  Missouri  river  at  Kansas  City,  Mr.  Kahmann  came  here  in 
1889  to  take  charge  of  its  construction,  and,  bringing  his  family  with  him, 
has  since  made  this  city  his  home.  Since  his  arrival  he  has  been  continually 
engaged  in  general  railroad  and  bridge  contracting,  making  a  specialty  of 
pneumatic  work  and  deep  and  difficult  foundations,  for  which  construction 
the  company  is  equipped  with  one  of  the  largest  plants  in  the  west.  They 
have  to  their  credit  the  substructure  of  important  bridges  on  nearly  every  rail- 
way system  in  the  west  and  south,  among  which  are  all  the  bridges  on  the 
Choctaw,  Oklahoma  &  Gulf  Railroad,  including  the  bridge  at  Little  Rock, 
Arkansas;  the  first  bridge  constructed  over  the  Red  river  on  the  Rock  Island 
Railroad ;  the  bridge  over  the  Alabama  river  near  Montgomery  on  the  Mobile 
&  Ohio  Railroad ;  the  Maple  Leaf  bridge  at  Kansas  City ;  and  the  substructure 
of  the  Sixth  street  viaduct  over  the  Kaw  river  at  Kansas  City.  They  are 
now  engaged  in  building  a  bridge  over  the  Atchafalaya  river  near  Melville, 
Louisiana,  on  the  New  Orleans  branch  of  the  Frisco  system. 

Mr.  Kahmann  has  been  very  successful  in  all  his  enterprises,  and  his 
name  is  widely  and  favorably  known  in  the  business  world  in  which  he  has 
been  engaged,  and  is  highly  respected  in  social  circles.  He  has  large  real- 
estate  holdings  in  Kansas  City,  and  takes  a  lively  interest  in  the  welfare  and 
advancement  of  the  city.  Fraternally  he  is  connected  with  the  Knights  of 
Columbus  and  socially  with  the  Elm  Ridge  Club.  In  politics  he  is  a  demo- 
crat, but  not  active,  and  he  is  a  member  of  the  Roman  Catholic  church. 


Mr.  Ivahmanii  has  a  family  of  four  children :  Nathalie  M.,  at  home ;  C. 
Henry,  who  is  with  the  Rudd-McQueeny  Insurance  Company;  George  H., 
who  is  with  the  Central  National  Bank;  and  Karl  G.,  at  school.  Mr.  Kall- 
mann is  a  man  of  genial,  social  nature,  but  modest  and  retiring  in  manner. 
He  is,  however,  recognized  as  a  public-spirited  citizen,  charitable  in  thought 
and  action.  His  personality  is  one  which  inspires  respect  and  confidence. 
He  is  a  man  of  fine  appearance,  face  and  figure  being  indicative  of  his  active, 
well  spent  life,  whereby  he  has  advanced  from  a  comparatively  humble  place 
in  the  business  world  to  one  of  distinction  and  affluence.  He  has  made 
steady  progress,  not  by  reason  of  any  favoring  circumstances  or  peculiarly 
fortunate  conditions  that  have  surrounded  him,  but  because  he  has  been 
watchful  of  the  opportunities  pointing  to  success,  has  utilized  the  chances 
that  have  come  to  him,  and  has  gained  public  confidence  by  unfaltering  relia- 
bility as  well  as  most  excellent  workmanship.  The  firm  of  which  he  is  now 
at  the  head  is  today  one  of  the  most  important  in  contracting  circles  in  Kan- 
sas City  and  the  west. 

JOHN    C.    MERINE. 

John  C.  Merine,  who  was  one  of  America's  most  prominent  [K)rtrait 
artists,  became  a  resident  of  Kansas  City  in  1SB9  and  here  remained  to  the 
time  of  his  demise.  A  native  of  Richmond,  Indiana,  he  was  born  on  the 
28th  of  September,  1821,  his  parents  being  Charles  and  Abbie  Merine,  who 
were  natives  of  Maryland.  They  removed  to  Richmond,  Indiana,  during  an 
early  period  in  its  development  and  in  that  locality  the  father  followed  agri- 
cultural pursuits  and  passed  away  there  at  the  comparatively  early  age  of 
forty-five  years.  His  widow,  long  surviving  him,  reached  the  age  of  eighty- 
seven  years. 

While  spending  his  boyhood  days  in  his  parents'  home,  John  C.  ^hM'ine 
attended  the  public  schools  of  Richmond  and  early  gave  indication  of  the 
artistic  talent  which  in  later  years  brought  him  fame  and  fortune.  For  (he 
development  of  ]\i<  native  powers  he  entered  the  Cincinnati  Art  School  when 
eighteen  years  of  age  and  studied  for  several  years  in  that  city,  being  for  a 
time  under  the  instruction  of  Insclo  AVilliatris.  wlioso  ])nnorama  of  the  Bible 
placed  him  among  the  celebrated  ])aintcr.<  of  the  world.  Ih'  was  a  classmate 
of  AVinans,  Beard  and  Johnson,  all  of  whom  became  renowned  as  arti-ts, 
conducting  studios  in  New  York  city. 

On  leaving  Cincinnati  Mr.  Merine  went  to  Louisville,  Kentucky,  wIicit 
he  opened  a  studio  and  entered  u])on  his  life  work  a.-  an  artist.  In  his  ]»!•()- 
fessional  cajiaeity  lie  visited  all  of  the  towns  of  the  state  and  made  |iaintings 
of  many  of  Kenlneky's  most  famous  men.  lie,  however,  maintained  Iiis 
headquarters  at  Lonisxille,  where  he  condneted  his  studio  for  tweh'e  years 
and  during  that  time  painted  jiortrait-  of  Henry  Clay;  Rev.  Alexander- 
Camjjbell,  tlie  foundei'  of  llie  Chi'istian  ehincli;  Attorney  General  Harlan, 
father  of  Jn.-tiei'   Ilai'lan   of  the  snnrenie  eoui't  :  and  ( Jeorge  D.  Prentice,  the 


distinguished  editor  of  the  Louisville  Journal.     The  character  of  his  work 
is  indicated  by  a  statement  made  concerning  his  portrait  of  Clay:     "It  is 
certainly  the  finest  painting  of  this  great  man.     One  is  forced  to  imagine 
that  the  man  and  not  the  shadow  stands  before  him." 

Mr.  Merine  removed  from  Louisville  to  Jacksonville,  Illinois,  where  he 
purchased  four  acres  of  land,  his  purpose  being  to  raise  fruit  thereon  that 
he  might  use  it  as  a  study  from  which  to  paint.  Year  by  year  his  fame  in- 
creased until  his  patronage  was  drawn  from  all  the  territory  between  New 
York  and  San  Francisco,  while  some  of  his  works  are  also  seen  in  Europe. 
While  at  Jacksonville  he  painted  portraits  of  Governors  Yates  and  Oglesby 
of  Illinois  and  had  commissions  from  many  other  prominent  people  of  the 

It  was  while  living  in  Jacksonville  that  Mr.  Merine  was  married  to 
Miss  Mary  A.  Clampit,  who  was  a  belle  of  that  city.  She  was  born  in  Jack- 
sonville and  there  acquired  her  education,  being  graduated  from  the  Women's 
College  of  that  city  when  twenty-one  years  of  age.  Her  mother  died  in 
Jacksonville  and  her  father.  Rev.  Moses  Clampit,  a  minister  of  the  Methodist 
Episcopal  church,  engaged  in  preaching  there  until  1849,  when  he  gave 
up  the  active  work  of  the  ministry  and  joined  the  American  Argonauts,  who 
in  1'S49  wont  in  search  of  the  golden  fleece  to  California.  He  invested  in 
property  in  the  western  states  and  through  his  speculations  became  quite 
wealthy,  but  later  lost  considerable  property.  In  1857  he  settled  in  Portland, 
Oregon,  where  he  lived  retired  until  his  death.  Unto  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Merine 
were  born  two  daughters,  Minnie  E.  and  Monona.  The  younger  daughter,  who 
died  in  1890  at  the  age  of  nineteen  years,  was  a  very  talented  young  lady 
and  a  great  favorite  with  her  father  and  a  beautiful  painting  which  he  made 
of  her  now  adorns  the  mother's  home.  Minnie  E.,  residing  with  her  mother, 
is  a  fine  pianist  and  also  plays  the  pipe  organ.  She  was  graduated  on  the 
completion  of  a  course  in  music  at  the  New  England  Conservatory,  and  is 
very  prominent  in  the  musical  as  well  as  the  social  circles  of  Kansas  City. 

In  1867  Mr.  Merine  spent  eight  months  in  Madison,  Wisconsin,  and 
there  his  brush  and  palette  were  constantly  employed.  Several  of  his  por- 
traiturCvS  of  the  leading  men  of  that  state  are  now  to  be  seen  in  the  Wiscon- 
sin capitol,  among  the  most  prominent  being  those  of  the  judges  of  the  su- 
preme court.  Chief  Justice  Whitan,  General  George  B.  Smith  and  W.  S. 
Penney,  a  noted  attorney.  When  Mr.  Merine  contemplated  a  change  of  resi- 
dence in  1869,  many  of  his  friends  and  admirers  urged  him  to  locate  either 
in  Chicago  or  New  York,  believing  that  the  large  cities  would  prove  a  better 
artistic  field,  but,  attracted  toward  the  rapidly  developing  metropolis  of 
western  Missouri,  he  came  to  Kansas  City  in  that  year.  Here  not  only  his 
previous  success  attended  him  but  his  patronage  grew  until  he  became  one 
of  the  best  known  portrait  artists  of  the  west.  Forming  a  i^artnership  with 
his  nephew,  Mr.  Williams,  they  opened  a  studio.  Later  Mr.  Merine  removed 
his  studio  to  Main  street  near  Eighth  street  and  his  last  studio  was  in  the 
Sheidley  building.  His  patrons  included  not  only  many  of  the  distinguished 
residents  of  the  city  but  also  prominent  men  throughout  the  west.  He 
])ainted    altogether   twenty-five    hundred    portrait-;    and    among   those    which 



adorned  his  studio  at  the  time  of  his  demise  was  a  noteworthy  one  of  Mrs. 
Merine  at  the  time  the  artist  first  met  her.  It  portrays  her  in  an  old-fashioned 
pink  gown  trimmed  with  lace  and  the  coloring  is  particularly  good.  In  his 
paintings  he  was  specially  skillful  in  producing  effects  through  shadow.  He 
was  fond  of  half-tones  and  subdued  coloring.  High  lights  are  rare  in  his 
works  and  he  cared  far  more  for  quiet  scenes  than  for  anything  of  a  broader 
and  more  resplendent  style  of  painting.  Every  detail,  however,  was  given 
attention  and  he  succeeded  in  portraying  some  remarkable  likenesses  in  his 
I)ortrait  work.  He  always  read  a  spiritual  meaning  in  the  clouds,  which  he 
was  fond  of  painting.  He  claimed  in  his  portrait  painting  that  the  features, 
faithfully  brought  out  (jn  canvas,  should  mirror  the  spiritual  characteristics 
of  the  man. 

Mr.  Merine,  however,  did  not  paint  portraits  alone.  He  made  some  es- 
pecially noteworthy  studies  of  fruit  and  some  beautiful  landscapes  and 
marines  are  the  work  of  his  brush.  One  of  his  best  landscapes  is  The  Return 
From  the  Hunt,  the  hunters  plodding  wearily  home  through  the  snow,  bend- 
ing under  the  load  of  game  on  their  backs,  the  dogs  laboring  at  their  sides. 
The  setting  sun,  l)ursting  through  the  clouds,  glints  on  the  snowy  trail.  The 
sky  is  streaked  with  red.  A  dark  background  of  firs  rises  on  the  horizon. 
The  tints  are  mostly  somber  and  a  sense  of  weariness  pervades  the  whole 
scene.  Mr.  Merine  was  able  to  put  on  canvas  the  feelings  of  sadness  that 
come  with  the  twilight  in  a  way  which  appeals  to  the  most  careless  observer. 

It  is  not  a  usual  thing  for  high  artistic  taste  and  talent  to  be  combined 
with  keen  business  sagacity  but  Mr.  Merine  possessed  both.  He  displayed 
jirescience  in  his  investments  in  property  in  Kansas  City.  Soon  after  his 
arrival  he  purchased  eight  acres  of  timber  land  on  what  is  now  Troost  avenue 
in  the  most  fashionable  district  of  the  city  and  built  a  fine  residence  at  No. 
2305  Troost  avenue,  which  he  occupied  for  fifteen  years,  though  residing  in 
that  vicinity  for  twenty  years.  He  afterward  removed  to  Hyde  Park  and 
subsequently  to  a  temporary  home  on  Long  Meadow  avenue,  where  his  last 
days  were  spent.  In  ])olitics  he  was  a  stalwart  republican  and  in  early  life 
affiliated  with  the  Masonic  fraternity.  Death  came  to  him  on  the  'I'Ad  of 
August,  1896,  after  an  illness  of  five  weeks.  He  was  then  seventy-five  years 
of  age.  In  disposition  he  was  rather  retiring  but  fond  of  society  at  his 
own  home  and  to  his  friends  was  most  devoted.  Like  all  who  walk  through 
life,  hovrever,  on  a  higher  plane,  his  circle  of  acquaintances  was  select  rather 
than  large.  Kansas  City  rejoiced  in  his  honors  and  his  success,  was  proud 
f'f  his  achievements  in  the  realm  of  art  and  to  the  man  they  paid  the  highest 
tribute  of  res])ect.  He  was  a  believer  in  the  Swedenborgian  faitli  and  al- 
waj^s  a  most  faithful  follower  of  high  principles  and  ideals. 

Mrs.  Merine  and  her  daughter  still  reside  in  Kansas  City.  Tho  latter 
is  a  member  of  the  Christian  Science  church  and  both  are  very  ])ri»iiiini'Ml 
in  cultured  societv  circles.  Thev  have  recentlv  removed  to  a  beautiful  lioiiic 
at  No.  2918  East  Twenty-ninth  street,  the  walls  of  which  are  adorned  In- 
many  of  Mr.  Merine's  finest  canvases.  Mrs.  Merino  has  been  very  active  in 
club  life  in  the  city  and  president  of  various  organizations  of  this  character. 
She  and  her  daughter  now  hold   membership  in  the  New  Century  Clul).  of 


which  Mrs.  Merine  has  been  president  for  fourteen  years.  Several  times  she 
has  been  a  delegate  to  the  general  federation  of  women's  clubs.  Interested 
in  all  that  pertains  to  literary  and  esthetic  culture  she  is  a  patron  of  the  arts 
and  her  influence  and  labors  have  done  much  toward  development  in  these 
lines  in  Kansas  City. 


Colonel  J.  L.  Abernathy,  who  in  the  furniture  trade  won  a  measure  of 
success  that  gained  him  rank  among  the  capitalists  of  Kansas  City,  where  he 
took  up  his  abode  in  1870,  was  a  native  of  Warren  county,  Ohio,  born  March 
20,  1833.  His  parents  always  resided  in  Ohio  and  in  Indiana,  the  father 
following  farming  for  many  years  in  the  latter  state.  The  son  was  a  student 
in  the  public  schools  of  Knightstown,  Indiana,  where  he  acquired  a  good  edu- 
cation and  then  began  in  business  for  himself,  establishing  a  dry  goods  store 
in  Rushville,  Indiana,  where  he  conducted  his  enterprise  successfully  until 
1855.  Feeling  that  he  would  have  still  better  opportunities  in  the  new  but 
rapidly  growing  west,  he  removed  to  Leavenworth,  Kansas,  where  in  part- 
nership with  S.  D.  AVoods  he  established  a  furniture  store  in  which  he  engaged 
until  after  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  war. 

In  1862  he  enlisted  in  a  thirty-day  company,  while  afterward  he  became 
captain  of  the  Eighth  Kansas  Infantry,  raising  a  company  for  service  with 
that  regiment.  Still  later  he  was  promoted  to  the  colonelcy  of  the  regiment 
and  continued  in  command  until  1863,  when  in  the  battle  of  Chickamauga 
he  became  very  ill  and  because  of  the  condition  of  his  health  resigned  and 
returned  to  his  home  in  Leavenw^orth.  He  then  again  became  an  active  factor 
in  the  furniture  trade,  in  which  he  continued  until  about  1870,  when  he 
removed  to  Kansas  City.  His  early  identification  with  the  business  interests 
of  this  city  was  as  a  w^holesale  furniture  dealer,  while  later  he  formed  a  part- 
nership with  Mr.  Keith,  and  they  engaged  in  the  retail  furniture  business 
for  a  short  time.  Mr.  Keith  eventually  sold  his  interest  to  Mr.  North,  who 
was  associated  with  Colonel  Abernathy  in  the  retail  furniture  business  for  a 
few  years.  Later  the  firm  became  Duff  &  Abernathy,  an  association  that  was 
maintained  for  several  years,  when  Colonel  Abernathy  disposed  of  his  interest 
to  Mr.  Repp  and  the  Duff  &  Repp  Furniture  Company  is  still  operating  at 
Nos.  1216-22  Main  street.  Throughout  his  commercial  career  Colonel  Aber- 
nathy maintained  a  reputation  for  undoubted  integrity  and  for  energy  and 
perseverance  that  constituted  the  basis  of  his  gratifying  prosperity. 

In  1859  occurred  the  marriage  of  J.  L.  Abernathy  and  Miss  Elizabeth 
Martin,  of  Leavenworth,  Kansas.  She  was  born  in  Butler  county,  Ohio,  not 
far  from  the  birthplace  of  her  husband,  her  parents  being  Thomas  and  Eliza- 
beth (Marshall)  Martin,  both  of  whom  were  natives  of  Ohio  but  at  an  early 
day  they  took  up  their  abode  in  the  vicinity  of  Lafayette,  Indiana,  where  Mr. 
Martin  engaged  in  the  saddlery  business  throughout  his  remaining  days. 
Both  he  and  his  wife  died  there.     Unto  ]\Ir.  and  Mrs.  Abernathv  were  born 


six  children:  William  ^Martin,  who  died  recently  leaving  a  widow  who  resides 
in  Kansas  City  and  who  in  her  maidenhood  was  Fannie  McClelland;  Walter 
L.,  who  is  engaged  in  the  fnrniture  business  in  Kansas  City  and  is  mentioned 
elsewhere  in  this  volume;  Frank,  who  died  in  early  life;  Harry  T.,  who  is 
one  of  the  prominent  business  men  of  Kansas  City,  being  cashier  of  the  First 
National  Bank;  Omar,  engaged  in  the  furniture  business  in  Leavenworth, 
Kansas;  and  Cora,  the  wife  of  Dr.  A.  G.  Hull,  a  prominent  physician  of  Kan- 
sas City. 

Colonel  Abernathy  continued  in  the  furniture  business  until  his  death, 
which  occurred  on  the  16th  of  December,  1902.  Aside  from  his  interest  in 
the  furniture  business  he  was  one  of  the  organizers  of  the  First  National  Bank 
of  Kansas  City  and  was  made  one  of  its  stockholders  from  the  beginning.  He 
also  had  financial  interests  in  other  business  enterprises  of  Kansas  City  and 
Leavenworth,  being  a  director  of  the  Leavenworth  National  Bank.  He  was 
mayor  of  Leavenworth,  Kansas,  for  tw^o  terms  and  also  took  an  active  interest 
in  politic-  as  a  stalwart  supporter  of  the  republican  party.  He  belonged  to 
the  Loyal  Legion  and  the  Grand  Army  of  the  Republic  and  maintained  pleas- 
ant relations  Avith  his  old  army  comrades  in  this  way.  He  always  took  great 
interest  in  church  work,  both  he  and  his  wife  being  members  of  the  Presby- 
terian church,  while  Colonel  Abernathy  served  as  elder  in  the  Second 
Presbyterian  church  of  this  city.  In  Leavenwortli  he  was  elder  in  the  First 
Presbyterian  church  and  was  superintendent  of  the  Sunday  school  in  both 
places  for  twenty-three  years.  Since  the  demise  of  her  husband,  Mrs.  Aber- 
nathy ]ias  become  a  member  of  the  Central  Presbyterian  church.  She  makes 
her  home  in  Leavenworth,  where  she  owns  much  valuable  property,  l)ut 
spends  much  time  with  her  children  in  Kansas  City  and  is  now  with  her 
daughter.  Mrs.  Hull,  at  No.  3610  McGee  street. 


If  thf  historian  wvic  to  attriii]il  without  extensive  preliminary  iiicii- 
tion  to  characterize  in  a  single  sentence  the  achievements  of  Colonel  Thonia- 
H.  Swope,  it  could  peihaps  be  be.-t  dine  in  the  \v(»rd-,  ''The  splendid  suc- 
cess of  an  hr)nest  man  in  \\lio,~e  life  marked  busiu'ess  al)ility  ami  Innnani- 
tarianism  are  well  l)alanee(i  hu'ces."  It  is  these  (joalitie-  which  lia\'e  made 
him  one  of  th(>  mo.<t   respected  and   valued  rc^sident-  of  Kansas  City. 

Born  in  Lincoln  connty.  Kentneky.  on  the  21st  of  Octolier.  1^27.  he 
was  reared  in  that  locality,  wliere  his  ancestors  had  lived  from  a  date  prior 
to  the  signing  of  tlie  Declaration  of  Inde|)endenee.  They  were  closely 
associated  with  the  develo))nient  of  the  -tale  and  in  its  ]>nblie  schools 
Thomas  H.  Swope  ae(|nii'ed  hi-  early  eduealion,  whieh  was  sup})lemented 
by  .«tudy  in  Centi'al  rniver-ity,  tluMi  Central  College,  at  Danville.  He  was 
graduated  there  with  the  class  of  1(S4<S  and  aftei-ward  completed  a  course  at 
Yale  University  by  graduation.  In  the  sprinii.  of  LSoT,  then  a  young  man 
of  thirtv  vears.  he  came  to   Kansas  Citv  and  has  since  been  a  factor  in   the 

THOS.   H.   SWOPE. 


TILDEN   FO"N»    TTON^'. 



busines.s  activity  which  has  led  to  the  substantial  growth,  material  improve- 
jneiit  and  present  commercial  standing  of  Missouri's  western  metropolis. 
Following  his  arrival  here  he  began  making  investments  in  property  and 
his  real-estate  dealings  soon  placed  him  on  the  high  road  to  success.  While 
his  operations  have  been  extensive,  his  path  has  never  been  strewn  with 
the  wreck  of  other  men's  fortunes.  There  is  no  man  who  questions  the 
honesty  of  his  methods,  for  throughout  the  entire  period  of  his  residence 
here  he  has  maintained  a  reputaition  for  unassailable  business  integrity.  He 
would  sacrifice  his  financial  interests  rather  than  make  a  misstatement  or 
misrepresent  a  fact  in  a  business  deal,  and  his  word  has  ever  been  regarded 
as  good  as  any  bond  solemnized  by  signature  or  seal. 

Thus  as  the  years  advanced  Thomas  Swope  acquired  a  handsome  for- 
tune, and  as  his  financial  resources  increased  he  availed  himself  of  the  op- 
portunity to  use  his  means  in  the  aid  of  his  fellowmen.  On  the  occasion 
of  his  gift  of  Swope  Park  to  the  city,  Senator  George  Graham  Vest  said 
of  him,  "'I  am  not  much  of  a  hero  worshiper,  but  I  will  take  off  my  hat 
to  such  a  man,  and  in  this  case  I  am  the  more  gratified  because  we  were 
classmates  at  college.  We  graduated  together  at  Central  College,  Kentucky, 
in  1848.  He  was  a  slender,  delicate  boy,  devoted  to  study  and  exceedingly 
popular.  I  remember  hLs  fainting  in  the  recitation  room  when  reading 
an  essay,  and  the  loving  solicitude  of  professors  and  students  as  we  gathered 
about  him.  He  had  a  great  respect  for  the  Christian  religion.  It  has  gone 
with  him  through  life,  although  he  has  never  connected  himself  with  any 
church.  I  know  of  many  generous  acts  by  him  to  good  people,  and  one  of 
his  first  donations  was  the  gift  of  one  thousand  dollars  to  repair  the  old 
Presbvterian  church  at  Danville,  where  we  listened  to  orthodox  sermons 
Avhen  college  students." 

In  later  years  Mr.  Swope  made  a  donation  of  twenty-five  thousand  dollars 
to  the  same  school  as  a  gift  for  a  librar}"  building.  His  private  bene- 
factions are  many,  and  yet  his  acts  have  been  so  quietly  and  unostenta- 
tiously performed  that  many  of  his  fellow  citizens  are  not  aware  of  this  side 
of  his  nature.  Interested  always  in  the  welfare  of  Kansas  City,  and  more 
especially  in  that  portion  of  its  population  to  whom  fate  seems  unkind  in 
its  bestowal  of  favors,  he  gave  to  the  city  a  block  of  land  in  Lydia  avenue 
between  Twenty-second  and  Twenty-third  streets,  on  which  has  been 
erected  a  commodious  hospital  for  the  benefit  of  orphan  children. 

More  recently  he  gave  to  the  city  the  most  beautiful  tract  of  over  four- 
teen hundred  acres,  called  Swope  Park.  At  the  time  it  was  worth  one  hun- 
dred and  fifty  thousand  dollars;  today  it  has  greatly  increased  in  value  and 
jis  not  only  the  second  largest  park  in  the  entire  country,  but  is  also  one 
of  the  mo.<t  beautiful.  In  1906  an  ordinance  was  passed  by  the  city  council 
appointing  observance  of  a  Thomas  H.  Swope  day  as  a  holiday  in  all  city 
departments,  and  since  that  time  the  first  Friday  in  May  has  been  so  cel- 
ebrated. It  has  been  a  matter  of  intense  gratification  to  Mr.  Swope  that  he 
could  give  to  the  city,  and  especially  to  its  poorer  residents,  this  beautiful 
park  where  an  outing  amid  nature's  attractions  can  be  enjoyed.  In  this  con- 
nection  Senator  Vest  said,    ''In    these   days   of  greed   and   selfishness,   when 


the  whole  world  is  permeated  with  the  feverish  pursuit  of  money,  it  is  re- 
freshing to  find  a  millionaire  Avho  is  thinking  of  humanity  and  not  of 
wealth.  Tom  Swope  has  made  his  own  fortune  and  has  been  compelled  to 
fight  many  unscrupulous  and  designing  men,  but  he  has  risen  above  the 
SOI  did  Icve  of  gain,  and  has  shown  himself  possessed  of  the  best  and  highest 
motives.  Intellectually  he  has  few  superiors.  The  public  has  never  known 
his  literary  taste,  his  culture,  and  the  love  of  the  good  and  beautiful.  The 
world  assumes  that  no  man  can  accumulate  wealth  without  being  hard  and 
selfish,  and  it  is  too  often  the  case,  but  not  so  Avith  Mr.  Swope.  In  these 
IDrincely  gifts  he  repays  himself  with  the  consciousness  of  a  great  unselfish 

Mr.  Swope  has  now  passed  the  eighty-first  milestone  on  life's  journey. 
He  maintains  his  residence  in  Independence,  where  amid  the  honor  and 
esteem  of  his  fellow  citizens  he  is  passing  the  evening  of  life.  "Without  that 
quality  which  leads  the  individual  to  greet  every  one  as  a  valued  friend  and 
thus  gain  a  certain  popularity,  Mr.  Sw^ope  nevertheless  has  the  keenest  desire 
for  the  welfare  and  happiness  of  others  and,  putting  forth  practical  effort 
for  good  where  assistance  is  most  needed,  he  has  been  a  factor  in  ameliorat- 
ing hard  conditions  for  the  unfortunate  and  supplanting  want  with  comfort. 

E.  M.  AV ALTON. 

It  has  been  said  that  no  man  has  lived  in  vain  W'ho  has  given  to  the  world 
something  that  is  of  use  to  his  fellowmen — that  under  such  circumstances 
his  life  may  well  be  termed  a  success.  E.  M.  Walton  therefore  justly  deserves 
to  be  called  a  successful  man,  for  as  an  inventor  and  manufacturer  he  is 
doing  an  important  work,  which  is  proving  not  only  a  source  of  gratifA'ing 
revenue  to  himself  'but  also  of  substantial  benefit  to  the  community.  He  is 
the  inventor  of  the  Walton  stone  machine  and  is  now  carrying  on  business  in 
the  manufacture  of  concrete  stone  under  the  name  of  the  Walton  Granolithic 
Stone  Company. 

Born  in  Meadville,  Pcinisylvaiiia,  on  \hv  "ilst  of  Ahu'ch,  1859,  he  pur- 
sued his  education  in  the  public  schools  there  and  afterward  secured  ein])loy- 
ment  in  the  lumber  camps  of  Michigan,  where  he  remained  until  the  time  of 
the  great  Chicago  fire  in  October,  1871,  when  he  went  to  that  city,  where  he 
was  busily  engaged  in  connection  with  its  reconstruction  for  a  period.  On  his 
removal  from  Chicago  to  Rockford,  Illinois,  he  became  foreman  of  construc- 
tion work  for  Emerson,  Talcott  &  Company,  with  whom  he  continued  for  four 
years.  On  the  expiration  of  that  period  he  engaged  with  the  Chicago,  Burling- 
ton &  Quincy  Railroad  as  bridge  foreman,  in  which  capacity  he  served  for  five 
years  and  later  bnill  the  concrete  piers  for  the  Illinois  Central  Railroad  across 
the  Rock  river.  That  contract  completed,  he  went  to  Nashville,  Tennessee, 
where  he  built  the  plant  of  the  O.  I.  Lush  Manufacturing  Company,  llie  larg- 
est screen  door  factory  in  the  United  States.     Four  years  were  there  passed. 


after  -which  he  tore  down  the  plant  and  removed  it  to  Leeds,  Missouri,  where 
he  operated  it  for  three  years. 

In  1887  Mr.  Walton  arrived  in  Kansas  City  and  became  actively  con- 
nected with  concrete  work.  In  1895  he  organized  the  Walton  Cement  Com- 
pany and  cond.ucted  biisine&s  at  hi^  own  home  at  No.  2606  Chestnut  street,  in 
the  manufacture  of  stone  wdndow  sills,  door  sills  and  steps,  cement  walks  and 
porches.  The  new^  enterprise  proved  successful  and  the  growth  of  his  busi- 
ness justified  his  removal  to  the  corner  of  Eighteenth  and  Olive  streets,  Avhere 
he  continued  until  about  1903,  when  he  erected  an  office  at  No.  2500  East 
Eighteenth  street  and  also  a  factory.  He  has  since  been  located  there  and  is 
now  carrying  on  business  under  the  name  of  the  Walton  Granolithic  Stone 
Company,  which  was  incorporatd  in  1904.  They  do  everything  in  the  con- 
crete stone  building  line,  both  in  manufacture  and  contract  building  work. 
Mr.  Walton  erected  a  flat  for  C.  L.  Bliss  at  Tenth  and  Brooklyn  streets,  apart- 
ments for  Judge  McDougall  at  2437  Troost  avenue,  the  stone  building  for  the 
lumber  firm  of  Lee  &  Lyman,  together  with  much  residence  work  for  C.  L. 
Bliss,  E.  W.  Hays,  W.  S.  Pontius,  and  many  others.  All  of  the  building  is 
done  with  concrete  stone  and  ever  since  he  came  here  he  has  been  manufac- 
turing a  special  design  of  steps  which  is  unequaled  for  entrance  steps  to  any 
kind  of  a  building.  He  is  now  also  engaged  in  the  manufacture  of  the  cement 
burial  vault,  built  after  an  invention  of  his  own.  He  has  constructed  miles 
of  cement  sidewalk  in  Kansas  City,  and  while  he  has  done  an  important  work 
as  a  manufacturer  and  contractor,  perhaps  the  greatest  work  of  his  life  has 
been  the  invention  of  the  Walton  stone  machine  for  the  manufacture  of 
cement  blocks. 

Mr.  Walton  advocates  the  principle  that  the  cementitious  properties  of 
Portland  cement  are  vastly  superior  in  the  matter  of  endurance  to  that  element 
in  nature  which  holds  the  atoms  together  in  natural  stone,  which  accounts  for 
the  wonderful  durability  of  the  manufactured  product.  The  same  element 
that  binds  the  atoms  together  and  defies  the  disintegrating  influences  of  the 
atmosphere  also  protects  it  against  the  ravages  of  fire;  five  hundred  to  six 
hundred  degrees  heat  will  disintegrate  granite  and  marble,  eight  hundred  to 
twelve  hundred  wdll  dissolve  or  separate  the  particles  of  all  limestones  and 
sandstones,  while  it  requires  twenty-two  hundred  degrees  Fahrenheit  to  fuse 
concrete.  Mr.  Walton  commenced  experimenting  with  cement  in  1884  and 
later  made  stone  that  today  is  better  than  when  first  exposed  to  the  elements. 
Concrete  being  the  only  infallible  building  material  and  well  nigh  indestructi- 
ble, its  economy,  permanency  and  practicability  stamp  it  at  once  as  the  coming 
and  practically  exclusive  material  for  all  classes  of  construction.  Studying 
the  processes  of  cement  stone  making,  Mr.  Walton  gradually  evolved  the  idea 
which  resulted  in  the  invention  of  the  Walton  granolithic  stone  machine. 

He  sought  to  eliminate  the  objectionable  features  of  the  hollow  block 
and  to  produce  a  machine  that  embodied  the  valuable  features  required,  and 
as  the  most  essential  feature  of  this  kind  of  construction,  the  same  as  in  brick 
or  stone,  is  the  making  of  a  waterproof  wall,  and  having  clearly  demonstrated 
that  hollow  spaces  in  a  block  do  not  prevent  but  merely  diminish  the  penetra- 
tion of  water,  and  that  a  continuous  w^eb,  or  a  continuous  horizontal  or  vertical 


joint  conducts  moisture  from  the  outer  to  the  inner  surface,  and  that  a  greater 
amount  of  air  space  is  required  to  overcome  damj^ness  in  a  wall  than  is  gen- 
erally supposed,  he  gave  to  it  his  first  attention,  and  the  result  is  a  two-piece 
wall  con.'^tructed  with  L-shaped  block.-^,  the  L  lapping  and  forming  a  natural 
tie,  bonded  together  with  cement  mortar  (v.hich  is  impervious  to  moisture) 
and  with  air  space  on  both  sides  and  ends,  which  separates  the  outer  and  inner 
block,  and  overcomes  the  penetration  of  water  through  capillary  action.  His 
next  experiments  were  directed  along  lines  of  producing  a  block  of  greatest 
carrying  strength,  and  this  he  found  to  be  a  tamped  block  molded  so  as  to 
carry  its  load  with  its  tamped  side  up. 

Tamping,  he  found,  produces  a  block  of  greater  density  than  by  pressure, 
as  under  the  tamp  the  particles  of  sand  are  driven  into  the  voids  and  the  block 
is  made  more  uniformly  solid  from  top  to  bottom.  Under  pressure,  bridging 
takes  place,  and  the  direct  pressure  does  not  allow  for  the  shifting  of  the  sand 
so  as  to  fill  in  the  voids  as  perfectly.  This  with  the  fact  that  pressure  is 
always  greatest  at  the  top  of  the  block  and  becomes  less  in  proportion  to  the 
increased  thickness,  causes  the  block  to  be  more  porous  and  of  unequal  solidity 
and  of  uncertain  strength.  The  next  feature  of  importance  was  sufficient 
length,  and  width  blocks  for  building  purposes,  as  most  of  the  present  make 
of  blocks  necessitated  the  cutting  of  the  blocks,  which  defaced  the  stone  and 
gave  cause  for  dissatisfaction.  The  Walton  machine  can  be  easily  and  quickly 
adjusted  to  make  blocks  of  four,  eight,  twelve,  sixteen,  twenty,  twenty-four 
and  thirty-two  inch  lengths,  three,  four  and  one-half,  six  and  nine  inch 
heights,  ten,  twelve  and  fourteen  feet  circles,  thirty  and  forty-five  degree 
angles.  Mr.  Walton  is  now  conducting  a  successful  and  growing  business  and 
well  merits  the  prosperity  that  he  is  now  enjoying. 

In  1881,  at  Rockford.  Illinois,  occurred  the  marriage  of  E.  M.  Walton 
and  Miss  Ida  Radford.  They  have  one  child,  Mrs.  Edyth  Bennett,  of  Rocky 
Ford,  Colorado.  When  twenty-one  years  of  age  Mr.  Walton  joined  the  Inde- 
pendent Order  of  Odd  Fellows  at  Rockford,  Illinois,  and  has  since  been  loyal 
to  its  teachings.  He  is  also  connected  with  the  Modern  Woodmen  of  America, 
the  Knights  of  Pythias  and  Hijaz  Temple,  No.  19,  of  the  Knights  of  Khora^- 
san,  in  which  he  holds  the  first  chair. 


Lowell  A.  Goodman,  who  is  acknowledged  an  authority  concerning  the 
cultivation  of  fruit,  and  so  widely  acknowledged  tb;it  he  was  honored  with 
the  pra-idency  of  the  American  Pomological  Society,  with  headquarters  at 
Kansas  City,  was  l)oni  in  Micliignn  in  1S4.").  His  father,  Alonzo  A.  Good- 
man, a  native  of  ]\Tassachusetts,  became  a  rt'sidenl  of  Michigan  in  1840  and 
there  turned  his  attention  to  general  a  gi'icnlini'al  i)nrsnits  and  milling, 
remaining  a  resident  of  the  Wolverine  state  nntil  180.").  He  then  removed 
to   Kansas   City,    whei-e    be    operat.>d    in    real    estate,    purchasing    and  selling 

L.   A,   GOODMAN. 

T.,   .   ;  .     '    "JRK 


TILDfTN   F^"    'I    i»    TIONS 


jDroperty  until  his  death,  Avhich  occurred  in  1893,  when  he  had  reached  the 
advanced  age  of  eighty-one  yeans.  His  wife,  who  in  her  maidenhood  was 
Hannah  Reeves,  was  a  native  of  Ohio. 

Reared  in  Michigan,  Lowell  A.  Goodman  pursued  a  course  of  civil  engi- 
neering in  the  State  University  at  Ann  Arbor,  completing  his  studies  there 
by  graduation  in  1867.  The  same  year  he  came  to  Kansas  City  as  civil  engi- 
neer for  the  Kansas  City  &  Fort  Scott  Railroad  Company,  and  helped  lay  out 
and  survey  the  grade  for  the  construction  of  the  line.  He  then  purchased 
sixty  acres  of  land  at  Fortieth  street  and  Warwick  boulevard,  in  the  midst 
of  which  he  erected  a  pleasant  residence,  while  he  set  out  the  land  to  all 
kinds  of  fruit.  For  twenty  years  he  was  engaged  in  horticultural  pursuits 
there  until  the  land  became  very  valuable,  as  the  city  was  built  up  in  that 
direction  and  the  property  therefore  increased  greatly  in  price.  He  then 
laid  out  his  farm  in  what  was  known  as  Grand  Avenue  Highlands,  selling 
it  for  biulding  purposes,  and  it  is  now  adorned  with  many  beautiful  homes. 

j\Ir.  Goodman  has  never  ceased  to  feel  the  keenest  interest  in  fruit  cul- 
ture, nor  has  he  ever  ceased  to  be  a  student  of  the  science  of  fruit  production. 
In  fact,  he  has  so  continually  broadened  his  knowledge  along  this  line  that  he 
is  now  regarded  as  authority  upon  the  subject  by  many.  He  planted  a  large 
orchard  at  Olden,  Missouri,  and  organized  the  Olden  Fruit  Company,  of  How- 
ell county,  Missouri,  Avith  Judge  J.  K.  Cravens  as  president,  J.  E.  Evans  as 
vice  president  and  L.  A.  Goodman  as  secretary  and  manager.  This  company 
set  out  twelve  hundred  trees,  and  after  continuing  the  enterprise  for  twelve 
years,  sold  out.  INIr.  Goodman  then  organized  the  Ozark  Orchard  Company, 
at  Kansas  City,  Missouri,  and  has  an  orchard  in  the  Ozarks  containing  twenty- 
two  hundred  acres,  to  the  supervision  of  Avhich  he  gives  his  personal  attention. 
Of  this  company  J.  A.  Prescott  is  president,  E.  C.  AVright  secretary,  and  Mr. 
Goodman  vice  president  and  manager.  This  is  one  of.  the  most  extensive,  im- 
portant and  successful  fruit-growing  enterprises  in  the  section-^  of  the  country 
in  which  it  is  located,  and  is  proving  a  profitable  investment,  for  fruits  of  the 
finest  varieties  are  there  raised  and  command  the  highest  market  prices. 

All  through  the  years,  Mr.  Goodman  has  studied  the  needs  and  require- 
ments of  different  kinds  of  fruit  as  to  the  soil,  temperature,  moisture  and 
plant  food  and  the  various  influences  which  are  detrimental  or  beneficial  to 
the  trees.  His  knowledge  is  most  comprehensive  and  accurate  and  his  promi- 
nence as  a  fruit-raiser  has  led  to  his  selection  for  prominent  official  positions 
in  this  connection.  He  is  now  and  has  been  secretary  of  the  Missouri  State 
Horticultural  Society  for  twenty-five  years,  and  he  arranged  for,  and  had 
charge  of,  the  fruit  exhibits  of  Missouri  at  the  expositions  held  in  Chicago 
in  1893  and  in  St.  Louis  in  1904.  He  is  likewise  president  of  the  American 
Pomological  Society,  represented  by  many  of  the  most  prominent  fruit-grow- 
ers of  the  entire  country.  This  organization  is  one  which  has  proved  of 
marked  value  in  disseminating  knowledge  among  fruit-growers  and  promot- 
ing the  horticultural  interests  of  the  country.  Mr.  Goodman  has  done  much 
to  stimulate  the  ambition  and  activities  of  horticulturists  and  orchardists  of 
this  state,  his  labors  constituting  an  important  element  in  Missouri's  progress 
in  this  crmnection. 


In  1868  Mr.  Goodman  wa.s  married  to  Miss  Emegene  Parker,  who  was 
born  in  ^Michigan.  Tliey  now  have  three  children:  Marie,  at  home;  Mrs. 
Fanny  Simonds;  and  Mrs.  Josephine  Croysdale.  Mr.  Goodman  is  a  Presby- 
terian, holding  membership  with  the  Westport  Avenue  Presbyterian  church, 
in  the  work  of  which  he  is  deeply  and  helpfully  interested  in  the  various 
departments  of  its  activity.  For  thirty  years  he  has  been  a  superintendent 
of  the  Sunday  school,  and  has  done  much  toward  systematizing  and  promot- 
ing the  work  of  giving  to  the  young  religious  instruction  as  a  basis  for  charac- 
ter building.  His  life  is  honorable,  his  actions  manly  and  sincere,  while  his 
own  high  moral  worth  is  deserving  of  the  highest  commendation. 


The  success  which  William  H.  CaflFery  has  achieved  in  the  establishment 
and  conduct  of  Portland  cement  factories  has  been  so  great  as  to  seem  almost 
magical  and  yet  there  is  not  a  single  esoteric  phase  in  his  career.  On  the  con- 
trary, his  position  as  a  leader  in  this  line  of  business  in  the  west  is  attributable 
directly  to  his  recognition  of  opportunities  that  lay  before  all  to  develop  a  new 
industry.  The  secret  of  his  advancement  lies  in  the  spirit  of  the  initiative 
which  he  displayed  in  his  broad,  enlightened  and  liberal-minded  views  and 
in  his  recognition  of  the  vast  potentialities  for  development  along  the  specific 
lines  in  which  he  has  operated.  His  has  indeed  been  an  active  career,  in 
which  he  has  accomplished  important  and  far-reaching  results,  contributing 
in  no  small  degree  to  the  expansion  and  material  growth  of  business  interests 
ill  the  west  and  from  which  he  himself  has  also  derived  substantial  benefits. 

Mr.  CaflPery  was  born  in  Detroit,  Michigan,  June  29,  1855.  His  boyhood 
days  were  spent  upon  a  farm  and  he  acquired  his  preliminary  education  in  the 
country  schools,  later  attending  the  State  University  of  Michigan  at  Ann 
Arbor.  He  made  his  initial  step  in  the  business  world  as  a  retail  hardware 
dealer  at  Pinckney,  Michigan,  when  eighteen  years  of  age,  conducting  a  store 
there  for  three  years,  after  which  he  sold  out  and  removed  to  East  Saginaw, 
Michigan,  where,  with  a  brother,  John  A.  Caffery,  he  established  the  Caffery 
Brothers  Wholesale  Hardware  Company,  which  has  developed  into  one  of  the 
largest  institutions  of  its  kind  in  the  state.  For  five  years  W.  H.  Caffery 
remained  as  its  president  and  manager  and  then  came  to  Kansas  City  in  1886. 

For  two  years  after  hi-  arrival  here  Mr.  Caffery  engaged  in  the  real-estate 
business  and  on  the  expiration  of  that  period  became  a  w^holesale  dealer  in 
coal,  operating  two  mines  until  three  years  ago,  when  he  organized  the  Kansas 
City  Portland  Cement  Company.  The  introduction  of  the  use  of  Portland 
cement  as  a  constructive  element  has  been  a  revolutionizing  force  in  building 
operations  jiiid  the  Poillaiid  ('ciiiciit  iiidiistrics  of  tbc  west  are  today  rivaling 
in  extent  and  importance  the  iiiaiiimoth  steel  producing  interests  of  the  East. 
Kansas  and  Missouri  are  ])articularly  fortunate  in  having  at  their  command 
the  jdoducts  necessary  for  the  production  of  the  cement,  possessing  very 
superior  quality  of  material   in  the  liinestoiie  and  rock  of  this  district,  which 


requires  little  or  no  stripping  and  when  blasted  fractures  along  horizontal 
lines.  Then,  too,  fuel  is  one  of  the  principal  items  of  expense  in  the  manufac- 
ture of  concrete  and  Kansas  and  Missouri  seem  to  have  unlimited  supplies  of 
natural  ga^,  which  can  be  obtained  at  a  practically  nominal  cost.  This  renders 
the  field  a  specially  favorable  one  for  the  manufacture  of  Portland  cement  and 
in  addition  there  has  also  rapidly  developed  a  large  market  for  the  product, 
its  use  coming  into  almost  immediate  favor. 

The  Southern  Industrial  and  Lumber  Review,  in  speaking  of  Mr.  Caf- 
fery's  connection  with  this  great  important  industry,  said:  "His  first  eft'orts, 
as  exerted  in  the  promotion  of  the  Kansas  City  Portland  Cement  Company, 
were  attended  with  extreme  difficulties  and  stern  obstacles  on  every  hand,  but 
he  continued  undaunted  in  his  puipose.  The  west  knew  little  or  nothing 
about  concrete  manufacture;  cared  less.  The  Kansas  investor  had  money  for 
mining  investment,  but  not  even  encouragement  for  anything  quite  so  un- 
known and  speculative  as  cement.  Stock,  bonds,  real  estate,  etc.,  were  securi- 
ties highly  esteemed  by  the  man  from  Missouri,  but  this  cement  problem  was 
one  of  many  ramifications,  while  the  fact  that  it  offered  seven,  eight,  ten  and- 
even  twenty  per  cent  immediately  outlawed  it  as  a  legitimate  investment  in 
the  bankers'  eyes.  So  that  credit  w^as  extended  the  new  cement  company  very 
reluctantly  indeed,  and  wise  investors  were  cautioned  by  financial  sages 
again.<t  taking  on  any  con.^iderable  amount  of  cement  stock.  In  spite  of  these 
misgivings  and  prejudices,  the  unflinching  determination  of  Mr.  Caffery  suc- 
ceeded in  doing  the  impossible,  hoAvever,  and  the  new  cement  plant  became  a 
reality  and  an  object  of  pride  to  every  loyal  Missourian. 

"Meanwhile,  Mr.  Cafi^ery  was  not  content  to  rest  on  his  laurels,  but  began, 
instead,  the  inception  of  a  new  proposition  on  a  much  more  ambitious  scale. 
As  a  result,  the  Bonner  Portland  Cement  Company,  of  Bonner  Springs,  Kan- 
sas, was  launched  with  a  capitalization  of  two  million  dollars.  This  trans- 
pired on  the  ninth  day  of  March  of  1907.  Forty  days  thereafter  the  pros- 
pectus and  literature  of  the  new"  concern  was  off  the  press  and  the  first  offering 
of  stock  was  made."  The  story  of  the  success  of  the  Bonner  Company  is  best 
told  in  the  words  of  the  Kansas  City  Post  of  July  20th,  1907:  "Within  ninety 
days,  this  company  (referring  to  the  Bonner  Company)  has  completed  its 
organization,  practically  closed  out  all  of  its  stock,  bought,  contracted  and  paid 
for  its  entire  immense  equipment  of  machinery  and  vigorously  entered  upon 
the  construction  of  its  plant.  In  four  months  intervening  between  this  writ- 
ing and  the  publication  of  the  excerpt  above  referred  to,  the  bulk  of  construc- 
tion work  on  the  new  Bonner  plant  has  been  completed.  Aside  from  the  actual 
l>uilding  of  the  handsome  all  concrete  office  building,  together  with  the  com- 
pletion of  several  of  the  more  important  buildings,  considerable  machinery  has 
already  been  installed,  while  more  is  arriving  daily.  Mr.  Caffery  confidently 
expects  to  have  the  plant  in  operation  not  later  than  January  31st  next,  and 
hopes  to  be  filling  orders  for  'Bonner  Brand'  cement  during  the  first  week  of 
February.  If  these  expectations  are  realized  Mr.  Caffery  will  have  achieved  a 
world's  record  in  the  act  of  organizing,  financing  and  building  one  of  the 
finest  modern  cement  properties  in  existence  within  less  than  one  year's  time." 
Since  the  above  was  written  the  Bonner  Portland  Cement  Company  has  placed 


its  plant  in  successful  operation  and  has  thus  added  another  immense  factory 
to  tho<e  which  are  furnishing  the  we-^t  with  Portland  cement. 

That  Mr.  Caffery  is  a  man  of  marked  executive  ability,  resourceful  and 
enterprising  beyond  the  average,  is  not  only  indicated  l)y  his  succCiSi  v.ith 
Portland  cement,  but  also  by  his  official  connection  with  various  other  cor- 
porate interests.  He  is  president  of  the  Plomo  Mining  Company,  the  general 
manager  of  the  Missouri  Coal  &  Mining  Company,  a  director  of  the  Bonner 
Springs  Oil  &  Gas  Company,  a  director  of  the  Farmers'  State  Bank,  of  Bon- 
ner Springs,  and  a  stockholder  in  the  Kansas  City  Portland  Cement  Com- 
pany and  the  Federal  Mines  &  Milling  Company  of  Michigan. 

Mr.  Caffery  was  married  in  September,  1883,  to  Miss  Nellie  jNIinnis,  and 
they  have  one  son,  Louis  R.,  nineteen  years  of  age.  Mr.  Caffery  is  pre- 
eminently a  business  man,  who  has  wrought  along  constantly  broadening 
lines  of  usefulness  and  activity  and  stands  today  as  one  of  the  most  forceful 
factor.-:  in  industrial  circles  in  the  middle  west. 

J.   S.   MARTIN. 

.1.  S.  Martin,  who  at  the  time  of  his  demise  on  the  16th  of  October, 
1905,  Avas  one  of  the  oldest  members  of  the  Old  Men's  Association  of  Kan- 
sas City,  attained  the  age  of  eighty-seven  years.  For  a  long  period  he  avos 
ddentified  with  the  interests  of  Avestern  Missouri  and  because  of  a  wide  and 
favorable  acquaintance  his  life  record  cannot  fail  to  prove  of  interest  to 
many  of  the  readers  of  this  volume.  He  was  a  son  of  Colonel  Amos  Martin 
of  the  city  of  New  York,  and  was  born  in  Owego,  Tioga  county.  New  York, 
September  14,  1818.  Good  educationial  privileges  were  provided  him  in 
youth  and  these  he  improved  with  the  result  that  he  was  well  qualified  to 
take  up  tlie  practical  duties  of  life  on  attaining  his  majority.  Wlu>n  a 
young  man  he  began  clerking  in  a  store  and  developed  good  business  ability, 
which  as  the  years  passed  gained  him  place  with  men  of  recognized  ])r  )iii- 
inence  and  wealth  in  commercial  and  industrial  circles.  He  was  at  the  age 
of  fortv-five  vears  connccttxl  with  the  reaper  and  mower  factorv  in  Aul)urn. 
New  York.  He  traveled  extensively  for  this  firm,  into  all  sections  of  the 
(country  and  came  to  Kan.'»as  City  on  business  in  1868.  Tie  wa-  sd  well 
pleased  with  the  growing  western  city  and  its  prospects  that  upon  his  return 
to  New  York  he  disposed  of  his  interests  in  the  business  there  and  returned 
to  Kansas  City  to  make  his  home.  He  purchased  a  lot  in  what  wa>  tlicu  a 
cornfield  and  erected  a  residence  that  stands  at  what  is  now  designated  as 
No.  1509  Oak  .street.  Tliere  he  ui.-idc  lii-  home  for  thirty-seven  years,  or 
until  ]ii<  demise.  He  became  a  factor  \u  l)u.-incs>  circles  lierc  as  a  local  a'i;ent 
for  f'lnn  iin]»lenieiils.  in  which  conneclion  he  ;i]»|)oiiite(l  su])ageuts  and 
was  also  traveling  collector  ;uid  adjuster  foi-  different  lirnis.  .\s  tlie  ye.n-s 
passed  lie  built  uj)  a  good  ])usiuess  in  tliese  lines  and  was  everywhere  known 
for  his  thorough  reliability   in   comuiercial   transactions.      A  few  years  i)rior 

J.    S.    MARTIN. 



TILDFN    IX     •[■  *  ■  TIONS 


to  his  demise,  however,  he  retired  from  active  connection  with  business. 
His  life  was  a  long,  useful  and  honorable  one  and  the  many  with  whom  he 
came  in  contact  in  his  connnercial  career  entertained  for  him  high  respect 
for  his  integrity  as  well  as  energy. 

Mr.  Martin  was  married  twice.  In  the  state  of  New  York  he  wedded 
Margaret  Maning,  now  deceased,  and  unto  them  were  born  two  children: 
Lewis,  a  resident  of  Los  Angeles,  California;  and  Elizabeth,  w^ho  has  passed 
away.  In  1881  Mr.  Martin  was  married  to  Miss  Adaline  C.  Chambers,  w^ho 
came  to  Kansas  City  from  Ohio  in  1868  with  her  parents,  James  and  Jane 
Chambers,  both  of  whom  were  natives  of  the  Buckeye  state.  Their  removal 
to  this  city  was  influenced  by  the  fact  that  they  had  two  sons  in  business 
here  and  wished  to  be  near  them. 

Socially  Mr.  Martin  was  connected  with  the  Independent  Order  of  Odd 
Fiellows  and  he  exercised  his  right  of  franchise  in  support  of  the  men  and 
measures  of  the  republican  party.  For  thirty  years  he  was  a  devoted  and 
faithful  member  of  the  Presbyterian  church  and  served  as  treasurer  for 
eight  years,  while  in  the  various  departments  of  church  work  he  took  an 
active  and  helpful  interest.  He  assisted  in  building  three  different  churches 
here  and  did  everything  in  his  power  to  promote  the  moral  development 
and  progress  of  the  community.  He  was  a  typical  American  in  that  he  was 
never  too  busy  to  be  cordial  and  never  too  cordial  to  be  busy.  When  not 
occupied  with  commercial  interests  his  time  was  given  to  affairs  connected 
with  municipal  progress.  He  never  regretted  his  removal  to  Kansas  City 
from  either  a  social  or  financial  standpoint,  for  he  found  success  in  business 
here  and  gained  many  friends  whose  high  regard  he  cherished.  He  was  a 
man  of  very  large  acquaintance  and  was  loved  and  honored  by  all  who 
knew  him.  He  regarded  his  own  self-respect  and  the  good  will  of  his  fel- 
low citizens  as  infinitely  more  valuable  than  wealth,  fame  or  position,  and 
the  sterling  qualities  which  he  displayed  made  his  example  one  well  worthy 
of  emulation.  Full  of  years  and  honors  he  passed  away — his  life  span  hav- 
ing covered  eighty-seven  years. 


Fred  C.  Adams,  a  popular  republican,  well  known  in  political  circles, 
has  since  1901  filled  the  office  of  county  collector.  He  was  born  in  Hartford 
county,  Connecticut,  in  1862,  and  for  about  a  quarter  of  a  century  has  lived 
in  Kansas  City.  Here  he  entered  the  employ  of  the  wholesale  dry  goods  firm 
of  Tootle,  Hanna  &  Company,  and  when  the  Kansas  City  State  Bank  was 
organized  in  1888  he  became  teller.  Three  years  later  he  was  promoted  to 
the  position  of  assistant  cashier  and  acted  in  that  capacity  until  his  election 
to  the  present  office,  yet  performing  the  duties  of  cashier  nearly  all  of  the  time 
during  which  he  was  assistant.  He  still  retained  stock  in  the  bank  when  he 
severed  his  connection  therewith  on  the  2d  of  March,  1901,  to  enter  upon  the 
duties  of  county  collector,  to  which  office  he  had  been  elected  and  in  which  he 


has  continually  served  to  the  present,  covering  a  period  of  seven  years.  He 
is  recognized  as  one  of  the,  leading  members  of  the  republican  party  in  Kansas 
City,  laboring  effectively  and  earnestly  for  the  welfare  of  the  party  and  doing 
much  to  shape  its  policy.  To  the  discharge  of  his  duties  he  has  brought  the 
same  accuracy,  fidelity  and  ability  that  characterized  his  service  in  banking 


George  Frederick  Blue,  living  retired  in  Kansas  City,  was  born  in  the 
little  village  of  Pruntytown,  in  Taylor  county.  West  Virginia,  November  5, 
1845.  The  district  in  which  his  birth  occurred  was  then  a  part  of  Virginia, 
and  he  belonged  to  one  of  the  well  known  families  of  the  Old  Dominion.  He 
is  connected  through  ties  of  blood  with  Governor  Johnson  and  the  Burdette 
family,  to  which  John  S.  Burdette,  secretary  of  state,  belonged.  He  is  an 
own  cousin  of  Robert  Burdette,  the  celebrated  humorist  and  author;  of 
Alonzo  Johnson,  who  was  a  leading  lawyer  and  judge  in  Virginia,  and  Mor- 
timer Johnson,  a  Confederate  colonel.  His  parents,  Stephen  and  Ann 
(Burdette)  Blue,  were  natives  of  Culpepper  Courthouse.  The  father  owned 
a  number  of  slaves  and  a  large  plantation  of  eleven  hundred  acres.  His  land 
was  rich  in  timber  and  he  turned  his  attention  to  the  lumber  business,  cutting 
the  timber  and  placing  it  on  the  market,  after  which  he  devoted  his  farm  to 
the  production  of  cattle  on  an  extensive  scale. 

George  Frederick  Blue  pursued  his  early  education  in  one  of  the  old- 
time  subscription  schools  of  the  early  day,  the  school  being  conducted  by  his 
uncle,  Stephen  Burdette,  in  a  log  house.  The  teacher  was  more  than  six 
feet  tall  and  capable  of  inspiring  all  of  his  pupils.  He  made  the  quill  pens 
which  the  pupils  used  in  writing  their  exercises,  while  the  juice  of  the  poke- 
berry  served  for  ink.  The  little  "temple  of  learning"  was  built  of  hewed 
logs,  and  on  one  side,  a  log  being  taken  out,  the  space  was  filled  with  glass 
and  served  as  a  window.  Under  this  was  the  writing  desk,  a  long  board  laid 
upon  pins  driven  into  the  wall.  The  benches  were  made  from  poplar  trees 
and  were  built  around  a  square,  the  teacher  sitting  in  the  center.  The  younger 
children  learned  the  alphabet,  which  the  teacher  wrote  on  a  paddle  made 
from  a  board.  In  his  boyhood  days  Mr.  Blue  of  this  review  drove  cattle  two 
hundred  and  seventy  miles  across  the  mountains  to  Baltimore,  following  the 
national  pike  through  Gettysburg.  He  would  put  a  rope  around  the  lead 
steer  and  walk  the  entire  distance.  He  left  the  district  school  about  the  time 
the  war  broke  out.  He  saw  John  Brown  on  his  way  to  Harper's  Ferry  and 
was  a  witness  of  various  momentous  events  which  formed  the  history  of  that 

His  people  were  stalwart  supporters  of  the  Confederacy,  and  his  brother, 
John  Tyler,  was  a  soldier  in  Early's  army.  For  the  first  two  years  of  the 
war  Mr.  Blue  was  largely  engaged  in  driving  cattle  over  the  mountains  to 
Baltimore,  but  on  the  lOth  of  June,  1863,  he  enlisted  for  six  months'  service 
in   Company  C,  Fourth  West  Virginia  Cavalry,   under  Captain  James  Ar- 


buckle  and  Colonel  John  S.  Lathrop.  He  participated  in  the  battle  of  Bull- 
town,  West  Virginia,  with  General  Fitzhugh  Lee's  cavalry,  and  also  in  a 
number  of  smaller  engagements.  At  the  end  of  the  time  he  was  mustered 
out  but  soon  reenlisted  in  Battery  H,  First  West  Virginia  Artillery,  under 
Captain  J.  H.  Holmes,  of  Wheeling,  thus  serving  until  the  close  of  the  war. 
During  this  enlistment  he  took  part  in  the  engagements  at  Cumberland,  St. 
John's  Run,  Fisher's  Hill,  W^inchester,  Rocky  Gap,  Petersburg  and  New 
Creek.  At  the  last  named  he  was  captured  with  Colonel  Mulligan's  battery, 
which  was  widely  known  as  the  battery  of  brass  guns.  He  was  then  incar- 
cerated in  Libby  prison  until  General  Grant  took  Richmond,  and  during  that 
time  he  suffered  intensely,  starvation,  vermin  and  exposure  constituting  some 
of  the  hardships  of  southern  prison  life.  He  was  ever  a  brave  and  loyal 
soldier,  faithfully  defending  the  cause  which  he  espoused  and  never  faltering 
in  his  allegiance  to  the  old  flag. 

When  the  war  was  over  Mr.  Blue  again  spent  two  years  in  school.  In 
the  meantime  a  public-school  system  had  been  inaugurated  and  good  teachers 
secured,  Mr.  Blue  receiving  the  benefit  of  instruction  from  Professor  Shoe- 
maker, formerly  a  Hiram  College  student.  He  thus  qualified  for  teaching 
and  for  two  years  followed  that  profession  in  Barbour  county.  West  Virginia. 
He  next  entered  the  service  of  the  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad  as  brakeman 
and  later  was  promoted  to  freight  conductor,  eventually  becoming  passenger 
conductor.  He  was  retained  in  the  freight  and  passenger  service  for  thirty- 
two  years  on  the  Baltimore  &  Ohio  between  Grafton,  Piedmont  and  Parkers- 
burg,  and  was  with  the  Lexington  &  Louisville  Short  Line  for  three  years, 
running  between  Louisville  and  Cincinnati. 

On  the  15th  of  September,  1876,  Mr.  Blue  arrived  in  Kansas  City,  having 
previously  in  that  year  visited  the  Centennial  Exposition  in  Philadelphia, 
where  the  attractive  display  of  the  western  states  influenced  him  to  come  to 
the  west.  He  paid  a  visit  to  his  cousin,  Richard  Blue,  of  Pleasanton,  Kansas, 
afterward  congressman,  and  on  choosing  Kansas  City  as  a  place  of  residence 
afterward  entered  the  employ  of  the  Santa  Fe  Railroad  Company  as  passenger 
conductor,  continuing  in  that  service  as  a  most  trusted  representative  in  the 
operative  department  for  seventeen  years.  He  afterw^ard  spent  four  years  in 
the  employ  of  the  Kansas  City  Southern  Railroad,  on  the  expiration  of  which 
period  he  located  at  Coffeyville,  Kansas,  where  he  purchased  the  Mecca  Hotel, 
which  he  conducted  for  two  years.  He  then  sold  the  property,  and,  returning 
to  Kansas  City,  erected  the  Burdette  flats  at  No.  3720  Main  street.  Since  that 
time  he  has  lived  retired,  deriving  his  income  from  his  invested  interests.  His 
success  is  well  merited,  for  he  has  worked  his  own  way  upward  from  an 
humble  position  in  the  business  world.  Prompted  by  laudable  ambition,  he 
has  put  forth  earnest  effort  and  his  career  has  been  marked  by  orderly  pro- 
gression, bringing  him  to  his  present  enviable  financial  position. 

Mr.  Blue  has  been  married  twice.  In  Las  Vegas,  Mexico,  in  1883,  he 
wedded  Miss  Mattie  E.  Smith,  a  native  of  Michigan,  who  died  at  Fort  Madi- 
son, Iowa,  in  1890,  leaving  one  son,  Burdette,  who,  after  attending  the  public 
schools  of  Kansas  City,  entered  the  Kansas  University  at  Lawrence,  Kansas, 
and  was  graduated  from  the  law  school  in  June,  1905.  He  was  then  admitted 


to  the  bar  and  spent  one  year  in  the  law  office  of  Botsford,  Delridge  &  Young. 
He  was  then  admitted  to  the  bar  at  Bartlesville,  Indian  Territory,  where  he 
is  now  practicing  law  as  a  partner  of  Judge  Dummel,  under  the  firm  style  of 
Dummel  &  Blue.  In  1891  George  F.  Blue  was  again  married,  at  Wabash, 
Indiana,  his  second  union  being  with  Miss  Inez  M.  Carpenter,  a  daughter  of 
the  Rev.  L.  L.  Carpenter,  a  pastor  of  the  Christian  church  and  active  in  the 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Blue  are  members  of  the  First  Christian  church  of  Kansas 
City,  and  he  is  also  identified  with  the  Benevolent  and  Protective  Order  of 
Elks  and  the  Masonic  fraternity.  He  is  likewise  a  valued  member  of  Thomas 
Post,  G.  A.  R.,  and  thus  maintains  pleasant  relations  with  his  old  army  com- 
rades who  fought  for  the  defense  of  the  Union.  In  politics  he  has  been  a  life- 
long republican,  ever  loyally  advocating  the  interests  of  the  organization 
which  has  been  the  party  of  reform  and  progress  and  which  was  the  defense 
of  the  nation  during  the  dark  days  of  the  Civil  war.  Mr.  Blue  is  widely 
recognized  as  a  man  ever  loyal  to  his  honest  convictions  and  fearless  in  de- 
fense of  what  be  believes  to  be  right.  This  was  manifest  by  his  military 
service  with  the  Federal  troops  when  the  great  majority  of  his  kinsmen  were 
advocates  of  the  Confederacy.  None  have  ever  doubted  the  honesty  of  his 
intention,  and  his  integrity,  combined  with  his  diligence  and  faithfulness, 
has  constituted  the  basis  of  the  success  which  he  has  enjoyed. 


Perhaps  no  more  fitting  encomium  of  the  life  of  Judge  William 
Bernard  Teasdale  could  be  written  than  the  Avords  of  the  poet  Pope: 

''Statesman,  yet  a  friend  to  truth ;  of  soul  sincere, 
In  action  faithful  and  in  honor  clear; 
Who  broke  no  promise,  served  no  private  end. 
Who  gained  no  title  and  who  lost  no  friend." 

These  lines  indicate  the  salient  characteristics  of  a  life  that  was  at  all  times 
honorable  and  upright  and  actuated  by  the  utmost  fidelity  to  duty,  while  his 
talents  and  mental  qualifications  made  him  the  peer  of  many  of  the  most 
distinguished  representatives  of  the  Missouri  bar. 

A  native  of  this  state,  he  was  born  April  12,  1856,  in  Potosi,  and  at  the 
usual  age  entered  the  public  schools,  mastering  the  branches  of  learning 
taught  in  consecutive  grades  until  he  qualified  for  entrance  into  the  St. 
Louis  University.  There,  in  due  course  of  time  he  was  graduated,  and  he 
supplemented  his  more  specifically  literary  education  for  a  course  in  law  pre- 
paratory to  entering  upon  the  active  practice  of  the  profession.  He  began 
!to  study  and  ol)tained  a  degree  from  the  St.  Louis  Law  School  in  1877. 
For  two  years  following  his  admi.ssion  to  the  bar  he  practiced  in  Potosi  but 
in  1879  sought  a  broader  and  more  fruitful  field  of  labor,  removing  to  Kan- 

W.   B.   TEASDALE. 

Ti,..  1  .-■/  '''ORK 



sas  City,  where  he  opened  an  office  and  began  practice.  Shortly  after  this 
he  was  appointed  assistant  prosecuting  attorney  by  William  H.  Wallace  and 
although  a  stalwart  democrat,  the  good  record  which  he  made  in  that  office 
led  to  his  election  to  the  position  of  justice  of  the  peace  in  a  district  that 
was  strongly  republican.  While  serving  in  that  capacity  he  displayed  the 
strong  traits  of  his  character  which  marked  his  later  career.  Aside  from 
being  an  interpreter  of  the  law,  Judge  Teasdale  at  one  period  of  his  life 
was  associated  with  the  law  makers  of  Missouri,  having  been  elected  a  mem- 
ber of  the  state  senate  in  1888,  while  during  his  term  of  service  he  was  a 
member  of  the  judiciary  committee  and  the  author  of  the  gerrymander  bill, 
which  cut  Lafayette  county  out  of  the  fifth  congressional  district  and  made 
a  separate  district  of  Jackson  county. 

Continuing  in  the  practice  of  the  law.  Judge  Teasdale  soon  secured 
a  large  clientage.  He  had  in  an  eminent  degree  that  rare  ability  of  saying 
in  a  convincing  way  the  right  thing  at  the  right  time.  His  mind  was  nat- 
urally inductive  and  logical  and,  with  keen  powers  of  analysis,  he  readily 
understood  what  were  the  factors  that  made  the  complex  fabric  of  his  case. 
The  work  of  the  office  was  done  with  the  most  thorough  preparation  and 
care  and  thus  he  was  enabled  to  present  his  cause  in  the  courts  with  clear- 
ness and  force.  His  preparation  always  compassed  every  contingency  and 
provided  for  defense  as  well  as  for  attack.  From  1889  to  1899  he  was  a 
member  of  the  law  firm  of  Teasdale,  Ingraham  &  Cowherd.  In  March,  1901, 
a  fifth  division  of  the  circuit  court  was  created  in  Jackson  county  and,  hav- 
ing received  the  endorsement  of  the  Bar  Association,  Mr.  Teasdale  was  ap- 
pointed judge  by  Governor  Dockery.  The  following  year  he  was  elected  to 
the  circuit  bench  on  the  democratic  ticket  and  continued  to  serve  in  that 
capacity  until  his  life's  labors  were  ended  in  death. 

A  local  paper,  in  commenting  upon  his  last  days,  said:  "For  nearly  a 
year  he  sat  in  the  circuit  court  suffering  from  an  affection  of  the  throat  and 
the  attorneys  of  the  bar  knew  nothing  of  it  Many  times  he  bore  intense 
pain.  There  was  nothing  in  his  manner  to  indicate  it.  He  suffered  in 
silence.  His  physicians  often  urged  him  to  take  something  to  ease  the  pain, 
but  he  refused,  saying  that  a  drug  would  tend  to  cloud  his  brain  and  render 
him  incapable  of  properly  hearing  a  case.  At  length  he  found  he  could 
not  stand  the  ordeal  and  sought  the  aid  of  the  best  physicians  of  New  York 
city  but  without  relief. 

"Judge  Teasdale's  temperament  made  him  successful  on  the  bench. 
He  was  even  tempered  and  seldom  showed  any  excitement.  When  he  was 
first  appointed  judge  of  the  circuit  court  he  said  to  an  associate  judge  who 
is  well  known  for  his  judicial  temperament :  'If  I  can  emulate  your  example 
I  shall  be  all  right.  If  I  can  hold  my  tongue,  not  talk  too  much  and  keep 
from  losing  my  head,  I  shall  succeed  as  a  judge.'  Judge  Teasdale  was  strict 
with  the  attorneys  at  his  bar,  but  always  fair  and  impartial.  He  admitted 
an  error  quickly  and  corrected  it  immediately." 

His  decisions  indicated  strong  mentality,  careful  analysis,  a  thorough 
knowledge  of  the  law  and  an  unbiased  judgment.  The  capable  jurist  must 
possess  broad  mindedness  which  not  only  comprehends  the  details  of  a  sit- 


uation  quickly  but  which  insures  a  complete  self-control  under  even  the 
most  exasperating  conditions.  He,  moreover,  must  possess  a  well  rounded 
character,  finely  balanced  mind,  and  splendid  intellectual  attainments  if  he 
makes  a  success  in  the  discharge  of  his  multitudinous  delicate  duties.  That 
Judge  Teasdale  was  regarded  as  such  a  jurist  is  an  uniformly  accepted  fact. 

In  1883  Judge  Teasdale  married  Miss  Lydia  Guinotte,  a  daughter  of 
Joseph  and  Aimee  Guinotte.  who  were  among  the  pioneers  of  our  growing 

In  an  editorial  comment  following  his  death,  which  occurred  February 
13th,  1907,  one  of  the  Kansas  City  papers  said:  "He  was  notably  hand- 
some and  of  noble  presence.  He  was  good  to  look  upon  because  of  his  fine, 
ruddy  strength  and  his  wholesome  composure.  To  sickening  pain,  to  ex- 
hausting fatigue  and  to  all  the  enervation  which  wasting  invalidism  can 
bring,  he  set  into  opposition  patience,  the  power  of  heroic  endurance,  the 
assertion  of  high  and  noble  courage  and  a  trust  in  a  power  above  and  be- 
yond himself  which  knew  no  wavering.  Thus  passed  from  life  unto  death 
Judge  William  B.  Teasdale — or  would  it  not  be  more  in  accord  with  the 
teachings  of  that  faith  which  saves  and  sweetens  the  world  to  say  that  he 
passed  from  death  unto  life." 

JOHN    W.    JACKSON,    M.  D. 

Dr.  John  W.  Jackson,  a  man  who  counted  his  friends  by  the  thousands 
and  had  no  enemies,  gained  a  national  reputation  as  a  physician  and  surgeon, 
practicing  largely  in  Kansas  City,  although  demands  made  upon  his  pro- 
fessional skill  called  him  also  to  other  places.  His  birth  occurred  on  the  6th 
of  November,  1834,  in  Clark  county,  Maryland,  and  after  acquiring  a  com- 
mon-school education  he  continued  his  studies  in  Charleston  University  of 
West  Virginia,  where  he  pursued  a  regular  course.  He  was  a  young  man  of 
twenty-five  years  when,  in  1859,  he  made  his  way  westward  to  Franklin 
county,  Missouri,  and  in  the  same  year  took  up  the  study  of  medicine  under 
the  direction  of  Doctors  George  Johnson  and  J.  L.  Matthews.  Later  he  con- 
tinued his  preparation  for  the  profession  by  becoming  a  student  in  the  St. 
Louis  Medical  College,  from  which  he  was  graduated  in  1863. 

Dr.  Jackson  located  for  practice  in  Labaddie,  Misouri,  where  he  re- 
mained until  the  spring  of  1864,  when,  feeling  that  his  first  duty  was  to  his 
country,  he  joined  the  United  States  army  as  surgeon  of  the  Forty-eighth 
Missouri  Volunteers,  continuing  at  the  front  until  the  close  of  the  war. 
During  the  last  year  of  his  service  he  was  post  surgeon  at  Columbia,  Ten- 

When  the  country  no  longer  needed  his  aid  Dr.  Jackson  opened  an 
office  in  St.  Louis,  where  he  remained  until  his  return  to  Labaddie,  where 
he  again  engaged  in  practice.  As  the  years  passed  his  knowledge  and  efficiency 
were  constantly  increased  by  wide  reading,  study  and  experience,  yet  ambi- 
tious to  attain  a  higher  degree  of  efficiency,  in  1873  he  continued  his  studies 


in  the  College  of  Physicians  and  Surgeons  of  New  York  city,  from  which  he 
was  graduated  with  honor  in  the  following  year.  Missouri  has  always  been 
the  scene  of  his  professional  labor,  save  for  the  period  spent  in  the  south 
during  the  war.  On  again  locating  in  this  state  in  1874  he  was  appointed 
chief  surgeon  of  the  Missouri  Pacific  Railroad.  He  built  up  the  first  railway 
hospital  system  ever  established  east  of  the  Rocky  mountains,  and,  in  fact, 
was  the  founder  and  promoter  of  the  railway  hospital  service  of  the  United 
States.  In  1879  he  built  the  first  hospital  on  the  Missouri  Pacific  Railway  at 
Washington,  Missouri,  conducting  it  successfully  until  1881,  when  his  juris- 
diction was  enlarged  so  as  to  embrace  the  Missouri,  Kansas  &  Texas  Railroad, 
and  the  hospital  was  removed  from  Washington  to  Sedalia.  In  the  spring 
of  1883  his  jurisdiction  was  again  extended,  taking  in  the  entire  Gould 
system  except  the  Iron  Mountain  division,  and  in  1884  the  entire  Wabasl/ 
system.  In  -  February,  1885,  he  resigned  his  position  with  the  Missouri 
Pacific  and  assumed  entire  charge  of  the  Wabash  system.  All  this  time  he 
enjoyed  an  extensive  private  practice  and  was  coming  more  and  more  to  be 
recognized  as  one  of  the  ablest  surgeons  of  the  entire  country. 

In  1880  Dr.  Jackson  was  chosen  to  the  chair  of  surgery  in  the  Kansas 
City  Medical  College,  but  did  not  remove  to  Kansas  City  until  1884.  Five 
years  later  he  was  elected  as  the  first  president  of  the  National  Railway 
Surgeons'  Association.  He  was  also  honored  with  the  first  vice  presidency 
of  the  American  Medical  Society  and  was  president  of  the  Missouri  State 
Medical  Society.  At  the  time  of  his  death  he  was  president  of  the  University 
Medical  College  of  Kansas  City.  To  him  belongs  the  honor  of  building  the 
splendid  Wabash  system  of  railway  hospitals,  those  at  Springfield  and  Dan- 
ville, Illinois;  Peru,  Indiana,  and  Kansas  City  being  established  chiefly 
through  his  instrumentality.  He  also  built  the  Missouri  Pacific  Hospital  at 
Fort  Worth,  Texas,  the  finest  in  the  west. 

Dr.  Jackson  was  married  in  Labaddie,  Franklin  county,  Missouri,  to 
Miss  Jennie  C.  North,  a  native  of  that  county  and  a  daughter  of  Febius  J.  and 
Frances  (Goode)  North,  both  natives  of  Virginia.  Mr.  North  removed  with 
his  parents  to  Franklin  county,  Missouri,  when  he  was  only  six  years  of  age. 
He  was  reared  on  a  farm  there  and  resided  in  that  locality  throughout  his 
remaining  days,  devoting  his  time  and  energies  to  general  agricultural  pur- 
suits, both  he  and  his  wife  passing  away  there.  The  farm  has  always  been 
in  the  family  name  and  is  known  as  the  old  North  homestead.  It  is  now 
occupied  by  a  sister  of  Mrs.  Jackson.  Two  children  were  born  unto  Dr.  and 
Mrs.  Jackson,  both  of  whom  are  physicians  and  reside  with  their  mother  at 
2629  Forest  avenue.  The  elder,  Dr.  Jabez  N.  Jackson,  is  one  of  the  leading 
surgeons  of  Kansas  City,  with  ofiicGS  at  No.  425  Argyle  building.  He  married 
Miss  Virlea  Wayland,  of  Salisbury,  Missouri,  and  has  two  children,  Virginia 
and  Margaret.  Dr.  Walter  E.  Jackson  has  offices  with  his  brother  in  the 
Argyle  building  and  both  have  an  extensive  practice. 

Mrs.  Jackson,  after  her  hu-sband's  death,  remained  at  her  fine  home  at  the 
corner  of  Fifteenth  and  Broadway  until  about  four  years  ago,  when  she 
removed  to  2629  Forest  avenue,  where  she  and  her  sons  now  reside.  She  still 
owns  the  old  homestead,  which  is  one  of  the  finest  in  that  part  of  the  city. 


The  death  of  Dr.  Jackson  occurred  March  13,  1890,  and  was  occasioned 
by  blood  poisoning  which  resulted  from  an  operation  that  he  performed.  He 
was  a  member  of  the  Masonic  fraternity,  in  which  he  had  attained  high  rank, 
and  was  also  a  member  of  the  Order  of  Elks.  His  life,  however,  was  given 
to  his  profession  and  he  attained  a  preeminent  position  in  the  ranks  of  the 
medical  and  surgical  fraternity.  His  ability  was  such  as  to  gain  him  recog- 
nition, not  only  in  Kansas  City  and  Missouri,  but  throughout  the  country, 
and  he  w^as  honored  by  all  for  his  prominence  and  for  his  personal  worth. 
He  was  a  man  of  the  most  kindly  spirit  as  well  as  high  intellectuality,  and 
he  gained  the  warm  and  lasting  friendship  of  all  with  whom  he  came  in 


George  Peake,  public  auditor  and  expert  accountant,  as  senior  partner 
of  the  firm  of  George  Peake  &  Sons,  is  not  only  well  known  professionally  in 
Kansas  City,  but  to  a  large  extent  throughout  the  w^est.  He  was  born  in 
Richmond,  Virginia,  February  17,  1847.  His  father  was  George  R.  Peake, 
whose  birth  occurred  near  Fredericksburg,  Virginia,  September  9,  1807.  In 
the  Old  Dominion  he  followed  merchandising  until  after  the  outbreak  of  the 
Civil  war,  when  he  retired  and  engaged  in  farming.  In  1871  he  came  to 
Kansas  City,  after  which  he  lived  retired  from  business  life.  His  death 
occurred  at  Baxter  Springs,  Kansas,  in  1890.  In  early  manhood  he  gave  his 
political  allegiance  to  the  whig  party,  but  upon  its  dissolution  became  a 
democrat  and  was  a  stanch  supporter  of  the  principles  of  that  platform  during 
much  of  his  life.  He  married  Jane  Knox  Barclay,  who  was  born  in  Rich- 
mond, Virginia,  January  14,  1817,  and  died  at  Kansas  City  in  April,  1874. 

George  Peake  was  a  pupil  in  the  classical  school  of  Roger  Martin,  Rich- 
mond, Virginia,  in  his  boyhood  days,  or  until  after  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil 
war,  when  he  responded  to  the  call  of  the  Confederacy  for  aid.  enlisting  as 
a  volunteer  in  Sturdivant's  Battery  at  Richmond  in  October,  1862,  at  the  age 
of  fifteen  and  one-half  years.  He  served  thirty  months  and  spent  considerable 
time  in  the  trenches  at  Petersburg,  Virginia.  There  he  was  wounded  by  a 
Union  sharpshooter,  the  bullet  striking  him  in  the  right  ear.  It  passed 
through  a  portion  of  the  back  part  of  his  skull  and  was  cut  out  of  the  back 
of  his  neck.  The  sharpshooter  fired  at  him  three  times,  but  only  the  last 
bullet  took  effect.  Mr.  Peake  fought  in  many  important  battles  of  the  war 
and  flischargcd  h\.<  duller  with  the  unflinching  loyalty  and  valor  of  a  true 

Following  the  close  of  hostilities  George  Peake  engaged  in  farming  with 
his  father  for  two  years.  He  then  came  to  Kansas  City  in  1867,  borrowing 
money  with  which  to  pay  his  transportation.  After  he  had  remained  here 
for  a  time  he  became  dissatisfied  and  would  have  returned  home  could  he 
have  secured  financial  aid  sufficient  to  pay  his  railroad  fare.  Forced  to 
remain,  however,  he  began  to  like  the  city,  and  now  there  is  no  place  quite  so 
dear  to  him  except  his  birthplace — Richmond,  Virginia.     His  first  position 


here  was  with  J.  &  P.  Shannon,  then  the  leading  dry  goods  house  of  the  city, 
remaining  in  their  employ  one  year.  He  then  accepted  the  position  of  book- 
keeper with  Askew,  Dubois  &  Company,  wholesale  dealers  in  leather,  saddlery 
hardware  and  hides,  and  he  remained  with  them  until  1875,  when  he  went 
to  St.  Joseph,  Missouri.  There  he  served  as  bookkeeper  for  the  wholesale 
firm  of  Nave,  McCord  &  Company  for  two  years.  He  then  returned  to 
Kansas  City,  where  he  remained  until  1880,  when  he  went  to  Hannibal, 
Missouri.  He  was  in  charge  of  the  business  of  the  Standard  Oil  Company 
at  that  place,  which  was  a  distributing  point  for  the  entire  western  business 
of  the  company. 

Mr.  Peake  remained  there  until  January,  1886,  when  he  once  more  came 
to  Kansas  City  to  assume  the  duties  of  auditor  for  the  Standard  Oil  Company's 
branch  establishments  throughout  the  west.  He  thus  continued  to  serve  until 
1890,  when  he  resigned  to  engage  in  his  present  busines.s — that  of  public 
auditor  and  expert  accountant.  His  two  sons,  George  L.  and  Neil  S.  Peake, 
together  with  W.  A.  Abell,  William  F.  Shelley  and  others,  are  associated 
with  him,  but  the  firm  style  is  George  Peake  &  Sons.  This  well  known  firm 
has  a  nicely  furnished  suite  of  rooms  in  the  First  National  Bank  building. 
They  are  recognized  among  the  leaders  in  their  line  of  business  in  the  west 
and  have  a  clientage  extending  over  a  considerable  portion  of  the  western 
country,  besides  doing  a  large  amount  of  business  in  Kansas  City.  For 
several  years  Mr.  Peake  has  been  and  is  still  filling  the  responsible  position 
of  secretary  of  the  Benefit  Building   &  Loan  Association  of  Kansas  City. 

Mr.  Peake  was  married  on  the  16th  of  April,  1872,  to  Miss  Ella  F. 
Lester,  eldest  daughter  of  Dr.  Thomas  B.  Lester,  of  this  city.  Dr.  Lester  came 
to  Kansas  City  from  Illinois  in  1855  and  was  a  Virginian  by  birth.  His 
daughter,  Mrs.  Peake,  w^as  born  at  Salem,  Illinois,  May  4,  1851,  but  acquired 
a  part  of  her  education  at  Kansas  City  and  completed  her  studies  at  the 
Elizabeth  Aull  Seminary  at  Lexington,  Missouri,  in  1871.  She  is  a  member 
of  the  Central  Presbyterian  church,  affiliated  with  its  different  societies  and 
has  been  a  devout  Christian  from  early  life,  doing  earnest  and  effective  work 
in  behalf  of  the  church  and  the  extension  of  its  influence.  Mr.  Peake  is  also 
a  member  of  the  church,  with  which  he  has  been  identified  since  1868,  and 
his  membership  relations  extend  to  the  Woodmen  of  the  World.  In  politics 
he  is  a  stanch  democrat  but  has  never  aspired  to  political  honors,  preferring 
to  devote  all  his  energies  and  time  to  business  affairs.  He  is  a  man  highly 
respected  by  all  who  know  him  and  one  whose  word  is  considered  as  good  as 
his  bond. 

The  family  residence  is  at  2326  Troost  avenue.  Ten  children  were  born 
unto  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Peake,  of  whom  the  following  are  living:  George  L. 
Peake,  the  eldest,  born  in  Kansas  City  January  6,  1873,  and  educated  in  the 
public  schools,  was  employed  in  his  early  business  career  by  his  uncle,  William 
Peake,  a  manufacturer  of  overalls,  with  whom  he  remained  for  eighteen 
months,  beginning  in  1892.  He  then  accepted  a  position  with  Burnham, 
Hanna,  Munger  dry  goods  company,  with  whom  he  continued  for  a  year, 
and  on  the  expiration  of  that  period  he  joined  his  father  in  business.  He 
married  Miss  Anna  Kupke,  of  this  city,  a  native  of  Germany,  whose  father 


died  while  she  was  yet  in  her  infancy.  Her  mother  remarried  and  now  resides 
in  Chicago.  Two  children  have  been  born  unto  Mr.a  nd  Mrs.  George  L.  Peake: 
Thomas  Bryan,  born  January  21,  1889;  and  Eleanor  Marie,  October  6,  1904. 
The  home  of  the  famil}^  is  at  No.  3025  Park  avenue.  Mr.  Peake  is  a  member 
of  the  AVoodmen  of  the  World,  of  Ivanhoe  Lodge,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.,  and  also  of 
the  Central  Presbyterian  church. 

Neil  S.  Peake,  the  younger  son,  was  born  in  Hannibal,  Missouri,  August 
31,  1873,  and  was  educated  in  the  public  schools  of  Kansas  City,  of  which 
he  is  a  graduate.  He  has  been  associated  wdth  his  father  in  business  since 
1904  and  still  makes  his  home  with  his  parents.  He,  too,  is  a  member  of  the 
Central  Presbyterian  church  and  is  a  valued  member  of  Kansas  City  Lodge, 
No.  26,  B.  P.  0.  E.,  and  the  Kansas  City  Athletic  Club.  The  father  and 
sons  are  recognized  as  leading  business  men  of  marked  ability  in  their  pro- 
fession, and  the  family  is  one  whose  genuine  personal  worth  has  gained  for 
them  the  highest  regard. 


The  history  of  Jackson  county  could  not  be  termed  complete  were  the 
life  record  of  George  Schaefer  omitted,  since  he  became  a  resident  of  Kan- 
sas City  in  the  days  of  its  villagehood  and  was  a  factor  in  its  growth  and 
progress  for  many  years.  He  maintained  an  unassailable  reputation  in  busi- 
ness circles  by  reason  of  the  straightforward  methods  which  he  followed, 
and  in  social  life  he  manifested  those  sterling  qualities  in  manhood  which 
awaken  the  most  kindly  and  lasting  regard.  In  his  business  career  he  ad- 
vanced from  a  humble  position  to  one  of  prominence  and  from  a  place  of 
limited  financial  circumstances  to  affluence,  and  his  death,  which  occurred  on 
the  14th  of  jNIay,  1897,  was  the  occasion  of  deep  and  widespread  regret.  His 
life  record  began  in  Germany,  February  17,  1844,  his  parents  being  Con- 
rad and  Sophie  (Wilke)  Schaefer,  who  were  likewise  natives  of  Germany. 
In  1846  they  crossed  the  Atlantic  to  America,  and  for  a  year  resided  in  New 
Orleans,  after  which  they  were  residents  of  St.  Louis  until  1855,  when  Kan- 
sas City  attracted  them.  It  was  a  frontier  town  of  small  proportions,  but 
was  advantageously  situated,  and  the  father  believed  that  it  would  offer  good 
opportunities.  He  accordingly  engaged  in  blacksmithing  here  until  1866 
and  during  that  period  enjoyed  a  volume  of  trade  that  brought  him  capital 
sufficient  to  enable  him  to  spend  his  remaining  days  in  honorable  retire- 
ment from  labor,  and  yet  was  sufficient  to  provide  him  with  all  of  the  com- 
forts and  some  of  the  luxuries  of  life.  On  coming  to  this  city  in  1857  he 
made  his  home  at  the  corner  of  Main  and  Twelfth  streets,  where  the  Bern- 
hoimer  block  now  stands,  and  there  remained  until  his  death,  which  occurred 
January  4,  1884.  His  wife  was  twice  married,  her  first  husband  being  Mr. 
Hale,  by  whom  she  had  three  children  :  Catiierine,  the  wife  of  Charles  Long, 
of  Kansas  City,  and  now  the  mother  of  seven  children ;  Wilhelmina,  who  be- 
came the  wife  of  Peter  Schwitzgebel  and  died  in  1870,  leaving  six  children; 



TILDTN    F^        ■    a     TfON':? 


and  Henry,  who  was  killed  by  Indians  near  Fort  Laramie  in  1864.  Unto 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Conrad  Schaefer  there  were  born  two  sons:  George,  of  this 
review;  and  John,  who  died  in  1884.  The  mother  had  passed  away  in  March, 
1883.  Both  parents  were  members  of  St.  Peter  &  Paul's  Evangelical  Lu- 
theran church.  The  father  was  very  active  in  the  church  work.  He  also 
served  as  a  member  of  the  Paw  Paw  militia  during  1864-5. 

George  Schaefer  was  brought  to  Kansas  City  when  a  youth  of  about 
eleven  years  and  in  1856  he  became  a  pupil  in  a  parochial  school  at  the  comer 
of  Fifteenth  and  Central  streets  conducted  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Thomas,  who 
also  dedicated  Union  cemetery.  Mr.  Schaefer  remained  under  the  parental 
roof  until  he  had  reached  adult  age,  save  that  from  1863  until  1865  he  was 
a  resident  of  New  Mexico  and  Arizona.  He  learned  the  blacksmith's  trade 
under  the  direction  of  his  father,  and  continued  to  follow  it  until  1869, 
when  he  became  connected  with  the  mercantile  interests  of  the  city  as  pro- 
prietor of  a  feed  store  at  the  site  of  the  old  family  home  on  Main  and 
Twelfth  streets.  He  afterward  conducted  a  meat  market  there  until  1884, 
when  he  removed  his  store  to  a  building  on  the  opposite  corner,  while  he 
erected  on  the  old  site  the  fine  Bernheimer  building,  a  four-story  brick  struc- 
ture, sixty-two  by  one  hundred  and  twelve  and  a  half  feet.  In  1890  he 
also  erected  the  Household  Fair  building,  and  these  two  constituted  impor- 
tant business  blocks  of  the  city  and  returned  to  him  an  excellent  rental.  He 
was  a  man  of  keen  sagacity,  of  unfaltering  enterprise  and  of  clear  discrim- 
ination, and  was  seldom,  if  ever,  at  fault  in  matters  of  business  judgment. 
He  recognized  and  improved  his  opportunities,  and  in  all  of  his  business 
connections  was  found  thoroughly  reliable  as  well  as  energetic. 

In  1870  occurred  the  marriage  of  Mr.  Schaefer  and  Miss  Margaret 
Gleim,  a  native  of  Hamilton  county,  Ohio,  and  a  daughter  of  George  Gleim. 
Mrs.  Schaefer  was  brought  to  Kansas  City  at  the  age  of  seventeen 
years,  and  by  her  marriage  became  the  mother  of  seven  children :  Anna,  now 
the  wife  of  W.  C.  Howe,  Jr.,  by  whom  she  has  one  child,  Florence  Mar- 
garet; Lottie,  who  is  the  wife  of  Fred  AVolf.  of  Ellinwood,  Kansas,  and  the 
mother  of  two  children,  John  Frederick  and  Robert  George;  Daisy,  the  wife 
of  Dr.  S.  S.  Landon,  of  Kansas  City,  by  whom  she  has  two  children,  Mar- 
garet Eugenie  and-  Katherine  Amy ;  Walter  George,  a  son  not  yet  of  age ; 
Norton,  who  died  in  September,  1896,  at  the  age  of  nine  years;  and  Robert 
James  and  George,  also  deceased.  The  family  residence  is  one  of  the  beau- 
tiful homes  of  Kansas  City.  It  is  built  in  most  attractive  style  of  architec- 
ture, is  commodious  and  comfortable  and  stands  in  the  midst  of  a  four-acre 
lawn  which  displays  many  evidences  of  the  art  of  the  landscape  gardener. 
The  family  attend  St.  Peter  &  Paul's  Evangelical  Lutheran  church,  to  the 
support  of  which  Mr.  Schaefer  contributed  liberally.  He  was  also  a  Knight 
Templar  Mason  and  filled  offices  in  both  the  lodge  and  commandery.  In  pol- 
itics he  was  a  republican,  but  he  never  sought  nor  desired  office,  preferring 
to  concentrate  his  energies  upon  his  business  affairs.  The  steps  of  orderly 
progression  in  his  life  are  easily  discernible.  He  watched  for  favoring  op- 
portunities and  was  not  afraid  to  advance  when  the  chance  came.  He  learned 
to  correctly  value  life's  contacts  and  experiences,  and  whatever  he  undertook 


he  carried  forward  to  successful  completion.  His  business  methods,  too,  were 
such  as  would  bear  careful  scrutiny  and  investigation.  He  was  widely  known 
for  many  good  qualities  as  manifest  in  his  business  and  social  life,  and 
while  eleven  years  have  passed  since  he  was  called  to  his  final  home,  his 
memory  is  yet  cherished  by  many  who  knew  him.  Mrs.  Schaefer,  still  sur- 
viving her  husband,  assumed  full  charge  of  his  large  business  interests  upon 
his  demise,  and  in  their  conduct  has  been  remarkably  successful,  display- 
ing excellent  ability,  clear  insight  and  determination.  In  addition  to  su- 
perintending the  extensive  property  interests  which  he  left  she  has  built 
here  many  homes,  and  has  thus  contributed  to  the  improvement  of  the 
city,  while  from  her  interests  she  has  derived  substantial  benefits. 


Joseph  Macauley  Lowe,  well  descended  and  well  bred,  is  fortunate  in 
having  back  of  him  an  ancestry  honorable  and  distinguished,  while  his  own 
lines  of  life  have  been  cast  in  harmony  therewith.  A  lawyer  by  profession, 
who  has  attained  success  and  prominence  at  the  bar,  he  is  now  largely  devot- 
ing his  attention  to  private  interests,  but  is  preeminently  a  man  of  affairs  and 
one  who  has  wielded  a  wide  influence. 

His  natal  day  was  December  13,  1844,  and  the  place  of  his  nativity 
Pendleton  county,  Kentucky.  His  parents  were  Moses  and  Nancy  Watson 
(Porter)  Lowe,  also  natives  of  Kentucky,  and  the  family  is  of  Anglo-German 
descent.  Sir  Hudson  Lowe,  a  British  general,  was  in  command  of  St.  Helena 
while  Napoleon  was  an  exile  there  from  1815  until  1821.  Robert  Lowe, 
viscount  of  Sherbrooke,  was  a  noted  English  politician  and  filled  many  im- 
portant official  positions,  including  that  of  chancellor  of  the  exchequer  and 
home  secretaary.  He  did  much  toward  establishing  the  political  policy  of  his 
country  during  the  nineteenth  century  and  died  in  1892.  Germans  of  the 
name  have  been  celebrated  for  high  class  musical  compositions  and  as 
operatic  singers.  Wilhelm  Lowe  was  called  the  Lion-Ox,  on  acount  of  his 
bravery  and  patience,  and  was  a  noted  German  liberal  politician  in  pre- 
imperial  times.  The  Porters  were  also  conspicuous  in  literature  and  in  war. 
Anna  Marie  Porter  was  the  author  of  several  novels,  while  Tliaddeus  of 
Warsaw  and  other  productions,  the  work  of  Jane  Porter,  have  been  perhaps 
more  widely  read  than  any  productions  from  a  woman's  pen.  Both  the  Lowe 
and  Porter  families  were  represented  in  the  colonial  army  during  the  Amer- 
ican revolution.  William  Thomas  Lowe  removed  from  Virginia  to  Kentucky 
in  pioneer  times  and  purchased  the  present  site  of  the  city  of  Lexington. 
Governor  Lowe,  of  Maryland,  was  also  a  member  of  this  family.  The  east- 
ern branch  of  the  family,  which  struck  the  final  E  from  the  name,  has  a 
prominent  representative  in  Seth  Low,  the  president  of  Columbia  University 
of  New  York  city.     Seth  Low's  father  married  a  Nancy  Porter. 

Moses  Lowe,  father  of  J.  M.  Lowe,  of  this  review,  devoted  his  life  to 
farming  in  Kentucky,  and  for  several  years  was  justice  of  the  peace.     Upon 


the  old  homestead  farm  there  his  son  Joseph  M.  was  reared,  and  from  an  early- 
age  was  familiar  with  the  work  of  the  fields,  while  in  the  winter  months  he 
attended  the  country  schools  to  the  age  of  sixteen  years.  He  then  enlisted 
in  the  Confederate  army  and  served  for  three  months,  after  which  he  taught 
a  district  school  at  Greenfield,  Indiana,  at  the  same  time  pursuing  the  study 
of  law  in  the  office  of  James  L.  Mason  during  his  leisure  hours.  In  1864  he 
was  appointed  clerk  in  the  Indiana  state  senate,  serving  for  two  years,  and  in 
1865  he  successfully  passed  an  examination  which  secured  him  admission  to 
the  bar  at  Greenfield,  Indiana. 

Mr.  Lowe  has  been  a  representative  of  the  Missouri  bar  since  1868,  when 
he  located  for  practice  at  Plattsburg,  this  state,  where  he  remained  until  1883. 
There  he  won  cordial  advancement  by  reason  of  his  marked  devotion  to  his 
clients'  interests,  his  thorough  preparation  of  his  cases  and  his  able  handling 
of  his  cause  in  the  courts.  From  1872  until  1880  he  served  as  prosecuting 
attorney  of  Clinton  county,  being  chosen  by  popular  suffrage  at  four  succes- 
sive elections.  The  first  time  he  was  nominated  by  the  democrats,  the 
"people"  then  placed  his  name  on  the  people's  ticket,  and  afterward  the 
republicans  did  the  same,  thus  giving  him  three  nominations  for  the  same 

In  1883  Mr.  Lowe  arrived  in  Kansas  City,  since  which  time  he  has 
devoted  much  of  his  attention  to  personal  affairs,  although  he  is  also  well 
known  as  an  able  member  of  the  bar.  In  1889  he  was  appointed  receiver  of 
the  National  Exchange  Bank  and  so  managed  its  affairs  that  he  paid  the 
depositors  in  full  and  the  stockholders  a  good  dividend.  He  has  ever  kept 
abreast  with  the  best  thinking  men  of  the  age,  has  read  broadly  and  considers 
deeply  the  vital  questions  affecting  state  and  national  interests  in  any  of  its 
phases.  He  is  an  eloquent  speaker,  possessing  superior  oratorical  power,  and 
has  been  called  upon  to  address  many  gatherings  upon  important  questions. 
His  address  before  the  Kansas  City  Commercial  Club  in  1896  on  Agriculture 
and  Commerce,  Twin  Sisters  in  the  Country's  Development,  was  a  most 
entertaining  one  and  full  of  historic  facts.  For  his  learned  and  able  address 
before  the  South  and. West  Commercial  Congress  at  Charleston  in  1898  he 
received  a  vote  of  thanks.  He  was  also  called  upon  to  address  the  Trans- 
Mississippi  Congress  at  Houston,  Texas.  He  possesses  a  statasman's  grasp  of 
affairs  and  his  political  interest  has  ever  been  that  of  a  public-spirited  citizen 
who  desires  general  good  rather  than  personal  aggrandizement  and  places 
the  welfare  of  the  country  before  partisanship.  He  was,  however,  a  candidate 
for  lieutenant  governor  in  1900,  and  his  political  views  may  be  termed  those 
of  a  conservative  democrat. 

In  1876  Mr.  Lowe  was  married  to  Miss  Mary  E.  McWilliams,  a  daughter 
of  Dr.  John  Q.  A.  McWilliams,  of  Madison  county,  Kentucky,  and  a  descend- 
ant of  the  McWilliams  and  Hockaday  families,  who  were  among  the  pioneers 
of  Virginia  and  Kentucky.  Her  grandfather.  Captain  John  Cleveland  Mc- 
Williams served  in  the  war  of  1812,  and  through  the  Cleveland  branch  of  the 
family  Mrs.  Lowe  is  related  to  Grover  Cleveland.  By  her  marriage  she  hag 
become  the  mother  of  a  son  and  daughter,  John  Roger  and  Florence  Marian. 


The  family  attend  the  Baptist  church,  of  which  Mr.  Lowe  is  a  member, 
He  stands  for  all  that  is  best  in  the  individual,  in  citizenship  and  in  business 
life.  The  strong  qualities  which  have  made  him  useful  in  one  locality  would 
have  insured  his  eminence  anywhere.  Though  never  a  seeker  for  political 
honors  he  has  exerted  through  his  wide  acquaintance  with  the  leaders  of 
political  and  business  life  an  influence  exceeding  that  of  many  whose  names 
are  familiar  in  public  affairs.  Governor  Folk  appointed  him  chairman  of 
the  board  of  election  commissioners  in  1895,  and  during  the  existence  of  this 
board,  it  has  been  universally  conceded  that  the  elections  have  been  fair, 
honest  and  orderly. 


Mrs.  Jennie  M.  Phillips,  well  known  in  Kansas  City,  w^here  she  has  re- 
sided since  1900,  makes  her  home  with  her  daughter,  Mrs.  Thomas  L.  Muli- 
nix,  at  No.  3005  East  Twenty-fifth  street.  She  bore  the  maiden  name  of 
Jennie  M.  Hall  and  is  a  native  of  Trumbull  county,  Ohio,  her  birth  having 
there  occurred  November  12,  1829.  She  can  trace  her  ancestry  back  to  the 
Mayflower  and  several  generations  of  the  family  were  represented  in  New 
England  and  the  east.  Her  parents  were  Elijah  and  Anna  Hall,  both  natives 
of  New  Jersey,  born  near  the  town  of  Columbus.  Mr.  Hall,  who  devoted  his 
life  to  mechanical  pursuits,  removed  to  Trumbull  county,  Ohio  after  his  mar- 
riage and  there  worked  at  his  trade  for  many  years,  after  which  he  took  up 
his  abode  in  Ashtabula  county,  Ohio.  At  the  latter  place  he  also  followed 
his  trade  for  a  few  years,  but  on  account  of  advanced  age  eventually  gave  up 
hard  work  and  retired  from  active  life.  Later  he  and  his  wife  made  their 
home  with  their  married  children  in  different  parts  of  the  country;  both  are 
now  deceased,  however. 

Their  daughter  Jennie  was  reared  and  educated  in  the  county  of  her 
nativity  and  in  early  womanhood  gave  her  hand  in  marriage  to  Henry 
Thomas,  of  Connecticut.  His  parents  were  natives  of  that  state  but  spent 
the  greater  part  of  their  lives  in  Ohio  and  there  eventually  passed  away. 
Henry  Thomas  was  a  jeweler  by  trade  and  following  his  marriage  engaged 
in  that  line  of  business  in  Gustavus,  Ohio,  for  a  few  years,  after  which  he 
removed  to  Fremont,  Ohio,  where  he  worked  at  his  trade  during  his  remain- 
ing days,  his  death  there  occurring  in  1889.  There  were  two  children  by 
that  marriage,  the  elder  being  Eva  B.,  now  the  wife  of  Thomas  L.  Mulinix, 
who  is  engaged  in  the  wholesale  jewelry  business  in  Kansas  City.  He  is  a 
native  of  Lancaster,  Ohio,  and  a  son  of  James  W.  Mulinix,  who  owned  a 
large  flour  mill  in  Lancaster,  Ohio,  but  afterward  removed  to  Toledo,  that 
state,  where  he  engaged  in  merchandising  until  his  business  was  destroyed 
by  fire.  He  then  became  a  resident  of  Chicago,  where  he  resided  until  his 
death.  His  son,  Thomas  L.  Mulinix,  is  a  prominent  wholesale  jewelry  dealer 
of  Kansas  City,  with  offices  at  No.  318  Century  building,  but  spends  most  of 
his  time  in  traveling  and  selling  his  goods,  leaving  his  son  in  charge  of  the  in- 


terests  in  Kansas  City.  There  was  but  one  child  born  unto  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Thomas  Mulinix — Thomas  Wilbur  W.,  who  now  acts  as  manager  of  his  fath- 
er's wholesale  jewelry  business  in  the  Century  building.  He  married  Bessie 
Steward  and  they  reside  at  No.  3316  East  Twenty-first  street.  Mr.  Mulinix 
has  a  sister,  Miss  Minnie  E.  Mulinix,  who  is  a  leading  musician  of  Chicago. 
Mary  Elizabeth,  the  younger  daughter  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas,  is  now 
the  wife  of  Charles  Waldorf,  a  resident  of  Wichita,  Kansas. 

Following  the  death  of  her  first  husband,  Mrs.  Thomas  became  the  wife 
of  Henry  Phillips,  who  now  resides  ten  miles  south  of  Hillsdale,  Michigan. 
After  her  second  marriage  Mrs.  Phillips  remained  in  Michigan  for  a  few 
years  and  since  that  time  has  made  her  home  with  her  daughters,  remaining 
with  Mrs.  Mulinix  in  Kansas  City  since  1900.  She  is  now  seventy-eight  years 
of  age  but  is  a  remarkably  well  preserved  woman.  Her  daughter,  Mrs.  Muli- 
nix, spends  considerable  time  in  traveling  with  her  husband,  but  since  the 
establishment  of  the  wholesale  jewelry  business  here  they  have  purchased 
a  nice  home  at  No.  3005  East  Twenty-fifth  street,  where  they  and  her  mother 
reside.  Mrs.  Phillips  is  the  owner  of  some  valuable  property  near  Hillsdale, 
Michigan,  and  is  quite  well  to  do.  She  has  made  some  warm  friends  during 
her  residence  in  Kansas  City  and  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Mulinix  are  also  prominent 
in  social  circles  here. 


William  H.  McCrum,  organizer  and  vice  president  of  the  Orthwein- 
McCrum  Investment  Company  of  Kansas  City,  was  here  born  on  the  9th  of 
September,  1877.  His  father,  John  S.  McCrum,  was  superintendent  of 
motive  power  for  the  Kansas  City,  Fort  Scott  &  Missouri  Railroad  for  more 
than  thirty  years  and  died  in  1899.  His  wife  bore  the  maiden  name  of 
Sarah  H.  Hammond. 

In  the  common  schools  William  H.  McCrum  began  his  education  and, 
passing  through  consec*utive  grades,  became  a  high-school  student.  At  the 
age  of  seventeen  he  entered  the  office  of  the  auditing  department  of  the  Kan- 
sas City,  Fort  Scott  &  Missouri  Railroad,  where  he  remained  for  six  years 
in  various  capacities,  receiving  many  promotions.  As  there  was  nothing 
further  for  him  to  expect  there  in  the  way  of  advancement  and  desirous  of 
getting  into  some  commercial  line  with  greater  possibilities,  he  resigned  to 
accept  a  position  with  H.  P.  Wright  &  Company,  stock  and  bond  brokers, 
with  whom  he  continued  until  1905.  He  then  withdrew  and  engaged  in  the 
same  line  of  business  on  his  own  account.  In  March,  1907,  he  joined  Charles 
Orthwein  and  J.  D.  White  in  organizing  the  Orthwein-McCrum  Investment 
Company,  of  which  Mr.  Orthwein  is  president;  Mr.  McCrum,  vice  president; 
and  J.  D.  White,  secretary  and  treasurer.  They  do  a  large  business  in  local  se- 
curities and  also  have  private  wires  to  the  Chicago  grain  market  and  the  New 
York  stock  markets.  They  have  a  large  suite  of  offices,  centrally  located  at 
No.  1010  Baltimore  avenue  on  the  ground  floor  of  the  Dwight  building. 


Mr.  McCrum  ls  a  member  of  the  Kansas  City  Club  and  the  Kansas  City 
Athletic  Club.  He  is  an  intelligent  young  man  of  business  ability,  whose  use- 
fulness and  success  will  undoubtedly  increase  as  the  years  ptiss.  By  nature 
he  is  social,  yet  modest  and  unassuming  in  manner,  his  friends,  however, 
finding  him  a  congenial  companion. 


Stephen  Northrop  Dwight,  wlio  spent  his  last  days  in  Kansas  City,  was 
prominently  identified  with  the  development  of  the  west  as  a  representative 
of  financial,  banking  and  mining  interests.  His  superior  business  ability, 
enterprise  and  ready  grasp  of  a  situation,  enabled  him  to  become  closely 
associated  with  the  establishment  and  successful  conduct  of  enterprises  which 
proved  important  factors  in  the  growth  and  progress  of  this  section  of  the 

The  Dwight  family  were  originally  from  England.  The  founder  of 
the  family  in  America  was  one  John  Dwight,  who  settled  at  Dadham,  Mass- 
achusetts. Stephen  N.  Dwight  was  born  in  Belchertown,  Massachusetts,  on 
the  10th  day  of  June,  1853,  in  the  same  house  in  which  his  father  and 
grandfather  were  born.  His  mother  was  Sarah  Elizabeth  Northrop,  of  Con- 
necticut. His  father,  Cory  don  G.  Dwight,  was  engaged  in  the  manufacture 
of  firearms  for  the  government  during  the  period  of  the  Civil  war,  at  New 
Haven,  Connecticut. 

Stephen  N.  DAvight  spent  his  boyhood  and  received  his  education  in 
New  Haven.  His  father  moved  to  Michigan,  and  he  began  his  business 
career  in  Kalamazoo,  Michigan,  but  study  of  the  business  situation  of  the 
country  in  various  sections,  led  him  to  believe  that  the  west  offered  splendid 
opportunities,  and  accordingly,  he  made  his  way  in  1874  to  Kansas.  His 
first  location  was  at  Independence,  that  state,  where  he  engaged  in  the  bank- 
ing business.  He  continued  in  that  business  until  about  ten  years  before 
his  death.  He  was  connected  with  several  banks  in  Kansas,  also  organized 
and  was  cashier  of  the  American  National  Bank  at  Fort  Smith,  Arkansas, 
but  not  liking  the  climate,  sold  his  interest  and  went  to  Lcadville,  Colo- 
rado, where  he  organized  the  American  National  Bank  and  was  its  presi- 
dent. After  selling  his  banking  interests,  he  engaged  in  mining  for  a  time, 
then  went  to  California,  where  he  stayed  more  than  a  year,  but  it  seemed 
too  far  away  from  all  friends  and  relatives,  so  he  returned  to  Kansas  and 
became  identified  with  the  development  of  the  mining  resource?  at  Galena, 
also  bought  the  water  works,  which  he  enlarged  and  improved  in  every  way. 
He  closed  out  his  minor  interests  before  moving  to  Kansas  City,  but  owned 
and  operated  the  water  works  up  to  the  time  of  his  death,  after  which  they 
were  sold  by  his  widow.  One  of  the  elements  of  his  exceedingly  successful 
career  was  the  quickness  with  which  he  noted  an  opportunity  that  others 
passed  heedlessly  by,  when  he  saw  a  chance  for  profitable  investment  or 
for    the    establishment   of    an    enterprise    that   promised    success.      Forming 

S.     N.   DWIGHT. 



TILDE'N   rc 



his  plans  readily  he  was  determined  in  their  execution  and  carried  forward 
to  successful  completion  whatever  he  undertook.  In  his  mental  review  of 
the  west,  he  noted  the  bright  outlook  before  Kansas  City,  and  showed  his 
faith  in  its  future  by  the  purchase  of  considerable  property.  Time  dem- 
onstrated his  wisdom  in  this  regard  and  increased  the  value  of  his  realty 
holdings.  The  erection  of  the  handsome  office  structure,  known  as  the 
Dwight  building,  at  the  corner  of  Tenth  and  Baltimore  avenue,  is  an  evi- 
dence of  his  foresight  and  faith  in  Kansas  City's  future  greatness.  This 
magnificent  building  was  the  pioneer  of  its  kind  and  added  an  important 
step  to  Kansas  City's  realty  growth  that  can  only  be  estimated  by  a  review 
of  the  improved  property  conditions  of  that  immediate  locality.  The  suc- 
cess of  this  undertaking  added  a  stimulus  to  Kansas  City  real-estate  inter- 
ests, at  a  time  when  most  needed,  and  stands  as  a  monument  to  his  enter- 
prise and  judgment.  The  property  is  now  owned  by  Mrs.  Dwight.  Mr. 
Dwight  also  purchased  other  realty  here  and  felt  that  it  was  a  thoroughly 
safe  investment  and  one  which  would  bring  good  returns.. 

Mr.  Dwight  was  married  in  Independence,  Kansas,  to  Miss  Rodella  G. 
Arter,  daughter  of  Dr.  Anthony  H.  Arter,  who  went  to  Kansas  in  1869  from 
Rock  Island,  Illinois.  He  was  a  skillful  physician,  but  gave  up  the  practice 
of  medicine  some  years  ago  and  turned  his  attention  to  mining  and  specula- 
tion. He  retired  a  few^  years  ago  and  is  now  living  in  Kansas  City,  Missouri. 
Mr,  Dwight  was  a  man  of  domestic  tastes,  finding  his  greatest  happiness  at 
his  own  fireside,  and  a  most  congenial  companionship  existed  between  him- 
self and  wife. 

His  political  allegiance  was  given  to  the  republican  party,  and  fra- 
ternally, he  was  connected  Avith  the  Masons  and  Knights  of  Pythias.  He 
died  in  1904  and  thus  was  terminated  a  life  of  great  activity  and  useful- 
ness. He  belonged  to  that  class  of  representative  American  men  who, 
while  promoting  individual  prosperity,  also  contributed  to  the  general  wel- 
fare. His  face  indicated  that  character,  balance,  harmony  and  sound  judg- 
ment were  among  his  natural  traits.  Any  one  seeing  him  would  know 
that  he  was  a  dependable  man  in  any  relation  and  any  emergency.  Quiet- 
ude of  deportment,  easy  dignity,  and  a  frankness  and  cordiality  of  address 
were  among  his  noticeable  characteristics.  He  was  ever  ready  to  meet  any 
obligation  of  life  with  the  confidence  and  courage  that  come  of  conscious 
personal  ability,  right  conception  of  things  and  an  habitual  regard  for  what 
was  best  in  the  exercise  of  human  activities. 

BRUNO    L.    SULZBACHER,    M.  D. 

There  is  no  profession  in  which  distinction  and  success  depend  more 
largely  upon  individual  merit  and  ability  than  in  the  practice  of  medicine 
and  surgery.  In  many  business  interests  real  skill  and  worth  must  be  proven 
by  the  test  of  time  but  the  physician  is  judged  by  what  he  accomplishes  day 
by  day  and  the  consensus  of  public  opinion  is  formed  as  the  result  of  his 


daily  labor.  Dr.  Sulzbacher,  judged  by  this  standard,  which  is  applied  to 
every  follower  of  the  calling,  is  accorded  prominence  and  honor  as  a  repre- 
sentative of  the  medical  fraternity  and  yet  he  is  still  comparatively  a  young 

His  father,  the  Hon.  Louis  Sulzbacher,  is  judge  of  the  United  States 
federal  court  in  the  Indian  Territory.  He  was  born  in  Bavaria,  Germany, 
and  came  to  America  when  eighteen  years  of  age,  working  his  way  by  de- 
grees across  the  country  until  he  reached  Kansas  City.  The  Santa  Fe  Rail- 
road had  not  been  built  at  that  time  and  he  started  with  an  ox-team  of  pro- 
visions, following  the  Santa  Fe  trail,  which  was  the  one  important  highway 
leading  into  that  section  of  the  country.  He  proceeded  to  Santa  Fe  and 
afterward  to  Las  Vegas,  where  he  decided  to  establish  a  law  office  and  en- 
gage in  practice  as  an  attorney.  But  the  business  in  that  new  and  then 
largely  undeveloped  district  did  not  prove  sufficicMitly  remunerative  and  he 
was  obliged  to  resort  to  hunting  and  trapping  as  a  source  of  support.  With 
the  advent  of  the  raih\)ad,  however,  the  country  became  settled  and  business 
increased  and  it  was  not  long  before  he  was  appointed  attorney  for  the 
Santa  Fe  Railroad.  A  man  of  sterling  qualities,  he  has  been  recognized  by 
three  presidents:  first  in  the  appointment  of  President  U.  S.  Grant,  who 
named  him  United  States  commissioner;  next  by  the  late  President  William 
McKinley,  who  appointed  him  to  the  post  of  justice  of  the  supreme  court 
of  Porto  Rico;  and  later  by  President  Roosevelt  to  his  present  position.  It 
was  the  desire  of  President  Roosevelt  that  Judge  Sulzbacher  should  continue 
in  the  office  in  Porto  Rico  but  his  longing  for  his  home  compelled  the  pres- 
ident to  accede  to  his  request  to  relieve  him  from  office  there  and  he  was 
transferred  by  the  department  of  justice  and  appointed  to  his  present  posi- 

Dr.  Sulzbacher  is  a  native  of  Las  Vegas,  New  Mexico.  His  preliminary 
education  was  acquired  in  a  Presbyterian  mission  school  there  and  later  he 
obtained  a  thorough  educational  training  in  the  Jesuit  College.  In  1887 
he  became  a  student  in  Swarthmore  College  in  Pennsylvania  and  a  year  later 
he  entered  Rugby  Academy  in  Philadelphia,  from  which  he  was  graduated 
ni  due  course  of  time.  In  the  meanwhile,  his  parents  having  removed  to 
Kansas  City,  he  returned  to  the  west  and  pursvied  a  preparatory  medical 
course  in  the  state  university  of  Lawrence,  Kansas.  He  further  continued 
his  preparation  in  the  University  Medical  College  of  Kansas  City,  from 
which  institution  he  was  graduated  in  1895,  receiving  the  second  prize  in 
his  class.  For  a  year  he  practiced  in  Kansas  City  and  by  appointment  filled 
the  position  of  assistant  demonstrator  of  anatomy  in  the  college. 

Desiring  to  attain  further  proficiency,  knowledge  and  experience,  Dr. 
Sulzbacher  resolved  to  go  abroad  for  further  study  and  in  1896  made  his 
way  to  Germany.  He  pursued  regular  and  post-graduate  work  in  the  uni- 
versities of  Berlin,  Gottingen  and  Vienna  and  thus  with  greatly  enlarged 
powers,  owing  to  his  investigation  and  researches,  he  returned  to  Kansas 
City,  resuming  his  practice.  During  the  years  1898-99  he  occupied  the  chair 
of  demonstrator  of  pathology  in  the  University  Medical  College  and  the 
following  year  was  professor  of  histology.     In  190,'^  he  received  the  appoint- 

HISTORY    or    KANSAS    CITY  187 

merit  of  chief  of  staff  of  the  German  hospital  and  in  1905  was  local  surgeon 
for  the  Frisco  Railroad.  During  the  latter  part  of  that  year  he  again  went 
abroad,  where  he  remained  for  a  year  for  further  study  and  while  there  was 
appointed  assistant  to  Professor  Landau  in  his  private  hospital  for  diseases 
of  women  in  Berlin.  In  the  more  direct  line  of  his  profession  he  is  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Western  Surgical  &  Gynecological  Association,  the  Aesculapian 
Society,  the  Medical  Association  of  New  Mexico  and  the  Mississippi  Val- 
ley Medical  -Vssociation. 

Dr.  Sulzbacher  has  been  assistant  surgeon  of  Battery  B  of  the  National 
Guard  of  Kansas  City  and  is  a  thirty-second  degree  Mason  and  a  noble  of 
the  Mystic  Shrine.  He  is  also  an  Elk  and  became  one  of  the  charter 
members  of  the  Kansas  City  Athletic  Club.  He  also  belongs  to  the  Elm 
Ridge  Club,  to  the  Knife  and  Fork  Club  and  the  Music  and  Art  Club,  now 
the  art  institute.  He  appreciates  all  that  is  being  done  for  intellectual  and 
esthetic  culture  and  broadened  his  own  knowledge  of  music,  painting  and 
sculpture  in  the  art  centers  of  the  old  world.  While  a  man  of  broad 
scientific  attainments  in  professional  lines,  he  is  yet  alive  to  the  interests  of 
the  world  and  its  development  and  progress  along  other  lines. 


In  the  business  circles  of  Kansas  City  the  name  of  George  S.  Battell  was 
honored  as  one  whose  enterprise  and  commendable  success  entitled  him  to 
recognition.  He  was  a  partner  in  the  Zahner  &  Battell  Manufacturing  Com- 
pany, manufacturers  of  metal  specialties  and  stoves.  They  also  conducted 
a  retail  hardware  business  and  the  various  departments  were  sources  of  grati- 
fying revenue.  Mr.  Battell  dated  his  residence  in  Kansas  City  from  1872.  His 
birth  occurred  in  Mendon,  Adams  county,  Illinois,  October  15,  1856,  his  par- 
ents being  Richard  and  Hannah  (Schieffelin)  Battell,  both  of  whom  were 
natives  of  New  York  city.  Removing  westward  in  1845,  they  settled  in  Men- 
don, Illinois,  and  about  that  time  Richard  Battell  became  interested  in  the 
plow  manufacturing  business  in  Quincy,  Illinois,  but  made  his  home  in  Men- 
don. He  was  thus  identified  with  industrial  interests  throughout  his  remain- 
ing days  and  his  death  occurred  in  Mendon  in  187i3.  His  widow  continued  to 
reside  at  the  old  home  there  until  she,  too,  passed  away,  in  1907,  at  the  age 
of  eightv-seven  vears. 

When  a  little  lad  of  six  summers,  George  S.  Battell  became  a  pupil  in 
the  public  schools  of  his  native  town  and  gradually  mastered  the  branches  of 
learning  that  constitute  the  public  school  curriculum.  When  a  young  man 
he  began  work  in  a  metal  shop  of  Mendon  and  w^as  thus  engaged  until  18V  2, 
becoming  familiar  with  the  business  in  principle  and  detail.  When  he  came 
to  Kansas  City  he  w^as  only  about  seventeen  years  of  age  and  he  afterward 
attended  a  college  here,  thus  completing  his  education.  Subsequently  he  ac- 
cepted a  position  in  the  metal  shop  of  Wise  &  Zahner,  remaining  in  that 
employ  for  a  year.   This  was  his  equipment  but  he  soon  passed  on  to  positions 


of  executive  control,  subsequently  bending  his  energies  largely  to  organiza- 
tion, to  constructive  efforts  and  administrative  direction.  He  had  been  with 
the  firm  for  a  year  when  Mr.  AVise  withdrew  and  Mr.  Battell  succeeded  him 
as  partner  of  Mr.  Zahner.  He  brought  all  of  his  energies  to  bear  upon  the 
development  of  the  business,  which  was  organized  under  the  name  of  the 
Zahner  &  Battell  Manufacturing  Company  and  which  is  still  carried  on  under 
the  name  of  the  Zahner  Manufacturing  Company.  The  plant  was  located 
on  the  Southwest  boulevard  and  the  partners  through  their  united  efforts  de- 
veloped one  of  the  largest  enterprises  of  the  city  in  the  manufacture  of  stoves 
and  metal  work  of  all  kinds.  The  excellence  of  their  products  insured  a 
ready  sale  and  the  business  enjoyed  substantial  growth  annually.  Mr.  Battell 
was  also  interested  in  the  retail  hardware  store  conducted  by  the  firm  at  No. 
940  Main  street,  where  a  large  business  was  carried  on.  He,  however,  con- 
centrated his  energies  more  specifically  upon  the  control  of  the  office  interests 
at  the  factory  on  Southwest  boulevard. 

In  1889  Mr.  Battell  was  married  in  Kansas  City  to  Miss  Mary  L.  Meily, 
who  was  here  born  and  is  a  daughter  of  John  E.  and  Rebecca  Meily,  both 
natives  of  Freeport,  Illinois,  and  pioneer  residents  of  Kansas  City,  arriving 
here  in  1858.  The  father  purchased  property  at  the  northeast  corner  of 
Sixteenth  and  Washington  streets,  where  he  built  several  houses.  He  was  a 
carpenter  by  trade  and  for  the  last  twenty-six  years  of  his  life  was  employed 
by  the  Fort  Scott  &  Gulf  Railway  Company  at  Kansas  City  in  the  line  of 
his  chosen  pursuit.  In  1906  he  sustained  an  injury  which  caused  his  death 
in  July  of  that  year.  Mrs.  Meily  still  owns  the  family  homestead  at  No.  442 
West  Sixteenth  street  but  now  resides  with  her  daughter,  Mrs.  Battell.  Coming 
to  Kansas  City  at  an  early  day,  the  Meily  family  were  prominent  among  the 
pioneer  residents  here  and  the  members  of  the  family  are  well  known.  Mrs. 
Meily  has  another  daughter,  Mrs.  James  C.  Rieger,  the  wife  of  a  prominent 
attorney   of  Kansas   City. 

Unto  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Battell  was  born  one  son,  Schieffelin  Meily  Battell, 
who  is  now  attending  the  manual  high  school  and  resides  with  his  mother. 
The  husband  and  father  died  March  1,  1902.  He  was  a  devoted  member  of 
the  Grand  Avenue  Methodist  Episcopal  church,  to  which  Mrs.  Battell  also 
belongs,  while  Mrs.  Meily  is  a  member  of  the  Summit  Avenue  Methodist 
Episcopal  church.  Mr.  Battell  likewise  held  membership  with  the  Retail 
Merchants'  Association  and  was  interested  in  all  that  pertained  to  the  city's 
development  and  commercial  upbuilding.  Socially  he  was  a  charter  member 
of  Modern  AVoodmen  Camp,  No.  2002.  His  political  allegiance  was  given  the 
republican  party.  Interested  in  old  family  relics,  he  had  had  in  his  possession 
a  book  for  many  years — an  old  volume  of  poetry  and  paintings  that  was  writ- 
ten up  and  painted  by  his  uncle  and  is  at  least  a  hundred  years  old.  It  is 
now  in  the  possession  of  Mrs.  Battell. 

Mr.  Battell  never  sought  to  figure  in  public  life  but  in  his  various  asso- 
ciations he  was  a  just  and  considerate  employer,  a  faithful  friend  and  a  de- 
voted husband  and  father.  It  is  not  from  the  few  conspicuous  deeds  of  life 
tliat  the  blcs.sings  chiefly  come  which  make  the  world  sweeter,  better  and  hap- 
pier, but  from  the  countless  lonely  ministrations  of  the  everydays,  the  little 


faithfulnesses  that  fill  long  years.  It  was  these  things  that  endeared  Mr. 
Battell  to  his  family  and  his  friends.  A  year  prior  to  his  death  he  built  a 
nice  residence  at  No.  1315  Prospect  avenue,  where  Mrs.  Battell  and  her  son 
and  her  mother  now  reside.  Two  years  after  her  husband's  demise  she  sold 
her  interest  in  the  business  to  Mr.  Zahner  and  has  her  capital  well  invested. 
Her  entire  life  has  been  passed  in  Kansas  City  and  she  is  thus  largely  familiar 
with  the  history  of  its  development  and  upbuilding. 


Augustus  L.  Chouteau  is  well  remembered  by  many  residents  of  Kan- 
sas City  although  he  was  never  actively  engaged  in  business  here.  He  had 
acquired  a  goodly  fortune  ere  he  took  up  his  abode  here  and  his  last  days 
were  spent  in  the  enjoyment  of  well  earned  ease.  He  belonged  to  a  prom- 
inent old  French  family  which  was  established  in  America  at  an  early  day. 
His  birth  occurred  in  St.  Louis  in  1814.  Both  his  father  and  mother  were 
of  French  ancestry  and  became  residents  of  St.  Louis  in  pioneer  times,  re- 
maining there  until  called  to  the  home  beyond. 

Augustus  L.  Chouteau  acquired  an  excellent  education  in  the  Jesuit 
College  of  St.  Louis  and  while  a  young  man  he  entered  the  employ  of  his 
uncle,  Pierre  Chouteau,  who  was  engaged  in  the  fur  business  in  St.  Louis 
under  the  name  of  the  Missouri  Fur  Company  and  who  sent  his  nephew 
west  to  buy  furs.  Augustus  Chouteau  therefore  spent  nine  years  in  the 
Rocky  mountains  buying  and  trading  in  furs  among  the  Indians  and  be- 
coming familiar  with  the  various  phases  of  frontier  life,  gaining  as  well  an 
intimate  knowledge  of  the  methods  employed  by  the  red  men  in  their  bus- 
iness transactions.  At  length  he  returned  to  St.  Louis  and  began  business  on 
his  own  account,  dealing  in  fancy  groceries  for  a  few  years.  He  then  re- 
moved to  Alton,  Illinois,  which  was  then  a  small  town,  and  began  buying 
and  improving  property.  At  one  time  he  owned  nearly  all  of  that  city.  He 
would  purchase  lots  and  transform  unsightly  vacancies  into  fine  residence 
districts,  becoming  well  known  as  a  speculative  builder.  His  excellent  judg- 
ment in  matters  of  real-estate  investment  brought  him  splendid  success  and 
he  continued  in  the  general  real-estate  business  of  Alton  for  over  thirty 
years,  realizing  most  gratifying  profit  upon  his  purchases  and  sales  of  prop- 
erty. As  time  passed  he  advanced  from  affluence  to  wealth  and  as  a  capital- 
ist removed  to  Chicago,  where  he  resided  for  two  years,  coming  thence  to 
Kansas  City  in  1878.  He  embarked  in  no  active  business  enterprise  here, 
deriving  his  income  from  his  valuable  investments  and  enjoying  during  his 
remaining  days  a  well  earned  retirement  from  business  cares. 

Mr.  Chouteau  was  married  in  Alton,  Illinois,  to  Miss  Elizabeth  H. 
Bnnier.  a  daughter  of  Jacob  and  Mary  (Dodge)  Bruner.  The  mother  was 
a  native  of  Salem,  Massachusetts.  The  father  was  born  in  Kentucky  and 
the  town  of  Brunersville  was  named  in  honor  of  his  father.  Jacob  Bruner 
removed  from  the  Blue  Grass  state  to  Edwardsville,  Illinois,  where  for  sev- 


eral  years  he  engaged  in  the  hat  manufacturing  business  and  then  took  up 
his  abode  in  Alton  among  its  early  settlers,  for  the  town  had  but  recently 
been  established.  He  was  made  the  first  postmaster  at  Alton  and  was  other- 
wise identified  with  its  early  development  and  upbuilding.  He  was  after- 
ward appointed  warden  of  the  state  penitentiary  at  Alton  and  filled  that 
position  for  four  years.  On  his  retirement  he  engaged  in  the  dry  goods  bus- 
iness and  continued  in  that  line  throughout  his  remaining  days.  Both  he 
and  his  wife  passed  away  in  Alton. 

Unto  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chouteau  were  born,  eleven  children,  seven  of  whom, 
are  yet  living,  namely:  Amidee  B.,  who  now  resides  iii*San  Francisco,  Cal- 
ifornia; Mrs.  Julia  M.  Legg,  of  Kansas  City,  Kansas;  Augustus  L.,  who  is 
now  engaged  in  the  cigar  business  at  No.  118  West  Eighth  street  in  Kansas 
City;  Clara  C,  the  wife  of  Dr.  Thomas  J.  Beattie,  one  of  the  most  prom- 
inent physicians  of  Kansas  City;  Mrs.  Louise  Breeder,  of  Kansas  City; 
Blanche  E.,  who  resides  with  her  mother;  and  Lillian  C,  the  wife  of  Fred 
C.  Merry,  of  the  Merry  Optical  Company,  of  Kansas  City,  Those  deceased 
are  Mrs.  Mary  Piatt,  Mrs.  Lilly  Shoemaker,  William  B.  and  Eva.  The  last 
two  died  in  childhood. 

The  death  of  the  husband  and  father  occurred  December  1,  1887,  after 
which  his  remains  were  taken  to  Alton,  Illinois,  for  interment.  He  was  a 
communicant  of  the  Catholic  church,  to  which  Mrs.  Chouteau  yet  belongs. 
His  business  career  was  notably  exceptional  in  its  success.  He  possessed 
remarkable  sagacity  and  enterprise  and  was  seldom,  if  ever,  at  error  in  mat- 
ters of  business  judgment,  especially  concerning  real-estate  investment.  He 
won  splendid  success  and  was  thus  enabled  to  leave  his  family  in  very  com- 
fortable financial  circumstances.  Since  losing  her  husband  ]\Irs.  Chouteau 
has  made  her  home  with  her  children  in  Kansas  City  and  is  now  living 
with  her  daughter.  Mrs.  Dr.  Beattie,  at  No.  1201  Linwood  boulevard. 


Theodor  C.  Peltzer,  for  fourteen  years  a  representative  of  the  real-estate 
and  loan  business  in  Kansas  City,  arrived  here  in  company  with  his  father, 
Theodor  Peltzer,  Sr.,  from  Atchison.  Kansas.  The  father  engaged  in  l)rick 
manufacturing  at  the  corner  of  Third  and  Wyandotte  streets,  where  the  Grand 
Central  depot  is  now  located,  a  few  years  later  the  McClelland.  Stunipf  & 
Peltzer  Brick  Manufacturing  Company  was  organized  with  Theodor  Peltzer 
as  president  and  they  successfully  carried  on  the  enterprise  for  about  twenty 
years.  The  rapid  growth  of  the  city  provided  an  excellent  market  for  the 
manufactured  product  and  as  the  years  passed  the  company  developed  one 
of  the  most  extensive  productive  industries  of  this  character  in  Kansas  City. 
This  firm  manufactured  building  and  other  kinds  of  brick  and  the  extent 
of  its  business  made  Mr.  Peltzer.  in  the  course  of  years,  one  of  the  men  of 
affluence  here.  About  ten  years  ago  he  retired  from  active  business,  spend- 
ing his  remaining  days  in  the  enjoyment  of  a  well  earned  and  richly  merited 


T,.     ,  -i^ 


I  TI LD E  N   yO  iJ  t~  »  AT10NS_ 


rest.  The  only  business  interests  which  claimed  his  attention  were  in  the 
line  of  real-estate  investment  and  loans.  He  passed  away  November  27,  1900, 
and  thus  Kansas  City  lost  a  citizen  whose  value  and  worth  had  long  been 
recognized  and  who  in  business  circles  enjoyed  the  full  confidence  of  his 
colleagues  and  the  admiration  of  his  contemporaries.  He  was  a  native  of 
Germany,  while  his  wife,  who  bore  the  maiden  name  of  Gertrude  Merwick, 
was  born  in  Holland.  Their  family  numbered  four  children:  William  P., 
Herman  J.,  Mrs.  Mary  Kurt  and  Theodor  C,  all  residents  of  Kansas  City. 

Theodor  C.  Peltzer,  whose  name  introduces  this  review,  is  a  native  of 
AVinthrop,  Missouri,  born  November  28,  1875.  The  removal  of  his  family 
to  Kansas  City  during  his  early  childhood  enabled  him  to  pursue  his  educa- 
tion in  the  Linwood  school  here,  w^hile  later  he  attended  St.  Benedict's  Col- 
lege, from  which  he  was  graduated  in  the  class  of  1894.  Immediately  after- 
ward he  entered  the  field  of  real-estate  operation  in  Kansas  City  and  has  since 
carried  on  a  successful  real-estate  and  loan  business.  For  a  few  years  be 
was  also  interested  in  doing  some  building  but  of  late  years  has  confined 
his  attention  more  largely  to  the  loan  and  fire  insurance  business  and  to 
his  real-estate  operations.  He  purchased  the  real-estate  business  of  E.  H. 
Phelps  &  Company,  W.  G.  Leggett  and  the  E.  P.  Sexton  Realty  Company 
and  is  now  widely  recognized  as  one  of  the  prominent  representatives  of 
this  field  of  activity  in  Kansas  City.  He  is  also  the  owner  of  the  old  family 
home  at  the  northwest  corner  of  Linwood  and  Pa.seo,  which  he  purchased 
soon  after  his  mother's  death  and  which  he  now  occupies. 

Mr.  Peltyer  was  married  on  the  28th  of  June,  1904,  to  Miss  Mattie 
Couch,  who  was  born  in  Olathe,  Kansas,  but  has  spent  the  greater  part  of 
her  ]if^  in  Kansas  City.  Mr.  Peltzer  is  a  member  of  the  Kansas  City 
Athletic  Club,  the  Automobile  Club  and  of  the  Knights  of  Columbus,  while 
his  religious  faith  is  indicated  by  his  membership  in  the  Catholic  church. 
He  is  now  a  prosperous  man,  owing  to  his  unwearied  industry.  There  is 
about  him  an  atmosphere  of  push  and  determination  and  of  energy  well  con- 
trolled. He  has  placed  a  correct  valuation  upon  life's  contacts  and'  expe- 
riences, has  learned  to  make  the  best  use  of  every  opportunity  and  not  a  little 
of  his  success  is  due  to  the  fact  of  his  correct  reading  of  men  and  character. 


Kansas  City  in  recent  years  has  taken  rank  with  the  metropolitan  trade 
centers  of  the  country,  its  commercial  and  industrial  interests  bringing  it  into 
close  connection  with  the  outside  world  and  promoting  its  prosperity  and 
development.  Among  the  enterprises  which  are  factors  therein  is  included 
the  wholesale  business  of  Frank  B.  Lewis,  a  dealer  in  leather  findings  and 
shoe  store  supplies.  He  was  born  in  Savannah,  Georgia,  on  the  14th  of 
March,  1853,  his  parents  being  Robert  A.  and  Catherine  A.  (Cook)  Lewis. 
He  traces  his  ancestry  in  the  maternal  line  back  to  Lieutenant  Colonel  Bar- 
rington,  who  was  a  cousin  of  General  Oglethorpe,  the  founder  of  the  colony 


of  Georgia,  receiving  the  territory  within  its  borders  as  a  grant  from  King 
George  III,  of  England,  together  with  a  large  sum  of  money  which  was  used 
in  opening  the  prison  doors  of  England  and  thus  freeing  the  Huguenots,  who 
were  brought  to  this  country  to  settle  the  new  colony.  The  state  was  named 
by  the  Colonel  in  honor  of  King  George.  Lieutenant  Colonel  Barrington  was 
the  great  grandfather  of  Frank  B.  Lewis  and  his  daughter  became  the  wife  of 
Wiliam  Cook,  an  English  barrister,  who  settled  in  Georgia,  but  later  both 
Mr.  Cook  and  the  Lieutenant  Colonel  Barrington  returned  to  England,  where 
their  last  days  were  passed. 

Robert  A.  Lewis  was  a  native  of  Georgia,  his  grandfather  having  come 
into  that  country  with  the  French  Huguenots.  In  the  state  which  was  the 
home  of  his  ancestors  Frank  B.  Lewis  was  born  but  was  largely  reared  and 
acquired  his  education  in  New^  York  city,  where  his  parents  removed  when 
he  was  but  a  year  old.  At  the  age  of  eighteen  years  he  secured  a  position 
in  a  leather  findings  house  and  there  became  thoroughly  acquainted  with 
the  business  in  principle  and  detail.  In  1880  he  embarked  in  business  on 
his  ow^n  account,  laying  the  foundation  for  the  present  successful  mercantile 
enterprise  which  he  is  now  conducting  and  which  is  the  largest  of  the  kind 
in  this  city.  He  deals  extensively  in  leather  findings  and  shoe  store  supplies 
and  has  built  up  an  excellent  patronage  which  brings  to  him  a  large  volume 
of  trade  annually. 

In  1894  Mr.  Lewis  was  united  in  marriage  to  Miss  Ardena  Whitsett,  of 
Kansas  City.  They  have  two  children :  Margaret  B.  and  Frances  A.  In 
politics  Mr.  Lewis  is  a  democrat,  but  without  aspiration  for  office.  He  gives 
undivided  attention  to  his  business  affairs,  which,  capably  conducted,  are 
bringing  to  him  signal  success. 


America,  ably  termed  the  land  of  opportunity,  gave  to  August  R.  Meyer 
his  chance  of  success.  The  difference  between  a  prosperous  man  and  he  who 
meets  only  failure,  however,  is  that  one  sees  and  utilizes  the  advantages  and 
the  other  passes  them  by  heedlessly.  One  of  the  world's  w'orkers,  developing 
his  native  powers  by  broad  study  and  experience,  August  R.  Meyer  gained  a 
position  of  distinctive  prominence  as  a  representative  of  the  great  mining 
industries  of  the  west.  He  w^as  notable,  moreover,  in  that  few  men  who 
attain  the  financial  prominence  that  came  to  hi  in  enjoy  in  so  large  a  degree 
the  confidence,  honor  and  respect  of  those  with  whom  they  are  associated. 
Too  often  the  acquircnicnt  of  wealth  leaves  the  marks  and  scars  of  the  battle, 
but  throughout  an  intensely  active  life  Mr.  Meyer  also  cultivated  those  graces 
of  character  which  are  manifest  in  an  acknowledgment  of  the  rights  of  others 
for  kindly  consideration  for  one's  fellow  travelers  on  life's  journey  and  an 
appreciation  of  all  that  promotes  intellectual,  esthetic  and  moral  culture. 
Thus  the  people  who  knew^  him  in  his  lifetime  rejoiced  in  the  honors  and 


successes  to  which  he  attained  and  ever  cherished  his  memory  since  he  has 
been  called  from  the  scene  of  earthly  activities. 

Mr.  Meyer  was  one  of  Missouri's  native  sons,  born  in  St.  Louis  in  1851. 
His  father,  Heinrich  Peter  Meyer,  was  a  native  of  Hamburg,  and  the  mother, 
who  bore  the  maiden  name  of  Margaretha  Krafts,  was  also  of  German 
nativity.  When  a  young  man  the  father,  crossing  the  Atlantic  to  America 
to  enjoy  its  more  extended  business  privileges,  settled  in  St.  Louis,  where  he 
became  the  head  of  an  extensive  business  conducted  under  the  name  of  the  St. 
Louis  Woodenware  Company,  an  enterprise  that  is  still  in  existence.  He  was 
very  successful,  the  business  securing  a  volume  of  trade  which  enabled  him 
to  advance  to  a  position  in  the  ranks  of  the  wealthy  manufacturers  of  St. 

In  the  schools  of  his  native  city  August  R.  Meyer  pursued  his  early 
education  and  at  the  age  of  fourteen  was  sent  to  Europe  to  complete  his 
studies.  He  was  for  some  time  a  student  in  the  Collge  of  Canton  Zurich, 
Switzerland,  and  having  made  choice  of  mining  engineering  as  a  profession 
he  completed  his  scientific  education  in  the  school  of  mines  at  Freiberg, 
Saxony,  from  which  he  was  graduated  in  1872.  Subsequently  he  spent  several 
terms  as  a  student  in  the  University  of  Berlin  and  later  traveled  through  the 
leading  mining  countries  of  Europe,  studying  the  practical  work  carried  on 
in  the  field.  Thus  equipped  with  the  best  training  that  the  old  world  could 
afford,  Mr.  Meyer  returned  to  St.  Louis  and  for  a  period  was  engaged  in 
examining  coal  lands  in  Illinois.  He  soon  passed  on  to  positions  of  executive 
control,  subsequently  bending  his  energies  largely  to  organization,  to  con- 
structive efforts  and  administrative  direction.  Possessing  broad,  enlightened 
and  liberal-minded  views,  faith  in  himself  and  in  the  vast  potentialities  in- 
herent in  his  country's  wide  domain,  the  specific  needs  along  the  distinctive 
lines  chosen  for  his  life  work,  his  was  an  active  career,  in  which  he  acom- 
plished  important  and  far-reaching  results.  In  the  spring  of  1874  he  went  ta 
Colorado  and  soon  after  was  appointed  government  assayer  for  the  district  of 
Fairplay,  the  appointment  coming  to  him  in  recognition  of  a  scientific  paper 
which  he  had  written  soon  after  his  return  to  America  and  which  attracted 
widespread  attention  and  endorsement. 

Mr.  Meyer  continued  in  that  position  until  1875  and  then  became  senior 
partner  of  the  firm  of  A.  R.  Meyer  &  Company,  which  opened  an  ore-crush- 
ing mill  at  Alma,  Colorado,  and  conducted  business  at  that  point  until  1881. 
His  work  in  the  development  of  the  mining  resources  of  the  state  forms  an 
integral  and  important  chapter  in  Colorado's  history.  He  was  one  of  the 
three  founders  of  Leadville,  visiting  the  site  of  that  city  in  the  fall  of  1877, 
when  the  locality  was  known  as  Caifornia  Gulch.  He  made  a  critical  ex- 
amination of  the  mineral  deposits,  and  being  satisfied  that  the  district  con- 
tained vast  hidden  wealth  he  purchased  thirty  acres  and  began  the  develop- 
ment of  the  property.  In  February,  1878,  with  Alvinus  B.  Wood,  of  Ann 
Arbor,  Michigan,  and  George  L.  Henderson  of  Ohio,  he  laid  out  the  town, 
secured  a  postofRce  and  gave  to  the  place  the  name  of  Leadville.  He  was^ 
also  the  pioneer  here  in  its  industrial  interests,  building  its  first  sampling  and 
smelting  works.     In   1879,   associated  with  Governor  Taber  and  others,  he 


laid  out  the  addition,  including  Harrison  avenue,  which  is  now  the  most  im- 
portant thoroughfare  of  the  city.  He  was  also  at  the  head  of  the  Meyer 
Mining  Company  of  Leadville  and  there  resided  until  1881. 

Each  forward  step  in  his  career  had  brought  yir.  Meyer  a  broader  out- 
look and  wider  scope  for  his  activities,  and  his  business  life  was  notable  by 
reason  of  his  sound  judgment  and  wonderfully  keen  discernment.  He  made 
a  general  study  of  Kansas  City,  its  commercial  prospects  and!  its  railroad 
advantages,  with  the  result  that  he  determined  to  make  it  the  place  of  his 
business  headquarters  and  his  permanent  re-idencc.  P'ollowing  his  removal 
here  he  joined  N.  Witherall  and  T.  Burdell  in  purchasing  the  small  smelting 
plant  at  Argentine.  Mr.  Meyer  then  reorganized  the  company,  remodeled  and 
enlarged  the  works  and  began  operations.  From  the  beginning  the  new 
enterprise  proved  a  profitable  venture  and  the  growth  of  the  business  resulted 
in  the  capitalization  of  the  company  for  two  million  dollars,  while  the  annual 
business  transacted  reached  fifteen  million  dollars.  Constantly  watchful  of 
opportunities,  in  1899  the  fertile  brain  of  Mr.  Meyer  conceived  the  idea  of 
developing  a  subsidiary  interest  in  connection  with  the  smelter  property. 
This  resulted  in  the  organization  of  the  Southwest  Chemical  Company,  while 
later  the  plant  was  enlarged  and  the  business  reincorporated  under  the  style 
of  the  United  Zinc  &  Chemical  Company,  with  ]Mr.  ^Meyer  as  president  and 
one  of  the  heavy  stockholders,  his  leading  associates  in  the  enterprise  being 
B.  D.  Rowe,  of  Kansas  City,  and  John  Greenough,  of  New  York.  It  was  Mr. 
Meyer's  knowledge  of  chemistry  and  his  comprehensive  understanding  of  the 
mining  industry  in  all  of  its  ditferent  phases'  that  suggested  the  establishment 
and  proved  a  strong  feature  in  its  success. 

The  company  was  organized  with  a  capital  of  three  and  a  half  million 
dollars  and  has  two  plants,  one  in  Argentine  and  the  other  at  lola,  Kansas, 
employment  being  furnished  by  the  company  to  one  thousand  men.  Mr. 
Meyer  devoted  his  energies  largely  during  the  last  six  years  of  his  life  to 
the  development  of  the  business.  In  his  capacity  as  a  mining  engineer  and 
a  controlling  spirit  in  enterprises  that  resulted  from  his  knowedge  along  that 
line,  he  contributed  in  no  small  degree  to  the  expansion  and  material  growth 
of  the  and  himself  derived  therefrom  substantial  benefits.  He  owned 
valuable  mining  i)roperties  in  Colorado  and  other  sections  of  the  country 
and  also  invested  quite  largely  in  real  estate,  having  considerable  property  in 
Kansas  City,  inchiding  his  residence  at  the  corner  of  Forty-fourth  street  and 
Warwick  biMilc\;n'<l.  wliich.  l)y  the  consensus  of  pulilic  (>|>iiii()ii.  is  acknowl- 
edged the  most  beautiful  home  in  Kansas  City. 

Mr.  ^Nloyei-  wa.^  married  in  Denver,  Colorado,  in  1878,  to  Miss  Emma  J. 
Hixon,  a  daughter  of  John  B.  Hixon,  of  that  state.  They  became  the  parents 
of  seven  children,  of  whom  five  are  living:  Ruth,  the  wife  of  William  Allen 
Smith,  of  lola,  Alfred,  Agnes,  Henry  and  Pliilli]).  the  youngest  now 
eight  years  of  age.  The  death  of  the  husband  and  father  occurred  December 
1,  1905,  and  while  his  loss  was  most  deeply  regretted  in  the  city  and  in  busi- 
ness circles,  it  came  with  the  greatest  force  to  his  family,  for  he  was  a  devoted 
husband  and  father.  After  becoming  a  resident  of  Kansas  City  he  was  most 
actively   and   helpfuly    associated    Mith    nmch    that   pertained    to    municipal 


progress  and  improvement.  He  was  a  leading  spirit  in  the  movement  ''to 
make  Kansas  City  beautiful,"  and  was  chosen  president  of  the  park  board, 
serving  in  that  capacity  when  the  system  of  parks  and  boulevards  was  planned. 
One  thoroughly  familiar  with  the  history  of  the  city  said  of  Mr,  Meyer:  "He 
spent  much  time  and  money  to  advance  the  park  plans ;  he  did  this  out  of  no 
other  motive  than  the  upbuilding  and  progress  of  the  city  which  he  had 
chosen  as  his  permanent  home.  Mr.  Meyer  was  always  interested  in  parks 
and  his  extensive  travels  gave  him  opportunities  of  seeing  all  of  the  famous 
parks  in  the  United  States  and  many  abroad. 

A  beautiful  piece  of  boulevard  in  the  southern  part  of  the  city  has  been 
named  Meyer  road  in  his  honor.  His  cooperation  Avas  never  sought  in  vain 
when  the  purpose  was  public  improvement  and  he  looked  upon  the  exigencies 
of  the  moment  and  the  possibilities  of  the  future  and  labored  for  later  as 
well  as  present  generations.  He  was  president  of  the  Commercial  Club  in 
1895  and  1896  and  for  several  years  served  on  its  directorate.  At  different 
times  he  was  treasurer  of  the  board  of  trustees  of  the  Young  Men's  Christian 
Association ;  was  president  of  the  Provident  Association ;  was  a  member  of 
the  board  of  trustees  of  the  Children's  Free  Hospital;  and  a  member  of  the 
board  of  trustees  of  the  First  Congregational  church.  As  few  men  have  done, 
he  realized  the  responsibilities  of  wealth  and  acknowledged  his  individual 
obligation.  What  he  did  arose  from  a  sincere  interest  in  his  fellowmen. 
The  accumulation  of  wealth  was  never  allowed  to  warp  his  kindly,  generous 
nature,  but  on  the  contrary  his  humanitarianism  developed  with  the  progress 
of  his  success  and  his  esthetic  culture.  Few  men  have  enjoyed  in  so  large 
measure  the  respect,  popularity  and  the  honor  that  was  accorded  August 
R.  Meyer,  and  perhaps  no  better  testimonial  of  his  position  can  be  given 
than  the  fact  that  soon  after  his  death  the  Commercial  Club  instituted  a 
movement  for  a  memorial  statue  to  be  erected  to  his  memory.  A  large  fund 
was  subscribed  and  collected  and  a  commission  given  to  Daniel  Chester 
French,  the  eminent  American  sculptor,  to  execute  a  portrait  study  of  heroic 
size,  which  was  placed  in  one  of  the  public  parks  in  the  year  1908.  Thus 
until  the  stone  shall  crumble  long  ages  hence  Kansas  City  w'ill  know  of  one 
who  was  her  benefactor  and  who  contributed  so  largely  to  her  improvement 
and    adornment. 


No  history  of  the  legal  profession  in  Kansas  City  would  be  complete 
without  mention  of  John  Cutter  Gage,  now  one  of  the  oldest  practitioners 
at  the  bar  of  Jackson  county.  Moreover,  he  was  the  first  president  of  the 
Kansas  City  Bar  Association  and  also  the  Law  Library  Association  and  at  one 
time  was  president  of  the  State  Bar  Association.  His  life  record  began  at 
Pelham,  New  Hampshire,  April  20,  1835.  The  ancestry  of  the  family  is 
traced  back  to  John  Gage,  who  came  from  England  in  1630  and  settled  in 
Boston.       His  father,  Frye  Gage,  was  a  New  England  farmer  and  married 


Kesiah  Cutter.  The  boyhood  days  of  John  Cutter  Gage  were  spent  on  the 
homestead  farm,  his  time  divided  between  the  duties  of  the  fields  and  the 
work  of  the  schoolroom  until  he  had  mastered  the  elementary  branches  of 
English  learning,  when  he  entered  Phillips  Academy,  where  he  prepared  for 
college,  matriculating  at  Dartmouth  in  1852.  After  completing  the  work 
of  the  freshman  and  sophomore  years  in  that  institution  he  entered  Harvard 
College  in  1855  and  was  graduated  therefrom  in  1856.  Having  determined 
to  make  the  practice  of  law  his  life  work,  he  became  a  student  in  the  office 
•of  S.  A.  Brown,  then  a  leading  attorney  of  Lowell,  Massachusetts,  and  was 
admitted  to  the  bar  in  Boston  in  1858. 

In  the  following  March  Mr.  Gage  arrived  in  Kansas  City,  where  he  has 
■now  continuously  practiced  for  forty-nine  years,  being  one  of  the  oldest  as 
well  as  ablest  representatives  of  the  legal  fraternity  here.  In  1860  he  be- 
came a  partner  of  William  C.  Woodson  and  in  18'66  entered  into  partnership 
relations  with  William  Doug,  which  continued  until  1869.  In  1870  he  was 
joined  by  Sanford  D.  Ladd  in  the  practice  of  law  and  the  admission  of  Charles 
E.  Small  to  the  firm  in  1878  led  to  the  adoption  of  the  firm  name  of  Gage, 
Ladd  &  Small.  This  is  one  of  the  strongest  law  firms  of  the  city,  having  had 
a  continuous  existence  of  thirty  years  while  his  association  with  Mr.  Ladd 
covers  thirty-eight  years.  In  his  practice  Mr.  Gage  has  won  a  large  percentage 
of  the  cases  that  have  been  entrusted  to  him.  He  convinces  by  his  concise 
statements  of  law  and  facts  rather  than  by  word  painting  and  so  high  is  the 
respect  for  his  legal  ability  and  integrity  that  his  assertions  in  court  are  sel- 
dom questioned  seriously.  Judges  and  clients  also  respect  him  for  his  care- 
ful counsel.  He  is  a  man  of  most  courteous  manner  and  yet  firm  and  un- 
yielding in  all  that  he  believes  to  be  right.  Whatever  he  does  is  for  the  best 
interests  of  his  clients  and  for  the  honor  of  his  profession  and  no  man  gives 
to  either  a  more  unqualified  allegiance  or  riper  ability.  His  standing  in  the 
profession  is  indicated  by  the  fact  that  he  was  honored  with  the  presidency 
of  the  Kansas  City  Bar  Association  upon  its  formation  and  also  of  the  Law 
Library  Association,  while  his  position  in  the  profession  in  the  state  was  at- 
tested by  his  selection  for  the  presidency  of  the  State  Bar  Assocation  in  1884. 
No  man  is  more  familiar  with  the  personnel  nor  the  history  of  judicial  pro- 
ceedings of  the  state  than  Mr.  Gage,  who  has  written  many  historical  articles 
upon  the  bench  and  bar  of  Missouri. 

On  the  26th  of  April,  1886,  Mr.  Gage  was  married  to  Miss  Ida  Bailey, 
a  daughter  of  Dr.  Elijah  Bailey,  of  Monroe  couiily,  Missouri,  and  they  have 
two  children,  John  Bailey  and  Marion  Manseur. 


When  a  man  has  traveled  far  on  life's  journey  it  is  a  source  of  satis- 
faction to  his  friends  that  in  the  evening  of  his  days  he  can  enjoy  rest  with- 
out further  recourse  to  labor.  Nature  seems  to  have  intended  that  this  should 
be  the  case,  for  in  youth  mic  is  full  of  the  energy  and  hope  of  early  life,  and  in 



TILDI   N    rc   :r:)*,\TIONS 


later  years  these  qualities  are  directed  by  the  sound  judgment  which  results 
from  practical  experience,  and  if  one's  labors  be  persistent  and  intelligently 
directed  there  results  a  measure  of  success  which  makes  it  possible  for  the 
individual  to  put  aside  business  cares  in  his  later  years.  Such  has  been  the 
course  of  Mr.  Kraus,  whose  life  of  intense  activity  is  now  crowned  with  an 
age  of  ease.  He  was  born  in  Baden,  Germany,  in  April  26,  1831,  and  came 
to  America  in  the  spring  of  1850.  He  was  then  a  young  man  of  nineteen 
years,  ambitious  to  make  his  way  in  the  world  and  realizing  also  that  ''there 
is  no  excellence  without  labor."  He  had  about  twenty-five  dollars  when  he 
landed  in  America.  He  began  selling  oil  cloths  for  tables — traveled  through  the 
country  on  foot,  and  was  thus  engaged  for  four  years,  making  money  in  that 
venture.  In  1854  he  went  to  Madison,  Wisconsin,  where  he  and  his  brother 
ran  a  hotel,  there  remaining  until  1857,  when  Philip  Kraus  left  that  place 
by  boat  and  went  down  the  river  to  St.  Louis.  From  that  point  he  proceeded 
up  the  Missouri  river  to  Kansas  City,  arriving  here  in  May,  1857,  when  the 
town  was  small  and  of  little  industrial  or  commercial  importance.  In  the 
early  days  of  his  residence  here  he  knew  every  man  engaged  in  business  in 
Kansas  City.  This  seemed  almost  the  last  point  of  civilization  before  one  ven- 
tured upon  the  plains,  where  the  Indians  were  numerous  and  often  manifested 
,  open  hostility  toward  the  white  race.  Mr.  Kraus,  however,  made  it  his  busi- 
ness to  engage  in  trading  with  the  red  men,  selling  goods  to  the  Shawnee 
and  Delaware  Indians  for  three  years,  going  out  among  them  with  wagons 
in  which  he  carried  such  goods  as  he  knew  they  desired.  He  afterward  estab- 
lished a  store  at  Shawnee,  which  he  conducted  until  it  was  destroyed  by  fire  in 
1863.  In  that  year  he  went  to  Fort  Scott,  Kansas,  and  also  at  Fort  Smith, 
and  while  in  the  state  was  forced  into  the  service  of  the  army,  cutting  trees, 
etc.  In  1865  he  returned  to  Kansas  Citv  and  in  the  vear  1866  became  a  resi- 
dent  of  Holland,  Clay  county,  Missouri,  becoming  closely  identified  with  the 
upbuilding  of  that  place  in  pioneer  times.  He  conducted  a  general  store  there, 
assisted  in  establishing  the  postoffice  and  was  postmaster  at  that  point  for 
twenty-one  years.  Again  he  came  to  Kansfis  City  in  1871  and  bought  a  corner 
lot  at  Tracy  and  West  Ninth  street.  Around  this  he  built  a  wall  and  upon 
the  ground  erected  a  small  house,  but  in  1888  he  began  the  erection  of  flats 
there  and  added  to  the  original  number,  until  he  now  has  twenty-three  apart- 
ments, ranging  from  three  to  six  rooms  each.  Of  the  rental  and  care  of  this 
property  he  and  his  son  now  have  charge,  but  the  latter  is  largely  relieving 
the  father  of  the  business  management,  and  Mr.  Kraus  is  thus  enabled  to 
enjoy  well  earned  rest.  From  time  to  time  he  made  judicious  and  well  placed 
investment  in  property,  owning  considerable  land  in  Clay  county,  including 
two  hundred  acres  near  Birmingham.  Through  his  purchase  and  sale  of 
real  estate  he  made  considerable  money  and  thus,  with  a  gratifying  competence 
to  supply  all  his  needs,  is  now  enjoying  life  and  the  rest  which  should  ever 
crown  earnest  effort  and  long  continued  toil. 

Mr.  Kraus  was  married  in  Clay  county  to  Miss  Catherine  Klamn  in  1872, 
and  unto  them  were  born  two  children,  but  the  daughter  died  in  early  life. 
The  son,  John  P.,  was  born  in  Harlem,  Clay  county,  in  1873,  and  was  edu- 
cated in  the  Woodland  public  school  of  Kansas  City  and  in  the  German 


schools.  He  is  now  associated  with  his  father  in  the  management  of  busi- 
ness interests,  which  are  carefully  conducted,  and  are  bringing  a  gratifying 
financial  return  annually.  A  well  spent  and  honorable  life  has  gained  for 
Mr.  Kraus  the  respect  and  esteem  of  all  with  whom  he  has  been  brought 
in  contact,  and  he  is  well  known  in  this  part  of  the  state  as  one  whose  efforts 
in  the  upbuilding  of  the  west  have  been  effective  and  far-reaching. 


AVhen  ambition  is  satisfied  and  every  ultimate  aim  accomplished,  satiety 
follows,  effort  languishes  and  industry  becomes  futile.  It  is  the  man  who  is 
not  satisfied  with  present  conditions  who  delights  in  the  doing,  who  finds 
pleasure  in  exerting  his  powers  and  in  solving  intricate  problems  that  becomes 
a  forceful  factor  in  the  world's  development.  From  early  youth  Robert  Alex- 
ander Long  has  been  one  of  the  world's  workers  and  his  success,  so  great  as 
to  seem  almost  magical,  is  attributable  directly  to  his  own  labors. 

The  rapid  development  of  all  material  resources  during  the  closing  years 
of  the  nineteenth  century  and  the  opening  years  of  the  twentieth  has  brought 
business  enterprises  up  from  the  day  of  small  things  to  gigantic 
proportions,  where  millions  of  dollars  take  the  place  of  hundreds  and  where 
men  are  required  to  handle  thousands  as  carefully  and  as  successfully  as  their 
grandfathers  handled  hundreds.  All  the  history  of  the  world  shows  that  to 
grapple  with  new  conditions,  to  fill  breaches  in  all  great  crises  men  have  been 
developed  and  have  stood  ready  to  assume  new  and  great  responsibilities  and 
have  discharged  them  well  and  profitably.  Many  youths  now  taking  their  first 
lessons  in  practical  business  will  work  up  gradually  from  one  responsibility 
to  one  higher  and  then  to  still  higher  ones,  as  R.  A.  Long  has  done,  for  what 
he  has  accomplished  others  maj^  do.  True  his  have  been  ''massive  deeds  and 
great"  in  one  sense  and  yet  his  entire  accomplishment  but  represents  the 
fit  utilization  of  the  innate  talents  which  were  his. 

His  life  record  began  in  Shelby  county,  Kentucky,  in  December,  1850. 
His  father  was  an  intensely  practical,  methodical  and  ambitious  man,  who 
believed  in  doing  not  dreaming.  There  was,  however,  an  imaginative  spirit 
in  Robert  A.  Long  that  led  him  at  times  out  of  his  farm  life  environment 
into  great  future  possibilities.  He  formed  plans  and  looked  forward  to  the 
day  when  his  lines  of  life  would  not  hold  him  to  the  plow  but  when  he  would 
become  a  forceful  factor  in  great  business  undertakings.  However,  in  his 
boyhood  and  youth  he  was  held  down  to  the  work  of  the  fields  and  to  the 
acquirement  of  an  education  in  the  public  schools,  which  he  attended  until 
his  seventeenth  year,  when  necessity  forced  him  to  give  his  undivided  atten- 
tion to  business,  his  services  being  needed  on  the  old  home  farm.  There  he 
continued  to  the  age  of  twenty-two  years,  when  his  life  broadened  perceptibly 
in   its  ]»(»>sibilities  and  outlook. 

He  came  to  Kansas  City  to  visit  his  uncle,  C.  J.  White,  then  cashier  of 
the  City  Savings  Rank.     Mr.  White  had  a  son,  Robert,  and  Dr.  J.  B. 


Bell,  president  of  the  bank,  had  a  son,  Victor  B.  Bell.  The  three  young  men 
were  about  of  an  age  and  in  that  summer  they  joined  in  a  business  enter- 
prise which  constituted  the  nucleus  of  the  Long  and  Bell  fortunes.  R.  A. 
Long  had  saved  a  hundred  or  two  dollars,  the  others  had  less  but  they  had 
credit  at  the  Kansas  City  Savings  Bank.  Going  to  Columbus,  Kansas,  they 
there  established  a  lumber  business,  taking  with  them  a  carload  of  lumber. 
Although  Mr.  Long  had  to  some  extent  hitherto  been  regarded  as  somewhat 
visionary,  the  practical  side  of  his  nature  here  developed  with  remarkable 
rapidity.  He  had  found  a  business  that  was  congenial  and  one  which  offered 
unlimited  possibilities.  The  broad  prairies  of  Kansas  had  no  timber  supply 
and  the  young  men  realized  that  it  would  be  a  wise  thing  to  establish  lumber- 
yards elsewhere  in  the  newly  developing  state.  After  two  years  Mr.  White 
died  but  the  firm  of  Long  &  Bell  continued,  constantly  extending  their  busi- 
ness until  when  Mr.  Bell  died  two  or  three  years  ago  their  interests  included 
nearly  out'  hundred  lumberyards  through  the  we.--t  and  southwest,  together 
with  enormous  mill  properties,  nearly  four  hundred  thousand  acres  of  timber 
land  in  Louisiana  and  Texas,  railroad  properties,  a  steamship  line,  coal  mines, 
general  mercantile  establishments  and  land  agencies.  The  name  of  Long 
is  inseparably  connected  with  the  development  of  the  lumber  trade  in  the 
^j;  west  and  southwest.  One  of  the  secrets  of  his  success  was  the  fact  that  he 
thoroughly  acquainted  himself  with  the  business  in  every  detail  during  his 
early  connection  therewith.  He  continually  sought  out  new  lines  for  the 
development  of  the  trade  and  he  took  into  his  business  several  axioms  or 
rules  and  has  lived  up  to  them  consistently.  These  include  honesty  and 
sincerity  of  purpose;  a  firm  belief  that  a  man  should  make  himself  felt  in 
his  community  and  that  he  should  acknowledge  always  that  he  owes  much 
to  that  community. 

Each  year  saw  an  increase  in  the  business  of  the  firm — a  new  yard 
opened,  a  new  mill  built,  a  new  store  established — until  the  volume  of  trade 
annually  reaches  into  the  millions.  One  of  the  most  recent  undertakings 
of  the  firm  is  the  erection  of  what  is  known  as  the  R.  A.  Long  building  at 
Tenth  street  and  Grand  avenue.  In  its  construction  one  of  the  air  castles 
of  his  earlier  life  has  taken  substantial  form  and  it  is  a  notable  fact  that 
most  of  the  plans  and  hopes  and  dreams  of  his  earlier  years  have  found  ful- 
fillment in  his  business  life.  The  Long  building  was  erected  at  a  cost  of  more 
than  a  million  dollars  and  is  one  of  the  fine  office  buildings  of  the  country. 
It  is  absolutely  complete  and  thoroughly  equipped,  being  supplied  with  every 
modern  convenience.  This  building  is  characteristic  of  Mr.  Long  in  two  im- 
portant particulars:  permanency  and  organization.  He  w^anted  a  building 
in  which  future  improvements  should  be  anticipated  and  he  sent  his  agent 
all  over  the  country  to  study  office  buildings  and  everything  that  could  be 
used  in  one.  Nothing  but  the  best  material  went  into  it  and  none  but  the 
best  plans  was  utilized.  In  speaking  of  his  success  Mr.  Long  attributes  much 
of  it  to  permanency,  which  he  declares  ''is  the  strength  of  any  organization 
and  without  it  there  can  be  no  loyalty."  He  has  desired  and  won  the  loyalty 
of  all  employes,  a  fact  which  is  indicated  by  the  use  of  the  words  "we"  and 
"ours"  that  are  always  heard  from  the  representatives  of  the  company.    More- 


over  it  has  been  a  plan  of  Mr.  Long's  to  have  some  one  always  ready  to  fill 
another's  place  if  needed.  He  wished  his  employes  to  feel  a  personal  interest 
in  the  business,  to  know  that  his  success  meant  theirs,  and  to  this  end  he 
began  to  distribute  stock  among  his  trusted  employes.  Sometimes  they  had 
enough  money  to  pay  for  it;  very  often  they  bought  it  on  long  time  and  in 
several  notable  instances  the  stock  returned  such  profits  that  it  paid  for  itself 
and  so  really  was  a  gift  to  the  owners. 

Among  the  stockholders  who  have  thus  become  interested  in  the  business 
through  this  plan  of  Mr.  Long's  are:  C.  B.  Sweet,  vice  president  of  the 
Long-Bell  Lumber  Company,  who  has  been  with  the  company  for  twenty- 
one  years;  F.  J.  Bannister,  secretary  and  confidential  man,  fourteen  years; 
J.  H.  Foresman,  retail  department,  sixteen  years;  M.  B.  Nelson,  wholesale, 
nine  years;  and  numerous  mill  managers,  whose  terms  of  service  range  from 
six  to  fifteen  years.  All  own  stock  in  the  company,  or  its  allied  concerns. 
The  scope  of  his  activity  and  of  his  interests  is  indicated  somewhat  by  the 
fact  that  he  is  president  of  the  Long-Bell  Lumber  Company  of  Kansas  City ; 
the  Rapids  Lumber  Company,  Limited,  of  Woodworth,  Louisiana;  the  Ryder- 
King  Lumber  Company  of  Bonami,  Louisiana;  the  Hudson  Lumber  Com- 
pany of  De  Ridder,  Louisiana;  the  Globe  Lumber  Company,  Limited,  of 
Yellow  Pine,  Louisiana;  the  Minnetonka  Lumber  Company,  the  Fidelity; 
Land  &  Improvement  Company,  the  Fidelity  Fuel  Company  and  the  Long- 
Bell  Railway  System.  He  is  also  a  large  stockholder  in  the  Weed  Lumber 
Company  of  Weed,  California,  and  is  interested  in  the  coal  trade  in  the  v\'est. 

Mr.  Long  is  an  excellent  orator  and  debater  and  in  his  discussion  of 
any  subject  shows  a  thorough  mastery  of  the  point  under  consideration. 
While  preeminently  a  practical  business  man,  he  has  never  narrowed  his 
life  down  to  commercialism.  He  is  a  thinker  and  a  student  of  the  signs  of 
the  times  and  of  the  great  questions  bearing  upon  the  economic,  sociological 
and  political  history  of  the  country.  He  is  frequently  heard  in  public  dis- 
cussion of  some  important  question,  not  only  in  Kansas  City  but  in  other 
parts  of  the  country.  lie  says :  "Every  big  business  man  should  write  a  paper 
or  make  a  speech  at  least  twice  a  year,  on  some  live  subject,  not  necessarily 
connected  with  his  business,  that  would  require  investigation.  Investigation 
means  more  knowledge  and  knowledge  is  an  a.-^set."  This  idea  ha-  been  car- 
ried out  by  Mr.  Long's  employes  in  Kansas  City.  Recently  they  organized  a 
Good  Fellowship  association,  in  which  Mr.  Long  immediately  applied  for 
membership  and  in  which  he  takes  great  interest.  The  purpose  is  to  promote 
acquaintance  and  good  felloAvship  among  the  employes  and  at  each  weekly 
meeting  topics  of  interest  outside  the  business  are  discussed.  As  few  men 
have  done,  he  seems  to  realize  the  responsibility  of  riches,  nor  does  he  believe 
that  helping  his  fellowmen  consists  in  moneyed  gifts.  He  gives  of  himself, 
his  time,  his  talents  and  his  learning.  As  he  expressed  it  to  a  friend,  "No 
man  will  get  much  out  of  life  who  lives  wholly  for  himself.  The  man  who 
shuts  himself  away  from  the  world  and  thinks  that  he  and  his  family  circle 
are  all  that  matters  will  find  he's  in  a  mighty  narrow  circle." 

His  aid  is  freely  given  when  sought  in  behalf  of  public  movements  and 
his  contributions  to  charity  have  been  most  generously  but  unostentatiously 


made.  He  was  among  the  first  to  subscribe  a  large  sum  for  the  erection  of 
the  Young  Men's  Christian  Association  building  and  also  contributed  liberally 
toward  the  Independence  Boulevard  Christian  church.  In  fact  he  has  been 
connected  with  every  public  enterprise  for  the  city's  advancement  since  he 
came  to  Kansas  City  sixteen  years  ago.  He  is  in  vital  sympathy  wdth  young 
men  and  women  and  with  the  cause  of  their  education.  His  life  is  a  benefit 
and  stimulus  to  them  and  a  lesson  to  all.  He  finds  his  recreation  in  horse- 
back riding  and  is  the  owner  of  some  of  the  finest  horses  in  the  country.  In 
an  analyzation  of  the  life  work  of  Mr.  Long  with  its  splendid  accomplish- 
ments it  will  be  noticed  that  one  of  his  rules  for  self-government  has  been 
that  concerning  punctuality.  He  never  fails  to  keep  an  engagement  and 
keep  it  at  the  appointed  time.  A  man  of  indefatigable  enterprise  and  fertility 
of  resource,  he  has  carved  his  name  deeply  on  the  record  of  the  commercial 
and  industrial  history  of  the  west,  which  owes  much  of  its  advancement  to 
his  eff"orts.  The  world  needs  more  toilers,  town  builders  and  philanthropists 
like  Robert  Alexander  Long.  He  is  a  man  among  men  in  his  eminent  suc- 
cess, his  broad  views  and  his  upright  life. 


Albert  G.  Smith,  deceased,  who  figured  in  business  circles  in  Kansas 
City  as  a  successful  merchant,  was  a  member  of  one  of  the  pioneer  families 
here,  identified  with  the  interests  of  the  locality  from  1856.  His  life  record 
began  in  Buft'alo,  New  York,  October  13,  1813,  his  parents  being  Emery  and 
Louise  Smith,  who  were  also  natives  of  Buffalo,  where  the  father  engaged  in 
business  as  a  merchant  tailor  until  1856.  when  he  came  to  the,  settling 
in  Kansas  City.  Here  he  invested  his  money  in  real  estate  and  practically 
lived  retired,  but  his  residence  here  was  of  comparatively  short  duration, 
being  terminated  by  death.  The  mother  afterward  made  her  home  with  her 
children  until  her  demise,  which  occurred  at  the  home  of  her  son  Charles  in 
Kansas  City  in  1896.  Her  son  Sylve-ster  T.  Smith  became  one  of  the  most 
prominent  railroad  men  in  the  west,  being  general  superintendent  of  the 
Union  Pacific  Railroad  here  for  many  years.  A  few  years  ago  he  retired 
from  active  business  life  and  is  now  a  resident  of  Chicago. 

In  the  schools  of  his  native  city  Albert  G.  Smith  acquired  his  education 
and  when  thirteen  years  of  age  accompanied  his  parents  on  their  westward 
removal  to  Kansas  City,  where,  in  a  short  time,  he  began  work  in  the  office 
of  the  Union  Pacific  Railroad  Company  with  his  brother.  He  was  soon  pro- 
moted to  general  freight  agent  here  and  continued  in  that  position  for  several 
years,  when  the  company  transferred  him  to  Minneapolis,  Kansas,  and  there 
made  him  general  agent,  in  which  capacity  he  was  retained  until  1888,  when 
he  resigned  and  came  again  to  Kansas  City.  Here  he  turned  his  attention 
to  the  real-estate  business,  in  which  he  continued  for  a  few  years,  when  he 
entered  the  field  of  merchandising,  establishing  a  grocery  store  at  the  corner 
of  Fifteenth  and  Jackson,  where  he  owned  two  large  store  rooms,  one  being 

206  JrllSTORY    OF    KANSAS    CITY 

stocked  with  groceries,  while  in  the  other  he  conducted  a  coal  and  feed 
business,  continuing  in  both  lines  throughout  his  remaining  days  and  meet- 
ing with  very  desirable  success. 

While  in  Minneapolis,  Kansas,  Mr.  Smith  was  married  to  Miss  Kittie 
Markley,  a  native  of  that  place  and  a  daughter  of  Israel  and  Mary  Markley, 
who  were  pioneers  of  Minneapolis,  w^here  they  settled  in  1856.  There  Mr. 
Markley  has  since  engaged  in  the  stock  business  and  he  and  his  wife  have 
been  well  known  and  prominent  residents  there  for  more  than  a  half  century. 
Unto  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Smith  was  born  a  daughter.  Alberta  Markley  Smith,  who 
makes  her  home  with  her  mother.  The  husband  and  fathei  died  March 
29,  1895,  his  death  being  deeply  regretted  by  all  who  knew  him,  for  he  had 
proved  himself  a  valuable  addition  to  commercial  circles  here  and  in  all 
his  dealings  showed  the  strictest  fidelity  to  principles  of  justice  and  integrity. 
In  politics  he  was  a  stanch  democrat  but  never  an  ofhce  seeker.  He  be- 
longed to  the  ]VIasonic  fraternity,  was  an  exemplary  member  of  the  order  and 
enjoyed  the  full  confidence  of  his  brethren  of  the  craft.  At  the  time  of 
his  death,  which  came  as  a  severe  blow  to  wife  and  daughter — for  he  was  ever 
devoted  to  their  welfare  and  happiness — the  family  were  residing  on  ^lyrtle 
street.  In  1902  Mrs.  Smith  purchased  a  nice  residence  at  No.  3031  Park 
avenue,  where  she  and  her  daughter  now  reside,  their  home  being  a  favorite 
resort  for  their  many  friends. 


Thomas  Blackwell  Tomb,  living  in  Kansas  City,  with  large  cattle  and 
landed  interests  throughout  the  west,  was  born  in  Lycoming  county,  Pennsyl- 
vania, October  25,  1840.  His  parents  were  Benjamin  and  Ann  (Leonard) 
Tomb,  also  natives  of  the  Keystone  state,  and  the  latter  was  a  member  of  an 
old  Quaker  family.  The  father  served  in  the  war  of  1812,  and  after  the 
cessation  of  hostilities  was  for  twenty-five  years  a  pilot  on  the  Susquehanna 
river.  Subsequently  he  successfully  conducted  a  lumber  business  on  the  same 
river  until  1842,  w^hen  he  removed  to  Seneca  county,  Ohio,  and  became  con- 
nected with  large  financial  enterprises.  For  thirty  years  he  was  president  and 
manager  of  leading  financial  institutions  and  his  name  figured  prominently 
in  moneyed  circles,  while  his  opinion  was  received  as  conclvLsive  upon  any 
disputed  question  relating  thereto.  He  was  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Arnold 
&  Tomb  Bank  at  Tiffin,  afterward  conducted  under  the  firm  style  of  Tomb, 
Huss  &  Company.  In  the  early  days  of  the  Civil  war  this  was  reorganized  as 
the  First  National  Bank  of  Tiffin,  one  of  the  earliest  formed  under  the  new 
banking  law.  Mr.  Tomb  continued  as  its  president  until  he  retired  from 
active  business  life.  He  died  in  1885,  and  his  wife  passed  away  the  follow- 
ing year.    Of  their  seven  children  six  are  living. 

Thomas  Blackwell  Tomb,  the  third  child  and  eldest  son,  was  educated 
in  the  public  schools  of  Tiffin.  Ohio,  and  when  eighteen  years  of  age  entered 
upon  a  clerkship  in  his  father's  bank,  becoming  a  silent  partner  at  the  age  of 

MARIA    G.    TOMB. 

B;  ARY 



twenty-one.  When  the  bank  was  reorganized  he  became  vice  president  and 
assistant  cashier.  After  seventeen  years'  connection  with  this  institution  his 
attention  was  directed  to  a  chance  to  create  a  new  industry.  Two  practical 
mechanics,  owners  of  patents  on  new  devices  for  wagons,  were  without  means 
to  manufacture,  and  Mr.  Tomb  provided  the  capital  to  build  two  factories  at 
Tiffin,  Ohio,  for  the  manufacture  of  bent  hounds,  or  the  fifth  wheel.  Mr. 
Tomb  became  manager  of  the  sales  department  and  extended  the  business 
throughout  the  United  States.  After  three  years'  prosperous  connection  there- 
with he  sold  his  interest  to  engage  in  the  ranch  cattle  business  with  Benjamin 
A.  and  George  Sheidley,  of  Kansas  City,  acting  as  financial  and  business  man- 
ager of  the  concern.  During  a  part  of  the  time  he  made  his  home  in  Chicago. 
He  became  a  partner  in  1881,  and  in  1883  the  firm  was  incorporated  as  the 
Sheidley  Cattle  Company  of  Kansas  City,  the  stockholders  being  George  and 
William  Sheidley,  T.  B.  Tomb,  R.  C.  Lake  and  D.  H.  Clark.  The  business 
was  capitalized  for  five  hundred  thousand  dollars,  each  paying  in  one-fifth 
in  cash.  Mr.  Tomb  was  treasurer  until  he  sold  his  stock  in  1896.  In  the 
meantime  he  had  taken  up  his  residence  in  Kansas  City,  and  after  withdraw- 
ing from  the  Sheidley  Cattle  Company  he  incorporated  a  similar  undertaking 
under  the  name  of  Lake,  Tomb  &  Company.  Of  this  he  has  since  been  the 
president.  The  firm  owns  large  cattle  ranchas  in  Lynn  and  Terry  counties, 
Texas,  on  the  Moreau  river  in  South  Dakota,  and  Big  Dry,  Montana,  and 
their  operations  in  the  cattle  industry  are  very  extensive.  In  1899  Mr.  Tomb 
became  one  of  the  incorporators  of  the  Tomb-Winter  Land  Company  of  Kan- 
sas City.  This  company  has  been  interested  in  property  aggregating  more 
than  two  million  dollars.  Mr.  Tomb  was  also  interested  in  the  Goodrich 
addition,  which  comprised  eighty  acres  and  which  in  1876  was  bought  for 
seven  hundred  and  twenty  thousand  dollars,  and  sold  in  1886  for  over  two 
million  dollars,  netting  the  projectors  a  handsome  profit.  A  wealthy  cousin, 
Jacob  Tomb,  who  endowed  the  Tomb  Institute  at  Port  Deposit,  Maryland, 
with  two  millions  of  dollars  and  who  hits  been  a  liberal  benefactor  of  the 
government  Indian  school  at  Carlisle,  often  entrusted  T.  B.  Tomb  \Adth 
large  amounts  for  investment,  and  he  is  regarded  as  one  of  the  most  promi- 
nent and  able  financial  agents  of  this  section  of  the  country. 

On  the  24th  of  October  1872,  was  celebrated  the  marriage  of  Mr.  Tomb 
and  Maria  G.  Harbeson,  of  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  a  descendant  of  a  family  of  di& 
tinction  of  colonial  days  and  also  of  Revolutionary  war  farme.  A  paternal  au' 
cestor,  Captain  Copeland,  was  a  member  of  the  colonial  congress.  Her  great- 
great-grandfather,  Captain  Davis  Bevin,  commanded  the  man-of-war  Holker 
and  served  under  Wa.shington  at  Brandywine  in  1877.  In  recognition  of  his 
courage  he  was  presented  with  a  sword,  which  is  still  in  possession  of  the 
family.  Mrs.  Tomb's  parents  were  Charles  E.  and  Ann  Elizabeth  Harbeson. 
The  father,  a  native  of  Pennsylvania,  was  a  capitalist,  interested  in  many  im- 
portant enterprises,  including  lead  mines  at  Dubuque,  Iowa,  and  a  large  com- 
mercial house  at  Cincinnati,  Ohio.  In  the  latter  city  he  passed  away  in  1866 
and  his  wife,  long  surviving,  died  November  3,  1893.  In  the  maternal  line 
Mrs.  Tomb  is  descended  from  Captain  James  Kearney,  of  Virginia,  and 
Jacob  Van  Doren,  of  New  Jersey,  both  connected  with  the  American  army  in 


the  Revolutionary  war.  The  Van  Doren  family  is  closely  connected  to  the 
house  of  Orange  of  Holland.  Richard  and  Maria  (Van  Doren)  Gartrell, 
parents  of  Mr.*.  Harbeson,  removed  from  A^irginia  to  Palmyra,  Missouri, 
about  1830.  Mrs.  Tomb  was  educated  at  Miss  Eastman's  Select  School  in 
Philadelphia.  While  attending  there  she  was  a  classmate  of  Ida  Saxton,  who 
became  the  wife  of  President  McKinley,  and  their  friendship  and  the  inter- 
change of  visits  continued  until  the  death  of  Mrs.  McKinley. 

Mr.  Tomb  is  a  Mason,  holding  membership  in  Tiffin  (Ohio),  Lodge, 
No.  77,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.,  and  Seneca  Chapter,  R.  A.  M..  while  in  the  con- 
sistory of  Kansas  City  he  has  attained  the  thirty-second  degree.  Both  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Tomb  are  devoted  and  active  members  of  Grace  Episcopal  church, 
in  which  he  has  long  served  as  a  vestryman,  while  toward  the  erection  of 
the  fine  church  edifice  he  w^as  a  most  liberal  contributor.  He  already  has 
manifested  a  most  helpful  spirit  in  his  relations  to  his  fellowmen.  Re- 
sponsive to  the  needs  of  those  he  deems  worthy,  he  has  materially  assisted 
many  and  his  counsel  and  financial  aid  have  contributed  largely  to  the  es- 
tablishment of  the  success  of  many  young  men  in  Kansas  City  and  in  the 
regions  where  his  cattle  interests  lie.  He  has  manifested  a  paternal  interest 
in  his  employes,  thoroughly  appreciating  faithful  service  on  their  part  and 
rewarding  it  by  promotion  as  opportunity  offers.  Like  her  husband,  Mrs. 
Tomb  has  been  prominent  in  church  and  in  charitable  work  and  is  well 
known  in  various  societies  and  social  organizations.  She  has  been  a  leader 
in  mission  work  and  other  departments  of  church  activity,  is  a  member  of 
the  Society  of  Colonial  Dames  and  Elizabeth  Benton  Chapter  of  the  Daugh- 
ters of  the  American  Revolution.  In  1899  she  was  elected  a  delegate  to  the 
national  convention  of  the  latter  at  "Washington,  D.  C.  She  is  one  of  the 
directors  in  the  board  of  managers  of  the  Kansas  City  Atheneum  and  chair- 
man of  its  home  department  and  a  director  in  the  AVoman's  Auxiliary  of 
the  Manufacturers  Association  of  Kansas  City,  the  largest  and  most  im- 
portant woman's  club  in  the  Missouri  valley.  In  these  and  other  organiza- 
tions she  is  very  active,  while  her  kindliness  and  sympathy  are  many  times 
displayed  when  the  opportunity  offers  to  assist  another.  The  poor  and  needy 
find  in  her  a  friend  and  her  contributions  to  charity  have  been  most  gen- 
erous. Both  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Tomb  hold  high  ideals  concerning  the  responsibil- 
ities of  wealth  and  are  daily  putting  into  practice  their  views  upon  this 


America  is  justly  proud  of  the  fact  that  the  great  majority  of  her  citizens 
are  "self-made  men" — men  who  at  the  outset  of  business  life  had  little  capital 
but  possessed  strength  and  determination,  ambition  and  energy,  whereby  they 
advanced  from  a  humble  place  to  one  of  success  and  local  prominence.  To 
this  class  belongs  Matthew  I'utler.  He  wa.>;  born  across  the  water  but  while 
still  feeling  a  deep  interest  and  love  for  his  native  land,  he  has  a  still  stronger 
attachment   for  his  adopted  country   and   the  stars   and  stripes — the  symbol 


of  American  liberty  and  union.     His  birth  occurred  in  Lancashire,  England, 
September  3,   1821. 

His  father,  Richard  Butler,  aho  a  native  of  that  place,  followed  the  trade 
of  carpentering  and  building  throughout  his  entire  life.  He  married  Miss 
Jane  Taylor  and  unto  them  were  born  thirteen  children,  of  whom  four  died 
in  early  life.  In  the  year  1832  the  father  came  with  his  family,  consisting 
of  wife  and  nine  children,  to  the  new  world,  thinking  to  enjoy  better  business 
opportunities,  for  the  reports  which  he  heard  concerning  America  were  most 
favorable.  He  left  England  on  a  sailing  vessel,  the  Six  Sisters  of  Preston. 
Before  his  emigration  he  had  become  a  lumber  dealer  and  this  was  a  lumber- 
ship  bound  for  Quebec  to  bring  back  a  load  of  lumber.  They  w^ere  six 
weeks  in  making  the  voyage  -and  after  landing,  the  father  proceeded  up  the 
St.  Lawrence  river  to  Montreal.  The  family  did  not  know"  where  they  would 
locate  but  decided  that  it  would  be  some  place  in  New  York.  They  accord- 
ingly took  passage  on  a  boat  on  Lake  Champlain  for  Whitehall.  The  father 
and  the  older  children  by  this  time  had  become  dissatisfied  with  traveling  on 
the  water  and  decided  to  walk  the  remainder  of  the  distance,  so  the  five 
eldest  children,  four  daughters  and  Matthew  Butler,  who  was  the  youngest 
of  the  five,  started  on  foot  when  they  were  yet  many  miles  from  Whitehall. 
The  father  got  only  as  far  as  Mechanicsville,  New  York,  when  he  was  taken 
ill  with  cholera  and  died,  leaving  a  widow  and  family  of  small  children. 
After  reaching  Whitehall  the  five  eldest  children  took  a  canal  boat  and  pro- 
ceeded to  ]\Iechanicsville,  New  York,  where  they  aw^aited  the  arrival  of  the 
mother  and  smaller  children.  Mechanicsville  was  a  manufacturing  town 
and  the  daughters  there  went  to  work  in  the  cotton  mills,  while  Matthew 
Butler  accepted  any  work  that  he  could  find  to  do  to  aid  in  the  support  of 
the  family.  Eventually  he  secured  a  place  on  a  farm  at  Ballston,  Saratoga 
county,  New  York,  and  there  continued  in  farm  labor  and  also  attended 
school  as  opportunity  offered.  He  was  th^n  but  eleven  years  of  age.  He 
continued  at  farm  labor  for  three  years,  after  which  he  began  learning  the 
coach-making  trade  in  Troy  and  continued  to  follow  that  pursuit  in  New 
York  until   after  the  war. 

Mr.  Butler  was  married  in  Troy,  New  York,  in  1854,  to  Miss  Mary  A. 
Van  Vort,  who  was  born  on  the  Hudson  river  in  the  Empire  state.  At  that 
time  big  changes  were  going  on  in  the  railroad  w^orld,  many  railroad  system.-* 
being  promoted  and  lines  built.  The  Great  Western  Railroad  was  begun  in 
Canada  and  there  was  much  activity  in  all  departments  of  the  railroad  ser- 
vice. Mr.  Butler  was  engaged  in  Albany  in  building  railroad  cars  for  the 
New  York  Central  when  he  was  offered  a  position  by  the  Great  Western  to  go 
to  Hamilton,  Ontario,  to  superintend  the  building  of  cars  for  that  company. 
He  accepted  the  proffered  position  and  remained  in  Canada  for  several  years. 
On  leaving  the  railroad  service  he  engaged  in  the  foundry  business  at  Brant- 
ford,  Canada,  and  in  1865  removed  to  Buffalo,  New  York,  where  he  resided 
until  about  1878  or  1879.  At  that  time  he  came  to  Kansas  City  and  with 
his  sons-in-law  engaged  in  the  real-estate  business  for  a  short  time.  He  has 
led  a  very  busy,  useful  and  active  life  and  while  now  numbered  among  the 
men  of  affluence  of  Kansas  City,  his  success  is  attributable  entirely  to  his  own 


labors.  While  in  the  foundry  business  in  Canada  he  owned  a  number  of 
"stores  throughout  that  section  of  the  country,  and  in  all  his  interests  he  has 
displayed  an  aptitude  for  successful  management,  combined  with  that  keen 
discernment  which  is  one  of  the  indispensable  elements  in  a  successful  busi- 
ness career. 

As  the  years  passed  three  children  were  added  to  the  family  of  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Butler:  Nellie  J.,  the  eldest,  is  the  wife  of  J.  W.  Crerman,  of  Kansas  City, 
and  has  two  children,  Roswell  and  Clifford;  Ilattie  C.  is  the  wife  of  Lucius 
George  Shepard,  living  on  Garfield  street  of  Kansas' City,  and  they  have  three 
sons,  Howard  B.,  Matthew  C.  and  Ralph  B. ;  Richard,  residing  at  No.  822 
Euclid  street,  married  Kitty  George,  of  Buffalo,  New  York,  and  has  three 
children,  W.  Shelby,  Roland  and  Hattie  May. 

Since  the  organization  of  the  republican  party  Mr.  Butler  has  been  one 
of  its  stalwart  champions.  While  in  Canada  he  was  active  in  political  circles 
and  there  served  in  the  city  council  as  alderman.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Old 
Gentlemen's  Riding  Club  and  in  the  organization  takes  much  interest.  He 
has  been  a  very  temperate  man  throughout  his  entire  life  in  every  way.  He 
has  never  used  tobacco  in  any  form  and  his  life  history  proves  the  fact  that 
nature  is  kindly  to  those  who  do  not  abuse  her  laws.  He  has  now  passed  the 
eighty-sixth  milestone  on  life's  journey  but  seems  a  man  of  much  younger 
years.  Energetic  and  diligent  in  business,  he  has  attained  a  gratifying  and 
creditable  measure  of  success.  Thrown  upon  his  own  resources  at  the  early 
age  of  eleven  years,  owing  to  his  father's  death,  the  necessities  of  the  situation 
developed  in  him  his  latent  powers  and  possibilities,  and  as  the  years  passed 
he  grew  in  business  .strength  and  resourcefulness,  ever  making  the  best  of  his 
opportunities  and  thus  passing  many  another  on  the  highway  of  life  who, 
perhaps,  started  out  amid  more  advantageous  surroundings. 

FAY    R.    MOULTON. 

Fay  R.  Moulton  is  the  junior  member  of  the  W.  S.  Moulton  Company, 
investment  brokers  at  Kansas  City.  He  was  l)orii  in  Marion,  Kansas,  April 
7,  1876,  there  spent  the  days  of  his  boyhood  and  youth  and  in  the  acquire- 
ment of  his  education  passed  through  consecutive  grades  in  the  public  schools 
until  in  1895  he  finished  his  high  school  course.  Throughout  the  follow- 
ing year  he  attended  Hedding  College  at  Aljingdoii.  Illinois,  where  he  pur- 
sued a  preparatory  course,  and  in  1896  ho  entered  the  State  University  of 
Kansas,  from  which  he  was  graduated  with  the  class  of  1900,  winning  the 
degree  of  Bachelor  of  Arts.  The  smnmcr  following  his  graduation  wils  spent 
in  travel  through  Europe,  and  on  his  return  for  some  months  he  represented 
his  father  in  certain  business  enterprises  in  Kansas.  In  February,  1901, 
however,  he  went  to  the  east  and  entered  the  law  department  of  Yale  Col- 
lege, graduating  therefrom  with  the  class  of  1903.  He  then  returned  home 
and,   successfully    passing    the    required    law   examination,    was    admitted   to 


the  bar.  Becoming  associated  with  his  father  in  the  investment  business,  the 
W.  S.  Moulton  Company  was  formed,  and  since  that  time  Mr.  Moulton  of 
this  review  has  largely  assumed  the  burdens  and  responsibilities  of  an  im- 
portant and  growing  business,  being  now  the  active  spirit  in  the  business 
entei-prises.  He  has  made  a  close  study  of  the  money  market  and  of  the 
opportunities  for  investment,  and  few  men  are  better  informed  concerning 
the  financial  condition  in  this  part  of  the  country  than  Mr.  Moulton. 

While  attending  the  Kansas  State  University  Mr.  Moulton  wi\s  a  leader 
in  all  athletic  sports,  also  while  a  student  at  Yale,  and  while  there  he  be- 
came a  member  of  the  New  York  City  Athletic  Club.  He  was  captain  of  the 
track  team  for  one  year  at  the  Kansas  State  University,  and  was  also  man- 
ager of  the  football  team  for  one  year.  On  the  occasion  of  the  second  meet 
for  the  Olympic  games  in  Athens,  Greece,  in  1906,  he  was  chosen  as  a  mem- 
ber of  the  American  "games  committee,  and  in  the  selection  of  athletes  to 
represent  this  country  at  the  contest  was  chosen  as  one  of  a  number  to  up- 
hold American  interests,  on  which  occasion  the  honors  w^ere  carried  off  by 
the  representatives  of  the  United  States.  Mr.  Moulton  winning  second  place 
in  the  one  hundred  meters  race  here.  He  is  a  prominent  and  popular  mem- 
ber of  the  Greek  letter  fraternities,  the  Phi  Gamma  Delta  and  the  Phi  Delta 
Phi.  Interested  in  the  political  situation  of  the  country,  Mr.  Moulton  is  a 
republican,  and  in  Kansas  City  is  numbered  among  its  best  known  and 
most  prominent  young  business  men,  whose  future  seems  particularly  bright, 
owing  to  the  ability,  enterprise  and  firm  purpose  that  he  has  already  dis- 
played in  the  conduct  of  important  business  interests. 


William  Tell  Johnson,  a  lawyer  of  Kansas  City,  w^as  born  August  4, 
1848,  at  Osceola,  Missouri,  a  son  of  Judge  Waldo  P.  Johnson,  an  eminent 
lawyer  and  statesman.  His  more  specifically  literary  education  was  acquired 
in  the  University  of  Notre  Dame  in  Indiana,  from  which  he  was  graduated 
with  the  class  of  1868.  He  read  law  under  the  direction  of  his  father,  and 
successfully  passing  the  required  examination,  w^as  admitted  to  the  bar  at 
Butler,  Missouri,  on  the  29th  of  June,  1872.  Having  thus  qualified  for  prac- 
tice, he  located  at  Osceola,  where  he  remained  until  1879,  when  he  removed 
to  Kansas  City.  In  the  meantime,  in  1874,  he  formed  a  partnership  with 
John  H.  Lucas,  and  in  1880  William  H.  Lucas  was  admitted  to  the  firm 
under  the  style  of  Johnson  &  Lucas.  For  several  years  Mr.  Johnson  was 
connected  with  nearly  all  of  the  important  cases  tried  in  St.  Clair  county. 

In  Kansas  City  he  has  devoted  his  attention  largely  to  corporation  law, 
in  which  connection  he  has  been  the  legal  representative  of  the  .John  I. 
Blair  estate,  the  Kansas  City  Cable  Railway  Company  and  many  others. 
Wlhile  now  specializing  in  his  profession,  he  has  broad  and  comprehensive 
knowledge  of  the  fundamental  principles  of  law  and  would  undoubtedly 
attain  success  in  any  department  of  jurisprudence  into  which  he  might  wish 


to  direct  his  energies.  He  is  quick  in  the  solution  of  the  problems  of  cor- 
poration law,  which  are  becoming  more  and  more  intricate  with  the  com- 
plexity of  business  interests,  and  is  regarded  as  a  wise  counselor  and  safe 
advocate.  Outside  the  strict  path  of  his  profession  Mr.  Johnson  is  also  well 
known  in  business  circles  because  of  his  close  connection  as  an  investor  with 
railroad  interests,  street  railways  and  banks. 

On  the  15th  of  September,  1885,  occurred  the  marriage  of  William  Tell 
Johnson  and  Miss  Agnes  M.  Harris,  a  daughter  of  Dr.  Edwin  E.  Harris,  of 
St.  Clair  county,  Missouri,  who  became  a  surgeon  in  the  Confederate  army 
during  the  Civil  war  and  died  in  the  service.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Johnson  have 
two  daughters  and  a  son,  Margaret,  Robert  and  Mary.  They  are  well  known 
socially,  having  an  extensive  circle  of  friends  in  this  city.  Mr.  Johnson  is 
a  communicant  of  the  Roman  Catholic  church,  and  through  his  political 
:allegiance  endorses  the  principles  and  policy  of  the  old-fashioned  democ- 


When  the  complete  history  of  Kansas  City  and  its  upbuilding  shall  have 
been  written  there  will  be  no  name  that  figures  more  honorably  on  its  pages 
than  that  of  Peter  Soden,  who  dates  his  residence  in  Kansas  City  from  1855 
and  who  in  1852  came  to  this  county.  For  more  than  half  a  century  there- 
fore he  has  been,  associated  with  the  progress  of  Missouri's  western  metropolis 
and  has  contributed  in  substantial  measure  to  its  upbuilding  through  his 
connection  with  railroad  construction  and  with  building  operations  here. 

Mr.  Soden  was  born  in  County  Cavan,  Ireland,  June  24,  1830,  and  com- 
ing to  America  when  a  young  man  of  eighteen  years,  settled  in  New  York 
in  1848.  It  was  the  favorable  reports  which  he  had  heard  concerning  the 
opportunities  of  the  new  world  that  led  him  to  cross  the  Atlantic,  for  his 
financial  resources  were  very  limited  and  he  felt  that  he  had  comparatively 
small  chance  to  win  success  or  work  his  way  upward  in  a  country  hampered 
by  ca.ste,  class,  precedent  and  custom.  He  knew  that  honest  endeavor  brings 
its  reward  on  this  side  of  the  Atlantic  and  that  he  has  ever  been  faithful 
is  indicated  in  the  fact  that  in  his  first  position  he  remained  for  four  years. 
"but  the  west  called  him  and  he  responded.  It  was  a  great,  wild  district  but 
it  had  chances  that  could  not  be  secured  in  the  older  and  more  tliickly  set- 
tled east  and  Mr.  Soden  was  willing  to  make  the  sacrifice  of  living  on  the 
frontier  away  from  the  comforts  of  the  cities  if  he  could  in  the  course  of 
years  gain  a  place  among  the  men  of  affluence.  In  1852  he  arrived  in  Jack- 
son county,  Missouri,  and  for  a  short  time  was  a  resident  of  Independence, 
which  town  was  then  of  more  relative  im))ortance  tlian  Kansas  City,  it  being 
the  starting  point  for  the  emigrants  and  the  freighters  who  made  their  way 
across  the  plains  to  the  west  and  southwest. 

Later  Mr.  Soden  went  to  Liberty,  Mis.<()urj  and  was  employed  at  the 
arsenal  of  the  T"^nited  States  government  there   for  about  three   years.     In 


j-'ui^^      - .  Ji'ARY 

TILDFN    fv.  ;i:»     TION=. 


1855  he  became  a  resident  of  Kansas  City  and  for  more  than  a  half  century 
he  has  been  identified  with  its  interests  and  has  been  closely  associated  with 
its  progress.  Here  he  began  business  for  himself  as  a  contractor,  and  since 
that  time  he  has  had  much  to  do  with  the  work  of  improvement  in  different 
parts  of  the  city.  He  was  one  of  the  pioneer  contractors  of  Kansas  City 
and  is  certainly  one  of  the  oldest  representatives  of  the  business  here,  hav- 
ing for  fifty-three  years  been  associated  with  its  building  interests.  He 
opened  some  of  the  first)  streets  laid  out  in  Kansas  City  and  which  have 
proven  among  the  most  important  thoroughfares  of  this  metropolis,  includ- 
ing Main,  Delaware  and  Wyandotte  streets.  In  1860  he  entered  upon  a 
contract  to  construct  that  portion  of  the  Missouri  Pacific  Railway  extending 
through  Jackson  county  and  was  one  of  the  pioneer  railroad  contractors 
here.  Since  that  time  his  operations  have  covered  important  portions  of 
the  Cameron  road,  the  Missouri  River  Railroad,  the  Missouri  Pacific  Railway 
and  its  branches.  For  a  long  period  he  was  closely  associated  with  railroad 
building  and  during  the  latter  part  of  that  time  confined  his  energies  almost 
exclusively  to  furthering  the  interests  of  the  Missouri  Pacific  Railway  in  its 
building  operations. 

At  the  present  writing  Mr.  Soden  is  devoting  his  time  almost  exclusively 
to  real-estate  investments  and  as  a  speculative  builder  has  been  instrumental 
in  changing  unsightly  vacancies  into  attractive  residence  districts.  Pre- 
viously, however,  during  the  period  of  his  railway  building,  he  riprapped 
the  Missouri  river  from  the  mouth  of  the  Kaw  to  the  old  Lykins  warehouse 
at  the  foot  of  Third  street  in  1870.  This  was  an  important  improvement, 
which  had  marked  influence  on  the  growth  and  prosperity  of  the  city.  In 
1861,  when  railroad  building  was  suspended  throughout  this  part  of  the 
country  owing  to  the  progress  of  the  Civil  war,  Mr.  Soden  engaged  in  freight- 
ing between  Kansas  City  and  Colorado  and  so  continued  until  the  spring 
of  1864,  when  he  resumed  the  construction  of  the  Missouri  Pacific  Railroad. 
He  is  prominently  known  as  a  contractor  and  builder  and  his  efforts  in 
this  direction  have  been  a  forceful  element  in  opening  up  the  west  and  south- 
west and  in  promoting  the  improvement  and  growth  of  Kansas  City. 

In  1863  Mr.  Soden  was  elected  and  served  as  first  lieutenant  of  Com- 
pany H  of  the  Seventy-seventh  Regiment  of  INIissouri  State  Militia  and  from 
Governor  Gamble  received  his  commission,  w^hich  he  yet  retains  as  a  souve- 
nir of  that  time.  This  regiment  held  itself  in  readiness  for  active  duty  to 
protect  home  interests  during  the  war,  and  when  the  war  closed  Mr.  Soden 
resumed  his  building  operations,  which  have  been  quite  exten.sive  and  al- 
most uniformly  successful.  His  investments  have  been  made  as  the  result 
of  mature  consideration  and  have  had  sound  business  principles  for  their 
basis.  Many  notew^orthy  improvements  have  been  carried  forw'ard  under 
his  supervision  or  as  the  result  of  his  energy  and  sagacity.  From  time  to 
time  he  has  embraced  opportunity  for  becoming  owner  of  valuable  property 
and  now  has  realty  at  the  northwest  corner  of  Walnut  street  and  Missouri 
avenue,  is  also  owner  of  the  Commercial  Hotel  block  at  Walnut  and  Eleventh 
streets,  of  the  Barnaby  building  on  Main  street  between  Eleventh  and 
Twelfth  streets,  of  Nos.  912  and  914  Main  street  at  the  Junction,  together 


Avith  other  valuable  property.  His  present  home  was  built  in  the  summer 
of  1907. 

In  1865  Mr.  Soden  was  married  to  Miss  Delia  Lackett,  of  Kansas  City, 
and  has  a  son  and  daughter  living.  His  eldest  son,  James,  while  pursuing 
his  education  in  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania,  w'as  taken  ill  and  died.  His 
other  son,  John  W.,  now  largely  superintending  his  father's  business  inter- 
ests, was  married  to  Miss  Walsh  and  has  one  child,  Kathleen  Irene.  Eliza- 
beth is  the  wife  of  John  Hackel  of  Kansas  City  and  they  have  one  child, 
Verneta  Rose. 

Mr.  Soden  wa^  for  a  half  century  a  member  of  the  Cathedral  but  on 
his  removal  to  his  present  home  transferred  his  membership  to  the  Church 
of  Our  Lady  of  Perpetual  Help.  He  is  an  independent  voter  but  a  citizen 
whose  cooperation  has  long  been  counted  upon  as  a  factor  in  movements  of 
public  moment.  He  is  numbered  among  Kansas  City's  pioneers.  Yew  busi- 
ness men  have  longer  remained  within  its  borders  and  perhaps  none  have  been 
so  clos'ely  associated  with  the  gradual  development  and  progress  of  the  county 
as  Mr.  Soden.  His  life  record  may  well  serve  as  a  source  of  encouragement 
to  others,  showing  what  can  be  accomplished  by  determined,  persistent  effort, 
by  a  ready  utilization  of  opportunity  and  by  that  sound  judgment  which 
develops  through  the  use  of  one's  inherent  powers  in  adapting  the  Lessons 
which  life  daily  brings. 

HARRY    P.    CHILD. 

Harry  P.  Child  belongs  to  the  group  of  distinctive  representative  busi- 
ness men  who  have  been  the  pioneers  in  inaugurating  and  building  up  the 
chief  industries  of  this  section  of  the  country.  He  is  now  connected  with 
various  extensive  and  important  business  interests  of  the  west,  chief  of  these 
being  the  Kansas  City  Stock  Yards.  He  first  came  to  the  city  in  1859 — a 
youth  of  eleven  years — to  return  ten  years  later  as  a  young  man  entering 
upon  his  life's  work.  From  that  time  his  advancement  has  been  rapid  and 
those  who  know  aught  of  the  extensive  business  annually  conducted  at  the 
stock  yards  recognize  in  him  a  large  factor  in  its  development. 

A  native  of  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  he  was  born  October  2,  1848,  a  son  of  Dr. 
Abel  L.  and  Rebecca  (Coates)  Child.  In  the  paternal  line  he  is  descended 
from  Puritan  ancestry,  his  father  being  a  native  of  Vermont,  who  removed 
to  Ohio  in  1843.  His  mother,  who  was  born  in  Pennsylvania,  was  of  Quaker 
parentage.  She  died  in  his  infancy  and  he  was  adopted  by  her  sister,  Mrs. 
J.  L.  Mitchencr,  who  for  the  remainder  of  her  life  was  all  to  him  that  a 
mother  could  be.  The  removal  of  the  Mitchencr  family  to  Monmouth,  Illinois, 
occiu'rod  when  Mr.  Child  was  six  years  of  age  and  he  there  resided  from  1(S54 
until  1859,  when  the  family  came  to  Kansas  City.  Two  years  later  he  became 
a  resident  of  Chicago,  where  he  lived  until  1869,  his  time  being  divided  be- 
tween the  acquirement  of  an  education  in  the  public  schools  and  a  knowledge 
of  the  printer's  trade.    He  served  as  compositor  on  the  Chicago  Evening  Jour- 


nal  but  fate  held  in  store  for  him  other  things  and  on  the  day  that  the 
Chicago  Stock  Yards  were  opened  he  became  one  of  its  employes,  filling  va- 
rious positions  from  that  year,  1865,  until  1869.  He  then  returned  to  Kansas 
City  and  for  two  years  was  engaged  with  his  uncle  in  the  cattle  shipping  busi- 
ness. When  the  Kansas  City  Stock  Yards  were  opened  in  1871  he  became 
connected  with  the  company  which  was  at  the  head  of  the  enterprise,  and 
was  appointed  yard  master.  His  previous  experience  in  the  Chicago  yards, 
his  close  application,  his  capability  and  hie  laudable  ambition,  secured  him 
promotion  from  time  to  time,  and  as  assistant  superintendent,  superintendent 
and  assistant  general  manager  he  has  since  been  connected  with  the  yards, 
filling  the  last  named  position  for  several  years.  In  the  discharge  of  his  duties 
he  has  displayed  keen  foresight,  excellent  executive  ability  and  unfaltering 
energy,  which  have  gained  him  rank  with  the  leading  business  men  of  Kansas 
City.  He  is  also  a  director  and  the  vice  president  of  the  Safety  Savings  & 
Loan  Association  here. 

On  the  11th  of  May,  1881,  Mr.  Child  was  married  to  Miss  Lillian  M. 
Peirce,  of  Kansas  City,  who  w^as  born  in  Ohio  in  1852.  Her  parents  were 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edgar  T.  Peirce,  who  also  were  of  Quaker  descent.  Mr.  Child's 
beautiful  and  tasteful  home  in  Kansas  City  is  supplied  with  all  the  appoint- 
ments and  adornments  that  indicate  refinement  and  culture.  One  of  the  finest 
libraries  of  the  city  attests  the  literary  taste  of  the  owner,  and  the  fine  arts 
add  their  delights  to  the  pleasures  that  are  found  at  his  fireside.  His  religious 
faith  is  indicated  by  his  membership  in  the  Christian  Science  church. 


Peter  D.  Ridenour  is  a  member  of  the  most  extensive  wholesale  grocery 
house  west  of  the  Mississippi  river,  and  his  present  prominent  position  in 
comniercial  circles  has  been  attained  through  unremitting  labor,  close  appli- 
cation and  the  execution  of  well  defined  plans.  His  start  in  the  business 
world  was  a  most  humble  one  but  his  recognition  and  utilization  of  oppor- 
tunity has  brought  him  to  the  eminent  place  that  he  now  occupies. 

He  was  born  May  5,  1831,  in  Union  county,  Indiana,  and  in  his  veins 
flows  tlie  blood  of  Dutch,  Scotch  and  German  ancestry.  The  line  is  traced 
back  to  Nicholas  Ridenour,  who  in  1739  came  from  Rotterdam,  Holland, 
to  America  with  his  family,  landing  at  Philadelphia.  He  settled  in  what 
is  now  Washington  county,  Maryland,  near  Hagerstown,  where  he  resided 
until  his  death.  His  eldest  son,  Nicholas  Ridenour,  also  reared  his  family 
in  that  neighborhood  and  one  of  his  sons,  Jacob  Ridenour.  the  father  of 
Peter  Ridenour,  was  born  in  1770.  Having  arrived  at  years  of  maturity  he 
wedded  Margaret  Dorcas  and  their  eldest  son,  Samuel,  was  born  in  1793.  In 
1802  Peter  Ridenour  with  his  family  removed  to  Hamilton  county,  Ohio, 
and  two  years  later  to  Preble  county,  that  state,  establishing  his  home  about 
four  miles  from  Oxford,  where  he  carried  on  general  agricultural  pursuits. 
He  had  a  family  of  nine  sons  and  nine  daughters,  of  whom  Samuel,  the 


eldest  soil,  was  married  in  1819  to  Mi&s  Barbara  Miller,  a  daughter  of  Tobias 
and  Sarah  (Henderson)  Miller.  On  leaving  Ohio  they  removed  to  Union 
county,  Indiana,  settling  near  the  state  line  about  a  half  mile  south  of  the 
present  village  of  College  Corner.  In  the  midst  of  dense  beech  woods  and 
from  the  native  timber  thev  built  a  comfortable  home,  where  their  remain- 
ing  days  Avere  passed,  the  death  of  Samuel  Ridenour  occurring  in  1850, 
while  his  wife  survived  until  1883.  They  were  buried  in  the  cemetery  at 
the  old  homestead,  being  laid  to  rest  in  the  midst  of  a  community  in  which 
they  had  long  been  respected  citizens.  They  had  sixteen  children,  eleven 
daughtei-s  and  five  sons,  of  whom  twelve  reached  years  of  maturity. 

Of  this  number  Peter  I).  Ridenour  was  the  fifth  son  and  seventh  child. 
His  youth  was  a  period  of  earnest  and  unremitting  toil.  He  assisted  his 
father  in  clearing  the  land  from  the  timber,  splitting  rails,  chopping  wood 
and  grubbing  up  the  stumps.  He  had  the  opportunity  of  attending  school 
for  two  or  three  months  each  winter,  the  little  temple  of  learning  being  a 
log  structure  with  puncheon  floor.  The  methods  of  instruction  were  almost 
as  primitive  as  the  building  but  there  Mr.  Ridenour  mastered  the  rudiments 
of  an  education  and  laid  the  foundation  for  the  success  which  has  come 
to  him  in  later  years.  In  the  winter  of  1849-50,  attracted  by  the  discovery 
of  gold  in  California,  he  started  for  the  Pacific  coast  by  way  of  the  Isthmus 
of  Panama,  hoping  to  achieve  a  fortune  in  the  mines.  After  a  year  de- 
\otedoto  the  search  for  gold  he  returned  by  way  of  Central  America  to  New 
Orleans,  thence  up  the  Mississippi  river  to  Cincinnati,  by  stage  to  his  old 
home.  The  father  had  died  during  his  absence  and  the  elder  brothers  had 
started  out  in  life  for  themselves'.  For  a  few  months  Mr.  Ridenour  assisted 
his  mother  in  the  management  and  care  of  the  home  farm  and  in  Janu- 
ary, 1852,  went  to  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  where  he  entered  upon  his  mercantile 
career  as  junior  member  of  the  grocery  firm  of  Moore  &  Ridenour.  The 
following  year,  however,  he  sold  out  and  came  to  the  middle  west,  looking 
for  a  place  to  make  a  home.  At  that  time  there  were  no  railroads  west 
of  the  Mississippi  river  but  the  tide  of  emigration  was  steadily  flowing 
westward.  After  Mr.  Ridenour  had  spent  one  winter  (1855-56)  in  northern 
Iowa  he  concluded  he  was  too  far  north  and  drove  to  Leavenworth.  Kansas, 
and  to  Kansas  City  in  December.  1856.  In  the  spring  of  1857  he  went  to 
Kansas,  then  in  a  very  unsettled  condition  and  spent  the  year  traveling 
through  the  state,  making  his  headquarters,  however,  at  Lawrence.  He  was 
pleased  with  the  country  and  decided  to  remain. 

Mr.  Ridenour  made  preparations  for  having  a  home  of  his  own  in  the 
west  but  returned  to  Ohio,  where  he  was  married  at  Xenia.  to  ^liss  Sarah 
L.  Beatty.  In  March  he  took  his  bride  to  Lawrence,  where  he  resided  until 
the  spring  of  1880,  remaining  for  a  long  period  one  of  the  leading  and 
influential  business  men  of  that  place.  In  the  spring  of  1858,  at  Lawrence, 
he  became  acquainted  with  Harlow  W.  Baker,  of  Maine,  and  they  entered 
into  a  partnership  for  the  conduct  of  a  grocery  store  under  the  firm  name 
of  Ridenour  &  Baker,  which  constituted  the  nucleus  of  the  present  extensive 
wholesale  business.  A  few  years  later  three  of  Mr.  Baker's  brothers  came 
from   Maine,  while  Samurl   Ridenour.   a   brother  of  Peter  Ridenour.   came 


from  Ohio.  Three  branch  houses  were  then  established,  these  being  con- 
ducted by  Samuel  Ridenour  and  the  three  Baker  brothers,  while  the  parent 
house  at  Lawrence,  Kansas,  continued  under  the  management  of  the  original 
partners  until  1878,  when  all  the  Kansas  houses  were  closed  and  the  busi- 
ness consolidated  into  the  present  establishment  at  Kansas  City.  Death  has 
caused  various  changes  in  the  partnership,  E.  W.  Baker  having  died  in  1876, 
Alden  A.  Baker  in  1903,  and  Harlow  W.  Baker,  one  of  the  founders  of  the 
business,  on  the  2oth  of  March,  1904.  He  and  Mr.  Ridenour  had  been 
associated  in  business  together  for  forty-six  years,  their  relations  remaining 
mutually  profitable  throughout  this  period.  Their  store  was  entirely  de- 
stroyed by  fire  when  Quantrell  sacked  and  burned  the  city  of  Lawrence,  and 
they  had  to  .^tart  over  without  a  dollar  but  they  had  good  credit  and  an 
untarnished  business  reputation  and  were  not  long  in  recuperating  from  their 
losses.  Their  relations  were  always  agreeable,  their  business  successful  and 
they  remained  like  brothers  to  each  other  until  the  ties  between  them  were 
severed  by  death. 

Unto  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ridenour  were  born  six  children,  of  whom  two  died 
in  childhood,  while  four  reached  adult  age.  Those  .still  living  are:  Kate, 
now  the  wife  of  John  C.  Lester;  Edward  M. ;  Alice  B.,  the  wife  of  E.  A.  Ray- 
mond: and  Ethel  B.,  at  home.  There  are  also  eleven  grandchildren.  John 
C.  Lester,  Edward  M.  Ridenour  and  E.  A.  Raymond  are  all  connected  with 
the  business  established  by  our  subject. 

Mr.  Ridenour  cares  little  for  politics  but  is  interested  in  public  move- 
ments and  in  the  prosperity  of  Kansas  City,  where  he  has  now  made  his 
home  for  almost  thirt\'  years,  which  covers  the  period  of  the  city's  greatest 
growth  and  development.  He  belongs  to  the  little  group  of  distinctively 
representative  business  men  who  have  been  the  pioneers  in  inaugurating  and 
building  up  the  chief  industries  of  this  section  of  the  country.  He  early 
had  the  sagacity  and  prescience  to  discern  the  eminence  which  the  future 
had  in  store  for  this  great  and  growing  western  country,  and  acting  in  ac- 
cordance with  the  dictates  of  his  faith  and  judgment,  he  has  garnered  in  the 
fullness  of  time  the  generous  harvest  which  is  the  just  recompense  of  in- 
domitable industry,  spotless  integrity  and  marvelous  enterprise. 


Edward  F.  Nelson,  during  the  latter  years  of  his  life,  was  well  known  as 
a  capitalist  of  Kansas  City.  He  arrived  here  in  1870  in  company  with  his 
father,  George  H.  Nelson.  They  w^ere  large  landowners  of  Kentucky  and 
made  the  trip  to  western  Missouri  to  see  the  country.  They  were  so  well 
pleased  with  Kansas  City  and  its  prospects  that  they  afterward  spent  much 
of  their  time  here,  but  returned  on  frequent  trips  to  Kentucky  to  supervise 
their  invested  interests  in  that  state. 

Edward  F.  Nelson  was  married  in  Kentucky,  in  1875,  to  Miss  Lilly 
Nelson,  who  was  born  in  Virginia  and  was  a  daughter  of  Dr.  Henry  Nelson, 


who  for  a  long  period  engaged  in  the  practice  of  medicine  and  surgery.  In 
1865,  however,  he  removed  to  Kansas  City  and  here  retired  fi'om  profes- 
sional labors  and  invested  hi.-  capital  in  property.  He  w'as  thus  identified 
with  real-estate  dealings  as  a  speculator  and  became  the  owner  of  consider- 
able valuable  realty.  Eventually,  however,  he  removed  to  St.  Louis,  where 
his  remaining  days  were  passed.  His  wife  bore  the  maiden  name  of  Cath- 
erine Ingraham  and  their  family  included  a  daughter,  Lilly,  who  in  1875 
became  Mrs.  Edward  F.  Nelson.  By  this  marriage  there  has  been  born  one 
daughter,  Mary  Dunlap,  who  lives  with  her  mother  and  was  educated  here. 
Edward  F.  Nelson  died  at  his  old  home  in  Lexington,  Kentucky,  in 
1891.  In  his  political  views  he  was  always  a  stalwart  democrat,  but  while 
unswerving  in  support  of  the  principles  of  the  party,  political  honor  and 
preferment  had  no  attraction  for  him.  His  religious  faith  was  that  of  the 
Episcopal  church.  During  his  residence  in  Kansas  City  he  made  many 
friends  here  and  became  widely  known.  He  was  a  man  of  broad  general 
learning  and  culture,  and  association  with  him  meant  expansion  and  im- 
provement. Relieved  of  the  necessity  of  strenuous  toil,  he  had  time  and 
opportunity  to  cultivate  those  graces  of  mind  and  character  w^hich  made 
him  an  interesting  and  entertaining  gentleman  and  Kansas  City  numbered 
him  as  a  valued  acquisition  to  her  ranks. 


John  W.  Merrill,  deceased,  is  numbered  among  those  who  helped  to 
make  Kansas  City  the  beautiful  and  attractive  metropolitan  center  which  we 
find  today.  He  was  born  in  Trumbull.  Ohio,  in  1827  and  in  early  life  learned 
and  followed  the  printer's  trade  in  Warren,  Ohio.  With  a  nature  that  could 
never  be  content  with  mediocrity,  he  gradually  advanced  in  efficiency  and 
made  steady  progress  in  his  business  career  until  in  1845  he  became  manag- 
ing editor  of  the  Mahoning  Index  at  Canfield,  Ohio.  In  1847  he  removed 
to  what  was  then  Westport  but  is  now  Keno.sha.  Wisconsin,  Avhere  he  en- 
gaged in  the  transportation  business  on  the  Great  Lakes.  He  became  a 
resident  of  Kansas  City  in  1868  and  made  his  entrance  into  commercial 
circles  here  as  proprietor  of  a  Inmberyard  at  the  corner  of  Twelfth  and  Wal- 
nut streets,  which  was  then  the  very  outskirts  of  the  city.  As  the  city 
rapidly  grew-  and  expanded  he  changed  his  location  to  the  intersection  of 
Eleventh  and  Main  street^,  while  later  he  was  located  at  Eleventh  and  Bal- 
timore streets,  where  the  Hotel  Baltimore  now  stands.  This  business  was 
finally  removed  to  Southwe.-t  boulevard  and  Summit  street,  where  it  is  still 
conducted  by  his  son,  being  a  part  of  the  estate. 

In  1853  Mr.  Morrill  Avas  united  in  marriage  to  Miss  Mary  Foster.  They 
became  the  parents  of  four  sons:  John  F.,  J.  Will,  Charles  B.  and  Henry 
C.  The  dentil  of  {hv  husband  and  father  occurred  February  28,  1904,  at 
his  winter  home  at  Tropic.  Florida,  on  the  Indian  river.  The  residence 
of  the  familv  in  Kansas  Citv  has  for  years  been  at  No.  2612  Independence 


PUB^i-  .iBKARY 



avenue.  Mr.  Merrill  was  a  man  of  forceful  bu^iiness  ability,  having  the 
power  to  coordinate  forces  and  to  assimilate  interests,  shaping  and  control- 
ling them  and  bringing  them  into  a  unity  productive  of  the  highest  results. 
He  met  with  lai'ge  success  as  a  lumber  merchant  and  also  through  his  in- 
vestments, which  were  judiciously  made.  Although  he  disclaimed  any  par- 
ticular prominence,  his  fellow  townsmen  recognized  his  worth  and  appreci- 
ated his  ability  and  his  spirit  of  general  helpfulness  in  connection  with  the 
upbuilding  and  progress  of  the  city.  He  assisted  materially  in  making  Kan- 
sas City  what  it  is  today.  He  strongly  advocated  the  plan  of  parks  and 
boulevards  and  favored  other  movements  which  have  been  productive  of 
excellent  results  here.  Although  quiet  and  unassuming  in  manner,  he 
w^as  a  most  companionable  gentleman,  broad-minded  and  liberal  in  his  views, 
recognizing  good  in  all  and  manifesting  at  all  times  a  spirit  of  helpfulness 
toward  his  fellowmen  and  the  citv  of  his  abode. 


Dr.  James  Buchanan  Bell,  who  in  early  life  prepared  for  the  practice 
of  medicine  and  continued  therein  to  some  extent  because  of  his  humani- 
tarian principles,  was  later  also  associated  with  banking  interests  and  be- 
came one  of  the  leading  business  men  and  capitalists  of  Kansas  City,  where 
he  took  up  his  abode  in  1873.  A  native  of  Lexington,  Rockbridge  county, 
Virginia,  he  was  born  August  24,  1820,  his  parents  being  Victor  and  Ann 
(Hendron)  Bell,  who  w^ere  natives  of  Ireland,  whence  they  came  to  America 
in  1828,  settling  in  Monroe  county,  Missouri,  where  the  father  died  the  fol- 
lowing year.  The  mother  afterward  made  her  home  in  Chillicothe,  Mis- 
souri, until  her  demise  in  1863. 

Dr.  Bell  was  carefully  reared  by  his  mother  and  began  his  education 
in  the  common  schools  of  Linn  county,  Missouri.  He  was  also  employed  at 
farm  labor,  thus  aiding  in  the  support  of  the  family,  and  at  the  same  time 
continued  his  studies  as  opportunity  offered.  While  he  was  still  a  boy  his 
mother  removed  with  the  family  to  Linn  county,  Missouri,  where  he  con- 
tinued his  education  as  a  public-school  student,  and  subsequently  he  began 
teaching  in  the  schools  there,  being  thus  employed  for  a  short  time.  He 
was  likewise  engaged  in  trading  in  Linn  county  until  1846,  but  in  the  mean- 
time he  determined  to  devote  his  time  and  energies  to  professional  service, 
and  in  1842  commenced  the  study  of  medicine  under  the  direction  of  Dr. 
Relph,  one  of  the  first  physicians  of  Linneus,  Linn  county,  Missouri.  Dur- 
ing the  winter  of  1845-46  he  went  to  St.  Louis,  w^here  he  attended  medical 
lectures,  and  later  pursued  a  second  course  in  the  winter  of  1849-50.  He 
located  for  practice  in  Mercer  county,  Missouri,  and  when  he  opened  his 
office  there  had  not  a  dollar,  but  he  had  been  a  thorough  and  discriminating 
student,  and  he  possessed  moreover  strong  purpose  and  laudable  ambition, 
which  constitute  an  excellent  foundation  upon  which  to  rear  the  superstruc- 
ture  of   success.     From   the  beginning  his  practice   increased  steadily  and 


rapidly,  and  during  the  twelve  year.-;  of  his  residence  there  he  aceumulated 
twenty-five  thousand  dollars. 

Dr.  Bell  continued  to  practice  in  Mercer  county  until  1860,  when  he 
removed  to  Chillicothe,  and  there  established  a  general  mercantile  store  in 
partnership  with  James  Leeper  under  the  firm  name  of  Bell  &  Leeper.  He 
continued  his  professional  work  to  some  extent,  but  the  demands  of  his 
commercial  interests  forced  him  to  retire  in  part  from  medical  practice.  In 
1864  he  purchased  Mr.  Leeper's  interest  in  the  business  and  conducted  the 
store  alone  until  1866,  when  he  admitted  P.  Moore  to  a  partnership  and 
thus  carried  on  general  merchandising  in  Chillicothe  until  1867.  He  then 
sought  a  new  field  of  labor,  organizing  the  Chillicothe  Savings  Association, 
which  became  a  substantial  and  largely  patronized  bank.  He  was  chosen 
president,  with  Greenup  Bird  as  cashier,  and  continued  in  the  banking  busi- 
ness at  Chillicothe  until  1873,  when  he  disposed  of  his  interests  there  and 
came  to  Kansas  City.  His  former  success  led  him  into  larger  undertakings, 
bringing  into  action  his  administrative  ability  and  powers  of  organization. 

On  coming  to  Kansas  City,  Dr.  Bell  at  once  purchased  a  controlling 
interest  in  the  Kansas  City  Savings  Association,  which  is  now  the  National 
Bank  of  Commerce,  and  throughout  his  remaining  days  wa^  a  prominent 
representative  of  banking  interests  here.  Although  he  practically  lived  re- 
tired during  the  last  twenty  years  of  his  life,  he  was  yet  finacially  inter- 
ested in  the  banks  and  derived  therefrom  a  gratifying  annual  income.  He 
never  retired  altogether  from  the  practice  of  medicine,  but  from  humani- 
tarian principles  continued  to  labor  for  the  alleviation  of  human  suffering 
to  a  greater  or  less  extent. 

About  the  time  that  Dr.  Bell  entered  upon  the  practice  of  medicine  he 
was  married,  in  Mercer  county,  Missouri,  in  1850,  to  Miss  Harriet  Ballew, 
a  native  of  Tazewell  county,  Virginia,  and  a  daughter  of  AVilliam  and 
Sarah  (Oney)  Ballew,  both  of  whom  were  natives  of  Virginia,  whence  they 
removed  to  Mercer  county,  Mis.souri,  at  an  early  day,  continuing  there  to 
reside  until  they  were  called  to  their  final  rest,  the  father  devoting  his  time 
and  energies  to  farming.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Bell  became  the  parents  of  four 
children.  Pocahontas  is  the  widow  of  Joseph  A.  Cooper,  who  was  engaged 
in  the  wholesale  shoe  business  in  Kansas  City,  and  afterward  became  the  first 
president  of  the  Citizens  National  Bank  here,  continuing  iu  the  banking 
business  throughout  the  remainder  of  his  life,  his  death  here  occurring  in 
1883.  Mrs.  Cooper  resides  here  with  her  mother  and  sister  and  has  a  fine  home 
in  Colorado  Springs,  Colorado,  where  she  spends  the  summer  months.  Her 
only  child,  Virgil  Cooper,  is  married  and  resides  at  Colorado  Springs,  where 
he  is  engaged  in  the  storage  warehouse  business.  Rebecca  B.  Bell,  the  sec- 
ond daughter,  is  the  widow  of  George  Hall  Lapsley,  who  was  a  native  of 
Alabama,  and  spent  a  few  years  in  Philadelphia,  after  which  he  came  to 
Kansas  City,  where  he  entered  into  partnership  with  his  brother-in-law.  Mr. 
Cooper,  in  the  wholesale  shoe  business.  They  remained  together  until  Mr. 
Cooper  entered  the  field  of  banking,  after  which  Mr.  Lapsley  continued  in 
the  shoe  business  alone  throughout  his  remaining  days,  his  death  occur- 
ring in  1895.     Mrs.  Lap.«;ley  now  resides  willi  lici-  mother,  and  sb"  has  one 


son,  James  Bell  Lapsley,  who  is  engaged  in  the  lumber  business  in  Coffey- 
ville,  Kansas.  A^ictor  B.  Bell,  who  married  Nancy  J.  Lockridge,  was  the 
president  of  the  Long-Bell  Lumber  Company  of  Kansas  City,  the  largest 
lumber  firm  here,  and  remained  at  the  head  of  the  biLsiness  until  his  death, 
which  occurred  in  June,  1905.  His  widow  still  resides  here,  making  her 
home  at  the  corner  of  Thirty-seventh  and  McGee  streets.  Mary  Scott,  the 
youngest  of  the  family,  died  in  childhood  in  1871.  The  son  and  the  two 
sons-in-law  of  Mrs.  Bell  were  very  prominent  and  prosperous  business  men, 
occupying  a  leading  position  in  commercial  and  financial  circles  of  the  city. 
The  two  daughters  reside  with  their  mother  and  are  well  known  socially. 
Mrs.  Lapsley,  greatly  interested  in  relics,  has  in  her  possession  a  bullet  and 
also  a  spear  from  a  flag  which  was  used  in  the  battle  when  Grant  captured 
Eichmond.  She  likewise  possesses  other  interesting  relics.  Mrs.  Bell  is  now 
seventy-seven  years  of  age,  but  is  a  remarkably  well  preserved  woman,  who 
presides  graciously  .over  her  extensive  and  beautiful  home  at  No.  2543  Troost 
avenue,  where  she  is  living  with  her  daughters. 

The  death  of  Dr.  Bell  occurred  July  13,  1904,  his  remains  being  in- 
terred in  Elmwood  cemetery.  He  had  been  ill  for  about  ten  months.  In 
politics  he  was  a  republican,  stalwart  in  support  of  the  party,  and  while 
residing  in  Chillicothe  served  as  mayor  of  that  city  for  two  years.  He  like- 
wise acted  as  county  treasurer  of  Livingston  county  for  two  terms,  and  for 
several  years  was  treasurer  of  the  Chillicothe  &  Brunswick  Railroad  Com- 
pany. During  the  last  forty  years  of  his  life  he  affiliated  with  the  Masonic 
fraternity,  and  was  one  of  its  most  exemplary  representatives.  His  interest 
centered  in  his  family,  and  he  always  spent  his  evenings  at  home.  He  greatly 
enjoyed  reading  and  study,  and  carried  his  investigations  far  and  wide  into 
the  realms  of  knowledge.  His  business  enterprise  and  ability  and  his  judi- 
cious investments  brought  him  the  success  that  numbered  him  among  the 
bankers  and  capitalists  of  Kansas  City,  while  many  of  the  acquaintances  of 
his  earlier  days  remember  him  for  valued  professional  sendee.  His  life  was 
honorable,  his  actions  manly  and  sincere,  and  his  worth  as  an  indivdual  and 
citizen  was  widely  acknow'ledged. 


Colonel  William  Charles  Glass,  now  deceased,  w^as  numbered  among 
the  veterans  of  the  Civil  war  and  from  the  ranks  rose  to  the  position  of  com- 
mander of  his  regiment,  thus  gaining  the  title  by  which  he  was  uniformly 
known.  A  native  of  Ireland,  he  was  born  in  County  Donegal  in  1837  and 
was  a  son  of  AVilliam  and  Esther  (Cassady)  Glass,  the  former  a  farmer  by 
occupation.  One  daughter  of  the  family,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Doherty,  still  re- 
sides on  the  old  homestead. 

Colonel  Glass  was  a  poor  boy.  He  had  but  limited  opportunities,  his 
educational  advantages  being  confined  to  a  short  attendance  at  a  public 
school.     His  elder  brother.  James  Glass,   came  to  the  United   States  about 

228  HISTORY    OF    KA^'SAS    CITY 

1849,  .-ettling  at  Sedalia,  Missouri,  where  he  at  first  conducted  a  grocery 
store,  while  later  he  engaged  in  the  wholesale  liquor  business.  Seeing  the 
opportunities  for  advancement  in  business  life  in  the  new  world,  he  sent 
for  his  brother  William  to  join  him  in  the  United  States  and  about  1851, 
when  fourteen  years  of  age,  Colonel  Glass  arrived  in  America.  He  crossed 
the  Atlantic  to  New  York.  His  brother,  James  Glass,  was  for  a  time  fire- 
man in  Chicago,  belonging  to  the  Fire  Zouaves.  Eventually  Colonel  Glas^ 
drifted  to  Bushnell,  Illinois,  and  the  money  which  he  had  managed  to  save 
from  his  earnings  in  the  intervening  years  enabled  him  to  embark  in  mer- 
chandising, which  business  he  conducted  successfully  for  some  time. 

In  the  meantime,  however,  two  important  chapters  had  been  added  to 
his  life  hi.^tory — the  first  hi.s  .service  in  the  Civil  war;  the  second  hi-  mar- 
riage. In  1861  he  offered  his  services  to  his  adopted  country  as  a  defender 
of  the  Union  cause,  enlisting  as  a  private  in  the  Seventeenth  Illinois  A^olun- 
teer  Infantry.  The  history  of  that  regiment  is  the  record  of  his  military 
career.  He  was  always  found  at  his  post  of  duty,  whether  on  the  long 
marches,  the  firing  line  or  the  picket  line,  and  his  fidelity  and  meritorious 
conduct  won  him  promotion  through  the  various  ranks  until  he  became 
colonel  of  his  regiment.  He  served  under  General  McClelland,  participated 
in  many  of  the  hotly  contested  battles  of  the  war  and  was  wounded  at  Vicks- 
burg.  He  did  not  leave  the  front,  however,  but  continued  with  his  regiment 
until  the  close  of  the  war  and  his  own  valor  and  great  fearlessness  inspired 
the  men  who  served  under  him.  With  a  most  creditable  military  record  he 
returned  to  his  home,  wearing  the  insignia  of  the  colonel's  rank. 

The  following  year  Colonel  Glass  was  married  in  Peoria,  Illinois,  to  Miss 
Ellen  Carr,  of  that  city,  a  daughter  of  .James  Carr.  who  was  from  the  south. 
Unto  them  were  born  two  children :  William  J.,  whose  birth  occurred  iu 
Kansas  City  in  1880 ;  and  Helen,  at  home. 

Oil  coming  to  Kansas  City  Colonel  Glass  established  a  wholesale  liquor 
house.  His  business  prospered  and  he  extended  its  scope  from  time  to  time, 
enlarging  his  plant  to  meet  the  growing  demands  of  the  trade.  As  his  suc- 
cess increased  he  made  judicious  investment  in  property  and  acquired  nuich 
real-estate.  For  several  years  prior  to  his  demise  his  entire  time  and  atten- 
tion were  given  to  the  suj^ervision  of  his  real-estate  interests,  from  which  he 
derived  a  gratifying  annual  income,  M-hile  his  holdings  enabled  him  to  leave 
his  family  in  very  comfortable  financial  circumstances. 

Colonel  Glass  was  particularly  fond  of  travel,  spent  much  time  in  the 
soutli  ;iii<l  llic  >(Milli\vc>l  Mild  ;il-()  iii;i(lc  tri|i.-  to  l^uro])e.  visitina,  {\\v  iii;iii>' 
points  of  modern,  historic  and  scenic  interest  in  the  old  world  and  gaining 
that  broad  culture  and  knowledge  which  only  travel  can  bring.  A  com- 
municant of  the  Roman  Catholic  churcli.  lie  served  as  one  of  the  official  com- 
mittee of  St.  Aloysiiis.  Hi-  |i<ilitic;il  nllcgiaiicc  w;i~  uivcii  to  tlic  (h'liiocracy 
but  aside  from  any  political  connection  he  did  active  and  effective  work  for 
the  interests  of  his  adopted  city.  He  was  a  member  of  the  first  park  board 
and  assisted  in  planning  the  boulevard  system,  which  is  one  of  the  most  at- 
tractive features  of  the  city.  JJo  always  gave  his  support  to  every  movement 
for  municipal  advancement  and  hi-  labors  were  far-reaching  and  beneficial. 


111  the  circle  of  his  .-social  acquaintances  he  was  found  to  be  a  genial,  courteous 
and  entertaining  companion,  while  in  the  home  he  was  devoted  to  the  wel- 
fare of  his  wife  and  children,  finding  his  greatest  happiness  in  administering 
to  their  comfort  and  welfare. 


John  F.  Bellemere,  deceased,  was  in  Kansas  City  for  but  a  brief  period 
but  the  family  are  w-ell  known  here  and  his  wife  w^as  the  builder  of  the 
Bellemere  block  at  the  southwest  corner  of  Twelfth  and  Cherry  streets.  She 
w^as  a  resident  of  Kansas  City  from  1878  until  her  death  in  1908  and  her 
daughter,  Mrs.  Clark,  is  still  living  here. 

Mr.  Bellemere  was  born  in  Hamilton  near  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, 
March  23,  1823,  and  was  descended  from  a  noted  French  family.  His  father 
Avas  a  native  of  France  and  was  one  of  the  Napoleon  Ijodyguards  until  he 
came  to  America.  He  engaged  in  the  real-estate  bu-siness  in  Hamilton,  Penn- 
.sylvania,  and  also  in  and  near  Philadelphia,  handling  much  property  in  that 
part  of  the  state.  His  w^ife  w^as  born  near  Philadelphia  and  both  spent  their 
last  days  in  Hamilton,  Pennsylvania. 

John  F.  Bellemere  acquired  his  education  in  the  public  schools  of  his 
native  town  and  entered  business  life  as  a  draughtsman  for  the  Philadelphia 
&  Reading  Railroad  Company  there,  continuing  in  that  business  until  the 
close  of  the  war  in  1865.  He  afterward  learned  the  trade  of  a  master 
mechanic  in  Philadelphia,  and  subsequently  accepted  a  position  as  master 
mechanic  at  Reading,  Pennsylvania,  for  the  Eastern  Pennsylvania  Railroad 
Company,  which  is  now  a  part  of  the  Philadelphia  &  Reading  .system. 
Throughout  his  remaining  days  he  w^as  thus  connected  with  the  business  in- 
terests of  Reading,  was  faithful  to  every  responsibility  that  devolved  upon  him 
and  had  the  entire  confidence  of  the  corporation  which  he  represented. 

While  residing  in  Reading,  Mr.  Bellemere  was  married  to  Miss  Sarah 
A.  Horft',  a  native  of  that  place,  born  December  8,  1826.  Her  parents  spent 
their  early  lives  in  Gettysburg,  where  the  father  was  a  brick-mason  and  sub- 
sequently he  removed  to  Reading,  where  he  continued  in  the  same  line  of 
business  until  his  death,  both  he  and  his  wife  passing  away  there.  Unto  Mr. 
and  Mi's.  Bellemere  five  children  Avere  born:  Mary  E.,  who  is  now  the  widow 
of  Henry  J.  Conrad  and  resides  in  San  Francisco,  California;  William  Francis, 
a  tobacco  merchant  of  Reading,  Pennsylvania;  John  Henry,  who  is  engaged 
in  the  photo  supply  business  at  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah;  George  Lafayette,  a 
retired  grocery  merchat,  living  in  Kansas  City;  and  Ida  V.,  the  wife  of  J. 
Stewart  Clark,  also  a  resident  of  Kansas  City.  Mr.  Clark  is  a  traveling  sales- 
man for  the  James  S.  Kirk  Company  of  Chicago  and  unto  him  and  his  wife 
have  been  born  a  son  and  daughter:  Dr.  Harold  B.  Clark  and  Mildred  Adell 
Clark.  The  son  has  recently  graduated  from  Hahnemann  Medical  College 
and  will  enter  upon  the  active  practice  of  his  profession  in  Kansas  City.  The 
daughter  is  at  home  with  her  parents. 


While  Mr.  Bellemere  was  busily  engaged  as  a  master  mechanic  in  Read- 
ing, his  wife,  who  had  relatives  living  in  Kansas  City,  came  here  in  1878, 
accompanied  by  her  daughter  and  the  same  year  began  investing  in  property 
here.  She  built  the  Bellemere  block  at  the  corner  of  Twelfth  and  Cherry 
streets  and  it  is  still  one  of  the  substantial  structures  of  the  city.  In  1880 
Mr.  Bellemere  came  to  Kansas  City  but  he  and  his  wife  intended  to  return 
to  Reading.  However,  he  was  taken  ill  here  and  died  on  the  29th  of  January, 
1881.  He  was  a  prominent  Mason  and  held  the  highest  offices  in  the  Knight 
Templar  commandery  of  Reading,  while  his  wife  was  connected  with  the 
Eastern  Star  lodge  there.  In  his  political  views  Mr.  Bellemere  was  a  deiun- 
erat  and  while  he  did  not  seek  nor  desire  ofhce,  was  always  interested  in 
progressive  cititenship.  He  held  membership  in.  the  Lutheran  church  and 
was  a  man  of  many  excellent  traits  of  character,  respected  by  all  who  knew 
him  for  his  business  ability  and  enterprise  and  for  his  many  sterling  traits. 
His  daughter,  Mrs.  Clark,  is  a  member  of  the  English  Lutheran  church  of 
Kansas  City. 

Mrs.  Bellemere  maintained  her  residence  at  No.  521  East  Twelfth  street— 
a  part  of  the  Bellemere  block — until  1900,  when  she  sold  that  property  and 
made  her  home  with  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Clark  at  No.  17  Spring  street.  She  was 
identified  with  Kansas  City's  interests  for  thirty  years  and  therefore  saw  much 
of  its  growth  and  development.  Here  she  gained  many  warm  friends,  being 
widely  known.  She  traveled  far  on  life's  journey,  having  passed  the  eighty- 
first  milestone  at  the  time  of  her  death  and  received  the  respect  which  ever 
crowns  a  well  spent  life. 


Hon.  Daniel  S.  Twitchell,  known  a.-  *"one  of  the  most  public  spiril'.Ml 
citizens  of  Kansas  City,"  and  a.s  an  attorney  w^hose  prominence  made  him 
the  peer  of  the  ablest  members  of  the  bar  here,  was  connected  with  profes- 
sional and  public  interests  in  the  city  and  state  through  many  years.  He 
became  a  pioneer  of  the  metropolis  of  western  Missouri,  arriving  hero  in 
1865.  His  birth  occurred  near  Ann  Ai'bor  in  Scio  township,  Washtenaw 
county,  Michigan,  April  11,  1834,  his  parents  being  Jonas  and  Refine 
(Weckes)  Twitchell.  The  father  was  a  native  of  Vermont  and  in  1832 
removed  to  Washtenaw  county,  Michigan,  where  he  located  on  a.  farm  in 
what  was  called  the  Vermont  settlement.  There  he  engaged  in  general  ag- 
ricultural pursuits  until  his  later  life,  wlien  ho  removed  to  Minnesota  and 
made  his  homo  with  his  son.  Dr.  H.  W.  ''lAvitoholl.  ITis  death  there  occurred 
in  18cS0,  wlion  he  had  reached  the  ago  of  eighty-two  years.  His  wife,  who 
died  in  Michigan,  was  of  Quaker  faith.  She  was  born  in  Philadol]>hia  and 
became  noted  as  a  poetess  and  historian  of  licr  day.  Hor  autliorship  includes 
such  works  as  Weeke.s'  Poems,  Lectui-o.~  to  Young  Men,  the  Life  of  William 
Ponn   and  other  notable  literary   iM'oduotions. 

In  the  family  were  three  sons  and  two  daughters,  of  whom  Daniel  S. 
Twitolioll    was   the   youngo.-t.      1n    hi-   earlv    bovhond   lie   attended   a   country 

D.    S.    TWITCHELL. 




school  about  a  mile  from  his  father's  farm,  pursuing  his  studies  during  the 
winter  seasons,  while  in  the  summer  months  he  assisted  in  the  labors  of  the 
fields.  Reared  in  a  cultured  home,  he  had  the  advantage  of  good  books  and 
his  evening  hours  were  usually  devoted  to  reading  and  study.  On  leaving 
home  to  provide  for  his  own  support,  he  worked  upon  neighboring  farms, 
receiving  a  salary  of  twelve  dollars  per  month.  By  the  time  he  finished  a 
course  in  the  country  schools  he  had  saved  up  sixty-five  dollars  and  with  this 
money  went  to  Oberlin,  Ohio,  where  he  used  his  little  capital  in  paying  the 
expenses  of  a  college  course  in  Oberlin  College.  He  had  to  supplement  his 
savings,  however,  by  earnings  at  night  work.  Four  years  were  passed  as  a 
student  in  that  institution,  after  which  he  returned  to  Washtenaw  county, 
Michigan,  and  began  the  study  of  law.  He  then  entered  the  law  office  of 
Hiram  J.  Beakes  of  Ann  Arbor,  w^ho  directed  his  reading  for  a  few  years, 
and  in  1858  he  successfully  passed  the  examination  which  secured  his  ad- 
mission to  the  bar.  He  then  opened  an  office  in  Ann  Arbor,  Avhere  he  prac- 
ticed for  a  year,  at  the  end  of  which  time,  being  desirous  of  gaining  still 
broader  and  more  accurate  knowledge  of  legal  principles,  he  matriculated 
in  the  law  department  of  the  University  of  Michigan  in  1860,  becoming  a 
member  of  the  first  law  class  of  that  now  famous  school.  He  was  graduated 
with  high  honors  in  1831  and  almost  immediately  afterward  he  enlisted 
for  service  in  the  Civil  war,  raising  a  company  for  active  duty  at  the  front. 
He  was  commissioned  captain,  but  on  account  of  the  illnes.s  of  his  wife  was 
compelled  to  resign.  He  ever  remained,  however,  a  faithful  advocate  of  the 
Union  cause,  doing  what  he  could  to  advance  its  interests  at  home  and 
afterward  doing  duty  in  the  department  of  the  provost  marshal.  Prior  to 
becoming  a  student,  or  in  1859,  he  had  been  elected  city  recorder  of  Ann 
Arbor  and  in  1860  was  elected  circuit  court  commissioner  for  AVashtenaw 
county,  while  later  he  became  prosecuting  attorney.  He  filled  all  of  those 
offices  in  capable  manner  and  at  the  same  time  attended  to  the  duties  of  a 
growing  law  practice.  In  1865,  however,  having  become  dissatisfied  with 
that  country,  he  decided  to  establish  his  home  in  the  west  and  removed 
to  Kansas  City,  where  he  opened  a  law  office. 

In  the  meantime  Mr.  Twitchell  had  been  married  in  Jackson,  Michi- 
gan, to  Miss  Delia  Scott,  who  died  in  Kansas  City  in  1867.  They  were  the 
parents  of  two  children,  Ralph  E.  and  Wirt  Beecher.  The  elder  son  attended 
the  University  of  Kansas  at  Lawrence,  afterward  returned  to  Ann  Arbor  and 
was  graduated  in  the  law  department  of  the  State  University  there.  He  is  now 
a  very  prominent  attorney  of  Las  Vegas,  New  Mexico,  being  considered  the 
best  trial  lawyer  of  that  territory.  He  married  MLss  Olivia  Collins  of  St. 
Joseph,  Missouri,  who  died  in  New  Mexico,  leaving  one  child,  Waldo,  eigh- 
teen years  of  age.  Wirt  Beecher,  now  residing  in  Kelvin,  Arizona,  is  a 
mining  expert  and  owner  of  various  copper  properties  in  that  territory.  He 
frequently  visits  in  Kansas  City  with  his  stepmother,  the  present  Mrs. 
Twitchell,  who  faithfully  took  the  part  of  an  own  mother  to  her  stepchil- 
dren. On  the  13th  of  April,  1869,  in  Kansas  City,  Mr.  Twitchell  was  again 
married,  his  second  union  being  with  Ml«s  Mary  Benjamin,  a  native  of 
Lexington,  Kentucky,  and  a  daughter  of  Mrs.  Emeline  Boullt,  a  native  of 


the  state  of  New  York,  who  in  1859  came  to  Kansas  City  and  died  at  the 
home  of  her  daughter,  Mrs.  Twitchcll,  in  1900. 

Mr.  Twitch  ell  had  been  a  resident  of  Kansas  City  for  only  a  compara- 
tively brief  period  before  he  had  built  uj)  a  large  law  practice  which  made 
constant  demands  upon  his  time  and  attention  throughout  his  remaining 
days.  He  had  in  an  eminent  degree  that  rare  ability  of  saying  in  a  con- 
vincing way  the  right  thing  at  the  right  time.  With  a  thorough  and  com- 
prehensive knowledge  of  the  fundamental  principle,--  of  law,  he  combined  a 
familiarity  with  statutory  law  and  a  sober,  clear  judgment.  He  soon  took 
high  rank  as  a  most  able  and  successful  lawyer.  He  was  modest  and  retir- 
ing, adhering  to  the  old  views  of  professional  ethics,  which  discountenance 
all  manner  of  advertising  and  self-adulation.  He  was,  however,  strong  in 
argument,  clear  in  his  reasonings  and  logical  in  his  deductions  and  his  prac- 
tice became  of  a  most  important  character,  connecting  him  with  the  leading 
litigation   heard   in   the   courts. 

In  politics  Mr.  Twitchell  was  a  stalwart  republican,  with  firm  faith 
in  the  principles  of  the  party  as  most  conducive  to  good  government.  He 
recognized  it  as  a  duty  as  well  as  privilege  of  the  American  citizen  to  uphold 
his  political  principles  at  the  polls  and  to  labor  for  their  adoption  along 
legitimate  lines.  He  was  therefore  known  as  an  active  worker  in  republican 
ranks  and  was  frequently  called  to  public  office.  In  1869  he  was  elected 
citv  attorney  and  counselor  and  in  1881,  1882  and  1883  was  likewise  elected 
city  counselor.  In  1876  he  was  chosen  a  delegate  to  the  republican  national 
convention  at  Cincinnati  and  was  made  assistant  secretary  of  that  body.  In 
the  years  1872,  1876  and  1890  he  was  the  nominee  of  his  party  for  congress 
in  what  was  known  as  the  fifth  congressional  district  of  Missouri  and  in  1874 
he  was  its  nominee  for  attorney  general.  He  always  polled  a  large  vote  l)ut 
it  is  a  well  known  fact  that  this  is  a  democratic  stronghold. 

In  his  social  relations  Mr.  Twitchell  was  connected  witli  the  Ma.sons, 
the  Odd  Fellows,  the  Knights  of  Pythias  and  the  Elks,  being  identified  with 
the  local  lodges  of  these  different  organizations  in  Kansas  City.  He  was 
one  of  the  founders  of  the  Early  Settlers  Historical  Society  here,  \rhich  now 
has  a  large  membership  and  its  establishment  upon  a  safe  basis  and  its  sub- 
sequent growth  were  due  in  no  small  degree  to  his  labors.  When  death 
came  to  him.  March  31,  1901,  nearly  all  of  Kansas  City  pioneers  now  liv- 
ing attended  the  funeral  services,  also  nearlv  evcrv  member  of  the  Kansas 
City  bar  and  of  {\\v  Knights  of  Pythias  lodge  with  which  he  was  affiliated. 
He  was  regarded  as  a  peer  of  the  ablest  attorneys  of  Missouri  and  the  regard 
in  which  he  was  held  because  of  his  strong  personal  characteristic-  was  no 
less  pronounced  than  was  his  professional  prominence.  Following  his  de- 
mise the  Kansas  City  Bar  Association  held  a  meeting  in  honor  of  his  mem- 
ory, at  which  speeches  were  made  by  J.  A'.  (\  Karnes,  W.  C.  Scarritt  and  C. 
W.  Clarke,  while  C.  S.  Palmer,  president  of  the  association,  presided.  In 
his  opening  remarks.  President  Palmer  said:  "The  late  Colonel  Twitchell 
was  one  of  the  innsl  public  spirited  men  of  our  couiinuiiity.  He  was  always 
ready  to  do  something  for  the  welfare  of  the  city.''  The  committee  named  to 
draw  up  resolutions  clo.'^ed  its  report  with  the  following:     "He  i-  dead,  but 

HISTORY    OF    KANSAS    CITY  23t> 

his  memory  will  be  long  cherished  by  those  who  have  struggled  with  him 
in  laying  the  foundations  of  this  young  and  growing  city.  Our  great  pro- 
fession is  elevated  and  dignified  by  men  of  his  high  character.  We  com- 
mend his  spirit  to  the  God  who  gave  it,  with  the  comforting  reflection  that 
he  lived  not  in  vain." 

Mrs.  Twitchell  is  a  member  of  the  Grace  Episcopal  church,  in  the  work 
of  which  she  takes  much  interest  and  Mr.  Twitchell  was  a  frequent  attend- 
ant at  the  church  services.  She  owns  a  nice  home  at  3104  Perry  avenue, 
where  she  resided  with  her  husband  for  several  years  prior  to  his  demise. 
She  is  prominent  socially  here  and  possesses  more  than  ordinary  ability  as  a 
writer  and  along  literary  lines.  Among  the  most  genial  of  men,  of  strong 
intellectuality,  of  firm  purpose  and  of  high  ideals,  Mr.  Twitchell  was  hon- 
ored wherever  known  and  most  of  all  where  best  known. 


Judge  John  C.  Tarsney,  lawyer,  lawmaker  and  jurist,  was  born  in 
Medina,  Michigan,  November  7,  1845.  His  parents,  Timothy  and  Mary 
(Murray)  Tarsney,  were  natives  of  Ireland  and  in  early  manhood  and 
womanhood  came  to  the  United  States,  becoming  residents  of  Rochester,  New 
York,  where  they  were  married.  Subsequently  they  removed  to  Toledo, 
Ohio,  and  afterward  to  Medina,  Michigan.  The  father  devoted  almost  his 
entire  life  to  general  agricultural  pursuits  and  died  in  Sacramento,  California, 
where  he  had  gone  for  the  benefit  of  his  health  in  1859.  His  wife  passed 
away  in  1883. 

Judge  Tarsney  was  reared  in  Hillsdale,  Michigan,  to  which  place  his 
parents  removed  when  he  was  only  about  fifteen  months  old.  The  public 
schools  of  that  city  afforded  him  his  educational  privileges  and  in  1882, 
when  a  youth  of  seventeen  years,  he  espoused  the  Union  cause  and  joined  the 
boys  in  blue  of  Company  E,  Fourth  Michigan  Infantry.  It  was  on  the  28th 
of  August  that  he  joined  the  army  and,  remaining  with  his  command  until 
the  close  of  the  war,  being  mustered  out  on  the  5th  of  June,  1865,  his  service 
at  the  front  covering  nearly  three  years.  But  a  boy  when  he  entered  the 
army,  the  experiences  through  which  he  passed  were  such  as  awakened  the 
elements  of  manhood  and  he  came  from  the  south  with  a  knowledge  of  the 
world  and  its  experiences  far  beyond  that  of  young  men  of  similar  years 
whose  early  manhood  is  passed  within  the  shelter  of  home.  He  had  partici- 
pated in  many  sangTiinary  engagements,  including  the  battles  of  ^Vntietam, 
Fredericksburg  and  Chancellorsville.  At  Gettysburg,  on  the  2d  of  July, 
1863,  he  was  wounded  and  taken  prisoner  and  was  sent  to  Belle  Isle,  while 
later  he  was  incarcerated  at  Andersonville  and  Millen  and  afterward  at 
Savannah.  He  was  released  as  a  prisoner  of  war  November  21,  1864,  after 
seventeen  months  spent  in  southern  prison  pens.  When  again  at  liberty  he 
rejoined  his  regiment  and  participated  in  the  campaign  of  1865,  beginning 
with  Hatchers  Run.     He  was  present  at  the  battle  of  Five  Forks  and  at  tbe 

'2S'6  HlSTOKi'    OF    KA^^SAS    CITY 

evacuation  uf  Petersburg  and  also  witnessed  the  surrender  of  General  Lee  at 

Following  his  discharge  Judge  Tarsney  returned  to  Michigan  and  con- 
tinued his  education  as  a  high  school  student  at  Hudson,  where  he  was 
graduated  with  the  class  of  18(57.  Determining  upon  a  professional  career, 
he  entered  the  law  department  of  the  University  of  Michigan  and  was 
graduated  with  the  class  of  1869.  He  then  located  for  practice  in  Hudson, 
Michigan,  where  he  remained  until  1872,  when  he  came  to  Kansas  City,  re- 
maining an  active  and  i3rominent  member  of  the  bar  here  until  1888.  In 
1874  he  wa8  chosen  city  attorney  and  filled  the  position  for  two  years.  From 
J  875  until  1888  he  was  attorney  for  the  street  railway  companies  of  Kansas 
City  and  in  the  last  mentioned  year  was  elected  to  congress  from  his  district 
and  was  returned  to  the  office  in  1890,  1892  and  1894.  Thus  for  four  con- 
secutive terms  he  represented  his  district  in  the  council  chambers  of  the 
nation,  where  he  was  not  without  influence  in  molding  congressional  opin- 
ions and  actions.  In  1896  he  was  appointed  by  Grover  Cleveland  associate 
justice  of  the  supreme  court  of  Oklahoma  territory  and  served  upon  the 
bench  until  March,  1899.  Returning  in  that  year  to  Kansas  City,  he  resumed 
the  practice  of  law,  in  which  he  has  since  been  engaged  and  is  recognized 
as  one  of  the  learned  and  able  lawyers  of  western  Missouri,  capably  hand- 
ling litigated  interests  before  the  courts  and  rendering  valuable  service  as 
counsel.  He  has  also  been  identified  with  the  coal  industry  of  the  city  and 
owns  coal  properties  in  Adair  county,  this  state. 

On  the  10th  of  May,  1871,  Judge  Tarsney  was  married  to  Miss  ^lary 
Behan,  of  Adrian,  oNlichigan,  and  unto  them  were  born  five  children,  but  all 
are  now  deceased.  Judge  and  Mrs.  Tarsney  maintain  their  home  at  the 
Coates  House  and  Mi-s.  Tarsney,  very  prominent  in  benevolent  work,  is  the 
executive  head  of  the  Perry  Memorial  Orphan  Boys'  Home,  is  actively  con- 
nected with  the  A.ssociated  Charities  of  Kansas  City  and  with  various  other 
charitable  and  civic  orders  promoting  the  interests  of  the  poor  and  advanc- 
ing the  intellectual  and  moral  development  of  the  community.  Judge  and 
Mrs.  Tarsney  are  commimicants  of  the  Catholic  church  and  his  political 
allegiance  has  been  iniswervingly  given  to  the  democracy,  which  vccoLinizes 
in  him  one  of  its  distinguished  leaders  in  Missouri. 

A.    J.    IIIGLEY. 

A.  J.  Higlcy,  of  Kansas  City,  in  his  rciil-cstate  bu.siness  is  largely  linnd- 
ling  wcsti'i-n  land-  and  few  real-estate  men  have  better  knowledge^  of  prop- 
erty values  m  the  wot  than  docs  he.  Mr.  Higley  was  born  in  Puthnid, 
Ohio,  October  1,  1851.  His  father,  Julius  B.  Higley,  was  born  November 
9,  1822,  on  the  same  farm  on  which  occurred  the  birth  of  his  son. 

His  fatlier  was  Cyrus  Higley  and  his  grandfather  Brewster  Higley,  the 
first  settler  in  that  section  of  Ohio,  to  which  locality  he  removed  from  Rut- 
land, Vermont,  and  the  town  and  township  were  named  by  him  in  memory 


of  his  former  place  of  residence.  When  he  took  up  his  abode  in  Ohio  the 
nearest  store  was  at  Marietta  and  there  he  went  for  his  merchandise  and  mail. 
He  had  much  to  do  with  the  early  development  and  settlement  of  that  sec- 
tion of  Meigs  county,  aiding  in  laying  broad  and  deep  the  foundation  upon 
which  has  been  built  the  later  progress  and  prosperity  of  the  locality.  He 
and  his  wife  had  made  the  journey  from  New  England  on  horseback  and 
when  they  dismounted  for  the  last  time  on  reaching  their  destination  Mrs. 
Higley  hitched  the  horse  to  a  small  mulberry  sapling  and  camped  on  what 
is  now  the  site  of  the  cemetery.  The  sapling  in  the  course  of  years  grew 
to  an  immense  tree,  died  and  was  cut  down.  There  was  later  a  marble  slab 
inserted  into  the  stump  of  the  tree,  on  which  was  inscribed  an  account  of  the 
use  to  which  she  had  put  the  tree  as  a  hitching  post  in  that  early  day.  Both 
Brew.-ter  Higley  and  his  son  Cyrus  were  buried  in  that  cemetery.  Julius  B. 
Higley,  h(»wever,  left  the  old  home  in  Ohio  and  caiiie  west  with  his  family 
in  1866,  purchasing  a  half  section  of  land  five  miles  southeast  of  Lee's  Summit, 
in  Jackson  county,  Missouri.  The  farm  is  now  owned  by  a  man  of  the  name 
of  Smart.  It  continued  to  be  the  residence  of  Julius  Higley  until  1882,  when 
he  removed  to  Reno  county,  Kansas,  where  he  made  his  home  until  his 
death,  passing  away  in  Sterling,  that  state,  on  the  6th  of  July,  1905,  when 
in  his  eighty-third  year.  During  his  early  manhood  he  was  a  warm  and 
close  friend  of  Colonel  Van  Horn,  who  was  then  conducting  a  newspaper 
at  Pomeroy,  Ohio,  and  this  friendship  continued  throughout  life. 

Julius  Higley  was  married  to  Miss  Maria  L.  Puqua,  daughter  of  John 
Fuqua,  a  native  of  France  who  came  to  this  country  as  a  young  man  and 
located  in  Greenup  county,  Kentucky,  where  he  became  the  possessor  of  ex- 
tensive landed  interests  and  prior  to  the  war  was  the  owner  of  two  hundred 
slaves,  who  were  employed  in  the  cultivation  and  improvement  of  his  plan- 

A.  J.  Higley,  whose  name  introduces  this  review,  spent  the  first  fifteen 
years  of  his  life  in  the  state  of  his  nativity  and  then  accompanied  his  parents 
on  their  removal  to  Missouri.  He  was  educated  in  the  public  schools  of 
Ohio,  and  Missouri  and  also  attended  college  at  Beloit,  Wisconsin.  Leaving 
the  home  farm  in  1878  he  went  to  Hutchinson,  Kansas,  where  he  took  up 
the  study  of  law  in  the  office  of  Houk  &  Brown,  the  junior  partner  of  the 
firm  being  for  several  years  judge  of  the  court  of  the  ninth  judicial  district 
and  later  a  member  of  congress.  After  thorough  preliminary  reading  Mr. 
Higley  was  admitted  to  the  bar  and  engaged  in  practice,  conducting  a  real- 
estate  and  loan  business  in  connection  with  his  law  work.  He  wa^  identified 
with  those  interests  in  Hutchinson  for  seventeen  years  and  in  1895  came  to 
Kansas  City,  since  which  time  he  has  given  his  attention  to  real-estate  deal- 
ing, buying  and  selling  western  lands,  in  which  he  is  very  successful.  He 
has  negotiated  many  important  realty  transfers  and  is  largely  familiar  with 
the  property  that  is  upon  the  market  and  its  possible  diminution  or  apprecia- 
tion in  value,  so  that  he  has  been  enabled  to  make  judicious  purchases  and 
profitable  sales. 

Mr.  Higley  was  married  on  the  6th  of  September,  1876,  to  Miss  Emma 
E.  Howe,  of  Kewanee,  Illinois,  a  daughter  of  Colonel  J.  H.  Howe,  who  com- 


maiided  a  brigade  during  the  Civil  war  and  was  later  commir-sioned  a 
brigadier  general.  He  was  closely  associated  with  General  Grant  during  the 
period  of  hostilities  and  when  the  hero  of  Appomattox  was  occupying  the 
White  House,  Colonel  Howe  was  appointed  by  him  to  the  position  of  chief 
justice  of  Wyoming.  The  marriage  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Higley  has  been  blessed 
with  four  children :  Florence  E.,  now  the  wife  of  George  E.  Kimball,  of 
Rochester,  Ncav  York;  Clyde  S.,  who  is  associated  with  his  father  in  business; 
John,  who  is  connected  with  the  Belt  Line  Lumber  Company,  of  Kansas  City; 
and  Helen  L.,  w'ho  is  attending  high  school. 

Mr.  Higley  has  never  taken  an  active  part  in  political  affairs,  preferring 
to  concentrate  his  undivided  attention  upon  his  business  interests,  which, 
capably  conducted,  have  brought  him  signal  success. 

JAMES    M.    GREENWOOD,   LL.  D. 

James  Mickleborough  Greenw^ood,  author,  educator  and  lecturer,  was 
born  November  15,  1837,  in  Sangamon  county,  Illinois,  his  parents  being 
Edmund  and  Jeanette  (Foster)  Greenwood.  The  ancestral  history  is  traced 
back  to  William  Greenwood,  who  in  1635  emigrated  from  England,  his  na- 
tive country,  to  Virginia.  The  maternal  grandfather,  Peyton  Foster,  was 
descended  from  a  Huguenot  family  that  migrated  to  South  Carolina  at  an 
early  day.  His  wife  was  connected  with  the  Daniel  and  Mickleborough  fami- 
lies of  Virginia,  and  thus  back  of  Mr.  Greenwood  of  this  review  there  is  an 
ancestry  honorable  and  distinguished. 

In  1824  the  paternal  grandfather  settled  upon  a  farm  in  Sangamon 
county,  Illinois,  and  not  far  distant  was  the  boyhood  home  of  James  ]\I.  Green- 
wood, who  at  the  age  of  eight  years  began  attending  school,  while  his  leisure 
hours  from  tlie  time  that  he  could  read  were  devoted  to  such  books  as  he 
could  procure  in  the  neighborhood.  In  1852  his  father  removed  with  the 
family  to  Adair  county,  Missouri,  settling  near  the  present  site  of  Brashear, 
where  he  died  in  1902.  In  his  youth  James  M.  Greenwood  divided  his  time 
between  the  duties  of  the  farm,  the  acquirement  of  an  education,  and  the 
enjoyment  which  he  derived  from  hunting.  His  educational  privileges,  how- 
ever, were  meager  for  the  nearest  school  was  seven  miles  from  his  home,  so 
that  on  rainy  days  and  in  the  evenings  he  pursued  his  lessons  at  his  own 
fireside.  Text-books  were  scarce  but  the  death  of  a  scholarly  man  of  the 
neighborhood  resulted  in  the  sale  of  a  number  of  volumes  which  Mr.  Green- 
wood purchased  witb  ni()n(\v  he  had  made  selling  a  two  year  old  steer.  These 
books  included  a  Latin  grammar,  Virgil,  first  and  second  book  in  Spanish, 
an  algebra,  a  geometry,  a  book  on  surveying.  Butler's  analogy,  and  Olm- 
stead's  philosophy,  and  Mr.  Greenwood  set  to  work  to  master  the  contents. 
Without  a  teacher  he  gained  a  comprehensive  knowledge  of  mathematics, 
philosophy  and  a  fair  knowledge  of  Spanish  and  Latin.  He  displayed  nat- 
ural aptitude  in  his  studies  and  with  great  desire  for  education  he  eagerly 
embraced  every  opportunity   foi-  adding  to  his  learning,  and  throughout  his 

J.    M.    GREENWOOD. 

'  -.'ORK 
PUl.„.  .  .iBRARY 



entire  life  has  been  a  close  and  discriminating  student,  being  now  widely 
recognized  as  a  man  of  broad  and  scholarly  attainments.  When  he  was  six- 
teen years  of  age,  however,  he  had  but  six  terms'  schooling  and  between 
that  and  the  age  of  twenty  he  attended  school  but  twenty-five  days.  In  1857 
he  entered  the  Methodist  Seminary  at  Canton,  Missouri,  where  he  made  a 
record  without  parallel  in  its  history.  He  w^ould  have  completed  a  four  years' 
course  in  ten  months  had  he  not  been  obliged  to  discontinue  his  studies  on 
account  of  impaired  health.  However,  the  course  was  practically  completed, 
as  ho  passed  examinations  in  twenty  different  branches.  He  read  law  under 
the  direction  of  his  tw^o  uncles.  Rev.  George  W.  Foster  and  Colonel  J.  D. 
Foster,  from  1858  until  1861,  and  when  the  war  broke  out  he  gave  his  law 
books  to  his  brother  and  went  into  service.  A  part  of  his  time  during  thig 
period  was  also  given  to  farm  work. 

On  the  1st  of  November,  1859,  Mr.  Greenwood  was  married  to  Mis? 
Amanda  McDaniel,  a  teacher  in  Kirkville,  whose  ambitions  and  talents  were 
similar  to  his  own.  From  1862  until  1864  Mr.  Greenwood  served  in  the  Mis- 
souri State  Militia. 

His  active  connection  with  the  teacher's  profession  began  when  he  was 
seventeen  years  of  age,  successfully  teaching  a  school  in  Adair  county,  Mis- 
souri. At  a  later  date  he  was  urged  to  apply  for  a  vacant  school  at  Lima, 
Illinois,  but  it  was  against  his  principles  to  ask  for  the  position.  He  was 
then  induced  by  the  school  directors  to  visit  the  town,  and  when  one  in- 
quired concerning  his  politics  he  received  the  answ^er,  "It  is  none  of  your 
business.  If  you  want  politics  taught  in  your  school  you  must  look  for  an- 
other teacher,  for  I  am  too  good  a  patriot  to  be  a  partisan  and  too  good  a 
Christian  to  be  a  sectarian."  He  was  engaged  on  condition  of  his  obtaining 
a  certificate  from  the  county  superintendent.  The  commissioner  wrote  ques- 
tions upon  the  blackboard,  giving  him  three  hours  in  which  to  answer.  He 
asked  for  an  immediate  oral  examination,  answered  all  the  questions  and 
received  a  first  grade  certificate — the  first  one  issued  in  the  county.  In  1864 
Mr.  Greenwood  returned  to  Adair  county,  Missouri,  where  he  taught  a  win- 
ter school  in  1864-65,  which  was  interrupted  by  smallpox,  and  afterward 
worked  in  offices  of  circuit  clerk  and  county  clerk.  In  the  fall  of  1865,  he 
taught  at  Lima,  Illinois,  and  the  following  year  he  taught  a  winter  term  in 
Knox  county,  Missouri.  During  all  these  years  his  spare  time  was  devoted 
to  mathematical  studies,  history,  philosophy  and  reading  international  law. 
In  1867  he  became  the  teacher  of  mathematics,  natural  philosophy  and 
logic  in  a  private  normal  school  opened  by  Dr.  Joseph  Baldwin  at  Kirkville, 
Missouri,  where  he  continued  for  seven  years,  becoming  recognized  through- 
out the  state  as  a  superior  mathematician.  During  this  time  his  wife  acted 
as  principal  of  the  model  training  department.  Early  in  1861  Mr.  Green- 
wood, Mr.  AV.  P.  Nason  and  Rev.  D.  M.  Kniter  organized  the  first  teacher's 
institute  in  northwestern  Missouri,  at  Kirksville,  and  actvely  participated  in 
its  work.  He  and  his  wife  without  solicitation  on  their  part  were  called  to 
Mount  Pleasant  College  at  Huntsville,  Missouri,  in  1870,  Mr.  Greenwood  as 
teacher  of  mathematics,  logic,  rhetoric  and  reading,  and  his  wife  as  teacher 
of  botany,  history  and  primary  Avork.     After  six  months  they  resigned  that 


Mr.  Greenwood  might  accept  the  chair  of  mathematics  in  Kirksville  Nor- 
mal, which  had  become  a  state  school.  He  had  been  offered  the  presidency 
of  the  institution,  but  declined,  .stating  that  Dr.  Baldwin  had  established  the 
school  and  it  would  be  injustice  to  him.  In  .June,  1874,  J.  V.  C.  Karnes, 
treasurer  of  the  board  of  education  of  Kansas  City,  wrote  to  ]Mr.  Greenwood, 
asking  him  to  apply  for  the  po.-;ition  of  superintendent  of  the  schools  here. 
He  refused  to  make  application,  but  said  he  would  accept  if  elected,  and 
he  w-as  chosen  for  the  position  over  sixteen  applicants.  Kansas  City's  popu- 
lation then  numbered  twenty-eight  thousand  and  the  schools  had  just  be- 
come Avell  established.  However,  there  were  still  many  obstacles  and  dis- 
cordant elements,  while  limited  means  proved  a  stumbling  block.  Mr. 
Greenwood  succeeded  in  restoring  harmony  and  created  a  public  sentiment 
favorable  for  the  necessary  financial  support.  He  organized  a  teacher's  insti- 
tute, introduced  improved  methods  of  management,  discipline  and  class  reci- 
tations, and,  in  fact,  so  improved  the  schools  that  in  the  second  year  there  was 
a  gain  of  two  hundred  and  fifty-five  in  daily  average  attendance,  while  at 
the  close  of  the  school  year  of  1877-78,  the  Kansas  City  schools  were  recog- 
nized as  the  best  in  the  west.  To  his  efforts  Avas  due  the  systematic  organ- 
ization of  laboratory  science  and  literary  studies  in  the  high  school,  which 
Avas  the  first  in  the  west  to  introduce  these  systems  now  in  vogue  in  nearly  all 
institutions  of  similar  grade.  His  entire  disregard  of  local  interests  in  hir- 
ing teachers  and  the  so-called  claims  of  home  teachers  was  also  an  element 
in  his  success  in  his  Avork  in  the  schools,  for  he  considered  only  the  capability 
of  those  Avho  sought  the  positions  and  Avithout  discrimination  recommended 
teacliers  according  to  their  Avorth.  His  own  zeal  and  interest  in  the  AA'ork 
became  the  inspiration  of  others,  and  Kansas  City  schools  made  progress 
unequaled  up  to  tliat  time  in  the  history  of  education  here. 

Professor  CrreenAvood  is  also  Avell  knoAvn  as  an  author,  his  Avritings  be- 
ing  largely  confined  to  Avorks  upon  education  and  kindred  topics.  In  ]8S4 
he  was  appointed  to  revise  Ray's  Higher  Arithmetic;  in  1887  he  Avrotc 
Principles  of  Education  Practically  Applied;  published  by  the  Appletons;  in 
1888  prepared  a  hi-torical  sketch  of  Missouri  for  Butler's  Advanced  Geog- 
raphy; in  1890  wrote  A  Complete  Manual  on  Teaching  Arithmetic,  Algebra 
and  Geometry  and  published  by  Maynard,  ^Merrill  &  Company;  and  in  asso- 
ciation Avith  Dr.  Arteimis  Martin  wrote  A  History  of  American  Arithmetics 
and  a  Biograpliical  Sketch  of  the  Authors,  AA^hich  Avas  issued  a-  a  govern- 
ment publication.  F(»r  years  he  has  l)ccn  a  i-cviser  of  standard  mathemati- 
cal works.  In  1005,  Avith  Mr.  (i.  !>.  Longaii  and  Mr.  .1.  IT.  Macklcy.  lie  pre- 
pared an  elementary  and  aNo  a  coiniiion  school  arithmetic,  published  in  New 
York.  His  annnal  rcpoil-  and  of  cdncational  literature,  of  Avhich  he 
is  the  author,  have  received  commendation  from  highest  authorities.  He 
bfi.=  been  a  frequent  contributor  to  leading  magazines,  reviews  and  educa- 
tional journals.  IIi>  writings  have  covoitmI  a  wide  scope  and  have  shown 
broad  research,  ad\anc((l  tiiou^lit.  and  original  ideas. 

In  1895  Professoi-  (ircenwood  made  a  tour  of  Europe  with  a  company 
of  distinguished  nun.  including  Dr.  William  T.  Harris.  United  States  com- 
missioner of  education,  tlic  ])urpose  of  the  trip  being  to  observe  the  progress 


of  education  in  .-^ome  of  the  principal  European  countries.  They  visited 
many  of  the  leading  schools,  colleges  and  universities  abroad  and  gained 
many  valuable  ideas  concerning  educational  methods  in  vogue  in  European 
centers  of  learning.  Through  his  efforts  the  official  map  of  1897,  issued  by 
the  commissioner  of  the  land  office  and  showing  the  original  Louisiana  Pur- 
chase, was  corrected. 

As  a  lecturer,  as  well  as  educator  and  author.  Professor  Greenw^ood  is 
known  throughout  the  country,  and  his  addresses  have  been  styled  as  elo- 
quent, logical  and  original.  He  is  indeed  a  fluent  and  forcible  speaker,  his 
thoughts  being  presented  at  times  with  a  terse  and  decisive  logic,  according 
to  the  subject,  while  on  other  occasions  he  has  shown  himself  master  of  the 
art  of  rhetoric.  Since  1870  he  has  delivered  more  than  one  thousand  lectures 
throughout  the  country,  and  at  all  times  he  has  stimulated  the  thought  of 
his  auditors,  bringing  to  them  new  ideas  which  have  resulted  in  a  breadth  of 
vision  concerning  many  important  themes.  In  1876  he  was  president  of  the 
Missouri  State  Teachers'  Association  and  was  again  its  president  in  1906, 
an  honor  conferred  on  no  other  educator  of  the  state.  In  1887  he  was  elected 
a  life  director  of  the  National  Educational  Association,  and  from  1890  until 
1895  was  its  treasurer  and  in  1898  its  president  and  he  is  now  a  member  of 
its  Board  of  Trustees.  In  the  same  year  the  University  of  Missouri  conferred 
upon  him  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Laws,  having  received  the  degree  of  Mas- 
ter of  Arts  in  1873.  It  was  largely  through  his  efforts  that  Dr.  William  T. 
Harris  was  chosen  commissioner  of  education  by  President  Harrison,  to 
whom  Mr.  Harris  was  politically  opposed. 

Deprived  in  youth  of  the  advantages  which  many  enjoy,  Dr.  (Treen- 
wood  made  for  himself  the  opportunities  which  he  otherwise  lacked  and  has 
steadily  progressed  along  lines  of  intellectual  attainment.  Early  in  his  ca- 
reer he  made  it  his  purpose  and  aim  to  master  thoroughly  every  subject  to 
which  he  gave  his  attention,  and  as  he  has  continued  his  study  and  research 
this  has  given  him  a  breadth  of  view  and  clear  understanding  manifest  in 
his  forceful  discussion  of  many  subjects  which  have  claimed  public  attention. 
The  peer  and  friend  of  many  of  the  ablest  educators  and  government  men  of 
the  country,  his  labors  for  educational  advancement  and  his  contributions  to 
technical  and  general  literature  and  entitle  him  to  be  known  as  one  of  the 
benefactors  of  the  twentieth  centurv. 

VERDI    I.    BANTA. 

Verdi  I.  Banta,  manager  of  the  Heim  Brewery,  has  spent  almost  his 
entire  life  in  Kansas  City,  for  his  parents,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Daniel  W.  Banta, 
removed  here  when  the  son  was  but  three  months  old,  his  birth  having  oc- 
curred in  Lafayette,  Indiana,  June  7.  1865.  The  father  was  a  native  of 
Lockport,  New  York,  born  in  1835,  and  acquired  his  education  in  the  coun- 
try schools.     He  was  reared  as  a  farm  boy,  spending  his  youth  in  the  home 


of  his  lalliLT,  Peter  Banta,  a  native  of  New  York  city,  who,  leaving  the 
metropolis,  became  identified  with  agricultural  interests  in  the  interior  of 
the  state. 

Daniel  W.  Banta  left  Lockport  when  a  young  man  and  made  his  way 
to  Michigan,  where  he  worked  at  the  painter's  trade.  He  afterward  removed 
to  St.  Louis  and  eventually  came  to  Kansas  City,  arriving  here  in  1858.  It 
was  a  frontier  town  at  that  time  and  all  to  the  west  stretched  an  unde- 
veloped, unsettled  region,  for  only  a  few  white  men  had  penetrated  into 
that  section  of  the  country,  which  was  largely  in  possession  of  the  red  race. 
Mr.  Banta  traded  with  the  Indians  for  years.  Another  element  in  his  life 
record  worthy  of  note  is  the  fact  that  he  was  the  organizer  of  the  first  band 
of  Kansas  City,  known  as  Banta's  Band,  its  meetings  being  held  in  the  base- 
ment of  the  old  Long  building  at  the  corner  of  Fifth  and  Main  streets.  He 
played  many  brass  and  string  instruments,  including  the  violin  and  was  a 
jDroficient  musician  as  well  as  a  lover  of  the  art.  He  led  his  band  for  thirty 
years  and  when  the  Civil  war  broke  out  the  Ijand  enlisted  as  a  body  and 
served  for  four  years  as  part  of  an  Illinois  regiment.  At  its  close  Daniel 
Baiita  held  the  rank  of  major.  While  at  the  front  he  was  wounded  in  the 
head  but  recovered  from  his  injuries  and  at  the  close  of  the  war  returned 
to  Kansas  City,  where  he  resumed  trading  with  the  Indians.  He  had  a 
large  store  at  the  corner  of  Sixteenth  street  and  Grand  avenue  and  for  a 
time  was  in  j^artnei-ship  with  Milton  McGee.  He  not  only  traded  withjhe 
Indians  but  did  an  extensive  business  in  the  shipment  of  buffalo  robes,  send- 
ing thousands  of  these  to  the  markets  of  the  east. 

He  became  an  important  factor  in  the  upbuilding  of  this  section  of  tlie 
country  and  was  connected  with  the  construction  of  the  first  railroad — the 
Northern  Pacific — through  Kansas  City.  After  the  completion  of  this  line 
across  the  Sunflower  state  he  ceased  trading  with  the  Indians,  selling  his 
business  to  a  St.  Louis  firm,  after  which  he  devoted  his  attention  tn  his 
band  interests  and  to  music  until  1890.  In  that  year  he  removed  to  AVest- 
port,  where  he  purchased  the  Green  farm,  whereon  he  made  his  home  until 
his  dcatli.  which  occurred  March  9,  1905.  Some  time  ])ri()r  to  hi-  d;'nn-o  he 
purcliased  thf  old  family  homestead  at  Clifton  Park  near  Saratoga,  New 
York,  and  this  he  improved.  Following  his  demise  his  widow  and  one 
daughter  removed  to  (his  home  and  there  Mrs.  Banta  passed  away  Octoljer 
7,  1908.  her  remains  being  interred  by  the  side  of  her  hnsband  in  Forest 
Hill  cemetery  of  Kansas  City. 

Mr.  J^aiila  wn<  a  i-c])nl)lifan  in  \\'\<  political  view-  and  lioih  lir  and 
Lis  wife  were  mcmlirrs  of  St.  Mary's  Episcopal  church  at  the  corner  of 
Eighth  and  Wnlinil  sli'ccts.  His  life  in  all  of  its  relations  and  jturjio-es 
was  actuated  by  high  and  honorable  principles  and  was  in  harmonv  with 
his  pi-of('-sions  of  religion  inid  witli  all  that  nieiiibei'ship  in  the  Masonic 
fraternity  implies.  He  was  likewise  a  valued  memlier  of  the  Grand  Ai-my 
of  tlie  Tiei>ublie  and  of  the  Old  Settlers'  Association.  His  interests  were  so 
closelv  connected  with  tlie  improvement  of  Kansas  City  from  its  ])ioneer 
days  until  the  latter  [)ai1;  of  the  nineteenth  century  that  no  history  of  the 
city  wonld  bo  complete  without  mention  of  lii-  life  and  a  tribute  to  his  mem- 


ory.  Unto  him  and  his  wife  were  born  two  children,  the  daughter  being 
Hattie  S.,  now  Mrs.  Clark  P.  Smith,  of  Clifton  Park,  New  York. 

Verdi  I.  Banta  attended  the  Franklin  public  school  at  Fourteenth  and 
Washington  streets  to  the  age  of  fourteen  years,  when  he  entered  the  employ 
of  the  government  as  a  letter  carrier,  but  he  had  scarcely  more  than  become 
connected  with  the  service  when  congress  passed  a  law  prohibiting  all  under 
eighteen  years  of  age  remaining  in  the  service.  Mr.  Banta  then  obtained 
employment  in  the  postoffice  and  remained  in  the  federal  building  for  fif- 
teen years,  working  his  way  upward  by  various  promotions  to  the  responsible 
position  of  superintendent  of  the  general  delivery.  He  acted  in  that  capacity 
for  eight  years  and  was  one  of  the  most  trusted  employes  in  the  po.stoffice. 
Removing  to  Westport,  he  was  appointed  postmaster  at  that  place  by  Presi- 
dent Harrison  to  fill  out  the  unexpired  term  of  Postmaster  Love.  At  the 
end  of  two  years,  however,  he  resigned  and  was  made  deputy  sheriff  under 
Sheriff  W.  S.  Pontius,  resigning  his  position  to  accept  that  of  city  collector 
of  the  Ferd  Heim  Brewery.  In  June,  1907,  he  was  appointed  manager  of 
the  brewery,  which  position  he  has  since  filled.  He  is  a  capable  business 
man  of  executive  ability  and  keen  discrimination  and  is  giving  entire  satis- 
faction to  those  w^hom  he  represents. 

Mr.  Banta  was  married  in  Kansas  City,  on  the  3d  of  June,  1893,  to 
Miss  Gertrude  Putnam,  of  this  city,  a  daughter  of  Nathan  W.  Putnam.  She 
was  bom  at  the  corner  of  Ninth  and  Harrison  streets  and  by  her  marriage 
has  become  the  mother  of  two  children :  Verdi  and  Nathan.  Mr.  Banta  is 
a  republican  in  his  political  views,  is  a  member  of  the  fraternal  order  of 
Eagles  and  a  communicant  of  the  Episcopal  church.  For  forty-three  years 
he  has  been  a  resident  of  Kansas  City  and  Jackson  county  and  as  an  inter- 
ested witness  has  watched  the  transformation  which  has  been  wrought  as  it 
has  emerged  from  pioneer  conditions  and  taken  on  all  the  evidences  of 
modern   metropolitan  life. 


Mrs.  Carrie  Westlake  Whitney  is  a  Virginian  by  birth,  and  a  Missou- 
rian  by  adoption ;  she  w^as  born  on  a  large  plantation  in  Virginia,  and  is 
the  daughter  of  Wellington  Bracee  and  Helen  (Van  Waters)  AVestlake.  As 
customary  with  southern  people,  Mrs.  Whitney  received  her  education  in 
private  schools.  Her  parents  moved  to  Missouri,  near  Sedalia,  in  her  early 
years  and  Mrs.  Whitney  attended  school  in  St.  Louis,  where  she  lived  with 
relatives.  Mrs.  Whitney  was  married  December  1,  1885,  to  Mr.  James  Steele 
Whitney,  who  died  in  February,  1890. 

Mrs.  Whitney  was  appointed  librarian  of  the  Kansas  City  Public  Li- 
brary March,  1881,  and  has  since  held  the  position  continuously,  beginning 
as  custodian  of  a  thousand  volumes,  to-day  she  has  charge  of  ninety  thousand 
volumes.  Mrs.  Whitney  has  been  a  member  of  the  American  Library  Asso- 
ciation since  1889,  attending  the  conferences  every  year;  she  is  also  a  mem- 


ber  of  the  Missouri  branch  of  American  Folk-lore  Society;  and  associate 
member  of  the  Missouri  Historical  Society,  St.  Louis. 

Mrs.  Whitney's  years  of  service  as  librarian  have  made  her  name  fa- 
miliar in  every  household;  her  greatest  achievement  as  librarian  has  been 
her  influence  Avith  children.  The  reference  department  has  been  the  foun- 
dation of  the  library,  of  which  Mrs.  AVhitney  is  the  head,  and  thus  has 
developed  one  of  the  foremost  institutions  in  Kansas  City.  While  the  growth 
of  Mrs.  AMiitney's  work  has  not  been  marvelous,  the  library  has  advanced 
step  by  step  until  to-day  it  ranks  among  the  advanced  libraries  of  the 

Mrs.  Whitney's  biography  is  the  history  of  the  Kansas  City  Public 


James  Yates,  who  for  a  long  period  figured  in  business  circles  in  Kansas 
Cit}'^  as  a  man  of  enterprise,  practical  ideas  and  force  of  character,  met  that 
.measure  of  success  which  always  follows  intense  activity,  intelligently  di- 
rected. For  a  quarter  of  a  century  he  was  connected  with  the  ice  trade  and 
later  was  president  of  the  Economic  Asphalt  Repair  Company,  but  spent 
the  last  year  of  his  life  in  honorable  retirement  from  labor.  He  was  born 
in  Fonda,  New  York,  in  1844,  and  was  reared  and  educated  in  the  Empire 
state  and  became  a  student  in  Union  College  at  Schenectady,  New  York, 
from  which  he  was  graduated  in  the  class  of  1863.  Soon  afterward  he  w^ent 
to  the  west  and  became  connected  with  railroad  interests  and  was  employed 
by  the  Burlington  &  Missouri  River  Railroad  for  a  year  as  purchasing  agent, 
with  headquarters  at  Burlington,  Iowa.  About  1865  he  located  in  Atchison, 
Kansas,  where  he  established  a  retail  lumber  business  and  afterward  broad- 
ened the  scope  of  his  activity  by  becoming  connected  with  the  ice  trade 
as  Avell. 

In  1878  Mr.  Yates  returned  to  the  state  <if  New  York  and  was  there 
married  to  Miss  Margaret  Ilesler.  of  Fort  Plain,  a,  granddaughter  of  Gnulean 
Verplanck,  of  Holland  descent.  He  then  retui-ncd  to  the  west  with  his  bride, 
establishing  their  home  in  Atchison.  As  a  dealer  in  lnnil»ei-  and  ice  he  met 
with  success,  his  business  developing  along  .substantial  lines,  and  in  1S,S2 
a  branch  was  established  in  Kansas  City.  Two  years  later  the  original  olliee 
was  discontinued  and  Mr.  Yates  came  to  Kansas  City  to  reside,  organizing 
here  the  Yates  Ice  Company,  dealers  in  natural  ice.  He  built  large  ice 
houses  at  Bean  Lake,  with  a  capacity  of  sixty-five  thousand  ton.-^.  and  e<tal)- 
lished  business  in  this  city,  lb'  was  one  of  the  fir.^t  to  engage  here  in  the 
sale  of  ice  and  gradually  his  trade  inerea.-ed  to  exteii.-ivo  ])iT)|)ortion-.  until 
he  was  employing  seventy-five  men  and  utilizing  twenly-live  teams  va  eany- 
ing  on  hLs  business.  In  1897  he  sold  ont  his  retail  business  to  the  People's 
Ice  Company  and  carried  on  a  wholesale  ice  hn-ine.-s  nnfil  l'.)(ll.  Pi-o.-itcrity 
attended  him  in  this  branch  of  the  trade  and  he  eoniinne(l  sneee.~sfnllv  for 
seven  years,  when  he  disposed  n\'  hi.-  ice  house-  :nid  retired  from  tliat  line  of 





iTTLDCN   F0-t:»AT10NSl 


commercial  activity.  He  then  became  connected  with  the  Economic  Asphalt 
Repair  Company  as  president,  with  D.  H.  Bows  as  vice-president  and  man- 
ager, and  W.  H.  Seage.r  as  secretary  and  treasurer.  The  company  was  organ- 
ized for  the  purpose  of  repairing  asphalt  pavements  in  Kansas  City  and 
employed  twenty-five  men,  and  from  the  beginning  the  business  was  a 
profitable  one.  In  1907  this  company  sold  out  to  the  Metropolitan  Asphalt 
Company  and  Mr.  Yates  retired  from  active  business,  save  that  he  was  a 
stockholder  in   the  Union   National   Bank. 

Mr.  Yates  built  a  home  at  Thirteenth  and  Madison  streets,  where  he 
resided  until  1905,  when  he  purchased  and  remodeled  a  beautiful  residence 
on  Sunnnit  street.  In  February,  1908,  he  went  abroad,  spending  three 
months  in  touring  Switzerland,  Italy,  Spain  and  Egypt.  He  passed  away 
on  the  23d  of  August,  1908,  and  Kansas  City  thus  lost  one  of  its  substantial 
residents  who  had  never  figured  in  public  life,  but  who  in  his  business  actions 
and  social  relations  had  ever  enjoyed  the  fullest  respect  and  confidence  of 
those  with  whom  he  was  brought  in  contact.  He  was  always  active  in  the 
interests  and  welfare  of  Kansas  City,  doing  much  to  advance  its  upbuilding 
and  as  the  years  wejit  by  he  gained  a  most  creditable  record  as  citizen  and 
business  man.  He  was  always  energetic,  formed  his  plans  readily  and  was 
determined  in  their  execution.  There  was  no  esoteric  phase  in  his  career. 
On  the  contrary,  he  based  his  business  principles  and  actions  upon  the  rules 
which  govern  strict  and  unswerving  integrity  and  unabating  energy,  and 
therein  was  the  secret  of  his  success. 


Charles  E.  Kearney,  deceased,  was  one  of  the  pioneer  wholesale  and  retail 
merchants  of  Kansas  City,  and  belonged  to  that  class  of  representative  Amer- 
ican men  who,  while  promoting  individual  success,  also  contribute  to  the 
substantial  upbuilding  and  prosperity  of  the  community  in  which  they  live. 
He  was  a  native  of  Ireland,  born  March  8,  1820.  His  parents  both  died  on 
the  Emerald  Isle  Avhen  their  son  Charles  was  comparatively  young.  He  was 
a  youth  of  nine  at  the  time  of  his  mother's  demise  and  at  the  age  of  sixteen 
he  determined  to  seek  a  home  in  America,  for  he  had  a  brother  residing  in 
Texas.  His  father  had  been  an  army  officer  and  Charles  E.  Kearney  had  been 
afforded  good  educational  advantages  in  Ireland.  On  the  day  that  Queen 
Victoria  was  crowned  he  sailed  for  the  United  States,  landing  in  New  York 
city,  whence  he  made  his  way  direct  to  his  brother's  home  in  Texas.  There 
he  was  engaged  as  a  Mexican  trader  and  continued  there  during  the  period  of 
the  Mexican  war.  He  afterward  began  making  trips  to  the  w^est,  carrying  on 
business,  however,  as  a  trader  all  the  time.  He  crossed  the  plains  on  fourteen 
different  occasions  and  was  familiar  with  all  of  the  experiences  of  freighting 
and  of  pioneer  life  in  the  west  when  the  seeds  of  civilization  had  hardly  been 
planted.  The  first  few  times  he  made  the  journey  across  the  plains  he  traveled 
with  burros,  or  mules,  and  later  wath  wagons.     In  1852  he  settled  at  West- 


]3ort,  now  a  part  of  Kansas  City.  The  now  populous  metropolis  of  western 
Missouri  was  then  a  small  town  of  little  industrial  or  commercial  importance 
and  Mr.  Kearney  became  identified  with  its  business  interests  in  pioneer  times 
and  advanced  with  its  develoiDment  as  the  years  passed  by.  He  began 
merchandising  here,  selling  goods  to  the  INIexican  traders.  There  were  still 
man}^  evidences  of  pioneer  life,  with  its  dangers  and  hardships  and  also  its 
picturesque  elements. 

In  the  same  year  (1852)  ^Ir.  Kearney  was  married  in  Westport  to  Miss 
Josephine  Harris,  a  native  of  Kentucky  and  a  daughter  of  John  and  Henrietta 
(Simpson)  Harris,  both  of  whom  were  natives  of  the  Blue  Grass  state,  whence 
thev  came  to  Kansas  Citv  in  1832,  when  ]Mrs.  Kearnev  was  onlv  two  months 
old.  Mr.  Harris  settled  in  what  is  now  Hyde  Park,  a  part  of  Westport.  The 
district,  however,  was  then  all  farming  country,  and  purchasing  much  of 
this  farm  land  he  carried  on  general  agricultural  pursuits  for  a  few  years. 
He  afterward  bought  from  ]\lr.  McGee,  the  first  settler  here,  a  hotel,  changing 
the  name  to  the  Harris  House,  by  which  it  is  still  known.  It  is  located  at 
No.  430  Westport  avenue  and  here  Mr.  Harris  engaged  in  the  conduct  of 
his  hotel  through  the  period  of  the  war,  it  becoming  the  soldiers'  headquarters. 
In  early  days  he  also  invested  in  land  in  various  parts  of  Westport.  The 
price  of  the  goods  advanced  through  the  growth  and  development  of  the 
country  and  added  much  to  his  financial  resources  and  assets.  He  continued 
in  the  hotel  business  until,  on  account  of  ill  health,  he  was  obliged  to  retire 
from  that  field  of  activity.  During  his  remaining  days  his  time  and  energies 
were  given  only  to  the  supervision  of  his  property  which  had  become  quite 
valuable.  He  continued  to  reside  with  his  children  until  called  to  his  final 
rest,  and  his  wife  also  died  in  this  locality.  Of  the  children  born  unto  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Harris  four  are  now  living  and  are  residents  of  Kansas  City,  namely: 
Julia,  who  is  the  "widow  of  John  J.  Mastin  and  resides  at  3500  Main  street: 
Elizabeth  S.,  who  is  the  Avidow  of  Thomas  H.  ^lastin  and  is  also  living  at 
3500  Main  street;  Mrs.  Seth  Ward,  of  Kansas  City;  and  ^Mrs.  Kearney. 

There  were  six  children  born  unto  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kearney,  of  whom  four 
yet  survive:  Mary  L..  the  eldest,  is  a  teacher  in  Allen  school  and  resides  here 
with  lier  mother  and  sister.  .lulia  is  tlie  -wafe  of  Frank  C.  AVornall.  a  traveling 
salesman  living  at  No.  Ill  East  Thirty-ninth  street.  Lizzie  K.  is  the  widow 
of  Joseph  L.  Nofsinger.  who  was  boi'ii  in  Indianapolis.  Indiana,  in  1864.  and 
came  to  Kansas  City  in  1880.  He  was  a  leading  business  man  here  and 
for  several  years  served  as  assistant  postmaster,  after  which  he  engaged  in 
the  real-estate  business  for  some  time.  Subsequently  lie  bogan  dealing  in 
men's  fnrnisliing  g0!)ds  at  No.  803  Wahuit  street,  wlici'c  lie  carried  on  tlie 
business  siicccs-fnlly  and  continuall\'  nnlilhis  deatli.  which  occurred  on  the 
27th  of  February.  1000.  He  was  a  man  well  known  and  highly  respected  in 
business  circles  and  in  priNate  lil'e.  ;nid  his  loss  was  therefore  deeply  mourned 
by  many  frien(l<  a-  well  as  hi>  immediate  family.  I'nl)  him  and  liis  wife 
were  born  three  children,  Elizabeth.  Lewis  E.  and  Cliarles  W.  Charles  E. 
Kearney,  the  youngest  surviving  member  of  the  Kearney  family,  married 
Rollena  Gilluli,  and  is  a  traveling  salesimm  for  tlie  Centr;il  Coal  X'  Coke  Com- 
pany,  residing  in   Kansas   City.      The   two   son-^  of   (he   family    now   deceased 


are  Francis  E.  and  William  Bernard,  both  of  whom  died  at  the  age  of  two 

Following  his  marriage  Mr.  Kearney  engaged  in  merchandising  at  West- 
port  for  several  years,  after  which  he  sold  out  and  made  a  trip  back  to  Ireland 
to  visit  his  sister.  When  he  returned  to  the  new  world  he  embarked  in  the 
wholesale  grocery  business  on  what  is  called  the  Levee  in  Kansas  City,  selling 
to  the  ^Mexicans  and  others.  He  continued  in  trade  for  some  years,  after 
which  he  dis^DOsed  of  his  wholesale  grocery  house  and  went  to  New  York  city, 
w^here  he  conducted  business  interests  for  a  few  years  but  was  not  very  suc- 
cessful there  and  again  came  to  Kansas  City,  where  he  began  operating  in 
real  estate.  He  was  thereafter  connected  with  the  real-estate  business  up  to 
the  time  when  his  health  failed  and  he  abandoned  all  business  interests,  prac- 
tically living  retired  until  his  death.  He,  however,  owned  a  considerable  prop- 
erty and  gave  jDersonal  supervision  to  this. 

Ml'.  Kearney  did  much  for  Kansas  City's  improvement  and  upbuilding. 
He  was  instrumental  in  the  extension  of  the  Cameron  Railroad  through  Kan- 
sas City,  this  being  the  first  line  here  and  in  it  he  invested  much  capital. 
He  was  chosen  its  first  president  and  continued  as  the  chief 
executive  of  the  company  for  several  years.  He  Avas  likewise  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Board  of  Trade  here  for  a  considerable  period  and  acted 
'as  its  vice  president  for  some  time.  His  political  views  accorded  with 
the  principles  of  the  democracy  and  his  fraternal  relations  connected  him 
with  the  Masonic  order,  while  in  his  life  he  exemplified  its  beneficent  and 
lielpful  spirit.  Both  he  and  his  wife  were  members  of  the  Baptist  church 
but  since  his  death  Mrs.  Kearney  and  Mrs.  Nofsinger  have  united  with,  the 
Christian  Science  church.  Mr.  Kearney  passed  away  January  3,  1898,  leav- 
ing behind  an  untarnished  name  and  a  record  well  worthy  of  emulation.  He 
had  attained  the  age  of  seventy-eight  years.  His  life  was  a  benefit  and  stim- 
ulus to  the  many  with  whom  he  came  in  contact  and  a  lesson  to  all.  He  achieved 
success  by  reason  of  indomitable  perseverance  and  close  application  and  gained 
an  honorable  name  because  of  his  fidelity  to  a  high  standard  of  commercial 
ethics.  Beside  other  property  Mrs.  Kearney  owns  a  nice  home  at  No.  2019 
East  Eighth  street,  where  she  and  Mrs.  Nofsinger  and  the  latter's  family 


In  the  days  of  Kansas  City's  early  development  and  business  progress 
Henry  Tobener  cast  in  his  lot  with  its  representatives  of  commercial  and 
industrial  life  and  became  probably  the  largest  tobacco  merchant  of  Kansas 
City.  He  also  invested  in  real  estate  and  in  other  business  enterprises,  the 
scope  and  extent  of  his  activity  proving  a  valuable  element  in  the  city's 
growth  and  upbuilding.  A  native  of  Germany,  he  was  born  February  20, 
1830.  of  the  marriage  of  Henry  and  Sophia  (Sodei)  Tobener.  His  father 
was  engaged  in  the  hotel  business  in  Germany  until  he  sailed  with  his  family 
for  Arnoriea  duriuL!.  the  earlv  bovhood  davs  of  his  son  Henrv.     Thev  settled 


ill  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  where  the  father  died  in  1849,  shortly  after  his  arrival 
in  the  new  world. 

Henry  Tobeiier  had  already  begun  his  education  in  the  public  schools 
of  the  fatherland,  continuing  his  studies  to  the  age  of  fourteen,  when  he 
came  with  his  j^arents  to  the  United  States.  Settling  in  St.  Louis  he  th'ere 
purchased  a  college  course  and  completed  his  education.  His  first  step  ia 
business  life  connected  him  with  the  tobacco  trade,  with  w^hich  he  was  as- 
sociated throughout  his  entire  business  career.  He  opened  a  retail  tobacco 
store  in  St.  Louis  and  almost  from  the  beginning  enjoyed  a  good  trade.  In 
fact  his  business  increased  so  rapidly  that  he  changed  from  a  retail  to  a 
Avholesale  business  and  was  thus  engaged  for  a  few  years.  At  length  retir- 
ing from  that  field  of  activity  he  conducted  a  saloon  in  St.  Louis  for  a  short 
time,  after  which  he  became  a  grocer,  conducting  a  wholesale  store,  where 
the  Union  depot  now  stands.  He  remained  in  St.  Louis  until  1864,  when 
he  came  to  Kansas  City.  In  the  meantime  he  was  drafted  for  service  in  the 
army  but  sent  a  substitute  and  it  w^as  at  that  time  that  he  removed  to  Kan- 
sas City.  Here  he  was  again  drafted  and  served  as  a  member  of  the  Home 
Guard  here  until  the  close  of  the  war. 

In  1854,  while  residing  in  St.  Louis,  Henry  Tobener  was  married  to 
Miss  Elizabeth  Eotbenbuecher,  also  a  native  of  Germany  and  a  daughter  of 
Jacob  and  Mary  Rotbenbuecher.  They  came  to  America  in  the  spring  of 
1837,  settling  in  St.  Louis,  where  Mr.  Rotbenbuecher  learned  the  shoemak- 
er's trade,  carrying  on  the  business  there  for  many  years,  after  which  he 
turned  his  attention  to  the  tobacco  business,  manufacturing  all  kinds  of 
smoking  tobacco,  snuff,  etc.  His  attention  was  concentrated  upon  the  con- 
duct of  that  enterprise  throughout  his  remaining  days  and  both  he  and  his 
wdfe  died  there.  By  the  marriage  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Tobener  eleven  children 
were  born:  Robert  H.,  who  married  Minnie  Miller,  resides  in  Kansas  City 
and  is  a  member  of  the  firm  of  R.  H.  Tobener  &  Son,  carpet  renovators; 
William  married  Katie  Walters  and  also  resides  in  Kansas  City;  Emma 
is  the  wife  of  Nathaniel  B.  Terrill,  who  for  thirty  years  has  been  conductor 
on  the  Chicago,  Burlington  &  Quincy  Railroad  and  they  reside  at  No.  2804 
Woodland  avenue;  Frances  is  the  wdfe  of  George  J.  Schoen,  who  is  engaged 
with  the  Emery-Bird-Thayer  Dry  Goods  Company,  and  they  reside  at  No. 
2826  Woodland  avenue,  her  mother  spending  much  of  her  time  with  them ; 
Frank  W.,  who  married  Emily  Barcoe,  is  engaged  in  business  in  Kansas 
City  and  is  mentioned  elsewhere  in  this  work;  Edward  F.  wedded  Mary 
Mueller  and  is  engaged  in  the  real-estate  business  here;  Rose  is  the  wife 
of  J.  A.  Ryan,  who  is  engaged  in  the  piano  business  in  St.  Joseph,  Missouri; 
Laura  is  the  wife  of  Dr.  B.  W.  Lindberg,  a  leading  physician  of  Kansas 
City;  Elizabeth  is  the  wife  of  Edwin  Overholtz,  a  cigar  and  tobacco  mer- 
chanl  of  Kansas  City;  Henry  died  at  the  age  of  thirteen  years;  and  Charlie 
was  killed  by  accident  in  his  boyhood,  shooting  him.self  while  out  hunting 
near  Kansas  City. 

When  ]\Tr.  Tobener  arrived  in  Kansas  City  he  entered  into  partner- 
ship witli  .7.  A.  Bachman.  under  the  firm  style  of  J.  A.  Bachman  &  Com- 
pany, iiml  lii'Ofin  business  a-  a  cigar  7iianufactnror  and  wholesale  and  retail 


tobacco  dealer.  Theirs  was  the  first  tobacco  factory  established  here.  The 
firm  continued  the  business  until  1867,  when  Mr.  Bachman  sold  out  and  the 
partnership  was  then  H.  Tobener  &  Brother,  the  junior  partner  being  Wil- 
liam Tobener.  They  continued  in  business  at  the  corner  of  Fifteenth  street 
and  Grand  avenue  until  1880,  after  which  Mr.  Tobener  withdrew  from  the 
tobacco  trade  as  he  desired  to  retire.  In  addition  to  developing  and  manag- 
ing his  extensive  tobacco  interests  he  owned  and  supervised  a  large  farm 
at  Olathe,  Kansas,  which  is  now  Olathe  park.  He  also  owned  real  estate 
in  Kansas  City  and  erected  a  large  building  on  McGee  street,  which  has 
been  occupied  by  the  Smith  Baking  Company.  He  also  purchased  one  hun- 
dred and  seventeen  feet  on  Grand  avenue  at  the  corner  of  Fifteenth  street 
from  Milton  McGee,  for  twenty-eight  hundred  dollars,  which  he  owned  until 
about  fifteen  years  ago,  when  he  sold  at  a  greatly  advanced  price,  the  prop- 
erty bringing  fifty  thousand  dollars.  He  likewise  built  and  owned  the  old 
Tobener  residence  at  the  corner  of  Fifteenth  and  Oak  streets,  where  his  last 
days  were  passed,  his  death  occurring  June  28,  1905. 

Mr.  Tobener  had  been  a  resident  of  Kansas  City  for  only  a  brief  period 
when  he  was  elected  a  member  of  the  school  board.  At  that  time  there  were 
only  four  schools  here.  Mr.  Tobener  served  on  the  board  for  several  years 
but  was  never  a  politician  in  the  sense  of  office  seeking.  He  gave  stalwart 
support  to  the  republican  party,  however,  believing  that  its  principles  were 
best  adapted  to  the  promotion,  good  government  and  interests  of  the  public 
at  large.  Whatever  success  in  life  he  achieved  was  attributable  to  his  own 
labors,  his  prosperity  being  based  upon  intelligence,  close  application  and 
energy.  Mrs.  Tobener  still  owms  much  of  valuable  real  estate  here  which 
was  formerly  in  possession  of  her  husband,  and  since  his  death  she  has  made 
her  home  in  Kansas  City  with  her  children,  living  most  of  the  time  w'ith 
her  daughters,  Mrs.  Schoen  and  Mrs.  Terrill.  She  is  now  with  Mrs.  Schoen 
at  Xo.  2826  Woodland  avenue. 


Among  the  men  who  are  in  charge  of  the  different  police  stations  in 
Kansas  City  and  by  their  unswerving  fidelity  to  duty  are  maintaining  a 
high  .standard  among  those  who  stand  as  the  conservators  of  law  and  order 
is  numbered  Captain  Thomas  P.  Flahive,  of  station  No.  4.  He  was  born  in 
County  Kerry,  Ireland,  December  16,  1861.  his  birthplace  being  in  the 
beautiful  lake  region  of  Killarney.  His  parents  were  farming  people  there 
and  the  father,  John  Flahive,  still  resides  upon  the  old  homestead  farm  on 
the  Emerald  isle.  The  mother,  who  bore  the  maiden  name  of  Nora  Carroll, 
passed  away  during  the  early  boyhood  of  her  son,  Captain  Flahive,  who 
pui'sued  his  education  in  the  common  schools  and  was  reared  upon  the  home 
farm,  among  the  beautiful  hills  of  that  section  of  the  country,  his  home  be- 
ing in  sight  of  Ballyheigue  bay.  He  continued  his  studies  through  their 
consecutive  grades  till  he  completed  the  high  school  course  and  put  aside 


his  text-books  at  the  age  of  seventeen  year.-  and  worki'd  upon  his  father's 
farm  until  coming  to  America. 

Attracted  by  the  favorable  reports  concerning  opportunities  in  the  new 
\\orld,  he  sailed  for  the  United  States  in  1879,  landing  in  New  York  city, 
on  the  27th  of  Aj^ril.  He  made  his  way  direct  to  Kansas  City,  his  choice 
of  a  location  being  influenced  by  the  fact  that  his  brother  Patrick  and  other 
relatives  were  residing  here.  Plis  tinancial  condition  made  it  imper- 
ative that  he  secure  immediate  employment  and  he  soon  obtained  a  situa- 
tion in  the  freight  department  of  the  Burlington  Railroad  Company,  where 
he  remained  until  June,  1882.  On  the  14th  of  that  month  he  became  con- 
nected with  the  police  department  under  Thomas  M.  Spears  and  was  at 
headquarters  for  six  or  seven  years.  Faithful  to  every  duty  assigned  to  him 
and  complying  not  only  with  the  letter  but  with  the  spirit  of  the  law,  he 
gained  promotion  to  the  rank  of  sergeant  in  1887  and  on  the  4th  of  May, 
1889,  was  jDromoted  to  captain.  He  has  since  served  in  that  capacity  at  dif- 
ferent stations  and  has  now  been  in  charge  of  station  No.  4  for  six  years. 
This  is  situated  in  the  worst  district  of  the  city,  but  he  has  made  its.  resi- 
dents amenable  to  law,  laboring  untiringly  in  the  faithful  and  capable  pros- 
ecution of  the  duties  of  the  office. 

In  Kansas  City,  at  St.  Patrick's  church,  Captain  Thomas  P.  Flahive, 
was  married  on  the  2()th  of  November,  1888,  by  the  Rev.  Father  Walsh,  to 
Miss  Lizzie  Burns,  who  was  born  in  Ray  county,  Missouri,  a  daughter  of 
the  late  James  Burns,  a  merchant  of  that  county.  Captain  and  ^Irs.  Fhdiive 
now  have  one  child,  John  Joseph,  eighteen  years  of  age.  He  is  a  graduate 
of  the  Kansas  City  high  school  and  is  now  a  shipping  clerk  with  the  West- 
ern Grocery  Company.  The  family  residence  is  at  No.  1109  Agnes  street 
and  was  erected  by  Captain  Flahive  in  1898.  His  social  relations  are  with 
the  Knights  of  Columbus  and  his  religious  views  are  indicated  by  his  mem- 
bership in  St.  Aloysius  Catholic  church.  In  politics  he  is  a  democrat  but 
takes  only  a  citizen's  interest  in  the  political  situation,  as  he  does  not  be- 
lieve in  the  active  interference  of  the  police  officers  with  political  work.  He 
has  never  had  occasion  to  regret  his  determination  to  seek  a  home  in  Amer- 
ica, but  found  tliaf  tlic  reports  which  had  reached  him  concerning  its  oppor- 
1 1 11  lilies  were  true  and  that  the  road  to  success  and  public  usefulness  was 
open  to  ii1l.  riradually  lie  has  advanced,  and  he  is  now  filling  an  important 
position  ill  niuiiicipal  circles. 

EUGENE    G.    E.    JACCARD. 

The  histroy  of  Missouri  in  its  early  development  ccMiters  aroniid  certain 
French  and  Swiss  names — names  of  families  whose  representatives  are  mnn- 
bered  among  the  early  builders  of  this  commonwealth,  while  the  later  gener- 
ations of  the  family  have  carried  on  the  work  of  their  forefathers  through 
their  business  activity  and  enterprise,  which  have  contributed  in  substantial 
measure  to  Missouri's  development.     The  name  of  Jaccard  has  been  a  most 


T  .  .   .  ..  '!  ''ORK 




prominent  one  in  the  state  and  has  figured  conspicuously  in  connection  with 
the  jewelry  trade  both  in  St.  Louis  and  in  Kansas  City.  Eugene  G.  E. 
Jaccard  was  its  representative  in  this  connection  in  the  latter  city  until 
recent  years,   but  is  now  in  Christian  Science  practice. 

He  was  born  in  St.  Louis,  September  28,  1861,  a  son  of  D.  C.  and 
Eugenie  (Chipron)  Jaccard.  The  father  was  born  at  St.  Croix,  Switzer- 
land, and  the  mother  in  Paris,  France.  The  paternal  grandfather  lived  and 
died  in  Switzerland  and  was  one  of  the  expert  watchmakers  of  that  country, 
which  has  ever  been  noted  for  its  superior  workmanship  in  that  line.  The 
maternal  grandfather,  J.  G.  Chipron,  was  a  native  of  Paris,  who,  crossing 
the  Atlantic  to  America,  spent  his  last  days  in  Highland,  Illinois,  where  he 
died  at  the  age  of  seventy-seven  years.  He  was  a  man  of  fine  personal  ap- 
pearance, tall  and  well  formed,  and  reared  a  large  family. 

D.  C.  Jaccard,  father  of  our  subject,  gained  comprehensive  knowledge 
of  watchmaking  in  his  native  country  and  has  always  been  identified  with 
the  jewelry  business.  The  opportunities  of  the  new  world  attracted  him'  and, 
believing  that  his  chances  for  business  advancement  were  better  in  the  United 
States  than  in  the  land  of  the  Alps,  he  crossed  the  ocean  in  1845  and  has 
since  been  a  resident  of  St.  Louis.  The  name  of  Jaccard  is  a  most  honored 
and  leading  one  in  commercial  circles  of  that  city  and  the  house  of  which 
he  was  vice  president  stands  second  to  none  west  of  New  York  city  in  the 
character  of  the  goods  which  it  handles  and  in  the  volume  of  its  trade.  He 
is  a  member  of  the  Presbyterian  church,  as  was  his  wife,  who  died  in  1865. 
Their  family  numbered  four  children,  two  of  whom  survive,  namely:  Eu- 
genie, the  wife  of  Alfred  Perillard,  of  Lausanne,  Switzerland;  and  Eugene. 

The  last  named  was  reared  in  his  native  city  save  that  he  spent  some 
time  in  study  abroad  after  acquiring  a  knowledge  of  the  elemental  branches 
of  learning  in  the  public  schools  of  St.  Louis.  When  a  youth  of  ten  years 
he  went  to  Switzerland,  was  for  two  and  a  half  years  a  student  in  a  school 
at  Yverdon  and  later  continued  his  education  in  Ludwigsburg  and  Stuttgart, 
Germany,  where  he  remained  until  1874.  Returning  to  St.  Louis  in  that 
year,  he  became  a  student  in  Kemper's  Family  School,  of  Boonville,  Mis- 
souri, from  which  he  was  graduated  in  1877.  He  then  again  crossed  the 
Atlantic  for  the  purpose  of  perfecting  himself  in  the  watchmaking  trade  at 
Locle,  Switzerland,  under  one  of  the  expert  watchmakers  of  that  country. 
In  September,  1880,  he  again  arrived  in  his  native  land  and  entered  the 
employ  of  the  Mermod  &  Jaccard  Jewelry  Company,  of  St.  Louis,  as  office 
boy.  The  fact  that  his  father  was  one  of  the  partners  in  the  house  was  not 
used  to  procure  him  an  easy  time.  On  the  contrary  he  had  to  do  his  part  in 
the  routine  work  of  the  store  as  any  other  employe  and  thus  gained  a  thor- 
ough business  training.  He  afterward  served  for  a  time  as  entry  clerk  and 
as  salesman  and  he  eagerly  availed  himself  of  every  opportunity  for  thor- 
oughly mastering  the  business  in  every  particular.  Coming  to  Kansas  City 
in  September,  1888,  he  here  organized  the  Jaccard  Watch  &  Jewelry  Com- 
pany, of  which  he  continued  as  president  until  February,  1895.,  In  January, 
1893,  the  house  was  destroyed  by  fire,  the  company  suffering  a  severe  loss. 
They  soon   resumed  business,   however,   carrying  an  extensive   and   elegant 


assortment  of  watches,  clocks  and  jewelry,  including  some  of  the  finest 
productions  of  the  old  world.  Mr.  Jaccard  remained  at  the  head  of  the 
company  until  November  1,  1895,  when  he  withdrew  and  entered  into  part- 
nership with  W.  B.  Johnson,  under  the  name  of  Johnson,  Jaccard  &  Com- 
pany, in  the  fire,  casuality  and  tornado  insurance  business,  maintaining  the 
place  which  he  always  occupied  as  one  of  the  foremost  business  men  of  the 
city.  In  1896  Mr.  Jaccard  became  a  member  of  the  Christian  Science  church 
and  has  been  treasurer  of  the  Second  Church  of  Christ,  Scientist,  at  Thirty- 
first  street  and  Troost  avenue,  one  of  the  most  beautiful  structures  in  the 
United  States.     Since  1898  he  has  been  a  Christian  Science  practitioner. 

While  a  successful  business  enterprise  is  alwaysl  a  feature  in  a  city's 
development,  growth  and  substantial  progress,  Mr.  Jaccard  has  in  other 
ways  been  active  in  promoting  the  welfare  and  upbuilding  of  the  city.  He 
was  president  in  1895  of  the  Kansas  City  Karnival  Krewe,  which  came  into 
existence  for  the  purpose  of  adding  to  the  fall  festivities  and  thus  attracting 
additional  visitors  to  the  city,  also  creating  amusements  to  keep  them  longer 
in  the  community.  Thousands  of  visitors  each  year  now  attend  this  great 
fall  festival  and  the  railroads  reported  a  much  larger  number  in  1895  than 
in  any  previous  year.  No  movement  for  the  benefit  of  the  city  solicits  his 
cooperation  in  vain.  On  the  contrary,  he  has  given  liberally  of  his  time 
and  means  to  aid  in  public  progress  and  he  is  preeminently  a  public-spirited 
citizen,  whose  efforts  have  been  far-reaching  and  beneficial.  In  politics  he 
is  an  earnest  republican  but  without  desire  for  official  preferment. 

Mr.  Jaccard  was  married  June  18,  1884,  to  Miss  Lena  Dings,  a  daughter 
of  Frederick  Dings,  and  unto  them  have  been  born  four  children :  Frederick 
Constant,  Eugenie,  Gilbert  Eugene  and  Walter  Bird.  Both  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Jaccard  hold  membership  in  the  Christian  Science  church  and  he  has  at- 
tained high  rank  in  Masonry,  taking  the  thirty-second  degree  of  the  Scot- 
tish Rite.  He  also  belongs  to  Kansas  City  Commandery,  No.  10,  K.  T.,  and 
to  Ararat  Temple  of  the  Mystic  Shrine  and  was  likewise  chancellor  of  Benton 
Council,  No.  22,  of  the  Legion  of  Honor  of  Missouri.  Admirable  social 
qualities  and  unfeigned  cordiality  have  rendered  him  very  popular  and  he  is 
at  all  times  approachable,  displaying  in  business  and  social  circles  qualities 
which  win  esteem,  consideration  and  kindly  regard. 

J.  A.  L.  WAD'DELL. 

Kansas  City  has  reason  to  be  proud  of  many  of  her  residents — men 
who  have  attained  leadership  in  many  walks  of  life  and  have  left  their 
impress  upon  the  industrial,  commercial,  intellectual  and  moral  progress 
of  the  country.  If  intense,  well  directed  activity  and  successful  accomplish- 
ments entitle  one  to  be  termed  a  ''captain  of  industry,"  Dr.  Waddell  may 
thus  well  be  designated,  for  the  consensus  of  public  opinion  recognizes  in 
him  one  of  the  most  famous  bridoie  builder*  of  the  world. 


His  birthplace  was  at  Port  Hope,  Canada,  and  his  natal  year  1854. 
From  early  boyhood  he  has  manifested  a  taste  for  engineering,  and  has 
directed  his  labors  in  those  walks  of  life  for  which  nature  undoubtedly  in- 
tended him.  When  seventeen  years  of  age  he  became  a  student  in  the 
Rensselaer  Polytechnic  Institute,  at  Troy,  New  York,  where  he  continued 
for  four  years,  and  thus  well  qualified  for  work  of  that  character  he  entered 
upon  a  situation  in  the  marine  department  of  the  Canadian  government  at 
Ontario.  Not  long  after  he  began  work  on  the  Canadian  Pacific  Railway 
and  later  he  did  engineering  work  in  a  coal  mine  in  West  Virginia,  where 
he  remained,  however,  for  only  a  brief  time.  He  was  then  appointed  assist- 
ant to  the  professor  of  rational  and  technical  mechanics  in  the  Rensselaer 
Polytechnic  Institute,  where  he  continued  as  an  instructor  for  two  years, 
after  which  he  accepted  the  position  of  engineer  of  construction  for  a  bridge 
building  firm  at  Council  Bluffs,  Iowa.  This  was  his  business  association 
until  1882,  when  he  was  appointed  professor  of  civil  engineering  in  the 
Imperial  University  at  Tokio,  Japan,  the  offer  coming  to  him  as  a  result 
of  his  technical  writings  in  engineering  jouranls. 

Before  leaving  for  Japan,  McGill  Univen-ity  at  Montreal,  Canada, 
conferred  on  him  the  ad  eundem  gradwm  degree  of  Bachelor  of  Applied 
Sciences,  as  a  result  of  his  writings,  and  later  he  took  there  the  higher  de- 
gree of  Master  of  Engineering.  Dr.  Waddell  has  written  largely  upon 
engineering  in  its  various  phases,  and  while  in  Japan,  at  the  request  of  the 
government,  he  wrote  a  treatise  on  "A  system  of  Iron  Railway  Bridges  for 
Japan,"  and  as  a  reward  the  emperor  bestowed  upon  him  the  rank  of  Knight 
Commander  of  the  Order  of  the  Rising  Sun — valuable  only  for  the  compli- 
ment and  the  decorative  jewel  which  always  accompanies  the  degree. 

Upon  his  return  to  the  United  States  Dr.  Waddell  settled  in  Kansas 
City,  where  he  opened  an  office.  He  has  since  been  engaged  in  civil 
engineering  with  headquarters  here,  making  a  specialty  in  his  operations 
of  bridge  building.  So  wide  a  reputation  has  he  won  that  he  has  been 
called  upon  to  construct  bridges  not  only  throughout  the  entire  continent 
but  also  abroad.  In  1904  Dr.  Waddell  received  from  McGill  University  the 
degree  of  Doctor  of  Science  (D.Sc.)  and  from  Missouri  State  University  that  of 
Doctor  of  Laws  (LL.D.).  In  1898  he  published  a  book  entitled  De  Pontibus,  a 
complete  and  exhaustive  treatise  on  bridge  building.  Recently  Dr.  Waddell  has 
been  working  out  plans  in  connection  with  the  project  for  building  the 
Trans- Alaska-Siberian  Railw-ay;  and  on  the  7th  of  May,  1907,  he  received 
a  decoration  from  Grand  Duchess  Olga,  sister  of  the  Czar,  in  recognition 
of  his  work  as  principal  engineer  of  that  railroad.  This  decoration  is 
bestowed  only  on  persons  who  have  rendered  the  Russian  empire  some  im- 
portant service. 

Dr.  Waddell,  says  a  contemporary  publication,  ''is  far  from  the  type  of 
the  dry  scientist.  He  is  a  capital  fisherman  and  shot  and  one  of  the  best 
whist  players  of  the  west."  Like  all  broad-minded  men,  he  recognizes  the 
value  as  well  as  the  pleasure  of  recreation.  There  is  perhaps  no  biography 
in  this  volume  which  indicates  more  clearly  what  is  meant  by  the  term 
the  dignity  of  labor.     Starting  at  the  bottom  round  of  the  ladder  he  has 


steadily  worked  his  way  upward,  winning  recognition  from  crowned  heads 
of  Europe  and  Asia,  while  in  America  he  has  almost  revolutionized  the 
science  of  bridge  building  in  the  last  quarter  of  a  century.  He  is  every- 
where known  as  a  great  authority  on  bridges  and  his  word  as  a  consulting 
engineer  is  conclusive. 


George  L.  Brown  is  now  practically  retired  from  business,  although  he 
is  still  senior  partner  of  the  firm  of  George  L.  Brown  &  Son,  contractors 
and  builders  of  Kansas  City,  in  which  connection  he  has  done  much  for  the 
city's  improvement  through  many  years,  his  labors  being  an  element  in  its 
substantial  growth  and  adornment,  while  at  the  same  time  he  has  derived 
therefrom  substantial  benefits. 

A  native  of  Montreal,  Canada,  he  was  born  August  19,  1842.  His 
father,  Samuel  Brown,  a  contractor  and  builder,  came  to  America  from 
Belfast,  Ireland,  soon  after  his  marriage  to  Miss  Ann  Fullerton,  who  was 
born  in  Edinburgh,  Scotland.  They  became  residents  of  Montreal  in  1839 
and  about  1845  removed  to  Buffalo,  New  York.  The  year  1849  witnessed 
their  arrival  in  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  whence  they  proceeded  by  way  of  the 
Missouri  river  to  St.  Joseph,  in  search  of  a  favorable  location.  They  stopped 
at  many  points  en  route  but  after  a  brief  period  Mr.  Brown  returned  to 
Buffalo,  where  he  remained  until  1852.  In  that  year  he  established  his 
home  in  Kansas  City,  where  he  resided  for  five  years,  and  in  the  spring  of 
1857  started  for  California  with  ox-teams,  his  route  being  by  way  of  Gal- 
veston. He  only  proceeded  as  far  as  Fort  Smith,  Arkansas,  however,  and 
there  remained  until  1859,  when  he  returned  to  Kansas  City,  where  he 
made  his  permanent  home.  George  L.  Brown  is  the  second  of  the  three 
survivors  of  the  family  of  five  children,  his  brother,  Robert  S.  Brown,  the 
oldest,  having  for  thirty  years  figured  in  the  business  circles  of  Kansas  City 
as  a  florist,  while  Samuel  Brown  is  living  near  Sedalia,  Missouri. 

George  L.  Brown  pursued  his  education  in  the  Kansas  City  Academy 
conducted  by  Professor  R.  S.  Thomas,  first  pastor  of  the  First  Baptist  church 
of  Kansas  City  and  later  the  first  professor  in  the  William  Jewell  College. 
Following  the  erection  of  the  First  Baptist  church  at  the  corner  of  Eighth 
and  Central  streets  in  1858,  Mr.  Brown  attended  a  private  school  therein 
conducted  by  Professor  Joseph  Chandler  and  in  1859  entered  upon  his  busi- 
ness career  as  an  apprentice  to  the  carpenter's  trade  in  the  firm  of  Dear- 
dorff  &  Adams.  His  term  of  indenture  continued  until  1862  and  during 
that  period  he  was  engaged  on  the  construction  of  some  of  the  prominent 
buildings  of  the  early  days,  including  the  State  Bank  of  Missouri  at  Second 
and  Main  streets,  afterward  used  as  the  office  of  the  Santa  Fe  Stage  Coach 
Company,  a  view  of  which  appears  in  this  volume.  Mr.  Brown  also  worked 
on  the  constniction  of  the  residence  of  Louis  Deardorff  at  Sixth  and  Wyan- 
dotte streets,  and  the  old  Coates  residence  at  Tenth  and  Broadwav. 


When  building  practically  ceased  during  the  period  of  the  Civil  war, 
he  joined  the  Seventy-seventh  Regiment  of  Enrolled  Missouri  Militia  under 
Colonel  Coates  and  served  with  that  command  until  the  spring  of  1863, 
participating  in  the  battle  of  Independence  against  the  bushwhackers.  In 
March,  1863,  he  was  granted  a  parole  by  Colonel  Coates  and  Captain  Foster 
to  drive  a  team  on  the  freighting  line  to  Santa  Fe,  New  Mexico,  and  at  that 
point  went  to  work  at  his  trade,  remaining  there  for  two  years.  In  the 
spring  of  1866  he  returned  to  Kansas  City  and  was  again  employed  at  his 
trade  by  various  contractors  until  the  spring  of  1873,  when  he  engaged  in 
business  on  his  own  account.  He  superintended  the  construction  of  a  pump- 
ing house  on  Turkey  creek  in  1873-4,  and  the  Virginia  Hotel,  at  Eleventh 
and  Washington  streets.  He  built  the  residence  of  Bernard  Corrigan  at 
Seventeenth  and  Summit!  streets,  and  soon  gained  rank  with  the  leading 
builders  of  the  city,  a  position  which  he  has  occupied  to  the  present  time, 
and  a  greater  percentage  of  the  more  prominent  business  blocks  of  Kansas 
City  have  been  constructed  by  him,  as  a  member  of  the  firm  of  George  L. 
Brown  &  Son,  than  by  any  other  contractor.  Among  these  are  the  Armour 
offices  and  many  of  the  large  wholesale  houses  and  warehouses  of  the  w^est 
bottoms.  He  erected,  under  contract,  the  building  for  the  Burnham-Hanna- 
-Munger  Dry  Goods  Company  and  the  Burnham-Munger  Manufacturing 
Company;  also  the  business  blocks  of  Swofford  Brothers,  the  Smith-Mc- 
Cord-Townsend  Company,  Faxon  &  Gallagher,  Maxwell,  McClure  and  Fitts, 
William  "^^oelker  &  Sons,  together  with  a  majority  of  the  large  mercantile 
arid  office  buildings.  They  erected  the  First  National  Bank  building  and 
are  now  engaged  on  the  New  England  National  Bank  building.  About 
ten  years  ago  our  subject  admitted  his  son  Samuel  J.  Brown  to  a  partner- 
ship. The  son  had  served  an  apprenticeship  under  his  father  and  when  he 
became  his  partner  the  firm  name  of  George  L.  Brown  &  Son  w^as  assumed. 
The  latter  now  largely  conducts  the  business,  with  George  L.  Brown  merely 
as  an  advisory  member  of  the  firm,  for  he  has  practically  retired  from  active 
management.  He  is  interested  to  a  large  extent  in  Kansas  City  real  estate, 
having  embraced  favorable  opportunities  from  time  to  time  for  judicious 
investment.  He  owns  a  beautiful  house  at  the  northwest  corner  of  Twenty- 
ninth  street  and  Benton  boulevard,  one  of  the  most  de.'iirable  locations  in 
the  city. 

Mr.  Brown  cast  his  first  presidential  ballot  for  Abraham  Lincoln  and 
has  supported  each  nominee  at  the  head  of  the  national  repuljlican  ticket 
since  that  time.  For  thirty-five  years  he  has  been  an  Odd  Fellow  and  is 
thoroughly  loyal  to  the  teachings  of  the  order.  He  has  been  a  member  of 
the  First  Baptist  church  since  its  organization  and  is  now  superintending  the 
construction  of  the  new  house  of  worship  for  that  congregation,  a  one  hun- 
dred thousand  dollar  building,  at  the  corner  of  Park  avenue  and  Linwood 

On  the  29th  of  August,  1866,  Mr.  Brown  was  married  to  Catharine 
Anderson,  a  daughter  of  Joseph  Anderson,  one  of  the  pioneer  business  men 
of  Kansas  City.  They  became  parents  of  two  sons  and  two  daughters: 
Helen   Nelson,   the   wife    of   Mark   Hatch,   of  New   York    city;   Samuel   J., 


who  is  his  father's  partner;  Agnes  Belle,  the  wife  of  A.  L.  Clark,  credit  man 
for  the  Ricksecker  Cigar  Company,  of  Kansas  City;  and  George  R.,  who 
died  in  infancy  more  than  twenty  years  ago.  Both  daughters  are  very 
active  in  church  and  charitable  work,  and  the  younger  daughter',  Mrs.  Clark, 
who  makes  her  home  with  her  father,  is  also  a  member  of  many  of  the 
women's  clubs  of  the  city  and  prominent  in  social  circles.  Mr.  Brown  has 
devoted  his  life  to  his  business  interests  and  his  home,  and  his  close  api^lica- 
tion,  combined  with  his  superior  skill  and  knowledge  of  the  builder's  art. 
gained  him  distinction  and  success  in  his  chosen  field  of  labor. 


Not  too  busy  for  courtesy,  not  too  much  occupied  with  financial  cares 
for  the  display  of  kindliness  and  consideration  in  his  relations  with  others, 
there  are  few^  men  in  business  life  so  uniformly  popular  as  William  Ashley 
Rule,  the  cashier  of  the  National  Bank  of  Commerce  in  Kansas  City.  He 
possesses,  too,  a  force  of  character,  a  keen  insight,  and  sagacity  in  manage- 
ment that  have  made  him  a  valued  factor  in  banking  circles  and  led  to  his 
promotion  to  the  responsible  position  which  he  today  occupies  in  connec- 
tion with  one  of  the  leading  moneyed  institutions  of  the  middle  west. 

A  native  of  St.  Louis,  his  life  record  began  on  the  3d  of  September, 
1858,  a  son  of  Orville  G.  and  Margaret  (Ashley)  Rule.  The  paternal  grand- 
father, William  Kennett  Rule,  was  one  of  the  pioneers  of  St.  Louis.  His 
fathex,  born  in  St.  Louis,  was  a  lifelong  resident  of  that  city  and  for  several 
years  was  engaged  in  a  contracting  business,  after  which  he  became  a  mem- 
ber of  the  St.  Louis  Shot  Tower  Company,  one  of  the  oldest  establishments 
of  its  kind  in  the  country.  He  was  manager  of  the  business  and  was  an 
active,  aggressive  man,  recognized  as  a  strong  force  in  industrial  circles  and 
in  fact  in  every  relation  of  life  in  which  he  was  found.  He  died  .suddenly 
in  October,  1884,  while  sitting  at  the  desk  where  he  had  carried  on  his  work 
for  forty  years.  His  wife,  a  native  of  Virginia,  became  a  resident  of  Mis- 
souri in  early  life. 

William  Ashley  Rule  enjoyed  the  educational  advantages  afforded  by 
the  public  and  high  schools  of  St.  Louis  and  took  his  initial  step  in  business 
as  collector  for  the  East  St.  Louis  Transfer  Company  and  R.  P.  Tansey,  later 
prasident  of  the  St.  Louis  Transfer  Company.  He  entered  upon  active  con- 
nection with  the  banking  business  as  mcsseng(T  in  the  Hibernian  Bank,  but 
that  institution  failed  and  he  went  to  the  Third  National  Bank  in  the  same 
capacity.  Plis  health  was  impaired,  but  the  utmost  care  ena.})led  him  to 
overcome  any  physical  disadvantages  and  the  al)ility  which  he  displayed 
made  his  rise  a  rapid  one.  When  he  resigned  from  the  Third  National 
Bank  in  May,  1887,  he  was  serving  as  exchange  teller.  He  then  accepted 
a  position  as  chief  clerk  in  the  National  Bank  of  Commerce  in  Kansas  City, 
was  elected  in  1889  as  second  assistant  cashier,  while  in  January,  1895,  he 
was  promoted  to  the  position  of  cashier,  which  position  he  still  fills.     He  is 

W.    A.    RULE. 




now  one  of  the  directors  and  stockholders  of  the  bank  and  is  regarded  as 
one  of  the  most  reliable  financiers  in  Kansas  City  and  one  of  its  best  known 
business  men.  He  has  studied  the  banking  business  from  every  standpoint, 
understands  it  in  every  detail  and  has  contributed  largely  to  the  success 
which  has  attended  the^  National  Bank  of  Commerce  since  his  connection 
therewith,  covering  a  period  of  many  years. 

Mr.  Rule  is  also  one  of  the  incorporators  of  the  Kansas  City,  Mexico 
&  Orient  Railroad  and  is  treasurer  of  the  same.  He  is  a  director  and  member 
of  the  executive  committee  of  the  Kansas  City  Life  Insurance  Company, 
and  is  treasurer  of  the  International  Construction  Company  and  the  Union 
Construction  Company,  which  is  building  the  Kansas  City,  Mexico  &  Orient 
Railroad.  He  is  also  treasurer  of  the  United  States  &  Mexico  Trust  Com- 
pany, and  a  director  of  the  Commerce  Trust  Company. 

In  citizenship  public  spirited  and  progressive,  Mr.  Rule  has  been  a  help- 
ful factor  in  all  movements  for  general  advancement  and  improvement, 
giving  tangible  aid  to  various  measures  that  have  contributed  to  the  up- 
building of  Kansas  City,  making  it  the  commercial  and  industrial  center 
which  it  is  today.  He  was  a  member  and  the  treasurer  of  the  committee 
appointed  to  secure  the  democratic  convention  for  Kansas  City  in  1900. 
He  is  a  member  and  treasurer  of  the  Elm  Ridge  Club;  is  treasurer  of  the 
Kansas  City  Jockey  Club;  and  has  been  president  of  the  Kansas  City  Horse 
Show  for  five  years.  He  is  also  a  member  of  the  Evanston  Golf  Club,  the 
Railroad  Club,  the  Kansas  City  Athletic  Club,  the  Kansas  City  Club  and  the 
Country'  Club  and  a  director  in  the  Kansas  City  Driving  and  Driving  Park 
Clubs.  He  is  also  an  Elk  and  holds  office  in  several  social  and  commercial 
organizations.     In  politics  he  is  a  gold  democrat. 

On  the  21st  of  December,  1880,  was  celebrated  the  marriage  of  Mr.  Rule 
and  Miss  Lizzie  Harrison,  a  daughter  of  John  D.  Harrison,  of  St.  Louis, 
and  they  now  have  three  children.  Mr.  Rule  is  a  man  of  fine  personal  ap- 
pearance, amiable  in  manner  and  well  liked  by  all.  A  pleasant  word  and 
smile,  which  are  the  index  to  his  kindly  nature,  combined  with  his  deference 
for  the  opinions  of  others,  have  gained  Mr.  Rule  a  circle  of  friends  almost 
coextensive  with  the  circle  of  his  acquaintances. 

C.    LESTER    HALL,    M.  D. 

C.  Lester  Hall,  accorded  by  the  profession  a  position  of  marked  prora- 
inence  as  a  member  of  the  medical  fraternity,  has  engaged  in  active  practice 
in  Kansas  City  since  September,  1890.  He  was  born  at  Arrow  Rock,  Saline 
county,  Missouri,  March  10,  1845,  and  is  descended  from  Scotch  and  English 
ancestry  although  in  both  lines  the  families  have  been  represented  in  America 
from  an  early  epoch  in  the  colonial  history.  The  paternal  grandfather. 
Rev.  Nathan  H.  Hall,  of  Kentucky,  was  a  Presbyterian  clergyman  of  Lex- 
ington for  a  quarter  of  a  century  and  afterward  devoted  several  years  to  the 
active  work  of  the  ministry  in  St.  Louis.     He  was  a  man  of  scholarly  attain- 


ments  and  broad  culture  whose  labors  constituted  a  strong  element  in  the 
intellectual  and  moral  development  of  the  community  with  which  he  was 
connected.     He  died  at  Columbia,  Missouri,  at  the  age  of  seventy-six  years. 

His  son.  Dr.  Mathew  W.  Hall,  wa^  engaged  in  the  practice  of  jnediciiie 
at  Salem,  Illinois,  from  1837  to  1845  and  then  removed  to  Arrow  Rock, 
Missouri,  where  he  continued  in  active  practice  for  twelve  years.  His  re- 
n^aining  days  were  spent  upon  a  farm  near  Marshall.  At  the  time  of  the 
Civil  war  he  joined  the  Confederate  army,  with  which  he  served  with  the 
rank  of  surgeon.  Twice  he  was  called  to  represent  his  district  in  the  state 
legislature  and  he  left  the  impress  of  hi^  individuality  upon  the  laws  enaci^ed 
during  these  sessions.  In  religious  faith  a  Presbyterian,  he  served  as  one 
of  the  elders  in  his  church,  and  throughout  his  entire  life  he  stood  for  prog- 
ress, reform  and  improvement.  He  married  Agnes  J.  Lester  and  in  later 
years  their  home  was  upon  a  farm  near  Marshall,  Missouri. 

Their  eldest  son.  Dr.  Hall,  of  this  review,  was  named  in  honor  of  the 
mother's  brother,  Dr.  Thomas  B.  Lester,  an  eminent  physician  and  author. 
His  early  boyhood  was  passed  in  a  manner  similar  to  that  of  most  farm 
lads  of  the  period  and  in  the  free  outdoor  life  he  laid  the  foundation  for 
the  physical  strength  and  vigor  which  have  enabled  him  in  later  years  to 
meet  the  demands  of  a  constantly  increasing  professional  service.  He  at- 
tended the  neighborhood  schools  and  also  studied  at  Kempers  school  in 
Boonville.  In  1862,  at  the  age  of  seventeen  years,  he  joined  the  Confed- 
erate forces  under  General  Sterling  Price,  but  because  of  ill  health  was  sent 
home  after  the  engagement  at  Lexington.  In  the  following  December  he  re- 
joined his  command  but  was  subsequently  captured  with  Colonel  Robertson's 
forces  at  Milford,  Missouri.  He  then  took  the  oath  of  allegiance  and  re- 
turned home. 

Determining  to  make  the  practice  of  medicine  his  life  work  he  studied 
under  the  direction  of  his  father,  also  pursued  his  reading  in  Boonville  and 
in  1864  and  1865  attended  the  St.  Louis  Medical  College  and  in  1886  and 
1867  the  Jefferson  ]\Icdical  College,  being  graduated  from  the  latter  insti- 
tution, March  10,  1867.  During  the  succeding  six  years  he  was  engaged  in 
country  practice  with  his  father,  living  upon  the  home  farm,  and  in  1873 
he  removed  to  the  city  of  Marshall,  where  he  practiced  for  seventeen  years. 
Seeking  a  still  broader  field  of  labor  he  came  to  Kansas  City  in  September, 
1890,  and  has  since  been  recognized  as  a  prominent  member  of  the  pro- 
fession here,  making  a  specialty  of  the  diseases  of  women.  He  is  a  mem- 
ber of  the  American  Medical  Association,  of  which  he  was  elected  vice  pres- 
ident at  New  Orleans  in  1902.  He  also  belongs  to  the  Western  Surgical 
and  Gynecological  Society  and  is  a  member  of  the  Missouri  State  Medical 
Society,  of  which  he  was  president  in  1895-6;  the  Kansas  City  Academy  of 
Medicine,  of  which  he  was  president  in  1893;  and  was  president  of  the  Med- 
ico-Chirurgical  College  and  professor  of  gynecology  and  abdominal  surgery. 
He  is  now  president  of  the  Kansas  City  Post-Graduate  Medical  School  and 

On  the  16th  of  .Tunc.  1869.  Dr.  Hall  was  married  to  Katherine  Sap- 
pington,    a    daughter    of    lion.  E.   D.  and  P('nelo|)0   (Breathitt)    Sappington. 


Her  maternal  grandfather  was  at  one  time  governor  of  Kentucky.  Five 
children  were  born  unto  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Hall,  of  whom  four  are  now  living: 
the  eldest,  Dr.  Darwin  Walton  Hall,  a  graduate  of  the  University  Medical 
College  of  Kansas  City,  who  has  taken  post-graduate  work  of  the  Polyclinic 
School  of  New  York  and  is  a  rhinologi^t  and  laryngologist,  is  practicing 
with  his  father  and  is  a  member  of  the  faculty  of  the  Post-Graduate  school; 
Penelope  is  the  wife  of  Leon  Smith,  president  of  the  Smith-McCord  Dry 
Goods  Company;  C.  Lester  Hall,  Jr.,  was  educated  in  Kansas  City  schools 
and  attended  the  Chicago  University;  Catherine  May  Hall  completes  the 

Dr.  Hall  has  ever  been  a  close  student  of  the  profession  and  has  man- 
fested  keen  discrimination  in  recognizing  the  value  of  a  new  idea  advanced 
in  connection  with  medical  practice,  while  he  readily  adopts  any  method 
or  invention  which  he  believes  will  prove  a  practical  utility  in  his  profes- 
sional labors.  He  is  also  slow  to  discard  the  old  and  time-tried  methods, 
the  value  of  which  have  been  proven.  However,  in  active  practice  he  has 
made  substantial  progress  and  has  gained  more  than  local  distinction  in  his 


The  financial  and  commercial  history  of  Kansas  City  would  be  very  in- 
complete and  unsatisfactory  without  a  personal  and  somewhat  extended  men- 
tion of  those  whose  lives  are  interwoven  so  closely  with  the  industrial  and 
financial  history  of  the  city  and  of  the  southwest.  When  a  man  or  select 
number  of  men  have  set  in  motion  the  occult  machinery  of  business,  which 
materializes  into  a  thousand  forms  of  practical  utility  or  where  they  have 
carved  out  a  fortune  or  a  name  from  the  common  possibilities,  open  for 
competition  to  all,  there  is  a  public  desire  which  should  be  gratified  to  see 
the  men,  so  nearly  as  a  portrait  and  a  word  artist  can  paint  them,  and  ex- 
amine the  elements  of  mind  and  circumstances  by  which  such  results  have 
been  achieved. 

Mr.  Bannister  finds  an  appropriate  place  in  the  history  of  those  men  of 
business  and  enterprise,  whose  force  of  character,  whose  sterling  integrity 
and  whose  good  sense  in  the  management  of  complicated  affairs  and  marked 
success  in  establishing  large  industries  and  bringing  to  completion  great 
schemes  of  trade  and  profit,  have  contributed  in  an  eminent  degree  to  the 
develoi^ment  of  the  vast  resources  of  the  southwest. 

Mr.  Bannister  was  born  in  Watertown,  New  York,  November  21,  1869, 
a  son  of  Charles  W.  and  Anne  (Lamasney)  Bannister.  The  father's  fam- 
ily settled  in  Watertown.  New  York,  in  1808.  Osmond  Bannister,  the 
grandfather,  removed  to  the  Empire  state  from  Vermont,  where  his  birth 
had  occurred  in  1786.  His  mother  was,  in  maidenhood,  Miss  Thankful 
Ely,  who  was  born  in  1757,  and  the  town  of  Elyria,  Ohio,  was  subsequently 
named  in  honor  of  the  family  to  which  she  belonged.  The  mother  of 
Charles  W.  Bannister,  whose  maiden  name  was  Charlotte  Wilson,  was  born 


in  Vermont  in  1789.  In  the  maternal  line,  F.  J.  Bannister  springs  from 
the  old  Lamasney  stock  of  County  Cork,  Ireland,  the  American  branch  of 
the  family  being  established  in  Quebec,  Canada,  in  1826,  and  shortly  after- 
ward in  Ogdensburg,  New  York.  James  Walsh,  a  cousin  of  Anne  Lamas- 
ney Bannister,  Avas  a  major  in  the  British  Canadian  army,  having  charge 
of  the  Canadian  Northwest  District  at  the  time  of  and  subsequent  ta  the 
Custer  massacree  and  policing  and  patrolling  the  Klondike  district  during 
the  early  gold  discoveries  in  that  section.  The  family  of  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Charles  W.  Bannister  numbered  six  sons  and  three  daughters,  of  whom 
three  sons  and  two  daughters  are  yet  living:  J.  L.  Bannister,  who  is  a  coal 
operator  at  Pittsburg,  Kansas;  C.  O.  Bannister,  who  since  1878  has  been 
engaged  in  merchandising  in  Leadville,  Colorado;  Mrs.  Thomas  McGee, 
whose  husband  for  the  past  fifteen  years  has  been  identified  with  Edward 
Corrigan  the  turfman,  and  is  now  his  secretary  and  general  manager;  and 
Miss  Ida  Bannister,  a  resident  of  San  Francisco,  California. 

Fred  J.  Bannister  came  west  with  his  parents  in  1877,  the  family  home 
being  established  at  Olathe,  Kansas.  The  father  died  ten  years  ago  and 
the  mother  is  still  living  in  Kansas  City.  The  son  pursued  a  common-school 
education  to  the  age  of  sixteen  years,  when  he  entered  the  employ  of  the 
Kansas  &  Texas  Coal  Company  as  local  agent  at  its  semi-anthraeito  mines 
at  Hackett,  Arkansas,  where  he  remained  for  four  years.  In  1890  he  re- 
signed that  position  to  accept  the  prof  erred  position  of  cashier  and  general 
bookkeeper  with  the  Kaw  Valley  Paint  &  Lead  Company  of  Kansas  City,  in 
which  capacity  he  continued  until  August  22,  1892,  when  he  entered  the 
emj)loy  of  the  Long-Bell  Lumber  Company. 

This  company,  now  one  of  the  largest  in  the  country  in  the  extent  of 
its  business  and  allied  interests,  was  organized  during  the  year  1875,  the 
first  organization  representing  a  capital  stock  of  twenty-five  hundred  dollars, 
which  was  principally  borrowed  money.  The  business  has  enjoyed  a  phe- 
nomenal growth  until  today  the  corporation  ranks  among  the  stron^e^t  and  extensive  in  the  entire  country.  The  parent  company  and  its  branches 
includes  an  investment  of  twenty-nine  million,  five  hundred  thousand  dol- 
lars, all  the  direct  growth  and  outcome  of  the  little'  organization  which  had 
its  beginning  in  1875.  The  company  today  is  acting  principallj^  as  an  ex- 
ecutive or  holding  company  for  the  many  allied  corporations  and  interests 
of  which  it  owns  nearly  the  entire  stock,  the  executive  officers  being  all 
those  of  the  Long-I5ell  Lumber  Company  with  headquarters  at  Kansas  City. 
These  companies  control  an  annual  business  amounting  to  fourteen  billion 
dollars  from  sales  of  their  output  and  manufacture  of  luinbor  from.'  the 
southern  states,  coal  from  Oklahoma,  Arkansas  and  Kansas,  and  the  prod- 
ucts of  the  western  hiiiibcr  mills.  They  employ  an  average  of  thirty-nine 
hundred  men  and  the  business  is  being  constantly  broadened  in  its  scope 
and  ill    its  possibilities. 

It  was  into  this  business  that  Mr.  Bannister  entered  on  the  22d  of  Au-,  1892,  soon  pa.«sing  on  to  positions  of  executive'  control  and  as  the 
years  have  pa.'^sed  bending  his  energies  largely  to  organization,  to  construct- 
ive efi'orts   and   administrative  direction.      I\)ssessing  broad,   enlightened  and 


liberal-minded  views,  faith  in  himself  and  in  the  want  potentialities  for  de- 
velopment inherent  in  the  wide  domain  of  the  southwest  in  the  specific  lines 
of  operation  of  the  company,  his  has  been  an  active  career,  in  which  he  has 
accomplished  important  and  far-reaching  results.  He  is  today  an  executive 
ofScer,  a  stockholder  and  a  director  of  the  following  corporations,  all  allied 
interests  of  the  Long-Bell  Lumber  Company,  bearing  the  title  of  secretary 
and  treasurer:  Calcasieu  Long  Leaf  Lumber  Company,  Lake  Charles,  Louis- 
iana; King-Ryder  Lumber  Company,  Bonami,  Louisiana;  Longville  Long 
Leaf  Lumber  Company,  Longville,  Louisiana;  Hudson  River  Lumber  Com- 
pany, De  Ridder,  Louisiana;  Rapids  Lumber  Company,  Limited,  Wood- 
worth,  Louisiana;  Globe  Lumber  Company,  Limited,  Yellow  Pine,  Louisi- 
ana; Lufkin  Land  &  Lumber  Company,  Lufkin,  Texas;  the  Long-Bell  Lum- 
ber Company,  Kansas  City,  Missouri;  Long-Bell  Mercantile  Company, 
Stroud,  Oklahoma;  Long-Bell  Naval  Stores  Company,  De  Ridder,  Louisi- 
ana; Long-Bell  Experimental  Farm  &  Mercantile  Company,  Bonami, 
Louisiana;  The  Fidelity  Coal  Mining  Company,  Kansas  City,  Missouri;  Fi- 
delity Fuel  Company,  Greenwood,  Arkansas;  Kansas  Fuel  Company,  Kan- 
sas City,  Missouri;  R.  A.  Long  Real  Estate  &  Investment  Company, 
Kansas  City,  Missouri;  Texas  &  Louisiana  Naval  Stores  Company,  Lake 
Charles,  Louisiana;  Lake  Charles  Chemical  Company,  Lake  Charles,  Louis- 

It  is  the  plan  of  the  Long-Bell  Lumber  Company  that  its  executive 
officers  should  be  in  control  of  different  departments,  Mr.  Bannister's  duties 
being  specifically  those  of  general  manager  of  the  coal  operating  and  sales 
department,  together  with  other  duties  that  devolve  upon  him  in  looking 
after  the  multiplicity  of  details  and  interests  in  connection  with  all  depart- 
ments. Having  risen  through  successive  stages  from  the  position  of  an  ac- 
countant in  the  general  office,  he  is  in  a  position  to  know  better  than  per- 
haps any  other  person  connected  with  the  company  the  many  details  that 
go  to  make  up  the  organization  and  since  passing  on  to  positions  of  exec- 
utive control  he  has  contributed  in  large  measure  to  the  expansion  and 
material  growth  of  the  southwest  through  the  development  of  the  interests 
of  the  Long-Bell  Lumber  Company.  Mr.  Bannister  is  also  interested  to 
some  extent  in  Kansas  City  real  estate  and  owns  a  beautiful  home  at  No. 
4112  Warwick  boulevard,  which  he  built  in  1903,  and  the  residence  occupied 
by  his  mother  at  4115  Walnut  street. 

On  the  10th  of  March,  1888,  F.  J.  Bannister  was  married  at  Hackett, 
Arkansas,  to  Edith  Nevius  and  they  now  have  a  daughter  and  two  sons: 
Louise,  Edward  and  Fred  J.,  aged  respectively  nineteen,  sixteen  and  one 
years.  Mr.  Bannister  gives  his  political  allegiance  to  the  democracy  and 
i?  a  member  of  several  secret  societies,  belonging  also  to  the  Manufacturers 
&  Merchants  Association  of  Kansas  City,  to  the  Commercial  Club  of  Kan- 
sas City  and  the  Hoo  Hoos,  a  famous  organization  of  lumberman.  He  is 
particularly  interested  in  high  class  horses  and  is  the  owner  of  several,  in- 
cluding Dixie  Harkness,  one  of  the  best  of  the  famous  Missouri-bred,  high 
class  saddlers.  His  summer  vacations  are  largely  spent  in  the  Wisconsin 
lakes  to  the  detriment  of  the  finny  tribe,  for  he  is  particularly  fond  of  ang- 


ling.  Such  in  brief  is  the  life  record  of  F.  J.  Bannister,  who  has  attained 
to  an  eminent  position  in  business  life.  One  of  the  prominent  character- 
istics of  his  successful  career  is  that  his  vision  has  never  been  bounded  by 
the  exigencies  of  the  moment  but  has  covered  as  well  the  possibilities  and 
opportunities  of  the  future  and  this  has  led  him  into  extensive  undertak- 
ings, bringing  him  into  marked  prominence  in  industrial  and  commercial 


Edward  Clarence  Wright,  attorney  at  law  of  Kansas  City,  was  born 
October  16,  1863,  in  Cambridge,  Massachusetts.  His  parents,  William  and 
Ellen  (Brennan)  Wright,  came  from  England  in  1847  and  established 
their  home  in  New  England,  where  the  father,  prominent  in  public  affairs, 
filled  various  official  positions  and  took  an  active  interest  in  public  life. 

Having  completed  his  preliminary  course  in  the  public  schools  of  his 
native  city,  Edward  Clarence  Wright  enjoyed  the  advantages  of  university 
training  at  Harvard,  where  he  was  graduated  as  Bachelor  of  Arts  in  1886 
and  as  Bachelor  of  Law  in  1889.  He  won  distinction  in  his  classes,  being 
an  honor  man  in  several,  and  while  pursuing  his  law  course  gave  special 
attention  to  research  in  land  titles  and  constitutional  law.  His  practice  has 
been  maintained  along  the  same  lines.  Before  leaving  the  university  he  was 
admitted  to  the  bar  at  Suffolk,  Massachusetts,  and  the  same  year  he  came 
west  to  practice  at  Kansas  City.  From  1891  until  1893  he  was  attorney  for 
the  Lombard  Investment  Company  and  afterward  assistant  receiver  for  the 
same  company  until  the  settlement  of  its  affairs.  He  was  likewise  made 
general  counselor  for  the  Concordia  Loan  &  Trust  Company.  He  prac- 
ticed with  Hon.  Edward  P.  Gates  until  the  latter's  election  as  circuit  judge 
of  Jackson  county  and  subsequently  with  Frank  Hagerman  until  1899.  He 
has  since  been  alone  in  practice  and  his  legal  work  has  been  mostly  in  the 
line  of  investigation  of  land  titles  and  municipal  securities.  He  has  also 
been  connected  with  many  equity  cases  and  has  been  employed  by  other 
lawyers  to  assist  in  legal  Avork  of  that  character.  He  is  general  attorney  for 
two  railroad  companies  and  is  employed  locally  by  two  other  railroad  com- 
panies for  the  adjustment  of  all  matters  except  injury  cases  and  he  has  a 
verj'-  extensive  practice  in  realty  law  and  examines  more  titles  than  any  other 
lawyer  in  Kansas  City,  public  opinion  according  him  first  rank  as  a  repre- 
sentative of  this  branch  of  the  profession.  He  is  an  officer  and  a  director  in 
twelve  corporations  engaged  in  active  business  in   Kansas  City. 

In  June,  1891,  Mr.  Wright  was  married  to  Miss  Annie  Glines  Porter,  a 
daughter  of  Louis  Chandler  Porter,  of  St.  Johnsbury,  Vermont,  a  direct 
descendant  of  John  Porter,  who  settled  in  Connecticut  in  1640.  Seven  direct 
ancestors  of  Mrs.  Wright  were  soldiers  of  the  Revolutionary  war  and  two 
of  the  war  of  1812,  and  the  family  is  one  of  prominence  and  distinction  in 
New  England.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wright  now  have  four  sons.  They  hold  mem- 
bership in  the  Protestant  Episcopal  church  and  while  in  Massachusetts  Mr. 




:  Tl  LDr  N    Ft-:  ;j  N- RATION  SI 


Wright  held  various  minor  positions  in  the  church.  His  first  presidential  vote 
was  cast  for  Grover  Cleveland  in  1884  and  he  allied  his  interests  with  the  gold 
democrats  in  1896.  He  has  little  aspiration  for  public  office,  however,  pre- 
ferring to  concentrate  his  time  and  energies  upon  his  professional  interests, 
which  are  continually  growing  in  extent  and  importance.  For  a  number 
of  years  he  was  president  of  the  Phi  Delta  Phi  of  the  southwest,  and  has  also 
been  known  as  a  writer  for  several  years. 


William  H.  Montgall,  whose  name  is  on  the  list  of  Kansas  City's 
honored  dead,  belonged  to  one  of  the  old  and  most  prominent  pioneer  fam- 
ilies. Moreover  he  was  respected  in  business  circles  as  a  leading  banker  and 
real-estate  dealer  and  his  course  throughout  an  active  business  life  was  such 
as  to  commend  him  to  the  confidence  and  trust  of  his  fellowmen. 

The  family  settled  here  in  1840  and  William  H,  Montgall  was  born  in 
the  suburbs  of  Kansas  City  on  the  old  Brush  Creek  farm,  which  was  the 
Montgall  homestead,  March  20,  1850.  His  parents  were  Rufus  and  Nancy 
(Bryan)  Montgall,  both  natives  of  Shelby  county,  Kentucky.  The  father 
was  born  in  1817  and  was  educated  in  the  public  schools  of  his  native  state, 
where  in  his  boyhood  and  youth  he  also  assisted  in  the  work  of  his  father's 
farm.  In  1840,  the  year  of  their  marriage,  he  and  his  wife  started  west- 
ward, the  journey  being  made  with  a  team  of  horses  and  wagon  after  the 
primitive  manner  of  travel  of  the  time.  Their  objective  point  was  Kansas 
City,  Missouri,  but  when  they  reached  Louisiana,  Missouri,  Mr.  Montgall 
was  stricken  with  rheumatism  and  they  were  forced  to  remain  in  that  town 
for  several  weeks.  His  brother-in-law,  William  0.  Shouse,  who  had  come 
to  Jackson  county  some  years  before,  learning  of  Mr.  Montgall's  sickness 
went  to  Louisiana  and  assisted  in  bringing  him  to  this  county.  Mr.  Mont- 
gall located  in  the  southern  part  of  Kaw  township,  which  was  then  a  wild 
district,  while  the  present  site  of  Kansas  City  was  covered  with  a  dense  for- 
est, in  which  the  Indians  often  hunted  deer  and  other  game. 

The  father  at  once  began  the  development  of  a  farm  and  the  establish- 
ment of  a  home.  He  cleared  away  the  trees  and  transformed  the  land  into 
rich  and  fertile  fields,  making  his  home  on  the  old  Brush  Creek  farm  until 
1857,  when  he  removed  into  a  district  that  is  now  a  part  of  the  city,  estab- 
lishing his  home  at  the  corner  of  Nineteenth  street  and  Agnes  avenue. 
There  he  continued  to  live  until  1882,  when  he  took  up  his  residence  at 
his  elegant  city  home  at  the  corner  of  Thirteenth  and  Locust  streets.  He  then 
began  investing  quite  extensively  in  real  estate  and  the  rise  in  land  values, 
owing  to  the  rapid  increase  of  population,  brought  to  Mr.  Montgall  a  hand- 
some competence,  making  him  a  wealthy  man.  He  was  preeminently  a  bus- 
iness man,  energetic,  enterprising  and  persevering.  Above  all  he  was  strictly 
honorable  in  everything  that  he  did  and  naught  was  ever  said  against  his 
sterling  integrity.     For  forty  years  he  took  a  prominent  part  in  the  public 


affairs  of  Kansas  City  yet  had  no  ambition  in  the  line  of  office  seek- 
ing and  always  refused  to  serve  in  positions  of  public  trust.  Diiring 
the  war  and  at  the  time  of  the  border  troubles  he  w^as  at  the  head 
of  a  militia  company  and  did  gallant  work  in  protecting  the  homes 
of  this  vicinity.  His  early  political  allegiance  was  given  to  the  whig  party 
but  later  he  became  a  stanch  democrat.  He  was  moreover  a  strictly 
temperate  man,  never  using  intoxicants  nor  tobacco  in  any  form  and 
throughout  his  life  his  influence  was  found  on  the  side  of  justice,  truth  and 
right.  His  principles  were  so  high,  his  conduct  so  manly  and  his  sterling 
worth  so  manifest  that  no  man  in  Kansas  City  had  more  friends  than  Rufus 

There  existed  an  ideal  relation  between  himself  and  his  wife,  who  was 
a  noble  Christian  woman.  She  passed  away  about  a  year  prior  to  the  death 
of  her  husband,  who  then  said  that  he  had  nothing  more  to  live  for.  for 
though  his  son  and  daughter  survived,  they  had  married  and  gone  to  their 
own  homes.  From  them,  however,  he  received  the  most  filial  affection  and 
he  spent  the  last  year  of  his  life  in  the  home  of  his  son  William,  receiving 
all  the  loving  care  and  attention  possible.  In  his  death,  which  occurred 
November  14,  1888,  the  entire  community  felt  that  he  had  suffered  a  severe 
loss,  such  was  his  personal  worth  and  his  general  usefulness.  He  was  a 
pioneer  to  whom  the  county  owed  much  of  its  development  and  progress 
and  his  name  is  inseparably  interwoven  with  its  history. 

William  H.  Montgall  acquired  his  education  in  the  public  schools  of 
Kansas  City  and  was  reared  at -the  family  home,  witnessing  the  development 
and  progress  of  Missouri's  western  metropolis.  When  he  arrived  at  years  of 
maturity  he  was  married  here  to  Miss  Sallie  E.  Ford,  a  native  of  this  city  and 
a  daughter  of  Lewis  A.  and  Martha  (Holmes)  Ford  who  were  nativas  of 
Shelby  county,  Kentucky,  and  came  to  Jackson  county  at  a  very  early  day, 
casting  in  their  lot  among  its  pioneer  residents.  Mr.  Ford  first  settled  at  AVest- 
port,  a  suburb,  and  subsequently  took  up  his  abode  on  Delaware  street  near  the 
Junction  building.  He  was  a  carpenter  by  trade,  became  a  contractor  and 
assisted  in  the  erection  of  many  of  the  first  business  blocks  of  the  city  and 
also  a  large  number  of  the  early  residences  and  in  the  course  of  years  he 
became  the  leading  contractor  of  the  city,  continuing  in  active  connection 
with  its  building  operations  until  forced  to  retire  a  few  years  ago  on  account 
of  ill  health  and  the  loss  of  his  eyesight  three  years  ago.  He  is  now  totally 
blind  but  manifests  a  most  happy  and  contented  spirit,  and  at  the  age  of 
eighty-five  makes  his  home  with  his  daughter,  Mrs.  Nannie  Burrus,  who  re- 
sides at  Independence  avenue.  His  Avife  passed  away  several  years  ago. 
Unto  INIr.  and  Mrs.  Montgall  was  born  one  son,  Rufus  Ford  Montgall,  a 
graduato  of  the  University  of  Pennsylvania  and  an  intelligent  and  enter- 
prising young  man,  who  resides  with  his  mother. 

Following  their  marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Montgall  settled  on  a  farm 
near  Blue  Springs  in  Jackson  county,  not  far  from  Kansas  City,  and  there 
he  carried  on  general  agricultural  pursuits  for  several  years  but  his  health 
failed  and  occasioned  his  removal  to  the  city  about  the  time  of  his  mother's 
death.     He   afterward   devoted   his   energies  to  the   management  of  various 


business  interests  here.  He  became  a  stockholder  in  the  Bank  of  Kansas 
City  and  made  judicious  and  extensive  investments  in  real  estate,  owning 
many  line  residences  and  valuable  city  property.  He  was  a  man  of  excellent 
business  and  executive  ability  and  of  sound  judgment,  while,  like  his  father, 
his  straightforward  dealing  was  above  question.  He  was  a  member  of  Cal- 
vary Baptist  church  but  took  no  active  part  in  clubs  or  lodges,  his  interest 
centering  in  his  home,  where  he  preferred  to  spend  his  leisure  hours  in  the 
enjoyment  of  the  companionship  of  his  little  family  and  of  congenial 
friends.  In  politics  he  was  a  democrat  but  not  an  office  seeker.  His  favor-^ 
ite  recreation  was  hunting  and  with  dog  and  gun  he  frequently  went  on 
long  hunting  trips.  After  two  weeks'  illness  he  died  March  20,  1890,  his  re- 
mains being  laid  to  rest  by  the  side  of  his  parents  in  the  beautiful  Elm- 
wood  cemetery.  It  would  be  difficult  to  name  a  citizen  of  Jackson  county 
who  had  more  warm  personal  friends  or  who  more  thoroughly  merited  the 
high  esteem  in  which  he  was  held  than  William  H.  Montgall. 

Mrs.  Montgall  is  also  a  member  of  the  Calvary  Baptist  church  and  is 
deeply  interested  in  its  growth  and  upbuilding.  She  resided  at  the  corner 
of  Thirteenth  and  Locust  streets  until  a  few  years  ago,  when  she  erected 
her  present  fine  stone  residence  at  No.  1019  East  Armour  boulevard,  where 
she  and  her  son  now  reside,  this  being  one  of  the  fine  homes  on  the  boule- 
vard. She  also  spends  much  time  visiting  with  her  aged  father  at  Inde- 
pendence. Montgall  street,  a  prominent  residence  thoroughfare  of  the  city, 
was  named  in  honor  nf  the  familv. 


By  the  death  of  James  G.  Adkins,  on  the  31st  of  July,  1897,  Kansas  City 
sustained  an  irreparable  loss,  for  he  was  one  of  its  most  honorable  and  upright 
men.  Death  often  removes  from  our  midst  men  whom  we  can  ill  afford  to 
lose,  whose  lives  have  been  all  that  is  exemplary  of  the  true  and  thereby  the 
really  great  citizen.  Such  a  one  was  Mr.  Adkins,  whose  whole  career,  both 
business  and  social,  served  as  a  model  to  the  young  and  an  inspiration  to 
the  aged.  He  shed  a  brightness  around  everything  with  which  he  came  in 
contact.  His  life  was  one  of  usefulness  and  of  benevolence  and  the  spirit 
of  kindliness,  justice,  generosity  and  of  helpfulness  permeated  all  that  he  did. 

Mr.  Adkins  was  born  on  the  10th  of  March,  1834,  in  Georgetown,  Scott 
county,  Kentuck}^  and  was  but  two  years  of  age  when  his  parents  removed 
to  Clay  county,  Missouri,  his  father  settling  on  a  farm  about  two  and  a  half 
miles  southwest  of  the  town  of  Liberty.  There  he  w^as  reared  as  a  farm  lad, 
enjoying  the  advantages  of  outdoor  life,  the  freedom  and  the  exercise  upon 
which  so  many  successful  careers  have  been  based.  He  supplemented  his 
early  education  by  study  in  William  Jewell  College,  from  which  he  was  grad- 
uated and  after  the  completion  of  his  education  he  engaged  in  the  drug  busi- 
ness at  Liberty  for  eight  years — from  1855  until  1863.  Disposing  of  his 
store,  he  became  interested  in  freighting  between  the  Missouri  river,  Denver 


and  Salt  Lake,  continuing  in  that  business  until  1866,  when  he  became  identi- 
fid  with  the  Valley  Woolen  Mills,  his  business  connection  continuing  until  his 
removal  to  Kansas  City  in  1880.  In  this  way  he  contributed  to  the  com- 
mercial and  industrial  prosperity  of  Liberty  and  that  he  was  one  of  its  prom- 
inent and  influential  citizens  is  also  indicated  by  the  fact  that  he  was  chosen 
mayor  of  the  town  and  was  also  elected  to  the  office  of  sheriff  of  Clay  county. 
On  coming  to  Kansas  City  he  entered  the  Bank  of  Commerce,  where  he  re- 
mained for  ten  years,  when  he  embarked  upon  an  independent  business 
.venture,  establishing  an  insurance  agency  as  representative  of  the  Mutual  Re- 
serve Insurance  Company  of  New  York  and  the  Fidelity  Life  Insurance  Com- 
pany of  Philadelphia.  He  soon  succeeded  in  securing  a  good  clientage  and 
annually  wrote  a  large  amount  of  insurance,  being  recognized  as  one  of  the 
foremost  insurance  agents  of  the  city. 

Mr.  Adkins  was  married  in  the  year  1856  to  Miss  Mary  Keller,  of 
Liberty,  Missouri,  and  unto  them  were  born  two  sons  and  two  daughters. 
The  eldest  son,  Dr.  James  M.  Adkins,  is  now  a  practicing  physician  of  Kansas 
City  and  the  manager  of  the  Grand  Central  Pharmacy  at  No.  404  Wyandotte 
street,  while  his  residence  is  at  No.  333  Askew  street.  Charles,  the  second  son, 
is  an  insurance  broker  of  Kansas  City,  and  the  daughters,  Mrs.  L.  F.  Rieger 
and  Miss  Laura  Adkins,  also  reside  here. 

While  living  in  Liberty,  Missouri,  Mr.  Adkins  held  membership  in  the 
Baptist  church  and  took  much  interest  in  church  work.  He  was  a  very  prom- 
inent Odd  Fellow,  widely  known  in  this  connection  throughout  the  state, 
being  grand  high  priest  of  the  grand  encampment,  the  second  highest  posi- 
tion in  that  branch  in  the  order.  He  also  held  high  rank  in  the  military 
branch  of  the  order,  or  canton,  being  lieutenant  colonel,  and  his  funeral 
services  were  conducted  with  the  honors  of  that  organization.  Perhaps  no 
better  testimonial  of  his  life  work  and  his  character  can  be  given  than  to 
present  in  full  the  resolutions  of  the  Kansas  City  encampment  passed  at  the 
time  of  his  death:  "It  is  with  a  quivering  hand  and  an  aching  heart  that 
we  have  to  announce  to  this  encampment  the  loss  of  one  of  its  members,  in 
the  past  chief  patriarch  and  grand  high  priest  of  this  jurisdiction,  James  G. 
Adkins,  who  died  July  31,  1897.  Death  came  to  him  suddenly  and  without 
a  moment's  warning  and  took  him  away  without  an  apparent  struggle,  in  the 
fullness  of  a  strong,  well  matured  manhood;  and  as  the  sad  tidings  came  to 
us  it  brought  a  shock  not  to  be  forgotten  and  a  deep  sadness  that  lingers  about 
our  hearts. 

"Patriarch  Adkins  was  not  only  prominent  in  his  physical  manhood, 
with  his  genial  countenance,  but  prominent  in  intellect,  in  integrity,  in  moral 
and  religious  influences,  in  his  uncompromising  and  unrelenting  defense  of 
honest  convictions,  in  the  positiveness  and  force  of  his  character.  Such  men 
are  not  forgotten  but  ahvays  leave  their  impress  and  live  in  memory.  As  a 
citizen  he  commanded  universal  respect.  He  was  always  active  and  influential 
in  favor  of  the  elevation  and  purity  of  society  and  the  highest  degree  of 
morals.  He  was  untiring  and  uncompromising  in  continuous  war  against 
corrupting  influences.  We  have  lost  his  companionship  and  the  realization 
of  that  loss  fills  us  with  sadness.    For  a  time  we  shall  vainly  long  for  the  touch 


of  the  vanished  hand  and  the  sound  of  the  voice  that  is  still.  He  loved  his 
brethren  and  was  ever  gentle,  kind  and  considerate  to  his  fellowmen,  regard- 
less of  wealth  or  station. 

"  'He  wounded  none  with  jeer  or  jest,  yet  bore  no  honeyed  tongue; 
Was  social  with  the  gray-haired  and  merry  with  the  young. 
He  gravely  shared  the  council  speech,  or  joined  the  rustic  game, 
And  shone  as  Nature's  gentleman  in  every  place  the  same.' 

''He  was  genial,  companionable  and  sympathetic,  and  he  who  enjoyed 
with  him  an  intimate  friendship  had  a  friend  indeed  and  in  truth,  who  could 
not  be  made  to  falter.  He  carried  with  him  everywhere,  in  public  and  in 
private,  a  large  hearted  charity;  and  while  for  the  base  and  low  his  contempt 
was  always  great,  yet  for  the  poor  and  unfortunate  his  heart  was  always  melted 
with  tenderness  and  sympathy.  He  was  broad  and  high  in  his  conception 
of  religious  attainment  and  Christian  triumph;  in  his  appreciation  of  God's 
great  plans  and  purposes ;  in  man's  elevation  to  a  higher  and  better  life. 

"Patriarch  Adkins  became  an  Odd  Fellow  in  1856,  being  initiated  into 
Liberty  Lodge,  No.  49,  at  Liberty,  Missouri.  December  31,  1886,  he  placed 
his  membership  in  Kansas  City  Lodge,  No.  257,  at  Kansas  City.  He  became 
a  member  of  Clay  encampment.  No.  12,  in  1858,  and  transferred  his  mem- 
bership to  this  encampment  December  30,  1886,  where  he  held  his  mem- 
bership the  remainder  of  his  days.  His  trueness,  zeal  and  signal  ability  as 
an  Odd  Fellow  soon  placed  him  upon  the  roll  of  honor  and  started  him  into 
positions  of  preferment  and  prominence.  He  served  for  many  years  as  dis- 
trict deputy  grand  master  and  deputy  grand  patriarch;  and  step  by  step  had 
attained  the  honorable  position  of  grand  high  priest.  Wherever  duty  called 
him,  to  near  or  distant  lodges,  whether  through  calm  or  stormy  weather,  his 
response  was  ever  prompt,  hearty  and  cheerful.  To  know  him  was  but  to 
love  him  as  an  Odd  Fellow,  and  whoever  came  in  contact  with  him,  whether 
the  humblest  or  the  proudest  of  the  fraternity,  it  was  but  to  feel  the  hearty 
grasp  of  an  open  hand,  the  thrill  and  warmth  of  a  great  and  generous  heart. 
He  delighted  to  encourage  the  weak  and  exalt  the  humble.  He  made  all 
Odd  Fellows  feel,  wherever  he  met  them,  that  he  was  indeed  their  brother. 
He  was  a  safe  adviser,  a  wise  counselor,  a  faithful  and  efficient  worker,  and 
an  ever  willing  helper  in  the  cause  of  Odd  Fellowship.  We  who  have  so 
often  heard  in  the  halls  of  Odd  Fellows  his  familiar  voice,  his  animated  tone, 
his  strong  arguments,  his  earnest  appeals,  as  with  the  power  of  eloquence  he 
seemed  to  pour  out  his  very  soul  in  behalf  of  what  he  believed  to  be  the 
best  interests  of  our  great  order,  are  deeply  saddened  today  by  the  thought 
that  we  can  neither  see  nor  hear  him  more  on  this  earth.  We  look  and  listen 
in  vain,  for  he  is  gone.  Gone  to  the  glorious  reward  of  the  faithful;  gone 
where  earnest  labors  have  their  rich  reward;  gone  to  where  error  sinks  and 
truth  rises;  gone  where  the  false  is  banished,  and  true  merit  shines  out  for- 
ever; gone  where,  upon  his  noble  brow,  throughout  eternity  there  will  be  a 
crown  of  victory.  And  as  we  now  pause  to  bid  him  this  formal  yet  truly 
sad  farewell,  be  it  earnestly 


"Resolved,  That  the  name  of  the  Past  Chief  Patriarch  and  Grand  High 
Priest  James  G.  Adkins  be  held  sacred  in  our  memories;  that  his  loyalty,  his 
noble  services,  his  efficient  services  in  behalf  of  Odd  Fellowship  will  not  be 
forgotten.  That  we  prize  the  noble  record  of  his  life  as  a  far  greater  heritage 
than  the  rich  mines  of  gold ;  that  we  shall  always  remember  him  as  a  brilliant 
star  in  the  firmament  of  Odd  Fellowship;  that  we  regard  his  pure  life  and 
able  services  as  a  ceaseless  benediction  and  an  immeasureable  treasure  to  our 
great  order;  that  we  will  hold  dear  his  wise  admonitions  and  seek  to  follow 
his  worthy  example,  and  maintain  that  high  standard,  which,  in  his  noble 
life  and  character,  he  has  presented  for  our  imitation. 

"Resolved,  That  this  report  be  spread  upon  the  records  of  this  encamp- 


Captain  John  F.  Eneberg,  deceased,  was  the  president  of  the  Kansas 
City  Lumber  Company  and  one  of  the  leading  business  men  of  western  Mis- 
souri. With  the  passing  years  he  prospered  in  his  undertakings  and,  making 
judicious  investments  in  real  estate,  became  the  owner  of  property  all  over 
the  city.  His  residence  here  dated  from  1880  and  continued  to  the  time  of 
his  demise.  He  was  a  native  of  Sweden,  born  December  21,  1825.  His 
parents  both  died  in  that  country  during  the  boyhood  of  their  son  John,  who 
Avas  the  youngest  and  the  last  survivor  of  a  family  of  brothers  and  sisters. 
He  attended  public  schools  in  his  native  country  and  at  the  age  of  fifteen 
years  started  out  in  life  on  his  own  account,  securing  al  clerkship  in  a  grocery 
store  in  his  native  town.  He  was  thus  connected  with  mercantile  interests 
there  until  twenty-eight  years  of  age,  when  the  favorable  reports  which  he 
had  heard  concerning  America  led  him  to  the  belief  that  he  might  have 
better  business  opportunities  in  the  new  world.  Accordingly  he  determined 
to  try  his  fortune  in  the  United  States  and  sailed  for  New  York,  whence  ho 
made  his  way  direct  to  Lexington,  Missouri.  There  he  began  in  the  grocery 
business,  which  he  conducted  with  success  at'  that  point  for  some  time.  AVhile 
there  residing  he  was  married  on  the  13th  of  November,  1854,  to  Mi~s 
Emogene  Jones,  a  native  of  Lexington,  Missouri.  Her  parents  were  both 
natives  of  Pennsylvania,  whence  they  removed  to  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  and 
afterward  to  Lexington,  Missouri,  being  pioneers  of  the  latter  place,  where 
they  resided  until  called  to  their  final  rest. 

Captain  Eneberg  was  engaged  in  the  grocery  business  in  Lexington  at 
the  time  of  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  war.  Almost  immedintely  afterward 
he.  enlisted  and  a  few  days  later  ho  organized  a  company,  of  which  he  was 
made  captain.  It  was  a  part  of  McPherin's  regiment  and  he  served  with  his 
command  until  the  close  of  the  war.  Although  he  participated  in  many 
hotly  contested  engagements  he  was  never  wounded,  although  the  hard«hips 
and  rigors  of  war  undermined  his  health.  At  the  close  of  hostilities,  without 
receiving  a  formal  discharge,  he  returned  to  Lexington  and  again  became 
connected  with  its  business  interests  as  a  grocer.     He  likewise  extended  his 




energies  to  the  lumber  trade  and  at  the  same  time  was  engaged  in  railroad 
contracting,  building  six  miles  of  the  Chicago  &  Alton  Railroad  through 
Lexington  and  vicinity. 

About  1875  Captain  Eneberg  disposed  of  his  business  in  Lexington  and 
in  connection  with  a  Mr.  Bates  founded  a  small  town  near  by,  on  the  line  of 
the  recently  constructed  Chicago  &  Alton  Railroad.  They  named  the  place 
Bates  City  and  there  Captain  Eneberg  and  Mr.  Bates  engaged  in  the  lumber 
business  and  in  general  trade  for  several  years  or  until  1879,  when  they 
suffered  heavy  losses  by  fire.  The  following  year  Captain  Eneberg 
removed  to  Kansas  City,  where  in  connection  with  two  others  he  organized 
the  Kansas  City  Lumber  Company,  with  offices  and  lumberyard  at  the  corner 
of  Twentieth  and  Walnut  streets.  He  was  made  president  and  treasurer  of 
the  company  and  so  continued  in  business  until  his  health  failed,  when 
in  1902  he  decided  to  retire,  although  he  still  continued  to  hold  the  office 
of  treasurer  of  the  company  throughout  his  remaining  days.  During  his 
last  several  years  he  was  in  ill  health.  In  connection  with  the  lumber  busi- 
ness he  likewise  engaged  in  the  real-estate  business,  making  many  purchases 
and  sales  and  owning  much  valuable  property  all  over  the  city.  With  keen 
discernment  he  recognized  the  opportunities  for  wise  investment  and  was 
seldom,  if  ever,  at  error  in  judging  the  value  of  property  or  its  possibilities 
for  appreciation  in  price. 

The  life  work  of  Captain  Eneberg  was  brought  to  a  close  on  the  7th  of 
July,  1904.  He  held  several  public  offices  in  Lexington,  including  that  of 
alderman,  and  was  a  stanch  republican  in  politics  but  never  sought  nor  desired 
office  after  he  came  to  Kansas  City.  He  belonged  to  the  Knights  of  Pythias 
fraternity  and  the  lodge  in  which  he  h^ld  membership  conducted  his  funeral 
services.  He  was  also  a  charter  member  of  the  Commercial  Club  and  was 
ever  greatly  interested  in  the  welfare  and  development  of  the  city,  cooperat- 
ing with  the  club  in  many  of  its  movements  for  municipal  growth  and  prog- 
ress. He  was  preeminently  a  self-made  man  and  arose  from  an  humble 
position  to  one  of  wealth  and  affluence.  He  was  very  industrious,  being  at 
his  place  of  business  at  seven  o'clock  in  the  morning,  while  his  evenings 
were  always  spent  at  home.  He  gave  close  and  assiduous  attention  to  all  of 
the  interests  and  details  of  his  business  and  his  wise  judgment  and  keen 
discernment  were  manifest  in  the  success  which  attended  him.  In  all  of 
his  business  dealings,  too,  he  was  thoroughly  reliable  and  straightforward 
and  thus  won  an  honored  name. 

Mrs.  Eneberg  is  a  member  of  the  First  Christian  church  of  Kansas  City. 
She  owns  and  occupies  a  nice  residence  at  No.  1606  McGee  street,  w^hich  was 
built  by  Captain  Eneberg  in  1886.  Her  property  interests  are  quite  exten- 
sive. She  also  owns  three  houses  on  West  Eighteenth  street,  two  at  the  corner 
of  Twenty-first  and  Penn  streets,  one  on  Twentieth  street,  one  on  Highland 
street  and  one  in  Kansas  City,  Kansas,  which  properties  are  bringing  to  her 
a  very  gratifying  rental.  She  is  the  last  of  the  old  families  who  located  in 
the  vicinity  of  Sixteenth  and  McGee  streets  in  pioneer  days.  Since  her  hus- 
band's death  she  has  adopted  a  son,  Tycho  E.  Gerdin,  who  is  now  twenty-six 
years  of  age.    He  manages  the  business  interests  for  his  mother,  cares  for  the 


property,  makes  collections  and  has  been  of  much  assistance  to  Mrs.  Eneberg 
in  the  control  of  her  business  interests.  He  is,  moreover,  a  fine  musician  and 
very  popular  in  musical  circles  of  the  city. 

On   the   death  of  Mr.   Eneberg  the   following  resolutions   were  passed: 

Whereas,  Death  has  removed  from  our  midst  John  F.  Eneberg  on  July 
7,  1904;  therefore,  be  it 

Resolved,  That  in  him  the  lumber  interests  of  Kansas  City  have  lost  a 
true  friend  and  beloved  associate,  he  having  been  identified  with  the  lumber 
trade  of  our  city  for  a  long  period  of  years  and  having  always  found  him  an 
honorable,  upright  and  courteous  gentleman;  be  it 

Resolved,  That  we  extend  to  his  widow  and  family  our  heartfelt  sym- 
pathy in  this,  their  darkest  hour,  and  commend  them  to  Him  who  doeth 
all  things  well.     Be  it  further 

Resolved,  As  a  mark  of  respect  that  a  copy  of  these  resolutions  be  sent 
to  the  family  and  to  the  lumber  trade  journals.  Hans  Dierks, 

W.  D.  Easley, 
A.  J.  Martin. 

GEORGE    S.    PUGH. 

George  S.  Pugh,  during  a  lifetime  of  intense  and  well  directed  activity, 
w^as  interested  in  all  that  promoted  the  commercial  importance  of  Kansas  City 
and  contributed  not  a  little  toward  making  the  city  the  commercial  and  indus- 
trial center  w^hich  it  is  today.  For  many  years  he  was  engaged  in  the  foundry 
business  here,  arriving  in  1887,  in  which  year  he  established  a  foundry  on 
the  west  levee,  conducting  the  enterprise  throughout  his  remaining  days.  He 
was  a  native  of  England,  born  March  16,  1847.  His  father,  Edward  Pugh, 
also  owned  and  managed  an  iron  foundry  in  the  town  of  Willenhall,  Eng- 
land, about  fifteen  miles  from  Birmingham,  conducting  the  enterprise  suc- 
cessfully throughout  his  life.  Both  he  and  his  wife  died  there.  The  paternal 
grandfather  was  also  an  iron  merchant  in  England,  and  thus  three  successive 
generations  of  the  family  had  been  connected  with  the  same  line  of  trade  and 
all  have  been  worthy  representatives  of  this  great  department  of  industrial 

In  the  common  schools  of  England  George  S.  Pugh  acquired  his  early 
education  and  his  opportunities  were  somewhat  limited  owing  to  the  fact  that 
he  was  only  ten  years  of  age  when  his  father  died  and  he  and  his  brothers 
then  had  to  begin  work  to  support  the  mother  and  other  members  of  the 
family.  Pie  was  employed  in  a  foundry  there  as  a  common  laborer  until 
1864,  when  thinking  to  find  better  business  opportunities  in  the  new  world 
he  crossed  the  Atlantic  to  America.  He  was  just  seventeen  years  of  age  when, 
with  four  of  his  brothers,  he  came  to  the  United  States.  They  settled  at 
Mineral  Ridge,  Ohio,  where  all  five  secured  positions  in  the  blast  furnaces  of 
Jonathan  Warner,  the  well  known  iron  manufacturer.     George  S.  Pugh  was 


employed  as  manager  at  this  furnace,  his  previous  experience  well  qualifying 
him  for  the  position.    All  of  his  brothers  are  now  deceased. 

It  was  while  residing  in  Ohio  that  Mr.  Pugh  was  married  to  Miss  Mar- 
garet S.  Burson,  a  native  of  Mineral  Ridge,  whose  parents  resided  in  that 
locality  throughout  their  entire  lives,  Mr.  Burson  being  engaged  in  farming. 

Following  his  marriage  Mr.  Pugh  continued  as  manager  of  the  Jonathan 
Warner  Blast  furnace  at  Mineral  Ridge,  Ohio,  for  fifteen  years,  and  seeking 
a  broader  field  of  labor,  one  in  which  he  would  have  opportunity  to  engage 
in  business  on  his  own  account,  he  came  to  Kansas  City  in  1887.  Here  he 
established  the  Pugh  Foundry  Company,  of  which  he  became  president,  the 
plant  being  located  at  Nos.  9  to  21  West  Levee.  The  beginning  was  small 
but  the  business  built  up  gradually  and  soon  assumed  extensive  proportions, 
this  being  now  the  largest  plant  of  the  kind  in  the  city,  furnishing  employ- 
ment to  many  workmen.  The  company  manufactures  all  kinds  of  castings 
and  makes  a  specialty  of  window  weights,  having  manufactured  all  the 
weights  for  the  large  buildings  of  Kansas  City  and  other  western  cities.  Mr. 
Pugh  gave  close  attention  to  the  business  and  its  development  and  always 
had  firm  faith  in  the  successful  outcome  of  his  enterprise.  He  was  notably 
prompt,  energetic  and  reliable,  never  making  engagements  that  he  did  not 
fill  nor  incurring  obligations  that  he  did  not  meet.  He  always  maintained  a 
high  standard  in  his  business  life  and  relations,  and  the  house  which  he 
founded  has  from  the  beginning  borne  an  unassailable  reputation  for  integ- 
rity and  reliability  in  all  transactions. 

Mr.  Pugh  voted  with  the  republican  party,  but  the  emoluments  and 
honors  of  office  had  no  attraction  for  him.  He  belonged  to  the  Hyde  Park 
Christian  church,  of  which  his  wife  is  still  a  member,  and  his  life  by  precept, 
example  and  influence  furthered  all  those  worthy  causes  which  had  for  their 
object  the  development  of  the  city  along  social,  intellectual  and  moral  lines. 
He  died  very  suddenly  March  7,  1904.  His  life  was  a  credit  to  the  city  and 
his  labors  a  tangible  element  in  the  commercial  prosperity.  He  made  many 
friends  among  his  business  associates  and  won  the  warm  esteem  of  all  with 
whom  he  came  in  contact  in  other  relations  of  life. 


John  Titus  belongs  to  that  class  of  Kansas  City's  citizens  whose  connec- 
tion with  its  business  life  and  its  social  and  moral  interests  makes  him  a  repre- 
sentative resident  and  one  whose  work  is  widely  acknowledged  by  his  fellow- 
men.  He  is  well  known  here  as  an  optician,  doing  business  at  No.  927  Walnut 
street.  His  birth  occurred  in  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  February  22,  1864,  his  parents 
being  John  and  Mary  J.  (Sterrett)  Titus.  The  father  was  a  native  of  Brook- 
lyn, New  York,  and  the  mother  of  Cincinnati,  Ohio.  Removing  westward, 
Mr.  Titus  became  a  wholesale  grocer  of  Cincinnati,  where  he  conducted  a 
growing  and  prosperous  business  for  many  years,  but  is  now  living  retired. 


making  his  home  in  Glendale,  Ohio,  where  he  has  resided  since  his  marriage. 
His  wife,  however,  passed  away  on  the  22d  of  February,  1905. 

John  Titus  was  reared  in  his  j)arents'  home  and  is  indebted  to  the  schools 
of  Glendale  for  the  education  he  acquired.  In  1881  he  secured  a  position  in 
the  wholesale  house  of  E.  J.  Wilson  &  Company,  dealers  in  coffee  and  spices, 
and  remained  with  that  firm  for  seven  years,  working  his  way  gradually  up- 
ward to  positions  of  responsibility.  In  1888  he  resigned  in  order  to  remove 
to  Chicago,  where  he  engaged  in  business  as  manufacturers'  agent,  being  thus 
employed  for  three  years.  On  the  expiration  of  that  period  he  took  up  the 
study  of  ophthalmology  through  the  International  School  of  Optics,  of  Lon- 
don, Ontario,  and  was  graduated  in  the  spring  of  1894,  He  then  came  to 
Kansas  City,  since  which  time  he  has  been  engaged  in  the  optical  business 
here,  and  is  today  one  of  the  well  known  and  successful  representatives  of  his 
profession  in  Kansas  City.  He  is  thoroughly  familiar  with  the  science  which 
underlies  the  business  and  has  given  general  satisfaction  to  his  patrons,  so  that 
his  trade  is  constantly  increasing. 

Mr.  Titus  was  married  June  27,  1894,  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Sims,  of  Kansas 
City,  who  was  a  native  of  Cincinnati,  Ohio.  They  now  have  one  child,  Ster- 
rett  Sims.  The  family  residence  is  at  No.  3315  Wabash  avenue,  where  Mr. 
Titus  owns  a  modern  home.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Knife  and  Fork  Club, 
of  Kansas  City,  and  a  republican  in  politics,  while  his  religious  faith  is  indi- 
cated by  his  membership  in  the  Central  Presbyterian  church.  He  has  never 
sought  to  figure  prominently  before  the  public  in  any  light,  but  has  put  a 
correct  valuation  upon  the  opportunities  and  conditions  of  life,  both  in  its 
business  and  social  relations,  and  his  influence  is  ever  found  on  the  side  of 
progress  and  improvement. 


Howard  Vanderslice,  president  of  the  Vanderslice-Lynds  Mercantile 
Company,  has  important  and  varied  business  interests,  such  as  demand  the 
control  of  a  man  of  master  mind,  who  not  only  follows  in  the  business  paths 
that  others  have  marked  out,  but  institutes  new  methods  of  commercial 
activity,  and  in  so  doing  gives  proof  of  his  sound  business  judgment.  A^ari- 
ous  enterprises  have  profited  by  his  cooperation  or  been  promoted  by  his 
purposeful  spirit.  He  was  born  in  Georgetown,  Kentucky,  April  8,  1853. 
His  father,  Thomas  J.  Vanderslice,  was  also  a  native  of  that  place,  first 
opening  his  eyes  to  the  light  of  day  November  10,  1827,  in  the  house  where 
his  son  Howard  was  also  born.  The  mother  bore  the  maiden  name  of  Sarah 
J.  Birchfield  and  was  a  native  of  Franklin  county,  born  near  Frankfort, 
Kentucky,  Februai-y  20,  1834.  They  were  married  June  5,  1857.  The 
father  died  March  18,  1902,  and  the  mother  November  12,  1878.  In  the 
family  were  fourteen  children,  of  whom  five  are  still  living:  William,  of 
Pueblo,   Colorado;   Samuel   I.,   a  resident   of  Denver,   Colorado;  Russell  M., 


T;.-.  r^^V/   YORK 



of  MeniphLs,  Tennessee;  and  Maggie,  the  wife  of  T.  H.  Moore,  a  traveling 
salesman  of  Chicago. 

The  other  member  of  the  family  is  Howard  ^^anderslice,  who  came 
west  with  his  parents  and  grandfather,  Major  Daniel  Vanderslice,  on  the 
1st  of  August,  1853.  The  family  home  Avas  established  in  Doniphan  county, 
Kansas,  w^hither  Major  Vanderslice  was  sent  as  Indian  agent  for  the  Sac 
and  Fox  tribes.  Thomas  J.  Vanderslice  there  engaged  in  farming  and  also 
conducted  a  general  store. 

Howard  Vanderslice  spent  his  boyhood  days  upon  the  western  plains, 
and  after  mastering  the  elementary  branches  of  learning  in  the  district 
schools  he  attended  the  Highland  University  at  Highland,  Kansas.  At  the 
age  of  nineteen  he  put  aside  his  text-books  and  left  home,  going  to  Iowa 
Point,  Kansas,  in  1872.  There  he  spent  nine  years  as  telegraph  operator 
and  depot  agent,  and  in  1881  he  formed  a  partnership  with  Milton  Em- 
merson  of  that  place  under  the  firm  style  of  Emmerson  &  Vanderslice.  They 
engaged  in  purchasing  grain  at  AVhite  Cloud,  Kansas,  until  1890,  when  Mr. 
Vanderslice  came  to  Kansas  City,  where  two  years  before  he  had  established 
a  feed,  coal  and  ice  business.  After  his  arrival  here  he  extended  the  scope 
of  his  activities  by  establishing  a  grain  commission  house  and  forming  a 
partnership  with  John  H.  Lynds  under  the  firm  style  of  the  Vanderslice- 
Lynds  Mercantile  Company,  of  which  he  is  still  president.  They  began 
business  on  a  small  scale,  but  are  today  one  of  the  largest  grain  commission 
firms  of  the  city.  They  also  own  a  large  ice  plant  at  Eighteenth  and  Olive 
streets,  and  in  June,  1907,  purchased  the  controlling  interest  in  the  Central 
Ice  Company,  conducting  the  most  extensive  business  in  that  commodity 
in  the  city.  Of  the  company  Mr.  Vanderslice  has  since  been  president. 
Their  annual  sales  of  coal,  ice,  feed  and  grain  reach  an  extensive  figure  and 
return  a  gratifying  profit  on  the  capital  invested.  Mr.  Vanderslice  is  also 
largely  interested  in  mining  and  oil  properties,  being  a  director  in  the  Lucky 
Tiger  Mining  Company, .  whose  mines  are  located  two  hundred  and  fifty 
miles  south  of  Douglas,  Arizona,  in  the  Montezuma  district  of  Mexico,  with 
offices  in  Kansas  City.  He  is  likewise  a  stockholder  in  the  Chanute  Oil  Re- 
finery and  the  Exchange  Oil  Companj^  both  of  Chanute,  Kansas,  and  of  the 
latter  is  treasurer.  He  also  has  various  other  interests,  which  constitute 
him  one  of  the  leading  and  successful  business  men  of  Kansas  City.  In 
January,  1874,  Mr.  Vanderslice  was  married  to  Miss  Minnie  E.  Flinn,  a 
daughter  of  William  D.  Flinn.  of  Iowa  Point,  Kansas.  He  is  a  Mason  and 
a  Shriner,  holding  membership  in  Smithton  Lodge,  No.  1,  A.  F.  &  A.  M., 
of  Highland,  Kansas,  the  first  lodge  organized  in  that  state,  and  of  which 
his  father  and  grandfather  were  charter  members.  He  also  belongs  to  Orient 
chapter,  R.  A.  M.,  Oriental  commandery,  K.  T.,  and  Ararat  Temple  of  the 
Mystic  Shrine  of  Kansas  City.  He  is  connected  with  the  Commercial  Club, 
the  American  Merchants'  &  Manufacturers'  Association  and  the  Evanston 
Golf  Club,  all  of  Kansas  City.  His  political  allegiance  was  formerly  given 
to  the  democracy,  but  he  is  now  independent  in  politics.  During  President 
Cleveland's  first  administration  he  was  appointed  and  served  as  postmaster 
of  White  Cloud,   Kansas.      He  and  his   wife   are  prominent  socially  in  the 


community,  being  people  of  many  friends.'  In  manner  Mr.  Vanderslice  is 
plain  and  unassuming  and  possesses  a  genial,  social  nature.  He  is  liberal 
minded  and  public  spirited,  recognizing  and  fulfilling  his  duties  and  obliga- 
tions in  community  affairs  and  in  individual  relations,  and  while  he  has 
prospered,  the  most  envious  cannot  grudge  him  his  success,  so  justly  has  it 
been  won  and  so  worthilv  used. 


Edward  Douglas  Kirk  is  a  member  of  the  firm  of  McAnany  &  Kirk, 
conducting  a  detective  agency  in  Kansas  City,  in  which  connection  they  have 
done  excellent  work  in  the  capture  of  those  wanted  by  reason  of  some  in- 
fringement of  the  laws  of  the  land.  He  Avas  born  in  Amboy,  Illinois,  De- 
cember 28,  1863.  His  father,  Owen  Kirk,  was  a  native  of  the  north  of  Ire- 
land, born  in  1832.  About  1855  he  came  to  America,  settling  in  Brooklyn, 
New  York,  but  after  a  short  time  removed  to  Amboy,  Illinois,  where  he  fol- 
lowed farming  until  his  removal  to  Kansas  City  in  1866.  With  his  family 
and  about  twenty-five  other  Illinois  people  and  their  families  he  made  the 
trip  overland.  Upon  arriving  here  they  camped  at  what  is  now  the  corner 
of  Twelfth  and  Tracy  streets,  finding  here  but  a  little  village  of  small  pro- 
portions and  with  but  little  promise  of  commercial  and  industrial  development. 

Mr.  Kirk  bought  a  block  of  ground  on  Holmes  between  Thirteenth  and 
Fourteenth  streets,  on  which  he  erected  a  house.  He  then  engaged  in  teaming 
and  hauled  all  the  sand  used  in  the  construction  of  the  old  St.  James,  Lindell, 
Madison  and  other  leading  hotels  of  those  pioneer  times.  He  married  Cathryne 
McAnany,  at  Amboy,  Illinois,  a  native  of  the  north  of  Ireland.  Her  father 
died  when  she  was  quite  small  and  her  mother  afterward  married  an  English 
peer.  Following  the  second  marriage  of  her  mother  and  when  she  was  fifteen 
years  of  age  Mrs.  Kirk  ran  away  from  home  and  came  to  America,  bringing 
with  her  Nicholas  McAnany,  her  youngest  brother.  They  crossed  the  Atlantic 
with  a  sea  captain  who  was  an  old  friend  of  the  family.  A  few  months  later 
Cathryne  McAnany  made  another  trip  to  Ireland  and  returned  to  America 
with  her  two  other  brothers,  Phillip  and  Patrick.  These  children  thus  grew 
up  in  America  and  became  useful  and  honored  citizens.  Phillip  McAnany 
eventually  went  to  California,  where  he  died  a  few  years  ago  after  having 
amassed  a  large  fortune.  Nicholas  passed  away  a  few  years  ago  in  Kansas 
City,  while  Patrick  is  still  living  on  a  farm  at  Merriam,  Kansas.  After  reach- 
ing womanhood  Cathryne  McAnany  gave  her  hand  in  marriage  to  Owen  Kirk 
and  they  now  reside  near  Fairmount  Park,  where  they  own  a  fine  farm. 

Edward  Douglas  Kirk  acquired  his  education  as  a  pupil  in  the  public 
schools  of  Kansas  City  and  in  his  early  business  career  he  and  his  brother 
Phillip  associated  themselves  with  their  father  in  the  transfer  business,  in 
which  they  continued  for  fifteen  years.  In  1886  Edward  D.  Kirk  removed  to 
a  farm  near  Merriam,  Kansas,  whereon  he  resided  for  two  years  and  then 
again  came  to  this  city.    He  was  elected  constable  on  the  democratic  ticket 


ill  the  fall  of  1891  and  served  for  a  term  of  two  years,  after  which  he  invested 
in  a  .-table  of  race  horses,  which  he  owned  for  four  years,  meeting  with  very 
desirable  success  in  this  venture.  Subsequently  he  purchased  a  half  interest 
in  the  Home  Detective  Agency,  with  which  he  was  associated  until  June,  1906, 
Avhen  he  sold  his  interest  to  his  partner.  Whig  Keashler. 

Mr.  Kirk  then  entered  the  employ  of  the  Metropolitan  Street  Raihvay 
Company  in  the  claim  department,  where  he  continued  for  a  little  more  than 
a  year,  when  he  resigned  to  form  a  partnership  with  Thomas  P.  McAnany,  a 
cousin,  in  the  detective  business.  The  firm  of  ^IcAnany  &  Kirk  now  have 
offices  elegantly  fitted  up  in  the  Xew'  York  Life  building.  The  senior  partner 
served  the  city  as  a  detective  for  fourteen  years  and  resigned  to  engage  in 
business  for  himself.  He  is  recognized  as  one  of  the  shrewdest  detectives  in 
the  country  and  stands  high  in  the  profession,  being  accounted  also  one  of 
the  most  respected  citizens  here.  Mr.  Kirk  has  also  had  several  years'  experi- 
ence as  a  detective  and  has  met  with  excellent  success  in  that  work.  His  life 
has  been  of  an  exemplary  character  and  his  friends  are  many  and  loyal. 

On  the  4th  of  June,  1884,  at  Independence,  Missouri,  the  marriage  of 
Mr.  Kirk  and  Miss  Mary  E.  Brown  was  celebrated  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Proctor,  an 
Episcoi^al  rector.  Her  father,  J.  K.  Brown,  of  Pittsburg,  Pennsylvania,  was 
a  prominent  merchant  and  stock  raiser.  Mrs.  Kirk  came  to  Kansas  City  in 
1881  after  having  graduated  from  Warrensburg  (Mo.)  University  and  taught 
for  four  years  in  the  AVashington  school  in  Kansas  City.  She  is  a  member 
of  the  First  Presbyterian  church  here  and  Air.  Kirk  was  reared  in  the  Catholic 
faith.    Fraternally  he  is  connected  with  the  Woodmen  of  the  World. 

Unto  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kirk  has  been  born  a  daughter,  Mary  Anderson  Kirk, 
whose  birth  occurred  in  Kansas  City,  December  14,  1893,  and  who  is  now  a 
pupil  in  the  public  schools  here.  Mr.  Kirk  owns  an  acre  of  ground  at  Seventy- 
fifth  and  Alain  streets,  on  which  he  erected  a  substantial  residence  in  1906. 
He  also  has  a  half  interest  in  a  farm  of  seven  hundred  acres  in  Aliami  county, 
Kansas.  His  political  allegiance  is  given  to  the  democracy.  He  i«;  well 
known  in  Kansas  City  as  a  man  of  activity  and  enterprise  and  moreover  has 
gained  much  more  than  local  fame  by  reason  of  his  detective  work. 


It  is  needless  to  say  anything  introductory  of  the  president  of  the  Bunt- 
ing-Stone Hardware  Company,  of  Kansas  City,  for  few  men  of  his  years  are 
more  widely  known  and  none  more  deserves  the  respect  and  confidence  which 
are  uniformly  tendered  them.  A  native  of  Galveston,  Texas,  born  on  the  19th 
of  October,  1873,  George  Herbert  Bunting  is  a  son  of  the  Rev,  Dr.  Robert 
Franklin  Bunting,  an  eminent  minister,  soldier,  editor  and  educator,  who  was 
graduated  from  the  AVashington  and  Jefferson  College  and  also  from  Prince- 
ton University.  He  was  born  in  Pennsylvania  of  English  parentage  and 
became  one  of  the  famous  Texas  Rangers,  and  was  the  first  man  to  receive  a 
commission  as  chaplain  in  the  Confederate  army.     He  was  also  in  charge  of 


two  hospitals  during  the  period  of  the  war.  He  became  very  prominent  in 
the  I'resbyterian  ministry  and  also  through  his  connection  with  educational 
work,  and  his  life  was  a  vital  force  in  the  intellectual  and  moral  development 
of  the  south.  For  many  years  he  edited  the  Southwestern  Presbyterian  and 
was  a  large  contributor  to  religious  and  scientific  publications  elsewhere  in  the 
countr3\  He  was  a  second  cousin  of  General  U.  S.  Grant  and  died  in  the 
year  1891.  His  wife,  who  in  maidenhood  was  Chrissenda  Sharpe,  was  a 
daughter  of  William  Linton  Sharpe,  widely  known  as  an  iron  manufacturer 
and  philanthropist.  He  was  for  many  years  a  Presbyterian  elder  of  Steuben- 
ville,  Ohio,  and  at  one  time  was  president  of  the  Scotch-Irish  Society  of 
America,  being  of  Scotch-Irish  lineage.  His  life  work  touched  the  lives  and 
interests  of  many  and  in  all  that  he  did  he  was  actuated  by  broad  humani- 
tarian principles.  T\vo  of  his  sons  gained  distinction  in  the  Presbyterian 
ministry,  the  late  Dr.  J.  Henry  Sharpe,  of  Philadelphia,  and  Dr.  Samuel  L. 
Sharpe,  who  died  when  engaged  in  missionary  work  in  South  America.  The 
mother  of  Mrs.  Bunting  was  a  direct  descendant  of  the  well  known  Mc- 
Intoshes,  of  Scotland. 

The  family  of  Rev.  Dr.  Robert  F.  Bunting  and  his  wife  numbered  five 
sons  and  a  daughter,  all  of  whom  are  living,  namely :  William  Miller,  who 
is  associated  with  his  brother  George  in  business;  Dr.  Henry  S.  Bunting,  a 
physician,  author  and  publisher,  of  Chicago;  Robert  F.,  who  is  engaged  in 
commercial  pursuits  at  Montgomery,  Alabama;  Dr.  Charles  Clarke  Bunting, 
a  practicing  physician,  of  New  York  city;  and  Bella  Nina,  the  wife  of  Charles 
A.  Shaeffer,  of  Kansas  City. 

The  other  member  of  the  family,  George  Herbert  Bunting,  was  educated 
in  the  public  schools  of  Nashville,  Tennessee,  to  which  city  he  accompanied 
his  parents  on  their  removal  when  he  was  ten  years  of  age,  his  father  serving 
as  pastor  of  the  First  Presbyterian  church  there  for  many  years.  The  son 
also  pursued  a  college  course  there  and  during  his  college  days  was  i^rominent 
in  athletic  and  social  life.  He  likewise  edited  various  college  publications  and 
is  still  an  associate  editor,  being  contributor  to  the  college  paper,  on  which 
some  member  of  his  family  has  held  a  position  for  the  past  twenty  years.  Mr. 
Bunting  is  likewise  a  member  of  the  varsity  foot  ball,  baseball  and  track 
teams  and  for  several  years  held  the  southern  inter-collegiate  record  for  half 
mile  and  mile  runs.  His  college  days  being  ended,  he  entered  n\n>n  his  busi- 
ness career  as  a  traveling  salesman  for  a  Chicago  house,  which  he  represented 
in  thirteen  southern  states.  While  in  that  position  he  chose  Kansas  City  as 
the  place  of  his  future  residence  and  upon  resigning  his  position  as  commer- 
cial traveler  in  the  spring  of  1897  he  took  u))  liis  abode  here  and  has  since 
been  identified  with  its  business  interests.  Seven  years  ago  he  organized  the 
Bunting-Stone  Hardware  Company,  of  whicli  he  is  president,  witli  John  C. 
Stone  as  vice  president;  W.  M.  Bunting,  treasurer;  and  Fred  W.  Ahiuee.  secre- 
tary. They  began  business  in  a  modest  way,  but  today  the  establishment  is 
one  of  the  largest  hardware  houses  of  the  city  and  the  trade  in  both  the  retail 
and  wholesale  fields  is  very  extensive.  Their  up-town  store  is  at  No.  804-6 
Walnut  street,  while  their  wholesale  house  is  at  No.  2012-14-16-18  Baltimore 
avenue,  and  they  are  represented  on  the  road  by  salesmen  who  cover  seven 


states.  The  business  has  had  substantial  growth  and  is  today  one  of  the  im- 
portant commercial  enterprises  of  Kansas  City. 

On  the  30th  of  September,  1900,  Mr.  Bunting  was  married  to  Miss 
Marjorie,  daughter  of  A.  H.  Munger,  president  of  the  Burnham-Hanna-Mun- 
ger  Dry  Goods  Company,  of  Kansas  City.  They  have  three  children :  Albert 
Munger,  Barbara  and  George  H.,  Jr.,  now  in  their  sixth,  fourth  and  second 
years,  respectively. 

Mr.  Bunting  is  a  member  of  the  University  Club,  the  Midday  Club,  the 
Commercial  Club,  the  Manufacturers  and  Merchants  Association  and  the 
Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon,  a  college  fraternity,  of  which  his  father  and  all  his 
brothers  are  likewise  members.  He  is  also  president  of  the  Kansas  City 
Alumni  Association.  In  politics  he  is  independent  and  his  religious  faith  is 
that  of  the  Presbyterian  church.  A  lover  of  horses  and  of  country  life,  he 
Jives  across  the  Missouri  river  in  Clay  county,  where  he  has  one  hundred  acres 
of  land  under  cultivation,  surrounding  a  beautiful,  modern  residence,  which 
he  erected  a  few  years  ago.  While  an  active  and  successful  business  man,  he 
does  not  believe  in  the  concentration  of  his  energies  upon  business  interests 
alone,  recognizing  the  value  of  rest  and  recreation  and  of  divided  interests. 
His  business  prominence  and  personal  worth  alike  entitle  him  to  mention 
with  the  representative  men  of  Kansas  City. 

IRA    G.    HEDRICK. 

Ira  G.  Hedrick,  a  civil  engineer,  who  is  making  a  specialty  of  the  build- 
ing of  bridges  and  viaducts,  was  born  April  6,  1868,  in  West  Salem,  Edwards 
county,  Illinois,  his  parents  being  Henderson  and  Mary  Ann  (Bryan)  Hed- 
rick. The  father,  born  in  1837,  was  a  farmer  by  occupation,  whose  great- 
grandfather Hedrick  came  from  Holland  and  founded  the  family  in  New 
York  in  1755.  The  mother  was  a  daughter  of  Gideon  Bryan,  of  Clay  county, 

At  the  usual  age  Ira  G.  Hedrick  became  a  pupil  in  the  public  schools 
of  his  native  town  and  when  he  had  completed  the  course  there  he  continued 
his  studies  as  a  preparation  for  business  life  in  the  Arkansas  State  University,, 
where  he  was  graduated  with  the  degree  of  Bachelor  of  Civil  Engineering  in 
1892,  while  in  1901  the  degree  of  Civil  Engineer  was  conferred  upon  him. 
In  1898  he  received  the  degree  of  Bachelor  of  Science  and  in  1899  that  of 
Doctor  of  Science  in  McGill  University,  at  Montreal,  Canada.  In  October, 
1892,  he  put  his  technical  knowledge  to  the  practical  test  by  entering  business 
as  a  civil  engineer  in  connection  with  J.  A.  L.  Waddell,  at  Kansas  City,  con- 
tinuing as  his  assistant  until  1898,  when  he  became  assistant  to  the  chief 
engineer  of  the  Kansas  City,  Pittsburg  &  Gulf  Railway.  A  year  later  he 
formed  a  partnership  with  Dr.  Waddell  under  the  firm  style  of  Waddell  & 
Hedrick.  They  did  a  large  amount  of  important  bridge  work,  including 
the  bridges  over  the  Missouri  river  at  St.  Charles,  Missouri ;  at  Jefferson  City, 
Missouri;  and  East  Omaha,  Nebraska:  over  the  Miami  river  at  Toledo,  Ohio; 

292  HISTORY    OF    KxVNSAS    CITY 

the  Red  river  at  Index,  Texas,  and  at  Alexandria,  Louisiana;  over  the  Frazer 
river  at  New  Westminster,  Britisli  Cohnnbia;  over  the  Arkansas  river  and 
the  White  river  in  Arkansas,  and  all  bridges  on  the  Vera  Cruz  &  Pacific  Rail- 
road, and  many  large  bridges  for  the  International  and  Great  Northern 
Railwav  in  Texas.  Thev  designed  and  constructed  the  Inter-City  viaduct  at 
Kansas  City  and  were  consulting  engineers  to  the  Boston  Elevated  Railroad. 
Their  work  was  of  a  most  important  character,  the  firm  having  no  superior 
in  bridge  building  in  the  entire  country.  In  January,  1907,  they  dissolved 
partnership  and  Mr.  Hedrick  is  now  in  business  alone  as  a  consulting  en- 
gineer. He  is  president  of  the  Kansas  City  Viaduct  and  Terminal  Railway 

Mr.  Hedrick  has  made  continuous  advancement  since  he  took  up  the 
study  of  civil  engineering  and  is  now  connected  with  the  most  important 
societies  for  the  advancement  of  knowledge  of  this  character,  including  the 
American  Society  of  Civil  Engineers,  the  Canadian'  Society  of  Civil  En- 
gineers, the  Institute  of  Civil  Engineers  of  London,  England,  and  is  an  hon- 
orary member  of  the  Rensselaer  Society  of  Civil  Engineers.  He  likewise 
belongs  to  the  Society  for  the  Promotion  of  Engineering  Education. 

On  the  10th  of  February,  1889,  Ira  G.  Hedrick  was  married  to  Louisa 
N.  Luther,  a  daughter  of  Newton  J.  Luther,  of  Washington  county,  Arkansas, 
and  they  have  one  son  and  two  daughters.  During  the  fifteen  years  of  his 
practice  as  a  representative  of  the  profession  of  civil  engineering  Ira  G.  Hed- 
rick has  advanced  to  a  most  prominent  place,  being  recognized  as  the  peer 
of  the  ablest  members  of  the  profession  in  the  United  States,  while  his  admis- 
sion to  foreign  societies  of  this  character  indicates  the  regard  evinced  for  his 
technical  ability  in  European  lands. 


Richard  ( icntry  was  boni  in  l)onii('  county,  ^lis^ouri,  November  11, 
1846.  Ho  was  reared  on  a  farm  and  received  his  early  education  at  a  log 
•schoolhonsc  in  the  conntry.  In  1863  he  was  sent  to  the  Kemper  school  for 
boys  at  Boonville,  Missouri,  where  he  remained  until  the  fall  of  1864,  when 
he  left  school  to  join  General  Price's  army,  who  was  tlicn  making  his  famous 
raid  through  Missonri.  He  served  as  private  and  sergeant  major  until  the 
close  of  the  Civil  war.  in  Company  A,  Colonel  AVilliams'  Regiment,  and  in 
General  Shelby's  Brigade.  He  was  engaged  in  tlio  battles  of  Sedalia,  West- 
port,   Pleasanton   and  Newtonia. 

On  his  return  lionic  to  Colninbia.  Missoni'i,  in  186;"),  he  entered  the  Mis- 
souri State  University,  from  which  institution  he  was  graduated  in  1868. 
Having  adopted  civil  engineering  as  a  jjrofc.^-ion,  he  at  once  obtained  a  posi- 
tion on  the  surveys  of  the  Chillicothe  &  Oinaha  Railroad,  which  were  com- 
menced at  Omaha.  In  1860  and  1870  he  was  with  the  Louisiana  &.  Mis- 
souri River  Railroad  and  l)nilt  a  division  of  the  Callaway  county  brancli  of 
that  road,  now  the  Chicago  &  Alton.      In  1872  and  1873  he  was  stationed  at 



^.  .  .IBKARY 




Little  Rock,  Arkansas,  in  charge  of  a  division  of  construction  of  the  Cairo 
&  Fulton  Railroad,  now  the  Iron  Mountain  Railroad.  He  built  the  Iron 
Mountain  Railroad  bridge  over  the  Arkansas  river  at  Little  Rock  as  a  part 
of  his  division. 

He  was  married  November  11,  1873,  to  Susan  E.  Butler,  a  daughter  of 
Martin  Butler,  of  Callaway  county,  Missouri,  and  lived  in  Mexico,  Missouri, 
and  engaged  in  farming  and  banking  until  1880.  In  1879  and  1880  he 
became  interested  in  mining  in  Colorado  and  promoted  successfully  several 
large  mining  enterprises.  He  sold  to  Senator  John  P.  Jones,  of  Nevada,  and 
Senator  Stej)hen  B.  Elkins  and  others  a  group  of  mines  at  Rico,  Colorado, 
and  gentlemen  organized  two  large  companies  on  these  properties  in 
the  winter  of  1879-80. 

In  1880  he  moved  to  Kansas  City,  Missouri,  became  interested  in  bank- 
ing and  cattle  ranching  in  Colorado,  and  later  in  1885  invested  largely  in 
Kansas  City  real  estate,  most  of  which  he  sold  at  handsome  profits  before  the 
decline  in  values  began  in  1887.  He  built  his  present  residence  at  2600 
Troost  avenue  in   1882. 

In  1889  he  was  one  of  the  incorporators  of  the  Kansas  City,  Nevada  & 
Fort  Smith  Railroad,  now  the  Kansas  City  Southern,  and  was  its  first  chief 
engineer  and  general  manager  and  one  of  its  largest  stockholders. 

In  the  fall  of  1895  he  retired  from  his  connection  with  this  railroad, 
having  sold  his  interests.  Under  his  management  the  first  three  hundred 
miles  were  built  and  operated,  and  the  next  two  hundred  miles  were  located 
and    pa,rtly    constructed. 

In  1899  ^Ir.  Gentry  engaged  in  the  manufacture  of  shoes  in  Kansas 
City,  which  did  not  prove  very  successful  and  was  soon  discontinued.  Since 
that  time  he  has  not  engaged  in  business  requiring  his?  personal  supervision. 
He  is  now  interested  in  the  Tombstone  consolidated  mines  of  Arizona,  in  the 
Perigrina  mines  of  Guanajuato,  Mexico,  aiid  in  coalmines  of  Indian  Terri- 
tory and  Arkansas,  and  also  in  the  manufacture  of  Portland  cement  in  Kan- 
sas and  Iowa. 

Mr.  Gentry  is  a  man  of  good  business  judgment,  of  very  good  financial 
abilitv  and  has  alwavs  loved  large  transactions.  He  was  reared  an  old-school 
Presbyterian  but  in  later  life  has  become  more  liberal  and  inclines  toward 
LTnitarianism  and  the  Higher  Criticism.  In  politics  he  was  a  democrat  from 
his  youth,  but  in  1896  he  opposed  Mr.  Bryan  and  his  free  silver  platform 
and  has  voted  for  the  republican  candidate  for  president  ever  since  and  may 
be  called  an  independent  in  politics.  He  was  one  of  the  charter  members 
of  the  society  of  the  Sons  of  the  Revolution  in  Kansas  City,  Missouri.  In 
1899  he  was  elected  president  and  historian  of  the  Gentry  Family  Associa- 
tion of  the  United  States,  at  the  Gentry  reunion  of  that  year.  He  has  now 
in  manuscript,  ready  for  the  printer,  a  history  and  genealogy  of  the  Gentry 
Family  of  America. 

He  is  a  strong  believer  in  and  an 'advocate  of  higher  education.  All 
of  his  six  children  entered  college  directly  from  the  high  schools  of  Kansas 
City,  two  daughters  were  graduated  from  Vassar  College  and  his  two  sons 
were  graduated  from  Yale  University. 


Mr.  Gentry  i.-  a  son  of  Richard  Harrison  Gentry  and  Mary  Wvatt,  bis 
Avife,  of  Colnnibia,  ^lissonri,  and  a  grandson  of  Major  General  Richard 
Gentry  and  Ann  Hawkins,  his  wife,  of  Columbia,  Missouri,  who  seryed  in 
the  war  of  1812  -with  the  Kentucky  volunteers  under  General  Harrison,  and 
was  an  ensign  at  the  glorious  victory  at  the  battle  of  the  Thames.  In  1833 
General  Gentry  coiiimanded  the  Missourians  in  the  Black  Hawk  Indian  war, 
and  in  1837  he  commanded  a  regiment  of  Missouri  volunteers  in  the  Florida 
war  and  \yas  killed  at  the  head  of  his  regiment  December  25,  1837,  at  the 
decisive  battle  of  Okeechobee.  Gentry  county,  Missouri,  was  so  named  in  his 
honor  by  the  state  legislature.  General  Gentry  was  a  son  of  Richard  Gentry 
and  Jane  Harris,  his  wUe,  of  Kentucky,  early  pioneers  from  Virginia 
through  Cumberland  Gap  and  over  the  Wilderness  trail.  Richard  Gentry 
of  Kentucky  Avas  a  soldier  of  the  Revolution  and  \vas  present  at  the  surrender 
of  Lord  Cornwallis  at  YorktoAvn.  The  next  ancestoi*s  in  the  Gentry  line  were 
David  Gentry,  of  Albemarle  county,  Virginia,  and  his  wife,  Mary  Estes. 
His  father  was  Nicholas  Gentry,  of  Albemarle  county,  Ijorn  in  l'i97  in  New 
Kent  county,  Virginia,  and  died  in  1779,  a  son  of  Nicholas  Gentry,  of  Han- 
over county, — the  immigrant  of  1677 — the  first  Gentry  to  settle  in  America. 

Mr.  Gentry,  our  subject,  is  also  a  descendant  of  the  prominent  Wyatt 
family  of  Virginia  and  England  through  his  mother,  Mary  Wyatt ;  and 
through  his  grandmother,  Ann  HaAvkins,  he  is  a  descendant  of  William 
Hawkins,  the  great  sea  captain,  the  father  of  Admiral  Sir  John  Hawkins. 
Through  his  great-grandmother,  Jane  Harris,  he  is  a  descendant  of  Robert 
Overton,  of  England,  one  of  Oliver  Cromwell's  generals,  and  of  Colonel  Wil- 
liam Claibourne,  colonial  secretary  of  Virginia.  He  is  also  descended  from 
the  Peytons  and  Smiths  of  Virginia  and  England — two  of  the  most  prom- 
inent early  Virginia  families — through  his  ancestor,  Peyton  Smith,  of 
Spottsylvania  county,  A^irginia,  who  died  there  in  1782.  Mr.  Gentry's  chil- 
dren are  Elizabeth,  Richard  H.,  Ruth  R.,  Mary,  Helen  and  Martin  Bntl'>r. 

EUGENE    R.    LEWIS,    :\L  D. 

Many  accord  to  the  i:>ractice  of  medicine  the  highest  place  in  the  profes- 
sions as  being  of  the  greatest  usefulness  to  mankind.  It  is  undoubtedly  true 
that  it  is  less  commercialized  than  any  other  calling,  and  the  successful  physi- 
cian is  without  exception  found  to  be  a  man  not  only  of  broad  scholarly  attain- 
ments but  of  dec))  human  sympathy,  manifesting  at  all  times  a  spirit  of 
helpfulness  toward  his  fellowiiicii.  Dr.  Eugene  R.  Lewis,  whose  life  work  was 
one  of  untiring  activity  and  great  usefulness,  won  well  earned  distinction  as 
a  practitioner  and  also  as  the  founder  of  the  University  Medical  College.  He 
was  a  representative  of  a  family  di-linguished  for  .^crvice  in  this  ])rofession. 
His  father,  his  wife  and  both  her  parents,  together  with  several  other  repre- 
sentatives of  their  respective  families,  were  all  representatives  of  the  medical 
fraternity.  Dr.  Lewis  arrived  in  Kansas  City  in  Alay,  1874,  being  at  that 
time  but  twenty-one  years  of  age. 


He  was  a  native  of  Randolph  county,  Missouri,  born  June  7,  1853,  and 
a  son  of  Dr.  Richard  K.  and  Emma  Duke  (Wight)  Lewis,  the  latter  a  native 
of  Shelbyville,  Kentucky,  and  the  former  of  Glasgow,  ^lissouri.  The  father 
was  a  graduate  physician  at  the  age  of  twenty-two  and  became  a  very  able 
and  prominent  surgeon,  joracticing  the  greater  part  of  his  life  in  Randolph 
county,  Missouri.  He  died  in  Fayette,  this  state,  both  he  and  his  wife  passing 
away  when  their  son  Eugene  was  but  six  years  of  age. 

Liberal  educational  jDrivileges  were  afforded  Dr.  Eugene  R.  Lewis,  who, 
after  attending  the  public  schools  of  his  native  county,  became  a  student  in 
Pritchard  College,  in  Glasgow^,  Missouri.  He  afterward  AA^ent  to  Fayette,  this 
state,  where  he  attended  the  Central  Medical  College,  being  graduated  there- 
from with  the  class  of  1872.  He  w^as  graduated  from  the  Jefferson  Melical 
College  in  ]March,  1874,  and  came  direct  to  Kansas  City,  where  he  opened  an 
office  and  began  practice,  nor  was  he  long  in  demonstrating  his  ability  to  cope 
with  the  intricate  problems  which  continually  confront  the  physician  and 
surgeon.  Gradually  his  practice  grew  until  it  assumed  very  extensive  pro- 
portions and  was  also  of  a  most  important  character. 

In  1880  Dr.  Lewis  was  married  in  Montgomery  county,  Missouri,  to  Miss 
Nannie  Pitman,  a  daughter  of  Dr.  H.  "W.  and  Betty  Mary  (Smith)  Pitman, 
the  latter  a  native  of  A'irginia  and  the  former  of  Missouri.  Pier  father  en- 
gaged in  the  practice  of  medicine  in  Montgomerj'  county  during  the  greater 
part  of  his  life  and  there  he  passed  away  at  the  age  of  seventy-five  years.  His 
wife  Avas  the  first  woman  to  take  a  degree  in  the  School  of  Pharmacy  in  Phila- 
delphia. She  is  now  seventy-six  years  of  age  and  makes  her  home  wdth  Mrs. 
Lewis,  being  a  very  bright  and  active  Avoman,  AA'hose  faculties  are  practically 
unimpaired.  Her  daughter  Nannie  Avas  a  student  in  Lindenw^ood  College,  at 
St.  Charles,  Missouri,  from  Avhich  she  Avas  graduated.  She  Avon  the  jNIaster 
of  Arts  degree,  and  desiring  to  acquaint  herself  Avith  the  medical  science  she 
attended  the  Women's  Medical  College  in  Kansas  City  and  was  graduated  in 
the  class  of  1898.  She  opened  an  office  in  the  Bank  of  Commerce.  Three 
children  were  born  unto  them,  but  the  eldest,  Mary  Duke,  died  in  infancy. 
Richard  P.  and  Eugene  R.  are  living  with  their  mother  and  are  now  students 
in  the  University  Medical  College,  Avith  the  intention  of  becoming  active  mem- 
bers of  the  profession,  which  has  claimed  so  many  representatives  in  both  the 
paternal  and  maternal  ancestral  lines.  Dr.  LcAAds  Avas  one  of  the  founders  of 
this  uniA'ersity  and  also  of  the  hospital  here,  filling  the  office  of  steward  for  a 
time.  He  paid  for  the  charter  and  Avas  manager  for  four  years.  At  the  time 
of  his  death  he  was  president  of  the  Women's  Medical  College  and  Mrs.  Lewis 
was  dean  of  the  same.  His  pronounced  ability,  his  broad  learning  and  his 
fitness  for  leadership  aatII  qualified  him  for  the  position  of  prominence  that 
AA^as  accorded  him  as  a  medical  educator  and  also  a^  a  practitioner.  For  tAvelve 
years  he  Avas  treasurer  of  the  International  Association  of  Railway  Surgeons 
and  one  of  the  founders  of  the  same.  He  Avas  likcAvise  secretary  of  the  Ameri- 
can Health  Association  at  the  time  its  meeting  was  held  in  Kansas  City  in 
1890 — a  most  successful  convention,  due  largely  to  the  efforts  of  Dr.  Lewis, 
Avho  Avas  a  member  of  all  the  prominent  medical  societies  of  the  city  and  for 
three  years  was  city  physician. 


Dr.  Lewies  gave  his  political  allegiance  to  the  democracy  and  was  ap- 
pointed coroner,  but  his  interest  in  politics  was  that  of  a  public-spirited  citizen 
and  not  an  office  seeker.  He  attained  high  rank  in  Masonry,  becoming 
identified  with  the  consistory  and  the  commandery,  and  h^  wa^  also  n,  c^om- 
ber  of  the  Knights  of  Pythias  lodge.  He  held  membership  in  the  Washing-, 
ton  Street  Methodist  Episcopal  church  and  died  in  that  faith  June  8,  1901, 
at  the  age  of  forty-eight  years.  Although  his  life  span  covered  less  than  a 
half  century,  he  accomplished  much  that  has  left  an  indelible  impress  upon 
the  life  of  the  city  in  various  phases  that  led  to  improvement.  He  was  one 
of  the  vanguard  in  the  onward  march  of  progress  that  has  characterized  the 
medical  profession  in  recent  years  and  as  founder  of  the  Medical  University 
and  as  president  of  the  Women's  College  the  influence  of  his  service  is  im- 

CHARLES    W.    PYLE,    M.  D. 

Dr.  Charles  W.  Pyle,  who,  with  an  exclusive  office  practice,  makes  a 
specialty  of  nervous  and  chronic  diseases,  was  born  in  Lee  county,  Iowa,  Feb- 
ruary 27,  1864.  His  father,  Dr.  Edward  C.  Pyle,  a  native  of  Pennsylvania, 
removed  to  Iowa  in  1854,  locating  at  Keokuk,  where  he  engaged  in  the  prac- 
tice of  medicine.  After  leaving  Pennsylvania,  however,  he  took  up  his  abode 
in  Richmond,  Indiana,  where  he  remained  until  removing  to  Keokuk  about 
1854.  He  married  Addie  Wickersham,  a  native  of  Pennsylvania,  who  arrived 
in  Iowa  in  1851,  prior  to  her  marriage.  She  is  a  representative  of  an  old 
family  of  York,  Pennsylvania,  whence  she  came  to  the  middle  west  with  lu'r 
father,  Thomas  Wickersham,  who  with  his  two  sons  opened  a  foundry,  which 
he  conducted  up  to  the  time  of  his  death  in  1882.  The  death  of  Dr.  EdAvard 
C.  Pyle  occurred  at  Farmington,  Iowa,  in  1888,  and  his  widow,  still  surviving 
him,  now  makes  her  home  with  her  son,  Charles  W. 

In  the  public  schools  of  Centerville,  Iowa,  Dr.  C.  W.  Pyle  pui*sued  his 
education  until  he  completed  the  high-school  course  with  the  class  of  1880. 
He  also  spent  four  years  in  the  state  university  at  Iowa  City,  from  which  he 
was  graduated  in  March,  1884,  with  the  M.  D.  degree.  He  then  located  in 
Van  Buren  county,  Iowa,  where  he  practiced  for  several  years,  after  which 
he  spent  a  year  in  travel  and  in  post-graduate  study.  In  1888  he  arrived  in 
Missouri,  locating  at  Rich  Hill,  whence  in  1896  hv  removed  to  Kansas  City. 
Since  that  time  he  has  been  engaged  in  special  office  i)ractice,  devoting  his 
attention  largely  to  nervous  and  chronic  diseases.  In  190?)  ho  became  inter- 
ested in  the  promotion  of  the  Keysall  Chemical  Company,  assuming  its  man- 
agement, and  now  controls  the  ])usiness  in  coniuH'tion  with  cnrrving  on  his 
]irofessional  work.  The  business  of  the  chemical  company  is  exclusively  a 
physicians'  specialty  line  and  the  trade  has  now  extended  over  the  entire 

Dr.  Pyle  was  married  in  \Varrens])urg,  Missouri.  .June  28,  1905,  to  Miss 
Katlici'inc  Brown,  a  daughter  of  Judge  John  \\\  Brown,  who  had  been  a 
resident  of  Warrensl)urg  since  1865.     Dr.  Pyle  has  for  eighteen  years  been  an 


Odd  Fellow  and  has  filled  all  the  chairs  in  both  the  subordinate  lodge  and  the 
encampment.  He  holds  one  of  the  first  certificates  of  membership  to  the 
Modern  Woodmen  in  Missouri  and  has  also  held  all  of  the  offices  in  that 
order.  He  is  well  known  in  those  organizations,  w^here  he  has  gained  many 


Among  those  who  have  contributed  to  Kansas  City's  business  develop- 
ment is  numbered  James  Hewson,  now  deceased.  Arriving  here  in  1869,  he 
was  identified  with  its  commercial,  manufacturing  and  financial  interests — 
a  prominent  representative  of  that  type  of  American  citizens  who,  while  ad- 
vancing individual  prosperity  also  promote  the  public  good.  The  success 
which  attended  him  through  many  j^ears  of  active  relation  with  business 
affairs  enabled  him  in  his  later  years  to  live  retired.  He  was  a  native  of 
Canada,  born  near  Toronto,  February  26,  1841,  his  parents  always  remaining 
residents  of  that  country.  Having  attended  the  public  schools  of  his  native 
city,  he  afterward  pursued  a  college  course,  w^hich  he  completed  by  gradua- 
tion and  was  thus  well  qualified  by  liberal  education  for  life's  practical  and 
responsible  duties. 

While  still  a  resident  of  Toronto  Mr.  Hew^son  was  married  to  Miss 
Eleanor  A.  Austin,  also  a  native  of  Canada,  born  near  Toronto,  where  her 
parents  always  resided.  Unto  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hewson  were  born  four  children, 
all  yet  living:  Eleanor,  now  the  wife  of  Edward  L.  Foutch,  vice  president 
and  treasurer  of  the  B.  R.  Electric  &  Telei)hone  Manufacturing  Company  of 
this  city,  their  home  being  with  her  mother,  Mrs.  Hewson ;  Sarah,  the  wife  of 
W.  T.  Vaughn,  of  Clinton,  Iowa;  Myrtle,  the  wife  of  Ralph  Parker,  secretary 
and  treasurer  of  the  People's  Supply  Company,  their  home  being  at  No.  204 
Garfield  street;  and  Lotta,  who  resides  with  her  mother. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hewson  made  their  home  in  Toronto  until  they  crossed  the 
border  to  the  United  States  to  enjoy  the  business  opportunities  of  the  new 
world,  Avith  its  livelier  competition  and  advancement  more  quickly  secured. 
Establishing  their  home  in  Kansas  City,  Mr.  Hewson  entered  business  circles 
as  a  dry  goods  merchant  at  the  corner  of  Eighth  and  Main  streets,  where  he 
conducted  his  store  for  about  a  year.  He  then  sold  out  and  erected  a  large 
building  at  the  corner  of  Third  and  Main  streets,  where  he  began  the  manu- 
facture of  baking  powder  and  various  kinds  of  flavoring  extracts.  That  enter- 
prise proved  profitable  and  he  continued  therein  for  about  ten  years.  He 
afterward  erected  what  will  always  be  known  as  the  Hewson  building,  a  large 
office  structure,  at  Nos.  1016  and  1018  Walnut  street.  In  this  building  he 
conducted  an  insurance  business  with,  excellent  success  until  about  1900,  when 
he  gave  up  all  active  business  enterprises,  his  time  being  devoted  merely  to  the 
supervision  of  his  invested  interests.  He  thus  through  the  last  five  years  of 
his  life  practically  lived  retired,  his  former  activity,  energy  and  w^ell-directed 
laljor  having  made  him  one  of  the  prosperous  residents  of  the  city.  His  la~t 
illness  was  of  only  three  days'  duration  and  his  death  occurred  in  the  South 


Side   Hospilal,   September   20,    1905,   his  remains   being  interred   in   Forest 
Hill  cemetery. 

In  politic.--  Mr.  Hew.-on  \va-  a  .stalwart  r;^'pulilican.  lliorouulily  in  sympa- 
thy with  the  principles  and  p;)licy  of  the  party,  yet  never  an  office  seeker. 
Both  he  and  his  wife  were  members  of  the  Grand  Avenue  Methodist  Episcoj)al 
church,  in  the  work  of  which  he  took  a  most  active  and  helpful  part.  He 
was  one  of  its  most  prominent  representatives,  held  all  of  the  church  offices 
and  was  a  most  liberal  contributor  to  its  support  and  to  the  various  societies 
connected  with  the  church.  His  life  in  its  various  phases  was  most  honorable. 
No  trust  reposed  in  him  was  betrayed  in  the  slightest  degree,  and  he  performed 
every  duty  with  a  sense  of  conscientious  obligation.  Those  who  knew  him' 
in  a  business  way  admired  and  respected  him  and  those  Avho  came  wdthin  the 
closer  circle  of  his  acquaintance  gave  him  their  warm  friendship  and  utmost 
regard.  He  left  to  his  family  not  only  a  handsome  estate  but  also  the  price- 
less heritage  of  an  untarnished  name,  and  his  memory  is  yet  enshrined  in 
the  hearts  of  those  who  knew  him.  Mrs.  Hew^son  and  her  daughters  are 
prominent  in  the  social  circles  of  Kansas  City.  They  reside  at  No.  2700  Inde- 
pendence boulevard,  where  Mrs.  Hewson  owns  a  commodious  and  beautiful 


AViUard  W .  Hyatt,  now  deceased,  wa.s  numbered  among  the  prominent 
residents  of  Kansas  City,  wlu're  he  was  engaged  in  merchandising  and  in 
the  real-c-tate  lousiness.  His  birth  occurred  upon  a  farm  in  Otsego  county. 
New  York.  His  father.  Fitch  Hyatt,  was  a  leading  resident  of  that  locality, 
whence  he  removed  to  Cambridge  Springs,  Crawford  county,  Pennsylvania, 
where  he  lived  retired  until  his  death.  His  w^ife  bore  the  maiden  name  of 
Electa  AVeaver  and  by  her  marriage  became  the  mother  of  five  children: 
Smith,  who  was  married,  died  in  Texas  shortly  after  his  remo\;il  to  that 
state.  Christiana  E.,  became  the  wife  of  Alva  Adams  and  died  in  Kirks- 
\\\\e,  Mis-ouri.  Willard  W.  and  Willis  W.  wore  twins  and  the  latter,  who 
married  Olive  Ingalls,  died  in  Cambridge  Springs,  Pennsylvania.  Susan 
became  the  wife  of  .John  Sherwood,  of  Erie,  Pennsylvania,  and  is  the  only 
one    now    living. 

A\'illin(l  W.  n\att  aecjuii'ed  his  education  in  the  country  schools  of  his 
native  town.  He  worked  np<»n  the  home  fai'in  nntil  twenty-one  years  of  age 
and  foi-  soiiieliiiie  aftei-  engaged  in  various  business  enterprises.  Associated 
with  liis  twin  brother,  he  owned  and  conducted  a  sawmill  and  later  carried 
on  a  tannery.  He  afterward  went  to  Erie,  Peini.sylvania,  where  for  ,i  time 
he  was  emiiloyed  by  a  car  niannfactnrer.  His  next  step  in  the  bnsiness 
world  wa-  nia<le  a-  a  general  niereliant  near  Oil  City,  Pennsylvania,  in  asso- 
ciation will)  hi-  brother.  Smith  Hyatt,  and  his  brother-in-law.  Charles  P. 
Allen.  'Vhv\  .<ueeessfully  conducted  their  store  for  several  years  and  then 
sold  out,  after  which  all  three  viwno  west  to  Mi.ssouri,  settling  in  Warrens- 
burg,  where  they  again  e-tabli-hed  and  eondneted  a  store.     This  partnership 

W.  W.  HYATT. 

^^'     ■  '■  •  •'/  YORK 



was  disriolved  about  1877,  in  which  year  ^Ir.  Hyatt  came  to  Kansa.^  City, 
where  for  a  time  he  followed  different  pursuits.  Eventually  he  engaged  in 
the  iirocerv  business  with  a  JNlr.  Holmaii  in  a  store  at  212  East  Ninth  street 
but  after  a  brief  period  he  sold  out  to  his  partner.  He  then  turned  his  at- 
tention to  the  real-estate  busineSvS  and  was  very  successful  in  buying  and 
selling  property  and  also  as  a  speculative  builder,  erecting  many  houses, 
which  he  [)ut  upon  the  market.  He  displayed  keen  insight  in  determining 
the  value  and  possible  appreciation  of  property  and  his  investments  were  so 
wisely  made  that  his  labors  proved  of  the  utmost  benefit  in  the  attainment 
of  success. 

Mr.  Hyatt  made  his  first  home  in  Kansas  City  at  No.  1222  Washington 
street  and  later  lived  over  his  store  at  No.  312  East  Ninth  street.  He  then 
[)urchased  the  home  where  his  last  days  were  passed  at  No.  1112  Bales  avenue, 
buying  this  from  the  Bales  estate.  He  was  married  near  Phoenix,  New  York, 
July  27,  1835,  to  Miss  Theresa  Allen,  who  was  born  in  Oswego  county.  New 
York,  and  who  grew  to  womanhood  there.  Her  parents  were  Hiram  and 
Eliza  (Perren)  Allen.  By  a  previous  marriage  to  Miss  Clara  Glass,  which 
occurred  in  AVisconsin,  Mr.  Hyatt  had  one  daughter,  Tillie,  who  became  the 
wife  of  Chester  Snyder  and  died  in  Kansas  City,  leaving  a  daughter,  Tillie, 
now  the  wife  of  D.  L.  .James,  of  this  city. 

The  death  of  Mr.  Hvatt  occurred  in  .Tune,  1904.  He  was  a  member 
of  Bales  Avenue  Baptist  church  and  took  an  active  and  helpful  part  in  its 
work.  He  belonged  to  the  Masonic  fraternity  and  in  politics  was  a  life- 
long republican  who,  though  he  never  sought  nor  desired  office,  always  kept 
well  informed  on  the  questions  and  issues  of  tlie  day  and  was  thus  able  to 
support  his  position  by  intelligent  argument.  He  had  a  wide  and  favorable 
acquaintance  here  and  his  life  showed  forth  those  traits  of  honorable,  upright 
manhood  which  won  for  him  uniform   confidence  and  trust'. 

LEO    N.    LESLIE. 

Leo  N.  Leslie  has  for  some  years  been  one  of  the  foremost  builders  and 
owners  of  handsome  residences  and  fine  business  property  in  Kansas  City. 
In  fact,  he  has  contributed  in  large  measure  to  the  substantial  improvement 
of  the  city  along  architectural  lines,  being  among  the  first  to  introduce  the 
modern  apartment  house,  W'hile  in  the  construction  of  splendid  business 
blocks  and  beautiful  homes  his  work  is  scarcely  paralleled.  He  was  born  at 
Saxonville,  Massachusetts,  January  25,  1856.  His  father,  Thomas  L.  Leslie, 
was  a  native  of  Scotland  and  in  early  life  was  a  soldier  in  the  English  army. 
In  1838  he  came  to  America  and  for  many  years  engaged  in  merchandizing 
at  Saxonville.  He  married  Eliza  Soden,  a  represeentative  of  an  old  New 
England  family,  and  in  1883  he  passed  away,  while  the  mother  of  our  subject 
is  also  deceased. 

When  about  twelve  years  of  age,  Leo  N.  Leslie  left  school  to  assist  his 
father  in  the  conduct  of  his  mercantile  business  and  was  associated  therewith 


until  1872,  when  lie  went  to  Boston,  where  he  obtained  an  humble  position 
in  the  mercantile  establishment  of  Mitchell,  Greene  &  Stevens.  There  he 
worked  his  way  upward,  acquiring  a  practical  knowledge  of  the  business. 
In  1874  he  left  that  emplo}^  to  accept  a  position  as  traveling  salesman  for 
Morse,  Shepard  &  Company,  of  Boston,  continuing  with  that  house  for  four 
years.  In  October,  1879,  he  came  to  Kansas  City  and  a  few  months  later  en- 
gaged in  the  dry  goods  business  under  the  firm  name  of  L.  N.  Leslie  &  Com- 
pany at  No.  726  North  Main  street.  In  1882  the  firm  name  was  changed 
to  Leslie  &  Edwards,  D.  R.  Edwards  having  acquired  an  interest  in  the  busi- 
ness.    In  1886  the  firm  sold  out  to  W.  T.  ]\Iatthews. 

In  the  meantime  Mr.  Leslie  had  done  his  initial  work  as  a  speculative 
builder,  having  invested  some  of  his  surplus  funds  in  Kansas  City  real  estate, 
which  returned  to  him  handsome  margins.  In  ^March,  1887,  he  organized 
the  Suffolk  Investment  Company,  capitalized  for  fifty  thousand  dollars,  and 
became  its  president.  In  less  than  a  year  the  comj)any  had  acquired  a  surplus 
of  one  hundred  and  fifty-seven  thousand  dollars.  To  ^Mr.  Leslie  was  entrusted 
the  general  management  of  the  business  and  the  success  Avas  due  entirely  to 
his  untiring  efforts  and  judicious  management.  The  company  owned  and 
opened  up  the  beautiful  Eden  Park,  a  residence  addition  to  the  city  of  Inde- 
pendence, Missouri.  Mr.  Leslie  has  been  one  of  the  foremost  builders  of 
beautiful  homes  and  fine  modern  business  properties  in  Kansas  City.  There 
stand  as  monuments  to  his  enterprise,  commercial  integrity  and  business 
ability  the  Idaho,  Oregon,  Saxon,  xVberdeen,  Grand  View,  Summit,  Windsor 
and  Elenor  apartment  houses,  the  last  mentioned  being  eight  stories  in  heiglit ; 
also  the  large  building  occupied  by  the  Adams  Express  Company  on  Balti- 
more avenue  between  Tenth  and  Eleventh  streets,  together  with  four  other 
large  properties  on  the  avenue.  The  majority  of  the  stnictures  erected  by 
Mr.  Leslie  have  been  on  the  west  side  of  the  city.  In  all  lie  has  ])uih  and 
owned  one  Innidred  and  thirty-four  i)roperties,  sixty-five  of  which  Avere  large 
apartment  buildings,  since  coming  to  Kansas  City.  Of  all  of  the  buildings 
which  he  has  erected  none  have  been  constructed  on  contract,  but  by  day 
laboi'  and  under  his  personal  supervision  and  careful  direction.  He  lias 
owned  twenty-two  fiats  on  Locust  street,  ten  ])roi)crties  on  "Sliun  street,  and 
four  on  Thirtieth  street  east  of  Main.  At  the  present  time  he  has  twenty-four 
income  j)roperties.  lie  lives  at  No.  4057  Warwick  boulevard,  where  he  has 
one  of  the  handsomest  homes  in  thai  fashionable  residence  district. 

In  all  hi-  building  operations  Mr.  Leslie  has  brought  to  bear  the  most 
progressive  methods  and  introduced  the  most  modei'n  iiM]»i'o\('niciits.  Owint; 
to  hi,-  -upcrior  knowledge  of  the  builders'  art,  the  Shulx-rts  arranged  with 
him  to  construct  their  handsome  theatre,  "The  Sam  S.  Shubert,"  on  Tenth 
street,  between  Baltimore  aveinie  and  Wyandotte  street.  This  magnificent 
playhouse  was  built  in  1006  and  ojiened  to  the  public  in  October  of  that 
year.  It  was  constructed  in  a  mai'velously  short  time.  ])eing  in  fact  a  record 
breaker.  As  late  as  the  14th  of  .\ugust  the  .-teel  structural  work  had  not 
been  c(»iiii)leted  and  it  was  feared,  not  only  by  the  i)ublic  l)ut  those  interested 
in  the  construction  and  management  of  the  house,  that  it  could  not  possibly 
be  completed  in   time  for  the  designated  opening  night.     Mr.   Leslie  said, 


however,  that  it  would  be,  and  with  a  strong  determination  he  set  about  to 
make  good  his  word.  He  scarcely  took  time  to  eat  or  sleep  and  during  the 
last  few  weeks  kept  a  large  force  of  mechanics  working  day  and  night.  Not 
only  that,  but  he  contributed  from  his  private  funds  to  make  good  his  promise 
and  to  furnish  a  building  even  superior  to  that  expected  or  even  asked  for  by 
the  promoters  of  the  enterprise.  Mr.  Leslie  manifested  great  pride  in  provid- 
ing Kansas  City  with  the  finest  playhouse  in  the  west,  and  this  luiildinti;  today 
stands  a  monument  to  his  successful  efforts.  Upon  the  opening  night  the 
house  was  entirely  finished  and  Mr.  Leslie  had  the  pleasure  of  realizing  that 
he  had  fully  carried  out  his  promise.  He  has  been  personally  complimented 
by  eminent  actors  and  theatrical  managers  from  all  parts  of  the  country  upon 
his  successful  undertaking.  Since  erecting  the  Shubert  theatre  he  has  erected 
a  handsome  four-story  steel  and  brick  building  for  the  United  States  & 
Mexican  Trust  Company  on  ground  at  the  corner  of  Tenth  street  and  Balti- 
more avenue,  adjacent  to  the  theatre.  Mr.  Leslie  owns  the  ground  and  leased 
it  to  the  Trust  Company  for  a  period  of  ninety-nine  years  at  a  good  rental. 

On  the  31st  of  May,  1883,  Mr.  Leslie  was  united  in  marriage  to  Miss 
Mary  E.  Leonard,  of  West  Liberty,  Logan  county,  Ohio,  a  daughter  of  Dr. 
Benjamin  B.  Leonard,  a  prominent  physician  of  that  locality  and  at  one 
time  president  of  the  Ohio  State  Medical  Society.  Mrs.  Leslie  was  educated 
at  Stanton,  A'irginia.  The  only  child  of  this  marriage  is  Kate  L.  Leslie,  who 
was  born  in  Kansas  City  and  supplemented  her  early  education  acquired  in 
the  schools  here  by  study   in   Columbia  College. 

To  those  acquainted  with  the  life  history  of  Leo  N.  Leslie  it  would  seem 
trite  to  say  that  he  has  risen  from  an  humble  position  to  rank  with  the  promi- 
nent and  prosperous  men  of  his  day,  yet  it  is  but  just  to  say,  in  a  history  that 
will  descend  to  future  generations  that  his  record  has  ever  been  such  as  any 
man  would  be  proud  to  possess.  Starting  in  life  in  an  humble  clerkship  he 
has  steadily  risen  and  at  all  times  has  commanded  the  respect  of  his  business 
associates  and  the  admiration  of  his  contemporaries.  He  has  never  made  an 
engagement  that  he  has  not  filled  nor  incurred  obligations  that  he  has  not 
met.  Kansas  City  owes  much  of  her  substantial  improvement  and  present 
attractiveness  from  an  architectural  standpoint  to  his  labors  and  success  and 
the  most  envious  cannot  grudge  him  his  success,  for  it  is  the  logical  reward  of 
capable  management  and  honorable  effort. 


Without  any  special  advantages  or  opportunities  in  early  life  Robert  Peet 
made  steady  progress  in  the  business  world  until  he  gained  a  prominent  place 
among  the  most  successful  men  of  the  entire  west.  A  native  of  England,  he 
was  born  in  Cambridgeshire,  August  24,  1843.  His  parents  likew^ise  resided 
in  that  country,  both  the  father  and  mother  passing  aAvay  there,  the  death  of 
the  former  occurring  during  the  early  childhood  of  their  son  Robert. 


Robert  Peet  received  but  limited  educational  privileges,  attending  only 
the  public  schools  in  his  native  town,  and  he  put  aside  his  text-books  at  a 
comparatively  early  age.  About  1861  he  and  his  brother  William  sailed  for 
America,  landing  in  New  York  city,  whence  they  went  direct  to  Cleveland, 
Ohio.  There  they  had  an  uncle  living,  who  was  engaged  in  tlie  soap  manu- 
facturing business,  and  the  nephews  began  work  there  in  the  soap  factory. 
After  a  few  years,  however,  ^^'illia^l  withdrew  from  active  connection  with 
the  business  and  worked  at  the  carpenter's  trade,  but  Robert  Peet  continued 
as  a  soap  manufacturer. 

He  remained  in  Cleveland  until  1872,  when  he  and  his  brother  William 
came  to  Kansas  City,  where  they  at  once  established  a  soap  factory.  Their 
first  place  of  business  was  a  small  plant  on  McGee  street,  but  their  trade  soon 
increased  and  they  removed  to  a  larger  factory  at  the  corner  of  Main  street 
and  the  Levee,  where  they  conducted  business  for  several  years.  Their  busi- 
ness constantly  developed  so  that  after  a  time  they  were  again  forced  to  seek 
enlarged  quarters  and  they  erected  a  very  commodious  factory  in  Armour- 
dale  at  the  corner  of  Adams  and  Osage  streets.  Here  Robert  Peet  looked 
after  the  manufacturing  part  of  the  business,  while  his  brother  William 
attended  to  the  office.  They  conducted  the  enterprise,  which  constantly  grew 
in  volume  and  importance,  until  a  large  force  of  workmen  was  employed  and 
all  kinds  of  soap  manufactured.  The  business  is  still  being  conducted  and 
the  product  is  now  in  use  all  over  the  world.  Today  the  factor}'  is  the  largest 
of  the  kind  in  the  entire  west.  The  firm  is  now,  and  has  always  been,  known 
by  the  name  of  the  Peet  Brothers  Manufacturing  Company  and  the  present 
Officers  are:  William  Peet,  president;  W.  James  Peet,  vice  president;  Albert 
W.  Peet,  secretary  and  treasurer. 

While  residing  in  Cleveland,  Ohio,  Robert  Peet  Avas  married  to  Miss 
Sarah  J.  Gunton,  a  native  of  England,  as  were  her  parents,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Richard  Gunton,  who  were  born  in  Cambridgeshire,  and  were  there  neighbors 
of  the  Peet  family.  Mr.  Gunton  resided  in  Cleveland,  Ohio,  for  many  years 
and  his  wife  died  there.  After  her  death  he  came  to  make  his  home  with 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Peet.  He  continued  to  reside  here  until  his  demise.  There 
were  two  children  born  unto  our  subject  and  his  Avife:  William  James,  who 
married  Miss  Katherine  Shannon,  of  St.  Joseph,  Missouri,  and  is  now  vice 
president  of  the  Peet  ]5rothers  ^lanufacturing  Company  and  resides  at  No. 
3766  Washington  boulevard;  and  Eliza,  who  became  the  wife  of  Aubrey  G. 
Bartlett,  of  this  city,  and  died  here,  leaving  a  daughter,  Nettie  Estelle,  who 
is  now  the  wife  of  Roy  J.  Gregg,  who  is  engaged  in  the  telephone  business  in 
Kansas  City. 

Mr.  Poet  \'otcd  with  the  republican  imily.  but  was  never  an  oflice  seeker. 
He  affiliated  with  the  Masonic  fraternity  and  both  he  and  his  wife  held  mem- 
bership in  the  Episcopal  church.  They  first  resided  at  No.  1016  Charlotte 
street  and  later  maintained  their  residence  at  the  old  Peet  home  at  No.  1313 
Troost  avenue,  wiiere  ihe  death  of  Rol)ert  Peet  occurred.  Since  his  death 
Mrs.  Peet  has  made  her  home  in  Kansas  City  with  her  son  at  No.  3766  Wash- 
ington boulevard.  She  is  still  interested  in  the  soap  business  and  has  much 
valuable  property  here. 


The  death  of  Mr.  Peet  occurred  in  April,  1900,  when  he  was  fifty- 
seven  years  of  age.  As  the  years  passed  he  gained  a  gratifying  measure  of 
success,  but  he  never  selfishly  hoarded  his  wealth.  On  the  contrary,  he  was 
a  man  of  charitable  and  benevolent  spirit  and  gave  freely  of  his  means  to 
aid  others  and  to  promote  any  worthy  cause.  He  certainly  deserved  much 
credit  for  w^hat  he  accomplished,  as  he  came  to  America  empty-handed  and 
won  success  through  the  recognition  and  utilization  of  opportunities. 


William  Allen  Williams,  connected  wdth  various  corporate  interests, 
including  the  Kaw  Valley  Construction  Company,  the  Williams  Mining 
Company  and  the  Orient  Townsite  Company,  and  likewise  the  owner  of 
considerable  real  estate  in  Kansas  City,  where  he  maintains  his  residence, 
was  born  at  Fond  du  Lac,  W^isconsin,  June  17,  1857.  His  father,  William 
Allen,  was  a  hardware  merchant  and  a  native  of  Wales,  whence  he  came  to 
America  in  his  boyhood.  In  1861  he  removed  to  Sacramento,  California, 
and  in  1872  located  at  Palmyra,  Missouri,  where  he  died  soon  afterward. 
His  wife,  Mary  P.  Wheeler,  was  a  native  of  Pennsylvania. 

William  A.  Williams  pursued  his  education  in  the  public  schools  of 
Sacramento,  California,  and  Palmyra,  Missouri,  and  when  his  intellectual 
training  was  thus  concluded  he  became  telegraph  operator  on  the  Hannibal 
&  St.  Joseph  Railroad.  After  a  short  time  he  was  made  station  agent,  and 
subsequently  was  given  charge  of  the  terminal  for  the  Missouri  Pacific  Rail- 
way at  Little  Rock,  Arkansas,  there  continuing  in  that  capacity  from  1880 
until  1891.  Lie  next  became  general  manager  and  had  charge  of  the  con- 
struction of  the  Pittsburg  &  Gulf  Railway,  with  headquarters  at  Texarkana 
until  1897.  In  that  year  he  went  to  Quincy,  Illinois,  as  general  manager 
of  the  Stillwell  lines  between  Quincy  and  Omaha,  in  which  position  he  re- 
mained until  1900,  when  he  returned  to  Kansas  City  and  organized  the  Kaw 
Valley  Construction  Company,  which  secured  the  contract  for  all  construc- 
tion of  the  Kansas  City,  Mexico  &  Orient  Railway  within  the  United  States. 
This  company  was  organized  with  W.  P.  Robinson,  formerly  manager  of 
the  St.  Joseph  &  Grand  Island  Railway  Company,  as  president,  and  Mr. 
Williams  as  vice-president.  Upon  the  death  of  the  former  in  1904,  Mr. 
Williams  purchased  his  interest  from  his  widow  and  is  now  sole  proprietor 
and  president  of  the  company.  He  is  also  president  and  half  owner  of  the 
Williams  Mining  Company,  zinc  miner.s  of  Joplin,  Missouri,  and  president 
of  the  Orient  Townsite  Company.  Lie  is  largely  interested  in  Kansas  City 
and  other  real  estate  and  makes  his  home  on  his  farm  twelve  miles  south  of 
Kansas  City,  where  he  has  placed  improvements  to  the  value  of  fifty  thou- 
sand dollars.  He  is  a  breeder  of  standard  trotting  horses,  and  at  one  time 
owned  Highwood,  a  horse  of  national  reputation  and  the  sire  of  some  of 
the  fastest  trotting  stock  in  America. 


On  the  8th  of  October,  1896,  Mr.  Williams  was  married  to  Adele 
M.  Dally,  a  daughter  of  William  Dally,  of  New  Orleans,  and  they  have 
three  daughters,  Willa,  Adele  and  Allene,  all  yet  at  h(»nie.  ^Ir.  Williams 
is  a  Knight  Templar  and  a  member  of  the  INIystic  Shrine.  He  likewise  be- 
longs to  the  Royal  Arcanum  and  to  the  Elm  Ridge  Club.  HLs  political 
preference  is  for  the  republican  party,  l)ut  he  is  not  active  in  its  ranks. 
He  holds  membership  with  the  Presbyterian  church  at  Westport,  and  is  in- 
terested in  the  moral  and  intellectual  progress  as  well  as  the  material  devel- 
opment ajid  upbuilding  of  the  community  in  which  he  resides.  Any  one 
meeting  Mr.  "Williams  would  know  at  once  that  he  is  an  individual  embody- 
ing all  the  elements  of  what  in  this  country  we  term  a  ''square"  man — one 
in  whom  to  have  confidence,  a  dependable  man  in  any  relation  and  any 
emergency.  His  quietude  of  deportment,  his  easy  dignity,  his  frankness 
and  cordiality  of  address,  with  the  total  absence  of  anything  sinister  or  any- 
thing to  conceal,  foretoken  a  man  who  is  readv  to  meet  anv  obligation  of 
life  with  the  confidence  and  courage  that  come  of  conscious  personal  ability, 
right  conception  f)f  things  and  an  habitual  regard  for  what  is  best  in  the 
exercise  of  human  activities. 


George  J.  Eyssell  was  numbered  among  those  of  foreign  birth  who, 
coming  to  America,  have  found  in  the  business  conditions  here  the  opportu- 
nities for  a  successful  and  progressive  career.  For  a  long  period  ^Ir.  Eyssell 
was  prominently  associated  with  mercantile  interests  in  Kansas  City  and  main- 
tained ii  ])().-iti(»ii  ill  public  regard  which  caused  his  death  to  l)e  deeply  re- 
gretted when  on  the  17th  of  February,   1908,  he  passed   away. 

A  native  of  Germany,  he  was  born  at  Rinteln.  on  the  28d  of  December, 
1855.  His  father.  Otto  Eyssell,  was  also  a  native  of  that  country,  where  he 
spent  his  cntii-c  life.  He  wedded  Marie  Boedeker  and  following  her  hus- 
band's demise  she  came  to  America  in  1880,  settling  in  Kansas  City.  There 
were  ten  children  in  Iheir  family,  eight  sons  and  two  daughters,  and  seven  of 
the  sons  arc  now  engaged  in  the  drug  George  J.  Eyssell  helped  to 
educate  them  all  and  l»ring  them  to  this  country.  Tlic  mcnibers  of  the  fam- 
ily are:  Hugo.  Fred.  August.  \\'illiam  and  Otto,  all  of  whom  liave  gained  a 
creditable  ])lace  as  druggists  in  the  business  circles  of  Kansas  City:  K]\\\\.  who 
is  living  in  T'ortland.  Oregon:  Moritz.  of  St.  Loiii^:  I'Jinna.  the  wife  of  D.  G. 
Landes:   and    Mathilde. 

George  J.  Eyssell  |)ursued  hi<  education  in  tlie  .-c1i(»ols  of  the  fathci-land 
and  served  lii.-  appi'eiiticcsliip  in  ;i  drug  -tore  in  Urcnicn.  (ierniany.  He  lost 
his  father  in  .binuiU'v.  IST:!.  He  wa-  at  that  tim<'  seventeen  years  of  age  and 
was  the  eldest  of  the  family  of  ten  cliildrt'n.  <o  that  hi-  hrother-  and  <i<ters 
all  looked  to  him  for  guidance  and  his  motlu^r  depended  hirgely  upon  him  to 
take  his  f;Uhei""<  place  in  the  household.  'IMiinkinu  that  he  miuJit  find  bet- 
ter oi)portunitit's   in  tlu'  new  woi-ld   and   more  rapidly  acquire  a  competence, 


.       '  ■ ORK     i 



he  emigrated  to  the  United  States,  landing  in  New  York  on  Decoration  Day, 
1873.  Hi^  first  stop  was  in  Dayton,  Ohio,  and  later  he  went  to  Hannibal, 
Missouri,  and  from  there  to  St.  Louis.  In  the  fall  of  1874  he  landed  in 
Leavenworth,  Kansas,  where  he  clerked  for  nearly  two  years.  Coming  to 
Kansas  City  at  the  end  of  that  time,  he  was  employed  as  clerk  in  the  drug 
store  of  Ford  &  Arnold  at  the  corner  of  Fifth  and  Main  streets  from  1878 
until  1878.  Ambitious  to  engage  in  business  on  his  own  account  and  feeling 
sure  of  success,  his  mother  managed  to  make  a  loan  of  two  thousand  dollars 
on  their  home,  having  his  promise  to  forward  this  amount  to  the  next  brother 
to  establish  himself  in  business.  This  sum  has  wandered  down  the  line  of 
eight  brothers.  With  this  start  George  J.  Eyssell  ventured  into  business  in 
April,  1878  at  1038  Union  avenue,  one  week  before  the  first  train  ran  into  the 
Union  Depot,  and  later  he  jDurchased  the  building  which  he  occupied,  devoting 
all  of  his  life  to  the  drug  trade,  his  close  attention,  unremitting  diligence  and 
careful  management  enabling  him  to  build  up  and  carry  on  a  most  success- 
ful commercial  enterprise.  In  addition  to  this  he  was  never  unmindful  of  the 
dutv  which  he  owed  to  his  faniilv  and  in  fact  was  most  generous  in  the  assist- 
ance  which  he  rendered  to  his  younger  brothers  and  sisters.  He  sent  to  each  of 
his  brothers  the  money  necessarj^  to  pay  their  passage  to  America  and  aided 
them  in  their  business  careers.  His  mother  and  the  two  youngest  children  came 
to  Kansas  City  in  1883.  As  time  passed  and  his  financial  resources  increased 
Mr.  Eyssell  purchased  other  property  beside  his  Ijusiness  block  and  as  he 
never  invested  for  speculative  purposes  but  always  kept  the  property  which 
he  bought,  he  owned  at  the  time  of  his  death  some  good  income  paying 
realty.  In  1885  he  erected  the  residence  which  the  family  now  occupy  at 
No.  1744  AVashington  street.  At  the  time  it  was  built  it  was  considered  a 
good  ways  out  Ijut  the  city  has  since  developed  so  largely  that  it  is  now  con- 
sidered within  close  distance  of  the  business  district. 

In  1880,  in  Hannibal,  Missouri,  occurred  the  marriage  of  Mr.  Eyssell 
and  Miss  Emma  Boedeker,  who  was  born  in  that  city,  a  daughter  of  Moritz 
Boedeker,  a  native  of  Germany,  who  came  to  America  in  1852  and  located 
first  in  Dayton,  Ohio.  He  afterward  removed  to  Hannibal,  Missouri,  in  1880 
and  there  lived  for  many  years  but  spent  his  last  days  in  Kansas  City,  where 
he  died  in  1907  at  the  advanced  age  of  eighty-two  years.  His  wife  bore  the 
maiden  name  of  Catherine  Rott,  is  also  a  native  of  Germanv  and  is  now  a 
resident  of  Kansas  City.  Unto  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Eyssell  were  born  two  children: 
Mathilda,  the  wife  of  William  H.  Wittig;  and  George,  who  is  still  in  school. 

Mr.  Eyssell  was  always  deeply  interested  in  the  welfare  of  Kansas  City 
and  did  everything  in  his  power  to  promote  its  interests  and  upbuilding. 
He  belonged  to  the  Elks  Lodge,  was  a  member  of  the  Turn  Verein  and  was 
■one  of  the  founders  of  the  German  Hospital,  in  the  work  of  which  he  was 
greatly  interested.  In  fact  he  did  nuich  along  charitable  lines  and  was  a 
man  of  broad  humanitarian  principles,  who  responded  readily  to  any  tale 
of  sorrow  or  distress.  Throughout  his  entire  life  he  manifested  a  spirit  of 
helpfulness,  not  only  to  his  family  and  his  kindred  but  to  many  with  whom 
he  came  in  contact.  His  acts  of  charity  were  always  performed  most  unos- 
tentatiously and  there  were  many  occasions  when  he  quietly  rendered  aid  that 


was  known  only  to  himself  and  the  recipient.  He  leaves  to  hi?  family  a 
memory  that  is  sacredly  cherished  and  which  is  as  a  blessed  benediction  to 
those  who  knew  him. 


Among  Kansas  Citv's  busine&s  men  .none  are  more  closelv  identified 
with  the  growth  and  best  interests  of  the  city  than  Edward  Lowe  Martin, 
who  has  made  his  home  here  for  forty  years,  a  period  within  which  Kansas 
City  has  attained  her  present  proud  position,  fighting  with  other  metropolitan 
centers  for  leadership  in  the  world  of  commerce,  science,  art  and  letters.  For 
many  years  Mr.  Martin  has  been  known  for  his  sterling  qualities,  his  fearless 
loyalty  to  his  honest  convictions,  his  sturdy  opposition  to  misrule  in  municipal 
affairs  and  his  clear-headedness,  discretion  and  conduct  as  manager  and  leader. 
Hls  career  in  business  has  been  one  of  success,  and  he  has  also  given  some  of 
the  best  efforts  of  his  life  to  the  purification  and  elevation  of  municipal 
government.  For  three  decades  he  has  figured  prominently  in  connection 
with  the  city's  welfare  and  wdth  the  promotion  of  financial  and  railway  in- 
terests here. 

A  native  of  Kentucky,  he  was  born  in  Ma.ysville,  Mason  county,  on  the 
12th  of  March,  1842,  his  parents  being  William  and  Margaret  (Sheridan) 
Martin,  who  emigrated  from  Belfast,  Ireland,  in  1822,  and  located  in  Mays- 
ville,  Kentuck3\  The  ancestry  is  Scotch-Irish,  and  the  paternal  grandfather 
was  conspicuous  in  the  Irish  rebellion  of  1798.  The  mother  died  in  1858,  the 
father  surviving  until  1864.  He  followed  the  boot  and  shoe  business  during 
his  residence  in  Kentucky  and  there  reared  his  family  of  six  sons  and  two 
daughters,  all  of  whom  have  now  passed  away  with  the  exception  of  Edw^ard 
L.  Martin,  of  this  review,  and  Anna,  now  the  wife  of  R.  G.  McDonald,  of 
Las  Vegas,  New  Mexico. 

Edward  Lowe  Martin  pursued  his  education  in  the  j>rivate  schools  and 
in  an  academy  in  his  native  city  until  he  had  attained  the  age  of  sixteen  years, 
when  he  entered  business  life  as  shipi)ing  clerk  in  a  wholesale  grocery  house. 
He  rose  rapidly,  promotion  coming  to  liiin  in  recognition  of  his  trustworthi- 
ness, business  ability  and  nnnbaling  energy.  When  the  Civil  war  broke  ont 
in  1861  he  was  placed  in  full  charge  of  the  business,  then  the  largest  mercan- 
tile enterprise  in  the  city,  his  employer,  Isaac  Nelson,  having  been  arrested 
and  imprisoned  in  Fort  Ijafayette  as  a  Confederate  sympathizer.  Mr. 
Martin  then  closed  up  the  business  and  turned  over  the  ))roceeds  to  Mr. 
Nelson's  father.  This  done,  he  accepted  a  ])osition  as  head  bookkeeper  in 
the  largest  hardware  store  in  that  section  of  Kentucky,  continuing  in  that 
capacity  until  1864,  when  he  resigned  in  order  to  acce)>t  a  similar  position 
in  one  of  the  extensive  wholesale  grocery  houses  of  Cincinnati,  Ohio.  His 
business  capacity  and  enterprise  won  further  recognition  there,  when,  after 
a  year,  he  was  admitted  to  a  partnershi]).  contiiming  witli  tlie  honse  nntil 


That  year  witnessed  the  arrival  of  Mr.  Martin  in  Kansas  City,  where  he 
embarked  in  the  wholesale  liquor  business,  building  a  large  distillery  and 
conducting  it  under  the  name  of  the  Kansas  City  Distilling  Company.  Later 
he  consolidated  his  business  with  that  of  the  Distillers  &  Cattle  Traders 
Company  and  retired  from  that  field  of  activity.  At  a  later  date  he  organized 
the  Merchants'  Bank,  Avhich  he  conducted  for  a  time  and  then  closed  out  the 
business,  paying  off  every  depositor  in  full.  In  the  meantime  Mr.  Martin 
had  become  a  recognized  leader  in  political  circles  and  has  ever  stood  for 
reform  and  improvement  in  municipal  life.  In  1873  he  was  elected  mayor 
on  the  reform  ticket  and  his  administration  rescued  the  city's  affairs  from 
ring  rule  and  fraud  management  and  placed  the  municipal  interests  on  an 
honest  basis  that  has  since  been  mantained,  his  course  receiving  the  endorse- 
ment of  all  public-spirited  men  having  the  welfare  of  the  city  at  heart.  While 
mayor  he  inaugurated  the  present  waterworks  system  and  signed  the  franchist 
for  the  building  of  the  plant.  He  also  secured  from  congress  the  charter  for 
the  bridge  now  used  by  the  Chicago,  Milwaukee  &  St.  Paul  Railroad  Com- 
pany. He  remained  one  of  the  most  prominent  and  active  members  of  the 
Democratic  party  here  until  recent  years,  when  he  has  retired  from  politics 
to  devote  his  time  to  private  business  affairs.  For  twenty-one  years,  however, 
he  was  a  member  and  organizer  of  the  board  of  education,  this  being  the  long- 
est term  served  by  any  member.  He  acted  as  district  delegate  to  the  first  Chi- 
cago convention  which  nominated  Grover  Cleveland  for  the  presidency  and 
was  a  delegate-at-large  to  the  democratic  national  convention  at  St.  Louis. 
He  was  once  offered  the  nomination  for  congress,  but  refused  to  become  a 
candidate  on  account  of  the  pressure  of  his  private  business  affairs. 

Aside  from  the  business  alreadj^  mentioned  as  claiming  the  time  and 
attention  of  Mr.  Martin,  he  has  figured  in  connection  with  other  important 
lines  of  industrial  and  financial  activity.  He  Avas  the  originator  and  one  of 
the  builders  of  the  Kansas  City  Suburban  Belt  Railway  and  the  Kansas  City, 
Pittsburg  &  Gulf  Railway,  and  of  both  he  served  as  president  for  many  years. 
That  he  is  a  man  of  resourceful  ability,  unwearied  energy  and  keen  discern- 
ment is  a  uniformly  accepted  fact,  and  hLs  services  have,  therefore,  been 
sought  in  the  conduct  and  management  of  various  important  business  in- 
terests. He  has  been  a  director  in  several  Kansas  City  banks  and  vice  pres- 
ident of  the  Missouri,  Kansas  &  Texas  Trust  Company,  now  the  Guardian 
Trust  Company.  He  was  formerly  interested  in  the  Metropolitan  Street  Rail- 
way Company,  but  has  sold  his  stock  in  this.  He  became  one  of  the  origi- 
nators of  the  Kansas  City,  Lawrence  &  Topeka  Railroad  Company,  which 
built  that  part  of  the  Santa  Fe  System  between  Kansas  City  and  De  Soto, 
Kansas,  changing  the  terminus  from  Atchison  to  Kansas  City.  He  is  a 
charter  member  of  all  commercial  organizations  framed  in  Kansas  City 
since  18'68,  in  which  connection  he  has  done  much  to  promote  trade  relations 
and  thereby  promote  the  growth  and  prosperity  of  the  city,  which  always 
depends  upon  its  commercial  and  industrial  interests. 

On  the  10th  of  December,  1861,  was  celebrated  the  marriage  of  Edward 
L.  Martin  and  Miss  Mary  Elizabeth  Ricketts,  a  Caughter  of  R.  M.  Ricketts, 
of  Maysville,  Kentucky,  and  a  representative  of  one  of  the  oldest  families 



of  the  state.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Martin  have  a  daughter  and  son:  Luki  M.,  the 
wife  of  Thomas  E.  Gaines;  and  Edward  P..  who  is  treasurer  of  the  Kelly 
Milling  Company  of  Kansas  City.  j\lr.  ^hirtin  1ul<  been  very  liberal  to  charit- 
able and  i3hilanthropic  movements  and  is  in  vital  sympathy  with  young 
men  and  with  the  cause  of  their  advancement,  and  his  life  is  a  benefit  and 
stimulus  to  them  and  a  lesson  to  all.  He  has  infused  into  them  much  of  his 
own  progressive  spirit  and  has  stimulated  them  to  put  forth  their  best  efforts 
in  the  accomplishment  of  honorable  purposes.  In  consequence  of  his  prom- 
inence in  political,  business  and  social  life,  he  has  a  wide  acquaintance  and 
has  gained  a  host  of  warm  friends,  whose  high  and  sincere  regard,  recognizing 
his  genuine  worth,  he  fully  possesses.  He  has  held,  and  yet  holds,  many 
advanced  ideas  on  questions  of  governmental  policy.  There  Ls  no  doubt  that 
had  he  entered  into  the  methods  of  many  politicians  he  could  have  filled 
almost  any  office  he  had  da-^ired ;  but  with  him  principle  is  above  party,  purity 
in  municipal  affairs  above  personal  interest. 


Edwin  R.  Durham,  who  is  serving  for  the  third  term  as  United  States 
marshal  for  the  western  district  of  Missouri,  was  born  at  Canton,  Illinois, 
August  1,  1853.  His  grandfather,  Adam  Durham,  was  a  farmer,  living  in 
New  Jersey.  He  w-as  descended  from  a  family  of  English  lineage.  Jonathan 
M.  Durham,  the  father,  came  to  Illinois  in  1850  and  located  in  Fulton  county. 
He  was  also  a  farmer  by  occupation.  He  enlisted  for  service  in  the  Civil 
war  ill  Augu.-t,  l.S()2,  as  a  member  of  the  Eighty-fifth  Illinois  Infantry,  and 
died  in  the  hospital  at  Bowling  Green,  Kentucky,  .lanuary  18,  1863.  His 
wife,  Mary  N.  (Brown)  Durham,  a  native  of  A^irginia,  L-  now  livinu  in 
Harrison  county,  Missouri. 

Edwin  R.  Durham,  having  spent  the  first  twelve  years  of  his  life  in  the 
state  of  his  nativity,  accompanied  his  mother  to  Harrison  county  in  1866 
and  there  attended  the  country  schools  until  1871,  when  he  returned  to 
Illinois,  continuing  his  education  in  the  graded  schools  and  the  academy  at 
Prairie  City,  that  state.  He  finished  his  course  there  in  1874  and  returned  to 
Harrison  county,  Missouri,  in  1875.  He  afterward  engaged  in  teaching  in 
the  country  schools  for  several  years  prior  to  the  time  when  he  entered  upon 
official  service  as  a  deputy  in  the  office  of  tlu'  county  collector.  For  two  years 
he  filled  that  ]»o.<itiou  and  i'm-  tliii'ti'en  years  was  deputy  comity  clerk.  II 
also  held  other  township  and  city  offices  at  Bethany,  Hairi-nu  county,  Mis- 
souri, and  in  1S!>5  was  api)ointed  chief  clerk  of  the  de])arlnient  of  education 
at  Jefferson  City,  which  office  he  held  until  .Inly  1.  180S.  wlien  he  received  the 
appointment  from  {'resident  McKinley  to  the  ])(),--itiou  of  United  States 
mar.<hal  for  the  wi'stern  district  of  ^lissouri.  He  was  again  appointed  by 
President  Roosevelt  in  1902  and  unci'  more  in  1906,  so  that  his  present  term 
will  cover  a  service  of  twelve  years  in  that  oHice — years  marked  by  the  utmost 
fidelitv  in  the  discharge  of  his  duties. 



On  the  14th  of  February,  1877,  Mr.  Durham  was  married  to  Miss  Lottie 
McCkire,  a  daughter  of  Joseph  McChire,  of  Bethany,  Missouri.  They  have 
two  children:  Grace,  the  Avife  of  Charles  E.  Scovern,  bookkeeper  for  the 
Long-Bell  Lumber  Company  of  Kansas  City;  and  Bertie  A^irginia,  who  be- 
came the  Avife  of  L.  B.  Hanson,  of  Glenwood,  Iowa,  and  died  October  18,  1890. 

Mr.  Durham  holds  membership  with  the  Kansas  City  Athletic  Club 
and  Avith  the  Masonic  lodge.  In  politics  he  is  a  stahvart  republican,  and  in 
Harrison  county  served  for  several  years  as  chairman  of  the  republican 
county  central  committee,  and  also  as  a  member  of  the  congressional  and 
judiciary  committees.  He  belongs  to  the  Christian  church  and  is  interested 
in  many  good  Avorks  done  in  the  name  of  charity  and  religion.  He  is  noAV 
president  of  the  Kansas  City  Hospital  Day  Association,  Avhich  he  aided  largely 
in  organizing.  It  is  a  society  for  aiding  Kansas  City  hospitals  in  doing 
charitable  Avork.  His  broad  humanitarianism  is  manifest  in  many  ways, 
while  his  deep  and  sincere  interest  in  his  felloAvmen  finds  expression  in  the 
social  disposition  and  genial  nature  that  render  him  personally  popular. 


Judge  Edgar  B.  Pfost,  of  Kansas  City,  is  at  the  present  time  connected 
Avith  the  real-estate  business  and  has  large  mining  interests  at  Joplin,  Mis- 
souri. He  is  known  throughout  the  state  as  one  of  the  promoters  of  fraternal 
organizations,  gaining  a  Avide  acquaintance  through  his  labors  in  this  regard. 
He  Avas  born  in  RavensAvood,  West  Virginia,  May  14,  1863,  a  son  of  M.  D.  L. 
and  Martha  Olive  Pfost.  The  father  is  still  living  at  Urieh,  Missouri,  but  the 
mother  died  in  1892. 

In  the  public  schools  of  Montrose,  Henry  county,  Missouri,  Judge  Pfost 
pursued  his  education  and  afterAvard  Avent  to  Barbour  county,  Kansas,  in  1885. 
For  five  years  he  Avas  there  engaged  in  ranching,  and  in  1893  he  went  to 
Topeka,  Kansas,  to  accept  an  appointment  as  officer  in  the  state  reform  school, 
serving  in  that  capacity  for  tAvo  years.  In  1895  he  became  a  resident  of 
Kansas  City,  Kansas,  and  AA'as  appointed  judge  of  the  city  court  by  Governor 
J.  W.  Leedy,  thus  continuing  in  charge  of  judicial  interests  at  that  place  for 
tAvo  years.  In  1897  he  Avas  elected  president  of  the  Fireside,  a  fraternal  in- 
surance society,  and  remained  as  its  leading  officer  for  three  years,  after 
which  he  Avas  chosen  royal  prophet  of  the  Ancient  Order  of  Pyramids,  also 
a  fraternal  insurance  organization,  in  Avhich  position  he  continued  until  the 
order  amalgamated  Avith  the  American  Guild,  a  similar  society,  in  the  early 
part  of  1905.  Judge  Pfost  was  then  made  manager  of  the  Avestern  department 
Avith  headquarters  at  Kansas  City,  ffiling  the  position  until  the  spring  of  1907, 
when  he  retired  in  order  to  devote  his  time  to  his  mining  interests.  He  has 
valuable  mining  properties  at  Joplin,  Missouri,  and  their  development  and 
control  make  extensive  demands  upon  his  time  and  attention.  He  also  OAvns 
considerable  real  estate,  having  made  judicious  iuA^estment  in  property,  which 
noAV  returns  a  gratifving  income  annuallv. 


In  1887  Judge  Pfost  was  united  in  marriage  to  Miss  Amanda  E.  Fossett, 
at  Medicine  Lodge,  Kansas,  and  unto  them  were  born  two  children,  Alpha  and 
Gladys.  Judge  Pfost  was  again  married  on  the  1st  of  September,  1903,  his 
second  union  being  with  Josephine  Zellery,  of  Kansas  City,  who  was  born  in 
Pittsburg,  Pennsylvania,  March  17,  1879.  Both  Judge  and  Mrs.  Pfost  are 
members  of  the  American  Guild,  and  he  is  also  prominent  and  popular  in 
various  social  and  fraternal  organizations,  holding  membership  with  the 
Masons,  the  Elks,  the  Odd  Fellows,  the  ]\Iodern  AVoodmen  of  America,  the 
Woodmen  of  the  AVorld,  the  Fraternal  Aid  and  the  Modern  Brotherhood  of 
America.  He  owns  a  beautiful  home,  which  he  and  his  family  occupy,  at 
No.  2029  Prospect  avenue.  His  salient  characteristics  are  those  of  leadership, 
and  he  is  regarded  as  an  influential  man,  who  has  always  cast  the  weight  of 
his  influence  for  the  public  good  and  in  support  of  those  beneficent  and 
helpful  principles  on  which  the  different  fraternal  organizations  are  based. 


.  A  life  history  should  ever  be  the  record  of  continuous  progress,  for  talents 
grow  by  use  and  powers  develop  through  activity.  This  statement  finds  veri- 
fication in  the  life  of  John  Calvin  McCoy,  now  deceased,  who  for  twenty  years 
was  a  commission  merchant  at  the  stock  yards  of  Kansas  City  and  for  many 
years  was  president  of  the  Stock  Yards  Exchange.  He  was  likewise  engaged 
in  the  grain  business  here  for  a  number  of  years  and  belonged  to  one  of  the 
pioneer  families  of  Kansas  City,  so  that  throughout  his  life  he  was 
closely  associated  with  its  interests  and  its  upbuilding. 

His  ])irth  occurred  here  on  the  8th  of  March,  1853,  his  parents  being 
John  Calvin  and  Elizabeth  (Woodson)  McCoy,  the  former  a  native  of  Yin- 
cennes,  Indiana,  and  the  latter  of  Kentucky.  When  Kansas  City  had  scarcely 
emerged  from  villagehood  the  father  took  up  his  abode  here  and  was  a  sur- 
veyor of  the  early  days,  surveying  both  the  old  town  of  Kansas  City  and  West- 
port.  Employed  in  his  professional  capacity  by  the  United  States  govern- 
ment he  fixed  the  old  boundarv  line  at  Fort  Leavenworth  and  also  surveved 
and  fixed  the  boundary  lines  of  the  Cherokee  and  Creek  lands  in  the  Indian 
territory.  Lie  afterward  purchased  a  farm  in  Kansas  and  carried  on  general 
agricultural  pursuits  there  for  several  years,  after  which  he  returned  to 
Kansas  City,  where  he  lived  retired  at  his  old  home  at  No.  711  Olive  street, 
enjoying  well  caniccl  rest  aftci'  many  years  of  indefatigable  toil  and  unflag- 
ging perseverance.  Both  lie  and  bis  wife  died  ;it  the  old  home,  where  two 
of  their  daughters,  Miss  McCoy  and  Mrs.   Ilolloway,   now  reside. 

John  Calvin  McCoy  i)ursned  hi,<  early  education  in  the  public  and  pri- 
vate school.-^  of  Kansas  City  and  at  the  age  of  seventeen  years  matriculated  in 
the  Westminster  College  at  Fulton.  Missouri,  where  he  remained  as  a  studen^ 
for  three  years.  Beturning  home  on  the  expiration  of  that  period  he  entered 
business  life  as  a  farmer  in  Jackson  county.  Tie  was  thus  engaged 
in   farm    labor   for   several    years,    after   wliich    lie   l)egan    work    in    the   citv 

J.    C.      McCOY. 

HISTORY    OF    KANSAS    CITY  :>10 

as  a  bookkeeper  for  the  grain  lirm  of  ^'aiiglin  A:  Company,  acting  as  their 
head  bookkeej>er  for  eight  yeai-s.  Resigning  liis  jx^ition.  he  start eii  in 
business  on  his  own  account  as  a  grain  merchant  in  partnership  with  Captain 
N.  P.  Simonds.  of  Beloit.  Kansas,  under  the  tirm  style  of  Sinionds.  McCov  Oc 
Ctnnpany.  They  continued  in  the  grain  trade  for  several  years  and  in  that 
period  Mr.  McCoy  also  became  a  live-stock  dealer.  In  this  line  he  entered 
into  partnership  with  his  brother  and  the  tirm  name  eventually  became  the 
Rogers  ».V:  McCoy  Live  Stock  Connnission  Company,  the  brother  selling  his 
intei-est  and  ivmoving  to  a  farm  in  John^on  county.  Kansas,  where  he  has 
since  made  his  home. 

Withdrawing  from  the  grain  trade.  Joh'.i  C.  McCoy  concentrated 
energies  upon  the  development  and  conduct  of  his  live-stock  business  at  the 
stock  yards  here.  The  firm  afterward  became  McCoy  Brothers  it  Bass  and 
in  a  few  yeai^  became  the  J.  C.  McCoy  Commission  Company,  business  being 
conducted  under  that  style  throughout  the  remainder  of  J.  C.  McCoy "s  con- 
nection therewith.  lie  remained  in  the  live-stock  business  throughout  his 
remaining  days  and  passed  away  December  11.  lOOo.  after  an  illness  of  sev- 
eral months.  On  the  20th  of  August.  1S87.  he  became  a  member  of  the 
Stock  Yards  Exchange  and  was  one  of  its  most  active  representatives,  serving 
as  its  president  in  1894-9  and  1898-9.  lie  frequeiuly  i-epresented  the  ex- 
change in  the  national  association  and  often  attended  the  specal  meeting-s 
of  the  exchange  at  Washington.  D.  C.  He  was  widely  recognized  as  one 
of  the  leading  live-stock  men  of  Kansas  City,  in  a  district  which  is  one  of  the 
prominent  centers  for  this  department  of  business  in  the  country. 

On  the  loth  of  February.  1887.  was  celebrated  the  marriage  of  Mr. 
McCoy  and  Miss  Florida  Mason,  a  daughter  of  Luther  and  Martha  Mason, 
both  natives  of  Kentucky,  whence  they  came  to  .Jackson  county.  Missoiu'i. 
at  an  early  day.  settling  near  Blue  Sprinag  upon  a  farm,  which  is  still  known 
locally  as  the  Luther  Mason  farm.  Theiv  the  father  engaged  in  general 
agricultural  pursuits  tnitil  1882.  when  he  moved  with  his  family  to  Kansas 
City,  where  he  lived  retiivd  throughout  his  remaining  days,  pa-sing  away 
here  in  1890.  His  wife  died  many  yeai"s  before  when  they  were  living  on 
the  old  homestead.  Three  children  were  born  luuo  Mr.  and  Mrs.  McC\v: 
John  Calvin,  who  resides  at  home  and  is  a  civil  engineer  for  the  Missouri, 
Kansas  it  Texas  Railway  Company:  ^lary  Agnes  and  Matt  ^Lison.  who  are 
also  with  their  mother. 

In  his  political  views  Mr.  Mason  was  a  democrat  but  without  aspiration 
for  otfice.  In  early  life  he  became  identified  with  the  Knights  of  Pythicts 
and  both  he  and  his  wife  were  members  of  the  Central  Presbyterian  church. 
His  social  associations  were  always  those  of  culture  and  refinement  and  he 
was  actuated  throughoiu  his  life  by  high  and  manly  principles.  Li  business 
circles  he  was  known  for  his  thorough  reliability  and  connnercial  integrity 
as  well  as  for  the  marked  enterprise  that  enabled  him  to  work  his  way  -stead- 
ily upward  until  he  became  one  of  the  mi>?t  prominent  and  successful  live- 
stock merchants  of  Kansas  City.  In  July.  1890.  he  built  the  comfortable  re.s- 
idenc-e  at  No.  919  Park  avenue  where  Mrs.  McCoy  and  her  children  reside, 
enjo>-ing  the  comforts  of  life  provided  by  the  husband  and  father. 


Perhaps  no  better  testimonial  of  the  life  and  eharacter  of  Mr.  McCoy 
can  be  given  than  the  resolutions  which  were  passed  by  the  directors  of  the 
Kansas  City  Live  Stock  Exchange  December  12,  1905,  and  which  reads  as 
follows:  ''The  familiar  form  and  presence  of  our  friend  Jilin  C.  LleCoy 
is  henceforth  withdrawn  from  the  accustomed  walk  and  our  daily  companion- 
ship. The  announcement  of  the  fact  brings  innnediately  to  the  appre- 
hension a  deeper  sense  of  our  loss  than  we  took  time  to  realize  amidst  the 
hurry  and  distraction  of  these  pursuits  which  we  too  often  allow  to  usurp 
the  place  of  better  things.  John  McCoy  had  a  fuller  knowledge  of  the  his- 
tory and  legislation  of  the  Exchange  than  any  other  member,  and  no  one 
gave  so  much  of  his  time  and  energies  to  the  promotion  of  those  measures 
which  he  considered  would  best  insure  progress,  harmony  and  equality  of 
right  and  privileges  to  the  individual  members  of  the  body.  His  executive 
ability  was  exceedingly  fine  and  he  went  carefully  through  the  minutest  detail 
and  form,  sparing  no  labor  to  complete  everything  that  passed  through  his 
hands.  Once  convinced,  he  held  steadfastly  to  conclusions  Init  always  with 
winning  kindness.  He  possessed  the  rare  faculty  of  keeping  in  subjection 
personal  feeling,  and  however  arduous  in.  the  advocacy  of  measures  there 
was  no  expression  of  temper  or  harshness  of  judgment.  If  he  opposed  your 
views  you  always  respected  his  sincerity  and  admired  his  ability.  And  if 
in  accord  with  him,  you  generally  elected  to  leave  the  laljor  with  him. 
Among  other  Exchanges  and  in  the  national  body  he  held  a  de-ervedly  high 
place  and  was  always  heard  with  marked  attention.  John  McCoy  was  a  suc- 
cess. Within  his  sphere  he  was  faithful  and  constant  to  duty,  and  departing, 
leaves  to  his  family  and  friends  tlie  heritage  of  a  good  name — 'rather  to  be 
chosen  than  great  riches.'  We  ought  to  make  more  over  the  nuMiiory  of  .■<ncli 
friends.  It  is  not  good  to  repress  the  natural  tribute  of  our  hearts  and  we 
ought  to  be  freer  in  yielding  to  the  generous  impulse  to  give  honest  expression 
to  honorable  and  honoring  sentiments.  Also  let  u<  accciit  the  lesson  it  im- 
presses, of  courtesy  and  appreciation  of  each  other,  with  a  common  purjiose 
of  extending  to  a  higher  standard  of  excellence  in  our  every  day  life.  We 
bear  ])rofound  sympathy  to  the  bereaved  family  of  our  friend  and  sincerely 
share  with  them  the  sorrow  of  their  ]iarting.  invoking  the  highest  ('ons!)latinn. 
the  healing  that  comes  through  Divine  conii)assi()n. 

"F.   W.   RoBixsox,   President. 
R.    P.    Wooniu'RY,    Secretary. 
The  Kansas  City  Live  Stock  Kxchnnge.'' 


There  liave  been  few  residents  who  have  exerted  ns  -trong  and  beneficial 
an  inlUience  on  tlie  jinblic  life  of  Kansas  City  as  did  .bnnes  McCord  Nave, 
now  deceased.  He  wa-;  a  representative  of  a  ])ioneei-  family  here,  and 
throngliout  the  greater  ])arl  of  his  life  was  engaged  in  llie  wholesale  grocery 
business,  being  connected   with   one  of  the  largest  connnercial  enterprises  of 


the  Missouri  valley.  It  was  not  alone  the  extent  and  importance  of  his 
business  interests,  however,  that  gained  him  rank  with  the  foremost  citizens 
here.  He  was  a  student  of  the  questions  affecting  the  public  welfare  in 
many  ways,  and  stood  ever  for  progress,  reform  and  improvement.  His 
labors,  too,  were  of  a  most  practical  character,  and  while  he  worked  ever 
toward  the  ideal,  he  had  the  ability  to  utilize  the  means  nt  hand  in  his 
progress  toward  better  conditions. 

Mr.  Nave  was  born  in  Savannah,  Missouri,  November  22,  1844.  His 
paternal  grandparents,  Henry  and  Mary  (Brooks)  Nave,  removed  from 
Tennessee  to  Missouri  in  1815  and  settled  in  Saline  county.  Henry  Nave 
had  just  previously  served  his  country  as  a  soldier  of  the  war  of  1812.  He 
lived  to  see  the  country  engage  in  two  other  sanguinary  conflicts,  and  died 
in  Missouri  in  1883  at  the  very  advanced  age  of  ninety-six  years. 

The  parents  of  James  McCord  Nave  were  Abram  and  Lucy  (McCord) 
Nave,  natives  of  Cocke  county,  Tennessee,  and  of  Virginia  respectively. 
Brought  to  Missouri  at  a  very  early  age,  Abram  Nave  acquired  his  education 
in  one  of  the  old-time  log  schoolhouses  of  Saline  county,  this  state.  For 
many  years  he  figured  prominently  in  business  circles,  engaging  in  general 
merchandising  in  Savannah,  Missouri,  in  1841.  The  enterprise  proved 
profitable,  and  in  1846  he  and  his  brother-inlaw,  James  McCord,  opened  an- 
other store  in  Oregon,  Holt  county,  Missouri.  From  1850  until  1857  Mr. 
Nave  was  engaged  in  buying  and  shipping  cattle,  mules  and  other  live- 
stock. Locating  at  St.  Joseph,  Missouri,  the  firm  of  Nave,  McCord  &  Com- 
pany began  business  and  so  continued  under  that  firm  style  until  1880, 
when  the  business  was  incorporated  as  the  Nave  &  McCord  Mercantile  Com- 
pany, then  the  largest  of  the  kind  on  the  jSIissouri  river.  A  successful  be- 
ginning enabled  them  to  extend  the  field  of  their  operations,  and  in  1860 
they  opened  branch  houses  at  Kansas  City,  Missouri,  and  at  Omaha,  Ne- 
braska. In  1872  Mr.  Nave  removed  to  St.  Louis,  where  he  established  the 
wholesale  grocery  house  of  Nave  &  Goddard,  which  he  conducted  with  profit 
for  many  years.  He  was  also  connected  with  other  business  enterprises, 
becoming  a  member  of  the  firm  of  McCord,  Braydon  &  Company,  at  Pueblo, 
Colorado,  a  stockholder  in  the  Henry  Krug  Packing  Company  of  St.  Joseph, 
Missouri,  and  a  member  of  the  Nave-McCord  Cattle  Company,  which  owned 
vast  herds  and  over  one  hundred  and  twenty-five  thousand  acres  of  ranch 
land  in  Texas.  In  1883  Abram  Nave  left  St.  Louis  and  returned  to  St 
Joseph,  Missouri,  where  his  remaining  days  w^ere  passed  in  honorable  retire- 
ment from  labor,  his  death  there  occurring  June  23,  1898.  He  had  long 
survived  his  wife,  who  died  in  Savannah,  Missouri,  November  9,  1853.  Mr. 
Nave  was  widely  recognized  as  one  of  the  leading  business  men  of  the  state, 
whose  efforts  were  directed  along  well  defined  lines  of  labor,  and  were  char- 
acterized by  recognition  and  utilization  of  opportunity.  He  did  not  fear 
that  laborious  attention  to  business  so  essential  to  sucess,  and,  moreover,  he 
had  the  power  of  combining  and  coordinating  forces  so  that  large  results 
were  achieved. 

James  McCord  Nave,  when  a  youth  of  twelve  years,  became-  a  student 
in  the  Masonic  College  at  Lexington,  Missouri,  but  only  attended  there  for 


a  year,  being  obliged  to  discontinue  his  studies  on  account  of  trouble  with 
his  eyes.  Upon  recovery  he  became  a  student  in  the  ^Missouri  State  Uni- 
versity and  afterward  in  Bethany  College  in  West  A'irginia,  then  under  the 
presidency  of  its  founder,  Rev.  Alexander  Campbell,  the  promoter  of  the 
Christian  church.  Upon  completing  his  education  he  entered  the  wholesale 
grocery  house  of  Nave,  McCord  &  Company  at  St.  Joseph,  Missouri,  the 
active  managers  thereof  being  his  father  and  uncle,  from  whonx  he  received 
his  first  lessons  in  a  calling  in  which  he  himself  became  distinguished,  their 
best  traits  being  reflected  in  his  own  life  and  subsequent  business  career. 
After  a  year  in  St.  Joseph  he  was  sent  to  Omaha  to  take  charge  of  the  whole- 
sale house  owmed  by  the  firm  in  that  city,  where  he  continued  until  1867, 
when  he  was  admitted  to  a  partnership  in  the  business.  He  then  came  to 
Kansas  City  to  take  charge  of  the  wholesale  house  at  this  place,  the  business 
here  being  conducted  under  the  name  of  McCord,  Nave  &  Company.  James 
M.  Nave  was  a  partner  in  and  manager  of  the  business  here  until  it  was 
closed  out  in  1895,  after  w^hich  he  lived  a  retired  life.  During  this  long 
period  the  business,  which  was  carried  on  by  the  same  partners  in  St.  Joseph, 
St.  Louis,  Omaha  and  Kansas  City,  was  one  of  the  most  extensive  transacted 
by  any  mercantile  firm  in  the  country.  In  the  control  of  the  house  here 
James  McCord  Nave  enjoyed  the  highest  possible  reputation  for  business 
discernment,  sagacious  methods  and  spotless  integrity.  The  growth  of  the 
business  at  this  place  was  commensurate  with  the  growth  of  the  city,  and,  in 
fact,  was  established  here  at  about  the  beginning  of  the  development  of 
Kansas  City.  The  growth  and  prosperity  of  every  community  depends  upon 
its  commercial  interests,  and  the  wholesale  grocery  house  of  which  he  was  the 
head  contributed  in  no  small  degree  to  the  city's  progress,  drawing  to  it  a  large 
trade.  He  was  notably  prompt,  energetic  and  reliable  and  would  tolerate  the 
employment  of  no  business  methods  that  could  not  bear  close  scrutiny. 

Mr.  Nave  usually  gave  his  political  allegiance  to  the  democracy,  although 
at  local  elections  he  sometimes  cast  an  independent  ballot.  He  believed  in 
placing  the  general  good  before  partisanship  and  the  public  welfare  before 
personal  aggrandizement,  and  his  relation  to  Kansas  City  was  at  all  times 
that  of  a  public-spirited  man,  deeply  and  sincerely  interested  in  her  welfare. 
In  1874  he  took  an  earnest  stand  in  advocacy  of  a  new  city  charter,  and  as 
chairman  of  the  committee  of  thirteen  who  reported  that  instrument,  his 
influence  was  potent  in  formulating  measures  which  averted  imminent  numic- 
ipal  bankruptcy  and  preserved  the  city  from  lawlessness.  While  this  subject 
was  under  consideration  he  was  often  called  upon  to  address  public  gatherings. 
He  frequently  spoke  to  the  Board  of  Trade,  and  his  far-sighted,  incisive 
utterances  ever  commanded  deep  attention  and  awakened  thoughtful  consid- 
eration. He  was  prominent  in  drafting  a  bill  of  ])ankru])tcy  which  became  a 
law.  He  figured  prominently  in  those  organizations  formed  to  promote  trade 
interests.  I^o  was  the  first  president  of  the  Western  Grocers'  Association 
and  acted  in  that  capacity  for  several  years.  He  was  also  a  member  of  the 
Commercial  Club,  and  several  times  was  solicited  to  become  its  president, 
but  always  refused  to  do  so,  although  he  took  much  interest  in  the  club  and 


labored  for  the  promotion  of  those  measures  for  which  it  stood.  He  was  also 
a  charter  member  of  the  Kansas  City  Club. 

On  the  7th  of  November,  1867,  Mr.  Nave  was  married,  at  Alton,  Illinois, 
to  Miss  Annie  M.  English.  There  were  tAvo  children  by  this  marriage,  James 
Revel  and  Ada  May,  both  still  with  their  mother.  The  son  was  born  in 
Kansas  City,  December  24,  1873,  and  began  his  education  in  the  public  schools 
here,  after  which  he  attended  the  military  school  at  Peekskill-on-the-Hudson, 
followed  by  study  in  the  Andover  (Mass.)  Preparatory  School  and  in  the 
Williams  College  at  Williamstown,  Massachusetts.  When  the  plant  of  the 
Eagle  Manufacturing  Company  was  removed  from  Davenport,  Iowa,  to  Kan- 
sas City  and  the  company  incorporated  under  the  laws  of  Missouri  in  1896, 
he  acquired  an  interest  in  the  business  and  was  made  assistant  secretary.  The 
following  year  he  was  advanced  to  the  position  of  treasurer  and  continued  as 
the  same  for  several  years.  Methodical  in  the  conduct  of  business  interests, 
he  is  one  of  the  most  unassuming,  yet  one  of  the  most  capable  and  progressive 
young  business  men  of  Kansas  City,  contributing  much  to  its  reputation  for 
enterprise  and  activity.  He  is  connected  with  the  University  and  Commer- 
cial Clubs,  and  of  both  organizations  he  is  a  popular  member. 

During  the  last  ten  years  of  his  life  Mr.  Nave  lived  retired  save  for  the 
supervision  which  he  gave  to  his  personal  interests,  which  included  properties 
derived  from  or  connected  with  the  large  mercantile  interests  which  com- 
manded his  attention  during  his  more  active  life.  In  1905  he  became  ill  and 
went  to  Philadelphia  for  treatment,  accompanied  by  his  son,  but  he  became 
worse  there  and  died  in  that  city  June  21,  1905.  The  death  of  such  a  man 
is  a  distinct  loss  to  any  community.  While  his  business  interests  were  large, 
gaining  him  success,  they  were  also  of  a  character  that  contributed  to  general 
prosperity.  He  found  time,  too,  to  cooperate  in  measures  for  the  public  good, 
and  he  exerted  a  widely  felt  influence  in  behalf  of  improvement,  holding  to 
high  ideals  of  citizenship  as  well  as  of  commercial  honor  and  individual  in- 
tegrity. The  old  Nave  homestead  on  West  Tenth  street  is  known  by  every 
pioneer  of  Kansas  City,  it  being  the  family  residence  for  a  long  period,  or 
until  a  few  years  ago,  when  an  elegant  new  home  was  erected  at  4300  McGee 
street.  There  Mrs.  Nave  and  her  children  now  reside,  and  the  family  are  not 
only  wealthy,  but  are  numbered  among  the  most  prominent  in  social  circles. 

SAMUEL    F.    SCOTT,    JR. 

Samuel  F.  Scott,  filling  the  position  of  city  gas  inspector  in  Kansas 
City,  is  a  veteran  of  the  Spanish- American  war  and  is  now  serving  as  com- 
mander of  the  organization  of  United  Spanish  War  Veterans  of  the  Depart- 
ment of  Missouri.  He  is  a  son  of  the  late  Colonel  Samuel  F.  Scott,  former 
postmaster  of  Kansas  City  and  one  of  the  soldiers  of  the  Civil  war,  whose 
sketch  appears  elsewhere  in  this  volume. 

Samuel  F.  Scott,  Jr.,  was  the  eldest  child  and  only  son  of  the  family. 
His  birth  occurred  in  Kansas  City,  August  6,  1877,  and  he  was  educated 


in  the  public  schools  and  also  in  military  schools  of  Missouri  and  New  York. 
He  likewise  pursued  a  course  in  bookkeeping  at  the  Spalding  Business  Col- 
lege in  Kansas  City  and  subsequently  filled  the  position  of  clerk  in  the  post- 
office.  Later  he  was  secretary  of  the  board  of  health  and  in  April,  190G, 
was  appointed  to  his  present  position  of  city  gas  inspector.  It  will  thus  be 
seen  that  throughout  the  entire  period  of  his  business  career  he  has  been 
connected  with  the  public  service  and  that  he  is  capable,  efficient  and  loyal 
is  never  a  matter  of  question.  In  the  discharge  of  his  duties  he  systematizes 
his  work  and  is  prompt  and  accurate,  thas  winning  high  encomiums  from 
those  to  whom  he  is  responsible  in  the  discharge  of  his  duties. 

At  the  time  of  the  Spanish-American  war  Mr.  Scott  offered  his  services 
to  the  government,  enlisting  on  the  14th  of  May,  1898,  as  a  quartermaster 
sergeant  of  the  Third  Missouri  Volunteers.  He  served  through  the  war  and 
is  popular  among  those  who  also  defended  American  interests  in  that  con- 
flict, being  honored  by  his  comrades  in  Missonri  by  election  as  department 
commander  of  the  United  Sj^anish  War  Veterans.  He  possesses  a  social 
genial  nature  and  has  an  extensive  circle  of  warm  friends,  numbering  many 
who  have  known  him  from  his  boyhood  to  the  present  time. 


In  a  history  of  Kansas  City's  banking  interests  it  is  not  only  compat- 
ible but  imperative  that  mention  should  be  made  of  Churchill  J.  White,  for 
he  was  one  of  the  pioneer  business  men  of  this  character  here,  arriving  in 
April,  1865,  from  which  time  he  was  continuously  associated  with  banking 
interests  luitil  his  retirement  as  a  wealthy  man  many  years  later.  Many 
who  were  associated  with  him  in  his  life's  activities  speak  of  him  in  terms  of 
praise  because  of  his  unfaltering  fidelity  to  high  busines>  principles  and 
commercial  ethics.  He  was  a  native  of  Woodford  county,  Kentucky,  born 
June  7,  1825.  His  father,  William  White,  always  resided  in  Woodford 
county,  spending  his  last  days  there,  his  death,  however,  occurring  Avhen 
his  son  Churchill  was  quite  young.  The  mother  with  her  children  subse- 
quently removed  to  Clay  county,  Missouri,  and,  purchasing  a  farm  near  the 
town  of  Tviberty,  the  county  seat,  she  there  reared  her  family  and  made  her 
home  until  she  was  called  to  her  final  rest. 

Churchill  J.  White  acquired  his  education  in  the  public  schools  of  Ken- 
tucky and  Missouri.  He  continued  his  residence  at  Liberty  until  1865,  wlien 
he  arrived  in  Kansas  City  and  became  cashier  of  the  Kansas  City  Savings 
Association,  at  which  time  there  were  but  four  stockholders  in  the  institu- 
tion. He  continued  as  casliier  there  for  several  years  and  his  enterprise 
contributed  in  suhstantial  measure  to  the  growth  of  the  husiness.  He  next 
became  connected  with  the  Bank  of  Commerce  and  remained  one  of  its  stock- 
holders and  as  cashier  until  1805.  when  he  was  chosen  to  the  presidencv  of 
the  Citizens  National  Bank,  remaining  at  the  head  of  that  institution  for 
two  years.     He  next  became  interested   in   the  Metropolitan   National   Bank 

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and  was  a  stockholder  therein  until  because  of  ill  health  he  gave  up  all  bus- 
iness cares  and  retired.  He  was  thoroughly  conversant  with  the  banking 
business  in  principle  and  detail  and  in  business  circles  bore  an  unsullied  repu- 

Mr.  White  was  married  in  Liberty,  Missouri,  in  1847,  to  Miss  America 
Adkins,  a  daughter  of  Robert  Adkins,  who  was  a  farmer  by  occupation,  and 
to  them  were  born  three  children.  Of  the  two  who  reached  years  of  matur- 
ity, Sallie  B.  married  John  Sydner  and  died  in  1894.  She  had  three  chil- 
dren, only  one  of  whom  i-i  now"  living,  namely:  Churchill.  Churchill  A. 
White,  son  of  our  subject,  married  Miss  Elizabeth  Gentry,  of  Independence, 
Missouri,  a  daughter  of  Overton  H.  and  Elizabeth  (Henley)  Gentry.  They 
were  both  natives  of  Kentucky  and  came  to  Jackson  county  at  an  early  day, 
purchasing  a  farm  near  Independence,  where  Mr.  Gentry  carried  on  general 
agricultural  pursuits  for  about  twenty  years.  He  was  also  prominent  in 
political  circles,  exercising  much  influence  in  that  direction.  He  died  in 
December,  1907,  and  is  still  survived  by  his  widow,  who  yet  resides  in  Inde- 
pendence. Unto  Churchill  A.  White  and  wife  has  been  born  one  child, 
Beryl,  now  seven  years  of  age.  He  is  engaged  in  the  lumber  business  in 
Liberty,  Missouri,  and  also  has  business  interests  in  Kansas  City.  He  re- 
sides a  part  of  the  time  in  the  latter  place,  living  at  his  grandfather's  old 
home  on  Independence  avenue. 

During  the  Civil  war,  Churchill  J.  White  sensed  for  a  time  as  a  lieu-: 
tenant  in  the  Eighty-second  Regiment  Missouri  Volunteers,  and  was  after- 
ward transferred  to  the  Fourth  Regiment  as  adjutant  and  captain,  serving 
with  that  rank  at  Chillicothe  and  Liberty.  On  the  4th  of  August,  1864,  he 
resigned  his  commission  and  returned  home.  Following  his  retirement  from 
business  he  traveled  extensively  for  the  benefit  of  his  health  but  died  on  the 
19th  of  July,  1907.  During  the  early  period  of  his  residence  in  Kansas 
City  he  was  elected  to  represent  his  ward  in  the  city  council  and  ser\'ed  in 
the  municipal  legislative  body  for  many  years,  exercising  his  official  prerog- 
atives in  support  of  much  that  w^as  beneficial  and  progres.'^ive  in  the  com- 
munity. His  political  views  were  in  harmony  with  the  principles  of  the 
democracy  and  he  gave  to  the  party  stanch  support  at  the  polls.  Fraternally 
he  was  a  member  of  the  Independent  Order  of  Odd  Fellows. 

Mrs.  White  owns  a  beautiful  home  at  No.  2114  Independence  avenue, 
where  she  now  resides  and  her  grandson  makes  his  home  with  her  when  in 
the  citv.     He  is  a  member  of  the  Benevolent  &  Protective  Order  of  Elks. 


John  B.  Priddy,  who  passed  from  this  life  in  October,  1894,  was  a  native 
of  Floyd  county,  Virginia,  where  his  birth  occurred  April  26,  1832.  He  had, 
therefore  reached  the  age  of  sixty-two  years  when  called  to  his  final  rest.  His 
father,  Burke  Priddy,  was  also  a  native  of  Virginia,  and  there  married  Miss 
Catherine  Zentmeyer.    They  became  the  parents  of  five  children,  all  of  whom 


were  born  in  the  Old  Dominion,  and  during  the  early  boyhood  of  their  son 
John  they  removed  from  Virginia  to  Ohio,  the  family  home  being  established 
in  Warren  county.  The  father  owned  a  plantation  and  a  number  of  slaves  in 
Virginia,  but  followed  the  profession  of  teaching  in  Ohio. 

John  B.  Priddy,  of  his  review,  was  largely  reared  in  the  Buckeye  state 
and  was  indebted  to  the  public  school  system  for  the  early  educational  priv- 
ileges he  enjoyed.  His  more  advanced  intellectual  training  was  received  in 
the  Turtle  Creek  Academy  and  in  the  Lebanon  (Ohio)  Normal  School.  He 
afterward  engaged  in  teaching  and  the  time  which  is  usually  spent  in  recrea- 
tion and  social  enjoyment  by  those  who  are  in  business  life  after  the  cares  of 
the  day  are  over,  were  devoted  by  him  to  the  study  of  law  preparatory  to 
becoming  an  active  member  of  the  legal  profession.  That  he  had  mastered 
many  of  the  principles  of  jurisprudence  was  indicated  by  his  admission  to  the 
Ohio  bar.  He  then  engaged  in  practice  in  Washington  Courthouse,  Fayette 
county,  and  was  very  successful  in  his  legal  career,  his  ability  wdnning  him 
a  large  and  distinctively  representative  clientage  He  served  as  mayor  of  the 
city  for  two  terms,  and  later  as  prosecuting  attorney  there  for  sometime,  and 
was  afterward  judge  of  the  probate  court  for  twelve  years.  He  was  well 
known  in  legal  circles  from  Columbus  to  Cincinnati,  and  while  he  displayed 
few  of  those  dazzling  meteoric  qualitias  that  sometimes  distinguish  the  lawyer, 
he  possessed  the  more  substantial  qualities  which  shine  with  continuity  and 
can  always  be  depended  upon.  At  length  his  health  failed  him,  and  because 
of  this  he  removed  w-estward  to  AVichita,  Kansas,  where  his  sons  were  then 
engaged  in  business. 

Mr.  Priddy  had  been  married  in  Rutland,  Vermont,  in  1866,  to  Miss 
Lora  Rockwell  Mortrom,  of  Pittsfield,  Vermont,  a  daughter  of  Moses  and  Lora 
(Rockwell)  Mortrom,  both  of  whom  were  natives  of  the  Green  Mountain 
state.  The  father  was  superintendent  of  marble  quarries  at  West  Rutland, 
Vermont,  where  he  continued  in  business  until  called  to  his  final  rest.  Unto 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Priddy  was  born  one  child,  Bruce  Mortrom,  who  is  now  engaged 
in  the  real-estate  business  in  Kansas  City. 

In  his  social  relations  Mr.  Priddy  was  connected  with  the  Independent 
Order  of  Odd  Fellows,  was  a  past  grand  master  and,  in  fact,  was  almost  con- 
tinuously in  some  state  office  in  connection  with  the  lodge,  for  he  was  very 
prominent  in  the  organization.  In  politics  he  was  also  widely  known  as  a 
stalwart  advocate  of  the  repul)lican  jiarty  and  an  active  worker  in  its  ranks. 
He  frequently  attended  the  state  conventions  as  a  delegate  and  his  opinions 
carried  weight  in  the  councils  of  his  party,  for  they  recognized  in  him  an 
unswerving  champion  of  its  interests  and  imc  whose  patriotic  citizenship  wa- 
above  question.  His  last  days  were  spent  in  Wichita,  Kansas,  where  he  passed 
away  in  October,  1894. 

Mrs.  Priddy  now  lives  in  Kansas  City  Avith  her  son,  their  home  being  at 
No.  3521  Forest  street.  Bruce  M.  Priddy  has  been  continuously  connected 
with  real-estate  interests  here  since  his  removal  to  the  city  in  November,  1903, 
not  only  engaging  in  the  purchase  and  sale  of  property,  but  also  in  speculative 
building,  erecting  many  cottages  and  bu.siness  houses.  He  is  secretary  of  the 
Real  Estate  Exchange.     Mrs.  Priddy  is  a  member  of  the  Colonial  Dames  and 


also  belongs  to  the  Westport  Baptist  church,  and  in  the  membership  of  both 
has  gained  many  warm  friends  by  those  who  appreciate  the  womanly  qualities 
of  culture  and  kindliness  which  she  displays. 


Rev.  AVilliam  James  Dalton,  rector  of  the  Church  of  the  Annunciation 
in  Kansas  City,  was  born  August  12,  1848,  in  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  the  son  of 
Richard  and  Bridget  (Delaney)  Dalton,  who  were  natives  of  Ireland.  The 
father,  a  well  educated  man,  was  a  prominent  merchant  of  St.  Louis  between 
the  years  1839  and  1864,  and  was  one  of  the  first  to  introduce  Irish  linen  into 
that  city.    He  died  in  1877,  his  wife  surviving  him  for  ten  years. 

Father  Dalton  of  this  review  attended  the  parochial  schools  and  after- 
ward entered  St.  Louis  University,  but  his  studies  in  that  institution  were 
interrupted  by  the  closing  of  the  school  during  the  Civil  war.  He  then  con- 
tinued his  studies  in  church  seminaries  in  Milwaukee  and  Cape  Girardeau, 
Wisconsin,  and  was  a  classmate  of  Bishops  Bonacum,  Hennessey,  Cotter  and 
Shanley.  At  Cape  Girardeau  he  was  the  youngest  member  of  his  class,  and 
after  a  rigid  examination  in  the  studies  of  the  college  he  was  accorded  a 
scholarship  in  the  American  College  at  Rome.  Two  and  a  half  years  before  he 
attained  his  majority  he  was  ordained  to  the  priesthood  by  the  Right  Rev.  Jo- 
seph P.  Machboef,  bishop  of  Denver,  by  special  dispensation  procured  from 
Rome  through  Archbishop  Kenrick.  Following  his  ordination  to  the  priest- 
hood Father  Dalton  was  assistant  in  the  Church  of  the  Annunciation  in  St. 
Louis,  and  on  the  29th  of  June,  1872,  by  appointment  of  Archbishop  Kenrick, 
he  became  rector  of  the  lately  organized  Annunciation  parish  in  Kansas  City. 
In  1894,  on  the  twenty-fifth  anniversary  of  his  ordination,  a  celebration  was 
held,  attended  by  Bishops  Fink,  Bonacum,  Scannell,  Burke,  Dunn  and  Hen- 
nessey and  about  one  hundred  and  fifty  priests.  Afterward  a  reception  was 
tendered  Father  Dalton  in  the  Auditorium  theater  and  was  most  largely 
attended,  Hon.  J.  V.  C.  Karnes  presiding.  Congratulatory  addresses  were 
delivered  by  many  prominent  citizens  and  the  occasion  was  long  to  be  remem- 
bered by  all.  It  was  a  fitting  honor  to  one  who  had  served  so  long  and  faith- 
fully in  developing  the  interests  of  Kansas  City,  not  only  along  moral  lines 
but  also  in  municipal  affairs  tending  for  the  betterment  of  conditions  for  the 
city  at  large. 

Father  Dalton  has  been  a  most  ardent  worker  for  better  conditions 
among  his  parishioners  and  his  advice  has  been  sought  by  many  upon  busi- 
ness and  financial  matters.  He  has  labored  untiringly  for  the  welfare  of  those 
who  have  come  under  his  guidance,  and  at  the  same  time  his  influence  is 
not  an  unknown  factor  for  the  benefit  of  the  community  at  large.  In  1889 
he  was  one  of  the  freeholders  appointed  to  draft  the  present  city  charter.  He 
was  among  the  first  to  advocate  the  park  system  and  held  official  positions  in 
several  organizations  promoting  that  object.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Humane 
Society  and  of  the  Provident  Association  and  is  a  stalwart  champion  of  many 


measures  commanding  his  interest.  He  has  served  as  vice  president  of  the 
Humane  Society  from  it-s  organization  and  has  been  a  director  of  the  Provi- 
dent Association  for  a  number  of  years.  He  was  a  leader  in  the  effort  which 
resulted  in  the  establishment  of  the  Kansas  City  Manual  Training  School 
and  was  prominent  among  the  founders  of  the  Catholic  Columbian  summer 
school,  which  meets  annually  at  stated  points.  From  the  beginning  he.  has 
served  as  one  of  its  directors  and  its  vice  president  and  is  president  of  its 
board  of  studies,  and  also  president  of  the  Reading  Circle  Unions,  established 
in  many  cities. 

Father  Dalton  has  made  frequent  valuable  contributions  to  the  literature 
of  the  period.  From  1879  to  1884  he  was  editor  of  the  Western  Banner,  the 
first  Catholic  journal  published  in  Kansas  City.  In  1894  he  published  a 
pamphlet  containing  a  series  of  sermons  and  lectures  on  various  topics,  and  in 
1897  issued  a  series  of  discourses  on  Biblical  topics  under  the  title  of  "The 
Mistakes  That  Moses  Didn't  Make."  In  the  same  year,  in  book  form,  he 
published  historical  sketches  of  Kansas  City.  He  has  written  largely  for 
leading  journals  and  magazines  of  the  country,  but  his  most  important  literary 
work  is  a  "History  of  Missouri,"  which  has  been  in  preparation  for  many 
years.  In  this  work  in  search  of  material  he  has  searched  the  libraries  of 
France,  Germany,  England  and  Spain,  and  has  been  favored  with  the  corre- 
spondence of  the  Spanish  government  officials  and  with  photographs  of  original 
documents,  from  which  he  has  gleaned  much  hitherto  unpublished  matter 
This  work  is  now  nearing  completion  and  will  prove  a  most  valued  addition  to 
historical  literature  of  the  state.  Father  Dalton  is  widely  recognized  as  a 
broad-minded  man  on  political,  religious  and  social  questions,  a  tireless  worker 
and  patriotic  and  zealous  citizen,  and  the  warm-hearted  congenial  gentleman 
is  loved  by  all  who  know  him,  whether  people  of  his  own  faith  or  otherwise. 


Edward  F.  Swinney,  president  of  the  First  National  Bank  of  Kansas 
City  and  president  of  the  American  Bankers'  Association,  needs  no  intro- 
duction to  the  readers  of  this  volume,  nor  would  the  history  of  the  city  be 
complete  without  the  record  of  his  life,  which  had  its  beginning  in  the  little 
town  of  Marysville,  Campbell  county,  Virginia,  August  1,  1857.  His  early 
educational  advantages  were  those  afforded  by  the  common  schools  and  later 
he  attended  Blaekburg  Military  Academy  at  Blackburg,  Virginia.  He  had 
no  college  training  such  as  is  deemed  essential  as  a  preparation  for  life's 
practical  duties  at  the  present  time,  but  in  the  school  of  experience  he  has 
learned  many  valuable  lessons,  while  reading,  observation  and  experience 
have  continually  broadened  his  mind  concerning  those  lines  of  thought  and 
activity  which  engage  the  attention  of  the  world  l)ut  which  have  not  come 
under  his  direct  ol)servation. 

On  leaving  the  Blackburg  Academy  in  November,  1875,  he  sought  op- 
portunity for  the  exercise  of  his  industry  and  energy — his  dominant  qualities 


— in  the  middle  west,  starting  ont  in  life  on  his  own  account  at  Fayette, 
Missouri,  in  February,  1876,  when  eighteen  years  of  age.  Not  specially  trained 
for  any  line  of  business,  he  eagerly  accepted  anything  which  would  give  him 
a  start  and  at  a  salary  of  twenty  dollars  per  month,  from  which  sum  he  paid 
all  expenses,  he  began  work  as  a  delivery  boy  in  a  grocery  store.  His  hours 
of  labor  were  from  early  morning  until  late  at  night,  as  there  were  no  unions 
then  to  regulate  the  time  nor  the  wage  and  Mr.  Swinney  felt  satisfied  with 
his  position.  He  could  not  remain  satisfied  save  as  it  gave  him  a  start,  for  he 
possessed  an  ambition  that  could  never  be  content  with  mediocrity,  but  must 
continually  Avork  for  something  better.  This  has  been  characteristic  of  his 
entire  life  and  has  been  manifest  in  every  relation,  his  entire  career  being 
one  of  progress.  When  a  little  more  than  a  year  had  passed  in  the  grocery 
store  Mr.  Swinney  secured  an  advance  in  salary  to  twenty-five  dollars  per 
month  in  connection  with  a  clerkship  in  a  dry-goods  store,  where  he  re- 
mained with  increased  salary  until  the  15th  of  August,  1878.  In  the  mean- 
time he  had  decided  definitely  that  he  wished  to  enter  the  field  of  banking 
and.  learning  of  a  vacancy  in  a  Fayette  bank,  he  applied  for  and  obtained 
the  position,  there  remaining  until  September,  1882.  A  change  of  position 
brought  him  promotion  at  Rich  Hill,  Missouri,  and  when  a  year  later  a  bank 
at  Colorado  City,  Texas,  was  organized  with  Fayette  capital,  Mr.  Swinney  was 
offered  the  position  of  cashier.  He  accepted  and  remained  as  the  chief  em- 
ploye of  the  Colorado  City  institution  until  March  1,  1887,  when  he  entered 
upon  active  connection  with  the  banking  interests  of  Kansas  City  as  cashier 
of  the  First  National  Bank.  Thoroughness  has  ever  characterized  all  of 
his   work. 

From  the  beginning  of  his  connection  with  banking  he  made  it  his  pur- 
pose to  master  the  business  in  principle  and  detail  and  his  unfaltering  diligen<;e 
and  close  application  won  him  continued  advancement  until  after  a  service 
of  thirteen  years  as  cashier  of  the  First  National  he  was  elected  to  the  presi- 
dency of  what  is  now  one  of  the  strongest  financial  institutions  of  the  west. 
He  is  justly  accounted  one  of  Kansas  City's  leading  business  men  and  conserv- 
ative financiers.  In  matters  of  business  policy  his  judgment  is  sound  and 
reliable  and  w^hile  he  does  not  jump  at  conclusions  he  forms  his  plans  readily 
and  is  determined  in  their  execution.  He  has  ever  regarded  a  banking  posi- 
tion as  one  of  special  trust  and  with  the  utmost  care  has  safeguarded  the  in- 
terests placed  in  his  hands.  He  has  wrought,  too,  along  modern  business 
lines  for  the  growth  and  development  of  the  institution  of  which  he  is  now 
chief  executive  officer  and  the  increase  of  its  business  is  attributable  in  large 
degree  to  his  labors,  to  his  keen  insight  and  his  ability  to  combine  and  coordi- 
nate forces.  When  asked  on  a  certain  occasion  how  best  to  obtain  success 
he  said,  ''To  the  young  man  who  wants  to  succeed  I  would  only  give  this  brief 
little  creed:  Show  to  his  employer  that  he  has  his  interests  at  heart  in  every- 
thing. No  man  is  so  hard  that  he  does  not  become  interested  in  a  young  fel- 
low whom  he  knows  is  interested  in  him.  Make  a  little  and  save  a  little  and 
you  will  soon  have  a  capital  to  start  on,  though  it  may  be  small."  Whether 
Mr.   Swinney  had  formulated  this  creed  at  the  beginning  of  his  career  is 


not  known  but  it  Is  a  fact  that  its  embodiment  has  been  found  in  his  own 
life  record. 

He  ha.<  not  confined  his  attentions  alone  to  banking,  although  he  has 
attained  distinguished  honors  in  financial  circles,  but  has  been  a  potent  factor 
in  the  control  and  successful  outcome  of  various  other  business  concerns.  In 
former  years  he  was  one  of  the  directors  of  the  Chicago  &  Alton  Railroad 
Company  and  was  on  the  directorate  of  the  Fidelity  Trust  Company  and  the 
Missouri  Savings  Bank. 

Municipal  progress  has  always  been  a  matter  of  deep  interest  to  him 
and  many  progressive  movements  have  won  his  active  cooperation  and  sub- 
stantial aid.  For  many  years  he  served  as  treasurer  of  the  Kansas  City 
school  board  and  has  always  been  prominent  in  the  Commercial  Club,  an  or- 
ganization which  more  than  any  other  has  made  Kansas  City  the  important 
industrial  and  commercial  center  which  it  is  today.  A  well  merited  honor 
came  to  him  in  banking  circles  when  in  1905  he  was  made  president  of  the 
American  Bankers'  Association,  being  thus  chosen  as  a  national  leader  of 
the  financiers  of  the  country.  Moreover  he  has  never  confined  his  attention 
to  business  interests  alone,  thereby  narrowing  his  nature  to  a  single  groove, 
but  on  the  contrary  has  kept  in  close  touch  with  the  world's  thought  and 
progress.  His  reading  has  been  broad  and  of  a  varied  character;  he  enjoys 
sports  and  is  a  member  of  the  Country  Club  of  Kansas  City.  Geniality  is 
one  of  his  marked  characteristics  and  he  accords  to  all  the  courtesy  of  an  inter- 
view. Men  give  him  not  only  their  admiration  for  what  he  has  accomplished 
but  their  respect  because  of  the  methods  he  has  followed  and  their  friendship 
because  of  the  genuine  personal  worth  that  he  has  manifested  in  every  re- 
lation of  life.  His  advancement  from  a  humble  position  in  the  business 
world  to  one  of  national  prominence  has  been  but  the  merited  and  well 
earned  recognition  of  his  ability. 


George  C.  Smitli,  who  stood  a.><  the  executive  head  of  the  Smith-McCord- 
Townsend  Dry  Goods  Company,  controlling  the  most  extensive  wholesale 
dry  goods  trade  of  Kansas  City,  seemed  to  have  accomplished  througliout 
his  busines.s  career  the  utmost  possibility  of  success  at  any  given  point.  With- 
out one  esoteric  phase,  his  record  was  tliat  of  a  man  who,  with  clear  concep- 
tion and  unfaltering  determination,  works  toward  the  high  standard  which 
he  sets  uj).  A  native  son  of  Missouri,  Mr.  Smith  was  born  August  6,  1848, 
in  Cooper  county,  and  the  experiences  of  farm  life  were  his  in  his  boyhood 
and  youth.  The  country  schools  afforded  him  hi.*  educational  opj)ortunities 
and  when  twenty-one  years  of  age  he  became  a  salesman  in  the  general  store 
of  Hoblitzell  &  Judd  at  Milton,  Atchison  county,  Missouri,  where  he  continued 
for  a  year  and  a  half.  On  the  expiration  of  that  period  he  accepted  a  posi- 
tion in  the  wholesale  dry  goods  store  of  Lemon,  Hosea  &:  Company  at  St. 
Joseph,  Mi.ssouri,   and  remained  as  assistant  salesman   and  buyer  with  the 





new  firm  when  the  original  proprietor  sold  out  to  Milton  Tootle,  John  S. 
Brittain  and  John  Ovelman.  Another  change  in  the  partnership  occurred 
three  years  later,  Mr.  Smith  becoming  a  partner  in  the  enterprise  under  the 
style  of  John  S.  Brittain  &  Company.  After  six  years  of  successful  pro- 
prietorship he  sold  his  interest  in  the  ""firm  and  turned  his  attention  to  the 
wholesale  groceiy  business  in  Kansas  City  under  the  firm  name  of  Smith- 
Heddens  &  Company.  After  five  years  devoted  to  that  enterprise  he  again 
sold  out  and  once  more  became  a  resident  of  St.  Joseph,  where  he  entered  into 
partnership  with  John  S.  Brittain  in  the  wholesale  dry  goods  business  under 
the  firm  name  of  Brittain,  Smith  &  Company,  which  firm  succeeded  Brittain- 
Richardson  &  Company  and  also  bought  out  the  AVood  Manufacturing  Com- 
pany. Thus  in  connection  with  the  conduct  of  a  wholesale  dry  goods  estab- 
ment  the  company  engaged  in  the  manufacture  of  overalls  and  shirts,  Mr. 
Smith  acting  as  general  manager  of  both  concerns.  His  association  with 
commercial  and  industrial  interests  of  St.  Joseph  thus  continued  until  1893, 
when  he  disposed  of  his  interest  and  became  a  partner  of  James  McCord, 
president  of  the  Nave-McCord  Mercantile  Company  of  St.  Joseph,  and  John 
Townsend  of  the  Townsend-Wyatt  Dry  Goods  Company,  under  the  name 
of  the  Smith-McCord  Dry  Goods  Company.  The  newly  organized  company 
opened  a  wholesale  dry  goods  establishment  on  the  1st  of  September,  1893, 
at  the  corner  of  Seventh  and  Wyandotte  streets  in  Kansas  City  and  such 
was  the  growth  of  the  business  during  the  succeeding  decade  that  in  1903 
it  became  necessary  to  obtain  larger  quarters  and  an  extensive  block  was 
erected  at  the  corner  of  Seventh  and  Central  streets.  On  moving  into  the 
new  quarters,  in  January,  1903,  the  name  of  the  company  was  changed  to 
the  Smith-McCord-Townsend  Dry  Goods  Company.  By  this  time  the  busi- 
ness had  taken  rank  as  one  of  the  largest  wholesale  dry-goods  interests  of 
Kansas  City.  The  partners  were  all  men  of  wide  experience,  of  progressive 
views  and  firm  purpose,  and  with  Mr.  Smith  in  the  position  of  president  and 
the  executive  head  of  the  house,  the  interests  were  most  carefuUy  controlled 
and  the  trade  constantly  increased  in  extent  and  importance. 

On  the  8th  of  June,  1880,  was  celebrated  the  marriage  of  George  C. 
Smith  and  Miss  Mattie  Heddens,  a  daughter  of  Dr.  W.  I.  Heddens,  of  St. 
Joseph,  Missouri.  Three  children  were  born  unto  them :  Irving  H.  George 
C.  and  Catherine.  The  death  of  the  husband  and  father  occurred  at  his 
home  at  No.  720  Highland  avenue,  February  4,  1906,  after  an  illness  of 
several  months.  He  was  a  man  of  domestic  taste,  w^ho  found  his  greatest 
happiness  at  his  own  fireside  with  his  family  around  him.  He  was  continu- 
ally planning  for  the  interests  and  welfare  of  his  wife  and  children  and  was 
equally  loyal  in  his  friendships.  At  the  same  time  he  was  a  citizen  whose 
public  spirit  made  his  service  of  the  utmost  value  in  promoting  measures  of 
general  importance.  He  w^as  for  several  years  a  director  of  the  Commercial 
Club,  of  Convention  Hall  and  of  the  Provident  A.ssociation.  He  was  elected 
to  the  presidency  of  the  Commercial  Club  at  the  last  annual  election  preced- 
ing his  demise  but  was  compelled  to  resign  on  accou